>game made with Unity
Game made with Unity
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Blaming Unity for bad games made with it is like a carpenter blaming the poor quality of a cabinet on the hammer used to put it together. Stop perpetuating the lie that somehow the tool is to blame rather than the person using it.
game feel is a very real thing and unity games all feel like absolute shit to play
You're mostly correct, at least about blaming the shit games on the engine, however Unity is like building a cabinet with masking tape and glue instead of a hammer and nails.
It really is a god awful engine.
I'm pretty sure Hollow Knight is Unity and it feels excellent.
Game feel is based on how it's programmed. That is COMPLETELY in the control of the developer. Unless the Dev is using shitty plugins. Which is common. Fuck off with your "Unity automatically makes games bad" boogieman.
This is going to be the only smart post in this whole thread.
And then you have the dumb fucks who thinks anything made with unreal must be good.
It has the same functionality as any other major Engine. The difference is that it's free and easy to use, meaning that assholes who have no business making a game use it dragging the Engine through the mud while doing so.
There is never a reason to use Unity. If your game is 2d, use game maker, if its 3d, use unreal engine 4.
>What is Hollow Knight
>What is Furi
>What is Cuphead
>What is Ori and the blind forest
Why are you cutting the ethernet cable?
That was true before the Standard Shader came out in Unity 5. Now it's possible to make visually comparable games using Unity with it.
>game was made with Unity so I'm gonna cut my ethernet cable
because his game produces viruses
This reminder cuphead was made with unity
>use game maker,
Yeah dude, use the engine that hard locks all logic to the framerate, and has the default framerate at 30.
Gamemaker is actually fucking garbage, even if it was super widely used.
Why not? It's easy as fuck to make a new one if you have the tools. You can literally just do this for fun.
Risk of Rain 2 was made in Unity
Isn't godot that meme engine that's praised incessantly by /agdg/?
You should check the best game made with GODOT then.
>hollow knight
>risk of rain 2
Fuck off
Yes becuase it is completely foss. Personally I think it will kill unity but not right now it has zero games that are big made on it only oma games
>he doesn't have a wireless card
yes i agree its the developers' fault unity is slow as shit and buggy
I'm bit confused, that router is not even plugged in so why do you need to cut the cable?
Ace Attorney Trials & Tribulations
What is this from? How embarrassing.
>Ace Attorney Trials & Tribulations
I meant the engine dingus.
quality post
Bigger budget games will pay the license fee so that they don't have to show the "made with unity" logo. You only ever see it on free or low budget games that can't afford the license fee.
Go play Order Road now!
>hard locks all logic to the framerate
look up delta timing you dumb fuck
it's completely up to the developers (no matter the engine) as to weather or not the game logic relies on framerate
t.non dev
There is no arguing with non dev's. It is always the engines fault. What I doing with GMS 2 right now, would be an ass pain in Unity and would run like shit too, since Unity is bloated as fuck for 2D. I would rather use Godot for 3D nowadays than Unity spyware. If Godot grows as fast as it does now, it will be a serious problem for Unity.
oh shit
just wait for vulkan and it will be decent
Someone clearly doesn't understand engine adoption. Gamemaker took like 7 years before someone came out with something decent with it. Unity came out in 2005, when do you think the first decent game made in Unity was made?
Godot was released in 2014. A good game might appear sometime in the next 4 years
Because brainlets think that internet is magic.
well the fact that cities skylines was made on unity alone makes you full of shit
>windows needs to upda-
unreal engine is not a good engine for games either
CS has horrible performance.
There is no reason to use either of those when direct2d and direct3d exist
custom engines > all
> Unreal Engine game
> Filesize is huge as fuck
+1 Like
>EVER using an engine that has no good AA
>*hammer breaks*
There's nothing at all wrong with Unity. That's like saying you don't like hammers. A hammer is just a tool.
What in the goddamn...
Grats! You have no idea what you're on about.
Here's your hammer bro.
Why the hell you cut your router wire if a game is made with a shitty engine?
>cut ethernet cable
>still online via wireless
People are this dumb.
