Other urls found in this thread:
ok, this is epic
>it's real
>Yea Forums likes borderlands now
>Yea Forums likes gearbox now
Fuck that gay earth.
oh no
*fakes outrage*
what did they mean by this?
They added more weapons
i really hope this isnt real
i dont want to have to download steam
How the hell did you play 2 and TPS then?
on epic
>Game of the Year
>still no actual proof aside from some obviously edited teaser footage
games have had preorders open on steam then got that epic dosh to switch over last second, hopefully randy only takes money from other companies if he can steal it though
But then how come my ps4 can download it? Do the Chinese own 40% of Sony too?
Name a better game released in 2009.
Not him but Left 4 Dead 2
and the DLC for that game was free
here's a whole list of games better than Borderlands
>a glorified expansion pack
Id give my Vote to Batman Arkham asylum.
To be pessimistic, that could just mean the other games. Technically, Borderlands 3 isn't sold on anything yet.
Okay, why should I care
>shit game
>on a platform I don't care about
Oh nooooo.....
thats it
im kys
Nah I think you're right.
So I buy it on PS4 then.
Welcome to r/gaming 2.0, enjoy your stay
is it possible to jew steam by buying OG BL1 then asking for a refund after they give me the remaster?
As if I needed any more reasons to not give Bitchford money.
I doubt it, think it's just an update.
then the remastered would be returned too
That means shit you retard. That doesn't address borderlands 3, but the franchise and page as a whole and it's in a corner.
I even went to the cached page, days before the announcement and that was already there.
Modern Warfare 2, ODST, Red Faction Guerrilla just to name a few.
It's a update. Not a separate app.
just admit you want BL3 to be epic exclusive just so you have something to be mad about
Based on it being a separate game on steam, at least according to the streams when they restarted, it's not an update for the Borderlands folder.
>He doesn't buy some retarded ''proof'' that means nothing
>Epic shill
Imagine being this stupid. I don't want games on epic.
then why are you angry that theres a steam logo
>red faction guerrilla
Fuck no. No. Nononononono what’s wrong with you? No.
it is a seperate game. owners of the original get it for free. its like pic related.
the steam edition was first. then when thq went bankrupt and became thq nordic they made the re-marstered version which owners of the original got for free.
Because that doesn't mean anything. I already explained that. The game is going to be most likely an epic exclusive. Fuck you, randy and epic.
''B-But a logo1!''
>owners of the original get it for free.
well duh thats the whole point of the discussion. its even in the trailer.
if you have the original borderlands on steam you get a free copy of borderlands goty.
console players get shafted though.
So the remaster is out tomorrow yes?
cant wait to pirate it, wonder if he put something duke nukem related into the game?
That's fucking great, though. I didn't expect this because DaS for example didn't do this, they didn't even give a discount.
>new weapons
>no leggendary shields
>no leggendary coms
yeah. april 3rd is when goty is out and pre-sequel and borderlands 2 get a hd texturepack update too.
it depends on the developer but steam policy is when there is an updated version of a game it gets added rather than replacing the original. weather that updated version is free or not is not in steams hands though.
This would prevent me from buying it.
>outing yourself
why don't you go back faggot
And everybody turns into a god-liath
just pirate it?
The cost of the game is mostly negligible and I doubt a pirated version will be capable of playing with friends over the internet.
too bad there is no borderlands 3 in there
its only the previous games that are already on steam
>having friends
>and I doubt a pirated version will be capable of playing with friends over the internet.
you must be 18 to post here.
easy to use tools to do this have been around for more than a decade
>believes fake bait over an official logo on their website
>not a shill
lol sure dude
I'm 29 and have like 2 friends. Is this not sad enough for you?
I'm sorry $60 is too expensive for you I guess.
didnt he said that he would support a EGS exclusive months before on twitter when people asked him if bl3 was going to be a epic exslusive?
