Is there any video games free from toxic masculinity? Will the industry start taking note from comic books and grow up? Getting tired of Yea Forums laughing at us.
Is there any video games free from toxic masculinity? Will the industry start taking note from comic books and grow up...
Other urls found in this thread:
>banned from twitter
>T H R E E
>T I M E S
What's easier to be true? That people are absolute fucking retards or that they're very elaborate trolls?
Pretty sure women despise nice guys, lil' Dobbo.
What.........Im reading that and seeing it because the Cheetos has a beard? ya know like the fucking mascot?
Imagine being at computers
There a difference?
>posting a dobson post from three years ago
>to Yea Forums
Ban all phoneposters.
Really? What the fuck did Burger King do?
Hey now, don’t lump me in with this fucking faggot. I’m a cool phoneposter.
Fuck you. Get a Mac book pro like an adult.
>old man yells at french fries
>>to Yea Forums
Yea Forums deletes Dobson threads
I think hes talking about the "nice guys finish last" thing
obvious bait. gtfo resetera trash
>Is there [anything] free from toxic masculinity?
Not while men roam the Earth, user.
Giving Dobson the attention is why he’s still alive
>Getting tired of Yea Forums laughing at us
>The tumblr of the site laughing at anyone
You should be there.
>Mods doing their job anywhere but Yea Forums
The sky is blue
I fucking with social media of any kind was never made. The average person shouldn't have a soap box to stand on
He's probably talking about Dobson
How do you end up like Dobson?
says the moron standing on a soap box pushing his dumb opinion.
Imagine computers
But that was you, not me.
quick rundown on this goy?
Have zero self awareness
It's hard to sympathize with them until you meet an ugly "nice girl" and see through their transparent act.
No more people should be aware of dobson, you are better off not knowing
What happened to Dobson anyway? Is he still around or did he float off into the stratosphere?
What's his twitter now?
>Yea Forums
>the tumblr of the site
>Yea Forums
>not /lgbt/ or /u/
too late i'm already reading his ed page
stealth Dobson thread?
He's like herpes. He's not always visible but he's always there and always a huge pain in the ass.
I thought this was a Jerma joke
Nice guys don't finish last, they're just playing the long game.
>be young female indie comic artist
>go to con to meet with your fans
>suddenly the overpowering stench of urine and hot dog water hits your nose
>a squat hairy humanoid clad in a fedora is shambling your way
What a fucking faggot
Has Dobson ever been right about anything?
Is his Twotter account suspended?
is that real? lmao this guy is a goldmine.
THe fuck is wrong with these idiots? How the hell do they manage to go from day to day without dying from an aneurysm considering that they're outraged at fucking everything 24/7.
I actually like Burger King but everyone shitposts it. Whoppers are good.
How can a man who understands nothing be right about anything? It's a genuine miracle he ever learned the English language.
Their fries are disgusting tough.
T fat amerimutt
>I know about the toxic culture of men trying to pick up women, and I never want my actions to ever be misconstrued in that way ever again
so he got a hands-on example of how bullshit and made up the entire "toxic masculinity", the entire thing is but he still believes in it?
post yfw the stackers are back
those stackers are fucking huge now though. i remembered them being tiny burgers.
If you're going to make a shitty twitter screencap thread at least post something from the past six months you double nigger
>metroid prime on the bottom
no he has not.
Dobson is more chad than any of you incels
Yeah I would rather it be as they were instead of whopper sized, but hey I'll take what I can get
I forgot file name existed until I saw that user post this last week.
>is a feminist and says other M is the best Metroid game
>other M unironicly has one of the most sexist depictions of samus as she’s constantly freaking out saying that she’s weak and literally refuses to do anything unless a male told her to do it.
looks like he was right as that game didn't sell lmfao
April 1st is over user
You now realize as you lie dying on your deathbed, nobody will remember you, your name gone like tears in rain.
