April 2019...
Already forgotten...
April 2019
You got that right. I had no idea what you were posting until I saw the filename.
>Single Player Story Experience
>No News
>Everyone played it as soon as it came out.
>Fan Theories published the second the secret trailer came out
The fuck you expect us to talk about? Classic Kingdom High Scores?
How do you cope with enjoying a shitty game?
>parent company decides to release 7 spinoff games before just making the third one
>no SE characters
>have to buy the new console just to play it
>visually a cookie cutter unreal engine simulator spat out through a ps4
>game play sucks
>story is abysmal and leaves no coherence to follow if you didn't buy the 12 spin off games
what the fuck did you expect?
>new console
The PS4 is 5 years old, granpda.
It's a story focused series. No shit they expect you to know about the previous games.
I'm guessing this is the latest Yea Forums meme template for threads? Should it go into the filters as well?
If its so forgotten why do you constantly keep making threads about it?
and you're retarded to think anyones buying that piece of shit in the first place.
fuck that shit. just release 3 after 2, problem solved.
What y'all Highscores be in Giantland?
Blame 13 and 14 1.0. And I guess the PS3 being shit in general. The plan was always to go 2 > BBS > 3 with Days in the middle but shit went tits up at SE for the longest of time.
then just play the collections, dipshit.
Do you need to be retarded to enjoy KH story?
you get it. SE fucked up horribly ever since the inception of XV being in development for 10 years. they can't seem to wrap their shit around devving anymore and its a shame to see a good company go down the drain. rip to the ballers that made square and enix what they were before they merged. goodbye original feeling games bruh. this shit gotta stop. this whole kh bullshit with remakes and rereleases is just frankly unfair to the consumer to expect them to purchase every iteration just to get to the point where they can understand whats going on in the latest MAIN entry. its just absurd.
you can simply enjoy for its ridiculousness.
nigga im an adult. there is no way in my lifetime im ever submitting to playing that shit again JUST to get why sora needs his dark boner sucked or w/e. mickey can squeeze my nuts too.
ReMix was made to remedy that as best as they could. If anyone still bitches about being FORCED to PLAY a GAME to catch up then they're full retards.
Does anyone else sincerely hate Disney? It's not just their Nu-Disney garbage like Frozen what annoys me. It's everything else they do in their corporate bubble. How they acquire and ruin things. How their actions in animation has ruined Western Animation entirely as it can never EVER be rated higher than Y7 (this is how teenagers and young adults end up going for anime).
Disney in general is a hideously garbage evil company. And I want to see them go out of business.
So thats a yes then.
You had plenty of time to play the collections. They were constantly rereleased and bundled. You could've watched LPs or even cutscene movies. There was more than enough time even back when KH3 was announced. There's literally no excuse other than simply not caring and expecting to be spoonfed for being lazy.
nah bruh.
>they were constantly rereleased and bundled.
foh. do you even realize what you just said?? i'm not fuckin paying for that shit or watching a 28 hour long video on KH just to understand why 'muh heart' and 'muh nobody' is so important. square fucked up hardcore in expecting consumers to buy into this shit. now go to the fuckin' wendys duke.
Disney owns so much now, I never liked them to start with but with every other day I give less and less of a fuck about entertainment. I'll probably keep rewatching old King of the Hill episodes until I die.
Now there's a good show, but I'll have to pirate it because I don't want to give Disney money during re-releases.
And another thing is, it's obvious Disney's acquiring phase is not over. They're just taking a breather right now, but they obviously plan to continue doing this and possibly buy another major acquisition of some sort.
No replay-ability, of course it's already forgotten.
>i dont care about the series but I really need to understand the story
i dont understand
I already own most of the seasons on dvd, I just have them playing while I grind in Pokemon Emerald. So there's that. I'm not a weeb so I don't really watch any anime other than JJBA and occasionally one off things like Welcome to the NHK, but seriously I've hated Disney for a long time now, the latest thing that got me super pissed at them was the new Star Wars movies. I wish I knew exactly what they owned so I could avoid it all.
Not by you evidently lel
>square fucked up hardcore in expecting consumers to buy into this shit.
People are more receptive to long form storytelling if you make it easier for the consumer to engage/catch up to get ready for the latest release. it's why TV has been getting into continuous storylines and binge watching is so common, and why the MCU didn't crash after Avengers. You'd have a point if SE never made Remix and expected you to actually play the other games in their respective consoles.