>it's a sneaky /agdg/ thread
Escape from tarkov was made with unity.
that explains everything. i dont think i had a worse experience in a game in forever. Im glad i could sell that 2007 looking game for the same price i bought it as.
you're cutting off your unpowered internet hookup because a game was made in unity?
you are retarded
Fucking faggot
>it's voiced
>blyat cyka
>that voice acting
Holy shit, how can other engines even compete
>it's voiced
Nah, just a streamer doing the voices. It's basically just an extremely advanced shitpost.
The Forrest ?
>Furi was a bad game
Unoptimized, maybe, but bad? Nah
It's about the level of intelligence of the average unity hater
Why not go further and hate on games being made for windows while you're at it. Plenty of windows shovelware out there.
oh no loading screens between areas such tragedy
Cities skylines runs like fucking garbage and has no good AA
Every unity game have telemetry. Which mean they actively collect data on you, unless you have pro. The editor Itself is also sending data over.
>carpenter analogies
Its because unity only utilizes one core. Therefore its a shit engine.
>Dark Spirit has invaded
>default framerate at 30
Why does this matter? You can set the framerate 60 or whatever meme fps you want.
>game feel
Oh good, I was worried we were running low on nebulous, meaningless buzzwords.
That's entirely up to the developer. Main tasks in unity aren't thread safe, but you can delegate tasks to background threads in C#. It's literally like any other .net framework in existence.
>what's this cable? It's probably useless
Zoomer think
Unity allows you to use C#, which has good multithreading if you know what you're doing
This gave me a bad post feel
Go figure that people who know anything about coding know that, but not the pixel-shit making fucks who actually use Unity.
Atom RPG is made on Unity and it's alright. Performance could be better tho.
explains why it runs like shit
meme games
>Can't criticize how a game plays so just resorts to "Uhhhhhhh POPULAR GAME BAD!!"
>Powered by Unreal Engine
>unity games all feel like absolute shit to play
>Unity is ba
>Unity is really really ba
Just so bad
I miss id tech 3 and gold/source games
unity is one of the best, if not the best, free engine for anyone to begin making a game with. that's 100% the reasons you see some crappy games using it.
And all you other retards I'm too lazy to quote. He not talking about games made with unity being poor quality, he's talking about Unity spying on you. See
>game of the year edition
Game of the Year Edition and it doesn't have all the dlcs
Only thing that's ass about Unity is if you want low-level access, want to be burdened by engine faults (re: Every VR developer using Unity this past month) that require fixing afterwards, and bloated system specs as a result of using Unity in the first place, even for a 'simple' game.
You are a complete idiot that doesn't know how engines work or what they're for.
>2-D garbage
>runs like ass
Yup, unity is shit
Friendly reminder the only reason why you fuckers think unity games are bad is because the games with low budget always say "made with unity" at the beggining, while the higher budgets ones don't, and you never suspect it.
Ori was made in unity.
Shut the fuck up.
>unity shits on my toaster cpu
>can't play ror2 at very hard over 5 fps
>can't buy a new cpu because so wastes our money on console games and only plays them for 10 hours a pop
it's all a lie, don't fall for the matrimonial jew, go your own way
ue4 is breddy gud
It used some plugins from the asset store to boot
There's switch assets in the files so there will be a switch version and most likely other console versions as well, just wait and get those when they eventually come out.
t. neverdev windows fanboy. vulkan is where its at.
I used game maker for 6 years probably before switching to unity, Id say unity is by far a more professional tool and creates more professional products
The only reason it gets shit on so much is because its free any anyone can post games with it, thus results in much shit, and because unreal is LOADED with graphic effects out of the box that make any piece of dogshit look like a triple A game.
really tho you can make something amazing with any engine. Anyone who says otherwise probably cant make games, or cant make anything close to a decent looking game.
I think the new Unity engine might be good enough these days. I haven't played anything that has blown me away yet but I've been more impressed with what I've seen than before. I'm hesitant to applaud any game made with someone else's engine because no such game has ever been among the greatest games I've ever played and I'm not very inclined to waste my time playing "good enough" games.
