So, this is the final area right? Sure there is nothing worse than the Owl and the Corrupted Monk here... right?
So, this is the final area right? Sure there is nothing worse than the Owl and the Corrupted Monk here... right?
Don't worry, last boss in this area is the easiest in the game.
Basically a scripted fight.
In that area? No, besides another spooky ghost warrior in a small zone, and a lot of adds to fight around minibosses. Also look out for fish trouble.
It's the final boss you got to worry about. No, not the giant one. You'll know them when you see them.
>he didn't simply cheese the corrupted monk with confetti and snap seeds
It's kino comprared to all the other From gimmick bosses, though.
Where the fuck do you find those seeds
I died twice to his whirling spam. I had no idea you could deflect something so big.
a vendor sells an unlimited supply of them later on
I endure the first phase, climb on the trees and stab the fucker for the second phase and used firecrackers in the last one
I didn't deflect a single thing. You can just run and jump to easily evade everything.
I kept getting hit by his sword right as I got struck by lightning, eating the sword hit and the lightning damage
Corrupted monk is the last fun fight in the game. You have one scripted boss really as said and then two absolute ass fucks who will ruin all your enjoyment of the game.
First game i have ever completed then been glad to turn it off and never see it again.
I recall mostly doing that but at one point he throws some sort of corkscrewing one at you which would floor me then he'd spam on me whilst i was down.
Regardless i just got my umbrella out and solved it.
you can get a stealth deathblow for the first phase, think you gotta use a sneaky candy. I did it in ng+
>implying Isshin isnt the best boss in the game
sounds like a case of git gud
Wait, you can use seeds with the True Corrupted Monk? I used those with the false one because it was an illusion
You could say get good. He forced me to actually play the game and not spam L1 but it probably took me 5-6 hours in all. I had zero fun by the time it was over.
Guardian Ape is better designed than any of the end-game bosses.
Not a health sponge, not a deflect-fest, has lots of different attacks and strategies.
I managed to beat this Isshin quite quickly.
But shura ending Isshin wrecks the floor with me every time.
It was really fun for me, and later with the wife ape, It took me 2 tries and some firecrackers, the wife ape was really weak
What's his moveset like?
He has several fire attacks and the fight before Emma is harder than Genichiro.
Also NG+ so everything does insane damage.
I wasn't even happy when I beat him lol. I was just like ok I can move on now
I just beat Owl 2 on NG+ for the first time since I missed the purification route on my playthrough, that shit took a few tries. also beat Owl 1 first try before but on NG+ he rekt me for a bit
I feel like sekiro generally had bad design like that before bosses or minibosses, a lot of annoying useless fights to get through first. At best they're quick but at worst game ruining frustrating when you fuck up. Like genichiro pre-ishinn was easy but as my attempts at ishinn wore on i would get lazy and geni occasionally fucked me.
Or worst of all the shichimen warrior in the palace and the fucking lightning dogs which would turn up mid-fight.
I preferred the darks souls' jogs to bosses where at least you'd skip any fighting.
Plus fast grabs that I can't read/avoid consistently.
I could farm skill points for attack but I'm too lazy.
Takes forever and isn't worth it. I tried it for ishinn and it's basically an hour of work per 1 attack point.
Pot noble in the Palace idol allows you to spawn behind several weirdos for lots pf points but still.
the adds are literally pointless because you can just stand on a tree that they can never reach until they go away
I see.
Well I got the other 3 endings in one playthrough thanks to PC savefile copying.
Pretty much done with the game after this fight.
They 100% can. That said if you just head away from the bridge and face in they'll all come at you head on. It's brainless blocking them.
>not a deflect-fest
For you, maybe. Once I learned I can deflect everything without the ching chong warning it became much easier
just stand on a tree for corrupted monk phase 2 right after the deathblow and lock on the center of the bridge, you can deathblow the monk and it makes phase 2 nonexistant
My favorite bosses were Corrupted Monk (ghost), Genichiro (first battle) and Isshin (good endings). Lady Buttefly was the first boss where the combat system 'clicked' with me. I started doing a second NG and her dmg and lack of healing potions make her harder than she would be, but she was still very rewarding to beat the first time.