Notice the titty squad is silent now that this trailer dropped.
Haters btfo'd.
Notice the titty squad is silent now that this trailer dropped.
Haters btfo'd.
Other urls found in this thread:
>using fucking "Not Aloy" as your example
jesus NRShills need to be kicked off this site
Ugh boobplates in this day and age. Ed is literally a nazi and a pedophile.
Is that the fuckin avatar?
When did jade get kotal’d?
ronda rousey is fuck ugly
Her fatality is straight up capeshit. This game looks more like Injustice 3.
It's Cetrion's trailer not Jade's
this is feeling less and less like mortal kombat with every original character reveal.
Art department done goofed, pretty much.
This character doesn’t really fit
Looks terrible. Also a reskin of Poison Ivy.
Cetrion is an Elder God,
If you expected a brawler you are retarded.
hi shill
hi incel
Why do the animations in Mortal Kombat look so stiff? The characters all have this really weird jerky motion to them that makes it really unappealing to look at.
this, holly shit she looks generic
Not one but two avatars!
i didn't expect a brawler, but i don't even understand the idea of putting actual elder gods in the game as fighters. raiden made sense because the backstory for him explains that he's gimped in his physical manifestation. this bitch's fatality just had her go full asura's wrath on a single tiny human target and it made no sense.
Are you seriously trying to make sense about a game with men and woman tearing each other apart if they so much as bump into each other?
>There's violence in the game so it totally makes sense for a hollywood stuntman to fight a literal god that can fire a laser from her mouth that could burn entire cities to ash in an instant.
could this characters design be more boring or forgettable?
she's just wearing leaf clothing? and everything she's wearing is the same nasty sea foam green color?
I mean cool is a new character but godamn NRS really cant make a good female face .
lmao, that's the worst fatality i've seen from nrs yet
The fatality sucks, but the moveset looks really cool.
Nothing really stands out about her, she just looks like some seaweed wearing goblina.
stiffness is the soul of mortal kombat
these games are only really fun if they're grounded in any sort of reality we can comprehend. you don't just throw EVERY fucking rule out the window in favor of what you might think is cool. that's how every fucking franchise starts dying, including mortal kombat before mk9.
it really is pretty bad
>dull injustice character in mk
what were they thinking?
Which one of the awkward three back to back fatalities?
Why is Jade so obsessed with Kotal?.
The xray had all the makings of a good fatality too, disappointing.
speaking of ugly
>women in burka beaten to death by stones
so you guys just gave up and when all in on the shitposting
What rain leak?
hay look its a retard
Maybe you should try shillposting harder to counteract.
Yes! It makes complete sense.
While the lore of MK IS important, you as a player should turn your brain off, cuz its not supposed to be taken THAT seriously.
Oh gee, maybe because she does have tits and her costume is more in line with what people saw in MK9?
Look at this injustice fucking character
>her costume is more in line with what people saw in MK9?
What the actual fuck are you smoking?
It IS grounded.
In the MK reality the elder gods are real and well known, she doing that shit is normal, cuz people know about her existence in that reality.
Probably basing it off of the out of date Sonic fox meme from the community event and/or the not Rain character in the konquest icon.
The idea is cool I guess, she seriously doesn't feel like an MK character at all though
And you just made yourself sound like a complete idiot.
ok where is the burka
Suddenly now that the tiddy argument is dead we shift goalposts to "but she is injustice"
Lol, you can't win with incels.
Elder Gods have always been in MK. Do you even lore?
its a joke you shill
Yeah, Shinnok was one. This bitch feels like a generic elemental from some other series.
I don't see any burkas?
>muslim fighting a transexual
lel is this an english playground?
Who in the Tilda Swanson looking, Poison Ivy ripoff is this?
a forced one
cry some more about it
Shinnok summons a giant hand and flicks your head off.
Let's not forget. He's an Ex Elder God.
but men are worthless pieces of meat my dear little sweety. women(actual humans) should be shown the respect they deserve because women are superior to men and their bodies should only be seen by the most deserving of the male population (aka not incels that play video games)
Right, and he has a non generic design and abilities that match the aesthetic of MK. You could plop this chick in God of War or something and she wouldn't look out of place.
ok go make another thread crying about it
m8, Tilda Swanson definitely doesn't look like the child of Aloy and fucking Shrek.
And the women is the one who bring the babies too.
Also why would anyone talk about a game with no hype?
do you only use Yea Forums
No hype? The Beta alone was all over Twitch for straight week.
You saying "no hype" doesn't make it true. Reality pisses on your b8.
>unironically using the turn your brain off meme
Ed got cucked out of his own series. He isn't the one making these games anymore. He's a puppet with NRS and WB's hands up his ass. He doesn't decide the characters, the DLC, or have any weight in character designs.
Yes. I'm retarded.
I live on Yea Forums and never shower.
Just a lie. Nigger was on Kombat Kast talking about feedback.
Her fatality is literally a SHOOP DA WHOOP!
And he never looked deader
>green Aloy
Yes, because Aloy is such a well-known vidya beauty...
You might want to check places other than Yea Forums. 11 is all the gaming world is talking about that isn't Anthem blunders or Sekiro difficulty.
>landwhale spotted
It's awesome
And rapist.
>Everything I don't like is capeshit
You gotta go back
Note that half of those real women have bigger breasts than any female in MK11.
Oh look, another Fatal Blow with catastrophic head trauma. This time getting impaled with a rock half the size of your face. Next game they'll probably replace character intros with Fatality animations.