And then it hits you. Dobson will be remembered, a fat autistic sorry will be remembered while you forgotten, your very existence like it never was.
Is this shitlord victim blaming? What happened to #ListenAndBelieve?
>remember me protagonist is not sexualized
>everyone only remembers that ass
curtsibling is fucking based. recognized his art style immediately
>15 Sep 2016
Slow news day?
Based Dobson
Did this nigga just admit to committing petty theft?
>went to the only nearby BK
>given wrong change
>get violently sick
sure showed me
There he is, anons. The man with the big brain.
What's the best thing to get there, a Whopper? BK is the only fast food place at my college but I never eat there so I don't know what to buy
Oh my fucking god, I remember seeing this guy's art back in 2011 when I was a horserfucker. Good shit, thanks for reminding me user.
The fries are the best thing about BK, get some taste.
should mention it was fully staffed by poo's
Dobson actually hates women and would've committed some sexual assault crimes by now if he didn't also happen to be maybe the most spineless beta coward in existence. Even D&D nerds treat him like a bottom bitch.
desu I believe him, because Dobson's loathing for heterosexual intercourse is the stuff of legends.
Why would he bring the email if he knew he was legally in the right?
if they are the best thats pretty sad
No wonder you got sick.
Personally I would much rather be forgotten entirely than remembered as a lolcow. That's the very most bottom level of infamy
>following and commenting on Burger King's twitter account
i can't think of anything more pathetic than this
They're way too soft. McD has the better fries but worse burgers except the RoyalTS.
I miss the cheeto fries. They made me feel disgusting
why would I want to be remembered ? I'll be dead, I wont care if anybody knows my name
It gets better: his proudest moment was injuring himself trying to stop someone from stealing video games from a store he worked at.
It's like pottery. It rhymes.
I enjoy their crispy chicken sandwiches on occasion
this is one of the best "being wrong about everything" images ever
yeah but i wanted to give them a chance,half of them sounded like they were right off the boat and that made me wonder and remember some news article about a curry cook wiping his ass with his hands and getting people seriously sick.
i should have listened to that thought
Get the stacker while it's here
Otherwise, rodeo cheeseburgers
Whoppers are overrated and have too much mayo
Because i have this fine bridge in new York I want to sell you
Sure, fries are a hot topic. Everyone has their personal preference. But who objectively has the best onion rings?
I'd rather be normal and forgotten, then some fat faggot queer and remembered as a fat faggot queer
>literally includes a scene where her male superior shoots her in the back because "he didn't trust her to stop the metroids"
>she thanks him for shooting her
>Anglo hours
>burger discussion
Can't make this shit up!
Imagine being at computers...
everyone loves a good burger
Being on Yea Forums is close
>Chillax, everyone!
makes me much more angry than any of these nonsense panels
>i dont get sports XD
fucking retarded faggot
>Dobson got #MeToo'd
Fucking hilarious
haven't comic books been taking a huge hit in revenue for awhile?
And feminists praise this game?
We need a
reaction pic for Dobson. He's a complete fucking waste of life.
It'll torment you, make you desperate at your deathbed and ensure you won't die peacefully and content
What's his fucking problem
give me that fluttershy you faggot
At least he is cucked now
Jesus dude
He's dobson.
/cgl/ and Yea Forums are truly the tumblr of the site. As a /u/boat, I can tell you that many, many posters there despise tumblr-types for what they do to /u/ media/fandoms. They hate trannies too, which tumblr loves.
BK's crispy chicken is actually better than their fucking burgers
You ever see a Dobson comic and wonder how it really went down?
>why don't I feel like a hero
Because dvds aren't worth protecting or getting hurt over?
he's dobson
>Power Girl cosplayer couldn't be slouching harder without having a bucket of food in her lap and a beer
>Dobson rewrites it as her being assaulted and trying to hide herself from the photographer
Don't worry, you're on Yea Forums, you'll already be remembered as a fat faggot queer
Isn't it policy for most stores to NOT follow shoplifters? Cause if the employee ends up getting shot and dying, the family could sue them or some shit?
