Do you ever get angry at BULLSHIT difficulty in videogames Yea Forums?
imagine crying over a video game lol
Uhh, just spam parry bro?
*uses a non thrust attack*
heh, nothing personell lad
why are weebs so bad at vidya?
>Shinobi Hunter still has 2 deathblows left
>Meaning he doesn't even have the brain capacity to start the fight with a stealth attack from the literal fucking wall of bushes they give you
No wonder he didn't have the brain cells necessary to even reguard and stop his stagger for an ez Mikiri Counter
Casualfags exposed
>King Arschfick
>anime weeb filtered
This game just keeps getting better and better
Mikiri counter is the posture pleb filter for you cucks
of all the enemy types in this game, he gets filtered by the shinobi hunter? He did well to give up this game would destroy someone so weak.
Stealth attacks are basically cheating, if you dont fight the boss from beginning to end like intended then... I don't know, may as well use cheat codes?
lmao I beat Shinobi Hunter on my first try and I was garbage back then. Literally just one fucking sneak attack and after that I just spammed parry with 2-3 attacks after his combos, he died in like 20 seconds
>die in a video game
>literally start shaking and crying, punching and hitting things around you like a baby
so this is the power of estrogen therapy...
>weeb tries to play an actual video game
>gets filtered
and that's a good thing
>have anger issue
>constantly play frustrating games
>punched and thrown tvs multiple times
>already gone through 4 tvs this year alone
It's either I break my tvs or I kick someones ass
No, because I'm not a child who just mashes buttons instead of learning the very simple mechanics of a game.
Nigga what
>Starts throwing a tauntrum
>Dangan Ronpa background
Like pottery.
>Place miniboss literally touching the metric assload of bushes and facing away from it to boot
Hmm, I wonder what the devs intended for you to do. Stealth attacks on minibosses are far from cheating if their placement literally gives you a massive opportunity to do so. If you're good at the game, sure, edgewalk toward them and fight them at full, but the stealth option is there for people who aren't so good, like the one clipped in OPs vid
>or i kick someones ass
wow user so cool how is middle school going so far
grow up you fuckin baby
you could just
not be an angry loser
This. Stealthing minibosses is basically cheating, and makes you a fucking casual that I don't want on Yea Forums
>already gone through 4 tvs this year alone
Sure you did buddy
>unblockable attack goes through a block
That was the easiest mini boss in the game lmao
[x] Respecting women [x] Sucking moderator cock [x] Audio volume too low [x] Stutter and buffering [x] Laundering money [ ] TriHard [ ] WinWaker [ ] brainSlug [x] HotPokket [x] PJSalt
>use game mechanics and skill point earned to defeat enemies.
>literally a Shinobi
stay mad Samurai scum
watch the whole part of this
he says "literally" in every sentence
>weeb filtered
maybe he should go back to erping in FFXIV lmfao
new xiu xiu album sounds fantastic
Damn, was playing Sekiro this afternoon and got to a part on Ashina Castle where you fight a mini-boss and his purple ninja minion at the same time. Fucking insane.
Can we get some more Sekiro rage clips? I want to see casuals cry
That was my easiest boss. Fireworks and when he is stunned than attack. If you dodge the thrust than you attack from behind.
Nah, I'm not terrible.
git gud.
What's there to explain? You're willfully playing easy mode.
Oh look it's the same argument DaSfags use against magic users.
Stealth kill the minion before the fight
stop shilling yourself
massive faggot
this guy isn't even bad compared with "giant damage sponge enemies that can hit you even when you're completely behind them and kill you in 2 hits"
bullshit invisible hitboxes
>general is surrounded by riflemen
>they open fire immediately upon seeing you
>general rushes you
They don't give a fuck about muh 1v1 me kid
Same game, same argument, different mechanic.
The endless cycle continues.
If you're talking about the one in the dojo room that takes the place of the blue robed samurai miniboss, then all you gotta do is crouch in and to the left, backstab/Puppeteer Ninjutsu the minion, then begin the fight. ezpz.
>Stealthing minibosses is basically cheating
Some other game mechanics that are cheating are any of the Shinobi Tools, thrusts, combat arts, any consumables that aren't pellets, and posture breaking.
Puppet the minion for an easy 2v1 fight
Yeah, pretty sad...
Is that a theme or a custom background? Junko makes me eccusplode.
Try to break your controler instead.
Puppet AI is so unpredictable, died multiple times because i was cought in its attack
>ironic weeb with "Serenity" in his name ragequits a game and breaks his controller
what a faggot hahahahaha
If you were truely good at the game you would actually fight and outskill them rather than
>sneak attack
>run away so they lose
>second sneak attack
It's not possible. Their positions on the place make impossible to stealth any of them even with that green item.
Well its good to know that you didnt play the game user because if you did, you would know that running aways resets their HP
>kick someones ass
Wow what a badass.
Its easy as fuck, go from the ashina dojo idol, turn left immediately
No one ever said you had to use real cheese by breaking AI aggro and spamming stealth attacks, but using one to open a fight is perfectly fine, and even encouraged by the level design in many instances. If you wanna RP a super honorabu samurai and begin every miniboss fight with a bow, you're free to do so, but no one else has to play by your imaginary honor rules in a single player video game
hahaha holy fuck imagine rage-quitting over one of the easiest mini-bosses in the game
wow what a manchild. let me guess, single mother?
It's not possible if you enter the room through the window
Is this you OP?
>fighting honourably
I had to get there from Kuro's idol. The others are deactivated. Maybe you can stealth one of them if you start at ashina dojo but was not my case. Did kill the fuckers, that fucker poison ninja faggot.