This franchise is beyond saving at this point. And NRS can't model 3D characters for shit.
They've been trying real hard to make the games less cartoony in every way but gore and it's just sucking all the joy out of it. I don't even give a shit about the lack of tiddies, everything about the art direction just seems so bland and generic.
>the beta was all over twitch
I didnt see anything. Care to show? >11 is all the world is talking about
Yeah, no. Thats not the case, most people are talking about smash, cp2077 and even bl3 not a lot of mk 11. There is little hype about it, even these threads die way too fast
>people talking about anthem at all
If all you remember Tumblr for is snowflake shjt you clearly missed out on all the good porn blogs.
I feel bad for you.
>MK now has a mother earth character
Christ, that's a diversity hire idea if I ever saw one. Such an ugly bland character. Looks like something out of injustice. The moves just steal from like 3 characters everyone would've rather had.
if it's so fucking grounded, then why doesn't cetrion just stay huge and fucking kill everyone then
But her tits arent showing?
Smash, Bordermemes, and 2077...
Confirmed for never leaving Yea Forums.
MK11 is everywhere if you actually leave you Yea Forums hugbox,
Try it sometime.
Only good part about this is sound design
Why doesn't Smoke just explode the Earth?!?!
Why doesn't Jax grow to 100 feet like MK3?!?!
>netherrealm or any other stage out of the earth
>her fatality still beams earth planet
Screencap this. NRS are so lame they will let it slip and will be too lazy to fix this after people point it out.
So she is like Triborg who was popular in X.
>MK11 is everywhere
And what does everywhere mean exactly? Aside from gaming news outlets and game forums, where the fuck is "everywhere"
Again care to show? Unless you mean clickbaiting articles and sites wich in that case you can fuck off zoomer
So is Raiden, but somehow he is not that edgy mighty god entity bringing scale of the storm around with him everywhere.
The zoning is looking to be incredibly annoying. Maybe worse than Injustice 2 because the game is slower and you are going to be stuck in animations longer. Raiden's displacer variation is exactly like Black Adam, who was bullshit. Skarlett has very quick zoning tools with knockbacks. So do Cetrion, Kung Lao, probably Erron Black, Dvorah, Noob. Kabal, Jade
well? answer your own questions
Ah yes the dullest archetype, a classic staple of every mythology...
But she has pancake saggy tits. And she is still pretty ugly. Also people have been making injustices comparision since day 1 shill
Where the fuck is Ermac
>meant to put in 3 fan favorite characters by actually putting them in the game and switching up their unique appearances and special moves via variations
Yeah. Except triborg was good and worked with the variations, this girl doesnt work at all.
she definitely tickles some fetishes for me.
I don't want to hear that when other dead characters are back
B-but they said theyll make it a bit faster
>because the game is slower
they are speeding the game up retard
Mileena isn't.
>time travel plot
>"x characters is not in cause dead"
Why doesn't Ermac just rip everyone apart witg his mind?
Why doesn't Liu just keep the dragon qround?
Why doesn't Blaze burn the planet down?
Why doesn't Quan Chi resurrect every dead character?
Why doesn't Rain drown everyone?
Why doesn't Sub-Zero freeze everyone?
yes they already showed it anything more you want to know
what were they thinking
Don't look at me, blame Boon. I'm still waiting on Havik.
Here's some MK12 concept art
Moveset looks good but overall design is kinda lacking of something. It's just not memorable enough, they can just throw away her in next MK and stick again with old characters.
Raiden is a God.
Cetrion and Kronica are Elder Gods.
Shinnok is a banished Elder God.
>take a pic of skarlet's face
>open it in mspaint
>shrink the width
>she's now attractive
hire me NRS
How the hell does Tekken manages to make more appealing and individual characters with barely any magic or projectiles, with half of the roster sharing same set of moves and existing solely for fanservice purposes?
This game is month away from release and it is already boring.
That's what happens when your design MO is "mature and realistic".
her movesets look like a Quan Chi and Tremor combination.
Why isnt it more faster? Why are they keeping the ugly cinematic crushing blows? Why are the still throwing out ugly womens and bew characters instead of bringing fan favourites wich people actually want?
Why would Kronika bring back Ermac?
Ermac worked for Kotal Khan. Kronika is using Shao Khan. Ermac's loyalties would be a problem.
She’s lamer than Jacqui but not as lame as Dairou or Darrius. Definitely more of a superhero design than an MK design though.
>Annoying gay albino + shoehorned meme ninja
Sounds like modern NRS.
>that nose
>those eyes
Head does look better though.
none of these people are elder GODS
>when a guy who makes video games is the least feminized man in the room
That Ed left the stream so quick is not a coincidence.
Ermac was Shang Tsung's creation and part of Shao Khan's army when he was alive.
Ermac is just a fuck ton of souls. I imagine an elder god can offer a cluster of souls more than the KKK can.
ho away fool
How gay dud you feel making this meme? You googled some gay shit for those pics.
Shitter shattered incel.
Shes supposed to be an elder God yet she gets fucked up by people like Baraka and Kano? At least Shinnok is a fallen elder god who is canonically in a weakened, vulnerable state.
Blaze is some sort of elemental on par with the elder gods as their champion that causes armageddon or something.
Actual aestethics, doesnt try to be "realistic", integrity. When you make a character you make it interesting and "cool" to look at, you dont just make gaia design#22415 and called it a day
>attractive females
Are you a misogynist or something??? Ugghhhh
something something time travel making god mortal because yadda yadda yada.