Their food has this fucking weird after taste that I can't stand.
I like how no one cares about his pointless stories so the only replys he gets are his own
jesus christ what
He's such a miserable little creature. He breaks into a video game store and walks in on some D&D players, and ever since then he hates D&D and calls them elitist gatekeepers.
No Dobson I will not fucking chillax until you explain me what has to do the periodic table with anything about not understanding sports of all things
Hungry Jacks > Burger King
Yea Forums hates trannies? Based.
Do this idiot think the image is real? That he was specifically referring to that image?
Actually, it's because the robber could get hurt and sue, believe it or not.
Yes. Businesses are insured, and at most a shoplifter isn't going to steal more than a few thousand dollars of product (a fraction of a fraction of a percent). Meanwhile, if the employee or criminal gets hurt or killed and sues, the costs will be orders of magnitude higher and there will be bad publicity. The last thing GameStp wants is a news article MAN DIES AT GAMESTOP.
How bad does he smell?
>spilling your own blood for mr. Goldsteins property
>why don't I feel like a hero?
this is top cuck material
Imagine being too dumb to get a dobsob comic. I'd kill myself if I were you
No, /u/ hates trannies because they're not girls - and so they can't be in yuri relationships. Yea Forums loves trannies because Yea Forums is tumblr
Question. Does ANYBODY actually like Dobson? I mean he makes a comic and shit right? Sure he has to have some fans? I've never seen anyone speak positively of him or his work. Granted, I've only ever seen him talked about on Yea Forums where he's pretty much a meme. But yeah.
>this happened to me except they were clearly open
>there was no visible staff,i just wanted to get something for my friend who liked warhammer 40k tabletop,
>unlike dobson didnt pussy out and just asked the guy with the nametag sitting down
acted like i kicked their dog or something for just asking for help but i still got it in the end
>caring whether or not a pic is real
I don't need to fact check to shit on Dobson.
What the fuck does “nice guys finish last” even mean anyway? I always figured it meant nice guys cum after the girl cums in bed so they are satisfied but I feel like it might be less autistic than that.
>son of dob
who cares about this retarded neckbeard
Les meurtos des carnival
No hosta leugo senior dobson
First GAME first Imma play all the Wii inside my shelf
I'm fired up 'cause link is not an elf
I'd be more concered that he needs a thesaurus to understand that metaphor and confusing FFVII Cloud with post Advent Children Cloud.
SJWs are fucking cancer
no, Yea Forumsmblr actually loves trannies
old Yea Forums is dead and gone
this time openly being a pathetic weakling will get him laid for sure
That's quite the inflated ban count!
>He doesn't get sports
Get a load of this guy
Nice angle to avoid feeling like a cowardly bitch. You didn't stop him because you were sticking it to you boss! Not because you're an effimate twig afraid of pain
Why does Yea Forums hate women so much when all you guys do is gossip about internet celebs?
>onion rings
Nobody because all onion rings are gross.
Surprised the shitposting boards pretending to be tumblr users aren't higher.
stop giving that faggot attention
It basically means only unga asshole chads get girls while the sensitive intellectuals are left on the sidelines.
>fast food onion rings
Imagine if life was a race and success/sex is the finish line.
It's not like I dislike him, he's just a sad fat slob that doesn't know when to shut up. No reason to hate him.
I've never actually seen any of his comics outside Yea Forums though
Something like that
It is time to remember...
So I was right: it's /cgl/ and Yea Forums. I'm surprised Yea Forums is that high, though
i enjoy A&W and wendys
what's going on here?
laughable concept
did mcdonalds ever have red bags like that?
You've been spamming these all thread. It means nothing without context.
How is it that /u/ and /cgl/ end up so different, despite having a similar userbase?
/cgl/ have anxiety and panic attacks any time men display sexuality and believe they shouldn't be allowed to do that.