Yeah you're fucking retarded might as well give up now
Nah, those cost resources and require intelligent use to take advantage of them. Stealthing is literally "me press button enemy half ded now" for literally every situation.
If he’s going to ragequit at the shinobi hunter there’s no way he could ever finish the game.
Sekiro is pure DSP kino
DSP is completely losing it
t.Tsuboku Kazegawa the samurai nigger
Well yeah, if you want to stealth kill the minion its kinda the long way around. You have to go to antechamber first and work your way up to dojo. Or go from Isshins room
>hurrr you're supposed to be respectful and give the boss a fair advantage!!!
You sound like those anons who get upset over the "unfairness" of black guys working together to take down some random guy trying to instigate a fight
next time try spinning your neck until you see everything black, it will relax you and control your anger.
as opposed to double mother? fucking retard
>expecting AI to switch to 1v1 mode
what are you, honoru gay person ?
What a fucking terrible analogy. I agreed with you until you literally used nigger logic.
okay you're pretty funny guy
>complains about Sekiro, yet plays KH, God Eater and Senran Kagura
>using pellets
what are you, a fucking koi?
>Back up into a wall
He hasn't changed
Isn't saying "this is fucking gay" a bannable offense on twitch?
>"i hate this bullshit combat, i do. I hate it with passion"
...why play it?
I unironically followed a few of his episodes.
He's a meathead asshole, but it's interesting to see his irritated persistence.
I relate sometimes.
>plays on a cucktroller
>complains about camera
the eternal scapegoat
>oh no, why cant i mikiri a sweep attack, wtf game
People actually watch this guy?
fucking trolled you niggers cry more
>cost resources and require intelligent use to take advantage of them
Imagine this is skill and not cheese.
>I was merely a faggot all along, as you've claimed. gg
Yes you fucking bigot
I'm banned from his channel and I don't remember ever watching him
>subject sin subject
wow OP you are the whole package
>complains about Sekiro, yet plays *insert casual games for babies here*
what's the problem
o fug u got me
Best part is that he is about to walk in on another one armed boss guy again.
Merely pretending
I have tried to beat him for hours
>not using migiri counter
jesus OP is bad
This thing
You don't sound too smart. Could have just gone through the dojo and re-activated the Idol on the other side of the two ninjas room.
You're so fucking stupid, holy shit lol. The fact that you have to outskill them for one bar is enough to show you outskill them. Doing the second life does literally nothing except prolong a fight you already know how to win.
That's why people who have actual phases or at least different fighting styles for every life bar can't be stealth'd.
Now kill yourself you fucking waste of oxygen.
But for me the gimmick was fighting the two faggots at the same time.
My advice, go for the head. Yes even in second stage
The point of that post is that people irl don't give a shit about fighting fair, not during some random street encounter at least. Besides, going by his logic, you're supposed to be trying to rescue your feudal lord in this game, not trying to pick a fight with random people in hopes that you'd have a good time. If time was of the essence and their life was on the line as a result, fighting dirty would be a necessity.
Isshin is literally laughing from beyond the grave at the stupidity of your post.
I got in right when he left for a break, what did he get stuck on this time?
>go for the head
Some fag was claiming you can use the spear to pull out the centipede in the second phase for massive damage but I never got it to work and just beat it normally. Is that shit actually true?
You sound like a faggot that wants to 1vs1 everyone and Bow before duel and afterwards in Dark Souls. Its a Ninja game, you can play like Ninja faggot.
You just wasted all your spirit emblems to kill an enemy that literally only has 2 attacks and kills itself
haha is that poopoo
You forgot resting at idols, resurrecting after death, parrying attacks, and using any of the grappling hook prompts on enemies.
Unironically doing it wrong. You might have won this fight, but you really need to learn how to Mikiri Counter or later (mini)-bosses will rape you into oblivion.
Yeah, I figured it out naturally just on assumption that ramming a spear into a gaping neckhole would do pretty good. Was surprised to see a giant centipede fly out. Does massive posture damage.
I bet you also think its cheating to not stand at attention and bow before pvp fighting
Yes, he needs to be laying down after that big sword fall he does after you deflect it. You use Spear on his neck and pull out centipede for a moment.
I suspect it's similar to why women watch reality drama shit. So they can feel better about themselves.
I find this hard to believe. Ill have to try it out when i start ng+
Wasted around 15s for a miniboss instead of 2 minutes of fucking deflecting. Also oh no spirit emblems, the cheapest shit that drops like crazy.
What a surprise
Literally the first boss cheats during his fight even if you beat him fairly and makes witty remark about honor vs winning
There is no bullshit difficulty, only bad players.
If it was possible for him to do that, then he wouldn't have this problem to begin with.
>think game is hard as balls and worse that any souls game
>actually learn the combat and get good
>now the game is boring as shit and still worse than souls game
As the other user said, make sure it's when he falls over after deflecting his big sword slashdown. Don't wanna assume you're retarded, but also make sure you hit the tool button again to actually yank the spear back after the thrust. Worked every time for me. You could also test it out The second time you fight the ape in the Sunken Valley if you haven't already
It's really not about wasting emblems, it's solely about being stupid as fuck. That boss completely wrecks himself by simply deflecting his double slash. Do it twice and he is posture broken. Saying "hurr emblems are in abundance anyway" is the same shit fools who can't manage their money say "hurr dude, I earn 2k a month, why should I not waste 300 bucks on a completely useless thing I won't use a week later".
uh, just mikiri counter bro?
But its still faster. I pay resources to deal with this fucker faster.