Engine's aren't a tool. The tools contained within the engine are the tools. This is the most retarded apples to oranges comparison I've ever read.
whyd you have to reply to the shitty bait that everyone actually ignored for once?
because he said unreal engine and that could mean anything
wait I don't get this image. why is he cutting his USB cord?
doesn't matter if you cut that cord. nobody uses firewire anymore anyway
>Engine's aren't a tool. The tools contained within the engine are the tools.
>Implying a toolbox isnt a tool
thats a yikes from me
>I'm hesitant to applaud any game made with someone else's engine because no such game has ever been among the greatest games I've ever played
>Implying people should make their own engines.
Thats a double yikes.
Youll spend more time making an engine, and deal with small engine issues while making your game.
Most people dont even finish their games anyway, adding making an engine onto that is +3 years of development time easy.
also manifold garden was made in unity. if anyone cares
What's the best engine for someone who's basically never touched code or game-making software in their life?
probably gamemaker or unity
unreal 4, you can become a spaghetti chef and touch literally 0 code and get a full working game
If you're looking for a 2D option, try Fusion. Everyone will shittalk it but if you're just making a game alone, it's good enough for lots of 2D platformers/sidescrollers/RPG's
>thats a yikes from me
That's a non-reply from me
>Thats a double yikes.
That's a double non-reply from me.
>Youll spend more time making an engine
If your goal is to make the best game possible and not spend the least time possible making your game, you'd take the time to make your own engine. Like I said, all the best games are made using their own engine. There are plenty of "good enough" games but I'm not inclined to waste my time playing them. If that's your goal, to pump out a good enough game that may or may not make you money, go for it. Just don't expect me to waste my time playing it.
>. Like I said, all the best games are made using their own engine.
wrong. lots of big games come from unreal engine. you'd have to be retarded not to know this. Borderlands 3 is going to be in Unreal Engine ffs.
>lots of big games come from unreal engine
Like I said, I believe the new Unity engine may be truly be good enough and that goes doubly so for Unreal Engine 4. Unreal Engine 3 was an abomination as were the previous Unreal engines. I've yet to have been blown away by anything made in the most recent iterations so I'm still somewhat reserved in my judgement on games made going forward in these engines. My comment is mostly based off all of the previous games I have played up until now in older iterations of UE and Unity. I'll hold to my philosophy that the best games are made in their own engines until I play a game that challenges this fact.
>thats a non-reply
>cant argue his own points
What your describing isnt very realistic for a solo dev, or even a small team. Its barely doable for triple A teams honestly. Why do you think you need your own engine to create a great game any how? Im getting the vibe that you yourself arent a developer.
id like to see some of the games you consider the best of all time though. If you show me some text based shit like dwarf fortress im going to be incredibly dissapointed.
Not to mention again, but really you can make games of any quality within any engine. Unity is stopping you from doing ANYTHING within a reasonable level(game maker is a little bit). Its not engines that make bad games, its people that make bad games.
>previous Unreal engines
> saw blade steel
> saw blade pasta
tool quality matters when it matters, retard.
>cant argue his own points
He doesn't have any points whatsoever.
>What your describing isnt very realistic for a solo dev, or even a small team
Path of Exile was made by two guys out of their mom's garage and is one of the most successful games today.
>Its not engines that make bad games, its people that make bad games
And people who are too lazy to make their own engine are also likely to be too lazy to make the type of game I'm gonna want to spend my time playing.
the problem with this thread is that none of you are developers
You really dont know shit about engines, or how to make games.
Its like retards arguing over why one metal alloy is better for interdimensional travel, like they dont know shit.
You have no real points or arguments except broad metaphors, because you dont know how to make games
but thats wrong. street fighter 5 was also in unreal engine and is only not considered a godly fighting game for reasons unrelated to it being in unreal engine. dbfz is also a 2d anime fighter in unreal engine. From soft is probably going to make a future game in unreal engine too. Biggest of all, fortnite is in unreal engine.
It’s more like blaming shitty wood on your table falling apart, you might be correct. Tools are important you brainlet.
Imagine being such a brainlet. How old are you?
SF5 is made in UE4 and I'm not exactly bashing the most current game engines.
i've never seen such a delusional never dev. are you following your first opengl tutorial there kid? if you are an indie dev trying to make a 3D game then an engine is almost certainly the way to go.