>im an adult
Then why do you type like a middle schooler?
what fucking game? is that image supposed to tell me something?
This is like the 5th thread you've made saying this, so obviously you remember and are trying so very hard to force others to.
>The plan was always to go 2 > BBS > 3 with Days in the middle
Source? Because I’ve never heard that.
Moana is pretty good and the best Disney movie ever made, but yeah -- fuck Disney. I hate them.
>people bought a PS3 for KH3
>that was 13 years ago
What the fuck was the holdup
kingdom hearts 4
That's easy, you can go online and simply search "What does Disney own?" and you'll get a general list.
square is retarded
clearly KH can't work as an insanely high budget AAA game.
They already had a fantastic engine/system in Re:coded. They could have just used that with the BBS engine and had KH3 be a vita/3ds cross release.
press X to win is fucking boring outside of le FM+ lvl 1 critical mode reflect spam
>and the best Disney movie ever made
user, I get you have a brown girl fetish but holy shit what a terrible opinion
I just like the songs and the places they go. Much better than Frozen. Also The Rock is hilarious.
yeah I'm sure the fans would've been very receptive to KH3 being a fucking 3DS game with an upscaled version on a flop nobody owns
Nah KH not held back by budge/tech is amazing.
Absolutely much better than Frozen. Not as good as tangled. As far as “nu Disney” goes, yeah it’s up there but as the BEST Disney has ever made?
not him but yeah I have no problem saying Moana is some of the best Disney has done.
>Nah KH not held back by budge/tech is amazing.
>webm of saiix fight
agreed user. video games don't have to be/shouldn't be required even by the biggest in the industry to be construed as this world changing next level cinematic bla bla that they promise and promote it to be. AAA is dying because of this and they keep trying to set a new standard that somehow actually fails in comparison when it comes to simply gameplay. it amazes me that there are so fewer developers these days because the AAA have only gotten bigger but not just that, they've gotten shittier. its a weird cycle but i truly believe the indie will save gaming. the last AAA game i truly enjoyed like it was a brand new game i got during 6th gen era was MGSV and before that.. i dunno modern warfare 2 just for the multiplayer. but things have definitely changed.
I think the main problem with KH3 is that it didn't have a story of its own. In KH2, for example, you didn't really know what to expect and you get story information in pieces as you go along.
The KH3 story was already revealed in DDD, so most of KH3 was just going to worlds for no reason other than to try and find the power of awakening. There was no plot until the last few hours. It would have been awesome to have DDD compressed into like a 2 hour prologue in KH3. And the rest of the KH3 story can be in small chunks throughout.
what fans?
Who gives a fuck. Have you ever met a kindom hearts "fan" irl? Literal subhumans, the male, female and all the trash "in between".
All I wanted was a fucking conclusion to this shitty story that I started as a kid and I still don't have it.
KH's plot only works when with textboxes. That's why COM, days and recoded are good but when you remake them you end up with shit like "we're inside rikus digital ass".
The PSP had a perfect balance of console-like gameplay in 3D with low budget dev, and the 3DS and vita are extensions of that.
Fucking DDD is more KH3 than KH3 is. Final bosses are especially better.
The problem was that they didn't do anything with the plot points they did have. Rescuing Aqua and Ventus shouldn't have taken a grand total of half an hour. Every cutscene with Ienzo was just "we're working on getting Roxas back in the background here don't worry" without you actually doing anything past telling him the mansion computer exists, Xion was just insulting.
>There was no plot until the last few hours
>The problem was that they didn't do anything with the plot points they did have.
You're not wrong. It was just a little odd jumping straight into the game with no intro. KH1 had Destiny Islands. KH2 has Roxas. KH3 didn't have anything like that. But you're right in that they could have done so much more with what they had. The dark realm needed to be its own world that Sora travels through to get to Aqua, and it should have been about half way through the game, around where the 1000 heartless fight in KH2 was. The second half of the game could have been Aqua recovering while you visit the remaining worlds, then when she's ok, go on another quest to save Ven.
Hercs world was the intro
>David versus "Girl"iath
Yeah but that was just another Disney world. I'm talking an original intro to get you ready for the rest of the game.
0.2 was supposed to be the prologue but it got the Ground Zeroes treatment.
0.2 was supposed to be the intro but Square got impatient and wanted money.