>2 minutes
takes speedrunners 10 seconds to kill him
I learn my lesson how spear works against the armored bell dude. Already beat the game, so ill have to get to that point again. Thanks for the info though.
yeah kojimas a fucking asshole
i wonder if it actually was a troll after all
I think sekiro was the last fromsoft game i bought. Maybe if they go back to combat like ds1 ( with some tweaks to the silly backstabs ) but this whole jump dodge parry gameplay is not for me annymore
Plenty of mini bosses cannot be sneak attacked because they become instant aware when you're in their area, or they just have plain immunity such as headless. The only exception that you might be able to argue is abuse is getting 2/3 bars of corrupted monk since the second bar seems to be a glitch and isn't supposed to be doable normally
In every case that sneak attacks are available though, you're meant to use them, or at least consider them. Hell there's one mini boss where it's impossible to sneak up to him but you easily can sneak attack a generic enemy in the room and puppet him for assistance.
This is not muh honor soulsborne pvp, you're a shinobi not a samurai or a knight, you aren't supposed to play fair
>tranny weeb
there is no unholier combination of degeneracy on this world of ours
Dude spams those attacks faster than you can get off a prosthetic attack. Its not faster.
wait the bell dude can be stripped? fucking hell I beat him normally
>Check out some random speedrunner on youtube how fast they deal with him
>Some guy died first try
God that made me laugh too much.
You can't sneak attack both bars you fucking dumbass.
BB2 is next so it's fine
Hey boys its your favorite mini boss.
Armor stripping really only works on the ogre dudes, and only a select few at that like said bell dudes and the 2 whole ogres in the entirety of Senpou Temple. Honestly a missed opportunity on half the heavily armored mini-bosses, dunno why they included it as a feature since its so scarcely utilized.
I actually think the second bar is intended while the first is a glitch. To get the second bar you need to jump on the tree that might give you insight how the illusion works which allows you to deathblow the monk.
The first deathblow is silly considering Monk should be instantly aware of you since she jumps on the bridge to fight you.
>Being a dumb rage baby
Its really not, that could be the first mini boss you find and is designed around teaching you how to stop thrusts, you get the skill to counter them (First skill in the tree that you should easily have by then) or deflect. He did not even try to react, you can deflect that hit or dodge into him to counter the thrust and stop his attacks
Was his response reasonable?
Still no idea how to beat her grab, just cheesed her out with the overhead slash.
Yeah, you can hear about it when you eavesdrop two dudes in front of the wall/gate to the boss. You can also strip off armor from the 3rd drunkard that spits fire
I had no idea you could strip armor from any of the enemies in Senpou.
>Wasting spirit emblems
Literally impossible to do, you get them fucking everywhere the game shoves them down your throat every chance it gets, Yea timing a double deflect is a simple way of doing it, or you can just press one button a few times and kill him anyway
I have a normal ps4. so It will probably run like shit. no way I'm buying a pro
>dunno why they included it as a feature since its so scarcely utilized.
Honestly this, feel likes half of the tools have no use 90% of the time until it suddenly comes up as some guys secret weakness.
it unironically is.
just.... don't be near it?
You can deflect it or just dodge away. The timing's tough though.
Do you mikiri counter by dashing into them, or does it just replace the dash with the counter if you do it with the right timing, making direction irrelevant?
Bloodborne is piss easy and encourages imprecise inputs unlike Sekiro, they're not even in the same ball park.
It's gonna be a PS5 title so you'll have to buy a new console anyway
The problem is she would start it while I was attacking her. I'd try to jump away or even to the left and she's just snap to me and bruch my foot with her stick causing me to be sucked in to it.
Have to dash into enemy.
Neutal dash while locked on to them, if they touch you with their thrust while you're dashing you counter them.
Oh okay, no wonder it gave me such trouble. I thought it replaced the dash, instead of requiring you to dash into them
>I acted like a little fucking bitch
at least the tranny can admit that
You have to dodge when she already brought the blade down, not before.
you know you can parry her grab too, right?
>drop by DSPs stream
>health bar is huge
>one attack takes 1/3 of his health
What's even the point of health upgrades in this game? I've seen grab attacks that can take this entire health bar even with end game stats. Seriously, what the point?
Too late to practice it now, I'll try it next playthrough.
Because Souls faggots will complain if you dont have leveling in a game.
did you expect the enemies to do the same damage all throughout the game????
You know a Shinobi doesn’t give a shit about honour right? They’re literally assassins ands spies
There's another enemy like that.
They do but their code is different.
The devs literally put in them regenerating their health and deathblows if you lose agro with them. They know you'll try and stealth attack his first healthbar and then be forced t actually fight them.
if they didnt want you getting a stealth hit on bosses they wouldnt have that be an option
>People actually play Sekiro with english dub
You can counter and evade literally everything and you have revives and a shitton health items.
Why would you cheese the easiest mini boss in the game?
>wasted all your spirit emblems
I had like 300 by the time I beat the game, and that miniboss is right next to an idol
does he actually take more damage to the head like midir?
>using this video as evidence
Not helping your case, I love the cheesiness of the dub.
There's literally no reason to play in english but that doesn't make that voice-acting bad
Fuck you, that's the best line in the dub, everybody else sounds so dull and disinterested, this guy is the only one that tried and I respect that
I thought grabs couldnt be deflected
Post more gamer rage
I need it right now Yea Forums
The only bullshit fight in Sekiro is Demon of Hatred because it feels like a discarded Bloodborne boss and is completely out of place combat-wise
Put down your sword.
but this is fucking great you fucking weeb
dub = soul
sub = soulless
It doesn't take more damage but more posture damage.
