How the fuck did Zero repaired his body with only his upper half and blaster arm?

How the fuck did Zero repaired his body with only his upper half and blaster arm?

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Your problem is you give a shit about the X games past X4

Dirty American translation edition: He hid himself while he repaired himself.

SUPERIOR JAPANESE STEEL EDITION: He doesn't even know himself, he thought it could have been his former createor but we never have stuff regarding that post that reveal, hell, he never has his nightmares about Dr. Willy ever again.

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He can turn that buster to a hand, is still retarded tho.

He mentioned something about seeing some weird old guy (Wily) in a vision while he was "repairing" himself, I think.

It's a dumb bullshit copout anyway. Like most Mega Man X plot points, it's best not to think about it too much.

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Theory time: Dr. Light repaired him, the same way he repaired X.

Like Wily came back like Light did to fix X at the end of the same game. Otherwise, both would have died.

He hid himself while he tried to repair himself. What don't you understand?

Said Wily was using Isoc body.

Well, they were planning on bringing him back in Zero before X6 came out, so it would have been weird regardless.

I always thought "repaired myself" meant the zero virus put him together nano-repairbot style.

X5 and X6 are miles better games than X2 and X3 retarded boomer

That would work if he wasn't cut in half and then shot clean through the chest. Nanobots can only work so fast and he should have died before they could repair the damage.

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Pretty sure he was just bullshitting to look cool in front of X. He later admits to, I think, Signas that he doesn't know how it happened.

The implication is probably supposed to be that it was Wily's ghost or something that repaired him, just like Light's ghost or something repaired X from just-a-head-and-chest state in one of the X5 endings. Or Isoc if Wily is Isoc like people speculate.


I don't know who else it can be besides Wily as Isoc. They share the same voice actor, he calls Zero a robot when nearly everybody else thinks he's a reploid, and he's the only person besides Serges (another Wily possessed robot) to understand Zero's schematics

>He should have died
According to who?
He survived being totally shut down and reduced to three component pieces TWICE.

X3 maybe. X2? lmao no. bait

Didn't survive, just brought back to life. There is a difference.

Why would he be dead? They're machines, no? Unless this "death" includes wiping whatever storage drive contains the essence of them, any sufficient power source should be able to "wake" them up.

Not even in the most autistic of imaginations is this true.

Yeah, so can literally every other Megaman. What's your point?

His point is that Zero somehow repaired himself by turning his buster back to a hand to use tools or whatever to fix himself.

>He survived being totally shut down and reduced to three component pieces TWICE.
I always thought that was pretty bullshit. Kind of takes the wind out of your death sails when it's so easy to come back.

For fuck's sake, he TELLS LIGHT HE HAS NO IDEA HOW HE'S ALIVE. That shit about "repairing himself" was ALL A LIE. How the fuck did you all fucking miss this?!

Except he never repaired himself, that was just something he told X to keep him from asking questions. If you get a Light Capsule as Zero, you can Zero admit to Light that he doesn't know how he survived.

If your playing Zero, you're more than likely not going for the Capsules where Zero talks to Light about it. It's the only place it's really mentioned that Zero is lying about the whole thing.

Isnt the virus the source of Zero's self repair, same way as Sigma comes back every time you wreck him, Zero as the original host retains that attribute.

So who actually was stronger?
X or Zero?
Because the series obsesses over X having some crazy amounts of potential but it looks like Zero has equal potential and even more combat options since he has busters, his saber, various melee weapons and a copy system that seems similar to X's.
Did Inafune just buff his OC hard or something?

You only need to find one capsule, even by accident. There are eight of the fucking things. If you're looking for heart tanks or reploids to rescue, you're bound to find at least one.

x is retard strong due to armors

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I mean Zero kills Copy X twice and IIRC he's a perfect clone aside from being batshit insane

But X's will is what makes him powerful, an empty shell would obviously be easy to deal with.

But yeah Zero is supposed to be the ultimate reploid, but since he went to the good side hes not killing everything and everyone.

They fought and it was a draw. And X's potential is a meme that the series barely explains, a capsule improving his armor isn't part of his "limitless potential" nor is the variable weapon system, even Bass and Axl have that shit. The closest we get to see X's limitless potential in action is the OVA, which isn't canon anymore.

Copy X lacks experience though.

I don't even remember where I heard this anymore but I was always under the impression that "limitless potential" as stated by Dr. Light was never meant to refer to combat specifically. His true free will gives him limitless potential to be anything and do anything with his life that he wants, as opposed to Classic-series robots who were tied to designated tasks and bound by the laws of robotics.

I hope this was stated somewhere officially and isn't just headcanon, because I like the idea so much better than some DBZ-tier "limitless power level" explanation, and it does sound more in line with what Dr. Light would want for his robot rather than specifically just being a limitless war machine.

I think its pretty much in the MegamanX intro, where DrLight leaves a message about the dangers of opening the capsule.

What gets to me is the fact that they still somehow treat him as special then if it's just a will thing.
Is every sing reploid in the series less capable of cognition and self determination than X?
Is Zero stupider? They seem to treat Zero and Axl just as human thinking as him.

I thought he was able to evolve or assimlate tech upgrades, simply to go alongside his self determination so no one would ever deem him "obsolete" and have some degree of self defense.

probably the same way X recovered from the exact same injuries

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Just how strong is infected Zero supposed to be?

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Apparently X can still beat him because of that one bad end in X5.
I figure he's just a bit below Omega Zero.

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All I can think of is that after X1, X was pretty much the most capable maverick hunter in the organization so he is put on a pedestal for that. X is also the basis for all the reploids, but I don't think anyone besides Dr. Cain and possibly Sigma knows this. Sigma also became obsessed with X and Zero after being defeated by them, as well as learning about (what I presume refers to) Dr. Wily and Dr. Light creating them and fixates on them even harder after that.

