>Cyberpunk 2077 will not have a game over screen unless you die. That means that no matter how badly you mess up, the game’s going to keep going – even if you fail a job or let somebody get killed. The idea is to let you approach Cyberpunk 2077 quests in any way you want, even if that means letting you get away with some pretty stupid stuff.
I thought this wasn't an RPG guys?
Cyberpunk 2077 won't have a game over unless you die
>not having consequences for your actions now means rpg
just fuck off
That's cool. I like when you have the option of failing mission and just moving on instead of having to do it again
not having a game over for fucking up means there ARE consequences
Won't you just get railroaded into a specific failsafe end, like Yesman in New Vegas?
The consequence is probably some form of karma and relationship values and mostly you will be denied of your rewards.
There only going to be 1 mission that has branching choices from how well or bad you do, every other mission will be 0 if you fail it or 1 if you complete it. Hell, there's probably loads of missions you can only complete because the only way to fail would be die, and that means mission reset rather than mission fail
CDPR are such hacks and people learned nothing from TW3
Where does it say that? It just says that there are no stupid artificial fail states related to NPCs
Sounds cool to me.
I wonder how that’ll work. New Vegas style where the game just keeps going no matter who dies, Skyrim where some characters are just immortal, or like Morrowind where you get a notification you broke the game?
Todd Howard said the exact same thing about Fallout 4 and look how that turned out.
>the only consequence in gaming is a game over screen
Somehow i doubt this. Cp2077 is going to be a fucking disaster. Probably even larger dissapointment then Duke Forever
Cyberpunk 2077 is GTA V + Watch Dogs 2.
It's disgusting what they did to cyberpunk.
So it's impossible to fail missions then?
>3 endings
>good ending (all objectives)
>ok ending (most objectives)
>bad ending (few objectives)
screencap this
Probably mix of New Vegas style and Skyrim style. Definitely not like Morrowind, not in this day and age.
is this supposed to be a new concept? RPGs don't give you a game over if you fuck up a quest you just get told you failed the quest and move on
If Darude Sandstorm isn't in this game I will riot
>we have the same feature as any other RPG since the 80's
>but we demand to be celebrated for this because we are so special and rich
outside of based Mario rpg of course
I think they'll just get marked as mission failed and the game moves on, like in Witcher 3.
No, it doesn’t. Morrowind never showed you a game over screen for fucking up, but you still had to reload.
Haha, yes, I also like Rockstar games. Fucking cave monkeys thinking they can't fail a mission, I would much rather never leave the yellow road the game gives to me than do something on my own
cdpr puppets don't play rpgs, they don't know that. They believe the master's words, and feel the need to make you obey, at all cost.
>I have failed to deliver the package to randomly generated NPC #254521 so he won't pay me
>Amazing real consequences for my actions in my electronic baby toy, CDPR truly are the best of game developers, now THIS is an RPG!
>Skyrim where some characters are just immortal
Hidden Skyrim style. Aka they aren't outright immortal but only appear in ways that you can't kill them ex: over a monitor, in a cutscene out of player control, other side of a bulletproof window.
>but we demand to be celebrated for this because we are so special and rich
Where did they say that? They simply answered a question in an interview, it's not up to them what the journos decide to highlight.
They did they exact same shit with tw3 : Muh choices, muh gameplay, muh interactive world, muh consequences.
>Amazing real consequences for my actions in my electronic baby toy,
The game will be rated ESRB M/Pegi 18.
Oh so you prefer if games give you a game over screen for failing.
>you can't fail
Ok, so it IS a walking simulator.
No, just that it's nothing new.
I see. You dislike anything not new then.
>an option to fail missions and living with the consequences somehow mean there are no consequences
The literal state of this retard
then new not anything dislike You .see I
>failure not allowed
so this really is the trannypunk age huh... woah...
I agree 100%.
