You get your rainbows yet, user?
You get your rainbows yet, user?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm trying to do STR 30 EZA Broly with Movie Heroes team... and failing so far.
Why is this nnnnIIINGEN so fucking squishy? 11k def + 120 % def + double Gogeta Blue leader should not result in Broly slapping him around for 100k damage per normal hit.
Their both at SA4 with all paths unlocked.
Honestly, really fucking nice of them to give us all the orbs from the start.
Great rewards for loyal players that are here during the celebration and not the ones grinding it with keys
goku should be on resurrected warriors, tien should be on representatives of universe 7
>Nice of them to give all the orbs from the star
I didn't even notice. What's the point of the ones on the stage then?
meant yamcha
for any player that is grinding them in the future with keys or if when it returns.
I got them. Wish there was a Butoden category now.
Why don't they do more stylized cards like this more often?
Something like a Xenoverse banner where all the headlining cards use their Xenoverse model.
Or a manga banner with the characters in black and white
>Or a manga banner with the characters in black and white
oh man I'd love this
you basically have to use hybrid saiyans units. even super AGL units get bitch slapped by broly for 50k.
Are they going to fix his banner?
Kanzenban coloring would be fucking amazing
TFW no Hybrid Saiyans. Well not enough of them anyway.
Can i use Movie Heroes with 1 or 2 of my "good" Hybrids? They're not profiting from leader skills....
t-minus 1 month for Lr Golden Boy
>AGL Leader
>f2p Lr Trunks
>friend Lr Goten and Trunks
This should be good, then just bring defensive units and hope for a good rotation
Vegito, and maybe even golden frieza would be top picks, also the f2p 17 from gt. I know they won't get much from the leader, but if they can nulify dmg then it's aight
>tfw gacha has more soul then most AAA games
What is even the point of this card? Sincerely wondering.
It's got worse art than Flash of Glory and negative stats. Is it just a joke?
>Is it just a joke?
yes, it's an old april fool's card
That makes more sense.
What a shame. I wish the flipping bird card was the UR
I slapped the shit out of broly using a lr ssj4 Goku lead super agl team
This the best Goku art.
I keep seeing people say this but I had a pretty easy time grinding for them. Took me probably an hour for both cards to be rainbowed.
Maybe I just got lucky
Rainbowed them both. They're gonna be really nice on prime battle Pure Saiyans teams.
Meh. Turles in the background is pretty cool but the key art is pretty standard
>They always add Lrs to new categories to bait whales
>Wicked Bloodline doesn't have a gacha Lr, Cooler just cameback
>Agl SS3 Goku gets made OP with EZA
>Lr SS3 Goku comes out right after
>Teq Frieza EZA is gonna make him OP
>Golden Week
I'll be dumbfounded if they didn't add and LR Golden Frieza at the end of the month-
>Universe 6 doesn't have an Lr and just got released
Waifu should come soon too
When are we getting new angel cards
Anyone pulling for him?
I'll probably do one pull and that's it. I keep telling myself im going to save for anniversary but then I just waste my stones like an idiot
Ok i had it. you gacha fucks managed to convice me, whats the game and its easy to play it in English?
I'll probably do a pull or two. The only other unit I'm thinking of getting is the Goku's lineage leader but that's all the way in july
It's called Dokkan Battle and yeah, it's easy to play. Don't worry, it's really easy to build a good team, even as a f2p
You know that he drops to 30% defense after an ultra super attack right
DBZ Dokkan Battle.
Very straightforward for newcomers, at least compared to other gacha games. Only thing that might be a little confusing is following the meta, but you don't have to worry about that when you first start out anyway.
It's in full English on Android and ios
What is the benefit of saving for the anniversary event?
This is my first year playing. What's so special about the anniversary?
why do people look at this and pretend they are like evenly matched rivals when at this time vegeta beat the fuck out of goku, took all of his attacks, and just narrowly lost when goku had like three people help him? Seriously Vegeta got jumped lol
Goku landed a lot of attacks, but people keep forgetting Goku was using Kaoiken literally the entire time.
Top 3 best cards in the game(ss4 Legendary Rares) and overall some of the best banners the game has ever had. And you start getting coins from that point on for every summon you do which can be exchanged for units of your choosing(you need a shit load of coins though).
Vegeta is never EVER allowed to win
That's because Toriyama is a major cuck
What convinced you?
>921 stones now
I was thinking I would do a multi if it had a discount like I did on Vegeta, but I'm so fucking close to having my stones break into 4 digits I don't think I will.
>no matter how hard he tries there has always to be someone better then him
He really is /ourguy/
just a couple summons won't hurt, right?
That's what tell myself everytime then i always end up at 0 stones somehow
>you need a shit load of coins though
the average stone give out they do should still equal 2 or 3 free dokkan fest units of you choosing, less if you're going for Lrs, but still at least one new Lr of your choosing for completely free per year
I don't get it, how was semi-perfect incell stronger than vegeta, vegeta played with him like a toy
But again, it depends on what banner you pull on. I pretty much only pull on Dokkanfests.
Bottem left is his new SS form he used against 2nd Cell form.
>Vegeta could nuke planets by himself with a PL of 24k
>Krillin has half a million
>He can only throw out super tiny ki blasts
Gotta love how power levels are only ever represented by how close they are to Goku, relatively
The picture is saying that semi-perfect Cell is stronger than Super Saiyan Vegeta but not Super Vegeta. Official powerlevels stopped at Frieza btw.
He brought out his Super Vegeta form before he took on Cell? I forgot.
Also depends what you want, like I said, Lrs should be 1.5 per year, EZA units should be about 4 or 5 per year.
This only with f2p stones, obviously you can buy more and it'll be more justifiable now since it's a purchase and not just gambling.
I still won't unless they make the prices 1/10th of what they are now, not even joking, shit's ridiculous
>Vegeta could nuke planets by himself with a PL of 24k
Roshi blew up the moon in db
Every single time someone post a new cool dbz character on this game.
Fuck Cooler and fuck Goku Black, I'm saving for either the SS4 Goku and Vegeta or Goku, Trunks and Pan LR. Everyday is a fucking struggle against inner demons to stop me from summoning on these upcoming banners.