>Souls chad vs sekiro virgin
I'm seriously considering changing to the dub. Everything sounds boring in the sub.
>Sekiro exposes all soulsfags as casuls
this is the best timeline
Does this game have one or more pleb filters? Or is it just a straight ramp up?
I feel like I am at a point now where every area I haven't explored yet is three times as hard as the last one
>do you ever fake anger to get some quick and easy followers on your twitch channel?
fixed that for you
>breaks his controller in the beginning of the game and then sounds like hes gonna cry like a bitch
30 mins of him defending himself after flipping out
There are quite a few pleb filters depending on which of the games mechanics you're bad at and a few which are just over all really tough fights your first play through.
>Some ogre guy wants a 'White flower'
>Find pinwheel that is white
>"Oh thats the flower!"
>Can you 'spirit me away'
>You mean the fan? Fine, *swoosh*
>Animation of panicking and he is out
What the fuck did i do?
Hes fine
You sent the poor, innocent guy to the Shadow Realm™. Go look for him in the hall of illusions and he'll give you something
What the fuck, that line is awesome. You have no taste.
Go to the Ape Escape shrine
>plays Senran Kagura
Was there any question this guy is a fucking shitter?
nah, thrusts, grabs and shit can be parried but the timing is tight as af
the drunkard was the hardest boss in the game for me and still is even after beating the game honorably without using prosthetics or item cheese
>breaks controller
amazing get fucked kid
One thing I like in games with adjustable difficulty is when you get an unlock for completing the game on standard difficulty and then one for completing it in a quick amount of time, etc. I like how it feels as if you're gearing up for the hardest difficulty.
I like how RE2 remake does it, but I feel like there could have been an unlock beating it on standard.
I still can't beat the Shinobi Hunter. I haven't figured out the timing for Mikiri yet.
Please don't make fun of me.
You playing NG or NG+? If its NG here is the timing, SPAM IT mikiri don't care about timing it cares if its thrust that cannot be blocked.
Just because Sekiro doesn't have a menu to select difficulty doesn't mean there isn't easy and hard modes for encounters. If you ran around clearing out all the enemies and then ran away and stealth blowed the drunkard you did it on easy mode. Using stealth blows, firecrackers, snap seeds, and ash is cheesing; if you abuse it you are playing on easy mode. No you're not smart or clever for coming up with the idea to use it especially when you can abuse the same low skill, low IQ strategy for literally every encounter.
These are one of the few quibbles with the game. The windup to actual attack is a bit wonky on some of the enemies.
NG, sadly.
So I just need to mash B whenever I see the red kanji?
Just mash, also not just B you have to read the skill description and see that its Forward + Dash not just Dash.
The entirety of the neutral(forward) evading animation becomes a mikiri. Don't be afraid to be slightly more preemptive. From that point onwards its you getting accustomed to seeing thrusts and recognizing mini-bosses/bosses movesets to know what's coming.
No, don't do it too early, sometimes the kanji pops up early but the boss delays the attack for a second so you miss the parry and get rekt, you don't need to mash it one press is enough and also you don't need any movement input just B is enough since it launches you forward anyway and any additional input might screw it up
Oh my fucking god. I'm a literal retard.
Thanks, anons.
>he hasn't played sekiro
doesnt have to necessarily be forward+b, you just have to dash towards the enemy
you can practice on the undead guy in the main hub
No, its both neutral and forward.
>not taking out the first bar with stealth attack
Fucking scrubs.
If you actually dodge in that direction by chance yes. But why would you gamble that?
>VN weeb loving faggot gets absolutely buttblasted over Sekiro miniboss.
Fucking kino.
The spears didn't bother me as much as the grabs. Spears are easy to counter but grabs are just fucking stupid, just like the other Souls games. I always end up just running and jumping away as far as possible when I see that shit because I can't trust the hitbox.
It's not really the hitbox, it's the crazy tracking on the grabs.
neutral dash is foward dash. however dashing foward with stick instead of just neutral dash with lock on leaves room for deviation and you might not always hit the hitbox for mikiri. I've died many times doing a 5 degree angle dash foward only to dash towards the target and die to thurst.
>huge weeaboo gets his shithole remodeled by sekiro then proceeds to throw a tantrum and cry
Sekiro is definitely game of the year.
Because sometimes, even though you think you're holding forward, in the heat of the moment you might not even notice that you weren't and even a slight deviation from it results in no mikiri since you're not aligned. Couple it with input lag and its even more likely. I found neutral B when possible for mikiri to be the most consistent.
I only really get heated during multiplayer games, it must be the competitive spirit burning within me. With single player games, I can just take a break and try again in a bit.
>Everything sounds boring in the sub.
i've been saying this shit for fucking years and NOW people are starting to realize?
worst i ever did was chipping something off inside my ps2 controller in ffx chocobo race
>Danganronpa 1
>Danganronpa V3
>But no 2
That's the one thing that really gets my noggin joggin.
When I fought ramuh in dissidia nt first time. that fucking cock sucker, worthless ass silver allies feeding him bravery and it's dumb because not even the end boss summon was even a fraction as difficult. the rest of the summons were a joke compared to ramuh. i don't get it.
It's danganronpa 1-2, dumb dumb
>Those fucking borderline-bass boosted thumps
>5 Kids
I will never understand.
real talk the fact that you trip over yourself and stumble about like a toddler every time you get hit is actually fucking annoying
>5 Kids
>mfw killed rape ape first try
Not sure what you're talking about just don't get hit ;)
you need to do safety roll if you stumble. ie mash dodge when you lose your footing. you cant just spam deflect like people like to meme.
Video isnt even playing.
