Failed my driving test today. Any games which let me end it all.
Failed my driving test today. Any games which let me end it all
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ghost trick
Almost every zoomer fails the first attemp. stop being a faggot and try again
>score 55 points
>bottom says you need 30 points to pass
Also how the fuck do you drive over a fucking curb.
why do you do an exam if you cannot even control the steering. Jesus christ are you a woman.
Practice driving in a parking lot, so you can get your license and improve instead of being a lil' ass bitch and playing video games because you're sad.
Also wrong board.
idiot you need less than 30
Retard. How do you fail the easiest test in the world?
Please dont fall for this old as fuck bait Yea Forums. Please please please be better than this.
Points are clearly given for mistakes, you need less than 30 to pass.
>implying this user hasn't failed his driving test hundreds of times and posted about it here each time
>Failed my driving test today
Fucking absolute retard.
fortnite because under 18
>Almost every zoomer fails the first attemp
Nope. Just the worthless retards
>21 and still don't have my license
How do I into driving
God damn Americans are retarded it's supposed to be the other way around
Walk upstairs and ask your parents, zoomer
A friend of mine never got his license at all, bought a car anyways and has driven every day for like 10 years. No insurance or registration either.
Take a driving class. I don't care how well your family and friends taught you, an actual driving course is a thousand times more useful than any amount of driving with people not specifically teaching it to earn their living.
>mfw driving is the only thing that legitimately makes me angry
I disagree. Driving is an easy thing and I passed my test the first time with flying colors. IF you fail your first test, it shows that you are a terrible driver. Doubly so if you play any modicum of video games.
How in the fuck can you fail a driving test?
Assuming you are a burger at least, dunno how strict it is else where, but here you'd almost have to try to fail.
>arbitrary method of grading an event
>n-n-no it's wrong this way!
Based 3rd world scum
Murricunt complaining about their piss easy driving test. Here success rate on 1st attempt is below 50% and you typically have to wait 3 months to get a 2nd attempt.
I failed my first attempt in NJ after bombing the parallel parking section. After I moved to Florida, I never had to parallel park again. Urban places suck.
>encouraging OP to get jewed out of his money
literally driving with family is all you need. OP drove over a fucking curb. he just needs to drive some more until he gets used to not hitting shit. for the test stuff you just need to read the driver's handbook, but here in california at least the test is so easy you can pass without opening the handbook once.
My sister failed her driving test on purpose 3 times and refuses to try again because she "doesnt want to drive".
It's not the driving, it's the other people on the road who are terrible at it. Glad people like OP can't get a license
>tfw failed the driving test 3 times already
How do I get better guys
>I got the most points in gold, why didn't I win?
Other people driving is the frustrating part.
I drive a motorbike and love nothing more than riding around on a nice day.
What I don't like is some old bitch turning the opposite way that she is indicating.
People slamming on their brakes to let some tard out of a side road
People driving well under the limit when the road is clear
Jesus, kid, you're terrible. What, you never played a racing game?
>Here success rate on 1st attempt is below 50%
Here we aren't retards
Nigga driving isn't hard drove over curb what are you doing
Anecdotal evidence, you and I are people capable of learning without hand holding, people like OP aren't. They can still be safe drivers, but they absolutely need a focused course to get it down. The benefit of that fail slip in OP is they can pinpoint his weak spots and shore them up.
If you are capeable of playing videogames you are capable of driving
unless you have serious reactionary problems or awareness issues
it’s so simple, I never drove until I was 20 but it’s as simple as riding a bike
yeah OP
the game where you go practice with a real car and stop sucking so much cock
Try again next week?
It's very strict in the UK. Presently, the average driver will take 25 paid driving lessons before they pass their test.
Every car has to be insured, so it gets stricter and stricter each year.
don't you get your license permit at 16?
>dude I knew got pulled over for a taillight being out
>he was drunk
>he had no insurance or registration
>he left with a warning
Don't feel so bad, I failed twice
What aren't you good at?
by learning from your mistakes maybe?
I've seen instructors make students park and look at the engine as part of their lessons aswell
Who /passed their first test/ here?
It's exactly because you are all retards that they give everyone and their grandma their license on the first try.
>driving a motorcycle
Enjoy dying early
>ace written test
>ace driving test
>barely driven since
it is what it is
>tfw grew up in the third world so i already have hardcore driving experience and practice i would've never gotten anywhere else otherwise, stick included
truly the only other better place to learn how to drive is india
Reschedule immediately. Dmv wait times are ridiculous. Also, schedule numerous appointments, in case weather is fucked or something comes up last minute
You can do it, user, i had to wait almost a year to take my driving test because a lot of shit fucked me up.