The only thing stopping me from throwing every stone at cooler is the fact that she might be getting an LR. If she does i'll skip everything until she drops on global
just wait til the next thread, it will be cooler
what is this memetheory based on again
It'll work out, user. It was killing me not dumping stones into the Lr Trunks and Mai banner but in the end I managed to get agl Gogeta and still have a nice stock for the anniversary. It'll be worth
Dokkan battle, if you want a strong team fast.
You know who to call
readEvery new category always has an Lr come out around the time it's added. They added Universe 6 and they need an Lr for it, which high chance it'll be Kefla
I hope someone picks up that phone
>Beerus EZA finally coming after being delayed twice
I could not give less a shit about Heroes now
I am still mad.
I fucking wish for a heroes banner.
who else here enjoying the batshit insane paco-canon put out in DBH?
All in on SSJ4 vegeta for me.
I still can't fully grasp how this came from an official source
I hope we get more of these pixel cards so one day we can get a "Video Game" category
I absolutely love it. Wacky what ifs are one of my favorite aspects of Dragon Ball.
All I want is a UR SS4 Majin Trunksalo
I like how shocked punished Zamasu was upon seeing grande padre Goku appearing with fully controlled UI.
Got Freeza 1st form and Piccolo SSR as two first characters. how fucked am i?
Man I did the discount on Vegeta and got him, so I'm afraid the luck has dried up. Cooler is great, but those LR SSJ4s are better. Probably drop a single multi and hope for the best. If they change the banner maybe I'll do a second, but they hardly ever bother to
Anyone else pull the chad?
No, for the love of me i can't get enough copies on am on my 10th run and only got like 2 copies.
i'll try a single pull on his banner because i only have enough for one anyways, or a pull on whatever 30 stones banner they have.
i am usually not very lucky with pulls.
no because I will pull for him on the Hit banner.
am on global btw.
I hope to high heaven it's Kale and Caulifa with an active skill fusion cause already rainbowed her ssj2 form
terrible team.
make a U6 team instead you double nigger.
Grind user. 10 runs is nothing
true, but 10 runs with nothing is ass.
now i am on my 13th run and still nothing.
Spotted the LRlet.
user you get to listen to that God tier 8 bit music each run. Keep grinding till you got rainbows
ok, that is indeed cool, however those 5% drop rate on the yancha cards are also kidna ass. i really wanted to try going trough SBR with him on a Super int team that i am building.
Honestly best advice is to reroll until you get the physical transforming Vegeta card from the current banner. He's the best card in game for F2P players and beginners cause his team is pure saiyans, and there's a million of those fuckers
>it's christmas
>disappointed with the banner
>has discount so I figure I'll just do a multi
>Hit's the only card that could save that night
>end up doing 3 multis
>none of them had a featured unit
>desperate for the joy santa should bring
>one last summon with all my heart
>vegeta is flying through the sky
>touch screen
>Super Saiyan
>Vegito has come
>Kamehameha flies through the sky
Don't reroll. Rerolling is for pussies
How do I get this one?
What's a good setup for the upcoming EZA?
Gotta do his event
time to make you cry like the little bitch you are.
I am only boasting for you and normally don't do this but here, have this for triggering me.
>EZA soon
I hope
>UI goku
>STR God Ku
>Coat ku
Going to sit that one out. Just 400 stones saved up... hoping we'll get new events and missions to farm and some presents.
What i actually need are Old Kais, i'm sitting on a bunch of interesting URs with no SA and EZAs/LRs with only SA10.
Does thise teams has any chance on survivng SBR?
Super Int:
Extreme PHY:
The ast one is all the PHY characters i ahve. i am still waiting on majin vegeta and base vegeta awakening.
Even more evidence they should do an Lr Golden Frieza on golden week.
No reason to not eza kkgoku with Hit unless they wanted to shill golden frieza before he gets replaced
some people made the count for the number of stones given this month in japan, it was 393 stones through the different login bonuses and eza's so if it's any metric to go by, you should be able to restock easily. Also 4th anni has shat over a 1000 of free stones
>Super Int
2 LR Vegitos trivialize this SBR if you play smart, you can do this easy enough
>Extreme Phy
Cooler and FP Frieza (make sure to do his EZA) first rotation, Omega and Syn second rotation with LR Ginyu, Recoome and Slug floaters. Should be able to complete it, I did it back before I had Omega and used heal Buu instead, and F2P GT Cell instead of slug, managed it alright
>Super Int:
easily. just replace the trunks with the sr chiaotsu, awaken your piccolo and you're good
>Extreme PHY:
probably not. This stage is a bitch even with the best units. I needed dupes to clear it
thta piccolo will take a while to awaken because i only ahve 50 warriors marks.
yeah i got no dupes on anybody besides LR Ginyu.
Would have been Cooler instead of Kaiokek if you were on jp
>using free LRs to brag
Ahahahhahahahah. F2p btw
When are the new banners dropping anyway? I need to spend some fucking stones.
Then I hope rng is with you, I've beaten SBR with some really wonky teams but never managed it to work with ext phy until cooler got duped and I got Lr Cell. Still the othe user gave you good advise, the f2p gt cell is amazing and you can partner him with a friend lr cell for great heals, aoe attacks and seals
I wish you could use that Int Cooler with him
They really need to fix that
>tfw I didn't farm for the prime battle Vegeta
how about this potara team?
His name should be fused with big gete star so we could run both. Also wish LR Cooler linked better with him. Stupid giant link would've been way better as fear and faith
Cooler cards are scheduled to drop at 11:30 pdt so in like 9 hours ish
if you have the PHY vegeta he is literally useless because you can't run them together on the same team.
LR Vegito Blue is much better than Teq VB for SBR, he's a free rainbow LR and he's much more defensive which is key. Potara as a whole is one of the easier SBR Categories, I've seen people beat it with the only LR being VB and using a Kefla lead so it's definitely possible with that team.
Agl + LR Vegito first rotation, LR VB + Friend LR Vegito second rotation with the other 3 as floaters should give you a good shot with RNG on your side. Taking advantage of the LR fusion full heal is key
>tfw didnt even entertain the idea of spending money on mobileshit
>tfw i buy stones every sale now
Usually only get the 32 stone pack, but it's starting to add up
definitely bring the f2p Lr vegito instead of the teq one
also maybe swap teq vegito for candy vegito and
>Mfw Raditz gets in FighterZ
I'm never giving up hope.
i dont have lr vegito blue yet.
i kinda gave up on story mode for being too fucking long and having way too many units to dokkan and shit.
i do however have candy vegito though.
it is never happening my friend.