>tfw you realize you've become a clown surrounded by numales
And he hated being Shao Khan's puppet.
great another zoner with full screen spamable powers that don't have to travel. I guess if your character doesn't have a). a teleport b). a reflect which will most likely be garbage or c). zoning capabilties of their own your gonna be assed out god knows NRS can't develop balance worth a shit
That was the dash speed, not the game itself you fucking braindead NRS game playing pothead
you guys are trying hard to hate this game
>"something else you want to know"
>yeah this
>"t-t-troll b-b-bai bait!"
still not a god and there's a reason he was the big boss bad remember
There is literally one good new character in Tekken 7 (excluding DLC anyway) and that's Katarina. Others are gay-friendly shit like Chloe and Claudio or unmemorable attempts at diversity like Shahen.
NRS is making it really easy.
i love how every time you guys get proven wrong on something you bring up more bullshit
Not impressed, feels like an injustice rather then an MK character.
>why would you not bring more minions to fight for you
You can just tell he doesnt like any of them.
Blaze is not on par with elder gods. He is almost meant to be defeated by a warrior of great skill, and hes the "boss" character of Armageddon anyway.
yes i want booois to make my pee pee hard
I highly doubt the story plays out with Baraka or Kabal hurting her.
Your online fights aren't canon my dude.
shes not even cool looking, homunculus injustass 2 character
and this
Not my fault that her design is bland as shit and not unique at all
you know most of everybody in the game has a teleport right
I don't know what the hell "booois" are. I just want tits.
They are making and balancing this game around metaslaves and memesports
She looks like a fucking Injustice character. Nothing about her says Mortal Kombat.
Also, were Jade's tits this big in other trailers? Those things inflated, man.
Then why include her since shes certainly not unique or interesting and her being omnipotent in the story even less so
>You can just tell he doesnt like any of them.
He made his bed, now he can sleep in it.
>NRS making shit design with lame excuse " mature and respectful " in fantasy fighting game
>People point it out
>"muhhh you guys dont really like fighting game at all! "
>NRS making shit design with lame excuse " mature and respectful " in fantasy fighting game
you know that was just one guy right
>fuck hsu hao
This is Yea Forums , new here buddy ?
Titty tards got rekt today,
Notice the argument has shifted from muh tiddy outfits to HURR INJUSTICE HURR
Slow clap
garbage nrs jank
Yeah, the lead character designer, makes you do the big think don't it?
no it dont
>Injustice 3
The art direction in this game is shit
>game with tits good
>game without tits bad
t. incels
Not surprising in the least.
he's got great pecs for a mtf.
I almost pity your low IQ, but you seem proud of eating shit so I guess I'll just leave it be.
>that face
when will americans be banned from making games
>one guy said a thing now im mad
When they stop selling, Kamiya.
>one guy
Again, the guy who vetoes all the character designs and is a massive flaming homotranny. You're goddamn right I'm mad.
Maybe chest size changes with costume. Injustics had entire character changes depending on cosmetic combinations.
Maybe there is a big titty combination?
is that Caitlyn Jenner formerly Johny Cage?
When they stop outselling every weeb anime trash ass bargain bin shit like Nier and DMC5
i really think the design is just boring, i don't even care if its a woman
i was hoping they'd made some more goofy designs seeing as how they're going back to 90's style for the veteran casts, maybe some kind of edgy comic-book reject or a slasher-movie ripoff but instead we're getting cyborg and poison ivy
hell if this was a female hockey-mask clad slasher like a rule-63 jason it would have been a great character AND netherrealm wouldn't have to worry about the face being fucked up
im probably still getting it but the new characters are pretty bad compared to X's
What are you trying to imply here?
I hope she has dumb tree armor as a gear choice.
The guy that work at nrs and designs characters?
Looks awful and out of place
how is it grounded when, you have an elder god, that can literally destroy worlds like it was nothing as a playable character. Mortal Kombat, despite the cartoony violence, had always had fighters that were mortal and have died (they even killed liu kang and made him a zomibe), hell even Raiden via his lore is mortal and can die. Shao Kahn too. The only time the Elder Gods would face danger is if Shinnok, who was a fucking elder god, was able to use his power and become "The One" by absorbing Earthrealm's life force. Shinnok is a fallen-elder god, and lost it, which makes him mortal. The game is called MORTAL KOMBAT for a fucking reason. not IMMORTAL GODS KOMBAT, that's why DC is so fuckign boring cause nearly everyone in that franchise are fucking unkillable or get resurrected to perfection every time, like DBZ power scaling...
It's the nature of the shitstorm surrounding the game.
NRS could have the next character be wearing a bikini with DD tits and the conversation would probably shift to "STUPID NRS BACKPEDALLING, WHAT TO THEY THINK WE'RE STUPID??!?" this is just THE game to shitpost about at the moment, don't try to have honest discussion about it unless you want to be dragged into a flame war
Shittiest fucking roster known to man.
>implying Rain will be in
>i was hoping they'd made some more goofy designs
so you want shit like this back
my fucking god, poor Ed. He might leave after this one.
Not him but yes.
every fucking female has the same drape "totally not a burqa" outfit. What awful designs.
>Boon and Tobias reconcile to make something new after all these years
>super over the top boring fatality
>no real fighting - just flashy something-something happens on screen
>Reptile got no invite for this
yes fucknuts thats the exact design i had in mind even despite specifically mentioning two distinct other character tropes, one of which has shown up in MK before
good fucking job you cock connoisseur
and if you want a example of a forgotten MK characters that they could have actually made work theres actually a good chunk of serviceable designs that aren't shit to the point where official media rips on them, havik with some improvments and made more of a chaotic nutcase and even shit like drahmin with a less scrambled design could work well and make a more distinct character
and hell since you brought it up having hsu back and making him an actual threat and giving him a more imposing m. bison dictator style design would have actually been a great take on the character and better than generic "holier than thou" mother nature goddess character
Where? Are they behind that flat chested dyke in the sweatpants?
