Pretty cool stuff, he plays through the first level and explains some design decisions and dev stories
Pretty cool stuff, he plays through the first level and explains some design decisions and dev stories
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inb4 anti gay shit
ResetERA flipping their fucking shit over this right now
As a bisexual non-binary person: fuck this guy.
Please don't share his content here.
as a BI-faggot doug is cool and he may be a fundi but your even more retarded for being offeneded at what someone else belives
also non binary dosent exist lmao
This is legit really interesting. I never played this game but loved EJ2 up as a kid
go commit 41% so you can help clean up the gene pool a little
New game when?
>even doug knows the genesis version was better
it does help that it had a level the SNES version was missing.
don't give him clicks
why does the mere mention of this guy make people angry? genuine question. i dont follow politics
he doesn't like gays
He handled New Junk City surprisingly well for someone who hasn't played it in years
Don't like how he keeps talking over his kids though
Correction: He doesn't support gay marriage. "He doesn't like gays" is such a smear.
He is a Methodist christian or some weird subdivision, I dont know about burger Christianity.
But he has worked with LGBTQRPBRAAP people before and as far as I know he has never expressed actual hate for they gays beyond his stance on marriage.
Discord trannies cannot fathom this.
>Don't like how he keeps talking over his kids though
he talks over everybody he does streams with
Why is faggot culture rooted in drug use, pozzing, promiscuity, predatory behavior and rape? Asking for a friend.
He's an Evangelical Christian who works in the same industry as most sjws and is held in higher esteem than almost all of them
That's true, I unsubbed a while back because he was getting a little too obnoxious for my tastes. Also not enough talking about art/games
For years I have read online that Doug is an asshole, but when I watched one of his youtbue streams it turned out he is genuinely a nice person.
Pro-LGBT people can be really untrustorthy cunts at times.
Now I want an American McGee video.
It's disgusting how "It's OK to lie about someone who doesn't stand with you" is such a common tactic.
>Game dev doesn't support gay marriage
>VA for a game ends up being a massive coke head and gets game production halted
>"wow japan is so backwards its just a bit of coke guys its nothing serious wow japan is so unprogressive"
Americans have their priorities so fucked
fuck Earthworm Jim, I want Neverhood content
Neverhood good too.
He's a slimy "Christian" business troll and general thug.
This post has to be a parody.
Fucking kill yourselves. The fact that you're even replying, let alone believing such low quality horrendous bait is an atrocity. Seriously go back to Gaia, reddit, or whatever other shithole you came from.
what the fuck is a business troll?
OK fag
I bet you wouldn't attack his views were he a raghead
Did anyone else watch the cartoon? I remember it being insanely fucking funny.
>Don't like how he keeps talking over his kids though
Adults are allowed to talk over kids.
I bet you'd probably find it less funny now. But it was still good.
I liked Earthworm Jim 3D.
It was pretty enjoyable
Heeeeeeeeeeeeey maaaaaaaaan
This kills all the gays.
thanks guys, i think i understand now. i personally disagree with him but that doesn't mean i hate him all of a sudden, one viewpoint doesn't equal a whole person.
Earthworm Jim is really nuanced, listening him to describe the mechanics. It's easy to forget it's such a solid platformer.
Fuck is your problem, bitch?
I would figure Doug would appreciate maintaining the aspect ratio instead of that nauseating "Scales out the SIDES of the picture" aspect ratio correction.
That's a very healthy way to disagree with someone.
Why not play the factually superior Sega CD/PC version instead?
Just ignore it
If only twitter was like this, but it would be less hilarious
He is a Christian with Christian values.
LITERALLY that's it
I want to hear the dev talk about his game. Not his shitty autistic kids saying dumb obvious shit
He shouldn't have them in the room then
He was making a short demo for a bit of a spiritual successor based off of his new comic Bigfoot Bill
He's a dad trying to involve his kids in his work. I don't care what they have to say either, but it's quality time for them.
i wish more people would realize thats its okay to disagree with someone and still consider them a nice person.
for all they know, one of the people they harbor extreme animosity towards could've ended up being their best friend but they've let their hatred cloud their logic and judgment.
If I remember correctly, a Christian is not suppose to hate (which is something that every sunglass in here like to do on a daily basis).
So yeah.
[i/]Real[/i] Christians Values he got there.
[s/]Piece of horse shit.[/s]
I wish creators had rights to what they made. Fuckin corporations sitting on Earthworm Jim. Demanding ransom of millions of dollars for a franchise or else we never get to see it again.
because the argument is in regards to before the release of special edition
he doesn't support gay marriage like many people regardless of religion, faggot.
What does Doug's beliefs have to do with Yea Forums's hatred? He probably doesn't come here.
Also, I don't care if you're false flagging. Please just leave.
Horsecock. The best version was on the gameboy.
Kill yourself for posting this guy.
>play old games on LCD
Fuck off with, its ugly as shit. CRT or bust nigger
If a dead corporation is sitting on a franchise what's keeping someone from making a fan game in secret, then releasing it with little reproductions?
1:you release it without letting anyone know you're working in it
>they can't stop the release.
2:you let people know your working in it but do the am2r route and dont make money off it.
>they let it slide
3:you make a small demo to see if they're alive. Maybe even a kickstarter.
>they stop you and try to capitalize on dead product by launching it themselves.
What's wrong with any of these moves?
What's more likely? Yea Forums being filled with thin-skinned gays, or low-hanging fruit shitposters?
No really, which is more likely?
A masterful touch
Official Earthworm Jim artbook when?
