Based if true. I hope whatever purple haired tranny who tried to sneak this in gets kicked to death in the street like they deserve.
you okay dude
Damn, why are Europoors so puritan? Wow guys, triggered by a butt? LMAO
ignorant libtard
>Not in Europe
Good thing I have I got a burger copy for consoles.
is the lens flare there in the xbox version in europe
asking for a friend
>linking to eurogaymer
Fuck off back2reddit, tranny.
YOOROP is infested with Muslims so Sharia Law is now causing them to censor Vidya. You thought it was the SJWs who are the greatest threat to Vidya? Think again? It's the mudslimes!
why not both?👌
Because all SJWs do is wine and bitch, while Muslims will literally blow shit up.
based sony
Jim Ryan got appointed yesterday. The next day this happens. Fuck you, Kodera.
>but not in europe
Didn't that happen 2 months ago? Face it, Sony is the tranny company until they move out of California.
Maybe PQube's game can finally leave the warehousing. Kek.
Who cares? DMC5 Trish is ugly as fuck.
The reshuffle happened to yesterday. They announced this in advance, retard.
Stay mad, tranny.
Same fampai
Shit. That guy's only legacy must be turning PSN into XBL.
Before Kodera PSN didn't have to pay the democrats' fun tax. Now all the states have it.
Shit sucks. He was way worse than House.
>but not in Europe
so it's still censored then, good to know.
>inb4 some edgy American zoomer
Regional censorship is so fucking 90s, it would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
Resetera is having a meltdown saying that this was no big deal and it was a waste of time to uncensor it.
Lady butt has been patched right?
Wtf ameribros
Yup, deleting one file took a whole week.
i agree fuck trannies
Doing great.
you actually think someone could "sneak this in" to a game like this without it being noticed immediately by the rest of the team? you really don't understand how game dev works, do you
just a few virgin frogposters screaming. not a big deal. more like slightly annoying shitposting.
It's pretty funny that none of them answer the user saying if it's such a minor and no nothing detail what was the point of censoring in the first place. Someone even quoted that post and answered everything but that.
Why? They're going to update the game regardless, it doesn't cost more money for Capcom.
IIRC you could only see Lady butt if you had the PC version and disabled the lens flare in the options.
Which isn't great, but the Lady thing I don't think you can really call censorship, since it was clearly the devs' choice. The Trish scene was 100% Sony's doing.
No. I've been it by...I've been struck by....
Lets be honest. They only got upset because it wasn't them asking for this.
Fuck, my white supremacist dogwhistle fucked up the link somehow.
It was added in a patch from sonys english localization division. It was clearly a rogue move since no other versions had it.
I'm guessing it was ERSB management.
Bro no ones clicking your shitty link. You will never be a woman gtfo yourself.
ohnononononoonnon eurobros not like this
Jim Ryan’s first day on the job and PlayStation improves its refund policy. Now you can cancel preorders before launch, and refund games up to 14 days after launch provided you didn’t download the game.
Day two. Destroy the Kodera dynasty by reversing his shit censorship policy. Sony fits the bill for every patch.
>/pol/ is so retarded they start fighting with each other
>censoring stops
>backward compatibility never ever
Eh. I guess this is a net positive change.
Boy stop posting that. I shitposted in that very thread with my sleeper account.
>but not in europe
I hate the bull-nose rings so much
Except this was a patch Capcom was doing anyway.
yes, it's notoriously easy for a single person to patch a completed game all by themselves like this. are you high?
they have to make it up for the us having fosta law and anti porn congressman, while they're under article 13 being approved by accident
Eh, not that big of a deal
shut up pls
why are people so mad about that? its not like anyone bought that shitty game.
>Sony localization division
>single person
Ok you cant read, got it.
Keep dreaming.
>whatever purple haired tranny who tried to sneak this in
how is that more than one person
>provided you didn’t download the game.
based sony!
lol, what ass?
"Hey this pre existing lense flare that was used to censor a but in this other chapter. Can you dupe it in this one? Americans can't handle it"
>Yes sir Miss localization director
"Did you just say sir to me?"
Learn to hyperbole you fucking autist.
I have no hands and I must fap
As a puritan I am offended and will never buy a Sony product again. You hear that? You missed out on a WHOLE consumer!
4gb of DEMON ASS
jesus lol we've reached the point of regional censoring. Thanks Sony
>tfw yuropoor
As a gamer who just rose up I just bought two a whopping TWO copies of this game.
>Euros were to blame all along
Apologize to Commiefornia right now
why would they allow this in europe?
I thought you need a liocense for porn and nudity.
I unironically have an ass like that
I think my lovehandles are too big
The tables have turned, fuck boy.
The problem isn't them being in the state of California, but the city of San Francisco. San Francisco is literally the gayest city in America. If they were based in Los Angeles or San Diego, things would be different.
Mmmmm gonna have to say based
This is Trish's IRL model who she's based on in DMC5. Trish is hot as fuck. You're just a faggot.
>As the new boss my first order will be to uncensor Trish's butt.
What a nice guy
We did it reddit
Does it need to be balloon-sized for you to see it?
That model is cute indeed, but Trish in DMC5 looks like a fucking goblin.
>no tits
>no hips
nah ur the faggot if you find that shit attractive
stop posting that crackwhore looking skank
fucking based
Because she doesn't look like Mai shiranui or Honoka?
That's nice, but really, does anyone even care since Trish was designed to be ugly as all shit anyway?
Make me, faggot.
Trish's model was probably influenced by said purple-haired tranny so I doubt they'd get in much trouble.
fucking based
>not realising that japs made trish ugly so people would stop trying to ship trish and dante because shes literally his moms clone
So they made Lady a bit less ugly for the same purpose?
Nah you're just gay.
no they made her much more attractive for the same purpose
>implying Dante hasn't had regular threesomes with Lady and Trish
That girl looks pretty sexy sure. But Trish looks literally nothing like that. Her body is fine, but that in-game face is a dumpster fire.
They clearly didn't since the game itself confirms there's nothing romantic between her and Dante. Dumb Ladyfag.
No. Because she resembles a goblin
It's just the Uncanny Valley effect that causes that. Your eyes aren't used to photorealistic models done through facial capture in video games. You'll get used to it.
No I'm used to Claire from RE2. I'm used to Until Dawn. I honestly think everyone else in DMC5 looks great, even Vergil and Nico which are rough at times.
Just Trish has a gross face. Theres no two ways about it
No, I won't. I haven't even "gotten used" to Claire, and Trish is even worse.
I like it when Vergil is rough.
Claire has moments of uncanniness but also moments where she looks cute. Trish consistantly looks terrible.
He sort of looks like an longterm alcoholic
>regional censorship
We have no less than 6 different ratings boards globally for vidya alone in major locations of distribution.
You wanna get pissy? Blame your bard.
Oh Trish absolutely looks worse, but Claire isn't exactly great herself, especially when put next to Ada who is easily the best looking girl between the two games. I think the problem with Claire is that her oversized eyes and babyface makes her look a bit like an anime character, but in a more realistic looking game It's fucking uncanny, though unsurprising that she'd be popular with waifufags as a result.
>He sort of looks like an longterm alcoholic
perfect role for depp to play in live action.
exactly retard, learn to read
lel no.
Trish was always ugly
I'm pretty sure every model in DMC5 did some photos for Calvin Klein at this point.
She was the hottest any DMC girl has ever been in MVC3