All you need is a little more practice and you'll do swell
>tfw no drivers license
>tfw too scared to get said silence
>tfw i don't even own a car
Should i just end it all?
Probably because of someone else, ergo the point
Let's get this shit started
>he drives an automatic
>fail to observe
>failure to use cation
Well you know what you did wrong so practice on it.
>drove over curb
c'mon man you're better than that. you'd have to be trying to fuck up that hard during a test even. You have to be on your best during a test.
I failed three times before getting my license, chill OP - you'll get it eventually.
stupid Dane...
Reverse, Parallel parking. I'm ok driving on streets normally but the two times I failed are bause of wide turns and the other one was because I panicked at an all way stop.
Yeah, not sure it's a recent change but a few people who I work with have said that they'll throw random shit at you during driving as well.
Yeah and here we don't give a licence to just any retard. The death tolls on US roads is one of the worse in the world (per capita) among developed countries.
What kind of car do you have bros?
For me, its the chevy silverado
>tfw too scared
what is wrong with you, why are you scared?
Get a scooter or something, they are cheap in every way and you get around. plus you get used to how the roads work
fucking lol, i guess if you're not like every southern US family which owns multiple ATV's and Go-Karts and/or Golf Karts and drive them every day since you were 10 this should be the expected outcome
Tangentially related note: I don't understand bicyclists. I'll be signaling a lane change to my right and the bicyclist 30-50 feet behind me speeds up to pass on my right. Why? Why are they all trying to die? I don't want to kill them.
Here. Stupid easy. Think I only got points off for turning wrong way for parking on a slope and not using mirrors correctly for three point turn. Other wise it was easy as shit. How anyone above 18 could fail is beyond me, especially if you have ever driven in a video game before.
Jesus where did you test at?
>New York
Goddamn. All I had to do was parallel park here in PA. None of that other shit.
Passed on first try. Only got hit for not looking right more, and that was only due to a stiff neck. Reschedule and do it again.
I drive a Pisa made by Chit. It works
I have a chevy sanic. It's okay
It's like that in most US states too.
>they'll throw random shit at you during driving as well.
What, like the instructor throws bean bags or tins of baked beans at you while driving?
i got 81 on my first attempt and passed. You need 80 to pass I think
keep practicing user
Is it blue
First time passers are statistically more likely to be in accidents than Second timers
>y-y-you aren't good at driving!
>in motherland it is an honor to fail your first time!
Never had any trouble with it, can't understand why someone would unless they were handicapped or had a crippling fear of the road.
I got my driver's license when I was 26.
>People driving well under the limit when the road is clear
Fucking this, especially when all the lanes have a driver like this that cause traffic.
Here here user. I can't afford to own a fucking car. Thanks student loans.
>Dmv wait times are ridiculous.
I don't get where this meme comes from. When I go to the DMV I am in and out in under 10 minutes usually.
Final exam in 3 days.
Wish me luck fellas.
My driving instructor never fails to lose his shit at me for every minor mistake.
I use the bus
Scared of failing
No, as in they'll throw questions at you and expect a flash response even when you're at a hazardous spot.
>video games improve dexterity and reaction times
Video gamists btfo
I failed mine because I didn't drive fast enough in a roundabout. It's not like I was at snail speed either, I was confused as he said to the left but there were two left exits.
I did ask him for comfirmation as it was obvious I didn't get it, he siad last left, and that's it. He spent the whole fucking ride chatting with the guy in the back. I'm still pissed at him.
Got it on second try, seriously one fuckhead of a examinator and you're fucked.
i failed my 1st time because a fag on a motorcycle flew over my hood. what sort of weak shit is driving over the curb?
Scooters are much cheaper, quicker and smell better
i am a bicyclist myself, but i have never done something so retarded. don't judge all of us. some are arrogant and think that 1. they don't have to follow same rules as cars because they're on small bikes and 2. they think cars will always stop if they're in their way so they can just do whatever
>took driving class (mandatory in my state)
>dude was chill and i was naturally good, first day just hopped in the seat and went on the road
>pass the test easily
>driving like a pro, highways are fun, life is good
>one day i have vivid hallucinations while driving at night and spin out of control
>havent been behind the wheel since
Scooters are dangerous as fuck. Having a maxspeed of 35 means people are going to tailgate you, dangerously pass you, and never let you into their lane.
2019 Corolla, all I could get based on my credit. Gets the job done, is all I need desu.
You can't prove me wrong. American drive tests are a fucking joke
>failed a three point turn
nigga what the fuck are you driving, get a better car
I passed first time with one critical, didn't check bike lane before turning at an intersection.
