Is there any way to satisfy these creeps? Or will they find something to bitch about even when they get their way?
Resetera on new SamSho girl
She's too attractive for them
Pure evil.
why were you on resetera?
>obsessing over a video game forum for men who like to wear dresses
Why do you browse this site and screencap it and bring this shit back here?
found it on twitter I swear
>that last post
toplel. Darli looks cool though. I want to actually see her in game to make a full decision. I really like her style though
Literally who cares?
>Japan continuing to Japan
The last bastion of good game design makes these dipshits SEETH
>Japan continuing to Japan
They're basically stating, explicitly, that censoring titties in vidya is an act of white supremacy and Western imperialism.
How do social media screecaps not result in a public ban in Yea Forums? Did mods just give up on Yea Forums? May as well just leave up all of the other spam threads too.
Can these people be satisfied with anything other than blandest designs? Those kind of people are responsible for how western games look today.
nonono don't you see
Sexy = BAD
Step away from twitter
Does somebody have the screencap of the seething fatties assblasted about Earthquake?
>will they find something to bitch about
Meanwhile, on Yea Forums:
These, only ugly girls thank you
>Can these people be satisfied with anything other than blandest designs?
The biggest fan of Dragon Quest who hates Dragon Quest.
>those bans
I don’t mind threads like this because it reminds me that somehow this shithole of a website is STILL better than most
Yea Forums just really likes girls. You can't say the same of liberals anymore.
Biding my time for when they censor a tranny romance game.
>A website known for getting mad at everything gets mad at a website getting mad at everything.
We have truly come full circle
>I’ll make them look better by replacing all these women with 15 year old Phillipino transsexuals
fucking YIKES
>only the resetera tranny illuminati doesn't want me to shit up Yea Forums with twitter screencap threads!
i miss old Yea Forums
Hornet is banned right?
What's their end game in pushing this meme?
Imagine seething about some mentally ill people on the internet just because they don't like so ething lmao
>i miss old Yea Forums
Old Yea Forums used to shit on NeoGAF too. You'd know this if you were here.
because gamedevs of all the biggest Western AAA games post there and are directly influenced by that shithole.
Dude, do you not understand the difference between the two?
In the case of games like MK11 the thing that's aggravating people is that they're changing designs to appeal to an audience that won't buy it.
For nip games like this they're getting mad just because it's not for them.
Why are they so delusional?
>girl fetishists
Why are you acting like they're literally whos when it's becoming clear they have disproportionate power in the industry? Sony is their bitch, the Mortal Kombat devs are now their bitches, and they're trying to get Japanese devs who don't pander to their hatred of non-ugly women boycotted.
They're an existential threat to vidya at this point
>Listen to us for once
Western game devs isn't enough for them?
and mods usually deleted them
and they only popped up every once in a while
and it wasn't the eternal boogeyman that for some reason people considered to be the most powerful entity in the industry
and there weren't constant twitter screencap threads either
but you're right everything is totally the same and the quality of the website has not gone down at all
>girl fetishist
you mean being straight?
>user banned: dismissing concerns about sexualization of female characters
Jesus fucking christ
wew lad who would have though pic related would be a warning instead of a joke
>my wife is sitting nearby so forgive me for not looking it up
did he marry a retard that won't listen to his explanation of why he would be looking up the history of an ecchi game series? holy fuck
>Is there any way to satisfy these creeps?
no there isnt, and why would you even try
Cute rules supreme in Japan. They may get sexy banned but cute shall never die there.
Tons of people in animation visit Yea Forums but nobody gives a shit. It's just a fucking forum, nobody cares.
>Outed as a newfag discord tranny
Oh man you should have kept your mouth shut. Abort the mission in this thread.
Are there even people at SNK who know how to make a decent fighting game anymore?
Tbh it's not resetera, it's western publishers and their greed
The same reason why film studios would rather make a PG movie than an R rated one
>finally include a black woman
>still complain
the three people still playing overwatch bitch daily about no black women, they'd shit themselves if they got a strong black pirate woman as a hero
>gaijins expecting based Japan to give a fuck about their nonsense
Like clockwork
I mean he is not wrong.
Holy shit man, that fucking thread. These people are the taliban.
I like to imagine a japanese board room meeting like
>"for samurai shodown, we no have brack people in game, we have very few woman... america very unhappy... ret's add brack woman so everybody happy"
and everyone in the meeting cheers
and then after a couple of months of painstakingly designing a black woman to fit into the samsho cast they reveal it and read up on kotaku
and go
>"these white peopre have brain damage"
>girl fetishist
the fuck
Game on the right? Does the nun sleep with the bandits/orcs to protect the orphans?