There are actually incels that have so much PTSD from losing Goober Gate to Zoe that they think a game where you can sever a woman's head and shove a phallic pole in her mouth and out tye back of her skull is an SJW game.
I love it. They have been mentally raped by Zoe.
>smaller boobs than Kotal's
End NRS already.
This honestly pisses me off. MK used to be all about causing controversy, now it's all about trying not to be offensive at all.
>forgotten MK characters
he was the main badguy in the comic fool and Hsuhao is a rip off of kano idiot
Based and Redpilled
Blame WB. Before them, Midway let Boon do whatever he wanted as long as it sold. Now everyone relies on so much data and ridiculous standards that you get a very unisex and sterelized product with no soul.
further proof tournyfags ruin everything.
>takes a step
>grass grows
>ice cracking sound effects
What the hell is going on?
im sure the average MK player has read up on the extended universe
and hsu hao is a ripoff kano, he's a shit character, thats why i mentioned that the only way to salvage him would be a complete rework of the character
i'd honestly rather just rewrite an entire character than to dump them off and make up some random new ones
MK has enough trash in the dumpster that they don't need to make up more to throw in
Kano pissing offended Yea Forums
Jade offended Yea Forums
Skarlet offended Yea Forums
There were guys crying about "cringe ultra violence"
MK offended conservatives.
Consudering Yea Forums is pretty shitter shattered I'd say MK is living up to it's legacy of pissing off sensitive right wingers.
Cry more, honey.
How's it feel to be the snowflake who's crying?
to be honest the fatal blows are cringe worthy, xrays weren't that bad and synced well with gameplay, not we have to watcha cinematic....fuck WB and injustice
>character still looks ugly and like a lot things in the game has a clear injustice influence
>"h-hah you n-now complain about i-injustice h-h-haha"
Damn shills are really going mad
>muuh gg
>you can rip their heads off see. What? You want a sexy outfit like in the other mk games? Y-y-you fucking misoginyst reee"
So violence good titties bad is real?
Tobias was smart to get out when he did. I bet he cries seeing how NRS butchered his creations.
Skarlet and jade are ugly and thats the main complaint. No one complained about the violence or kano, its used to show how stupid the retard that said they wanted a more "grounded and realistic" mk to justify taking away sexy outfits. But yeah a retard like yourself cant grasp that
And yeah threads will never be the dame because its infested with shills like you and zoomers
Still waiting on that supposed frost reveal.
What a shame
>Poles in mouths
>SJW approved
Pick one, incel.
Stay triggered.
Yeah, shills are going mad. Look at the shit they writte. thats some obsession right there
>MK is dead
>Trump is making America great again
Fair trade off. Stay mad Hill Shill
didd you retards not play the game
Yes? What does that mean?
Ill go with sjw approved since they only complain about sexy outfits, wich are gone. Lmao
Lel whatever you say tranny
that you didnt play the game only bitch like the retards bitching about mk11
>no one cried about pissing
Lies. Yea Forums reeee'd about it for a week
>No one complained about violence
Yes, they have. "Boohoo you can kill but not have bikinis" is a post in every thread.
Yea Forums got rekt by MK11. Bunch of pussies offended by the costumes, gore, and piss.
jews are going full throttle in trying to "muslimify" the west. First europe now america.
>Yea Forums got rekt by MK11
I guess my not buying the game was NR plan all along!
you where not going to get it anyway shitposter
But why? Jews are the demographic muzzies are going to eradicate after the gays
I played the game and the shit that's in it currently is neutered from what the artist was putting in. Why do you feel the need to defend this big sterelized product and decisions with nonsensical retorts that are basically "no u?" WB doesn't gaf about you
Jade is in love with Kotal Khan?
how mad are you retard
You were never going to buy it. You know it.
Every hated is from different fighter trying to attack MK. Happens every release. Same happens to Smash.
SF, DoA, Tekken spergs trash MK and Smash.
>"This is mercy!"
>Proceeds to smash jade into a rock head first twice and throw giant rocks at her
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>v reed for a week
I dont remember anything like that. But care to show?
>"violence good bikinis bad" means people complain about the violence.
Nevermind you are just dumb. I guess shills got payed less and arent even trying
Do you have any comprehension on what that artist is saying compared to what you perceive it as? That artist also does nude model shoots regularly, WB hiring HIM should tell you they're not looking for pussy artists.
I don't waste my money on buying trash. if a game shapes up to look like it was conceived in a septic tank then, yes you are right, i won't buy it.
Just looks like Geras in drag.
No ass. Taking the tits away from powergirl is something not even a retard would do
This new Centrion character is so bad. It reminds me of the team getting together in a room for a meeting on what new characters to include in the game and this Centrion character should have been the one first off the list. It's bad and generic and of course they just couldn't make her white. I've cancelled my pre order. Fuck Muslim Cuckbat 11.
my new main
>No ass
Look man the skarlet design is kinda cool, I love edgy ninja shit. I just don't understand why they gave her a square head and a lesbian cut instead of the long red hair.