>not having consequences for you actions
>you have to live with the consequences instead of just getting a game over and restarting
Lol, fuck fuck new/v/
>durr scripted car ride cutscene where your character automatically enters the vehicle
>durr forced dialogue only letting you do what devs allow
>durr you’re stripped of weapons and your chrome is disabled by security
>durr you can only interact with an npc through a radio
You’re retarded if you expect Deus Ex tier freedom from cdpr
>Bro did you play the new GTA
>No way dude it's rated 18+, you fucking serious? It's a mature game for mature audiences, I'm 17, we can't play this yet
What were they thinking?
>when you have to hate the game just because, but also retarded
So what was the point in the trailer/demo/showcase thing where they had a gun to their face and the narrator went like " but these are high level enemies, so better play it safe..." or something? What was the point if we can't fail anything?
>be at gunpoint pinned to car by lvl1001 pro-thug
>do not resist and be a little bitch
>you resist, you now killed lvl 1001 pro-thug in single punch in a cutscene and won the game
>get sent off to trap with bugged ship like nothing ever happened
And I disagree 0%.
Handshake bro.
t. sub 90
I’m convinced there will never be a game that matches the moment when you realize you can save Paul’s life
What is even the point of that statement? It’s a setting, not a story, what exactly does that let them do?
are you retarded? if you want you can shoot her up with a sniper rifle, just dont expect to be on good terms with her or the nig
Of course not. Nowadays that scene would be done with a "SAVE PAUL/ESCAPE" binary choice screen. There's no room for emergent gameplay and decisions in modern games.
>these are high level enemies, we should play it safe
>devolves into combat regardless
That was the moment I realized this game would be shit
check again you are mixing something
Wow, so it's like most games. Amazing.
>Good ending you save some guy at the beginning and pick good ending at the end
>Ok ending you kill the guy and pick good ending at the end
>Bad ending you kill the guy and pick bad ending at the end
>most games
name 5, in the last 3 years
Okay so it's Morrowind? Epic.
Game journalists are retarded. I am not memeing here, they are GENUINE RETARDED!!!
If all game journalists drop dead this instant the world will be a better place.
>Cyberpunk 2077 will not have a game over screen unless you die.
Ok, so nothing new. It means that there are a ton of arching story branches.
I've been dying for a game like this again for ages
Just make main quests where the only way to fail is dying and then is easy to branch it off. lol.
So it is not going to have a Rockstar (TM) game over screen the millisecond you deviate even a bit from the quest design? Good.
God I hope this game comes out this year, not sure if my depression will make it to 2020
Be strong man, we'll meet in game in the multiplayer
>Cyberpunk 2077 will not have a game over screen unless you die
As opposed to what, not having a game over screen when you die?
Too bad the game looks like shit
Well I could have used words and called you retarded instead.
Fuck off weebSUfag
You dumb nigger. The consequence is that you failed and have to live with it.
Not having a game over screen when you fail a mission mongoloid
I can't wait for the seething from Yea Forums when this game sells and is rated super well. Hopefully it will make social engineering user kill himself.
>still had to reload
No, you did not
That would have been better
>cyberpunk 2077 is garbage
We know.
But Witcher games and Skyrim don't have a game over screen when you fail a mission either, why is Cyberpunk trying to tout something that's been the norm in WRPGs before as a feature? This is like advertising the PS4 as being able to play used games.
>I need the game to hold my hand in the quest
The absolute state of this faggot
That seems standard, not that failure ever mattered since you'll most likely be able to save scum.
Fail X Mission, get sent to the "you just leave town because nobody likes you" ending.
>Trying to tout something
>Get asked a question by journalist
>Yea Forumsirgin niggers screech that you answered it
Because journalists are retarded and Cyberpunk is a highly anticipated game ie easy clicks for journos. CDPR could literally say that you push the left stick up or press down 'W' to move forward in the game and journos would make headlines out of that.
>CDPR could literally say that you push the left stick up or press down 'W' to move forward in the game and journos would make headlines out of that.
They did that for RDR2 for months remember
Move out of America for a while. Come to Panama. Our psychiatry costs 40 dollars a session, and we are very good at it.
Only difference is that the cretins that make up this board went crazy over that. Stupid subumans.
This is like the only relatively positive news about it since the E3 reveal kek. It's not saying much though and it's so vague I'm willing to bet that there'll still be some invulnerable NPCs since this is CDPR and they have the main plot progression held at a stranglehold at all times.