Something I don't quite get about Zero is what sort of free will he has. Did Wily perfect a true free will as well? Did getting fucked up by Sigma just happen to scramble his AI into working like true free will?

Alia sat on him.

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>after X1, X was pretty much the most capable maverick hunter in the organization
But he's not. Zero is a better hunter and X's drive to find a peaceful solution keeps him out of the top ranks.

Wish she sat on me.

Yeah I believe that X has actually been consistently portrayed with a lower rank that Zero's because of his pacifism.

no idea. capcom magic. What I do know is Zero is the superior choice for beating MMX5

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>X's drive to find a peaceful solution keeps him out of the top ranks
Nigger that was at the start of the series, X was literally the only MH worth a shit along with Zero before Axl came in.

Spare me the fireden reverse search and spoonfeed me the context of this meme.

I get what you're saying but X seems to defy rank. Even if he's only officially listed as a B-rank hunter, no one seems to think twice about sending him on the most dangerous missions.

X5 lists him as B-rank on the character select screen. Combat-wise he is basically on par with Zero in terms of ability to get shit done but his personality holds him back, which I guess comes to a head in X7 when he literally refuses to fight anymore until partway through the game.

>part of the 17th Elite Unit
>only a B rank hunter
Just because we don't see them doesn't mean they don't exist.

Bit of a mouthful to explain

Fucking Dynamo is ranked higher than both X and Zero and you can basically rape him with either character. X's rank is purely based on his pacifism.

Dynamo isn't a Maverick Hunter.

>X5 lists him as B-rank on the character select screen
That's just a gameplay rank because your rank decides the difficulty and Zero is the hard mode.
>part of the 17th Elite Unit
He's their leader, he's literally called commander in X4.
Sure the dude that killed Sigma 3 times and 24 mavericks without help is totally going to be B rank because he "holds back" (which he doesn't until X7)

And yet he's still ranked higher than either one of the hunters you play as. The point I'm making is that X's B-ranking is meaningless and doesn't reflect his true combat capabilities.

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What the fuck are you talking about? If you're not a Maverick Hunter you're obviously not going to have a rank in their organization. No one knows who the fuck he is until X5.

The only thing I can think of is that he holds back in cases that aren't related to Sigma or other worldwide Maverick outbreaks. Mavericks are still a thing between the games, and he more than likely hesitates just slightly in these more individual situations.

X is consistently portrayed as naive. It has nothing to do with any dumb holding back meme. He legitimately wants things to end peacefully and wants to trust others.
Just compare X's and Zero's encounter with Magma Dragoon.

Nah it was the old reploid scientist from X6 that was working with Gate. It's stated throughout the game that he knows Zero inside and out implying he worked on him before.

not the guy you are replying to but it is explicated stated within the game that Dynamo has a higher battle ranking than Special A.

No it doesn't.

Could have sworn it was either in the game or in Official Complete Works.

Dies in X1
Resurrected in X2
Dies in X5
Resurrected in X6
Dies somewhere between X8 and Zero 1
Resurrected in Zero 1
Dies in Zero 4
Somehow kinda resurrected as Model Z in ZX

Doesn't die in the Elf Wars, just places in a new body after it was stolen by Weil for Omega. He put himself in storage afterwards for some reason.

yes it does. Go back and play mega man x5

Definitely not in the game and Official Complete Works only has a character design comment.
Post a screenshot tardo.

Then goes MIA in ZX2

He probably didn't know and didn't want to worry X with the details. So he made up some bullshit lie and X the naive fool that he is took it at face value.

Yes, this is literally it. He states as much that he doesn't know how he's alive so he just made up that bullshit

X6 was some crazy shit.

Makes sense, considering it was rushed as hell and translated by monkeys.

X5 is the best one though


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follow me

>take the intro out

not only its one of the most chalenging games in the series but it actualy has consequences for your failures,
the more itens you manage to recover the less probabilty the canon has to fail

i did all the missions as zero, recovering every single part
the the shot was a 100% sucess
but i agree that the tutorial is a mistake, it stops you every 5 seconds

Did save scum at all? I've never been able to get the cannon to destory Eurasia even with all the parts. The fact that you can lose Zero if both the cannon and shuttle faul is especially bullshit.

>Something I don't quite get about Zero is what sort of free will he has. Did Wily perfect a true free will as well? Did getting fucked up by Sigma just happen to scramble his AI into working like true free will?
I always assumed it was the later. Zero know he is warbot and cant stop being a warbot so he lends his strengh to people he believes in to wage that war for a good cause

>Is every sing reploid in the series less capable of cognition and self determination than X?
Possibly. Dr Cain was only able to partially replicate X's design for his reploids, but flaws in the cognitive circuitry made them more error-prone and vulnerable to both 'natural' malfunction and the Maverick virus. All the kinks have been ironed out by the time of MMZero and beyond, but for most of the X series it's entirely plausible that X is just flat out more human than others of his kind (barring Zero perhaps as he was made separately rather than being based on X).

I doubt Wily would have cared to make Zero human-like on purpose unless he absolutely had to. Maybe there was something about the free will element that made it superior to just robotic programming.

He's almost as dead as megaman threads

He had Twin Dream, the strongest weapon in all of Mega Man, do it for him.

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But that's wrong.

>Anime cutscenes back when anime was good.
>High speed levels, one of which starts with you on a future jet ski bike thing.
>Best music.
>Dat intro.
>Stage select boss themes have actual soul to it.
>Unlike 5 storyline and zero not left up to chance.
>No virus ghost things annoying the fuck out of you.
>No annoying Dynamo fights.