Raditz would unironically have such a good moveset for fighterz. Weekend, Double Sunday, Friday, Saturday crash, Raditz had a ton of unique moves and he fought hand to hand in a neat style too. Man even has an easy dramatic finish to market
if you have god vegeta you can bring the eza teq vegeta blue and they can tank and support really well
i have both bu i dont ahve a realm of god leader.
that f2p teq blue vegeta is a mmonster, he tanks like a motherfucker.
Story is a fucking slog and a half, but VB is worth it in the long run, so you'll have to grit your teeth and mindlessly advance at some point. Candy Vegito will be a good addition to the team though as the other anonymous pointed out, his stuns and dodges are clutch more often than not
>Goku is full critical
>Vegeta 10 for both
Is this the way to do It? I don't see discussion on how to develop characters.
Prince done
Beautiful work user, one low class warrior to go
>these drop rates
So what awakening and Dokkan awakening is for and how it works? cool game, i'm enjoying.
Should I rainbow all the yamchas
You will most likely get 10 free stones if you finish LRing him before the campaign comes for prime battle LRs like with Trunks.
You'd be based if you did
>if you have the PHY vegeta he is literally useless because you can't run them together on the same team.
I know, but I could run him over the Ginyu team for certain things
Bumping for interest.
Are they actually useful for anyting?
Basically an awakening takes a card to the next level of rarity and greatly increases it's stats. So an SR would awaken into an SSR.
A Dokkan Awakening is when a card awakens into a totally new card. This usually happens when awakening an SSR card into a UR card.
Awakenings take medals that you pick up while playing. Early on, its best to hold onto your medals and awaken only your best cards because they can be hard to come by at first.
However, Dokkan awakenings use special medals for each specific card. You get those medals by doing events and special stages.
They get a good buff when they super so maybe additional focus with crit being the rest?
Put one in dodge if you're feeling lucky
Free Pure Saiyan team
Pure Blooded teams
Here's a pic if that wasn't clear enough
thank you
3 days until maximum retard
the fuck?
I might sound selfish, but it bothers me that Heroes has so many more interesting units than Dokkan does.
Like, Dokkan units are 3 or 4 jpgs and a recycled animation. There is no reason for every single Heroes card to not be brought over to Dokkan. It would take the developers an afternoon.
>Pure Saiyan
That's the biggest category by far, loaded with dozens of better cards. If it was a bit extra for Low Class Warriors i'd understand it... that category needs love.
Fuck heroes is such bullshit fanfiction. Thank Zamasu we Westfags finally get this bullshit fanfiction for ourselves, I'm going to have such fun with this game
>A F2P April Fools card can hit over a million relatively easily
Wild times
What does your team look like?
>Dokkan units are 3 or 4 jpgs and a recycled animation
Used to be that way, but now with units like that INT Kid Goku, AGL Metal Cooler, and INT Rose, the SA animations have gotten pretty insane.
In Heroes you can give cards equipment that let them basically use any other move in the game including transformations. In the demo I had it so Golden Frieza would transform into Blue Goku on turn 3.
ok but transforming into a completely different character? that's a little too full retard for me
Is there a specific mission I can grind to get the supreme kai's to level up there special attacks?
LR SSJ4 Vegeta lead, that rotation had the TEQ Father-Son Galick Gun Vegeta, that 8-Bitgeta, and then TEQ Bra.
Oh sweet I can be a Kai again? Fusions was an awesome time
No, those are mission rewards, login rewards and event currency trades mostly. After a few weeks you'll have a decently sized collection of kais, they'll be a bit rare at the start
No you get them from missions, the dragon balls, log in bonuses and a summon that pops up once and a while
>Is there a specific mission I can grind to get the supreme kai's to level up there special attacks?
No. You can farm cards with "the same name", and feed them through training to the one you want to upgrade, 50 % chance is pretty good. Save the Old Kais for more valuable cards, like legendaries.
Ok, just trying to find a way to finish leveling up the 8-bit cards
Just keep grinding for more duplicates
You wouldn't want to use Kai's on them anyway since you can grind for duplicates until infinity to level their SA up with.
Is this Gacha? Why should I care?
wasnt kuririn stronger than freeza in the cell arc?
Yeah it's dokkan battle, it's a gacha
roshi is a murderer
How pay2win is it?
>Is this Gacha?
>Why should I care?
If you're a DBfag, it can be played well enough without spending a single $ unlike most other Gacha.
There's no PVP, so "pay to win" is limited to you wanting to roll on more banners for more characters. It wins you nothing.
>it can be played well enough without spending a single $ unlike most other Gacha.
I swear every single gachafag says this about their game
I'm convinced though
There is nothing to """win""" but id say it's pretty fair regarding giving you free units and stones to roll with. The free units are usually pretty strong too.
Not very, you can do well in the pve if you dont min max which would require dupes of pretty rare characters
I'm trying to enjoy Dragonball Legends as well... but that one actually seems to be pay to win. Get free stones, drop them on banners, get nothing because there's no guaranteed SSR (sparking called there).
The game caters to your brains "reward" mechanism, that's everything there is to it, if you've played MMORPGs you know what i mean. "Whoa, i finally got SS4 Gogeta awakened, i can now run this sorta viable Fusion team".
over 300 free stones a month(banners are usually 50 stones with a guaranteed SSR for 10 pull but sometimes are discounted or 3 multis gets you a free one)
Any idea what the golden week banner might be?
Teq Hit lookin really juicy right now.
Grinded like 3k stones for gogeta in legends and got nothing, then I got god vegeta on a single
I did like 5 multis on Gogeta Banner - nothing at all, for the same amount in Dokkan i got the whole new Movie Heroes team.
Now i'm done with multis and just do the discounted daily single summons while levelling and doing the story and shit.
Does Dokkan try to have a story at all or is it just repurposing Heroes card art for easy money?
how do you justify ever pulling for new cards when you have a top 3 team in the game?
Fuck I need LR G&F
How do you even play this thing?
