Status effects are fucking cool
What are your favorite status effects
Status effects are fucking cool
What are your favorite status effects
good ol' poison
Shock. The animations are always amusing.
>40% chance of death per turn
Touching Fuzzy and Getting Dizzy
>wound status damages you each turn
>poison status increases damage taken
terror and frenzy
Poison is so much fun.
My favorite in particular is Darkest Dungeon's stackable Blights. Plague Doctor is FUN.
good old stunned, a trustworthy staple
Haste. There were two variations in Dragon Age Origins and they stacked. It was fucking fun to run around like a spastic and really made the whole game more palatable because they were passive buffs upon activation.
Any status that makes enemies fight each other. Sucks when it affects your party though
Sick status. Thought it was neat that it can spread to other party member over time.
Confusion, flipped controls, or random chance to hit the wrong target
because it makes people A S S H U R T
And they do it to themselves too. If a status effect was "Attack backfires and hurts you 100% of the time" they'd heal it 100% of the time
But since it's "Attack backfires and hurts you 50% of the time" they try to push through it, and end up getting rekt, and it's all their own fault.
I fucking love shit like this.
More games need to have situations where you trick your enemy into wrecking themselves, and then your enemy gets S A L T Y, despite it being 100% their own fault.
>Status Effects actually affect bosses
>Even the final boss
What games do this besides Earthbound?
Any sort of stacking status effect that can be detonated for massive damage. Alternatively, any stacking status effect that has a secondary status effect upon reaching max stacks (ie slows until it reaches max stacks, at which point it stuns).
FF9 actually has several bosses that you can Slow, Poison or even Sleep.
Weapons with chance to inflict poison are the greatest
Sleep is underrated. I love conking somebody out for most or all of a fight while I pick apart and annihilate all their comrades.
FF6 if you count bugs.
>cast vanish on boss
>cast x-zone
Bonus points if you have to waggle the stick super hard to become unstunned.
Attack speed
Health on attack
Ability energy on attack (mana, spirit, etc.)
Poison/bleed/any other dot
Castable debuffs like enemy armor or attack reduction
Mind break status effects are my favorite
this but I wish it would actually do something in most games
also more games need clothing customization and breakable clothes mid fight that actually stay torn after the fight, with npcs that will comment/arrest you if you don't repair them
>Game lets you shatter frozen enemies
>Game lets you knock frozen enemies into other frozen enemies to chain-shatter them
That's that good shit
Doom on me
so anger/enrage/mind control?
This. Nothing like seeing someone die to DoT damage
>game doesn't give you loot from shattering frozen enemies
fucking BioShock 1, man
Sick/Enervate, affected person is like really tired, this means all of their stats are cut 50%, sick is the same but like a flu it can infect party members if left unchecked.
SMT and Etrian Oddisey
80% of SMT 1 bosses can die without touching because they are both shocked and in love with you
I defeated the Velvet Siblings in Persona Q in my first try despite them grossly overpowering me because I managed to Panic(cant use skills/magic, cant evade, only phys attack to anyone in the fight, including themselves) them for enough turns, apparently they could revive and cure each other, I never saw that happen.
hey kids
% based poison damage
petrification in my most obscure and unsupported fetish please keep going
>Birdie RT combo in lisa
>oiled and fire attacks in lisa general
That Vermintide 2 event where you had to drink all the beer in Helmgart while staying alive was fun.
>turned to stone in a lewd pose for men to stare at and cum all over whenever they want
>important bits stay fleshy and soft so they can even fuck if they want
>still semi conscious and able to perceive all that happens but without being able to react or say anything
I don't get this fetish.
Public use
The sound of enemies shattering in Path of Exile is orgasmic
Cerebral Palsy.
What if i don't want the girl to be publicly used and just really like statues?
Is this tile man's cousin?
Crippling depression
the one in dqxi where you start dancing
Broken in dead by daylight. Can’t heal to full for usually 60 seconds
stun, stun, stun, i want to stun them all until they rage in pure frustration. i want to stun, long painful stuns. i want enemies to watch how they die without being able to do anything.
>Tfw nightmare of Mensis
I never want to go back fuck frenzy
I really like when poison damage over time and burn damage over time aren't functionally the same.
Otherwise I really like stuns or frozen effects.
Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean has a ton of odd status effects you don't normally see, like headache and confusion but they work really differently than how you would expect them to. They did a really good job on it but unfortunately those effects don't do anything meaningful to bosses.
helplessness and inevitability of the situation
plus and humiliation
if i had to differentiate between burn dot and poison dot that is how id do it. poison dot would be based on your max hp and burn dot would just be flat damage based on the incoming attack that inflicted it and deal extra damage to people weak to fire
FF 12 most bosses had at least one status they could be hit with.
>shattered frozen enemies cant be revived or resurrected
i love this
The entirety of Mensis can be described as "Wow that's kino but fucking annoying"
Not really the typical status effects, but GW1's hexes were the fucking best. Especially the ones like pic related that caused big AoE damage whenever your target did anything.
Do any games have autism as a status effect?
Yeah, your life.
Been playing Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy
Using slow on bosses is vital
brb closing this tab and walking around my room
Games could really do with more interesting status effects. It's always poison and maybe burn or electricity if you're lucky.
Barkley Gaiden has Diabetes, Glaucoma and Alzheimer as status effects, does that count?
Alzheimer does literally nothing to the charachter other than make them do funny animations
FFX final boss was weak against bio and was how you countered his 9999 healing.