>I'm 29 and have like 2 friends
>I doubt a pirated version will be capable of playing with friends over the internet
now that's dumb
its quite common for pirated coop games to work with friends as well i.e BL2/Starjew/Outward
Can even go as far as buying the base game and unlocking all the dlc for free with some russian fuckery
they are scared shitless of saying it's an epic exclusive so they don't say anything lmao
that's true for steam games, won't be possible if it's epic store exclusive
Epic is offering incentive to the developers and giving none to the customers. I guess they expect the developers to market their platform for them.
>yfw you weren't going to buy memelands 3 anyways
do your part and tell take 2 to remove chink
more reason to be against EGS I suppose
I'm a dumb fuck and I played Borderlands 2 pirate on release with friends using Hamachi. There are probably better tools to do it but my point is: If I can do it with minimal effort, so can you.
>implying they will add LAN support
Even I did that, but I'm skeptical that it will be possible with Borderlands 3. It will probably even be an "always online" type thing.
gearbox confirmed it some while ago actually.
You know that page only lists steam based games, right?
Borderlands3 is listed as a trailer, not a released title.
I mean, I really hope I’m wrong here and you’re right user, but I’m holding on till I hear it announced.
based julianposter
can epic store players play coop with steam players after this exclusive shit is over?
What does that even mean? You can still buy it on any console or pc, right? Unless there's some stupid epic store no one knows about where you can only get it there.
if BL3 is an epic exclusive i'll eat my bluray of aquaman
eat my ass instead :3
>not posting full right away
I wouldn’t be surprised if BL3 ends up on epic games. I doubt it’ll be an exclusive though, especially with Randy’s talk about cross platform gaming
>Owning a bluray of Aquaman
but why
I like Borderlands but
>Halo ODST
>Demon's Souls
>Uncharted 2
>Left 4 Dead 2
Shit 2009 is better than I remember actually
someone buy me bl1
why do you faggots pretend that it matters?
Click the fucking icon and start the game, who gives a fuck which store it's tied to
>being a digitalfag
enjoy never truly owning things you pay for, user
post thighs
get to eating then. check randi pitchfords twitter account. its confirmed and he is shifting the blame on 2k instead of owning up to his moneygrubbing ways.
boy I sure do love extra load times
The best option would to just allow it on anything.
Wait did they actually fucking add lootboxs?
its ok, i dont need bl1 that much
Look at this fucking normalfag. I'm 27 with zero friends.
Bayonetta is one of the greatest games ever made.
The game isn't even out yet, dummy.
no dumbo
why do you join a borderlands thread when you clearly haven't played any of them
Because fuck Epic in particular.
fuck exclusitivity
all the talk about wanting epic to be a competitor against steam sure has a lot of talk about creating a new monopoly instead of breaking one up
all BL games had lootboxes, but you don't actually pay for them, every week gearbox tweet out a new key for you to use ingame to receive some keys
imagine if this is some kind of april fools joke and we get a clip of claptrap laughing at us for thinking its exclusive or some shit
An epic exclusive... to what?
literally why? just matchmake with randoms, at least you don't have to actually maintain contact with them and all that gay shit
fuckin based
Isn't this what happened with metro exodus..
Metro was on steam with the pre-order page up and running way before they came out with the epic shit
they actually waited for people to preorder on steam to dab on the consumers with the lulwait1year move
I get the feeling they're going to over do the bloom in the remaster
More guns
I don't mind Origin,, Uplay, or even the fuckign Fallout 76 launcher. Because those launchers sell GAMES THEY HAVE MADE. Asside from Destiny 2 being on the Blizzard store, which is bullshit, those stores aern't trying to monopolise games by just throwing chinese money at publishers.
>oh no!!! now I am gonna pretend i am upset and than I wasn't gonna pirate it anyway
I honestly could give less of a shit and so should you OP
Honestly a good question. No one even seems to know what that implies. Randy sure does like to be cryptic for no reason.
Imagine being so far gone in the world. Better check your self into therapy.
his shitty beard never fails to trigger me
It's not a lootbox, it always gives 2 purple-quality (only legendary items are better) items, and the keys for them are given out in promotional tweets/facebook posts/etc instead of something you can buy.