I said a scooter, a 125 ideally.
Not a 50cc that can't get up a hill
Are you fucking kidding me
>Actually come to a complete stop before the line at stop signs / stop lights
>Calm the fuck down, actually observe speed limits, go with flow of traffic
>Use your fucking turn signals
>J-Point Turn
how the fuck did you manage to do this
>Keep your hands on the fucking wheel at 10-2 (or 9-3) and calm down
>Remember there's still half of the fucking car behind you turn to compensate for that so you don't hit the damn curb
Here in macacolandia,we about two months worth of theorical and pratical classes.
You have to take one test to prove that you are not retard,one test to prove you understand trafic laws. And the pratical tests involve parking courses and free driving.
Its expensive and very time consuming,thankfully i already took car and bike license at the same time and passed first try,because fuck doing that shit twice.
>Drove over a curb
I failed my first test due to the instructor being a well known scammer that thrives on failing people under false cause. Actually being bad at driving is an entirely different story.
>Reverse, Parallel parking
This never doesn't work
Given that OP just took his test for the first time, he's probably zoomer, so he grew up on mobile games and LOL instead of anything that actually requires hand-eye coordination.
Because every minor mistake you make adds up which will make you fail and you'll have to take the test again. The test is really the hardest part of driving. You'll notice because everyone else on the road drives like a mongoloid with half a brain. Attentiveness degrades over time and he's trying to instill good driving habits in you.
Well yeah, we have the largest population of drivers in the world and it isn't even close
>unable to park properly
you're a girl right?
Got mine at 24. Realized I had to drive cause I had a bad bus experience and got tired of taking the bus to the gym.
>excessive maneuvers in 3 point turn
I dont get it - how many maneuvers are you meat to have?
>needing a licence to drive your car
Imagine being a bong
I failed my first attempt because of fucking parallel parking. Didn't even get to the street part of the test.
Americans still call it a 3-point turn? In the UK it's a turn in the road and you get as many maneuvers as you like as long as you make good time and maintain safety checks.
Don't know what the fuck unable to park is. Parallel parking? I could maybe understand that if you're not used to doing it, if it's bay parking you need to bite a bullet, shit's easy.
>get a better car
He failed everything else too. OP is just retarded.
everyone's scared of failing, but it shouldn't hold you back from doing what you want. i suppose buses aren't that bad if you live in a city where you can find them. be glad you don't live innawoods like me.
Ah don't sweat it.
I failed my driving test three times, spent about 500-750 dollars in driving lessons, cried a fuck ton during the process. But I kept trying and I eventually passed.
Just keep at it, I know it feels like the end of the world but if you hang in there and keep trying, it'll feel so good once you finally get your license.
play mario kart as therapy.
>passed both driving exam the first time
>still terrified of driving
>only once a week, the same route every time
>don't think i would manage driving in the city
why can't i be a good driver
>Poor judgement approaching or at intersections
Here. It's extremely easy if you practice for it. Once you manage to parallel park properly the rest was just basic knowledge.
3 user...thats why its called a 3 point turn.
It's in the fucking name, dude.
>City is in like top 5 of worst drivers in US
Honestly don't give a fuck about not having a license.
>drove over curb
Absolute mad man
the bottom of the image says its a twitter screencap from 2014
Kill yourself OP, and everyone in this thread who is stupid enough to treat this place like social media
Failed the parallel parking bullshit because the area was on a huge ass slope, but the driving was easy as fuck so I still passed.
>American drive tests are a fucking joke
Nope. We are better drivers because we all grew up driving our dads trucks and atvs and tractors since we were twelve.
>oldest brother took 3 tries to pass
>older brother took 2
>I passed my first time
>only thing person told me to fix was not to take right turns so sharply
Helped I did it in December at like 10 AM so there was virtually no traffic.
Like anything else, it's just practice. Used to be scared to go on the highway. Changing from 60km/h to 100 was spooky to me. Now it's like second nature. So basically if you want to get good with driving, drive more. That's it.
>needing reddit to know how to parallel park
>got back from freshman year of college
>father tells me I'm taking the test tomorrow
>go to target parking lot for 2 hours to remember how to drive
>my only issue was not looking checking the intersection if the light was already green
Actually practice
I took and passed my exam today. i'm a 27 year old zoomer and that was my story.
Stalker SoC
Why dont they call it a 360 degree turn like they do in greentext storiea on Yea Forums?
Here. My dad made me practice for a few weeks in the high school parking lot while I had my restricted licence since I was 16.
I'm convinced that all the driving vidya I played helped me out.