Wow who knew that twitter cap threads wouldn't be on Yea Forums back when twitter wasn't a thing and devs didn't use it to write stupid shit. Join the fucking 40% and die, tranny freak.
Lefties are cultural imperialists their kingdom is built on hypocrisy
God forbid there be an attractive female
then they see all of the porn and realize they did good
Foxy gets it.
Wait... isnt Pharah black?
>Like sotn
Did they forget the boob succubus?
Meanwhile, Sony moved their PlayStation HQ to California to better pander to the western market.
i think she's a arab
>America isn't the world police, we shouldn't be sending our military to intervene in foreign conflicts
>Also Leftists
>We need to decide what's good and bad for other cultures
Im pretty sure the character designer just draws what he thinks is cool im almost certain they dont care about identity politics
Another character afflicted with the dwarf hand sickness I see.
>picture of poison as his avatar
>white women complaining that sexy brown waifus are being put in games
outed how?
Lol. What can they actually do?
Roasties cannot and will not tolerate 2D women
ResetERA's FC in FFXIV sucks ass.
She looks great
I love this tribal chocolate lady shit so much.
Sheva from RE5 and Opia Apito from AC4 are both great
You're trying a little too hard to pretend that you're not new. It's very obvious that you're new.
Is she supposed to be a chinese pirate?
There's only one way to deal with trannies
I think she looks cool. Does that make me a bad person in their eyes?
Wooden doors
It has more to do with the fact that China has no age rating for films so they can't make anything R-rated without losing out on all those sweet maobux.
Who cares what those impotent manchildren think.
They culturally appropriated our word, bros.
Every single western developer?
If they had gay social links I bet husbando crap would not be banned.
None of those fuckers are or were ever interested in samsho they just want something video gamey to be pissed about and virtue signal
Fuck them
Cute but her design is kind of all over the place
>cliche pirate tattoos
>meso-american/native american style clothing
>nomura level of belts
>lumber saw attached to an oar handle (at least it's not an anchor)
>that suicide girls decal on the blade
ResetERA doesn't like attractive women, probably because their hivemind queen Anita $arkee$ian says so. They only approve if she's a obese trans disabled non-white anti-male feminist fighting against the patriarchy and killing all white males.
I'm convinced SJWs already hate women more than we ever could.
They also took NPCs.
dont lie about things you clearly know nothing about you fucking faggot
It says work sets you free, it's clearly a work camp
Can you faggots start posting vidya tribal bitches? Seriously there's literally nothing in this thread
>caring about what retards think
Objectively false.
Only attractive women. They do hate those with a deep, burning passion that'd make even /r9k/ take a step back
every single western developer except the guys that made Kingdom Come?
Partially true and you know it.
Nobody hates women quite like women.
I know this is said a lot but seriously, how do these people function irl?
But they did a poll on Resetera and it was like
>92% Men
>96% Straight
>3% Bisexual
>2% trans
Let me guess, you think you're not a newfag because you've been here since 2014?
better than you incel
They don’t.
>being attracted to females is now a fetish
>suicide girls decal
dude that's a jolly roger because she's, y'know, a PIRATE?
You haven't proven me wrong.
Why do trannies make a million quartering threads
maybe you do which is the saddest part
Can Sheva be topped?
They only know how to opperate based on projection.
>If these words trigger me they MUST trigger my enemies too.
Its quite pathetic.
I don't hate women, I hate retards, there just happens to be a lot of women who are retarded.
Well that cesspool of ugly undesirable woman/trannies loathe whatever makes them feel miserable so it makes sense they hate attractive or even average looking woman
have sex
>girl fetishists
Quality shitpost
Nice projection.
>n-no Yea Forums was littered with social media screecap threads ever since the beginning, I swear!
You aren't convincing anyone.
>we want every video game character to be some ugly, disgusting, unattractive piece of shit that nobody (not even us) will ever talk about
cat mom central
pot calling the kettle black
Are you having heart attacks, Resetera?
>no one ever posted social media screencaps referring to vidya
o-k retard i needed the laugh
Not fat enough and where's her calarts nose? BAKA, I thought we were past this. :clap: DO :clap: BETTER! :clap:
My predictions have never been wrong. Thanks for proving them once again.