>just pay for the mindjew, goy
why pay for someone to tell me to take drugs when I could just cut the middleman and do it myself if I wanted to, fuck drugs
it's okay when steam does it.
since when does steam pay for exclusivity rights
In defense of blizzard there, that was almost certainly pushed on them by the activision side of the equation.
It was a shitty year
The fuck is a therapist going to do? Put me on drugs? Tell me what I already know?
I wouldn't mind at all if Epic didn't use spyware in their launcher.
I opened the launcher for the first time in months and only just found out that WC1/2 were reworked for modern systems and put on gog. Time to pirate
Steam's only exclusives are Valve's titles. Are you that stupid?
for real?
gonna replay that today then
Where do I pirate nowadays?
I haven't torrented shit since KAT got taken down
I might still pirate them just for doing it as an april fools prank
Are those available yet? I've been wanting to replay those.
>trying out TPS
>the entire game feels like a Half-Life server on sv_gravity 100
What the fuck were they thinking? Who the fuck thought this was a good idea and why didn't they get shot on the spot?
pirate bay
>Modern Gearbox is prone to making stupid financial decisions
News at 11
That place is run by CIA niggers dude
They are on gog itself. Not sure where to look for it these days since good old downloads is gone.
I was thinking of the Warcraft III remaster. My bad.
Its on GOG.
Oh that, yeah that's not out yet and I'm not sure when it will be. Next Blizzcon maybe?
Any cheap place to buy a key for bl1 so i can get remaster version??
It's 5 bucks on steam right now.
Of course, thats how it should be, to have actual competition. But Epic dont want that, because that way you would have numbers to compare from both sides. Thats why they are pushing these all or nothing exlusivity deals.
>b-b-b-but the client sends my data to the CHINESE!!!!!!" my data is being stoleeeen
*proceeds to browse using google chrome*
*proceeds to call people using an iphone/samsung*
*proceeds to use windows*
*still has steam installed*
>*proceeds to browse using google chrome*
>*proceeds to call people using an iphone/samsung*
I use a landline
>*proceeds to use windows*
>*still has steam installed*
All my games are pirated
Even ignoring all that, I have yet to hear those companies getting a hold of someone's credit card data and committing identity fraud, something I don't put past the chinese.
It says 20 for me
Boringlands isn't even worth pirating, you can keep it chinkapoos
Character heads and gold boxes? Wait for borderlands 1?
I think you are thinking of the handsome collection. BL1 is not on sale
>pirating a co op game
The first 2 and PS could be played online with a pirated copy.
Not gonna be much of a wait, that version comes out thursday.
What's the fucking deal with the Epic store. It's pretty obvious people do not want it.
It's not exclusive though, it's on consoles
>What's the fucking deal with the Epic store.
Basically a bunch of games were going to be on steam, one of which being a kickstarted version where a goal was a steam version. Then before each was going to come out, Epic threw a bunch of money at the publisher and it got pulled from steam and became Epic-only. Most infamous of which was Metro Exodus, which got pulled from steam 2 weeks from its release.
>Handsome Collection bundle with all DLC for both BL2 and BL:PS on sale for 10,70 euros, taking account that I already had BL2 and small handful of DLC
>BL:PS alone would cost 11,99 euros
Should I pull the trigger in what manner?
Against your head u pleb
Poors shouldn't be allowed to game
Yeah I get that. But why are developers and publishers so willingly doing that if it's affecting sales. They obviously get more sales on steam. So in order for them to say fuck gamers which is usually something easy for them to do, they must be throwing a lot of money around and basically taking nothing. So again, wtf are they gaining?
If you own Assault on Dragon Keep and Pirate Booty you already own every single DLC worth owning for BL2. Pre-Sequel is okay at best and not worth any money really.
epic wants to force console tier faggotry into the PC world
Fucking penguin privilege
BL3 is dead to me when maya is not playable.
>But why are developers and publishers so willingly doing that if it's affecting sales.
