What is your final verdict, Yea Forums?
What is your final verdict, Yea Forums?
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Brutally hard when you don't understand it.
Pathetically easy when you do
There is absolutely no middle ground
5/10 needs DLC
Better than Souls garbage by a mile.
It's okay, 7/10 already beat it days ago and on NG+. I'm not really seeing much of a reason to keep playing. It isn't that hard, people are just dumb and can't adapt.
I'm liking it. It's no Bloodborne, but it's good.
I dont see there being much replayability.
Why are you surprised something gets easier the more you do it?
Worst of the soulsborne series but still decent enough. Ishinn is an enormous pain.
Dragonblight serves no purpose except to tilt/confuse new players when in reality it doesn't even do anything
So why have it in the first place?
I was pretty tired of Froms games. I've been with them since Demons Souls
I wasnt sure if Id like Sekiro and I dont. I only got to the Shinobi Hunter in the Harata estate before uninstalling.
the goty
Lmao mad cause bad
>very little replayability
>no customization which hurts the replayability even further
>froms worst camera angles
>meh ost
70/100, maybe a 75. really good DLC might bump it up a bit.
It's not a matter of playing it over and over.
Sekiro is all about understanding the game's mechanics. Each fight is akin to Metal Gear Rising where you parry everything you can and counter things you can't. Which is made easier but the game gives you a warning beforehand.
Every successful kill in sekiro is 100% identical to the last.
Difficult when you don't understand the game. Too easy when you do. Nice world design, fun combat, some memorable bosses. No replayability. Rent at blockbuster.
Double Ape
Old man Isshin
Owl 2
Owl 1
Headless Ape
Guardian Ape
Demon of Hatred
Folding Screen Monkies
Divine Dragon
Corrupted Monkx2
Sword Saint.
I beat the boss idiots I just realized the game wasnt for me afterwards.
Dragonblight doesnt do shit why are people whining about it
Heard it's short as fuck. Should I wait for a sale in a few months?
The Shinobi Hunter isn't even a boss, you shitter.
It's pretty good
Mini boss, cunt
>Heard it's short as fuck
it isn't, first playthrough is like 25-30 hours depending on how slow you explore. take that as you will
The point is that it's stupid. It's there to punish players for being shit, like with World Tendency in Demon's Souls, yet the game gives an instant cure for it right after you learn about Dragonblight. Its a pointless mechanic. The worst part is how the cure isn't even hard to obtain, it can be purchased from almost any vendor.
8.5/10 solid but lacking game.
Worse than BB and DS1, comparable to DS2, DS3, DeS.
Still one of the best games nowadays.
A few stupid mechanics like the disease thing, etc but overall pretty good game. I still like Souls more but this was certainly a nice departure. Reminds me of Metal Gear Rising in a lot of ways. 8/10
kek, pretty good joke
>game has bugs
why this is allowed
>Double Ape
Easier than the first one because the guardian ape has less posture and it recovers slowly. It's also only in its headless form, which is unironically easier to fight than its ape form and the brown monkey is extremely passive and rarely attacks. It also has shit posture.
Longer than Dark Souls 2 and 3
ive read that it fucks up questlines, is this not true? i'm not too far yet, but other than all it seems to do is prevent you from losing xp/cash which is pointless anyway.
>A few stupid mechanics like the disease thing
it isn't stupid, it's just underdeveloped and ends up being irrelevant. it could've been great
Yes. You will get a max of 3 playthroughs before you are bored out of your mind. If you pick up every item in the game and do everything in the game it will take you 25ish hours probably (maybe less now that there is so much info out) to complete it. Subsequent attempts picking up every item will about about 10-13 hours. If you just rush to the bosses around 5 hours unless you are speedrunning.
I prefer it to souls desu
Solid 8/10 with some nitpicks. I wish prosthetics weren't mostly situational, and what's the point of manual looting if you can loot from a distance anyway?
Reminder that Sekiro is objectively better than any Souls game. Only butthurt Souls fags disagree.