/u/ on the other hand could not give a single flying f u c k as long as you shut up and discuss lesbians.
go away dobson
A time long ago...
i remember something like it during the Olympics but it wasnt 100% coated in red
>banned from the buses since kindergarten
How did he do it?
If you want to have sex with a girl, you can't be nice or you'll get dunked into the friendzone.
I didn't think people did Carnivalposting anymore.
Once upon a time...
He sucks but dressing like and edge lord and spraying water is pretty lame desu
It was ironic, I swear!
>store is closed for one reason or another
>think it's actually acceptable to enter a business when it's closed
>doesn't even knock to check with staff, just actually walks inside
>actually surprised when the people there don't offer you business on account of the store being CLOSED
>seethe afterwards like you're a victim because the staff laugh their ass off at some fucking autist entering the establishment when it was clearly closed
What the fuck is toxic masculinity?
Well since age 12, I've felt like a caged elf.
What a tough guy, bullying some autist and then running away
Yea Forums is filled with tumblrfags purely because leftists hipsters have always been attracted to pretending to like psuedo intellectual lit garbage. I'm surprised Yea Forums isn't higher but then again this graph is already a few years old
I just havn't seen many dobson threads and ones I catch, are already over.
Anything guys do
He was at least popular enough on deviantart in the beginning of the decade for his posts to float to the popular page sometimes. That's where I first found out about him.
I thought some of his comics were okay then, but I was also like, 11, at the time.
>Dobson is such a dumb cunt he didn't make the connection that people save the fries for last because they prefer them
The real world is cutthroat. If you are nice to someone, they will take advantage of it, and they will be under no obligation to be nice to you back, meaning you will have just set yourself back compared to them in the success hierarchy.
Always here, always watching...
>I will never understand Klingons!
>"Black asian barbaric samurai IN SPACE!"
um so you actually do understand klingons...
>promoting toxic femininity
anything ugly men do
>not knowing about Carnival
The more things change the more they stay the same.
No dobson just made that up
It has been such a long time..
i agree with most of those
Dobson could use a little bullying. He is way too big a fan of himself.
I find Dobson endearing actually. His naivity and lack of self awareness is cute and hope he finds happiness and a clue
Yeah man, they're whopper sized now though
Quick Yea Forums, post 3 things you will never understand.
>me, who I like: gotta show I'm smart so I'll hold up a periodic table in this panel
>asshole nerds, who I don't like: gotta show they're pretentious so I draw one of them with an e=mc^2 shirt
Have talent, and then waste it all on dumb bullshit and spend the rest of your pathetic existence bitching about dumbshit and making everyone who's anyone hate you until none of your talent remains
Not in that order, I hope.
You would, wouldn't you Dobson.
Their fries fucking suck. They're the same as McDonald's fries except colder.
It basically boils down to "don't be extremely conservative when you're going for pussy because there's a good chance another aggressive dude could come in and take it or you could just get taken advantage of".
Find a balance, don't be a doormat, but don't turn into a rapist.
Women. Minorities. Uh
He should continue to stream. His Sykrim let's play was something else.
Even though I got a headache watching it.
Me too.
They are like a drug.
Bravery, confidence, taking what you want, strength, dominance, being stoic in the face of hardship, handling stress or danger without flinching, sex drive, believing in yourself, being unfazed by comments from haters.
Also disrespecting women when they do something you would really prefer they didn't do, or when they aren't doing something that they bloody well should.
Since women should never be held to any expectations or standards, viral masculinity is therefore doubleungood.
>no source or point to any program
Its as dumb as using wordclouds to prove anything. So Yea Forums will gladly accept it
Yea Forums's become far more right, even if some of it is ironic, so it's probably a bit in flux. Yea Forums isn't higher, I'd imagine, because there's little discussion that goes on in general. Nowadays it's just "this album is good", "no, it's shit and you're shit", and /kpop/gen.
It's simple, but really interesting, I think.