Greed because it's guaranteed money right now.
>they must be throwing a lot of money around
Millions, per game
I liked Torgue's dlc, as long as we ignore that cancerous final boss.
>borderlands 3 coming to the shark store
But you have new brown muscle siren to play as.
The devs get gurenteed sales, so if the game dosen't sell X then epic makes up the difference.
epic gets to be on your computer to shill shit to you/ make use of your data.
>hot manly woman
>no throbbing dick to bully me with
whats the fucking point then u cuck
>People here seriously thinking Gearbox/2K would not reveal pricing or say that preorders are up with platforms listed on the livestream if it was also coming to Steam
They didn't list platforms during the reveal because if they showed the Epic Games Store logo instead of Steam everybody in Twitch chat would shit their diapers and spam shit and they'd have to deal with an endless deluge of complaints and screaming from people who are just going to suck it up and by the game when it comes out anyway.
She summons ghostly fists to fist people.
I'm sure she can conjure up a dick for you, when she isn't fisting you six ways from Sunday.
>every BL game has new playable characters for each game
>BL3 is dead to me when maya is not playable.
I genuinely want to know how you and the Talesfags that think Flak is Loader Bot can ever come to the conclusion that you you thought this was ever a possibility.
They've always liked Borderlands, you fucking retard. Over time, Yea Forums decided they hated it because that's how Yea Forums works. Yea Forums is all about contrarianism. The only games people 'like' here are ones that aren't popular and thus don't get affected.
I'm hoping it was just an April fools joke gone wrong.
Why are there so many strange people who keep posting that they are angry they won't be able to play BL1 or 2 characters in 3? That's how it works, each game gets a new cast.
Fucking oddballs man.
Show me your oddballs reddit-spacing user :3
>They've always liked Borderlands, you fucking retard.
Fuck off with this revisionism Randy, maybe we didn't hate it but we sure as fuck didn't like it. Randy and gearbox being scummy fucks as well as 2 and TPS being meme shit made us hate it, personally I always thought the games were boring garbage.
What time does remaster come out on steam?
can you explain this to me?
is it spyware? mining cryptocurrency?
no regional prices, that's why.
Spyware checking what steam games you have installed and cached stuff related to steam browser
>Anyone who disagrees with me is randy
>TPS being meme shit made us hate it,
Who the fuck are you? you're literally fucking no one deciding what's good and bad for all of Yea Forums
Eat shit you retard, you can't even form a sentence without using a buzzword
You don't speak for everyone who uses this board, please stop being so retarded and trying to argue with people about what people on this board thing. Some people like borderlands, some hate it, some don't care.
wtf? is there any possible non-spyware reason for this?
Epic claimed it was for the purpose of friendlist sharing from Steam or something.
Totally bullshit.
They claim it was to add your friends, but they could've gone through the API if that was the actual purpose. So no.
is it possible they're just a shitty company that has monkeys programming the store functionality? i'm obviously not defending Epic if they're doing shady shit, I just really want Borderlands 3 but also really don't want le epic winnie the pooh man spying on my shit.
Whatever it's doing it is doing for a reason and on purpose.
> I just really want Borderlands 3 but also really don't want le epic winnie the pooh man spying on my shit.
Then you have three options
>Pirate it and possibly only manage to play it solo if it doesn't have LAN options
>Buy it on consoles
>Wait 6 months to a year for Epic exclusivity to end and buy it on Steam
Those are your options. Chose wisely.
not with sirgay the literal steam spy who has been """studying""" valve for years
1. clicking on an icon is all i ever wanted
2. we're tired of publishers waking up and saying here you go faggots download more needless shit
2. exclusivity is always bad for the consumer.
3. completion is good for the consumer. With exclusivity they can always have the price high. With completion, they compete for your money.
4. since I bit the bullet almost 15 years and have over 350 games on I'm staying there.
5. steam is older than you, so respect your edlers, faggot.
Good this relieves me of the burden of having to play another steaming Queerbox shitpile.