>(maybe less now that there is so much info out)
as if we needed anymore proof that all the fags whining about how "easy" it is just read what to do where to go. glad i'm not an underage twitchfag.
Fun the first time around but zero reason to do multiple playthroughs
>ive read that it fucks up questlines, is this not true?
It prevents Wolf from talking to the people because they're sick so they cannot give him quests to do, but it doesn't matter because they can get cured instantly. It isn't even a user-by-user basis for healing. When Wolf uses the cure, it instantly heals everyone afflicted with the disease.
>what's the point of manual looting if you can loot from a distance anyway?
what? you can only suck in stuff that enemies drop, you have to manually pick up things that are placed in the world
It's not part of the Soulsborne series.
Took me 44 hours while paying attention to NPCs and sidequests i noticed (not using any guide). I´m sure you can lower it till 15-20 hours in 2nd or 3rd runs once you already know what to skip and what not, but it´s not short.
Get it for 35-40 in keys stores and that´s it.
The game is fun
I can see myself picking it up and doing a run every now and then at a significantly lower bar than any of the Soulsborne games, although that also means it's a shallower game by comparison. That has both pros and cons to it, but I would say I'm glad that there is now a From game on that end of the pool as well.
Not among the absolute few top games for me but still a very competent, unique game.
It's pretty fucking short, it takes no more than 35 hours to basically 100% the game.
It's shit. I honestly don't understand how people find it enjoyable.
I like Sekiro and I unironically liked DS3 and bloodborne better.
It has objectively better movement and that is it.
fun af
Game would be better if Path of Hardship was default and kanji warnings were disabled
>it takes no more than 35 hours to basically 100% the game.
So a bit longer than any Souls game? Cool.
It was alright, i beat it once but i'll probably never play it again.
It's okay, it has its moments but it gets pretty boring in between all the fun parts
Cope, shitter.
Could have been better with more fantasy like soulsborne, fountainhead was the coolest part of the game
DS3 was a massive pile of unoriginal shit lol
Being lost isn't fun.
>I honestly don't understand how people find it enjoyable.
you're either lying and just coping with how shit you are, or you have actual autism
Is good, I hope From sees it as a succes and dares to deviate more from the Souls fromula, Sekiro goes its own way but still has too many similarities.
>you can only suck in stuff that enemies drop
That's what I mean. Why have a button to press when it can be done automatically? There really is no reason I can think of for having to hold down x to loot corpses.
Rather than fucking questlines up, it simply prevents you from being able to progress them. Not that there's too many NPCs that would make it a real problem. They could've at least made it so Dragonrot prevents merchants from selling you stuff if they wanted it to have at least some kind of a tangible effect.
>hahaha the games so easy guys, just look up the wiki IDIOTS
jesus christ the absolute state of Yea Forums
Good shit
Pure delusion, it's even shorter than Bloodborne, which people complained about being too short.
let me rephrase, is there any missable content items in particular) if you ignore dragonrot or let it go too far? i just got the ability to cure it and went ahead and did so for the first time just to see what happened.
You say this every thread.
Every. Single. Thread.
It's really good but no replayability kills it. Now From can finally start working on BB2
I genuinely don't understand what you're trying to say. you can't loot corpses manually, you have to hold x. are you trying to say that you should be able to suck in items in the world that are placed? because that would break the game and allow you to pick up stuff that you're too far away from
This guy gets it.
>criticize Souslike game
>"lol you just didn't play it/bad at the game/didn't get far enough/some other generic strawman
Why does FROM delusion get a pass on this site, but not other fanbases?
I think without the kanji the NG+ Ogre would be ridiculous. Post playthrough 1 that Ogre and his instadeath (even with max beads) grab is the most tedious boss in the whole game by far. Unless you just burn him the whole time odds are you're getting fucked.
>just dont like it
I used to be one these fucks when Souls was still new and I deeply regret it
No. It never "goes too far". to the point of being uncurable. No one who gets Dragonrot dies from dragonrot.