Are you trying to shill your twitch on Yea Forums or what
shitters and bandwagoners get filtered
where my demons souls niggas at?
Wtf this boss is piss easy.
Imagine raging over a tutorial tier mini boss lmao
Say hi to them from me
>game tells you the experience would be better in japanese
>one of the few games where people actually talk on their native language based on the game's location
>this is something people always complain about
>"lol why they talk in japanese if they're americans" or vice versa
>still play in english
what the fuck is wrong with gamers holy shit.
Your definition of cheating is misguided.
>soul searching
>being a transtrender isn't making me anymore popular so i've decided to stop doing it
fuck off weeb. anyone who listens to jap audio but doesn't speak jap is a wanker
Based as fuck
at least if it's in japanese you don't realize the voice actor was some fucking hobo they picked up from an underpass
You sound like a PvPbaby who cries when people in Dark Souls use a mechanic called "Invasion" to fuck you over rather than fight 1v1.
How the fuck does he have this much HP. I'm at Isshin and even now I have maybe 70% of that.
lmao seethe harder, did you know there's other languages besides american?
You literally can't sneak attack both bars dumbass, if they reset aggro then their deathblows come back too.
Why does this boss fuck so many ppl up? His spear all requires huge wind ups and his posture is shit. I literally just rushed his ass into a wall and didnt let him breathe
nice owl "fight"
only runs away and waits for the plunge attack to get a cheap hit.
He's right, even DSP makes those bosses look easy and that retard doesn't use shinobi prosthetic or combat arts.
Casual will not agree with this. Stealth in Sekiro is the most boring shit.
Yes, fuck these guys. Most enemies in Dead Cells are reasonably fair but these cunts are not and they make ever being cursed simply suicidal.
>Playing a visual real-time medium
>Have to look down and read to understand wtf the enemies are saying as they fight me
No thanks, fag
Stop shilling this tranny DSP. This faggot loves the attention.
Shit game
Im surprised by the amount of people that had problems with the ape arround here
I died way more to other bosses
His attacks seemed way to telegraphed and he gave you a ton of free hits after finishing combos
I think he was the first real boss that I killed in one try
This was literally me 5 minutes ago, BUT instead of breaking my stuff I deleted this piece of shit "fun" game. Thank god I never buy games.
Pirates always win.
Fuck you Seven Spears.
>Decide to restart clean from any deaths
>going well
>haha here's the dumb bull I destroyed in one shot the first time
>now he rekt my shit 3 times
Fuck me
>turns out he need to slam his head on a wall to get stunned and I was simply unlucky 3 times in a row
yeah i do which means unlike you i understand the important of inflection to understanding the meaning of what someone says, which is why it's fucking retarded to listen to shit in another language so you can stare at subtitles the whole time while wondering if the character was being sarcastic or not
beta soiboy detected
not the based
It's pretty cringe to do with final fantasy or whatever but it seemed like an obvious choice for this game. I don't even read the subtitles half the time because video game stories are a joke.
>playing video games
Filtered and exposed by based miyazaki casual summonfags.
I bet that you kids gank invaders in your spare time too.
After having played the game in japanese and english, I have to say english is much better at certain points.
enjoy your vacation ;)
I have to agree.
But let them gank or I have nothing to gank-spank.
this fight was unironically one of the most fun because it felt clean as shit deflecting his big as fuck sword hit after hit
DownSyndromePhile currently has 750+ viewers.
Explain this, Yea Forums.
Why dont you just Mikiru counter
On point.
Sekiro babbies have no idea what true bullshit looks like.
Do people really get angry enough to break stuff when playing vidya?
>literally lost so hard he gave up completely on trying again
>pirates always win
you're a bitch, not a pirate. walk the plank, landlubber
if you parry his charge he falls over
just pop a fire resistance powder beforehand so he doesnt set you on fire while you parry
super easy
It is. The english dub in Sekiro is better than the one in the DS games. They put a ton of effort in.
I never trust the hitboxes of such large unique bosses so I just evade
How do you parry a CHARGING BULL anyway? That's not how physics work
>How do you parry a CHARGING BULL anyway? That's not how physics work
never heard of jujutsu? you use your opponents own momentum against them to get them to lose their posture and fall
He said non thrust.
You can deflect thrust attacks without mikiri, just not block them, so fucking up deflect is punished
Well, that's why he died. He didn't do that
He's posting here to advertise his twitch you absolute fucking retards
So Genichiro's fight went from being near impossible to easiest fight ever after killing Lady Butterfly and getting a power up upgrade.
I feel robbed
filtered lmao
thank you Miyazaki
You don't seem to get it.
Because I pirated it I don't feel the need to beat or finish it. I didn't spent a cent, I just lost some hours.
Sekiro is not fun at all. How can memorizing the same moves over and over again, until you finally beat a boss be fun? I will never understand this. But I'm glad I don't.
you were beaten. you lost. you're a loser.
end of story
How's it like to have tast this fucking trash?
genichiro is always a fucking joke
lady butterfly probably just teached you how to L1
your average retarded duelfag. back to souls with you, please. dickass ninja adventures is obviously not the game for you
>y-your controller died bro
>you were beaten. you lost
By pixels, yeah. So what? Don't tell me you walk over to your family/friends and tell them how you beat those Sekiro bosses. I seriously hope you don't do this.
>you're a loser
Nah, I just don't enjoy these kind of games. I finished all Dark Souls games, THESE were fun and the challanges were satisfying, but Sekiro is just bullshit.
It's really not bullshit you just gave up before you got a handle on the game.
>you just gave up before you got a handle on the game
Yeah right, because From games tend to explain EVERYTHING in their games, right? I have no time for this bullshit.