The headline is objectively a good thing though.
so funny
Yup. I remember.
and ultimately what came out was utterly mediocre and forgettable.
>I don't recognize ironic shitposting: the post
Maybe take the CDPR dick out of your ass and mouth before you talk eh
Never played LA Noire? People bitched about that happening there.
This desu. Fuck zealots.
Thankfully Cyberpunk 2077 is made by CD Projekt Red, these features are going to enhance the game and make it a must-have experience for years.
>He's defending going crazy over horse cock
Kill yourself degenerate
They could ban you for the game an take away your 60bux.
But that shouldn't be a punishment for dying, that's toxic skill-gating. It should only be a punishment for being a total asshole, i.e. disrespecting women.
Straight outta Youtube comments
ok? plenty of games do this
Fuck Rockstar, fuck RDR2, fuck the people that love it and fuck you too.
Just kill yourself. You're too stupid to live.
Oh it's clear that Cyberpunk is going to be a much more enjoyable game than what RDR2 was. Rockstar is a one trick pony.
In Witcher 3. You got good ending if you were Good Ciri.
The bad ending literally had you to play as selfish dick.
I never realised Paul could die because it didn't occur to me that NOT fighting was an option.
>says the devil may cringe faggot
Savescummers btfo.
Reminder save scumming is cheating.
well yeah. you can fail a mission but you can still rob corps solo-style and shit. this is open ended, like the tabletop RPG
>there's probably loads of missions you can only complete because the only way to fail would be die
This is true and you all know it.
Okay Vergil.
name one open world rpg from last 10 years where failing a mission gets you a game over
I imagine failing everything has negative consequences that make playing the game suffer able to the point of a restard, similarly getting your ass kicked in xcom 2 chosen dlc.
Hmm... an interesting way to deal with savescumming. You can't savescum if you don't know that you fucked yourself over. There will be a ton of salty faggots that get one of the bad endings.
I look forward to killing everyone(and I mean anyone, objectives and enemy alike) in my way and seeing how the game ends
>game is so easy you literally can't lose
Woah.. truly revolutionary.
So Morrowind in 2003?
smoking 10 joints per day isn't therapy
even main missions?
>Never played GTA 2 or 1
assasin's creed
>failing a mission
When people mention Morrowind for this topic it's to bring up the fact that you can quite literally murder a main quest NPC which will make the game give you a roundabout solution to finish it or even end the entire chain right there leaving you in a doomed world state. Not just mere mission failure.
>looks like you fucked up... the mark has escaped.
>that's ok though, this is just a video game. :) we have turned on assist mode for your next mission!
If it's like Morrowind then you'll never get to the game's ending.
How is this supposed to be impressive? Literally every RPG has no failure state for failing a mission. If anything, CDPR"s games have been incredibly restrictive compared to other RPGs: you couldn't even kill npcs in the Wither.
VtMB had this shit. Every failed quest just went into your ledger under "failed quest" with a description of how you fucked up.
The Witcher wasn't a sandbox but a heavy narrative RPG. Witchers don't go around killing random people. Cyberpunk 2077 will be more sandbox from what it seems.
I think it's to say you can play after beating main quest.
If you fail game will be removed from your library
In what way was Witcher any diffirent from, say, Tomb Raider? You play a specific character who has a specific personality and specific tools. Witcher is an action adventure game. Doesn't make it bad though.
Witcher isn't Cyberpunk.
Can we murder civilians? Like, just whip out a gun and go Columbine on them? They confirmed that we'll be able to steal cars like in GTA but can I run people over with them?
*manbaby toy :^)
Stop being bad a video games, it's a fucking toy.
you can kill/drive over civilians like in GTA, except the police will be harder than in GTA
this user says it best
Source pls? I'm not really doubting all that much since it would be logical to let us kill them but I'd still like a confirmation.
>Stop being bad a video games, it's a fucking toy.
What did he mean by this?
these, you're retarded if the OP makes you excited
but you get game overs when you let important npcs die in rockstar games?