Going through the steam API for friends is legitimately easier but that wouldn't give them the information they were wanting now, would it. Unfortunately your example is probably not the case.
>not being at least bisexual
why are you so homophobic, user?
>. Yea Forums is all about contrarianism
yeah that and retardation.
You don't seem to have any quarrels with referring to Yea Forums as "they" and acting like Yea Forums is some big entity that one day decided to hate Borederlands because muh contrarians so I don't see what's so wrong about "us" and "we". Gearbox mutilating Duke's corpse, the whole Colonial Marines fiasco, and 99% of gearbox games being mediocre are perfecting valid reasons for despising these shitheads and contrarianism has nothing to do with it.
Will they let you use Roland's BL2 outfit? Might be cool.
Not everyone feels the same way you do, understand that, it'll help you in life.
>chinkposter uses pooh gif
>I use a landline
Yeah unfortunately I'm sure 99.999% of normalfags have no idea what the fuck happened to Duke Megaton Edition
>the steam edition was first.
You mean the GFWL edition was first.
>falling for the glow in the dark jewbox
enjoy being a tool for the gov
>enjoy being a tool for the gov
thinking that your landline isn't also being monitored by the government. Thats a yikes from me!
>Metro and Outer Worlds
>both listed steam at reveal
You sure you didn't reply to the wrong guy?
>normalfags still letting CIA niggers listen in on their conversations
>not sending wax-sealed letters via messenger pigeon
Sadly I have no way of identifying the faggot who said "vee only haet cuz contrarian" on and anonymous shitposting board
>Ensemble Studios, the creators of the Age of Empires series, was shut down after about 15 years of service
>haha it's okay for developers to outright lie because fuck valve and fuck steam people
Where did I say it was okay?
Now here is the real question, the real million dollar question. Is this going to be when people start voting with their wallets and not buy on epic, or are they going to eat shit and just buy it?
I think if it's six months you'll have most people wait, a year and many will cave
people will never vote with their wallet, stop being such a bluepilled fag
no game or controversy is going to make people do that shit
things will stay as they are until everything goes to shit and we start all over again for the third time
Alot of us will simply wait, because we know epic is shit. However we are a vocal minority, and even though we're in the right the majority of consumers are braindead fools who will gladly trade their personal info to the chinese and Borderlands 3 will no doubt be highly successful.
That's why we got post numbers dummy
This is the Borderlands fanbase my friend, they already convinced themselves that this bland shit is good because the dragged their friends into it, of course they'll eat it right up immediately.
I bought a One X just to play Metro Exodus. FUCK Epic, and FUCK chinks.
I think you have too much faith in your average consumer. I know a fuckton of "normies", and of those who play mostly on PC, most don't even realize something is out on PC unless it's on steam, or I tell them it's out on another platform. Relatively small sample size, but yeah, a chunk of PC gamers probably won't even realize the game is out for those six months.
It doesn't matter. Epic pays them the last sales.
The pretty clear winner is doing number 1 while doing number 3; maybe in a year you'd like to do a replay of the game with whatever new content was added to it in the interim.
Unless you own it for consoles that is, we have to repurchase it like the sheep we are.
It can be PlayStation exclusive for all I care
A reminder to only buy steam keys from the grey market for former EGS exclusive games. Pirate the game if you actually like the company.
Dragon age origins
Preorder info and trailers on steam
game on epic
Box art shows rating pending and the bottom of that site says 2017
Borderlands 3 epic HAHAHAHA!!!
Assassin's Creed 2, Uncharted 2, Batman Arkham Asylum
op btfo
Thas referring to bl1, 2 and PS.
Right let’s just remove all your favourite characters.
Because fuck you for adding more character.
Maybe he played on console?
It's proper formatting, you illiterate mongoloid. I thought people who are underage got banned on sight.
Did you also cry when the original Vault Hunters weren't playable in 2?
Fuck the hell off, retard.