Could have made a 3 act game for the 3 gummi maps. Act 1 is saving Aqua and Ven, act 2 is Roxas and learning about Xion, act 3 is the war where Terra and Xion are saved and Xehanort is stopped. It needed 3 more worlds to be a complete KH.
Imagine being BTFO so hard your piss poor disguise falls apart and all you can do is walk away with your buttplug tail berween your legs
This is pure antidote to modern day bullshit contained in a webm
it's also basically what happened to marlexia lmao
Hard to forget with you making this thread everyday. You actually some Kingdom Hearts fan trying to talk about the game by starting with a shitpost?
>Sora meets Roxas at the end.
>Roxas goes back into Sora and that's it.
>Sora: "Roxas, you deserve to be you! I've wanted to tell you that."
How come he didn't just tell him at the end of KH2?
It's the only way to keep threads alive.
Nomura didn't consider ruining 2's beautiful ending until after Coded.
Reminder that KH2 was also mediocre at launch and that final mix was made with its issues in mind to make it the god tier game it is now.
im just surprised it came out
you can tell its not finished but its still better than nothing, except for the ending
>start thread with shitpost/bait/contrarian opinion
>500+ replies
>start thread with normal discussion
>50-100 replies maximum
Yea Forums a shit
>KH2 was also mediocre at launch
It wasn't
>final mix was made with its issues in mind to make it the god tier game it is now.
All it did was add critical and some bossfights because that's all it needed. There is no fixing 3 without a complete overhaul.
good singleplayer experiences are still discussed decades after their release
Go play KH2 vanilla on standard or proud and let me know how much fun it is. Critical mode and the end game content saved that game.
I used to, almost once a year before the collection came out. There's nothing wrong with it you queer.
It was finished enough
>its still better than nothing
I'd unironically rather live with my perfect headcanon version.
well its either play pretend or have it become the next duke nukem forever
>have it become the next duke nukem forever
Was it not? It certainly made me feel the way I imagine Duke fans felt.
Not really.
Which is?
Maui stole the show every second he was on
>Which is?
2 with improvements, fuck the shitty UI, fuck the new graphics, fuck attractions, fuck Arendelle, and fuck the disappointing writing.
clearly you remember IT since you're some fag posting threads about it fucking RETARD
The graphics are fine, the fuck you talking about?
The graphics are awful, everyone looks like plastic and Yen Sid's tower's lighting is all fucked.
He didn't experience the hurt
They're fine for most of the game
I'm glad it finally came out after a long ass time and it was shit, so that the series can finally die.
The environments maybe, none of the character models interact well with lighting.
They looked fine in most of the worlds
>"Single Player Story Experience" is implied to a bad thing
People like you are the reason why video games are dying
They really didn't.
Where the fuck did he say that?
All he said was that "single player story experience" means it's harder to discuss anything, you fucking sperg
Yeah but not a few weeks after release because everyone talked about it a lot on release or shortly afterwards.
People still talk about them occassionally. Some games also don't have much to talk about
Does Namine have a KH3 render yet? And can someone post a screenshot of her and Riku together from the ending?
How the FUCK do I consistently get Excellent on the egg-cracking minigame?
>Does Namine have a KH3 render yet?
Did you play the game?
Was KH3's Ultimate Form designed that way because Nomura still has hangups about FFXV?
>kept her god tier feet
based devs
Ultima Weapon has always resembled a sword with fancy shit around it.
Completely forgot the model viewer existed, thank.
not the user you were talking to but he made valid points about the series being dragged out for no reason. Sure I guess KH fans have the luxury of spending years making fan theories and speculating cause the story is captivating for them.
My only problem with the series now (idk if this matters but i started this game as a kid) is that every game ends on a cliffhanger with the story making less and less sense each time. I'm not sure if it was because of the disney worlds, or just the story writing but the shit is all over the place. Time Travel being added to the plot line just made it easier to add plot holes and fill them in later with half ass story telling. The series has a lot of inconsistencies when it comes to compact storytelling.
>god tier feet
But they're ginormous.
Yeah, but its form was built around using a shitload of different swords and teleporting all over the place.
I think he means the not-armiger formchange.
He was literally talking just about the .webm
I know. It's great isn't it.
So she totally drain Riku of his semen in the gummi ship, right?
The Twilight crew were in the gummi ship when he picked up Namine.
Aw fuck. Well then on Destiny Islands in the treehouse area.