It's good. It's not a souls game for sure, and I'm not giving a final verdict until we have DLC, but assuming we get the usual high standard FromSoft DLC, I'd say Sekiro >/= Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Demon Souls >/= Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2. It's a shorter experience and doesn't have the replayability of previous ones because there isn't builds, however Bloodborne had highly simplified builds and cut away at a lot of the fat and was better for it. I think that it's an overall much better experience. The World design is fantastic and probably the best in the series, and the added verticality really does help. The world is heavily interconnected but feels coherent in how its connected, unlike Dark Souls where it kinda feels like a maze and its hard to get a sense of where you REALLY are in relation to everywhere else. There isn't as much item description hunting, and outside of the items that are literally notes you are meant to read, the game actually explains the lore and story through dialogue. I think it's fine that it isn't as replayable, not every game needs to be, and I think it works better as a singular experience.
I'm really excited at the prospect of DLC. Return ending is too Sequelbait for it to be a DLC, however with the whole "Exploring Memories with Buddha Statue" thing being barely touched, similar to Nightmares with Vanilla Bloodborne, I'd imagine we'd explore into the Memories of major characters, and meet ones like Tomoe or Kingfisher, or a young Sculptor/Owl/Isshin/Genichiro/Emma.
Quality > quantity
50% of DaS1 was shit, DaS2/3 were shit all the way through.
An 8/10.
>The good
1. Most solid boss roster in the series. Very minimal gimmick fights, and very solid duel-type fights (which the series has always excelled in). Sword Saint is the best and hardest final boss in the series. 100% uncheesable.
2. Animation work is spectacular, as always in From Software's games, as is just the overall "gamefeel".
3. Prosthetics are super fun to use.
4. The posture-breaking system feels very fast-paced and intense and rewards hyper-aggression.
5. No stamina system already is a huge plus.
6. It has some of the most vertical and massive levels in the series (Ashina Castle and Senpou Temple).
>The okay
1. Soundtrack. It's serviceable and supplements the atmosphere, but has zero memorable tracks.
2. Stealth is okay. I wish they did more with them, but as it is, it's okay.
3. Story is okay. But at least it has a story, unlike the hollow and soulless lore bullshit in previous games that allows anyone to make up anything as they want (remember the bonfire texture drama when the DaS1 Remaster came out?).
>The bad
1. Combat Arts are too fucking weak.
2. Needs more enemy variety.
3. NG+ is STILL lazy and 99% unchanged. No, removing Kuro's Charm does not count as enough changes. There should be enemies and moves exclusive to NG+, like maybe red phantom versions of regular enemies that are 2 times more aggressive.
4. Platforming can be really clunky at times.
>is there any missable content items in particular) if you ignore dragonrot or let it go too far?
NPCs either have Dragonrot or they don't, there's no "going too far". I think you could potentially progress too far in the game that it's too late to do some of the questlines, but that's about it.
He's saying you should just get corpse drops automatically.
>look at me I have the time to spend hours looking for the one thing that allows me to progress in the game and have fun again.
Jesus Christ the state of dick measuring faggots these days.
Game was easy and I didn't look up any boss guides.
who are you quoting? please direct me to the post instead of making embarrassing strawmen
This can be universally applied to every game
How do you consider this criticism
oh, I see. is that really an issue though? I mean sure, but it's such a small and irrelevant thing that he decided to include in his final verdict
Drops from corpses should be acquired by default. You should not have to hold x, they should just be put into your inventory after you kill an enemy.
I played for about 2-3 hours before getting bored and uninstalling. I've completed DeS/DaS1/DaS3/Bloodborne to completion. Stop pretending like your precious turd is infallible just because you think it dropped out of God's asshole.
Nice backpedal. That doesn't change the fact that Sekiro is fucking short as shit.
>quality vs quantity
Sure, but that depends one what is being looked at. the other games have better bosses, music, setting, and world design than Sekiro. Dark Souls also has better level design than Sekiro does. Sekiro just has better combat, which is counteracted by the fact that it somehow has a shittier camera than any of the souls games.
Stopped reading right there. Your post is instantly invalidated.