/u/ is about lesbian media. Manga, anime, games, porn, etc. But it's centered on the media. The art, the manga, is the centerpiece and the thing the entire board discusses.
/cgl/, on the other hand, is all about the individual. it's about the specific people doing the thing, and so it's selfish, narcissistic, and built on "personalities" (like /soc/ or /r9k/). It's a selfishness thing, and an attention thing. They are their own media. so they take everything as a personal attack ("Oh no, a man is here! He's hitting on me for dressing like an anime girl!")
Always watching, Always waiting...
>competitive smash bros
>FPSs, I guess I get them but I just suck and can't have fun
It's actually pure ethanol. Dobson got hospitalized
A thousand seconds in MS paint.
I miss you my pretties...blessed little pretties.
>giantess fetish
>moon runes
>any programming language
I loved Burger King and hated Wendy's until I was 19 and just entering college, when I realized the reason I hate Wendy's was that they put mayo on their burgs. I asked for one without it and then I never went to Burger King again. Medium 4 for 4 with the Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, no mayo.
But if that's the case, then wouldn't you see the same thing happening in other places with more of a focus on muh online persona, such as when Yea Forums forms servers or groups? ...
... Shit. You're right.
and people of "color"
a thousand seconds for the greater good.
furshit belongs in there
How fast does little dobbie find Yea Forums or Yea Forums threads?
Why won't he ever leave Yea Forums and Yea Forums alone?
How hard does he cry when he see's a Mask?
He'll be remembered as an example of how not to live your life, a cautionary tale. I'd rather be forgetten desu.
If only this problem was exclusive to college. I have to make a conscious decision whether or not to open my life up to the possibility of being ruined forever every time I find myself about to talk to a woman. It's no longer my social awkwardness alone, it's now self preservation because I have a penis and we live in a day and age where it's all over if they scream one word.
what is this nice guy finish last thing?
How long has it been now...
I'd rather remove myself from ever having existed than to be Son of Dob
This is probably my favorite Dobson post. The absolute autism reeking from this rivals Chris-chan.
They think that men having agency is toxic masculinity, whatever the fuck that means.
not gonna lie this is at least a more interesting to read art style, if he get on this with some heavily background-taken plot I would actually buy it
Did Wolf2.2 promote any real world violence?
I'm struggling to think of any game that promotes real-world violence. In every game I can think of, the violence has a context in-universe.
I guess you could consider Runescape, EVE and Tibia, but that's less "videogame causes violence" and more "money causes violence".
for all the hate dobson deserves, think this stunt was just dumb. If anything, it makes his "haters" seem more like bad guys
Hi dob
>They actually got the dubs
Okay, that's actually fucking awesome.
>Other M where it is
>Prime where it is
Is this guy a literal fucking retard or is he doing this for attention
Loneliness, Love, and Social Anxiety.
My brain legit does not have the drivers to process these events.
And there you have it. The ultimate gift of Yea Forums is the anonymity. Without individual posters having recognizable personalities (except in rare occasions like the barneyposter or ACK or something), there is a wonderful lack of (personal) drama and feelings and attentionfagging. The object or topic of discussion is the main focus.
This is why forums are still shit, and why reddit is awful, and so on. It's one reason I really hate discordfags who try to share their shitty discords here. Eventually, every one of those groups will be swallowed up by personality-related issues and/or drama.
Do you think he's legit on the spectrum, just never diagnosed?
>Kingdom Hearts, game and fans
>appeal of soccer
>American's obsession with a two party system
>getting ignored by girls and then seeing them end up with your arch nemesis
Is dobson secretly the personification of Yea Forums
He's right in that post though.
High school is a nightmare unless you're a chad
You tried Surf or Trials maps for the FPS?
You can enjoy those even if bad.
>giantess fetish
I can explain this one! You know how you like tits and pussy, right? Well now you have MORE tits and pussy. Enough for your entire body. That's a lot of tits and pussy.