So forgotten you make a thread about it every hour
What are you favorite Keyblades in KH3? I'm pretty fond of Crystal Snow, especially its Blizzard Blaze form change. Wheel of Fate is another favorite, particularly Highwind form.
I really like the Ultima Weapon's Ultimate Form too, but I have mixed feelings about it due to how obscenely broken it is.
Not him but I played the vanilla version and while I had fun with it, the game only really shines with the Final Mix features that were added in.
This. I obviously knew that Roxas would make some kind of appearance in this, probably in the final act but was really surprised that quite a bit of the first act is "we gotta save Roxas" since I had considered the Roxas arc over.
Shit, I can't finish the final photo mission, can I? I was supposed to do it during the battles earlier, wasn't I?
I pretty much finished the game with Rapunzel/Pirates/BH6 keyblades. I ran Toy Story for most of the game but when I got BH6 I dropped it.
Kingdom key > star seeker ( aesthetic only ) > wheel of fate, i like ultima too but it's too strong in proud mode.
He barely had any idea what was going on.
Also, I hear that if you just sit back and watch, Roxas can beat Saix all by himself. Is that true?
It's in 3D
I tended to use Kingdom Key for story fights, but I don't really like its finishers.
kingdom hearts hands down gotta be the gayest game series ever made
If it's the Teammate one, you need a photo of every party member Sora has, from every world. The ones that leave your party are still somewhere in their world.
Expected to stick with just Kingdom Key, but Star Seeker was just more enjoyable (and safer) to use. Ultima was disgustingly broken and made end-game a complete joke, should have saved it for postgame.
I thought killing inferno with last arcanum was pretty fun.
Kingdom Key
Wheel of Fate
Ever After
I want them to share Rikus dick
The real problem with KH3 is that there weren't any decent boss fights and the game is chalk full of fucking minigames that do nothing but hamper the overall experience. I mean fuck, before the finale theres only a single humanoid boss, Davy Jones. Everything else is just a generic heartless and the fights arent anything special
And then at the end when you do get some okay bosses, they fucking group them up into awkward hodgepodges so you can't properly enjoy the mechanics anyway. I don't know what they were thinking
KH3FM is going to have to do something ridiculous, akin to the 14 end game super bosses 2FM added for it to be worth anything. I was so disappointed.
So next unnumbered title's gonna make everyone playable where they all try to find Sora, right? I mean, shit, every single character owes him. Terra didn't say a goddamn thing to him, even though he was pivotal in getting his body back.
I really loved The Carribean. Sailing around the ocean exploring every island was fun. It was like a condensed version of Wind Waker's Great Sea, but more fun.
You mean Roxas. Only he has the power to dual wield with one heart.
Does anyone find it a little strange that Square started going down the shitter the moment Disney got involved with the company?
They were proposing to make a collaborative game around the same time talks of the merger with Enix, as well as during the period when Square was overspending their budget on The Spirits Within,
not to mention it was also around the time that CEO replaced Sakaguchi.
Shit started to go seriously wrong when KH started coming to the table. Its a little coincidental..
Wait, I just realized. Was Xehanort giving the X-Blade to Sora meant to double as a sort-of Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony?
>Nomura tried to bullshit how Roxas is "the most secretive thing about 3" because he knew it was a good 70% of the plot between worlds.
Roxas should have kept Namine, Riku can have Xion. None of this "of he absorbed Repliku's feelings through osmosis" crap.
Roxas never had Namine to begin with.
t. delusional cuck
Namine is the one true cuck.
Both SE and Capcom are BACK! I promise! this time they are!
Personally I'm just waiting for critical mode to come out before I go back to it.
Her "It's him they miss. Not me." line made me feel incredibly sad for her like fuck she deserves to be loved and appreciated.
Does a game need a daily thread on Yea Forums to be considered not forgotten?
She's surrounded by friends now. She finally got what she wanted.
Except Sora, who's gone.
MoM is Sora
she had more emotion and character in that one scene than Kairi in the entire game. How the fuck did Nomura fuck up that badly?
Wheel of Fate and it’s transformations are cool as fuck. One of my favorite in the series.
Sora's mom is gay for riku?
>dies internally
Sora's obsession with saving Roxas and thanking Namine was nice. I hope they dispaly that same tenacity in trying to get him back.