Didn’t play the first one or care for it, so fuck off
>every BL3 thread is about fucking Epic
You fags are so autistic
Some are about Jesus
Every thread about Epic exclusives should be only about being Epic exclusives just like any thread about a censored japanese game is about the censorship. Fuck having proper discussion and giving the game PR, they don't deserve it and all the people involved in the decision should burn in hell.
As if the Chinese would know what a Jesus is.
EPIC exclusive
Eat shit and just buy it just like every other time before.
So you're just a dumb waifufag that doesn't know how shit works.
But user, borderlands is shit and I don't care.
This. Now that Bungie has split from Activision still the most bizarre plot twist of all time I'm sure it'll be on Steam or Epic will buy exclusivity for it.
Gearbox doesn't make the decisions. 2K owns them and will make the publishing decisions, just like they did with Outerworlds or whateverthefuck and just like Activision did for the NA version Sekiro
Wednesday actually.
>Not having Steam installed.
Why would anyone do this?
RF:G was a great game user.
imagine Borderlands if borders didnt existed
i'm a borderlands fan that have all borderlands and i'm not going to buy on epic, i'm going to pirate it
>They've always liked Borderlands
Nigga what? a lot of people were shitting on Borderlands back when it was first released and viral marketed on here
Fuck Steam and fuck Epic, if it doesn't get an actual physical release which means it has the entire game on the physical media and doesn't require some console wannabe platform like Steam or Epic then I will be literally forced to pirate.
Perfect opportunity to start demanding DRM free physical releases on PC but everyone is too busy praising le gaben.
People loves to complain.
Also, all this "exclusive to be bought in a certain store because they payed to be relesed there" thing gives me bad feeling about this. If it's the same developer/publisher who have their own games beign exclusively sold on their own digital store is one thing, what's happening with Epic Store is other thing
Mark my words, this will end up turning into something bad in a few years
Oh damn, you're right.
I was thinking that I could buy it but since it's Epic and they don't ha e regional prices (and most probably won't have any kind of sale, I don't know about it), I won't buy it.
It literally will cost me more than the double than what a new game would cost me on Steam. And I'd have to buy it with a credit card
Fuck this goverment and fuck those publisher greedy bastards
Blame Valve, Epic would have never even tried opening their own store if Valve were boycotted into bankruptcy after they launched Steam like they should have been.
Why does Valve get a pass for taking away choice by getting rid of physical copies on PC and giving digital distribution a monopoly on PC?
I'm totally against Valve and their monopoly
I already have games in Origin (because I already had some Battlefield, NFS and Crysis games, the store is a piece of shit tho) and I have a large ammount of games in GOG, which is my favourite store. Whenever I can, I buy my games from there (Uplay doesn't count since it's the rest of the gamestores' bitch).
Physical releases eventually were going to dissapear, sooner or later, with the increase of internet's speed and reach at worldwide level. Valve just accelerated it
I miss those awesome boxes from back then tho
>mfw got gifted borderlands 2 at launch
>never bought any of the DLC
>bought the handsome collection bundle that cost me 12 bucks for all the DLC for 2 and now I got a new Borderlands game to play with all its DLC as well.
>mfw I might buy this too if it's cheap enough
>won't buy BL3 though because fuck giving Epic my credit card info
i hate epic but im pretty sure you can just use paypal
So, when Valve launches their VR games as Steam exclusives, just as they did with Artifact (which you cannot even buy a grey market serial key for), will all you drones whine just as furiously as you are now?
After all, exclusives bad, amirite? I mean, being that you're all mad at exclusives, and totally not because someone is daring to compete with Good Guy Valve, one would presume you'll all be just as mad when HLVR is a Steam exclusive, correct?
It's different when the publisher is the same as the developer and they own the digital store
If Valve made the game then it's perfectly fine for them to put it on their store. Epic didn't make Borderlands, Metro, Outer Worlds, or whatever other game they're going to pay off for exclusive rights to force people to download their shitty store because it can't hold up on its own merits.