Now kiss.
first of all I am not an incel. I literally went on a date a week ago, so I’m not incel. Second, you don’t even know that there are different extremities of incels. I want an egalitarian world, not a gynocentric world. Third, there is a common misconception that all incels want is sex. Yet I am not even ready for sex. Fourth, don’t assume someone’s ideologies based on one thing they said. Just because you can’t handle the truth doesn’t mean you should go out and say “I’m wrong” without validly proving your point. I was mainly going off of science, and apparently most people in the world don’t agree with science if it doesn’t fit their ideologies, even if science is true. That is like even if Trump appeals to you and you agree with his viewpoints on issues, you still vote Clinton because you call yourself a Democrat. So if you could kindly educate yourself a lot more about Incels, TRP, and other related topics before you say stuff, I would appreciate it. But as I know of how stubborn you are, you won’t even consider looking deeply into topics and act like you know so much about them. This is what separates people like you and people like me. I look at both sides of every argument, and choose the one that is most rational, not go off of what other people say is “cool”. I rationally choose what I think is best for myself, my family, my community and my country. If you would like to know more about what I believe in, ask me (I know you won’t and you would still make stupid assumptions about me that aren’t true) in what I believe is right or wrong and not just say random shit that doesn’t align with my ideologies. Ya so please stop saying shit about me that isn’t true.
That's not a practical outfit for sitting on a boat at all! She could get skin cancer!
Too many belts! Haha now you know I’m an epic big brain gamer who can spot impractical uses of clothing on fictional characters.
>jolly roger
Maybe jolly regina
wrong is the only thing you have been thus far you passive aggressive bitch lmao
Satisfying them is the wrong move.
>Satisfying them
as if anyone could
Why does she have screwdrivers and paint scrapers strapped to her leg?
now KYS
Samurai Shodown has always had some goofy looking characters. It's funny seeing people come out and say that the series should only be about Japanese samurais.
imagine being this upset
Why do liberals live in Japan?
She is probably a carpenter.
Someone has to repair those boats.
Why are you a dick sucking fag?
The ONLY reason porn is censored in Japan is because a group of ugly white housewives were worried their husbands would leave them overseas and so they protested during the Meiji era. It was nothing more than a concession to sensitive army wives during the American occupation.
Traditionally speaking Japanese are not prudish to nakedness, unisex bath houses was the norm before the war, the whole family would go together. Banning porn accomplished nothing more than create jobs for old ladies sitting with xtacto knives scratching pubic hair in Playboy magazines.
Western feminists are the reason JAV will always be legally censored. NEVER forget that.
>caring about girls that aren't Nakoruru
top pleb
Anyone that isn’t an incel knows women hate women more than anyone else
>the website populated by ugly cucks, landwhales, trannies, and totally not pedos aren't every happy about digital attractive women
I already own you.
In the eyes of the left saying that you're for free speech is the same as saying that you're a nazi. Because they think only a nazi would want free speech so that they could spout nazi stuff, without realizing that their own policies they introduce could be used against them some day. So he probably was banned.
to poison their society
To shame men into not liking 2D anymore is my best guess.
everybody knows everyone posting on resetera are mentally ill, why do you need to showcase this every day?
I don't get it. Solid wood doors would be perfectly capable of containing unarmed humans and gas if they're sealed well and have a solid lock.
she's a shipwright & pirate in one
you might have noticed the toolbelt, her weapon (a saw) and the altered jolly roger logo
>the whole family would go together
They still do though. It's private per family though.
It's the same localization faggots. Some companies require them to move to Japan.
you wish faggot
Nakoruru a cutie
the fuck does Meiji era have to do with American occupation, dumb anime poster
They don't, that's the thing, they hide it all and then slam it all back on twitter for their retarded friends to see.
Why are LGBTs and social justice nerds obsessed with being a marketing demographic? Is it some victory for them when they get targeted ads acknowledging their sexuality or progressive views to get their money? Gay Pride rainbow flavored Coke could become a thing and I swear it'd get retweets like it was some kind of moral achievement for society.
>only one good fan art so far
still repostan
Don't worry my man, SNK will never cave. They even brought back clothing damage KOs
Anyone who doesn't know that VTM:B is being made by leftists is literally nu-Yea Forums before the release announcement of the second every VTM:B thread would mention how the original game was sold off and the company went out of business.
At this point its similar to people who jerk off metro for being "influenced" by stalker. (IE two graphic designers who left right after STALKER 2 downsize, not cancelation.)
Well memed big haha from me sir epic ruse
>Is it some victory for them when they get targeted ads acknowledging their sexuality or progressive views to get their money?
Yes. It would mean that all that time they wasted on Twitter pretending to care meant something.
>they'll ask themselves once again why this doesn't sell that much
So, do you think this guy's still butthurt over the sales numbers?