Are you a literal fucking faggot. That is GREAT and was expected. Almost no game has that dumb HurrrmissionfailedgameoverXDD shit anymore. Now do kys. bye faggot.
>choose to off myself in the first mission
>game over screen
>It's all just the same ending
>but in different colors
Screencap that.
You do realize that forcing the player to restart on failed missions is the definition of no consequences, right?
>Unless you die
Literally the first sentence, I don't even know who you're making fun of.
You still had agency over the story and the development of the character. It is an RPG just not a sandbox.
Only a retard/psycho would do that and you will end up either dead, chased out of the city into the combat zone or in a mental re-programing center where they will brainwash you until you are not you anymore. Getting away with murder is a lot harder in Cyberpunk without some corporation or a fixer backing you up. So sure you can go and kill a few civilians and get gunned down by RoboCop 3 minutes later.
absolute brainlet
You could get to the ending even if you killed everyone. The main quest was optional in every sense of the word. You can just get keening and sunder yourself and destroy the heart, and if you did manage to leave at least Fyr and Yagrum alive you could still get a working wraithguard to protect you from the tools, but even that isn't strictly necessary if you're strong enough to withstand it on your own.
To beat the game you did, otherwise mo ending. Not him btw.
and you're never going to die because it's a cd projekt "RPG"
The consequences are in-game so this is a good thing that makes it more challenging you mong.
Eh, I dunno. It's not really clear. Sure I may "hit" them but will they die from it? Or just be incapacitated like in Scarface or Batman Arkham Knight. And he said nothing about shooting people dead.
I'd just like to have an option to toggle god mode (cheat engine if I have to) and be a sadist for ten minutes straight.
>Sure I may "hit" them but will they die from it?
lol, ofc they die, this isnt some kiddie game
But you can finish the main quest through a back door quest chain
GTAV and WD2 have game overs galore if you wander off the carefully chosen mission path
>Fail a mission
>Get a game over
>Start the mission over
>Keep doing the mission over and over again until you eventually get the reward.
>Fail a mission
>No game over
>Don't start the mission over
>Don't get the rewards
>Possibly lose out on relationships, certain vendor items, future quests, etc.
One of these things has consequences. The other is just a test of persistence and patience with a set outcome.
True, but it's hidden pretty well. I wish more open world games had hidden background endings. Like if GTA had a hidden plotline you could uncover through the in game news. Or a more elaborate thing of what SR2 did.
journos should be tried and hanged
But The Witcher 3 DID have consequences.
It just so happens that all of those consequences happened to Ciri and not Geralt. Which is arguably worse consequences than having them happen to the hero himself, since Geralt in character would chop off his own sorceress poker if it meant securing a future for Ciri.
And this is supped to be news?
This is good bait
>Eh, I dunno. It's not really clear. Sure I may "hit" them but will they die from it? Or just be incapacitated like in Scarface or Batman Arkham Knight. And he said nothing about shooting people dead.
Batman and Tony Montana are pre-established characters.
Batman has a very strict no kill policy that the developers were forced to adhere to in the most asinine way possible, even though those niggas are fucking DEAD.
And Tony Montana, despite being a murderous scumbag, had a very strict code of honor where he didn't kill people unless they deserved it. Except for that one time he killed Manny. The game itself was also just totally fucking silly wish fulfillment fan fiction and shouldn't be referenced ever again for it's game design.
V is just some nobody made up for this game. Naturally there's no reason for them to have a no kill policy unless you the player force one on them very carefully.
God I fucking hate you fucking faggots
Everything in Witcher 3 was a binary fucking choice and everything you choose was trough a cutscene. It fucking sucked in that regard. WOW A OR B HOW FUCKING REVOLUTIONARY.
Witcher 3 was ass because it telegraphed miles away what the right choice was while the developers kept telling me in interviews that the choices would be morally ambigious.
Wow I wonder if I will get a better outcome if I choose the strong smart progressive brave woman over her hothead brother everyone I talked to told me was an idiot
>not picking the idiot brother
yikes and oofpilled
prove it
>The game itself was also just totally fucking silly wish fulfillment fan fiction and shouldn't be referenced ever again for it's game design.