>Sekiro is bullshit because it requires you to press more than 2 button (attack and dodge)
this is the attitude of a loser. if you weren't you'd admit your faults
If you can't tell emotion or if a voice actor is good or not just because you don't know the language, you might actually be autistic
>can’t beat the boss in stealth
>stealth kill is cheating!
if dark souls had stealth on bosses that instantly took away 50% of their HP would it not be cheating?
>game is about being a ninja
>stealth is cheating
NG+2 without Kuro's charm is a special kind of hell. Double monkey trouble is kicking my ass.
But everything is explained in this game. I was struggling with it up until I fought Genichiro when everything suddenly clicked. Once the game becomes muscle memory it's really a ton of fun because you don't have to think, you just act.
>even minibosses kill you in literally 1 hit
You guys have to be kidding and/or trolling.
>be a ninja
>do ninja things
>stealth attacks are cheating
You are still just a pup.
>if game has gameplay element x, would it not be cheating to use x?
it's almost like the game is punishing you for failing
fucking lmao, imagine all the losers who are just like him who couldn't complete the game on normal, let alone completing with bell demon + no kuro's charm
lol more like all soulslike are a meme
this is why you watch the start up animation buddy.
the problem is jsut when bcs of awkward camera angle that red warning sign blocks my visions of theri hands. feelsbadman.
but all in all sekiro was pretty fair.
>using your brain is basically cheating
-la creatura
literally just walk away lol
(((who))) makes up those days ?
where is the anti depravity day ?
IMAGINE being this fucking retarded
It's really not that difficult, user.
Yes specifically this game. I also snapped games I don’t like in the past or I get stuck in that have inane bullshit. Like I beat the 3rd crash bandicoot in the remaster collection but I couldn’t beat 1 or 2 so I snapped it and put it in the bin.
Yes I have anger issues. But there is some gay bull shit in videogames. I would snap sekiro but my brother is playing it intermittently but yeah I got filtered at guardian ape but I got to his second phase today but then he catches me out and I die and then I die again. It’s just gay how there is one play style in this game. Is there a faster way to get the white nigger apes posture down without using firecrackers?
yeah, FROM games are hard in a way that is fundamentally broken and couldn't even be fixed by multiple difficulty settings
most of the games' difficulty comes from random unforeseeable enemy movesets and timings. If you wanted to be a faggot nerd, you could just research every area and enemy first and the games wouldn't be very hard. If you go into them trying to play them like a game that is actually good, without any prerequisite work, you get a lot of extra time and frustration out of random shit happening that kills your character instantly and puts you back at the checkpoint.
tranny furry
this is something I'd usually think and say, but I've been an angry little crying fucking faggot and broken my shit in my past(early teens) and I can tell you right now. No one breaks the ever living FUCK out of their controller unless they've lost control. And if the quiver in his voice is acting then he should be making millions for his talents.
get on the otherside of the enemy facing your puppet and just wombo combo them, thrust attacks are good too for dealing a ton of damage while staying out of range.
You just gave me ptsd flashbacks.
I get mad at myself because it's my fault usually
I only agree to this post in terms of all soulsborne dlc and sekiro. But base game Dark Souls 1 and bloodborne are pretty much perfect apart from some optional gay bosses.
Sekiro it’s all annoying bullshit soulsborne level dlc in terms of difficulty.
What game?
That spear guy was a cunt straight up.
>tranny is also a weeb into games like danganronpa and senran kagura
Like poetry.
I had a lot of trouble with demon of hatred because I couldn't see the red kanji in front of the big, red, angry faggot.
I mean if you plan properly in sekiro by banking your cash and filling up your next skill point before a boss or miniboss death and by extension dragonrot have very little impact.
I mean in the early AC games you had to clear entire, long-ass missions with no repair/rearm points and if you start going into the red you can't even buy anything to mix things up until you literally get repo'd.
You type like reddit, you fucking pussy faggot.
Constantly, but I never break anything or quit.
Loooooool thisnigga lost to early game minibosses
I didn't even get my resurrection node at that point
Kek this, I spent all my cash and skills before a boss, but it turns out I kill them in 2-3 tries.
Ay lmao people aren’t allowed to have different tastes guys!
Look at me I’m part of the club! God speed pirates.
If you consider this difficulty "fundamentally broken" I don't even want to fucking know what you'd consider a not broken game to be holy shit.
I pirated it as well my nigga, I still died some and beat the game. Maybe stop being shit looool
During way of the wise on Nioh when a boss would do 20 times my health in the first attack of their combo string when I had max health and the best heaviest armor in the game. I was just yelling to the god, begging for more nukes to be dropped.
I'm not a sub/dub autistic but every character other than Owl and Genichiro sounds like utter horseshit. That Noshir Dalal faggot who voiced wolf and the nog from Red Dead as well as the chick they got to voice both Kuro and the Divine Child with the same exact fucking voice should never get work again ever in their lives.
He raises a legitimate concern though. I remember when I first played dark souls and thought it was hard. Then on subsequent play throughs it was piss easy because you learn everything about the game. Its trial and error and it’s the same with sekiro albeit that sekiro requires you to really nail the deflect system. I’m still suck on the guardian ape but I’m getting better each time. Is it really ‘true difficulty’ (what ever that is) or is it just because the first time you go in you don’t know the boss or area so unless you are incredibly fast learner then these games can seem harder than most especially sekiro since you can only play one way unlike souls and bloodborne.