>buy game
>play game
>find out game was neutered
>post it
>"you didn't play game"
>posts the gear set that features the neutered shorts
>"yes I did"
>posts a fully covered power girl whos outfit looks nothing like her comic design
>"ha you mad"
Seek help
You sound literally, actually retarded and its obvious that you play on the level where getting past """""""""""zoning""""""""""" is as simple as mashing out a teleport on the retarded kid spamming fireballs on the other end
>Make nukids in MK10
>Kenshi's kid is the most used and liked
>Put in Jax's shitty ugly daughter instead
Yet she got in over requested characters like Fujin and Havik. NRS has their head up their ass.
Why people act like Boon is "being obligated by Warner to remove all the tiddies and shit"? The guy doesn't seem to give a fuck about any of this subject
Like I said. NRS lost nothing, you weren't going to buy it ever.
You are here to troll and argue. You clearly are not and never were an MK fan,
Take a shower, incel.
>thinks the diseased broad with scoliosis is a good character
she's just as shallow as all the other new characters. At least Kazumi is fun to play and doesn't rely on gimmicks like all the rest.
Not him but only difference I'm seeing is that her legs are covered, tit window is still there.
Yes, she is apparently obsessed with him.
That's the problem, the guy in charge stopped giving a shit ages ago. He needs to retire or be fired.
>Power Girl
What's her power again, anons?
>hiring this guy to do your marketing.
Nice bullshot
And you seem to be that retard. Posting the same pics. How do you explain pg havin no ass in your first picture faggot?
>no abs
>that one nrs shill replying to every criticism
every fucking thread
I don't care about the tiddy controversy. I do think the pink jacket guy is an annoying faggot though.
Why the fuck is everyone in MK still so stiffly animated? Why does everyone look like they're afraid they might shit their pants if they bend their spine?
how can you tell if she does not her but is not facing the screen and how is it a bullshot?
>been MK fan since 1992
>am not a fan now after this debacle
They lost all my future sales
I always like Kitana's mk10 outfit but she looked like shit herself.
The cycle continues
Takeda is being saved for the next Shaolin Monks style game with Kenshi.
>crushes her from all sides with rocks
>"oh, that seemed fatal I guess, that was bori-
>grows larger and steps on her
>"Considering the sheer size that's a fatal blo-
>grows even larger and shoop-da-whoops on a barely injured looking Jade despite the previous two parts of this "fatality" seeming very painful yet leaving no sign of them doing any damage
Guess I'll just stick with my trusty Kano.
yes we need to talk about how the boobs are
More like $7.99 DLC
He is too mindbroken over being btfo every thread. He will start to mumble dumb shit in a matter of days
>liking casual friendly 44444-girl
Fuck off, she's one of the most bland Tekken characters.
Suprise surprise, looks like fucking shit.
the pc one has been fixed so its broken already
Hasn't Spawn been pretty much confirmed aswell?
>muh criticism
the only thing you idiots are crying about so far are the fucking boobs in the game come up whith something new to cry about
glad my girl is back
Yeah, it looked dumb. I thought she had crushed Jade's body with the rocks but I guess she just pinned her in there? Was pretty lame and limb compared to Baraka's one where he tears the dude in half.
the funny part in this image is that its probably actually made by some delusional jive kid when NRS is literally the only studio with good netcode since MKXL and in the case of MK11 one of the most impressive netcodes in any videogame period
You can see her from the side and theres barely any ass but thats why i asked you to post another shot user, are you really this dumb? Is the only pic you have of it thats why its a bullshot
>mortal kombat will never be fun and cheesy ever again
That wasn't the point.
Sex is not the focus of MK. Never was.
Boon cares about the lore and gore, like all true fans.
So which is your favorite Yea Forums?
>mortal kombat will never be fun and cheesy ever again
>playing any other character beside Paul "Burning Fist" Phoenix
He didn't even do anything to indicate he was aiming for some jerk material, he made design choices that stood out more and he had to retract it down to something nobody remembers. Injustice 1 had better designs
>y-y-you cant complain about how awful the characters look reeeee
Lmao, shills i tell you what
>that photo
Why do I get the feeling this was taken in Newcastle? That takeaway looks familiar.
>solved in xl
So it holds to the pic
>most impressive netcode
LMAOO shills starting to lie some more
>Yea Forums cant even google
>posts supergirl
>now theres no ass or tits
>pretends there is
Sure proved me wrong
fucking kys right now. MK was originally about gore, fighting, and sex appeal
again, please kys
Compared to ANY of the other Fatalities. All the other ones we've seen are violent and about the right amount of absurd. Her's makes me think someone at NRS has a giantess fetish.
they look fine again the only thing you are bitching about are the boobs
>Think Geras’s design is a little boring but okay and I love playing grapplers
>Jax is revealed and is better in Geras in every way.
Yikes, see you in Armageddon 2 Jacqui 2.0
>mk was never about sexy womens
Oh the delussion of the shills
>Sex is not the focus of MK. Never was.
You are retarded , the toned down on X and removd it on 11. holy fucking shiet
that has always been the stupidest argument ever. If pikachu showed up in MK while riding a dragon in a quest to pull the legendary galaxy sword to defeat revenant Liu Kang you would be ok with cause
>Lol its just a game turn your brain off lol
>complain about ugly characters
>"t-they look ok y-you only c-complain about b-boobs"
Ppffffftttt ahahahahahaa
>Listening to Yea Forums
Guess you've not seen anything from 11 and live in Yea Forums in an echochamber.
>thread full of niggas whose first MK was 9
Nobody gave a fuck about the tits in Mortal Kombat with the exception of MK3 Sonya. The models in the 3D games were too ugly to fap to.