I know but I really enjoyed it and it was the first thing that came to my mind when I tried to remember an open world sandbox that doesn't let you kill civilians. I mean, even sandbox car games whose main character is an undercover cop/hero like Total Overdose, Sleeping Dogs, Watch Dogs, True Crime NY, Just Cause 2 etc. allow you to murder civilians. But not Scarface where Tony just tells the player to fuck off the moment you aim a gun at a civilian lel. I mean, there was also Driver San Francisco which made all pedestrians skillful dodge you but you can't get out of the car in that game so I'm not counting it.
>V is just some nobody made up for this game. Naturally there's no reason for them to have a no kill policy unless you the player force one on them very carefully.
Sure and I agree with you that it sounds logical that they'd let you kill people. I just kinda wanted a confirmation to be 100% sure.
>Or a more elaborate thing of what SR2 did.
That's exactly what consequences are you 16 year old retard, your entire gameplay run will be cursed with your collection of failures
dont most other RPG's do this? for fucks sake this game is gonna bomb. It's not even a real RPG. It's an action game for babby. It holds your hands and shoves commie cali propaganda on you. Anyone who gets this game is an NPC.
This isn't Todd's game.
Sorry, got distracted and started masturbating. There is a secret mission in Saint's Row 2 that is triggered by you going into a police station, walking around and finding some tape recorders and leads to a hidden story mission that wraps of the ending of Saint's Row 1.
Only that's not what OP said when he pulled that shit out of his ass.
>The idea is to let you approach Cyberpunk 2077 quests in any way you want, even if that means letting you get away with some pretty stupid stuff.
DMC is the best series ever. Maybe you should stick to movie games.
This is not news
Fucking clickbait shit
>Fail a mission
>No game over
>Keep doing the mission over and over again until you eventually get the reward.
That's down to player choice, not game design.
Wait, wasn't the best ending the one where you actually act like a witcher, hunt overpopulated monsters and avoid affecting human politics?
Okay, but that is an ending. How would you make an ending for a player that pissed everyone off and failed everything they could?
>You get kill by a hitman hired by one of the people you pissed off
That's cool but it still has the sun in it so I won't buy it.
It's only 30 a session in America.
That's a game over screen.
What are the odds that a 980 + 4690k will be able to run this game, keeping in mind it has to run on consoles?
No it's the bad ending.
How is this a selling point? That's exactly what an RPG is and should be. Can't remember any decent RPG where you got a game over from 'messing up'. That's the fucking point of an RPG.
Goddamnit, are people retarded?
It will run on Next Gen consoles. As long as you can match the PS5 and Xbox Two X's specs, and are okay with some low frames, you'll be fine.
confirmed ps4 and xbone, pretty sure it will be cross gen
That's a game over screen though. If yoh die at the end, then you can't run around and do the side quests you missed, and people usually like having post-game content. Linear stories have hard ends, but sandboxes don't.
You could finish the main quest by roiding out on potions and bypassing even the backdoor.
You could also play the game for several hundred hours without addressing the main quest.
It's also coming for the xbone and ps4, both base and "enhanced" systems.
That's what you get for being a baddie though, remember, only non lethal, do every sidequest possible and do that out of the way random event that happens is enough to get you the good ending.
You're bad at game design. That sounds like shit.
Well don't play it, it's MY game I make MY rules got it Mister "I think an ending where you die is a game over"?
Not having game over screens for choices is a dumb thing to complain about but yea this game got gutted
>A game made by literal retards
Well don't play this, it's THEIR game THEY make THEIR rules got it Mister "I think you should change a foundationial part of a game, because I don't like it"?
What RPG are you referring, JRPG, WRPG, TRPG, OR CRPG?
Yes it is
980 should be fine - they used a 1080 ti for 4K @ 30FPS
>this game got gutted
the premise of this idea is sick
Freeform REAL adventures that react to what you actually do in the game. Gone away with scripted events, gone away with unnescary gamification that only removes immersion, ect.