He cant because he got parried by the mob
This is the wrongest it's ever been. Sekiro explains most of its shit unless it wants you to lose. You have an NPC dedicated to training, on screen tutorials when new mechanics are introduced, a glowing red sign when unblockable attacks come, eavesdropping on NPCs, multiple revives, a checkpoint every two minutes, and even then most enemies stick to the same patterns and require the same type of counters.
Compare the start of DS1 which has two areas next to the hub which enemies you can't normally kill, or the invisible frenzy traps in Bloodborne, to the fight before Genichiro being DUDE LIGHTNING JUMP TO DEFLECT LIGHTNING HERE'S BUFFS FOR LIGHTNING
Trail and error is literally the intended gameplay loop of Souls games.
>5 kids
>Stuck with this thing
Nukes when
Haha I salute you then nigger tits. You are part of the good problem. Please keep pirating unfair games. Arigato. I bought it and I want to snap it.
>Breaks his controller
>Dangan ronpa background
>PAID for jump force
What a pathetic human being.
>Hesitation is defeat
Playing it on fucking mute with no subtitles would be better than the English audio retard. It's literally some of the worst voice acting ever done.
Yes what a human being having tangible faults. Get off it dude.
People that break their own property over losing at a video game are less than human.
It’s pretty gay though that this every from game. It’s just trial and error and muscle memory. There is no dynamic difficulty. It’s incredibly rigid game design in terms of difficulty almost like a NES or SNES game.
>Sekiro needs an easy mode
>I don't like sekiro and that's alright
>I'm not bad at sekiro it's just not my kind of game
Not really. People have different problems. I’m sure you have some particularly nasty things you do. We all do it might not be breaking stuff for you but you could be a pedo that jacks off to loli trash.
You'll never be a real woman
Holy seething
Just get better at the game bro I promise it ain't hard kek
Every time I feel like whining about some shit in the game, I just come to a Sekiro thread. Without fail, there's some big salty faggot crying in such a way that I am ashamed to have allowed myself to become frustrated with the game likewise.
>random unforeseeable enemy movesets and timings
Nigger, come on. You're not expected to 'foresee' enemy attacks, you're supposed to react to them. Everything is telegraphed and the timing on deflections an Mikiri counters is beyond generous.
It always astounds me how so many people in the world just don't read tutorials or the information that is given to you to be become a better player. If he was a smart player he would've known to identify thrusts attacks to use the Mikiri counter
>Why won't the enemies get out of my way and let me play the game?
>What do you mean that's the game?
Thanks for pirating please continue to destabilise this shitty industry.
This. Everyone who disagrees needs to watch a first playthrough of any of the games and watch what kills them the most. Because the systems are so jank and simplistic it relies on unorthodox animations to create difficulty.
>super fast dozen-hit combo out of nowhere
>delayed swing
>intentional feint and then an even more delayed swing
It's just memory autism.
i killed that nigger in the first couple hours lol. casual filter, not even a real boss
I bought my friend a copy though :P
>Everyone who disagrees needs to watch a first playthrough
Everyone who disagrees has actually played the game and overcome the 'bullshit' that your e-celeb cried about.
>delayed swing
>intentional feint and then an even more delayed swing
You'd have a fucking aneurysm if you ever played a fighting game. You're supposed to deflect just before the attack lands. You're being punished for panicking and mashing the deflect button every time an enemy change stance.
That’s not enough though you still reached into Miyazaki’s pocket and stole his Jewish gold. Thank you I am eternally grateful please keep raping developers wallets and taking food from their families mouths. Shitty game design must be punished.
Holy shit you people are really bad at video games.
What have you accomplished in your life, fucker?
More then you have leech
That fucking red marker appears for
and Grabs
they should either color code it or remove the fucking thing all together because it just makes it harder to distinguish between them & see the attack coming.
Doubt it pussy. Which is something you have never had.
Literally trying to do co-op Notre Dame on Time Splitters on whatever the hard mode was. Fuckin bullshit.
>Get up to first girl to rescue
>Oh no, is monsterfied
>She gets out of chains, game over
>Shoot her dead, game over
>Watch walkthrough to see what the fuck we do
>Do exactly what walkthrough shows
>Still lose
It's not shit bro just get better. Just be yourself.
jesus, how embarassing
It's just there to let you know that something is going to happen. The game would be far too easy if it just flat out told you how to react.
kinda sad they feel like they have to justify being bad
It DOES tell me. I know how to reaction from watching the animation.
That Fucking red shit is in the way and draws the players focus away from the attack.
Gen Z zoomer fags, everyone. Claiming shit he probably read online that isn't true. "Hurr durr you get stunned for 3 seconds". You have a stun animation but you can still guard, albeit you have to PERFECT GUARD unblockables to do shit, or jump away for free. People like this faggot make others laugh at their retarded autism rage but then people start spreading misinformation and overall fake shit about the game and it happens with every fucking game to ever make these retarded kids mad and I'm just sick of it.
You can fucking block, Yea Forums. You can block or just fucking jump.
You got triggered over a Yea Forums post about how bad you are at video games. Don't try and tell me you've ever had pussy. Do I need to come help finish the noose for you like you need help in video games?
Triggered. Mrs Obama we got him.
Sekiro isn't brutally difficult unless there's more than one enemy on screen. There is literally no reason to ever engage more than one enemy at a time unless they're weak nothing enemies like monkeys/salamanders, or you're going through a previous area and overleveled. As soon as another enemy is present the game then becomes how you separate the two from one another, because you'll either get comboed to death or spend forever trying to take both of them down.
I don't think so. It usually appears a good half second before the attack begins. There's no way anyone could reliably do the correct move based on the animation alone unless they gave the attacks even more comically big windups. You don't need this sort of thing in Souls because most every boss' attacks can be avoided with properly timed rolls, but I feel it's necessary in a game with lots of attack types that need to be countered differently.