It tried but didn't do very well
The main story is a slog just to get a really good unit and lots of in game currency. The events that use actual movies, story arcs, etc are the main gameplay
He funny thing is Vegeta is more of a tank unit and goku does a lot more damage.
>three yamchas
>all of them are awful joke cards
Why do they keep doing this to him
What unit does the campaign give you?
I havent even touched it yet despite being over level 100. Wanted to save the stones for a rainy day
LR vegito blue, you can check the wiki for the exact method
He's one of the best free LR's
is there even enough free to play pure sayan cards?
>Half of them are f2p
Are SSRs even good? Whats the difference between them and UR and LR?
Max level.
Most SSR's Z awaken to UR, then some units can dokkan awaken to raise their level cap and make them a lot better
LR's start as SSR and they use another awakening to go LR, they're generally the best units in the game but also most are really hard to get
a lot SSR cards can get to UR(120) and some UR can go either to LR(150) or to Extreme z awakening(140).
LR cards are usually extremelly good card that have the highest stats of atk, def and hp but it doesnt mean they are the best cards around.
neat, thanks!
refer to the wiki to know if whatever character you have has awakening and what you need to do to awaken them since the huge majority of them require unique medals related to specific timed events that come back every once in a while.
If you are new just do sotry mode and farm for free to play units for a while until you can fom a decent team to tackle challenge events and wolrd tournament.
>vegeta is the saga big bad boss
>gets defeated
>even though he was almost 10x stronger than goku when he first met him he can never catch up to him again
>his entire life is spent being cucked by someone he had that much of a lead on
Imagine walking into a gym, seeing someone bench 10x more than you and a month later you were stronger than him and he never caught you up. That's why Vegeta is Goku's rival I don't think Goku gives one fuck either way.
Are any of these units decent?
what is this?
>don't kill vegeta
>i immediately killed vegeta
lmfao this is the opposite of being a cuck
This is a moveset i crapped out like a year ago. I still think it's very applicable.
Dokkan battle.
More specifically the April fools cards they are giving out. They usually gave yancha cards that are mostly useless but this year they are giving 2 cards that are not only great but are also in 8bit.
Dokkan Battle. A DBZ gacha game
Decent yes, only omega is amazing,
she gained boobs and colossal ones at that.
you dont really need evey single move to be a direct reference, i doubt most of the moves in dbfz are. With some characters they took it to heart like the ginyu force, even the single ginyu move is a direct reference, and other entire movesets like base goku and vegeta, but it is not necessary to make a character.
sadly we are never getting a season 3 to actually add highly requested characters that people want.
So, speaking of Dragon Ball, question:
Heroes is that arcade game with a bunch of new story arcs and characters, right? Stuff like "Dark Dragon Balls" and "Prison Planets" and whatnot.
Will any of that be in the Switch game coming out?
It's going to be an original story in the switch game but yeah, it's pretty much all the same stuff
So an original story that tries to mesh together all the new stuff? That should be interesting...
Why does Heroes get the stories that dbs should have?
>Dark Dragonball SSJ4 Time Breaker Legendary Super Saiyan Movie Broly
Heroes is for retarded, yet fun, fanservice.
Because Toriyama refuses to make cute girls important. With Heroes they are allowed to go all in on cute girls.
Well I can't say for certain if it's going to be about dark dragon balls, etc. But it's that type of stuff. Demon Realm stuff.
>tfw no Dark Dragonball SSJ4 Time Breaker Legendary Super Saiyan Movie Broly LR in dokkan
>heroes category just turns into borderline dragonball AF shit
>Xenoverse 3
>Towa and Mira are back, shocking everyone with their apparent escape from destruction
>But this time they aren't interested in distorting history, they're kidnapping Gokus. Every Goku from every point in every history vanishes, with timelines and events spiraling out of control from his absence:
>A world where Tenshinhan is the sole surviving fighter, doing battle each day with the demon armies of King Piccolo and his rival Garlic Jr. to defend the last humans
>A world where Piccolo failed to save Gohan on his own, and the boy was captured and raised by the Saiyans to become the Legendary Super Saiyan and destroy Frieza, landing on Namek in the midst of a turf war between the Frieza Force, Cooler's armies, and Lord Slug's pirate armada
>A world where Goku vanished after doing battle with Android 19, and a 3-way endless war is waged between the Androids, the Z Fighters and Cell
>A world where without Goku to teach them fusion, the Supreme Kai gives Goten and Trunks his potara earrings to battle Majin Buu
>A world where without Goku to learn its mysteries, it falls to his granddaughter Pan to become the fabled Super Saiyan 4 and stop the duo of Baby and Hatchiyak alongside Uub.
>A world where with no Goku, Trunks Gohan and Vegeta square off against Vegeta Black in a dismal future
>The twist is that Towa and Mira really DID die, and these are copies from a warped time fragment, subservient to that fragment's alternate version of Fu: their biological son, with all the devious ideas of the original yet none of his innocence
>This evil Fu's goal is to use the combined power of all history's Gokus to give himself the ultimate, godlike power to warp all history to his curious whim.
>It falls to you, a new time Patroller, to team up with the Good Fu along with Trunks and the heroes of XV1 and 2 to travel to these myriad worlds, right their wrongs, and rescue Goku from the grasp of the New Demon King.
As a new player, are there any banners out right now that I should definitely roll on?
>300 stones
>No featured units at all
I want Hit
On Global? Wait for the anniversary, has discounts as well it's in June and gives 2 banners
The new transforming vegeta will be a big help for you, try and get at least 1 copy of him I'd say
wait, it's not in july?
try once or twice on the current vegeta banner, stop if you get him, then once or twice on cooler's/hit banner
Then wait for the anivverssary .
Or July idr
fund it
You say that. But Roshi, Hercule and Raditz are the last main z characters not in Also the chad AND the strongest Form of Buu, Super Buu and BuuHan
Somebody post the Goku Room
Honestly timeline crossover stuff should be left out of the main continuity
true, i thought they would be added during season 3 together with zarbon, hercule, roshi and others but i seriously doubt season 3 will ever happen.
the game playerbase dropped tremendously and even with the new update things didnt change much.