Too bad i know they are going to ruin this sick idea, and make it as generic and easily digestable for the general audience.
There are games that have litterally give you this same idea, like Cataclysm DDA, lets not pretend its not possible. Its just not very digestable for people who want to be told "GO HERE", "MAKE DECISIONS FOR ME"
they want to be spoon fed, and REAL open world sandbox adventures dont do well with spoonfeeding.
the more that comes out on this shitty """game""" (movie), the more it sounds like ffxv: western edition.
failsafe? i always choose yesman cause house, ncr, and caesar's legion all suck ass.
Who is the autist that calls video games movies again? What was his name? Regardless, fuck off you trash subhuman.
Excuse me I'm making MY game and mixing foundational with fondamental is not allowed and leads to a game over screen.
Shouldn't get the ending where you go out of your way to piss everyone off if you wanted to get away scott free and do your little side quest man. No refunds.
Can you reccomend some games that have little spoonfeeding, but still enjoyable? I'd also rather not have spoon feeding, but many attempts just ask you to look up a guide or wiki, and that's not fun either. What is a game with very little spoonfeeding, but still understandable on it's own?
Eh, still sounds shit. Bad Ending doesn't have to mean Unsatisfying Ending.
So it's Fallout New Vegas then? Pretty sure you can fail any quest in that game and keep playing. The only unkillable NPC's are children, the gun runners robot and Yes Man.
This means people are just going to save scum constantly to avoid missing out on generic side quest.
Too bad user! but it's not the bad ending, it's the Worst ending!
MY game offers up to 200 endings, all of which gives you different outcome, it will be a true role playing game experience.
Cool, what's the name, I wanna play it!
>you can save Paul’s life
Wait wait, what moment are you talking about?
Fallout 3, it's out in a store near you! Go buy it right now!
Something something sunlight.
>Yea Forums is still latching onto this
Welp it's not Morrowind after all
>someone actually wrote this and thought they had a point
idk dude, there is actually a huge market gap here. The games that do have this extreme amount of freedom, systemic approach to open worlds, create your own adventure like gameplay normally just drop you in the world and kinda let you have at it.
Cataclysm DDA is probably the best example i have actually played. But it certainly needs a guide right by you to even start the game.
Same with Dwarf fortress adventure mode.
elona is also in this catagory.
I think the newer hitmans to a certain extent, dont need guides, but are far less freeform.
Maybe some of the older immersive sims.
Ive heard good stuff about kinshi.
Maybe check out sethteezantath on youtube. he plays alot of games in this genre, but i havent touched most of what he talks about
if i think of more ill respond.
Fallout 3 doen't have 200 ending, not even 10. It's a shit game, and I'm not an obsidianfag either, their Fallouts suck too.
Yeah, I've never gotten that. If you need to look up a guide, then you're still spoonfeeding.
Excuse me user, are you spreading lies about MY game? It has over 200 endings.
Here's a picture of me so you'll recognize me when I'm in your house. I look like a certain game developer, but I'm not.
I'll show you the worst ending in real life.
The ultimate RPG experience.
These arent guides like "GO HERE"
normally its explaining what your entire fucking keyboard does, like every button is different, and every button does something.
Also helpful for some of the more archaic game systems.
so yea its kinda spoonfeeding, but thats like saying being given any sort of explanation for anything in any game is spoonfeeding.
God I can't wait to play this
>Try to fuck me in any way
That's the plan.
>there needs to be at least x amount of dialogue choices at any given time or it's shit
Forcing arbitrary number of choices is how you end up with shit like Fallout 4.
I refuse to believe that there is a retard out there, like this user here, who despite being complete troglodyte still manages to type.
There needs to be a no. That's all I'm asking for.
That choice came before. Alternatively you could have just skipped the meeting altogether.
Don't tread on the bear, faggot
>let npc die
>no game over screen
>no check point reload
>hard locked out of NPC's future content
are you a retard?
You don't know what you are talking about and talking out of your ass makes you a faggot.
Really? For the tech demo?
>No option to hear what the deal is, and refuse afterwards
Good job good job.
