You are made CEO and put in charge to fucking fix them. What do you do?
You are made CEO and put in charge to fucking fix them. What do you do?
Scuttle the studio. Let god sort it out.
Take the money and run.
idk thats a tall order they really messed up alot of their good games.
make mobile games and retire early
pull a final fantasy 14 and shut anthem down for a year .
Embezzle all the money and declare bankruptcy
change name to BiWare
Sack everyone and hire Slavs for lower wages
Fire all women/SJW/useless people.
Smaller studio, better people.
Sell Mass Effect and Dragon Age licenses to someone else. ANYONE else.
You'd have to make public executions to get any sense of good will back.
Find every single person that ever contributed to their fucking horrendous PR, fire them and make damn sure everyone knows precisely why they're being fired. This will excise the vast majority of cancer from the company, allowing you to hire people actually competent. Publicize the new hirings, too. Make it clear you're turning over a completely new leaf.
After that, get EA to give you a Star Wars game, tell everyone you're making a Kotor spiritual successor, and get EA to tell the Disney Story group to fuck off so you can make it actually good.
In a time where good Star Wars content in general is rare, and good star wars games are completely absent, managing to make something even above mediocre will win back a good chunk of lost good will. Shove in a few not so subtle jabs at TLJ, have sexy aliens and you're golden.
If that can't be done, do what he said
Liquidate and transfer everything into my offshore account
I coincidentally just read it.
It's funny how even internally they meme'd about B and C teams.
That said, the problems were pretty obvious and recurrent in AAA game development, rushed deadline, executive not listening to feedback, company infighting
What about Cassey? Mass effects his baby
best post ITT
I think its terminal for them. How do you come back when you have no talent left and EA has you by the balls?
Go back to the one property Bioware hasn't raped yet
Neverwinter Nights 3
Base it on 5e
Open world party based RPG
Option to create your entire party or just the main character and recruit original characters in the campaign to your party
Release a toolset and make the game very accessible to modders
Game comes with an original campaign, more campaigns will come as DLC
Make a better version of the infinite dungeon DLC so it plays like a roguelike
Basically just Neverwinter Nights+
This actually 'ain't a bad idea.
Never tried 5e tho I doubt it can be worse than 4e
fire all sjw and hire some slav
fire everyone and hire Yea Forums
give the gamers what they want
Casey is the number one guy who needs to be thrown under the bus, dragged out and thrown in a lake.
>hire Yea Forums
That's the stupidest idea ever
despite how retarded Yea Forums is as a whole, its a better idea than letting anyone who currently works at EA continue working there and producing trash
CEO of Bioware? You can't do shit, you're EA's bitch.
i would just continue making shlock as according to protocol and get away with doing the least amount of work possible.
Fire all diversity hires and ditch the frostbite engine
Fire everyeone.
Only hire people who studied Maths and didn't go into those shitty CS univ.
No trans.
Purge the useless women, gays, furries, blacks and other diversity hires.
Replace them with people.
Then we can move on and actually make an action RPG or something. Maybe Jade Empire 2.
>Jade Empire 2
cultural appropriation
Break everything down and go back to basics.
Make simplified Isometric RPGs for tablets/mobile with binary morality choices for branching paths.
Sack at least half the staff including all the writers, hire 1-3 veteran CRPG designers to lead a tightly-focused project that can come in under-budget and on time.
Embrace the fact that Bioware has a historical reputation but has also mutated into the studio for fujoshi garbage and SJW pandering trash by putting a simple game that's easy to design and text-heavy on a platform people might actually buy it on.
That's how I'd save the company as a business. As a game studio with value or a desire to make quality experiences like the old days, there's no saving them.
itt: people blaming "diversity" boogy(wo)men rather than the actual source of the problem: capitalism
is the best post here tho
This is too real
Fire every single person hired in the last decade.
sell them to gearbox. just imagine how shit it would be
I sell the company and run off with the money
Have standards. That's literally it.
Slavs are subhuman
1. Fire all the fuckers who can't do shit and the retards who can't into game design.
2. Hire actual talent.
3. Build and structure a clear vision for a video game, mechanics, design, story
4. Execute that vision, make a reality during development
5. Do not let the scope expand. Stick to the plan, it's a good plan, you came up with it together with smart people who understand what they're doing.
6. Deliver the product on time with minimal bugs because we stuck to a clear vision, had actual good people working on it, didn't get ahead of ourselves and didn't let some management director and motherfucker think it was their time to shine and try to make a 200 million dollar big huge game.
I'd give Bioware to you if I could. God I didn't realize how badly I wanted a kotor 3 until just now.
Make NWN3 and have an in-company contest for character ideas.
Fire every snowflake who comes up with SJW shit.
Then make a proper RPG.
Pretty much this. They need a genuine artistic endeavor headed by an actual artist. But first and foremost, they need to be gutted. Anyone whose fingertips touch a keyboard for development of ME3 and Anthem needs to be replaced. No question.
yup it's definitely (((them))). Totally not the expected result when a multi-billion dollar international publicly traded company tries to make products as safe and well-selling as possible and in the process waters down any artistic or soulful drive therein. Definitely not a systemic issue with any artistic production and definitely not why indie games are so much more likely to take risks. You're right its the SJeWs
You literally cannot deny there is overlap between ideologues of any type and a lack in quality in game-development.
Simply open your eyes.
How is appealing to .01% of the population maximizing profits?
So scrap the whole studio then
The jews and their lies no longer work, we see through your bullshit
Bioware's failure is the result of absolute incompetence on every level.
