When did you give up hope, Yea Forums?
When did you give up hope, Yea Forums?
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When Laidlaw posted Epistle 3. That was the point of no return for me.
For you and everyone that hadn't lost it before that.
I've never played half life.
So I had no hope to give up.
Half life 2 was fun, never really did play Half life 1 so maybe I'm missing something but whether the third one comes out or no makes no difference to me
This. It was like crossing the event horizon of a black hole for me.
A little bit after that writer leaked the ending. I still have a little hope that they are just waiting for VR. It would explain why Valve is investing so heavily in it.
When I realized Valve stopped caring and made Artifact instead of
Left 4 Dead 3
Team Fortress 3
Portal 3
and Half Life 3
This was the point where I gave up hope but when Valve literally did nothing for Half-Life's anniversary was when I realized Valve doesn't care for the series at all anymore and I truly gave up hope
I haven't. I am truly a patient soul. But I have given up hope that it'll be anything more than a mediocre game that'll age like milk designed for the sole purpose of selling VR headsets.
It was literally revealed that no one currently working at Valve has any interest in making it. It's over. Has been for years now.
Shame because it felt like such a mature sci-fi setting.
A couple years ago, there was just no more hope inside like a candles flicker fighting the wind
Valve will never make another game, Bannerlord is vaporware, VR is a pipedream and even this year we saw VTMB is being taken over by SJW trannies, nothing is sacred we can't have nice things
I'm going to watch the final evangelion movie then kill myself
around this video.
>but when Valve literally did nothing for Half-Life's anniversary was when I realized Valve doesn't care for the series at all anymore
That's what did it? Not the fact that they've done nothing with the franchise in more than a decade and allowed congealed failure Hunt Down the Freeman to be released on Steam for actual money?
>players are interested
>ready to throw money at it
>developers are not interested
About when I realized that HL2 wasn't good to begin with, only EP1 and 2 were and even then they didn't hold a candle to HL1.
So about a few days after EP2 came out.
Quit being a faggot, HDTF not being allowed on steam would be such a stupid fucking move and if it were the alternative you'd probably be whining about how anti-consumer or anti-developer it was. It's like saying Id software should ban people from making wads like Hdoom or anything that fucks with the story of Doom. Shut up, retard.
May 1st will be when I finally give up if we don't get any HLVR news and I swear this time I really mean it
>G man recruits Alex and leaves you to die on the Borealis, only for the vortigaunts to save you, in the end nothing was accomplished and you go on living a sad empty existence
Fuck Gaben
When steam started to make more money than making video games
with Half life? when the leaks happened.
with life?when my dog died
People weren't charging money for wads, dumbass.
Half-life isn't even that great as a video game.
That means that everybody ITT has got invested in an ongoing video game story.
You're all fucking sad autists.
When I was about 12
Oh for Half Life 3? Uhhh 2 years ago I think.
You can't deny everyone here is autistic
Um honey, Gaben saved you from ever having to experience it.
you're right. I am also autistic, I just never got into Half-Life so I have an autistic compulsion to insult those who did.
Steam makes them all that money and then some without Gabe or his crew having to lift a finger.
fair enough
I'm sorry, but did the game actually get canned? Oh, that's right. The development isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only in planning. Does not having the beta at E3 count as a cancellation? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is still on? The gaben are still eating right now and they have been the best store in the Internet for how many years now? They're reviving one of the worst platforms in video games who just happen to have been suffering because they're feeding off the cost of competing in a unfair used market But you know what? Gamestop fucking sucks. Valve are one of the best fucking teams in the industry, they made bank last year and would of released HL3 if the tech was ready. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Ep3 drops and someone screenshots this thread. Oh look at that, Gaben just bought another indie studiowhen they needed to get one, just like with CS and TF2. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these pro-Epic topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like gaben because he's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking devs on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
its been 12 years, user
Gaming technology will brick wall at some point in the 2020s so there's no point in releasing an installment to a franchise that's 50% a game with a story, lore mechanics and so on, and 50% a tech demo and industry standard setter, that's supposed to come with new toys to play with for modders and developers.
Plus the open source model that both the half life's as well as the games they're built around (Quake and Doom) is no longer an industry standard, even Valve doesn't use it anymore and if you just want it for story closure then you're even more fucked because who even knows what Valve would've done with the story for a whole new game especially considering they waited to long for just an episode to be sufficient.
When people were worshipping them for simply being a store that is fair to their customers. I knew that they would focus on milking the fuck out of that goodwill and now Gabe's a multi billionaire. Yet you still see valve drones claim that steam is a small company despite this.
They're small in terms of staff but in terms of revenue and influence fuck no they're anything but small
Came here to post this
Half Life was never good, faggots
>Left 4 Dead 3
>Team Fortress 3
>Portal 3
>and Half Life 3
In a different timeline, all of these came out and they were extremely good, each better than the previous ones
>tfw will never get the chance to properly say goodbye to Dog, among other things
Is there anyone out there trying to make Epistle 3 into reality? Even if it's regular Source