Persona 5 is the game of this generation

Persona 5 is the game of this generation.

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Yes, we already know zoomers like this game

>muh zoomers


>weeb anime game

choose one

I want to fuck futaba

The game itself is not that great, unless you have every S-Link maxed and are able to benefit from the rewards, but once you do, it becomes enjoyable.

Attached: Annoying Orange Flossing.gif (480x480, 652K)

absolutely fucking not

Breath of the wild is.

oh no NO NO don't let BBfags see this!

>this generation

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It took so long to release that it ended up coming out during the 8th generation, so yes, it qualifies.

if P5 doesn't count neither does this

People don't actually like BOTW though. Even people on Yea Forums only defend its popularity rather than the game itself. Persona 5 is still regularly praised well after its release while the only time people bring up BOTW is to shitpost rather than talking about the game since there's not much to it.

We like fortnite

Bloodborne is extremely overrated since it's an exclusive. I'm a huge Soulsfag and I loved BB but its godly status on this board is not deserved. I prefer Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 3 over BB.

Persona 4 came out in 2008 nigger. It's still gen 6.



Go back

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Wasn't even game of the year, remember that in the same year Yakuza 0 and Breath of the Wild released.

It was JRPG of the year