>Being this stupid
Games created by the storefront and bought third-party exclusives when the storefront had no hand in creation of the game aren't the same retard. I sure hope you're baiting here
Depends. If its like previous games, you can kinda easily play online with a cracked version. Might be the case with 3 too.
Why? Because it just sounds like goal post moving.
"Exclusives bad. Unless the publisher is the same as the developer and they own the digital store".
Something tells me that if instead of being an Epic exclusive, Gearbox decided to launch their own store and sell Borderlands 3 there, you'd all still be seething.
Should I grab 1 for twenty to get all the bells and whistles with the enhanced for free?
>Because it just sounds like goal post moving.
Scenario 1: Storefront pays developer (be it their own in-house or a third-party) to start work on a new project. The game would not have existed without the storefront's intervention
Scenario 2: A game has been announced and it's pretty much 75-80% done. The storefront pays the publisher/developer a fat sack of cash to make it exclusive to their storefront even though the game was always going to come out whether the storefront intervened or not
Wow they're almost the same aren't they!
t. chinese.
plundering on the high seas
I bet they dont even know how fucking randy literally stole money to make his meme game
You can, but they also have the same issue there. They don't ask for ANY further verification after one purchase. They'll automatically assume that any purchase is legitimate and fuck you otherwise. They don't even bother asking for the verification numbers on the back of your card.
>buying PC games
Yikes. This is why I like consoles.
Can't wait to just cheat with a save editor and give myself all orange weapons and keep them synced at my level from the start :^)
Fuck loot shooters, I'm not going to spend hours "farming" weapons in a co-op game.
>haha i'm gonna cheat at a video game!
>take that, randy *puts on shades*
why even play at all, zero willpower insect?
Yeah why the fuck would i waste my time playing videogames
What the fuck are these trash teir posts?
I like achievements. I like all my achievements and stats / playtime / community forums / friends I already have on steam synced into one place.
I like the stat tracking that Steam allows, I like having "perfect" games that I've 100% complete added to my list of completed games that I keep track of. I like organizing my library in a way that has categories for games I want to play, game's that I never finished, backlog and whatnot.
I like that steam has profiles and I can find friends and whatnot and see what games they're interested in and how their taste compares to mine. I like that steam also has modding support for many games, you can take screenshots that keep a log of what you did that you can look back on in the future, the ability to create video clips as well through steam, in addition to the review system that steam has in place.
Epic has pretty much NONE of these features right now. I'm so tired of all of you people claiming that there's no difference here. Sure, if you're some casual who just doesn't play with friends and just launches games and then quits them when they're done and you get nothing else out of the experience, fine great for you, but not me.
I know achievements sound like a dumb thing to care about too, but I do. I like the sense of accomplishment and tracking of my progress, and I can't count the times I've re-installed a game I previously played and completed just to get all the achievements, some of which get you to play through a game in a completely different playstyle.
For example, Prey (2017) has achievements for playing through with only human neuromods and only typhon neuromods, which completely changes how you play through the game from start to finish. I would have never done those specific types of playthroughs if there wasn't achievements for them.
Until epic store has these features, I will NOT ever purchase any game from them. These are modern features that have been around for decades now.
You know this wont hurt steam right? It has
Ike 90 million users and its still the cheapest prices for third world shitskins
This will only kill smaller store fronts and thus well end with less competition
This image is disingenuous considering how every subsequent CoD sold less and less on PC and nowadays the franchise is non existent on PC
Hey folks, it's Randy. Thanks a bunch for your support!
Here's a picture of me, working hard to ensure I make BL3 just as well as I made Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!
Thank you for saving my company so we can continue to fight bigotry and be BADASS for many years to come!
Borderlands 3 is gonna be a worse Borderlands 2. Which in turn is a worse Borderlands.
Was it autism?
MW2 is not better than anything. It was packed with bugs, shit balance, bad map design, cheaters, missing features like votekick, short campaign, has 0 redeeming quantities and no positives relative to its contemporary place in the genre, and underage faggots who were 12 when it came out and want to have misplaced nostalgia for it on Yea Forums can fuck right off.
not me dude