>Why are LGBTs and social justice nerds obsessed with being a marketing demographic?
To paraphrase Nick Land, in a culture where reciprocal altruism is valued over tribal loyalty and contractual obligations with strangers are valued over familial ties, corporatism and corporate loyalty subsume and make obsolete previous social structures.
never is a long time
The first seeds of progress have already been sown. Japan WILL enter the 21st century, sooner or later.
Every problem is always leading back America. American World Empire when?
hopefully the japs don't give a fuck and give them the middle finger
Who gives a fuck?
>same localization faggots
And this is one if the reasons why I'm learning Kanji at the moment. To not be held at the mercy of these retards. Too bad that isn't really a viable option for many people.
Yes, I too miss when instead of one or two threads bitching about neogaf/trannyera/twitter/reddit/etc. we had an endless of deluge of horrific shitposts from tripfags like Lanced Jack/Toxic Jester/Walter Kovacs/Jim Profit/Touhou1990/MidgetTears/etc.
>actually go to resetera
>most people say its a good design
>there a few trannies triggered but overall its alright
wtf? does this board have bait pictures 24/7 or what
>and mods usually deleted them
That's strange, why would they delete discussion related to video games?
>mfw Pat and Woolie get extremely butthurt over Japan's severely negative perception on drugs and their very lax view on CP
What a bunch of hypocritical hyper-liberal Canadians.
The best time to start is always today. In 2010 I said fuck it I'm starting today and now I can import and read moon all I want. It's a glorious feeling.
Also localization changes a LOT more than people realize.
We need a common enemy. It's what brings us together. Not videogames.
So we can all at least agree the design looks like a Nomura reject, right?
Brown muscle girl pirate is great, I just wish she had less belts and a more coherent design.
why would I care about that ? can you stop shitting up the board please ?
Resetera had about two major cullings of their SJW population, of course it's going to seem reasonable now
>Resetera had about two major cullings of their SJW population
Ever notice how SJWs always complain about stuff? Well, Yea Forums's always complaining about stuff too! Those sexist problematic assholes! Wouldn't you agree?
Im at N2. Past the halfway point but I keep forgetting what I learnt. I have to start prioritizing review sessions over learning new kanji.
why don't you go back
um the bulk of the thread seems to like her design
bruh i don't even go there,there's so many bait shit in this board i thought it was tumblr v2,turns out OP pic is cherrypicking
What menace we're bunch of autist in a echo chamber, why do they keep blaming us for thing we're not even capable of?
If the rate is so high why aren't docs doing shit about it?
As a nigger i hope you don't say that in person.
He's not wrong. There's a reason why the natives are decreasing in population.
They are, but you can only raise it so high before trannies start catching on
The first culling is when NeoGAF was revealed to be staffed by child-seeking vipers and the whole site went up in flames, and the second culling was a few weeks ago when a mass exodus of SJWs occurred because they were outraged over the Moderation's "lax" treatment of dissenting opinions. They thought Resetera wasn't doing enough to stem the tide of Wrong Opinion.
They are.
Reminder that SJWs want women out of the games and anime industry unless they tow the political line. They shit on games like Neptunia saying it's mad for incels when the lead roles(Director, Producer, Character Designer, Writer) are all female.
They even got COOL-sensei's original twitter account banned because she didn't like the fucks at Funimation using her work for propaganda and changing her characters to be less /u/.
Then they completely ignore all the hard working women in games so they can parade around some jew claiming he's making the first ever lesbian kiss in games when he's behind Japan by 30 years at least.
Let's not even get started on one of the few talented writers in modern gaming getting booted from ND for not wanting to peddle politics.
SJWs claim that "incels" hate women in gaming yet the SJWs are the ones getting rid of women or telling them to leave the industry because these women want to make what they want to make instead of what the SJWs approve of.
The chart is intentionally cropped so you don't see that rates of suicide among Trans or Gender Non-Confirming *after gender reassignment surgery* is actually lower than LGB suicide rates.
>tfw trannies are the retarded younger sibling of the LGBT community
Because its politically incorrect to try and help these people with their gender dysphoria. Leftist method will at least have these weirdos die out in a decade or two. Smarmy little cunts, those lefties.
it's gender confirmation you bigot
Like dam it really do be like dat sum time
Whatever, the point is surgery works and is in fact the treatment recommended by doctors because it's the best treatment available.
Don't worry, they're """educating""" children to keep producing more of them.
