noooooo hordebros this can't be happening
Noooooo hordebros this can't be happening
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Blizzard has gotten really lazy with their April Fools shit. We'll never get anything like the bard class one.
If they had done any kind of elaborate April Fools joke, people would've shat on them for wasting time/resources instead of fixing the mess BfA is anyways. They didn't really have anything to lose by not doing anything.
April Fools pretend update notes.
They can't fix BfA. They have NEVER fixed a shit expansion.
if they were to do an april fools joke, they would have been flooded with red shirt 2.0
You might think it's an April Fools prank, but Lightbound Undead are actually in the canon now.
Alliance will get Mecha Gnomes and Lightbound Undead (recolored models, same races that are already playable)
Horde will get Fox people and Snake people (unique animations, reskinned models but completely new races)
This is consistent with how little effort they put into anything Aliiance related.
What was the April fools?
A fake patch note and an automatic translator that turns everything into Murloc language.
Lightbound undead would probably use the human models instead of the undead models, like Derek Proudmoore
Sethrakk have unique heads that would require unique helmet models to be made
Allied Races exist so Blizzard never have to put anything like that sort of effort into "new" content again. So, no. Snakes are literally never going to be on the table.
Why are you pretending the Horde didn't see this coming ever since her death last year?
lmao not even
this was wowhead's april fools joke, blizzard's was just fake patch notes riddled with twitter memes
in fact the actual fucking current state of BfA is a better joke than their patch notes
Why are you still playing WoW after Activision stuck its putrid AIDS infected penis inside of it? Are you stupid? Stop playing it, don't even play Vanilla. Its a bad game, go play a good RPG and start to cleanse your pallet, you are polluted. Streamers who have built their whole life around the game are quitting it. Stop playing it.
I want to marry and impregnate a Human
no thanks i'm already engaged with lore
Just let me play as a fucking skeleton, I hate how the Undead look, I would play the fuck out of them if it was just a goddamn skeleton.
This. These threads are always like battered wife shelters
i want to make 55 meguminis!
They fixed warlords.
By stopping it and pushing Legion a year early.
>human females will never be real
Why live?
go back
>Alliance will get Mecha Gnomes and Lightbound
I'm calling Bullshit on Alliance undead
Oh, those are meant to be soul shards. Why isn't she being dicked down by her succubus?
>pls give us high elves
>pls give us sethrak!
take your robo gnomes and shut up alliance cucks
>Why isn't she being dicked down by her succubus?
Wait a sec..
They're going to have to do the same with BfA.
that comment was also made 2 days ago on a wow porn thread.
you need to go back kohai
Meanwhile horde dabbing allover alliance all day.
Remember when Blizzard said they'd add an Incubus model?
so? you're still spouting reddit memes. go back.
All female spacegoats have big veiny horse dicks, this is canon and close enough.
>evrey phrase rebbit ever stole from Yea Forums is no longer usable.
im sure go back to rebbit was also posted on reddit
>a phrase that makes no sense in a certain context has been said in that context
room temperature iq
Blizzard has tools that auto fit armor models to character models
They'd have access to much more advanced techniques than this rando used.
Check out what they're doing with Calia Menethil before you say that.
>retards arguing about reddit
We're trying to talk about big human titties, futa dicks and werewolf knots here.
Classic when
This isn't even blizzard's april fools. This is wowhead's april fools which makes it even worse because wowhead put in more effort for a joke than blizzard did.
Literally all blizzard did was fake patch notes and they didn't even try. The notes are just all memes not even remotely close to realistic notes so the whole thing is just retarded.
It's sad because blizzard used to put in a bit of effort for these jokes. The whole bard class was pretty in depth and had screenshots and everything. One year didn't they even make a 2D sidescroller flash game? Remember the tinfoil hat blurring out the armory pages?
All they do now is fake patch notes and they don't even try to make them ridiculous but realistic, they just go full meme and put shit like "lol demon hunters in starvation mode cause no demons".
>Calia Menethil
a shit character no one likes that required anduin, faol and a naaru to rez shortly after her death?
ffxiv shadowbringers starts open beta on the ~20 of june
so mid july at the latest
They just had shadow elves show up out of nowhere. You really think they won't do the same thing to holy undead?
