Fuck the guardian ape, first time i have ever broken something cause of a game, that grab should be counted as a crime against humanity
Stupid fucking shitting monkey
Other urls found in this thread:
Congratulations on being a man child who can't control his emotions
maybe don't buy a garbage pressboard desk
>Xbox controller
Typical american mutt
>american desk quality
>360 controller
pc masterrace, amirite gamers?
Ooga booga game hard!
>he hasnt platinumed the game yet
I'm pretty sure he has like 10 more standing around as back up, just so he can completely annihalte them and feel better afterwards and replace that shit
>being this much of a taconigger
We know its you OP, its ok :-)
>that grab should be counted as a crime against humanity
based brainlet
l2parry you nigger
Which one? The telegraphed one that the game warns you about by a flashing FUCK sign above your head? or the rolling one that is even more telegraphed and the game warns you about by a early flashing FUCK sign above your head?
Is your desk made out of cardboard?
6 oil bottles
Fire prostethic
Jump and jump
its like retards dont know how to run anymore
This is fucking gold thank you
go back to painting your walls you dumbass cave nigger lmfao
I haven't played the game yet, but did the AI parry him? He couldn't parry back?