SE should have approached the Story in a Nintendo way. Thinking how It could follow a fun gameplay. Of course, It would've been less complex, but better a lean, simple story than a messy, long winded fanfic.
So in that secret movie, Sora and Riku were in different cities, right? I know the city Sora was in was Shibuya, but what city was Riku in?
now imagine if kairi had a nobodoy
I'm glad Jesse still got to flex his damn good acting with these two.
It's the "same" city but framed in a way where it looks like they're in different versions of the same place like 3D.
Japan exists in the KH Clusterfuckverse?
She... literally does?
alternate version
the one from verum rex
Eh this needed to go full fanfic. It's the end of the arc so might as well go hog wild.
I haven't forgotten.
but namine isn't a nobody
He's black, probably.
Being Namine is suffering. Good thing she has Riku to pound the suffering out of her now.
Technically no, but she's the closest thing the universe could shit out when you break it's fundamental laws like Sora and Kairi did.
The Vanitas Mod is a better game than KH3
stop riku
you're only allowed to love sora
Riku is an awkward virgin so I doubt it.
Does Sora still have the X-Blade that Xehanort gave him?
He's come a long way since meeting Shiki.
Dude got NWF'd incredibly hard.
Bro have you seen his clothes? Dude is a mess.
Riku lost the Sorabowl hard in KH3.
The three faeries designed those thank you.
That's because he didn't take Shiki's fashion advice. Have you seen a teenage boy dress themselves before? They haven't got a clue.
i don't see kairi in the secret ending so
I desire Nomura's head on a pike for this shit.
I liked how Rage Form in KH3 was better balanced than Anti Form was in KH2. It's still a double-edged sword, but it's not a complete pile of shit anymore. In fact, I like forms in KH3 better overall than KH2's. They're a little broken, but better balancing could fix that.
We haven't got the extended edition yet.
I know that feel bro.
>expecting a 40 year old chuuni to write romance well (or just romance and females at all)
Sora was fly but Riku was yikes
When is Barry going to stop being mad about KH3 being better than FFXV and FFXV being eternally remembered as the worst and most unfinished FF in FF history?
I wonder if Riku ever gets frustrated at how often Sora keeps getting fucked up.
>CoM: Gets his memories fucked and goes into a year-long coma
>3D: Nearly falls to darkness due to Xehanort being an asshole
>KH3: Disappears due to overusing the Power of Awakening in order to save everyone's asses
Verum Rex and Shibuya are:
>New worlds in KH4
>New worlds + foreshadowing a Verum Rex game and TWEWY 2
>Part of the KH story
Forgot to add: Which one do you think it will be? And which one do you want it to be?
I took the gay pill just for KH3 and got burned pretty bad, but at least the straights got shat on as well.
That fucking heart shape with the hands is annoying as hell. Stop doing that shit. So embarrassing.
I want it to be the second one
I'm more interested in what Yozora's connection to Riku is. Why do they look so similar? It can't be a coincidence, considering they were created by the same character designer for the same game. Plus the name is unusual too, being a clear reference to Sora.
>gets ditched for a dog and a duck
>loser kairibowl
>has to spend next year of his life finding a way to save his friend
>takes forever to figure out what's going on
>have to operate from shadows to help friends
>female friend outs you anyway
>has to convince a teenage girl to kill herself for sora
>has to drag a teenage boy kicking and screaming to save sora
>loses himself to darkness in the process
>Sora gets baited by darkness, have to bail him out of trouble yet again
>Sora gives up and is ready to die
>have to sacrifice self and give pep talk to him
>Sora again gets into trouble by abusing power, will probably bail him out again
Sora is the worst best friend ever.
How did they get shit on?
>Sora Kairi paopu scene
>Roxas Xion reunion scene
>Terra Aqua reunion scene
>Riku Namine epilogue scene
It's a reference to the fact that KH will move on from just Disney worlds
>KH will move on from just Disney worlds
>mfw this shit again
>Sora returns
>He learns that ten years have passed on the Destiny Islands
>Kairi married someone else and has a child
It bothers me how all the characters had full combat moves and A.I., but most of them are only around for one battle each.
All these threads ending up being is retarded back and forth with some gang of douchebaskets about whether or not it's a better game than FF15. I'm far from forgetting about it, but if you expect me to talk about it around here, you're high.
No way fag.
Literally one dude has mentioned XV, and he's preemptively defending 3 from the other autist.