As a gay man, I don't hate Doug, I just feel a little upset and disappointed. I grew up with Earthworm Jim. Loved the games, watched the cartoon, even had some of the comics. So knowing that Doug doesn't like me because I just happened to end up liking dick makes me a bit upset. I can fully understand disliking the LGBT scene because that shit is cancer; I'm not a promiscuous faggot spreading degeneracy like most LGBT supporters seem to be; I'm just an average guy that happens to like other guys.
I'm sure Doug is a nice enough person if you get to know him. It just makes me a little sad is all.
>So knowing that Doug doesn't like me
Kill yourself for living
Not as interesting as the Conker's Bad Fur Day playthrough by the devs, but still interesting
I would be fine with Doug charging money for a new Earthworm Jim game though. He used to be surrounded by real talent in the game industry. He would be expected to pay them for their efforts given he's not just some garage game designer.
Oh shut the fuck up. Doug has gay friends and has brought gay people on his show several times. He doesn’t hate or gay people.
That's good then. I'm glad he's more understanding than I was lead to believe.
I wasn't going to watch this but now I am.
So he owns EWJ? I thought some dead company locked them out and they forgot the password. Those kind of shenanigans.
I dont understand business. My suit is for church.
>He doesn’t hate or gay people.
Thank goodness, I don't want to be gay'd
user pls
Follow the reply chain, this is hypothetical. He absolutely does not own Jim.
Stop shilling this shithead.
why the genesis version? Shit sounds so bad.
>It will never be finished
I don't care if it's for laughs, stop dragging the man through mud. If you unironically believe this, do some fucking research, you brainless parrot.
It was literally DESIGNED for the Genesis. The SNES music was an imitation.
Saw the guy for the first time on that Nick Rekieta 24 hour livestream. He was cool as shit.
biguy here
He's one of my favorite comic creators and he's based
I love the Nick and Kick Vic shitshow going on
Definitely what Gamergate should have been. Real professionals are going after corporate SJWs, its great.
based and nick pilled
did you always like dick or started later by watching trap porn?
this is important
not that user but what's the difference?
and what if I got that way because I wanted to be the trap?
Reminder that the EWJ2 proto from that one french video got released.
Maybe worth watching if you can stomach his annoying shouts, kids had more relevant shit to say at times, tid bits on game design were nice, but they seemed like scraps. Not the type of video to be shilling here as it is neither "in depth analysis tier" or "the best of BroTeamPill" tier.
Watch the one with Nick Bruty, his kids shut up for the most part and they talk about working at Shiny
Well, I can remember experimenting with another male friend of mine a few times when I was younger. I never thought it was weird or anything strange, it was just an enjoyable thing we used to do. Later on in life when I got my own computer I started jerking off to futa and traps and cute boys and stuff, and from there it got more and more gay until I was finding normal guys attractive. I actually don't like the overly feminine hungry skeleton kneesocks wearing traps you see on the internet all the time. They're obnoxious and usually aren't attractive. In shape cute boys >>>>> "traps"
I should also make it clear that I do like females, I just also happen to really love cute boys and dicks. Cock is way better than pussy, tbqh.
I just got married to my boyfriend of six years a bit over a week ago.
I have cleaned up Doug's Wiki page multiple times when it has been more or less vandalized by fags that want to say he's a hateful bigot and mention all this random bullshit which was literally hearsay "he said this at a con and hurt my feelings" kind of shit. Doug is open about his views on gay marriage and his Christian faith, but they wanted to paint him as some crazy Westboro Baptist nutjob. The hate he gets literally goes back far longer than the current SJW movement. Those LGBTQ folks really hold a grudge.
because i was wondering earlier if born gay men also have that instinct to immediately check a big curvy ass or tits when it enters their peripheral vision, that attraction that cant be faked and comes from a primal place
traps may be attractive to you after years of watching porn and cock in consequence, but maybe its not the same
That plant thing is fuckin surreal. I'm eternally grateful that ground hazard thing in Puppy Love wasn't in the final game though.
I agree these motherfuckers are insane
And I've also had to clean up other pages because of this shit too, so I feel your pain
tfw love cock and traps but have zero attraction towards men.
i also get aroused by cocks but it must be pavlovian, the only time i see them is in porn so after years of being horny and seeing them at the same time the brain gets fucked
>It's easy to forget it's such a solid platformer.
It's also easy to forget while playing EJ2
Yeah, 2 is a definite step down. They got too weird with the stages, and skimped on good basic platforming.
Like, I talk to a guy who does anime tributes who has a huge dick on an alt and I get just as much out of it as I would talking dirty with a chick, but I'd still never date or fuck a dude. I guess I just get turned on by seeing dicks cum and all that but not really by anything else, if it was a trap at least they'd (hopefully) be pretty feminine besides the cock. I dunno how to really explain myself here desu.
Reminder that the HD remake stole assets, inc. a fish from Finding Nemo and some fanart from DeviantART
That's pathetic. But that's the state of Shiny or whoever the fuck it was by the time the HD came out.
EWJHD was Gameloft.
So how was that hd remake anyway.
It did the job I guess, but good luck ever playing it again since it's been wiped off all digital stores
You tell me, user.
what the fuck
Fuck you for reminding me of that abortion of a level. I don't think I ever finished it either, shit was just so badly designed
Huh, isn't it a coincidence that Doug's wiki writers are in a Doug thread. My how the planets have aligned. A completely random happenstance.
Well, while you're here, would you mind telling someone who isn't familiar with the whole controversy. What does Doug believe about gays and gay marriage? Please, be more specific than "Christian values", because I don't know what that means exactly. That can vary from Christian to Christian.