>gets exposed for being wrong
>moves the goal posts
OFFICIAL engine tier list
>actually finishing a game tier
>will finish a game but it'll probably be shit tier
>outdated boomer tier
>overly-sophisticated boomer tier
>technically not game dev tier
ROM hacks
>Will literally never finish their game tier
>turbo retard tier
C++, no API's
Assembly, ARM or x86
Batch or Bash
what other games though? im curious
and mainly, why dont you think a making your own engine is better than using a preexisting one? Just separating "lazy" from not isnt really a good reason. Like what technical issues come from using a preexisting engine? Why should a one person team choose to make their own engine over using UE or Unity?
I mean if you dont like the way something works in unity at least, you can replace it. Dont like the physics system? Make your own.
Dont like the lighting system. Make your own. You have control over everything, just as you do in your own engine.
I'm not a fan of current fighting games so I can't agree while at the same time I have stated repeatedly that I think that the current iterations of UE and Unity may well be better. So I default to my philosophy of the best games are made using their own engine but will reserve judgement as I see games coming out using the more current versions of UE4 and Unity. Nothing you've posted comes even remotely close to challenging what I've said in any way.
Not the OP, but I was hoping it was satire about how games are always online these days so cutting the internet is like turning it off.
this is very accurate
>paintings done with acrylic
>and mainly, why dont you think a making your own engine is better than using a preexisting one?
I've already stated that the best games I've played were made using their own engine. It's a philosophical thing. Making you own engine shows more technical proficiency. Having greater technical proficiency is more likely to produce a better game.
>implying (You) can create a better game than the games already made in UE4
haha sure thing friendless neckbeard
>game is made
>overly sophisticated boomer tier
SDL isn't even a game engine you mong, and its as far from sophisticated as you can get. It has some basic 2d graphics like drawing textured rectangles but thats about it. people use it as a window and sound library, then use opengl or vulkan or direct3d for rendering.
OpenGL, Vulkan, and Java are also not game engines
Nor is C++
Nor is Assembly or shell scripts or flash
Get your shit together.
>betht gameth r maed uthing own enghin!
What sort of retard-tier mindset came up with that hunk of bullshit? Were the best books written by people that ground their own ink and pressed their own paper? Holy fuck, you're a stupid person.
>Were the best books written by people that ground their own ink and pressed their own paper?
Obviously, they chew their own paper from tree barks, giving a pure insight on the environment of the story, and shit liquid pain for ink, so you can fully understand the suffering of the protagonist.
Hollow Knight is a great game but it suffers from ridiculous input lag because of unity and they had to design the game around it, since they were aware from the start
was thinking about making a neo-nes 2d game with physics, modern mechanics, etc but doing it myself, which means using shit like the asset store for some art and music
which engine besides unity gives me that capability with minimal risk or effort to me?
>implying that's a bad thing
No a game engine is not like making ink or paper, it's not like building a cabinet with a hammer. These are called apples to oranges comparisons and you're only making yourself look more and more retarded by using them.
are there more then one games titled Hollow Knight or what?
This, it's not their fault that they use it for low effort cashgrabs
You know, those cords come this little plastic thingie that you can push down to pull the cord out. You don't have to cut it. Are you a woman?
oh man, so really you have no idea who to make a game or what it takes?
how can you talk about game making if you have literally NO IDEA how to make a game? You really arent qualified to be discussing this issue.
You can literally make anything with any game engine. I know, I make games. Just because you can program a nice lighting engine doesnt mean you can make a good game, it means you wasted a year because someone has already made a waay better lighting system than you could ever imagine.
and you only posted one fucking game. That btw is missing ALOT of the stuff that devs often need. Path of exile didnt have any sort of physics, at least in 2016 when I played it.
>game regardless of its camera type doesnt have a FOV slider
>melts the steel to make the hammer head
>chops down the trees to create the wood handle
>spends 3 yreas creating the perfect hammer
>goes to walmart and buys one that works better for 10 bucks
you talk in metaphors because you dont know how to make fucking games. if you knew what it took to make a game you wouldnt need a mataphor, and youd know your fucking retarded
Yes I get it you can't make anything better than what's out there so you accept them. That doesn't disprove anything I posted because there are people who can do better, they do and they make better games as a result of it.