>reading comprehension
it's one thing to not like it, that's completely fine. but not being able to comprehend why someone else would is serious autism
cope harder
>100% uncheesable.
He's one of the easiest hit and run fights together with Monk and Monkey.
Pretty good list and I know it's a pretty minor point but platforming for me never felt clunky, you can even come up with some cool little shortcuts and movement optimizations thanks to jumping and jumping off walls
>the other games have better bosses,setting, and world design than Sekiro
All wrong. Sekiro is much better than Souls trash in these categories.
>Dark Souls also has better level design than Sekiro does
Lost Izalith sure was good lol
I found first stage ape so easy but second stage a nightmare.
Spending an hour against a boss doing hit and run is not really cheese though, it's just a shitty tactic
ITT: seething Souls tards
Its a common opinion here, this is my first thread today. I just woke up lol.
It is terrible
Not that user, but here you go.
All the other games have far better bosses than Sekiro does, lmao. Are you fucking joking?
Oh so you're just a weeb.
Extremely boring.
Every game is MGR? Fascinating user
Well, i do agree with him that its a weird choice and can sometimes be annoying, but yeah its not a huge negative for me.
Explain to me what you like about the game, and I'll explain why you're wrong.
>no weapons
>no equipment
>no rpg stats
Pretty much good enough to be my GOTY, that's for sure. I didn't find it as brilliant as DaS1 or BB, but it's very good. It shows that FROM are better off doing new IPs than sequels.
Sekiro actually has a decent soundtrack. The issue is that you don't start to hear the better songs until the very end of the game. Until that point, the soundtrack is pretty shit.
Where´s Emma? Also
Not him, but its a universally shared opinion and [spoilers]he's right[/spoilers]
see that user got his shit pushed in and it's obvious
I like the sound of swords clashing and the sensation of stepping on someone's spear before impaling them. I also like grappling around a huge, beautiful world while exploring and encountering challenges
>All the other games have far better bosses than Sekiro does, lmao
Actually play Sekiro next time
I LOVE that image. Can I save it, please?
Emma is with Old man.
Lmao just bully his grandson
Lmao just deflect into mikiri
Lmao just manage posture so you can mikiri counter his wombo
Lmao just lightning counter
I played Sekiro and beat it already. All souls, and Bloodborne especially, have better bosses. You can meme all you want about Owl and Isshin but that won't change facts.
BB > Sekiro >>> DaS1 = DeS >>>> DaS3 >>>>>>>>>> DaS2
Do we agree?
7/10, not a bad game but it wants to be play in a very specific way which ends up making me bored, every time i struggle with a boss it was because i was playing it wrong( read trying to have fun) but once i stop and played the parry game it was fairly easy. Soundtrack is maybe the worst i heard in a FROM game, not because its awful but because it can be very annoying and there is no memorable track. Story was ok i guess, i rather have a pure Samurai and Shinobi story but FROM can't help themselves with magical crap. Skill and prosthetic system are poorly done and very linear, most are useless while others are situational and a few should be used all game (double ichimonji). Side quests are ok at best with no remarkable characters and the Dragon Rot gimmick could be awesome if properly implemented but it's more of a annoyance thanks to the abundance of items to dispel it. Don't regret finishing it but i don't feel eager to play it again.
Just beat Guardian Ape, how close am I to the end and should I be doing ending-related stuff now? don't I need to do a quest for one of em? how do I do all of them on one save?
The Hirata Estate bgm was interesting the first time around but jesus christ did it start grating
How is old man isshin harder when it´s literally the same with easier to dodge attacks?
>I played Sekiro and beat it already
Well, you just have shit taste then because majority of DeS, DaS1, DaS2 and BB bosses were either mediocre or straight up shit.
So you like sound design and environment design choices that have very little to do with actual gameplay. Ok. I can actually respect that. That kind of thing is completely subjective and you have the right to that opinion.
Sure. Why not?
Every game is me fucking your mom and let’s just say it gets too easy the more I do it.
>Just beat Guardian Ape, how close am I to the end and should I be doing ending-related stuff now?
