What a FUCK happened to Mortal Kombat art style?
What a FUCK happened to Mortal Kombat art style?
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I miss the Blood Sport meets Power Rangers aesthetic
Is that bitch in the back just Wonder Woman painted green?
If you were to show me this picture without me knowing it was MK it would've guessed Injustice or some shit.
you posted this on /vg/ and everybody made fun of you keep crying
>art style
I don't know if you've noticed user but every triple A game from the last few years has the same creepy plastic mannequin character models. They're all aiming for a bland "realistic" look
yes bro look how realistic he looks
What do you mean? Look at MK1-3, they all changed so fucking much.
Remember when MK put in CYBORGS and female Goro???? NOPE? Then shut the fuck up, faggot.
Gentle reminder that its ok to brutally kill people but finding a woman attractive makes you a vile disgusting incel.
fat shill
This is just Injustice with violence now, Cetrion looks and plays incredibly boring.
look at this retard
>Look I summon rocks, water and fire from the ground, so cool.
Eat this shit upasshole.
daddy baraka fuck me
What art style? Mortal Kombat has been going for a realistic look from the very first game in the series.
Too much working on super heroes i guess
retards that hate mortal kombat are looking for anything to hate
It looks like some weird claymation realism hybrid style. Kind of like SFV but somehow even shittier.
I guess that she is made for injustice players in mind.
Capeshit looks cool sometimes, NRS worked on injustice so a little remains in their system.
She's a re-skinned Poison Ivy
ok can i ask you retards something you know they already had shit like this in the old games right
Eh... The tiara screams Diana to me.
Dude, people would have called Sindel "Injustice cape shit" if she came out too. Tobias was a comic book artist, he designed very comic book looking characters for MK1-3. People just forget to understand MK is a very cartoony game.
Cetrion does look bland and unimaginative though. I can't wait to see what other costumes she has.
Good looking women is misogynistic
so they make "good looking" women instead (read, butterface)
By all means, post examples of generic DC characters in MK.
calm your horses shill , i'm not saying is a bad thing
>Showing this much skin in combat
This is just not mature and realistic.
>being fucking mother nature
>not cool
Over emphasis on performance capture for the faces while streamlining the body types to ensure little alterations necessary for fatality/combat issues.
As for costume design they seem to want to emphasize nostalgia or positive representation. Neither goals are particularly bad just boring in the long run.
How does this not look like that seaweed skank in OP's pic?
i bet if they ad something like this back retards like you would be crying
this is fucking embarrassing
MK is done
>doesn't post examples
>just screams at strawmen he's invented in his head
Shills gonna shill.
because op is a retard
mice assblast fag
Ain't plant lady the same voice as The Major in Ghost in the Shell?
>Asian exploitation w/ generic western fantasy is an art style
Mortal Kombat ran it's course over a decade ago. It's merely a zombie of it's former self now.
Make sure to buy those DLC's like a good goyim.
These are ninjas, you were supposed to present DC superheroes.
what are you talking about retard
ok what are you talking about retard
so why do you fools hate this game again
MK 11 autist-kun lurks Yea Forums 24/7 to spot anti MK threads.
I'm cool with the look, I just don't like how slow it feels compared to MKX.
Boy you parrots are just stuck on loop aren't you?
I like the designs of MK11 so far, but Jacky and this whore look so out of place
It just looks like Injustice with gore, doesn't actually feel like an MK game.
It's the same guy. He's VERY defensive about Mortal Kombat 11, and possibly has legit autism. You'll see him in just about every MK 11 thread that criticizes it.
so no real arguments just saying the game looks like injustice 2 you know they are made buy the same guys right
the only thing you retards are crying about are boobs and how the game looks like injustice 2 get something original to say
not an argument not that you had any
>you know they are made buy the same guys right
Yes but MKX and Injustice 1 were still distinct, now they may as well just be the same game.
You never have any arguments yourself you retard.
you dont know what you are talking about do you
I do, because I own and have played both Injustices and MKX. MK11 took too much of a dip in the Injustice school of bland design pool and now it looks like shit.
yes lets go back to crying about the boobis
>being fucking mother nature
I'd fuck mother nature if you know what I mean, wink wink.
Why is it that cheap actors in silly costumes looked less lame than the characters in MK11
It's 2019.
This series should always just be a crossover of John Carpenter's 70s/80s filmography + ninjas.
They hired attractive actors.
what a fucking disaster this series has become
cant we go back to the MK3 days?
Because its SJW propaganda garbage, duh
>game comes out in 3 weeks
>hype levels should be at max
>instead they are rock bottom
gg NRS
>instead they are rock bottom
thinks a retard on Yea Forums thinks
>rock bottom
my normalfag friends and coworkers talk about getting it pretty often
two words: spics and niggers
b-b-b-but the boobs
Yeah I see tons of love here for Cetra or whatever the fuck
When is Samuel L Jackson shipping his own black ass back to Africa to spite Trump like he promised?
I miss the ps2 era artstyle
Wish we could get a current gen version of that stylized mk look.
the fuck are these shitty ass characters? They look so out of place.
>I miss the ps2 era artstyle
What the fuck is going on with their music team? The soundtrack sounds nothing like MK and sounds more Injustice inspired. How could they fuck up the music?
Even Kobra was better than this flower power bitch
mk9 was peak aesthetic and animation style, literally the PERFECT reboot
>mk9 was peak aesthetic and animation style
this is why nobody will take you shitposters seriously
It was certainly the closest to the original artstyle. Nowadays Mortal Kombat looks way too desaturated. The only downside was the female faces were ugly as sin.
It was obvious from the first reveal trailer that this MK would be Injustice flavored
MK9 faithfully brought the first three games' look into the seventh gen, fool
the music's been mediocre since Armageddon
>The only downside was the female faces were ugly as sin.
Sindel was probably the best looking MK9 girl, even though she looked like Stiffler's mom.
Please leave, Yea Forums
Is that supposed to be fucking Kabal?
>knowing the alias of a superhero that's given in the game makes me Yea Forums
You gonna get mad if I call Superman Clark or Batman Bruce too?
>summons water
Rain deconfirmed
Yes, you absolute faggot.
are you blind
That's actually the Flash from a post apocalyptic world
You mean Barry?
You fucking mong, Barry is short for Baraka.
>skin showing
Um sweetie that is problematic and immature.
you forgot r*ddit, r*dditfriend
>muslim kombat
>now it's DC kombat