>he should do what he is told to do by other people that's not being a cuck at all
>honey i'm going to fuck tyrone and you're going to watch
>sure thing! i always do what i'm told
seething vegetard detected
What's the difference???
>SSB hair doesn't spike
You can always wait till he comes back and use coins
You can just play as the only character that matters instead.
Please don't use memes you don't understand.
Second one is wife material
man thats pretty cool.
is xenoverse 2 even good?
>Literally crunchy jpegs
Why do people put more effort into this game than the devs
>Do multi on Vegeta banner
>Get Bulla
>Already had transforming Vegeta
>Have LR Majeta and some other cards
So it's definitely worthwhile for me to try to get LR SSJ4 Vegeta instead of Goku when that comes out around July on global, right?
They're April Fools day cards based on a GBC DBZ game, what else would they look like?
Majin vegeta doesn't really work on that team, Goku is arguably the best unit in the game.
He doesn't? Aw, that's a shame, because he's been doing some real good work on my Pure Saiyans team.
main units aside from LR SS4 vegeta and SS4 str Goku rotation are LR Trunks, Vegeta&Bulma, Transforming Vegeta or the EZA galick gun units.
Aw damn, I've got all of the cards there besides the LR Vegeta and LR Trunks. Don't really have many LRs at all, and I'm not sure which are good.
If you have rage vegeta and bulma with a few dupes you are good, counter are broken.
My Rage Vegeta is only at 69%, one dupe in the bottom right corner.
But I only have 500 right now and need to use them on Blue Gogeta. His banner shafted me really bad
>Literally have all those units save for Vegeta/Bulma
>Have multiple great teams where I can run Goku and even Goku and Vegeta
>Will have close to 1.9k stones to summon when the banners come out allowing me to get a character with the coins and possibly the two of them
>My brain keeps telling me to summon on the Baby banner because I really want to get the GT Trio and could get LR Goku and Frieza
I'm at a loss, if only I could whale my way out of this I probably would but fuck it might just go with the SS4 banners and be done with it. Hopefully I manage to get the both of them.
>Dump 1000+ stones into Gogeta banner
>Get every single new unit besides him
>Go into Broly banner
>New PHY Broly on the second multi, AGL Broly on the 3rd and Paragus on the 4th
>Didn't even want the Broly initially because I heard he was shitty compared to the Gogeta
>Actually fairly decent
Should be enough given that he is the hardest hitting TUR on the team.
Top team is optimal damage meme, the rest are still good.
GT trio is amazing for f2p players and the gold coins are better than the red ones.
Whoever told you Super Broly was shitty is retarded. He's better for hard content than Gogeta, as well as being the Chad World tournament leader. Gogeta hits harder, but that's all he does better as a card.
You forgot that gogeta dodges
He also gave me a place to stick my LR Boujack + AGL Boujack rotation, because I didn't have any leaders for their other categories before.
He was also my first Broly card I pulled, even though I started on the SSJ3 Bardock banner last year.
I'd argue the LR SSJ4s are better for F2P players. You know eventually this massive pump of powerful units for seekers of the Dragonballs will end, but Goku, Vegeta and their kids will always get more cards
It's only a 25-30% chance before he goes blue, it's more unreliable than Broly's higher defense in my experience, plus that 1 turn quicker transformation is actually very noticeable
LR Goku and arale & LR bee pan under 4 ki+ 170% is super strong, other f2p units asides from the ones from battlefield can't compare.
What is the better Goku in this game? just so i look up for him and shiet. Also, in case its a SSJ 4 one, tell me the better not ssj4.
>LR Goku and Arale hit for 3.4 Mil with their TUR plus Bee Pan on rotation
Dragonball Seekers is a monster category and it will probably remain like that for a long, long time, but it is exactly as you say. LR SS4 are pretty much future proof since they will keep on pumping new Vegeta and Goku lineage characters.
30% to avoid a super is way more useful than a bit more defense.
You know you can use the LR SSJ4 Goku to make a team purely consisting of different variations of Goku, right? Base, SSJ, SSJ3, SSJB, SSJG, Kaioken, etc.
how can you fuckers dump 1000+ stones on a banenr and not get the featurede unit? I always stop after a third try and usually get it. even if i dont get it i always stop. where the fuck do you get so many stones
Saving and dragon stone sales, mostly.
>What is the better Goku in this game?
>tell me the better not ssj4
Teq Utra full power SS4 Goku
>Teq Ultra full power SS4 Goku
You mean Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Goku?
The best non SS4 goku is Kid Goku
Every time Global names something differently than JP, the Global name is worse
We don't use that name around here bud, are you a Bandai employee?
Thanks for answers.
Nice touch having a Kid Goku that is actually useful
That's what the Japanese name translates to as well.
Yep exactly my reasoning. Dragonball seekers is easily the best F2P Team in game, but a year from now when they've released 1 more seeker F2P unit and like 5 more F2P Gokus who are as strong as the newly released F2P units have been who knows if the Seekers will still be number 1.
More variety in Goku and Vegetas teams too, and over half of the units you summon will be usable on either of their teams. Either the monkeys or the GT Trio are very good picks for F2P Players though, so there's no wrong answer
That kid goku is actually insane, arguably top 5 UR in the game, glad OGDB gets good cards.
Does anyone know when LR SSJ4 goku/vegeta are coming to global? Anniversary?
Second week of July
They're the 4th anniversary units, so July.
Like so:
don't mind me just posting the funnest team in the game
>have been playing since before STR countering Vegeta came out
>still don't fucking have him
ayyyghhgh I'm yawnin bro
>Finally farming those SA units
>Literally out of money
My LR Broly will never get dokkan. Also 500 stones and no Phy Vegeta, someone end me.
>and a recycled animation
What's wrong with these animations, user?
That’s not CHADroids.
>get optimal Potara team
>kills my interest in Dokkan because nothing can challenge me
>UI build up
>Vegio build up
>Kai that never supers
>Rozemasu build up
>Gogeta build up AND transformation
>Rose is good
Please no bully.
That's what you get for building the most souless team in the game
Cooler in a couple hours global bros, you gonna go for him?
>outdamaged by 120% teams
i got every bojack including the lr, should i pair him with his agl counterpart or is the str counterpart worth grinding for?
how many hours exactly?
Bro? Did you grind the WT for the PHY Boujack that will outperform the AGL one once he awakens?