Depends on what else you've done. Could be anything from 30-70%.
Got to the final boss
It was an okay game, going to uninstall now
Nothing in Sekiro tops Gehrman, Gascoigne, or Logarius in Bloodborne, and those aren't even the best FromSoft Bosses you absolute pleb. It doesn't even include the DLC bosses like Maria and Ludwig. Kill yourself.
>So you like sound design and environment design choices that have very little to do with actual gameplay.
but what i typed is tied directly to the gameplay, which I love. you're also right to not like the game, but I don't think you're being honest when you say that you don't understand how someone might disagree with you on that
Have you beat ghost monk and monkey squad yet? If so, you're about two thirds done. If not, you're not even halfway
> hit and run
> not a single hit will connect outside of post attack openings
> can teleport when you heal
> very quick posture regen
Try play the game.
I thought the game was ok, but i have some complaints about it.
Stealth trivializes a lot of encounters and other than the snake segment at the start stealth is mostly irrelevant for the entire game.
The grappling hook is a gimmick, it has almost 0 use in combat and when it does(like against monkey, demon of bloodborne, and ogres) it's only used to jump to them so you can do a shitty mid air attack that does almost nothing, the exception being China Dragon but while kinda cool, it's just this game's bed of chaos.
Shinobi tools feel useless, but this is because enemy encounters almost never forces you to use them, shit like the spear and axe are extremely situational yet the enemies that require you to use them are rare as fuck, there's like 10-15 shielded enemies in the entire game.
Simian Strife is pretty much the only boss where deflecting is fun and interesting as the boss's moves change slightly when you deflect him and bosses like Genichiro and Ishiin just feel like super powered versions of normal enemies, and then there are some bosses like Bloodborne guy where deflecting might as well not be there.
I spent a lot of time exploring in this game, but if i ever replayed it i would never bother with exploration ever again since there is nothing interesting to find, just balloons and sugar and random items that i never used.
Skills are pretty much all shit except for Ichimonji, so you either use Ichimonji or you use one that you find fun even if it's shit.
Other than hat i also have some other gripes with the game but those can be easily attributed to my personal taste, personally i would've loved if we had armor customization in the game, and i really hated that the game never got super weird, the weirdest it gets is when you get to the fountainhead palace, but that is just one area, very short, and it's at the very end of the game, i feel like Ashina depths and the Monkey place in particular were just teasing me and they ended up being short as fuck.
That people need to stop comparing it to Souls/Bloorborne and Devil May Cry.
yep, Mibu Village and Senpou Temple done
It has an actual good emotional ending rather than
AYY LMAO or linking fire restoring humanity bs
Its kind of boring to be honest.
The "core" deflect deflect attack combat is pretty dull. I've gotten to the section where the Ninja attack the castle, and each encounter is the same. And when fighting against enemies that dont use significantly ( Ape and so on) it it is woefully unvaried compared to Souls.
Levels are often poor too, with running to the next Shrine being a valid strat. most of the time.
Increased verticality seemed great at first, but it contribues to weaker exploration, where areas are found by triggering a green circle that lets you grapplehook, and also makes regular combat piss easy to dodge.
Camera is still woeful, and this is worse in a game that depends on maintaining an agressive mode of attack to raise poise.
Overall i enjoyed the game, but i'll probably never play it again until DLC or a sequel comes out, one thing that i really liked about the game though is that this is probably the first From Software game where i care about some characters. I really ended up caring about Sekiro and Kuro by the end.
Anyone saying it's quick is an idiot or cheated on PC. Some of the bosses alone are several hour attempts. Ishinn is the hardest boss from have ever put in a game.
>new IPs
>literally the same shit but slightly different
Wow instead of dodging you parry. Most of the items in the game literally do the same shit they do in the souls games. FROM babies will eat up anything they put out and claim it's mana from God.