It really depends on who you get that's testing you. Sometimes you get assholes that throw curveballs at you, i.e. driving on the wrong side of the road when the road your on is a fucking dirt road.
did you do it with an automatic gearbox?
I don't know a single person that failed that test. If you spent even an hour practicing in an empty lot there is no way you should have failed. You should probably consider rerolling your character.
I am a nervous wreck during these kind of things and I failed my first 2 tests.
Dont let it get to ya and try again, focus on your mistakes and improve.
Oh yeah 125cc is a lot better. Not sure where you're from, but in the States anything above 49cc requires a motorcycle license. And typically anything below 50cc we call a scooter or moped.
>It's just normal parallel parking
Fucking reddit
>was very close to passing my first time through
>failed to stop before lights
>failed so hard in the next 2 tests due to stress, I'm too ashamed to try another one
Never gonna make it, I can't do anything right in my life.
>tfw failed the written test 5 times and gave up
Driving tests should need to be renewed every 5 years
Prove me wrong
is a u-turn 360 degrees, user?
I remember when I did my test (UK) I did the sight check of reading out a number plate from far away and then explaining what a randomly picked thing under the bonnet does and then a randomly picked internal button/gauge.
I've heard from my younger cousin that they've scrapped the independent driving section and have replaced it with a Sat-Nav guided section. Fucking depressing.
You should take yours after a natural disaster
>two weeks after Katrina
>"You know you were speeding the entire time, right?"
>"I didn't see a single speed limit sign and went at a pace I felt was appropriate for the situation. Had there been rain or debris, I would have slowed down. Had I seen a speed limit sign, I would have gone that. I'm not even sure what roads I just took because there are no signs stating what road is what."
>"Fair points. Watch your speed from now on. You passed."
>Grow up in NYC
>Never learned how to drive because public transportation is good
>Move to Florida
>Suddenly driving is mandatory
>Pass test on first try and get my license at 25
Easiest test ever. The lady just had me drive around the DMV parking lot and do a 3 point turn. Never had to parallel park and still don't know how to.
I failed my G2 (Normal road test) 4 times and passed the G highway test on first try. It's easy after some practice.
Did my parallel park on my first try too. I'm a god at parallel parking.
>How in the fuck can you fail a driving test?
In Norway the scheme is:
1. Reach age of 16, get a trainee license, where you drive under tight supervision with guardian/mentor
1,5. Take mandatory driving classes, where you learn road rule and traffic while driving under supervision of overpaid mentor
2. Drive 100 hours where parents/uncle/relatives/friends
2,5. Take a horrid road traffic rule exam
3. Driving test. You are expected to be a fully autonomous driver by this point, due excessive training. A lot of people fail because they only had mandatory classes + 10-15 hours of local driving
4. If you had license for 5 years you are now allowed to mentor other people.
Its alright
of course
No, but one of those 3 point turns is
Suceeded in the car,bike and small trucks tests first try(have the equivalent of a C license in american terms)
In the UK you can go up to 125 on a provisional license
>You have to hold a valid CBT (£100 every 2 years)
>Cant go on motorways
>Cant carry passengers
>Have to have L plates
unironically learn how to parallel park. chicks dig it for some reason.
I remember this nigger coach who taught driver's ed at my old high school years ago, a literal nigger who absolutely hated white kids. Fucking asshole was always breathing down my neck while we were driving and would always chimp out at me, saying shit like you're gonna get into an accident one of these days driving like a moron. That was over a decade ago and I've never been in an accident, some instructors are absolute shtiheads. I hated that nigger.
it wasn't a funny reference and was basically retarded.
Fucking retard
Do you live in the middle of nowhere? DMVs here in NJ can have lines out the door.
Why do Americans get receipts?
Did you tip your instructor? Maybe that was the problem.
passed it barely my first time eat shit and die.
Nope. Passing a Euro driving test requires you to be a borderline mechanic, also euro roads are 10x more difficult to navigate than american.
>doesn't know what per capita means
sasuga retard
>actually paying people to teach you how to drive instead of your father teaching you for free with you practicing innawoods for as long as you like while studying the literal test at home instead of, again paying instructors to teach you
You had your priorities wrong neighbor, but i won't judge
>take state mandated school
>teacher's late every day
>one day's canceled due to snow
>except it wasn't and nobody told me
>it does snow every other week, canceling that day for real
>2 months later and the teacher doesn't show up until the very end
>just spent the whole day talking to the new class
I assume he's trying to reference the Xbox 360 meme, but it makes no sense to do so in this context. It's almost as if he/you just found a list of old Yea Forums memes and wanted to try to reference one to fit in.