>MK was originally about gore, fighting, and sex appeal
The sex appeal part is wrong that started with mk 2-3
But that's wrong shill
Its a retard, dont worry about him. Look how he only brings up mk9
>I'm gay that means everyone else is too
Fuck off queer.
>"mortal kombat never have sexy woman"
>can only bring up mk9
Yeah thatll be a yikes from me dog
t.mk9 was my first mk
Lol, zoomers.
>I have no counter-argument, therefore I must call him gay
Underage cunt.
>327 replies
>107 poster
Why is this antiMK11 fag so damn obssesed?
>zoomer spotted
Nigga please .
not interested, sorry.
How are theu ugly
>Saggy granny tits
>nasty Aloy man face
>that granny body
>draped with nasty seaweed
Possibly the ugliest since Ronda.
That shit is barely cheesy and it's not the same as the older games
spotted the faggot
You're as thick as pig shit, you know that?
they look like men in wigs
>"s-sex appeal only started with the bett mk o-ok?"
>"n-nevermind that it stayed with the series until it got toned down in x and 11"
But I was told mk11 was sjw.
Why is thus allowed?
Reeeees tits reeeee
Ok shill , when did Mlk had all of their females covered up and in a almost masculine shape?
i dont know, why dont you keep replying to everyone in the thread so you can get your paycheck
>talking about MK tiddies
>posts fucking Tomb Raider
This is a new level of retarded. This board needs to be nuked.
>can only bring up 9
Shills really getting dumber by the second
>postercount didn't increase
You do realize I'm with you not against
>MK3 Sonya
>Li Mei in DA
That's about it. And if you found the Deception models attractive then you may have a tranny fetish.
Why are you so mad
MK9 zoomer spotted.
Ya know 9 isn't representative of MK as a whole right?
Or are you that young?
As a giantessfag, I'm happy. But the gore and being 98% hideous fucks is always a turn off for MK. At least Mileena isn't the only hot MK girl any more.
Lets see the girl from the trailer
Big ass chin
Wide as fuck shoulders
Bug hands and feets
Awful hair and figure
Saggy pancake tits
And lets not forget a bland design overall
Her entire body is covered outside of that window now
>tingle from majora's mask made it into mk11
dumb cringeposter
>that was easy
It's pretty cheesy.
its not
MK always does this shit. Why???
dios mios.....Los Mutty Kombatientes
I look forward to watching this list grow as anons blow your asshole out.
>Bug hands and feets
It's. OK when tekken and street fighter do it
Old Jax looks younger then he did in 10. Why is he even there, I thought he fucked off and lived on a farm.
Are you fucking kidding me
>I miss Midway
Anytime you feel like contributing, get stuck in.
Probably the most overdesigned character in the kast. She doesn't fit the original campy martial arts aesthetic at all, and she can't even just grow and squash Jade during the fatality. No, she has to ALSO grow to an Asura's Wrath ripoff and let out an enormous beam that shrinks down to Jade's size before coming down to Earth to lamely blow her apart the same way almost every other fatalty ends
Here's to hoping Frost can just be a Sub-Zero with tits and a new moveset instead of incredibly dense but boring shit like this Injustice character invading MK
Tourney players (almost exclusively black) would riot if Big Nig ever missed a game.
Look at the angle of his head. These are taken during different times in the animation.
I played in the beta. He does always smile. Male or Female.
You are dumb as hell and gullible.
>Takeda and Ferra/Torr cut
>D’Vorah returns
Why do they push D’Vorah so hard?
Leaked pic of Frost has her looking like a bald tranny so don't get your hopes up
Every female in tekken looks like a creepy doll
and every girl in street fighter have man hands and feet
then why isnt he smiling here?
can you please explain this nrs shill?
>Despite everyone looking worse they somehow made Cassie better
Look at this.
>All these creative fatalities
>Avatar wannabe just crushes you so you can't dodge the giant beam that kills you instantly with no finesse or rhythm
what went wrong
But the only part of her not covered in that image is her legs, which is what I said. If they were trying to tone it down don't you think they would remove the boob window first?
Gotta make a couple Hsu Hao’s to get a Kenshi I guess.
At least Jax is always cool enough to warrant his inclusion.
If I hadn't already seen Kronika in the MK trailer you could very easily convince me this was the case.
>started with mk 2-3
So, the beginning of the series? Also mk1 sonya was hot, even then. In the late 80s WMD early 90s everybody knew female workout gear was all about sex appeal. Sonya couldve worn military garb, but she didnt.
they forgot to hire their mortal kombat crew and went full capeshit
Anyone else think Kronika is going to be revealed too be non-gender? Someone, probably Johnny, will refer to it as her/she and she will correct him saying that as god of time she has no gender.
>fully clothed
>Cool looking
>simple design
How can MK11 compete ?
honestly it would make sense
also they stole this from xenoverse
you made a shitty thread now you are here for easy you's
she is literally shinnok and cetrion's mother
They did tone it down that costume shows way less cleavage than her iconic costume from the comics
Sarah Bryant sure has changed from VF4.
Really? I did not know this.
>black shiny leather
>those belts on her thighs
she would make the perfect boob saibot if she had a mask.
>Cassie is now the best looking of the chicks
>partially because unlike the rest she doesn't look like dogshit, partially because she looks better then her mk10 look
Most retarded fatality so far. She nuked an island but supposedly it just hits one person? And they fuckin explode? Jesus dude
Her cut top and lower half are gone not just the legs
>partially because she looks better then her mk10 look
the only thing missing is a workout outfit, like she had in mkx.