KH3 was a clusterfuck honestly the worst game in the entire series.
>not Days
That's only if one certain shitposter shows up. Thankfully he hasn't so far. Let's leave it at that so as to not derail the thread.
>not Union Cross
It doesn't even matter how many people are doing it. These fucking threads collapse into FF vs KH faggotry every time with the same phrases and the same webms. Every. Single. Day. It's the same as Hat in Time threads and Zelda threads. Talking about this game is a wasted effort.
There's nothing to talk about in regards to KH3. It's just a shitty action game with a bad framerate.
>inb4 he's revealed to be MoM and this statement had a second secret deeper meaning
Fair point. Gatcha shit is the absolute bottom of the barrel.
Yet none of that has happened ITT at all. You're the only one kicking up a fuss about it at the moment. Almost as if you were trying to start shit.
Well I haven't seen one do it in a while, the retard's shifted his attention to DMCV for now.
i always wondered why soras replica is a girl
Lies and slander, Roxas is for Namine.
She forms an existence from some kind of double feedback loop because she absorbed Sora's memories of Kairi through Roxas. Roxas sees her as a gestalt Kairi and she gains real self awareness instead of just being a puppet drone.
Best trio.
>no SE characters
nigger you dont see all the anime boys?? KH characters are practically the same shit. At least with those they are unrestricted.
>pitying Namine
She is a dirty fujoshi and deserves nothing less than full time bullying.
With my dick, maybe.
>Single Player Story Experience
>No News
>Everyone played it as soon as it came out.
All of these apply to Mario Odyssey and yet it was discussed consistently for at least a year after its release
>liking Tails Gets Trolled means being retarded
>Have you ever met a kindom hearts "fan" irl? Literal subhumans, the male, female and all the trash "in between".
>KH's plot only works when with textboxes.
Sounds to me like you are one of those subhuman trash you mention if you have such a garbage opinion as this.
I hope the inevitable sequel bait secret boss is MoM. He should just be fucking with Sora the whole fight but throwing out god tier magic like Stopza, Ultima and Holy.
lol imagine projecting your autismal idea of what LE ENEMY TO DA VIDYA GAME INDUSTRY is to an innocent point like that
neck yourself you mentally ill freak
thats because Yea Forums is full of manchildren that are obsessed with nintendo
INEVITABLE worlds in KH4:
>Marvel (feat. Iron Man 1)
>Star Wars (IV, or IX due to disney meddling/shilling)
>recent 3D movie
>classic pre-2000 2D movie
>Pixar (see below)
Pixar is up in the air on what they may use, and it's unknown whether we'll get anything from 2000 - 2009 from Disney's catalogue.
Has the Ultimania been scanned beyond a few pages yet?
I loved the ending. I got a reaction out of me. Hearing Don't Think Twice while seeing everybody have fun at the beach really got me good. What really got me was Hayner, Pence, Olette finally made it to the beach with Roxas
>damn good acting
did he always have a lisp?
Kingdom hearts has no spinoffs
literally never, he has a compulsion, its like a deep rooted obsession to love and defend FFXV despite the fact that it was a mediocre experience at best
It still perplexes me, of all the games to go all out assault autism over, why FFXV? as well as spazzing out over KH3 and ironically giving it more positive attention
The Verizon game
>Calling the best game in the franchise, nay, the best game ever made period, a spin-off
the last time i touched kh3 was after a week it was released. still in frozen world
This is exactly what I've wanted to happen for years now. But goddamn was it underwhelming to do so...
>mfw Zack will never go on a date with Aqua
Change verum rex into Versus and Two for the love of god! TWO!
what a fucking waste of space piece of shit game and character.
That is all
Ya know speaking of Riku I really like how he's becoming more of a playable character over the games. He should seriously have got more playtime in KH3. Well honestly I wanted to play as a lot of people in KH3 mostly Terra.
Based and redpilled.
Seething Kairi shitter
Well he only had a small fraction of the options Sora got. They were never gonna give every single character multiple forms and Links. Kinda wish each character did get a Link with Sora, though.
I could not care less about Kairi or any kairi for that matter.
I’m suspicious that they are saving more Riku for dlc.
i wanna have a 4 some with all kairis
I like to think he was internally seething when Sora told him Kairi was kidnapped again.
It's corny as fuck, but I'm glad it finally happened.
>Literally returns just to have an excuse to have Kairi killed.
