Now that the dust has settled, are you ready to admit that Dark Souls 3 did certain things better than Bloodborne?
Now that the dust has settled, are you ready to admit that Dark Souls 3 did certain things better than Bloodborne?
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>Now that the dust has settled
The only two things it did better are multiplayer and length.
Agreed, Bloodborne was and IS an overrated game.
>rollspam works too well
>too many swamps and cathedrals
>feels like they were running out of ideas
>level design is too linear
Outside of these complaints, I think it's still great, equal with the other games (minus DS2).
Bloodborne is literally the best game ever made, of all time.
Not yet, it will be when they remaster it on PS5 in 60fps
>Too many swamps
There were two swamps; the flooded basement of a subterranean ruins, a creek and some poison mist does not make a swamp.
It's funny that they had to implement magical asbestos in one of the areas of the second DLC so you wouldn't take fall damage. now that's lazy game design.
I loved Dark Souls 3. Also loved Bloodborne. Fuck I love these games.
Like what? Every enemy is 2 phases?
The first area of the ringed city where you are forced to take falls that otherwise would insta kill you.
user, please remember that you (Can) get a ring that negates ALL falling damage.
>lazy game design
>a brand new mechanic (small circles that cause no fall damage)
>with a contextual in-game explanation (clearly some manner of magic rune on the ground causing this)
>so you can better appreciate some vistas and massively vertical areas, many of which are taller than anything in the previous games
>lazy game design
actually, you suffer from a condition known as "mental retardation." It can make things quite confusing, so don't feel too downs about being wrong.
Bloodborne loses for replayability because it has no class variety and chalice dungeons are a boring slog
>people actually defending the magical asbestos
I'm not surprised that Dark Souls 3 fans like asbestos.
Like what?
being able to respec your character is always nice but I can't think of anything else honestly
>ignores argument
>just spouts "asbestos" like he just learned that word
>too cowardly to reply
you were being rude to me. I'm not here to humour you.
you reap what you sow, fag
Not the same user but:
They didn't explain shit, they just let you know it is a "magic circle".
No new ability, armor or something that makes sense. Also I really liked the area and the boss
Also like one tool per unique build. There is literally no point of doing a Strength/bloodtinge build until the DLC where you can get the Bloodletter, or Arcane/Skill until you can get Amygdala arm.
I guess Midir is a better Amygdala.
This one is a fair comparison because they both use the same laser beam attack.
But I just find it quite unsatisfying to replay because its areas are even more ehh than Bloodborne's. Dark Souls 2 is more appealing than 3.
Amy has a cooler design though
would you really want to change your armor or even your build to equip some fall spell/ability for like three falling points?
no, DaS3 is still by far the worst entry in the series, as it's essentially BB without the polish and with a lack of creativity for the majority of the game
but it also had the biggest peak within the entire series with Gael
This. DS3 was quite serviceable but fell a little flat, with Gael being a huge exception as his fight was the best one in the entire series.