>get one team at full power
>it only works for one battle in the hardest mode
"who cares about sbr I mod that bullshit i'm not a cuck blah blah
I always get bored of the WT after getting around 20 wins, besides, you couldn't do that until the recent Future Gohan.
inb4 that guy that thinks Rose is garbage on RoG because he doesn't understand how rotations work
Is she in Dokkan?
I don't blame you, top 20k was like 43mil to barely get in.
No, just whis and vados
If you are a new player absolutely, they are amazing, almost on par with f2p Eza Goku and Vegeta.
If not they are alright fillers.
It'll be more bearable though, because you can get a copy just by getting enough points now.
No chance of anyone coming in and making you miss out on that.
because they were roughly even until vegeta had to chimp out
Nope, only Whis and Vados unfortunately.
>almost on par with f2p Eza Goku and Vegeta
These guys only get around 500k-900k at the most usually, those two can go beyond 1 million per attack fairly easily.
You have some (and I mean really few) decent units and like 3 or 4 "good" units. None of them are amazing so reroll.
*blocks your path*
I heard we're getting Towa soon on Global, is that true?
why are you posting in a thread for a game you obviously don't understand
Where's your PHY Broly, user? I don't see him anywhere.
not yet, but they are adding everyone slowly, we are probably getting the farmer someday down the road.
The current banner and the next two are good but save most of your stuff for anniversary.
>Teq Beerus not EZAed
when you get it's EZA then your team will be beast.
don't worry, I did nearly 30 multis on his banner and definitely got him he's just not on the team right now
I got him on my second multi.
Don't feel bad, did at least 20 multis on the Gogeta banner and that one fucked me. No Gogeta.
Dont mind me posting the most fun team in the thread.
I hope world mission adds more packs as dlc. It's so weird that base 21 is in a game without majin 21
long-term players, do you still use all your stamina each day? Sure I'm using mine for the new units but outside of that this shit is just a log-in get off type of game between EZAs
>>Fairly decent
Dude is a monster and makes farming some events fasters.
I'm 100% alert and fully awake
>do you still use all your stamina each day
Only to do stone missions and new content, I beat SBR so no need to farm anything else.
Which 7 characters/forms are gonna be in your main deck in Heroes?
i'm not usually into this meme but this is a pretty soul vs souless moment for me, in the huge oppai art she looks like she got the low quality super artstyle treatment
Realm of the god is the most boring category, they just tank hard.
Wrong pic
Every last bit of it. Coming up on 1000 days soon. I don't waste a single one, unless I go out and get fucked up and then am too hung over to be assed about it. Only happened a couple two--tree times though.
It's a cancer
*Transforms and blocks your path*
i always get so upset when people write out better plot ideas in less than a paragraph than anything we'll actually see in the next game
And right's tits look pretty sloppy too. She seems like that overweight girl who brags about her tits when it's mostly just her being fat.
LR Goku&Vegeta and LR Goku& Vegeta angel are soulless cards with shit animations
>all these basic bitch teams
stand aside
Soul Categories (not including meme cats):
>Shadow Dragons
>Hybrid Saiyans
>Universal Survival Saga
>Resurrected Warriors
>Movie Bosses
>Future Saga
>Transformation Boost
>Wicked Bloodline
>Time Travelers
>Universe 6
Soulless Categories:
>Realm of Gods
>Majin Buu Saga
>Super Saiyan 3
>Pure Saiyans
>Full Power
>Representatives of Universe 7
>Goku's Family
>Vegeta's Family
Your SSJ3 Goku needs a partner.
>Ningen slayer rotation
>Counters rotation
>Floating waifus
Potara is fun, FUN!
did you look at the unit directly below him
If I had Super Broly and transforming Goku they'd be replaced, but transformations all over the place are fun and they fit that gimmick
The super side on potara is boring as fuck, I only have fun when Rose and Zamasu are on rotation.
oh and you don't?
A fellow rainbow Kefla user of culture, how beautiful
apply yourself japlet
only potira i fuck with is mike in brazil
Post some cool teams that I use.
The newest one.
Waiting for their awakenings and still farming trunks slowly
>no oppai of time
Global forever soulless
Good taste
Are the new yamchas just mission rewards? My autism is telling me to get maxed out all paths open on the ur and tur's
yall tryna put niggas to shleep at this point
Step it up senpai.
I am going to awaken that goku and the lr tien whenever I get the medals.
why the FUCK isn’t Paragus & Broly part of Movie Bosses?
giggaest nigger coming through faggots
take your gay teams and get out of my thread
that's it i'm shlip into coma
The peppy gals team that I really enjoy.
GUYS HELP. I just got LR Gohan, whats a good team and a good linking partner?
>Using Goten and Trunks instead of SSJ4 Vegeta
>LR Trunks isn't even in his TUR state
>Goku isn't fully leveled
Is your team intentionally trash?
Int Rage Trunks, Hyrbid Saiyans
And lastly the movie bosses team that I am trying to make. Haven't tested it yet.
Fuck universe 7
i don't have vegeta but i do like 1 more ki instead of the other 20% he gives. Trunks will take a while to awaken because i was farming the other many units that require farming since i came back recently and that goku has no event yet. However even on this state the units already shit on any event without using any items.
no idea, but for whatever reason PAn is not part of peppy gals and neither is the new kid chichi
>other 20%
You're missing out on 40% attack, because you'll be using Double Goten and Trunks.
>It's another let me throw my dupeless Lrs under a shit leader skill episode
well i dont have him anyways so i guess goten and trunks will ahve to do.
>Bra is in Peppy Gals
>She's 8 or 9 in GT
>Pan is a year or two older than that
>Not in Peppy Gals
Is the game telling us that Pan is too old and that we should be beating off to Bra instead?
I would run Hybrid teams if Gohan leader skill and gohan itself werent shit.
How can I improve my Potara team?
>Keru not rainbowed
shamefur display
by not using gogeta in there
nor SS3 bardock, use actual potara cathegory teamamtes.
Forgot pic
pulled 3 singles, got him. pretty nice
>He doesn't realize that Gogeta and Bardock are optimal on the Potara team
Only if you use teq vb
only fags run units that are secondary to the true cathegory.