I don't think I've ever been so hyped for a game, Yea Forums
She has a literal gun to your head. "No." Is saying yes and fucking her over. They mentioned in an interview that you don't have to work with her. Sometimes having an option to tell your potential murderer to fuck off isn't realistic.
That's like saying it won't have a continue screen or numbered lives. Hardly any game does this anymore anyway, let alone FPSs.
isn't this how GTA missions work?
like, you fail it and the you can just go try it again if you want?
No, that's not like saying that at all. In GTA or RDR2, if you don't follow the train, you get a game over and have to restart from the check point.
Knights of the old republic and mass effect 2 come instantly to mind
>get shot thousands of times in gameplay
>supposed to be scared when there's one guy with a gun
Yes sure, no option to say no and attack them yourself.
CDPR are revolutionising the video game industry with their amazingly new way of story telling.
Yes except not 4K, just 1080p.
>I can get completely fucked over by bullshit concerning the AI or a glitch but I am forced to ride it out due to constant saving like it's an MMO
Git gud.
At his apartment, if you stick with him you both fight through and can meet up later
based CDPR
Even after accepting the deal you can still fuck over the corpos later, not sure what you're problem is.
>demand to be celebrated
Damn nigger, they literally just answered a question that they were asked. What the fuck is wrong with you autists? Besides crippling mental issues.
>still had to reload
You didn't have.
>d-do I fit in guys???
Literally just shoot them after the cutscene ends then? I'm sorry you can't roleplay as someone with brain-damage? The gameplay didn't look too bulletspongey in the first place anyway, so your point doesn't even work.
He's doing a plenty good job roleplaying as someone with brain damage right now.
>An NPC I'm not even looking at clips through the floor
>I can never take quests from them and I am forced down a storyline where their death causes a power vacuum and I'm blamed for it in-universe
>"git gud"
>DMC is the best series ever.
If you are 14 years of edgelord faggot.
Just save scum you retard. You were gonna do that anyway, now you're just being a bitch.
Do they mean that the mission will always complete or you that there will be lasting consequences for failing missions?
I remember something that was really neat in Starlancer was that you could fail certain missions but keep going with the story and the ships that you failed to destroy would show up latter on making later missions harder.
What if I'm playing a fully armored character who dumped all his points in Solo and defensive armor? I'm too scared of single gun to say No to a smug cunt?
Just the option to say No and kill them here and then is enough.
Shooting them after the cutscene still means you accepted the deal which is beyond retarded. What makes you so sure they won't turn essential now that you've said yes?
They explain it in the sentence
>The game's going to keep going - even if you fail a job or let somebody get killed
So if you're let the girl in the bathtub die, the game isn't gonna give you a game over, you'll just continue.
>a game where you literally can't lose
So it's literally a movie then?
You fucking retard
>Actually defending the failings of a game even if they're fictional this adamantly
>CDPR is making even more of a movie game than Quantic Dream or Telltale
What are the failings exactly?
More like a game when losing is permanent. In a game when you lose and get a "Game over" that means that you are forced to "win" and your character will win in that situation, if there's no "game over" that means that you can fail and that failure will remain there.
>an FPS where you can't get game over
Who the fuck even wants this?
Samefag. Inb4 a picture of a shoddily removed (You) is posted.
>have a a suit of armour
>guy points the gun at your exposed neck
WTF?! WHY CAN'T I TANK THIS? Just say no at the start, or say yes and bait them into getting fucked over? Are you also mad there isn't always an option to shit your pants to intimidate them?
Well, there were a few missteps to what was best for her, like letting her face the witches alone instead of helping her, and letting her sperg out and break a room, but there's still wiggle room to get the good end even if you fuck up a time or two
You get game over when you die.
>Yea Forumsirgins literally cannot read ten words
>1080ti needed to run the game at 1080p 30fps
How in the fuck is this gonna run on consoles?
>get the tribes to ally with you personally
>play ncr until legion gives mark of caesar
>activate the bunker but dont tell caesar
>deactivate house
>watch the fort fireworks show
>backsteb ncr at the last moment
>throw general off cliff
The only true ending. Wasteland forever.