7.5 good game , but my least favourite fromsfot by a mile is not a bad game but to be honest im more of a western setting armor plot etc this is too jap for my tastes i was disingeous and went expecting a soul game thats on my but dindt have a lot of fun, but some areas of this game are the best from soft made mibu village the depths , all the temple areas etc are amazing the only thing i really dislike about this game is the music i liked only 2 themes from the entire soundtrack really really lackluster , i dont think im going to buy sekiro 2 or dlc , im going to wait for the next souls experience meaning similar combat but with coo op
>Some of the bosses alone are several hour attempts.
LMAO, if you're retarded maybe.
It’s shit.
Nah. Bloodborne is my favourite game and i give sekiro a 6.
sorry for the redditspacing. I have the textbox set smaller than I ususally do so I thought each line was a paragraph.
>Bloodborne is my favourite game
Yikes. An actual snoy nigger
Then you're about two thirds done. Beating the boss of fountainhead palace is what triggers and locks you into endgame
The point of hit and run is to deplete his health, not his posture. It's slow but safe method.
>can teleport when you heal
Don't heal in front of him then? There's plenty of space unless he displayed actual teleportation powers in your bugged game.
>several hour attempts
only if you suck badly, Ishinn "the sword saint that uses a spear and a gun like a coward" was the only one who took over a hour but even than it did not pass 2 let alone several.
how is this any different from dark souls?
Suprised that your library hasn't blocked Yea Forums on the schools server yet. Almost done with lunch break?
No, you can tell my achievement stats that the vast majority of players aren't near finished yet.
Phases 2 and 3 he outright teleports, there's an animation for it. You can only heal when he's busy.
I want to do an autistic challenge run but i need to get platinum which requires 10 hours of farming
NPC tier retort, as expected from fagiro shills and soulsshitters.
SSI killed my will to replay it.
how are those better you retard?
>uses a spear and a gun like a coward
That's a gay argument when you're a ninja with 10 times as much bullshit to use
>kys ree.
I think you have shit taste and are a spastic
Grandpa, SSI Genichiro and Emma are better though.
I don't think it's necessarily sucking, but that a lot of people that played Sekiro are "Souls Players" where most of their experience with action games or difficult games or however you want to phrase it, revolves mostly around Souls games. So Sekiro might be one of the first games they play where they have to adapt to an entirely different combat style, so if you look at it that way it's perfectly understandable that people find these bosses extremely difficult, think of the first time you played a souls game, you probably found some boss extremely hard, but now you can just steam roll them.
ahead of its time 9.5/10 (score is quite boring and generic)
>Skills are pretty much all shit except for Ichimonji, so you either use Ichimonji or you use one that you find fun even if it's shit.
Several of them like Whirlwind Slash and Nightjar Slash are pretty situational but highly useful in those situations. High Monk is amazing for sweep counter posture damage but you have to put a lot of points into unlocking it.
Question about "man without equal". Do you have to kill every boss on the SAME save file? Like go in NG+ with it?
Not him but I doubt it.
But Sekiro isn't a Sword Saint, he is a FUCKING SHINOBI so yes i should be able to play dirty, especially when he can 1 hit kill me, teleport and use anime moves, besides the only shit i used that was useful against him was firecracker.
i kind agree, but it should not take several hours to notice the game wants you to parry nearly everything.
I used Nightjar Slash because that was the one i found the most fun and still somewhat useful, and then i spent most of my skill points getting one of Ishin's "ultimate" skills that took 9 fucking skill points to get, and then when i finally got it and got to the final boss, i vomited the entire skill on Genichiro's ass(don't remember what the skill is called, but it's one where you deal a series of consecutive strikes), he didn't block, he didn't deflect, and it did jack shit to him. Now that was some high class disappointment.
no you dont have to
How much am I missing out playing this without PS+? Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 really felt like I was missing part of the experience without the player messages and invasions.
It has no online components.
There is literally no online
Thanks, I'll pick up a copy then. Any rumors or indications of future DLC?
Side quest are shit, main story is meh but i'm at fishdudes palace so maybe will get better, combat is better than souls but too many minibosses.
It's good but not great.
Dark Souls > Bloodborne >>> Dark Souls 3 > Nioh > Sekiro > Demon's Souls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dark Souls 2
Sounds about right.
