Well, off to the first day of video game club at my college. Wish me luck.
Well, off to the first day of video game club at my college. Wish me luck
lucky. i wish i went to video game college...
Have fun user :)
Hope you enjoy it user!
probably will be cringe as fuck
enjoy normalfags that play smash
Post what happened after you come back.
Bye. I hope you like Fortnite.
wait a minute... that actually sounds pretty rad?
>see's multiple autists with dyed hair
>Hand you a list of pronouns you must abide to
>First discussion is trans representation in modern video games
>Favorite game is undertale
tell them that they all have shit taste, they will take offense and ask you what you like. say something really garbage like battlefield 5
>playing only one game ad infinitum
bitch please
Alright I will, but I don't think this post will be up by the time I get back. btw, this post is really no joke--I'm only going because a classmate of mine asked me to go. I told her it was going to be cringey, but she wants to check it out but she's too shy to go alone.
Just hope that there is no woman in the club
There's one of these in my college, and it always reeks. They like to play smash a lot. I think that kind of explains it.
tell the cunt to fuck off and try your hardest to make it a boys only club
the toddlers need a change of undies user, help them out
Just make a new thread with a Pepe or something, I'll be waiting.
She was bad at Guilty Gear, that show sucks.
Give her the D, user
It's a girl (male)