Actual retard lmao
Did you even bother to read what you wrote?
um sweetie, you are aware you can have what is essentially armored skin right?
Ok, I now know I'm dealing with actual brain damaged posters. See ya!
base systems 720p @ 20-30fps, enhanced systems 1080p 30fps or 1440p 20-30fps, I'd imagine.
Also, optimization passes downgrades are done towards the end of the development so I wouldn't worry too much about the machine they used for an early alpha build.
if you fail a mission you failed it and you can't do it again and failing has consequences.
t. actual victim of sub-arachnoid hemorrhage.
>game was rigged from the start
wait what, letting her trash the room is supposed to be the bad choice?
Holy shit dude read your own shit
You're the one with brain damage if you confuse gameplay and game mechanics with storytelling and roleplaying
>world has bullet proof skin
>would doesn't also have bullet proof skin proof bullets
based drunk user
Armored, not bulletproof.
Nah, busting apart the room is the "good" choice. I just didn't do it because I was like "we ain't got time for this pussy shit".
I honestly can't believe the amount of mouth breathing retards who read:
>Cyberpunk 2077 will not have a game over screen unless you die. That means that no matter how badly you mess up, the game’s going to keep going – even if you fail a job or let somebody get killed. The idea is to let you approach Cyberpunk 2077 quests in any way you want, even if that means letting you get away with some pretty stupid stuff.
And the information they get from reading that is:
No, it means that if you fail a mission, the game keeps going instead of telling you to start over. You lose the rewards, you fail the mission, get whatever consequences from failing the mission (probably a loss of karma or some story-wise consequence, hopefully) and the game keeps going.
I usually expect very little from most people here, and still, I am disappointed anyway. Jesus christ. The worst part is that I bet that a bunch of those morons are native english speakers too.
You can pay the money out of your own pocket for the droid instead of using her rigged chips and you both walk out of the place unharmed
As long as I can be a slutty cowboy with a revolver, I'm good.
*beep beep*
>world has armoured skin
>world doesn't have anti-armoured skin bullets
Being pedantic won't help when you're terminally stupid.
why peoples act like this is some kind of revolutionary features? Heavy Rain did it first, theres no game over screen in that game
I don't understand. There are TWO options:
Option 1: If you fail a mission you get a GAME OVER screen and have to restart the mission
Option 2: If you fail a mission the game keeps going and you deal with the consequences of failing that mission, whatever they might be. If you don't like it, you can probably reload a save.
There are only those 2 options. If you fail a mission, it either stops or keeps going. There is no in-between. Choice 2 seems to be objectively superior because it gives you everything choice 1 gives you since you can probably reload, and gives you the extra option of keep going.
You are complainign that Cyberpunk is going with option 2, are you saying that option 1 is better?
I don't think it is revolutionary, I just think it is objectively a good feature when the alternative is a simple game over screen.
Whether or not they are going to make the best of this feature by having real and game-changing consequences is a different matter entirely.
>Yes sure, no option to say no and attack them yourself.
Are you natural retard or did you take lessons?
>love revolvers
>but am always sad that the Winchester 1873 is never paired with revolver users in games
Weebs should eat up a weapon that's named "the gun that won the west". It's like the same weeb tier as "the sword of promised victory"
>that filename
>most of the images are wojaks
Summer isn't even here yet and im sick of you faggots
The thing is, option #2 is a very complex idea and its not gonna be what you expect it to be. Based on the the Witcher and most "western rpg", the main quest will have very little paths and mostly linear story. My guess is that if you fail a mission, the characters will make a minor remarks about it but then proceed to continue the story quest barely affecting anything. Judging by the gameplay trailer, thats how its gonna be.
I get that point, but even at its shittiest, option 2 is still better than option 1 simply because option 2 lets you reload your save anyway. So if you are not happy with the outcome just reload.
There is just no situation where a flat "game over" is better than being able to carry on if you don't give a shit.
I am not saying they are going to do option 2 well. It might just be a "you failed fetch quest for random npc 32048, you lost X money and Y karma".
I am just saying I am glad at least it isn't a game over screen.