>that fatality
Her face is actually quite nice but her baldness kills it
no you need to hate it
I think jade looks good. She just needs a classic outfit which is more than likely to come out. Other than that yeah the females look like dog shit.
Old build.
I played 500+ matches in the Beta. I know for a fact the animation is the same on men and women.
sjw faggot who hates mk games and never liked mk
No no no, that would be too sexy. Cannot have that, add more blood.
im fucking done thats it
pre order cancelled.
Yes holy hell are you high? 10's graphics are a fucking atrocity.
Fair enough, I couldn't see it well from but after looking at it from the front it certainly is reduced, my bad.
Those constant fucking crunching sound effects during the fight, like a fucking ASMR video...
That was an old test build where the characters were missing parts of gear sets like masks, hats, etc, during fatalities, critical blows, etc. Frost will probably be using the cloak in her default so they have to make her bald for that since ice hair clips through it.
>Old build.
Prove it.
hold on my bad didnt read the post right
what goes for cassie yes. sindel was oddly good looking.
>NRShills at it again
You must be desperate
you proved you are subhumn and a fag well same thing i won get lost
That outfit is in the game though
Nrs it's always one step foward and two steps backwards for them
This Cassie is truly best girl again
retard look
>add more blood.
cassie on period it is.
Hahaha. Thanks for that.
>retard has no eyes
kill yourself plebbit shill
you do not know that inducing mortal kombat actually bestows participants with magic so that they can tear themselves apart and survive?
are you fucking dumb?
And no Ashley burch
I was gonna ask if you were fucking blind but then I saw
what does this trash quality gif trying to show?
What did they do to Skarlet? Why is she wearing a Burqa?
>that haircut
>Ashley Burch
god Cassie was so fucking shit in 10.
>conveniently not counting other characters with sexy outfits and sex appeal
>"i-i-if you contradict my retarded post y-ypur wrong"
>STILL brings mk9 AGAIN
Ahahaha lmaoo
The old characters were fine, Cassie and Jacqui looked like ass.
Why does everything have to be taken as a political statement? The trope of "guy doesn't like hurting women because of his moral code" has existed for years, especially for rouge characters like Kabal. Maybe he has a "I don't hurt women or children" schtick in story mode, you don't have to find political meaning in everything.
That's not the outfit, and we are talking about how the new designs are butchered and covered up compared to the past where they simply didnt care and were all the better for it
Johnny Cage
I genuinely forgot, I think I tried to erase that part from my memory.
kill yourself retard
She has them. And if you dont think she does she still has those other flaws
You never had a preorder
Kitana was pretty shit looking. I personally liked her outfit but she looked like shit herself.
>some twitter faggot's comment is proof
Show pics you dumb fucking retard, I'm not going to just take your word for it.
Fatality should’ve just been her growing giant and stepping on them with the point of her heel.
MK12 is gonna be the beginning of the series staring to flop. Screencap. Too much Injustice in MK, too much eager DLC, too much Tyler faggy Lansdown, too much dumbing down, too much telling fans "don't like it don't buy it", too far from its original concept of a tournament.
left or right half user
she looked good with mask on. but without it she had a big jawline.
sonya was like cassie bleh.
tanya was ok.
You can tell Boon hates MK11 as much as the rest of the legit fans. I have no doubts WB's has fucked him hard just like Midway did.
Tanya and Mileena were delicious though and they're what matters, no one cares about Kitana.
Maybe you should judge that when MK12 exists
Wrong she's wearing a different top the gloves are wrong she's not wearing the thing around her waist different pants and she's wearing a hat and no headband
>no replys for either
Criminally underrated, fuck newfags
>no tits
>no hips
>still more covered than her original outfit
I want the faggot that said "they'll have sexy alts" to go fucking die. What a fucking liar.
>Mortal Kombat still trying to be more realistic
NRS are fools
It won't flop but it will likely be shit
Best post right there.
It absolutely is the same outfit.
You got btfo'd samefag
>Muh aloy
>Muh generic
>Muh injustice
holy kek thats fucking sad.
just accept you are wrong losers thats fucking embarassing
retard he works on the game
Fuck this Jolly Green Cunt and all these "muh waifu was better looking before" bullshit.
What character do you like so far and what one are you hoping gets in?
So she's actually wearing LESS
Nice self btfo
Prove it, I don't know this queer from Adam.
Not a fan. She looks WAY too much like an Injustice character and seems she plays like one, too.
No actually she's wearing more
Anyone who doesn't say right half is gay.
You're in every MK thread aren't you? I've been in a few and I've noticed you post the exact same images in every thread I've been in to either me or someone else. How do you get into the shill game because I wouldn't mind being paid to shitpost.
>Avatar character
>Still looks underwhelming
>Ya know 9 isn't representative of MK as a whole right?
You're not very bright.
Sub Zero looks cool as always
i am just sad that with Cetrion they just step in the balls of anyone that have a slight hope to get Tremor with a a diferent moveset than geras
>asks for stripper-pirate-vampire
sorry sweatie, too problematic
She's not even wearing the same top retard
Kill yourself seething incel
you retards are in every mk thread crying about boobs and making shit up
Shinnok was in MK X and he was an elder God. A banished one, but still an elder God
I hate the stone noises. They sound like carrot being broken with some bass boost.
