Remember April Fools 2019? Oh man, that was so fun, there was...
There was people begging for likes, and, uhhh...
slutposting, I guess...
Oh, but remember when they played runescape music? And did the starcraft meme? Remember? That was really funny for the first five minutes before it got annoying having to mute the page every time I opened Yea Forums.
And, uhhh...
Remember all the OC people made?
Oh wait, nobody made anything.
No, now that I think about it it was literally the most uninteresting piece of shit April Fools gag since Sticky.
Remember April Fools 2019? Oh man, that was so fun, there was
'member board merging in 2017?
No, of course you don't, candyfag
Yes I do you faggot. It was the only April Fools gag that was good on its own.
2018's was only saved by the OC made.
They should just exclusively do board mergers every year, honestly. I can't imagine anyone having any complaints about that. Different mergers every year.
I remember when Yea Forums was good
could of've been better
It was alright. I feel like you’re misremembering the fact that every april fools just becomes rampant shitposting for 24 hours, it was a decent laugh. And we got emojiposting out of it so that’ll be good for a few gags.
It's rampant shitposting, but it's entertaining rampant shitposting.
All we got was emojis and rolling threads and begging and slutposting.
The only fun part was at the very end with skeletons trying to get everyone to skeleton rank. That's literally the only time where the event was even remotely entertaining.
They didn't even add a fucking dislike button. This entire event could've been saved just by giving people a dislike button.
So exactly like every other April fool's day? Don't even at me about how last year was so great you stupid reddit faggot, it was retarded as well.
stop whining
>edgy tryhard faggot who hates april fools day because Yea Forums is ruined for one day and totally isn't dogshit every other day of the year
Fuck you faggot, it's Yea Forums, I'll whine all I want.
You know what, I agree, a dislike button would have made it way more entertaining. I might have had a disproportionate amount of fun than most people because i grinded for skeleton rank like an hour after the event started and got to engage in some prime shitposting.
enjoy your ban lol
yeah I love all that candy OC that gets reposted every day
riveting stuff
You're allowed to have one meta discussion thread per board. This counts as that.
Also don't declare reports newfag.
>whining about original content
nu/v/ has sunk so low.
>tfw was busy all day so I didn't get to skelly post
board-tans and other gaiafaggotry were never fucking funny to begin with.
Go to any game-specific thread and you'll find plenty of "OC" regarding it. Now fuck off.
I still love it here though
Cry more, anti-fun faggot.
>edgy try hard faggot reddit tourist who hates Yea Forums except for on april fools which he thinks it's the only non dogshit day of the year for the board
Also I don't hate it I just think it's always stupid shitposting that over stays it's welcome. But you definitely seem to hate this board so why don't you fuck off back to r/gaymen stupid fucking faggot.
This year was a full on discord faggot invasion from the start, at least last year slutposting seemed to start on it's own and had people pretending to be anime girls, this time mostly fagposting and even furries. In b4 both are equally gay, I don't particularly care who's posting like I don't care who draws my porn, but the post content was gayer and everyone spammed discord shit. Probably gonna be like this every year from now on no matter what they do with the site.
Who said the slutposting stopped? I've browsed since 2007 and April Fools has always been iffy. I remember one time they blacked out the boards and stuff. That was cool.