0% of trannies make suicide attemps after a bullet to the brain
therefore, we should cure them by fucking shooting them
>every thread
makes me think
>developer posted once saying they like the original devs of a game they're working on
Because you won't be expecting a screwdriver through the eye when you fight her will you. It's like pocket sand, but more brutal.
Maybe it's mentioned in every thread because it's fact.
I dont get how anyone should have positive view on illegal drugs anyways
Doesn't make it right.
Everyone who has ever posted on resetera is an insane leftist.
Yes, you too. You're on the list. You will hang on the day of the rope.
Because they played Persona 3 or 4 during the PS2 era and thought the Japanese accept anyone with no personality like the protagonists of those games.
They don’t.
I think the idea they're running off is, "we should make it illegal so the gangs can't profit off of it and the addicted can get help and/or safe highs." They're failing to realize that not every country has a rampant drug problem. Essentially, Pat and Woolie are looking at Japan's stance on drugs from the position of people who lived through the War on Drugs, rather than people who want to prevent the War on Drugs in the first place. That's why Japan is so harsh on the stuff, because if they go lax than everyone will start using drugs.
What exactly is happening here?
> forgetting nigba
Not ohio at all
do you see how toxic white people are you ruin everything literally.
I have a vagina!
perhaps he was never as big as he believed
Stop bringing their retarded shit here. We already know they're the dumbest people in the universe.
>the rampant reference to loli
I actually live in Japan. I just took out the trash and was assaulted by 3 lolis, it's serious problem abd the police is doing everything to cover this issue.
Weed has literally no reason to not be legal, it's an easy to farm resource that retards can abuse more safely than alchohol and tobacco and you can charge a fucking premium for it because Middle class people buy it the most.
The "GOSH IF ONLY WE COULD CHANGE THEIR CULTURE" attitude on the last podcast was cringey as fuck.
Maybe no one asked for your opinion, fucking leafs.
The ones performing the surgery are swimming cash, do you know how expensive that shit is? After the surgery is done, who fucking cares if the crazy person kills himself?
Loli rape gangs aren't a joke, they'll trick you with rock CDs and beer. DON'T GET IN THE VAN.
Did they have free rock CDs?
Nope! Just took me 1 millisecond to close that.
That's the worst part, there are no CDs only CD cases.
>they should try smoking weeeeeed heh, weed lmao
This shit was baffling.
idk if it's because I love dick or what, but this makes me ultra mad
if being a fag is a mental ilness, than trannies are totally fucking brain damaged
>Implying they shouldn't
Japanese fish heads are retarded for their stance on drugs
Personally, I found it kind of funny how angry and *helpless* they sounded, Woolie was constantly repeating how he wants "this" to be "the moment" that makes Japan consider their society's cultural mores, and you could tell in his voice he knew it was a lost cause.
I'm almost happy they're completely giving up on giving a damn, actually. They're only releasing Podcasts every other week now, which just goes to show how much they care anymore.
Which docs? The psychologists profiting from it or the surgeons making bank off of it?
Transvestites are like that girl who poured drain cleaner in her eyes because she identified as being blind
spoilers: her psychologist told/helped her do it.
snib snib
now benis is gone :DDDDD
Alright can you fucks stop wanking to resetera for a bit and tell me where this brown pirate godess is from?
I think the most hilarious part is Elena. They cover up her traditional style wrestling garmants with Arabian rags.
why tf are you browsing resetera?
maybe you should stay there
Canadian stoners and crackheads don't know what's best for Japan, fact.
Samurai Shodown
it's in the op you crayon eater
I'm putting ResetEra in the filter if you guys didnt talk about them every day I literally wouldn't see their bullshit
Stoners and crackheads are just useless people regardless of the drug.
That guy who you say went down hill because of drugs? He was going downhill anyway.
Nobody smokes Crack for fun, they smoke it because they fucked up hard.
>America is the reason of Japanese censorship
You're retarded, even Americans aren't stupid enough to censore their own porn
>Implying the main reason to get CD's isn't to have the sick cover art.
How the fuck am I supposed to know what "SamSho" is without even knowing it exists?
Why are there still people here that hate Japan if they are literal Nazis compared to westcucks?
All the more reason that should be illegal but drawings should be legal.
I can't think of anyone who has had drawings fuck up their life.
>Not your exotic fantasy
What a cool design
>~90% straight men
What amazing lies.
>Substance should be illegal because I cannot understand how any addiction can be harmful.
No drug should be illegal, but you should be fined for costing the taxpayer to pay for your lack of ability to control your substance abuse.
This actually makes me mad. Fuck.
>no drug should be illegal
Angel dust would like to have a word with you
Enjoy having the thing to begin with.