>He doesn't run teq tien on U7
>He doesn't run the old SS4s on the lineage teams
>He doesn't run Turles on wicked blodline
>He doesn't run Rose on transformation Boost
you go to your teams and change these gay ass units right now or I'll say the n word.
Maybe you should git gud, nigger.
wow, wtf is that user, you can't say that in ehre, this a blue board.
I can't say what? Git gud? Of course I can.
you know what you did, don't play dumb. We can't lose advertisers.
What advertisers?
1 more dupe till rainbow, the spirit is willing, but the rng is cruel
Help me beat Ultimate clash, I have good units but I always job.
Jp season 13 or global season 6?
If you can't beat global then your box is sucky
I wish Giants was a better category
On JP it is
what is teh difference? Agl metal cooler?
Fuck. Why exactly?
Metal cooler and LR super baby 2 pulled it out of the shitter but it's still pretty bad cause no one except the monkeys link well, but the best units in the category aren't any of the monkeys so it's fucked
how? It literally can't die, ever
Agl Cooler and LR baby
Where's your Hit, bro?
Where is your Vados bruv?
I'm only missing a couple ape units and have rainbow tapion, should I summon for baby when he comes to global
Talking about giant form I also use this one every now and then but since I don't have radditz I just the orb changer to heal a little.
I'm gonna edit this shit to post in a single image instead of spamming the threads with all my teams.
there we go.
I hadn't got the stones to summon during Shitmas, so we wait and see if he's on the global metal cooler banner mirroring the jap hit banner.
He won't because they're fucking cunts, but one day I'll get Hit
forgot pic like an idiot
Why is pixel art so soulful?
If you really enjoy the giant playstyle then yeah, I say go for it user, Super Baby 2 is the MVP of the category and his Banner also has the LR GT Trio so it's pretty good
see It's probably the most indestructible team in the game and also has some hard hitters.
They even got rid of the awful diamond background.
You have over half of them right? Don't tell me you are a lucklet
>only missing nine of them
Thought I was doing good, then I realized I miscounted.
500 red coins acquired. These are the Dokkanfest exclusives I'm missing, which should I buy?
>Blue Gogeta
>Super Broly
>LR Gogeta
>STR Super Buu
>SSBE Vegeta
How does this game work. What's the meaning of Super/Extreme 'stat'. Is this a RPG on steroids or what?
>>Blue Gogeta
>>Super Broly
>>STR Super Buu
One of these
You have to think in terms of categories you need leaders for.
Was curious where I'd end up. Thankfully not a lucklet, did pretty well
It wasn't a jab at Dokkan or anything. I just wish they would release a higher variety of cards.
I'd further narrow it down to
>Blue Gogeta
>Super Broly
Because Super Buu is legit trash compared to these two or Turles, and Turles' category is covered by Broly. He's a fantastic unit but there are other supports you can run in a pinch besides him, whereas nothing can fuck shit up like a Broly or Gogeta.
>all the blue stone units
goddam, I can tell your account is OG
>That first one
Damn that's so cool.
What kid Goku unit does this? I have to get him
Can't wait for the Beerus EZA, have had him at 3 dupes since forever. I couldn't muster up a single fuck about the Gogeta or Father Son EZAs, but this has me excited.
Super are the good guys and extreme the bad guys, basically just catagories. The game's all about mixing new units together well to make strong teams
I will suck cock for more dragon stones
Hell yeah, 50 days till 1000 day Goku. Would've had em by now if I logged in everyday but I'm pretty bad at doing it during downtime in the game
The INT Dokkanfest one. He came out just after the 4th anniversary units on JP
I only have 20 of those.
Not that guy, but ha you're pretty much me. I could have had LR Goku like 150 days ago if I didn't abandon my account for a few months.
Super Buu is still an option if he ever gets a SBR stage, no leader can replace him.
There are people at dimps that are being paid to continuously make new budokai models.
>King Vegeta
>King Cold
>no King Piccolo
Or is he just labelled as 'Demon King Piccolo' instead
P comes after O, which means alphabetically King Piccolo should be after all the "King of Destruction" characters, which there are a lot of.
Not bad
user if they have Young Kami they probably have King Piccolo
I'm just glad there are good Raditz and Yamcha cards
>all but 1 blue stone units
>mid-late 2018 shaft
>2019 comeback
Bretty good
>We could've had this as Future Trunks' big ship but Toriyama had to come in and remove Mai's personality just to ship her with him
There's only one Yamcha card that is even remotely good.
Eh, Chronoa already has a crush on Bardock anyways, so it's not like Trunks had a chance.
Trunks at least deserved a character that wasn't a blank, personality-less piece of shit.
He deserved better.
Is there somewhere I can look at a comprehensive list of the best units, what I should be pulling for, teams to build, etc?
Listen, just let me have my joy pls
Time Patrol Trunks and Future Trunks are different characters. They will probably meet in the next Heroes arc.
I rainbowed this guy.
Future Trunks still deserved better.
What's your thoughts on Sealas?
Everything from Heroes is 100% pure cancer
There are no other girls for Future Trunks left they are all dead unless he wants to fuck his mom.
>They're all dead unless he wants to fuck his mom
He could've stayed behind to fuck Kale or Caulifla.
It looks like they made Perfect Cell into a tranny.
Absolutely perfect. Thank you
>Trying to set Trunks up with lesbians
user hasn't the poor boy suffered enough?
He gets a defense debuff every time he does his 18 ki super attack.
He needs someone who can actually fight and won't hold him back, future Mai has zero personality and is worthless.
She's also ugly.
I'm gonna drop 2-3 multis on this banner, if I don't get him I'll say fuck it and wait until 4th anniversary.
>Trunks cucked Shuu
It's not fair user
>She's also ugly.
She's a boring character but you don't need to go that far.
Chronoa, if you're not going to let Trunks inside your Time Nest then don't bag on his girlfriend that actually puts out.
JPfag with cooler here, easily top 3 TUR but globalets are better off saving for the red coin system.
She looks dumpy in her coat and isn't even half as cute as she was back in DB.
I bet you they'll make the gacha coin system even more pro-whale and jewy to fuck over global players.
>tfw going to rainbow all 5 type metal coolers
What if I want him to replace PHY Cooler for my movie bosses team?