You really have that much faith in Blizzard writing?
>he posts a screenshot he took on reddit to accuse people of using reddit
That's literally how undead look in China isn't it?
You must not have played BFA. It's the most expensive, elaborate joke they've done since WoD.
I agree they've gotten extremely lazy. The last good one was the fake Draenei remodel. That made a shitload of people really upset
I still laugh when I see that model. The tears that day could fill an ocean
>Horde will get Fox people and Snake people (unique animations, reskinned models but completely new races)
paint me interested, fox and snake people? any official info on those?
who was upset, ugly chicks feeling attacked?
There's no official info. Just autistic furries hoping it happens because they can wear player armor despite other unplayable races having the same ability.
ah all right then, thanks
back to my ded
I probably won't be buying into classic, but I do hope it has some modicum of success compared to BfA. Maybe they'll get the right idea.
But mostly because I want TBC servers that aren't shite like private servers.
>a year early
what, are you fucking retarded.
WoD was 2 years, like every fucking other expansion.
Mostly the dudes playing draenei because they were the most attractive female models on alliance pre model update
and them being given unique animations usually reserved for playable races
But hey, details details
>pre model update
and who's the most attractive now?
Lightforged Draenei of course
W-what armor set is that?
>will be able to hide all armour except pants in 8.2
Can't wait for slutmog to become nomog
People thought it was real because they wrote out an Artcraft article like the other races and played it mostly straight. The article didn't read like a joke unless you really paid attention
>those derp eyes
Heh, didn't notice that the last time I saw this
Legion wasn't a year early.
Legion was an unfinished gated piece of shit.
Legion had the worst fucking class design.
Legion had the smallest and most pathetically cluster fucked content pieces ever.
Legion had legendaries.
>tying pre/post TBC draenei together can only be achieved in jokes
oh well, more alien tiddies for the fans
That's not a pre-WoD model
>and who's the most attractive NOW
I always thought draenei looked the best even after the updates for other models. The other races besides Worgen had inferior quality models before WoD now pretty much all of them look good besides the gnome fuckery with their expressions.
>"Draenei were the most attractive model pre model update"
>"And who is that now"
>"(race that didn't exist)"
It's an edit of Undead models that WoWHead did as an April Fools joke. They basically took the clean FUndead model, used the chinese model, and overlayed some Lightforged Draenei textures onto it.
Quit being a pedantic faggot I answered your question in the same post
I think I'm just gonna kill myself so I don't have to put up with this garbage futa meme still being associated with Draenei
>One year didn't they even make a 2D sidescroller flash game?
"Game" is generous.
TBC Draenei are just a tribe Broken and they're fel magic corrupted Draenei. Player Draenei are regular draenei from Argus that escaped corruption because of Velen. You might not like that reasoning but it's there. Retconning a second time would just piss people off who play the race like it did that day.
Player Draenei are Draenei that lived on Draenor, didn't get corrupted and then fled Draenor by stealing Exodar from Blood Elves when the Burning Legion showed up to start the plot for TBC
I meant that. They're how they looked on Argus and escaped corruption on Draenor because they followed Velen. Akama's tribe didn't follow Velen and got totally corrupted from constant fights with demons and the residual fel magic from the orcs
Draenei being combined with Eredar was a fucking mistake. Pre WoW Eredar were the supremely evil race that corrupted Sargeras and now they're a bunch of dindus like orcs
worst, they are mary sue dindus with the most advanced technology and even space ships but doesn't use any of these against the horde that's literally dindus with sticks
I'm combining my Human genes with a Draenei's. After marriage.
>muh tecknologee
The Alliance should have steamrolled the world with Gnomish engineering tempered by Dwarven safety standards long before now
How many times are they going to retcon Sargeras's corruption? First it was Eredar then it was Nathrezim and now it's MUH VOID LORDZ SARGERAS WUZ THE GOOD GUI AND WUZ NEVA CORRUPTED. Like holy fuck
Calia will reclaim lordaeron and stromgarde is being rebuilt, the seven kingdoms are coming back lads
and having the worlds strongest mages
also having the strongest paladins
and the draenei tech from both reg/light
But please ignore all that we are blizzard and we don't dare push a plot
You're a fucking freak