They wanted to put an end to that Brick Wall meme and they did, you will NEVER forget how stupid this sequence was.
One would hope, he didn't even fucking have Flowmotion in his segments or even exist out that one area.
yeah I liked how they introduce a cool concept like heartless and nobodies then shit all over it by retconning, DMC unironically handled it way better, until V comes back do to fan demand or some shit
TBF Riku fucked himself in KH1 because he couldn't accept Sora made new friends which Caused CoM days and KH2 situation with him
"Verum Rex world" includes Shibuya, retard. Yozora and Riku are next to Shinjuku's Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building in the ending, while a banner in the toy story intro says "Shibuya shopping center". Shinjuku and Shibuya are literally next to each other in the final ending shot.
>Nobodies are the Empty shell, they are devoid of emotion because they have no hearts of their own.
>"Well what about all the emoting they were doing in CoM"
>ACKSUALLY, the Nobodies can form hearts after long enough time has passed without a heart.
In hindsight, it was very disappointing, and mediocre at best.
The story was garbage, worlds were desolate, and it lacked a few great core features, like arena and FF characters. It was really a shame that Leon and the gang were excluded after playing such important roles in helping the gang in the first two.
>Whinnie the Pooh world reduced to a mobile game hub.
I doubt Riku found where Sora is that easily. My bet is that they'll both be in Japan, but each in a Japan of a different world.
>"Well what about all the emoting they were doing in CoM"
The emoting they were doing in CoM was stated multiple times to just be an act, the only outlier was Axel feeling genuine excitement when he released Namine and that was just foreshadowing for the reveal in DDD.
Sounds like you're the one projecting here, kiddo
Based. It's the same type of deal as saying Cuphead is dead because nobody fucking talked about after 3 months since it was a singleplayer arcadey type game
Pretty sure they were genuine emotions but were gaslighted by Xemnas' saying "You're not actually emoting"
The emoting they do is often an act. Nobodies will eventually regrow hearts and emotions along with them, but it's such a gradual process that they don't realize they can feel again by the time they do get them back. The pace is different for each Nobody. After coming in contact with Sora, Axel did start to regrow his heart, hence the genuine emotions he feels in CoM and KH2, but since it was such a subtle evolution, he never noticed. On the other hand, Xemnas didn't really get his emotions back until the end of KH3.
>You get out much?
Was that a Jab at herself?
Xemnas even says that through connection to others Nobodies can grow a new heart. None of them except Roxas and Axel were really connecting to each other, so there's no doubt the emoting was actually fake as shown by Demyx. It's just that they never bothered to try experiencing real emotions except Axel and Roxas accidentally because of Xemnas' propaganda.
The speedy development of Axel's heart was attributed to Sora, though. Apparently, Sora's ability to "see a heart in anyone and anything" is pretty helpful for that sort of thing. But then Yen Sid fucked that all up by telling him that Nobodies don't have hearts. If he'd been ignorant of that, then the members of Organization XIII in KH2 might have recovered their hearts even faster. Except Xemnas, I guess.
Yen Sid redpilled Sora in 2
>Rehash of DDD this time set in modern realistic Japan with some Chris Chan-eyed faggot who's going to be shoved into the already oversized main cast.
Larxene was pretty cute at the end there.
>the best part of the nobodies narrative was not having a heart, not being their own person, and having to come to terms with that
>KH3 retcons this by fucking up that narrative with the mannequins, meaning they don't need to be whole cause apparently being whole again hurts them for some reason
Thus making CoM and KH2 pointless and Sora is forever stuck in DDD/KH3 tier stupidity cause if he wasn't then he would just be Roxas
Really is there any way to salvage the franchise now seeing 3 fucked everything up permanently?
>"Sora, I'm pregnant"
Only Xemnas found emotion painful, as he was weighed down by feelings of guilt and loneliness. The other Nobodies became Nobodies again because they wanted to achieve something in doing so.
Not to me there isn't. But I'm sure some cumsucklers will just continue on like nothing happened.
How so?
Kh and especially kh3 haters are the most unreasonable manchildren alive
How about go fuck yourself, I want my childhood joy and hype back.
>n-no u
pathetic lol
I try my best to forget.
KH hate is unreasonable if they just shit on the concept alone, but if it's about having to play multiple side games for the story with a flaccid conclusion to a big arc then it's understandable, kh3 hate on the other hand is just disappointment