Playing Assassin's Creed® III Remastered right now. Did I miss the controversy? 'Cause I didn't notice the protag switch — and I'm enjoying the fuck outta myself.
Incels need not respond.
Playing Assassin's Creed® III Remastered right now. Did I miss the controversy? 'Cause I didn't notice the protag switch — and I'm enjoying the fuck outta myself.
Incels need not respond.
People were initially triggered because Haytham is cooler and the old protagonist switch is played out.
It was rather minor when the game was released. Funny how fast things have changed in a few years.
The "WHERE IS CHARLES LEE" and retarded modern day story were the bigger issues
Go away
>Cause I didn't notice the protag switch
Are you retarded? It's a four hour intro and then another tutorial with young Connor. Then you have another 10 hours of shitty missions in a buggy world
The problem I have is the fucking glitches and bugs. One major one is that the Boston chests are bugged. Some don't count when you pick them up, and some are invisible and impossible to get, thus making sure you can't 100% the game. Butthurt as fuck, hoping for a patch.
Why the fuck would there have been any controversy? Anyone that isn't a retard knows you won't be playing as Haytham the whole game because Connor is the dude on the fucking box art.
today i started odessey and saw the little paragraph that this game was developed by a multicultural team of different religious faiths, sexual orientations and gender identities and i turned it off
The "remaster" looks so much worse than the original though.
Are there any gameplay changes?
Fuck off Ubisoft nobody cares about your piss poor excuse of a remaster of the second worst Ass Creed game.
Did they not fix that shit prior to the release of Remastered?
Clearly not. I personally didn't have this much trouble with the original version back on PS3, but this one is honestly annoying as fuck.
Yea Forums on remakes of good games
>ugh why bother, they should remake a game that was bad, they always ruin classics when they remake them
Yea Forums on remakes of bad games
>why did they even bother, um hello this is like the worst Ass Creed game, wtf were they thinking remaking it?!?
Everything after II was a mistake
Newfags need not to apply
It's not a remake, it's a remaster, fucknuts.
I'm disappointed as fuck 'cause it's obvious now that I spoke too soon. I'm right prior to the forced switch.
Shit sucks 'cause Haytham's a great protag.
Black flag wants a word with you user.
Nobody cared. The bigger issue is valley forge is like a 5 minute walk from boston
It doesn't look like a PS3 game. They upgraded the fuck outta the visuals.
I keep seeing discussion online about how terrible III is while doing peripheral searches for shit like screenshots and concept art.
in gameplay it's fine but the characters in cutscenes look worse, and it's not just a lighting issue, looks like the textures are worse than the original, all flat and low detail
>ugh why bother, they should remake a game that was bad, they always ruin classics when they remake them
Nobody says this, more proof this is a Ubishit made thread
La creatura
>switch port
which is which? They both look last gen.
It's the second worst in the entire series, the worst being the the psp one they made out of it where you're a slave
Connor being an unlikable plank of wood didn't help
>the worst being the the psp one they made out of it where you're a slave
that's liberation, also included in this remastered edition :D
That has been in every AC game to date, user.
the gender nonsense started with Syndicate
You've been given two entire boards packed with like–minded retards that honest to fuck believe that everything is a faggy conspiracy theory.
Please return to your designated cesspool.
Should you wish to converse with those outside your IQ bracket, get fucked. Your own mother doesn't appreciate your presence.
Jesus christ
Fair enough. You're not missing much from this series anyway, especially with their modern releases. I think it's a good opportunity to look for other game series.
I enjoyed my time with Origins. Setting's detailed as fuck. Beautiful shit.
My only issue's that you can't drop your shield. You're always stuck with it. That's terrible game design.
Is the Reddit spacing natural faggotry or bait?
Screenshots from 2006 have debunked the fuck outta your bullshit non–argument.
>Nobody will call me a faggot from Яeddit if I use this clever meme shield.
Kill yourself.
I wasn't even aware this was out already. I don't know if I'll just be getting tricked again if I buy it. I just wanted it to be so good because of the setting.
next one might be rome and i've been waiting for that setting, true roman empire, not the shitty renaissance ruins
Never heard of these screenshots you don't source so don't care.
Also why are all your images 666x666 with capslock file titles did your manager give you that folder?