I've been making this argument about Gamebyro for eight years and got told to fuck off every single time.
So Unity is the Walmart of game engines?
>No a game engine is not like making ink or paper, it's not like building a cabinet with a hammer
That's exactly what a game engine is for, you fucking moron. It's a tool providing you the framework to build your game and tell your story. You don't have to worry about building a collision system. You don't have to worry about programming in an efficient lighting system or balancing window Z-levels and keyboard reading. You get right into building your levels and making your game, you dense fucking cocksucker.
what are you even talking about dude?
this post actually makes no sense in the context of game development. No solo dev is going to create the BEST physics engine ever made, because there has been teams of hundreds creating the BEST physics engine ever made for years and years and years. Its just physically not possible for you to create some better than a team of the best minds in the planet.
you dont know how to make games, why do you think you can talk about making games with any sort of real opinion?
Sounds about right, and unreal engine is the Target of game engines.
No a hammer is an extremely rudimentary tool and absolutely nothing like a game engine you shit eating retard
>Repost what you already said because I'm too retarded and lazy to read the thread
your average Unity user, ladies and gentlemen
can you not understand how metaphors work?
Walmart would the platform from which you buy whatever object.
Unity is the hammer thats cheap to purchase, but better than anything youll ever make.
Holy fuck you're retarded
>suddenly runs like shit even when nothing is happening
only fuck up with CS that and how horrendous the games UI look at higher resolutions
Right so someone else already made this super complex engine with everything in it and you can't do better. But why stop there? You really think your game is going to be any better than what's out there? Just play someone else's game. No point in playing yours.
>No a hammer is an extremely rudimentary tool and absolutely nothing like a game engine you shit eating retard
You dumb fucking moron. Game engines are often described as "toolboxes" for a reason, you drooling motherfucker. It's a hammer, wrench, saw, box of nails, etc. If all you want/need is a hammer, then your game engine can function as just a fucking hammer, dumb shit. You're extremely adamant about showing us how fucking stupid you are, but for the sake of discussion, shut the fuck up and let people talk that know what the fuck they're talking about.
Based retard. Play Subnautica and you’ll see what engine limitations are.
this. there are a bunch of shit carpenters, though.
>game engines are like a simple set of tools not complex at all
>b-b-but game engines are too complex to make!
You have absolutely no clue what you're posting about at all. A toolbox isn't a tool. It's the thing that holds the tools you mouthbreathing shit eating retard.
games are relatively subjective. They are pieces of art or expression really. The best game can never really exist, and there are loads of reasons to make a game other than making the "best" game.
A lighting engine is objective. A best lighting engine can exist(kinda), and can never be toppled by a single person
dude you actually dont know anything about how to make games. Why do you think your qualified to talk about the best way to make games?
I dare you to name one game that attempted realistic graphics with Unity that actually runs well. Escape from Tarkov runs like ass, only 2D games are acceptable and even some laptopfags complain about performance with those, while a game made with XNA or even Game Maker would run fine on a 2000s laptpop.
hot fucking damn user, way to blow that poor fuck out. Now please calm down and ignore the retarded troll and get on with it.
What the fuck are you even talking about? Did this post make sense in your head? Are you trolling or are you legitimately this fucking stupid all the time?
These people have literally never written a line of code in their life dude, it is a totally alien concept to them. If you really extrapolated it out Terry Davis is the only true game developer cause he not only made his engine but also the goddamn OS they ran on, but you don't see these goons rushing to play his stuff do you?
>They are pieces of art or expression really
Yeah sure dude your Mario will be so much better than the other hop and bob adventures
hahahaha yeah dude totally why make your own website just use a WYSIWYG editor there's no reason to do things yourself it just takes too long and walmart has everything you need
At what point did you ever think it was a good idea to use apples to oranges comparisons you mouth breather
>toolbox isn't a tool
lmao at the brainlet
I played a game called Aragami Nightfall. It was made in Unity but seemed pretty cool.
How can you call yourself a real filmmaker if you don't make your own camera?
Ive used unity, GM, UE, and even rpgmaker when I was younger.
