just played this and couldn't stop falling asleep and vomiting
Just played this and couldn't stop falling asleep and vomiting
it's alright on the hardest difficulty it allows at the start
It's the only game I've regret buying in a long time. I thought it was ugly as sin and really tedious to play. Think I played about 90 minutes of it in the end.
You want to see a doctor about that.
>falling asleep and vomiting
At the same time?!
Doom 1 was better
Doom 3 had better graphics and art than this shit
>kill shit for 15 minutes
>watch unskippable cutscene
>repeat for hours
lol great game
Reminder that Doom1&2 are harder on normal than Doom16 on hard
Too bad you can't see 90% of it.
>watch unskippable cutscene
There are like three long unskippable cutscenes in the entire game. The beginning one, the one where you meet Hayden in person, and the final one.
Stop being a lying faggot.
The glory kills ruin the entire game for me, they stop you dead in your tracks and take away any feeling of mementum and speed out of the game.
>>kill shit for 15 minutes
>>watch unskippable cutscene
>>repeat for hours
>lol great game
That's a lot of games...
oh really because i specifically remember having to sit on the other side of some glass while an old dyke talks to me for a couple of minutes. sure love the gameplay being ripped away from me so i can stare at an old wrinkly dyke.
No they don’t
they do
>literally stop for a few seconds
Your retardation is almost amusing.
So four. Four long cutscenes in what, 12 or so levels?
yes they do fucking faggot
>get enemy to glory kill health
>be forced to watch small cutscene for a couple of seconds
It's literally a QTE
Better then OG DOOM
>eat burger
>forced to move hand to mouth for a few seconds
F for early epileptic OP.
this is like 3 missions into the game so i couldn't be fucked to tell you how many more times it happens since i dropped the piece of shit
That's probably a concussion
be careful, thats how hendrix died
Is eating fun to you?
now show the mod where i can play as the simpsons in doom 2016
get fucked OP
Don't listen to them user, running around arenas pushing the melee button to make epic loot pop out is epic and what the devs would have done in 1993 if they had the technology.
I think movement could have been a bit faster.
I do look forward to Doom Eternal
Ebin review, fellow gaymer!
i bet that's actually you
I like how your fair and totally unbiased video clip shows an expert playing Doom16 and a keyboard turner playing original. Get real, faggot
Muh mods fag too
I don't know, I played the old Doom recently with GZdoom and there's something that this webm doesn't show, its level design is one of greatest achievements in gaming.
>be forced
You can just shoot them
>watch small cutscene
You don't know what a cutscene
>for a couple of seconds
There are barely any Glory Kills in the game longer than a second, and they're deliberately on bigger enemies you'll be killing fewer of anyway.
>You can just shoot them
Why would I intentionally gimp myself in order to avoid a mechanic in the game, especially on higher difficulties? Maybe they should have just made it more intuitive.
>played the old Doom recently with GZdoom
Hi r/eddit
You fell for the Zenimax' marketing memes.
The nuDuum was piece of zoomer shit.
Arcade Nightmare mode is really fun, Ultra-Nightmare would be good if the game wasn't so fucking long, should have split it into episodes imo. Too bad they cucked and tried to please old fans with shoehorned exploration and open ended levels, should have went all out.
It's not a gimp. In certain situations it's a lot better to just shot them.
>Too bad they cucked and tried to please old fans with shoehorned exploration and open ended levels
1) No, they did not. That would've made the game 200% better.
2) Good god, a legendary game with set fanbase is one of the target audiences of devs?? Kill the witch!
Seriously faggot, go butcher some other people's games. You already turned Doom into a 3D Binding Of Isaac clone.
based Duke was always better than Doom anyways
who else /Dukechad/?
enjoy your next 20 years with nogames unless you literally suck randy's cock
That webm always fucking gets me
>shows faggot changing weapons and jumping in nuDoom
>shows presumably the same faggot standing still and shooting in classic Doom
le obviously improved gaymeplay am i rite boyz xddd
Both games are good, you will have more fun with classic Doom,
especially if you mod the hell out of it.
Have a fucking (you), faggot
Yes they did, especially the early levels and collectibles/secrets which are there just because, the game's clearly meant to be an arcadey run n gun shooter with an emphasis on combat arenas, taking inspiration from games like Metal Gear Rising more than actual FPS. They even took boss designs from Ys Origin of all things. Instead of committing to this focus and designing an awesome arcade FPS they made an inbetween game that attempts to pander to old school Doom fags but does it in the most shallow ways to its detriment. I don't see the value in this halfassed attempt, either go all the way and make something new or just make Doom with nice graphics and free look. Also, unlike the original Doom which has a lot of clones some of which are god-tier like Blood and still has high quality wads coming out, there legitimately isn't anything like nuDoom and if it focused more on what it's good at, it'd be fantastic on its own merits.
Alguien puede ser tan amable de regalarme una gift card(dinero del ps4) porfavor es para algo muy importante para mi
Wait until you find out about this new thing called "reloading your weapon" that some games have come up with. Bunch of casual BULLSHIT if you ask me. Makes it so you stop shooting nonstop bullets for 2 seconds.
you fucking faggot
The level design is so bad : 90% of the time it's closed arenas.
The "skill" required in this game is to know how to switch weapons.
>game has literal quake gameplay
>boomer retard brushes this off and dumbs it down to switching weapons and jumping
Unironically don't do them, they aren't that good and on nightmare/ultra nightmare they're outright detrimental most of the time. Just use them when you really need to.
>you will have more fun with classic Doom
Hello fellow kindred
I missed rich get richer during my nightmare playthrough so i had to resort to the rune that gives you armor for glorykills.
The amount of times i got saved by that armor is not countable.
Everyone in this thread complaining about the game are assholes that literally never played it. They're all zoomers that watched a few minutes on youtube and made their judgement. All of them. You can't prove me wrong.
Looks a ton like Halo
>Be Yea Forums
>Sun is bad
>Be Yea Forums
>Dark is bad