It has gotten way better and I feel exactly the same feels you do when watching it but this new character gave me those feels AGAIN. Especially the walking, with those arms downwards. DO NOT look up Red Hood in Injustice 2, you will get sick
>tfw a giant woman will never engage in soft femdom with you
Keep seething trannyfag
That's what's even funnier about these mk fanboys. They say they hated the designs in MK9 (lie, I didn't hear anyone complaining when it was revealed) but some how always loved the female characters. Wait a minute, they wore skimpy shit BEFORE MK9 as well. They're a joke.
Actually I cry about NRS being sellouts but keep trying lad.
They did that in MK3 as well with Cyrax's Armageddon fatality, though their team was 6 dudes at that point.
Its just a simple gif
>samefag fail
>also blind AND stupid
This could actually be a good idea
Why doesn't Liu Kang drop MK cabinets on his opponents?
She's literally an Elder God.
She's basically Mother nature itself. Did you expect a grapple base brawler or some shit?
>a comment from somw literally who on twitter
Shills stop, its for your own health
>muh boobis waaaaa
Getting REAL FUCKING TIRED of this shit.
Women in MK were sexy, wearing clothing that exposes their bodies very well. This became more prominent as the roster grew. Fuck right off with this "nuh-uh get sexy off of my face" full faggotry.
i expected a good chracter
Macro/micro fags will be all over her
>mk fanboys
That's not what they are, they're MKX babies and politically correct retards trying to act as though they care for the series.
he is a dev from the game retard i think he knows more than some random on Yea Forums looking for shit to shitpost about
Pretty sure he expected a Shinnok tier design, we got generic seaweed and crystal armor.
Noob Saibot
>the mad incel doesn't actually play Mortal Kombat and is just here to shitpost
What a shock.
he mad
>his hope and optimism gone
Neither are you since you left out other characters from orevious mk games trying to prove your retarded point while STILL bringing mk9 lmao
Get fucked faggot
Mspainting out the (you)
It's about censorship in general. I've spoke about this in other threads but the devs of MK used to laugh at any kind of censorship so hard that they even made new fatalities to taunt the pro-censorship crowd, now they've done a complete 180 and are doing everything possible to please them. Total sellouts.
They're using the standards of "sexy" from a decade ago on women of today, just ignore the regressive retards.
how did all of you retards fall for this post
I expected something more and not the generic gaia.
>Shinnok tier design
I mean, both him and Cet are absolute shit you got your wish, she is Shinnok tier
you know shitposters dont play the game when the girls boobs and talk about nothing more
Not him but how upset will you be when this sells 7 mil copies?
>h-he is a dev
>c-clearly will be not biased at all and we should blindly believe
I can't stand watching these and haven't watched a non-highlight version since MKX. The fat guy, Tyler Lansdown is the most insecure, over-sensitive, no skill fuckhead I've ever seen involved in a fighting game. Pink top, aka 16bit is alright, but is obviously one of many gay influencers on the dev team. Derek is an unfunny douche, but at least he doesn't get passive aggressive when he can't do a combo.
"[fails weak ass 4hit combo] "argh, I failed. I've been practicing it, too. I'm so angry with myself for failing it on stream [unironic pain in eyes]" - fat Lansdown.
thank GOD this is the one game my fetish for women stepping on smaller people i'd expect to find it but has gone lacking
they gave the fucking shrinking bit to ermac jesus christ
Based and redpilled
So do I not get koins/rewards for playing the fucking online matches?
damn right I am
>gets completely BTFO
fuck off to tumblr you SJW shitstains
They don't even deserve a (you) anymore
>"y-y-you mad " argument
>16bit is alright
/pol/tard outrage monkeys are not people.
now how mad are you
>says as he post about something that doesnt matter in the game at all
Well, will you?
That laser blast at the end of the trailer blowing Jade to pieces instead of melting her is kind of bad.
I really feel pity for Ed Boon
Why are you using examples of women not really sexualized? Sonya, Mileena and Kitana in your first few images are not dressed like whores like MK9 babbies seem to think they were.
>h-h-he is a dev
>w-we should blindly believe
I can feel every cell in my body cringing.
so this is the power of mortal kombat haters
No one here actually cares about censorship. And by here I mean Yea Forums. There have been numerous cases os censorship Yea Forums has not bat an eye at. Yea Forums cares about SJWs getting a percieved win or "one up" over them. If the censorship cannot be tied to SJWs and liberals, then Yea Forums doesn't care much.
it's been covered in the thread already. banished and weakened, and vulnerable.
i expected an explanation as to why she's so weak and corporeal that cage could punch her fucking head off
raiden has an explanation, so does shinnok.
>UI designer
Aka a nobody.
That was sexy at that time.
Maybe wait until you play the story, dumb dumb.
They'll keep lying about it, dude. NRS acolytes are a rare breed of pathetic. Whatever NRS says or does is the way it always was or better than it always ways. If NRS says A is better than B, then opposite, they will swear NRS never said the first one.
And I'll agree. Why the fuck would a fan want MK of all things to be PC? These nu gamers, man. Full of it.
He's mad already.
When it sells gangbusters he will livestream suicide in front of a kekistan flag.
Cap this.
no more arguments retard?
having the power to grow bigger than the planet itself and lazer a single tiny person to death is something the story will not explain coherently.
No. No it wasn't.
Nah. Game looks bad and wouldnt surprise me normies have shit taste
>you dont talk about gameplay
>procceeds to post about the krypt
Yeah i think you might be stupid
Almost like standards have evolved from the puritan era.
MK 9 faggots were a mistake
>Still bringing up mk9
You people have literally no other argument do you?
Compare that pic to mk11.
what a retard