This post is extremely fifteen.
is that a real animal?
I recognize that rabbit
nigga you literally have 0 stamina, why don't you just run away and reset if you aren't good enough to counter/parry right
post full image
He's right aside from thinking Orphan of Kosm was hard. He wasn't even the hardest boss in that DLC.
I yell at games because I'm a salty faggot but I don't get angry enough to break shit
>hey, sweetie. i'm not mommy anymore, i'm daddy. okay?
>you know what, honey. i'm mommy again.
Fuck this world.
It is through with shards, I've done it.
>Not an April Fools joke
Glad she clarified, because it was pretty funny.
You guys are retarded. there's plenty of time to react if you're simply looking at the animations which are slower than many action games. I can't imagine you fuckers trying to play ninja gaiden which has even faster animations & pace. in fact Processing the Red shit and the animation is far worse than simply processing the animation. the red shit doesn't help at all. it's simply pointless. we need to pin point its graphic and either mod it so it's 80% transparent or just remove it.
Ninja Gaiden
That's nothing compared to the robot factory on hard
Even at half resolution I saw that fucker as soon as he entered the frame. New DLC is sweet.
Is this guy cute at least?
Well no shit. From games are hard but fair. Ninja Gaiden was literally made to be the most stupidly hard game ever so they could market it in a way that appealed to the people who played the originals as kids.
I used to have pretty big anger issues. Punched holes in walls, snapped a keyboard over my knee, and shattered a 360 controller.
>playing dark souls
>in blighttown
>shit frame rate and the poison fuckers are really going hard
>shitty swivel fan from walmart turnes at that exact moment to face me
>almost exactly like pic related
>punch it as hard as possible and it falls to pieces clicking on the ground as it tries to turn
>feels like its literally laughing at me so i stomp it hard as shit and finally kill it
I've mostly gotten past that shit thankfully. The angriest I ever get is a momentary flash where I slam a hand on my desk when I lose a clutch in R6 or something similar
The peril Kanji is to signify something bad is coming for the first time. If that wasn't there you would just get hit by a thrust or unblockable without knowing thats what it was since you don't know the animations off the bat. Its a signal that you either need to jump or Mikiri counter. How is that useless?
>"That's literally the dumbest shit I've seen in a Video Game"
>Paid for and has Jump Force installed
>it's simply pointless.
It tells you when guarding and/or deflecting won't work. Just because it's not blue for sweep and red for thrust or some shit doesn't mean it's not useful.
because it stops you from seeing the animation.
it's very fucking simple if you see them pull their weapon back it's a lunge.
if you see them get low and wind up. it's a sweep.
grabs vary but have specific tells too.
If they want to signify something have it be a subtle red glow on the enemy like good action games have.
Having a big fuckoff kanji over YOUR head. that blocks your veiw when you should be watching the enemy is the most retarded design decision ever.
>over YOUR head
Have you even played the game?
Do you think it appears over the enemies head dipshit? your memories shot.
it blocks the middle of the screen.
I died to these fuckers more than any other fucking boss in the game, and yes including Owl 2 and Isshin.
My mistake. I didn't realise it was appearing over my head because it's not intrusive in the slightest and you're autistic.
It doesn't block your vision though. Most of the perilous attacks in the game past the first 2 hours don't have the most obvious tells in the world and a number of them chain out of other attacks masking "windup" animations. Again the kanji is there to let you know something bad is coming so you can back off and study it the first time and parry/jump afterwards. I think your fucking vision sucks dick
>that bass
You don't need kanji to tell you to observe shit. you should be doing that anyway.
so you admit your not supposed to use the kanji to react because you'll end up just dashing into a sweep or jumping into a grab.
so it's useless unless you're a retard who needs it as a reminder to observe the very first time then it's still pointless. you need to watch the animations.
Are you being intentionally fucking ignorant? The kanji is there to tell you an attack that acts outside of the normal rules of combat is coming. Thus if you don't know that particular enemies animations or patterns it warns you to back off and observe that particular animation or pattern as it acts outside the normal rules of combat. If you only had the animations to react to that would be extremely difficult as later enemies don't give you a lot of time to react outside of parrying unless you know its coming. That would make combat much more of a game of chance instead of reacting through skilled timing. If you know that enemies animations or patterns it lets you know that you should get ready to punish whatever attack comes out. Nothing in your post summarizes any of what I said you absolute fucking moron.
>resurrecting after death
I never used the resurrection after I died because I was afraid of the dragonrot and I didn't know how it worked
>mfw they get dragonrot anyways after a few deaths
Thrusts, sweeps, and grabs all pierce guarding, which is otherwise mostly impenetrable until your posture is broken. The warning is there because otherwise you'd just get destroyed by them the first time they happened.
and if you DO know there attacks then it's just ugly red shit obscuring your view that you cant turn off. there's no reason it has to be so invasive. It could just be a subtle glow on the enemy.
damn spear guys
I thought that too. It's very satisfying.
I've seen countless people finish the game already. So these people struggling just must not be good. Even total shitters like the Superbestfriends cleared it.
Genuinely thought it was some meme edit when I first heard it.
For thrust counters, wait until the red kanji symbol starts to fade away then press forward O/B works every time
lol just dodge to his direction bro
>all that weeb trash on the dashboard
>sounds like a soiboy
>can't cope with a difficult game
For the players.™
>sword saint
>rapes me with spear
>uses a gat
never had I loved and hated a boss so much
gonna need a sauce on that junko wallpaper folks