It thinks it can fool us...
Such a slimy little doblin...
The way this reads it sounds more like they actually believe they're being rapists than just worrying about being perceived that way. Which is probably no surprise considering how cucked Ivy League schools are these days.
This. The majority of my experience in D&D was almost akin to that of a DBZ episode at ultra slow motion with a bunch of numbers. There really isn't anything else to that game, is there?
>tells a girl to calm her tits after her father just died as a joke when she only made a comment that she's a bit lost with everything going on
yeah he's fucking autistic
No high school's only a nightmare if you don't have any real friends
Pick it.
My life, why my wife died, why my daughter died.
His old Demoreel had some promise to it, even some alright animation.
Instead he ultimately goes into tracing bullshit
You have to be a special kind of retard to put Other M at the top of the list, even above Super Metroid. You could consider it not bad, you could hate Metroid Prime, you could consider Super Metroid to be overrated. But putting Other M above all of them? It's disturbing.
can I get some tips to avoid ending up like dobson?
It tweets at itself?
you just said the same thing I did except rephrased
>blames Yea Forums for trump winning
>not the fact that around 50% of eligible voters that didn’t vote
Go outside. Talk to real people and actually listen to what they say without getting asshurt.
trannies,*mass* immigration,non blacks and hip hop culture
please most corporations are so pc they'll enforce sweeping policies because someone got angry on twitter.
Nobody that replied to you actually knows what it means, for a good starter, read the book called "No more Mr. Nice Guy" by Robert A. Clover. After that read redpill. Nice guy is practically a frame of thinking due to erroneous feedback a man had due to familial action or society or just a massive lack of social dynamics understanding. It also has to do with a lack of self-esteem and agency.
Good luck.
Wouldn't be surprised if he an auspie or narcissistic. My mom was the later, and I see the same faults in him as she had, but she was unironically more manly.
>They are their own media
I now understand a lot more than I did before.
But I am also a little bit demoralised because now I see the problem has no solution.
He's naive to act like it will be the death of free speech. But losing it is still bad.
Giantess fetish is the ultimate extreme of liking it when a woman is taller than you.
inflate it?
Moonrunes, why people like Sands of Time, King Crimson
I don't think he's on the spectrum. I think he's genuinely one of those "nice guy" types, the fedora tippers of 5+ years ago, but taken to the extreme because unlike those men, he genuinely probably believes he has artistic talent and something people should be paying attention to. So whereas your average absolute beta might feel the same way (the jocks are so bad!, etc.), deep down they don't believe they have something to offer. Dobson does, so his specific brand of whiny near-autism is louder and more annoying
>you have to be a chad to get friends
Jesus Christ user I'm actually fucking autistic and even I was able to make some actual friends in high school.
begin breathing and blinking manually, that should fix it
Stupid anime posting bastard
I'm on my 5th year of uni in Poland and I don't know or have even heard of a single rape or rape accusation happening in all of my time here. Completely zero drama.
Then I watch american college videos and all the girls are hysterizing about 1 in 5 girls getting raped and "rape culture" everywhere. Makes me question whether I am ignorant of my surroundings or if americans are just fucking stupid as fuck.
How did he get banned but Bob "no bad tactics" Chipman not?
Don't feel bad, cute Totori. I like whoppers too.
Foot fetish
People who prefer Xenoblade 2 to 1
Andrew Dobson
It is old fashion dating that later got turned into business advice. You used to really have to go after a women to get a date. Like my grandfather had to ask my grandma out 3 or 4 times before she went out with him. That was the 60's/70's now a days you don't do that for various reasons.
In the 80's/90's it became advice to be more cutthroat in the business world.
Normie out.
Read that in Rod Serling's voice so it took some of the sting away.
>My family jumped down my throat about not voting during Trump vs Hilary
>I continue to point out that my state was basically 80% Democrat
>I never get an answer to why it would have made a difference if my vote made it 81%