I'm not pulling unless Transforming Frieza is on the banner instead of Future Gohan
All she needs is some whore makeup.
Whales don't need the red coins, they mostly dump on gold coins banners
It's more of a dolphin pitty system
I'm bored, so you guys are going to pick my Teams for Dokkan Battlefield. Pick 7 EXT PHY.
Her eyes are too big.
>tfw have a rainbow INT Goku Black
>have only seen him transform ONCE in the entirety since he came out because his restrictions are that ridiculously bad
I fucking hate it
Goku Black vaporized Future Bulma, Infinity War style.
>PHY Broly
>Transforms almost every event
>INT Black can't even do that
What was Akatsuki thinking?
Goin' in because my movie bosses lineup could use a major shot in the arm. Also discouraged as fuck from getting raped by the last few banners with nothing major to show for it (aside from PHY NuBroly)
Based and Big gete pilled.
1 copy of agl cooler and the f2p ones gets you 2 free SBR clears
I know what you mean there, I pulled on the Vegeta banner for TEQ SSJ4 Goku, got Vegeta, but he's not as cool.
Why is he so much more cooler than his brother?
Kinda wish there was a vault option, I see hating trash/useless units while I browse my units, specially when I am theory crafting. I like that all my good units are blacked out on the training screen.
It also gets clustered in ultimate clash.
I'm so excited to finally get this team!
>over 15% healing per turn not including the PHY cooler lifesteal
That's because AGL new Gogeta and PHY new Broly only need three turns to pass to transform. Same with UI Goku just needing to be at 50% health or below. They are relatively "easy" to get and are great units.
Even the multi-transforming units like AGL Goku, PHY Vegeta, and TEQ Freeza will transform after every turn from their first time on the field, you might not get their final form but you'll usually get to SS2/SS3 or Third Form Freeza which is fine. Black though? Its the same tired bullshit that we have with LR Vegito and LR Gogeta, you need six turns and to be under or at 80% health. Which is dumb. I hope they actually fix this in the future.
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How fat is Datruth?
I never noticed, but that really reminds me of the weird hand shot from the original DBZ intro.
Of course there are
In fact the f2p pure sayain team is the best f2p team in the game
>the f2p pure sayain team is the best f2p team in the game
Laugh and farts in Hybrid saiyan
He's a literal blue whale that taught himself to walk on land
Why is Nano the only dokkan youtuber who doesn't look like a mutant?
I am a dumbass, goodbye most free farming units.
Is there any hidden good fp2 units besides the obvious? I have ghost gotenks and candy vegito rainbowed but I am afraid of missing a hidden gem
>16 doesn't have a dokkanfest exclusive unit
>there still isn't a dokkanfest or summable Future #17 & 18 LR
>#19 and #20 still don't have even any decent SSR/TUR units
>they even had a huge opportunity with the 4 year anniversary to give us better Nouva and Eis Shenrons and didn't despite the GT theme
I am still salty
GT cell and freeza
hellfighter 17
teq supreme kai
the metal coolers
Int Videl and Gohan (underrated AF)
There's bigger problems than that, user.
>Krillin, Tien and Yamcha don't have any summonable SSRs that can ascend to TUR
>Piccolo does, but he doesn't have a dokkanfest exclusive
>Neither do the previous 3
>This scene will never be a summonable LR
There are like a hundred other dragon ball games I could play instead, why would I waste my time on gachashit.
D-Free looks normal though.
Dokkan made 78m us dorra on feb.
Gt ftieza
Golden frieza
Full power freiza
Majin vegeta
Base vegeta
I guess so, but I've got to thinking. Why does Rhymestyle's face look so fucked up? Is he a FAS baby?
Rhymestyle looks like that kid who was a complete sperg in school and probably said his dad works at Nintendo.
>Z fighters isnt a category
>Piccolo doesnt have different transformation tiers to make them more variable (Nail, Kami, 100% sync or some shit)
>For some reason SSJ2 is skipped too much, specially for Trunks
>Future Gohan sucks
SSJ2 Trunks has a single card in the game and it doesn't even dokkan awaken.
>>Future Gohan sucks
Just because he is on the lower end of category leaders doesn't mean he isn't better than 99% of the cards
There are a lot of characters that simply have zero attention. After 4 years they just added the only useful yancha card that is not related to an event. I don't think krill in has any decent cards besides those 2 you can buy at baba shop, tien has like 3 decent cards but two of them are exclusive to WT.
Not having a android 20 card that heals by absorbing super attacks is honestly insulting.
Is the free Vados decent?
Seriously though, try and tell me that the group shot from the end of the DBZ intro wouldn't make the perfect LR.
Tien fags are greedy as fuck
The 3eyed weirdo is core in the best team in the game as is one to the top 10 damage generators in the game
>support unit that dodges and lowers attack
She is great
How good is costume Beerus and that free INT red ribbon peppy gal?
>Rhymestyle looks like he has some kind of mental or physical illness
>Eyes too far apart
>Probably a sperg
>Sounds like he was hit in the head as a child
>Looks like a normal guy
>Has a wife and kids
>She's fine playing the game with him
>Not fat
Why does Nano waste his time on Rhyme? Does he pity him?
Is he trying to make a lesser (((human))) feel better about himself?
Rhyme's that ugly friend he keeps around to make himself look more attractive.
>costume Beerus
only good for his leader skill
>INT red ribbon peppy gal?
Android 21? or you mean the chick from the DB movie, ok debuffer
How long until Metal Cooler drops? Two hours or one?
Close to two and a half, I believe.
Started today, got the Goku 8 Bits, how do you use the hidden potential thing/orb?
already z-awakened him
Did Frieza rape Vegeta?
Your account has to be rank 50 or higher.
Have to hit Rank 50
Someone make a new thread.
>Started today,
Did you reroll for some op leader? if not , do it
Oh okay. Thank. gonna Z-awaken Vegeta too and chill then.
also why do you get a second Goku/Vegeta through mission after the map? We are supposed to use him in training?
You'll get 2 more from missions at SA lv. 3 and 7, so you should farm up to SA8 and feed those into the units to get up to SA10.
Then get 4 more of each to set aside to open their hidden potential paths once you've gotten up to rank 50.
You need 13 extra to unlock their max potential
9 for SA
4 for hidden potential