Anthem, Andromeda, DA2 and ME3 weren't the results of trying to be safe and pander to mass amounts of people, they were the result of people incapable of making video games being lead by people incapable of developing video games.
its called TOR
pull the plug. They can't make good games anymore
Put everybody in front of a firing squad
Start development on NWN3 without telling anyone. Then release a gameplay trailer of NWN3 when there's less than a year left of development No pre-rendered cutscenes, no cinematics, no bullshots, no "quirky" character quotes, no animatics. Just a pure gameplay trailer.
This. No more diversity hires or any of that forced bullshit.
Fuck off tranny. Clean your gaping axe wound.
Remake KotOR using the Unreal 4 engine. Oh, wait...
Fuck off jew.
Fire everyone still there, re-hire based purely on merit, not diverse identity representation. If possible, DO NOT hire scriptwriters from tv series, hollywood or comics, and try to hire developer who also have experience outside the videogame world.
Re-estabilush an absolutely clear hierarchical environment. Kick out anybody complaining about sensitivity, conversations, and so on.
Have 7 man dev teams structured with 1 PO, 1 Analyst, 1 Tech Lead, 1 senior, 2 middles, 2 juniors.
Fire their entire design team. I think their programmers/artists have some idea what they're doing so I'll keep them.
Then make a traditional Mass Effect game. Hire a real writer early on because plot is what they keep fucking up here. Lock the story early so they have time to make polished cutscenes with proper animation. Drop the mako/nomad because it just ends up with large boring empty environments. Make like 2 dozen smallish but unique hub environments like Mass Effect 2. Make every combat encounter optional by allowing the player to try to talk down enemies and make a real pacifist run.
Give all of our IPs to Obsidian
>fire everyone
>sell all assets to any company except activisio, ea, and bethesda
complains about a scapegoat while creating xer own scapegoat .now is the time to grow you dick back.
FIRE ALL THE WOMEN (leave some for secretaries, front desk etc)
FIRE ALL THE LGBT (attractive manly gay guys can stay ;) )
FIRE ALL THE POC (darker than tanned olive and you are OUT )
Played it, enjoyed the experience. But it's not the same as having a dedicated single player game.
Fire women, minoroties, and basedboys.
>Embezzle all the money and declare bankruptcy
Actually fuck it, do this instead. More chance of working.
sell it and take all the money
you cant fix cancer
Full and complete fucking staff wipe with the hardest motherfucking lack of a heavier set of cusswords then I can possibly imagine ultimate perma blacklist of any and all former staff, thier friends, thier family, anyone they have added anywhere on the internet on any platform including persons dating back and forwards at least 4 generations from ever even working as a fucking toilet licker in the industry ever fucking again, then I sell the company and completely irrepairbly fuck it from ever operating again
I have an idea.
Tie fighter game. Exactly as many controls as you'd expect from an autism flight sim, missions are ball-bustingly difficult, but the game is clear about what you did wrong and what you could do better, and the lasers go pew.
So you want the secretaries to make the games?
>what is the job of a secretary
they are only there to help upper staff and to give blowjobs
>failure to master every control is immediatly noticed by your imperial supeirors and you'd better unfuck yourself quick or else
Yeah, but if you fire all the LGBTs, niggers, etc. Who's left?
>walked into work
>declared my penis was cold
>secretary immediatly bent over her desk without pause and let me crush her until completion, then thanked me afterwards and cleaned my balls with her tounge
feels good to have a secretary
>Who's left
a working competent crew without drama and toxicity
Did they rape MDK?
MDK2 was pretty good, so unless they made a spinoff that sucked balls, that's an option.
says the jew
Man, Kotaku is shit, and Schrier is often shit, but he's the only cunt in this industry I've seen who makes actual interesting, long form, dare I say it, journalism with relevant information
This and the rockstar shit from a few months ago were fuckin fascinating and it's nice to see someone not be an industry mouthpiece
This plan has a realistic chance of success, but it -requires- that people control themselves and not let their ego exceed their skill.
Do you trust Bioware to do that?
Have you guys seen this video
No and I still haven't because I didn't click on it lmao
Sack pretty much everyone not OG, hire based on past work and merit, make a Mass Effect game with the atmosphere of 1, the combat of 3, and the characterization of 2. Have at least one male Turian and Krogan that can be gay romanced separately and as a three-way, where going the three-way route locks you out of using any other squadmates in your party (they go off on their own separate objectives). Oh, and the migrant fleet turn out to have several ships selling information to the enemy, and the paragon option is wiping them out of the sky.
read the one he did on blizzard it's fucking depressing
and it was pre layoffs too
I'd dump every resource available in one last passion project. Go out with a bang.
Fire support roles like EA and Activision have recently done.
Hire more programmers, writers, animators, and artists.
Make KOTOR 3 featuring the gameplay options of Real Time Combat and Turn Based Combat. Have a customizable ship
Have a great character customizer
Mod support
Unreal 4, no frostbite engine
Focus on character development and fun gameplay over all else
Lots of alien party members with interesting backgrounds and personalities
Anyone that's an SJW gets the boot as people that are sanctimonious make shit art because they don't have any actual pain in their soul.
>turn based combat
>in 2019
Fuck off grandpa
Holy shit. I'm a newfag and I'm surprsied Yea Forums has actual smart people on this board.
that would pretty much fix 90% of the issue.
purge sjw's
fire hudson
bring back drew
5+ year dev cycle on new mass effect game
print money when it's game of the year all years
First post best post. Tank the studio and rebuild fresh. Take new talent and waste my opportunity- and the careers of said fresh new talent telling EA to fuck off at every turn. Make public announcements independent of them, beg for croudfunding without shame and develop what this new talent reveals to do best
godDAMN I want another DND game
This post sort of highlights the most insurmountable problem with Bioware: they're owned by EA. The best solutions involve one or more 'hope EA will do this' steps.
Fire all trannies, fat women, and non-whites. Hire only qualified white men.