I've also written parts of my own engines before just for fun, i did a raycasting engine, lots of lighting shit in GLSL, a very basic physics engine, ect.
I choose unity now because its the best TOOL for what im currently trying to complete. No one really makes their entire engine from scratch, I'm sure even the path of exile guys just butchered other peoples pre-existing projects into one "engine". Its actually an autism project to write everything yourself.
terry is a legend. its mad impressive. He created everything himself, even the engine it runs on. He is the TRUE game developer. Those path of exile guys dont know shit, they didnt even make their own OS lol
why make your own website dude just use blogger lmao it's the best TOOL for the job hehe and you don't know anything about making video games so I'm right plus hammers are a game engine btw and yeah
Unity basically the Flash of 3D.
It might not be that good, but it was the first free, accessible, well-documented and user-friendly 3D engine to hit the market. It then became fuck-off popular to the point the very name is synonymous with indie dev. Expect to see a few more generation's worth of Unity game because everybody and their mom started with it.
I think what people on the outside don't get is that if for whatever reason you absolutely have to write your own engine, and you have a game that requires more than just text and maybe sprite graphics, it's probably a commitment of at least hundreds, if not thousands of hours before you actually get to the point of being able to fucking make the game in the first place. If we are talking modern graphical fidelity and actually writing everything from scratch I'd imagine that ten thousand hours is possible, at least that much has gone into engines like UE4 and Unity. But no start from scratch to be trudev.
you keep using shitty metaphors because you dont know anything about coding. You cant actually talk about the real issue because you dont know anything about the real issue
carpentry is not the same as making games. neither is film making. niether is making websites. The only thing like making games is making games.
Making your own engine is stupid. And not realistic for solo or small teams.
Everyone on this site has called you a retard, and everyone is right. please call it a night, kid.
>stop comparing a game engine to things that are actually somewhat comparable
>you're a retard!
>a game engine is like a hammer because you see they're both TOOLS!
>yeah I'm so smart you don't know about the challenges of using someone else's engine it's so le hard
just kys already you dumb mouth breathing retard
there's a difference between using a website builder and using a game engine like ue4. A full 3D game requires TONS of code to do things like render graphics, collision detection, key detection, and even just open windows and play sounds. Some of that shit is really hard to do, especially top of the the like 3D graphics. All together just the stuff in an engine takes years to develop, even with professional software devs. So if your goal is to make a finished game you would like to reuse the work of someone who has been working on all the engine shit so that you can focus on putting stuff on top to make a finished game.
In contrast, writing a website in HTML takes like half an hour for someone who can write HTML, which isn't hard to learn either.
>writing a website in HTML takes like half an hour
>websites are all written in just HTML
>all websites just take half an hour
>a game engine is just a hammer hehe
Its honestly hard to say, or give a reasonable time frame, but 10k hours seems realistic for a shitty barebones interpretation of a variety of common elements youd want in a engine.
but if your really trying to autism and "show your technical prowess" like this retard is trying to argue you might need to use like no libraries or external technical help. In which case it could actually even be a life long endeavor before ever getting to start your game.
this has to be a troll
woops mean *k hours. as in something in the thousands for sure
websites are all written in HTML. CSS is hardly a language on its own, and is basically part of HTML. You don't need javascript for a blog either, and javascript is piss easy to write. and yes not all websites take just half an hour. we were talking about blogs. obviously you don't try to use weebly to build anything more than a static webpage, except its almost just as easy to make a static webpage with plain HTML.
and where did i way a game engine is just a hammer. An engine with top of the line graphics like Unreal takes years, which is why you should use an engine if your goal is to make a game with those kinds of graphics.
>still talking to him like he's a human being
His special ed teacher gets paid to do that, no need to do it for free
i just skimmed over this article of some dude who wrote his own engine.
it took him 4 years to make something that looks not that good. but i know he wasnt aiming to make something that looks all that good, thats not the point of these projects.
Its very impressive what he did. but 4 years is a long fucking time, its also missing alot of very useful functionality
art desu
oh yeah its a fun project if you are into that sort of thing, but as a solo dev you aren't going to be producing a finished game for a long ass time like that, and what you do produce will be a clunky, buggy mess.
which really makes something like templeOS something really special