For what it is trying to be, 9/10. Great combat system, stellar bosses, solid world design/exploration/platforming.
I went into it highly cynical on several grounds from the trailers (Arkham combat, Assassin’s Creed platforming, zero build variety) and had my expectations blown out of the water.
Yeah, I wished it would have provided multiplayer elements and customization like the last 5 games so I can get hundreds of hours out of it with my friends.
But From doesn’t owe me games they don’t want to make. Acknowledging that, I’m extremely happy with what I got. Only thing stopping it from being a 10/10 is the OST being mediocre, the camera being really frustrating at times, a lousy English dub, and a few bugs.
But those are minor in the long run.
performance patch when
I really liked it but i wish it had more lore and stuff to find out about the world. For some reason it had less story By having more conversations and cutscenes.
Thank you so much! Where did you find a picture this great?
I've seen so many, but I've never seen anything close to this great before.
The vast majority of games go unfinished, has absolutely nothing to do with you having a smooth brain and spending hours on a single boss you brainlet.
It's pretty good, but it needs a good DLC to make it even a top 3 Souls game.
You discarded everything the user said with the stupid MGR comment, why would you expect something more than a "your mom" joke? You shitposted and got a shitpost back.
It fucking sucks. Nioh 2 will be better.
man this game fucking sucks I actually got good at it.
>its okay
a 7 means a game is good, not "okay".
I think the rating you're looking for is a 5 or 6
5 or 6 is shit.
No, 5 is meh, 6 is passable, 7 is ok, 8 is decent, 9 is good, 10 is excellent.
>8 is decent
Now you're just trolling
>can find prostetic for an arm he didn't have back then in a 3 year old memory
How is this different from anything you do in life?
solid 8
it has some really god-tier aestethics and setting, the combat is fun as fuck and satisfying for the most part. NPCs were really enjoyable
on the other hand there are a few things that I could not ignore, like the music not being that great and the spirit ember cost going to 50 sen in the end game. honestly what was the fucking point of that? it gets so fucking annoying. Also some of the last, more expensive skills have garbage damage and not worth the spirit cost, while others are stupidly effective, cost free and make everything else meaningless
DLC might up it to a 9 if they fix those and pump up the challenge without making it bullshit
25 hours is short?
Honestly, the bosses in sekiro feels polished much like BB did and they are a perfect representation of a specific theme. Of course it boils down to preference, but the stuff in bloodborne and some of DS 1 are completely new and wildly creative takes on a lot of themes and sources and give such a variety of experiences. Further they have so much to look into where lore and visual design merge. Ludwig alone has far more care put into him and a complete connectivity to the experience than anything in sekiro. The only thing is sekiro has the gameplay and fine tuning so the bosses are fluid and engaging.
>he stuff in bloodborne and some of DS 1 are completely new and wildly creative takes on a lot of themes
Isn't it just regular shinobi tools that get fitted for the arm? Isn't that why the Owl gets to do some of the shit Wolf does?
It's time travel using Kuro's memories
You just find a tool that gets fitted on the prostetic arm by the sculptor.
Yeah, pretty much spot-on. I liked the story a lot and didn't mind the enemy variety, but everything else I agree with.
>a 7 means a game is good, not "okay".
Nope. a 5/10 is unironically shit.
They're pulling an Artorias with Lady Tomoe, constantly mentioning how great she was just like they did with Artorias, I really hope she's DLC.
Yes. Not only that but the games story doesn't even take 25 hours to beat, it's more like 16.
I don't understand why people say Isshin is super hard, he took me like 6 or so tries, which is hard, but people are saying it took them fucking hours to beat him. What the fuck, his only gimmick is his revolver, other than that he might as well just be Genichiro. The only way i can see it is if people don't know how to deflect by the time they get to the final boss, but i don't know you can get past the Gorilla without learning how to deflect.
Hahah imagine being this pathetic. Quit so early that you haven’t really played the game. Nice, now move on and fuck off
My main problem is that I'm kind of slow at internalizing patterns, and his spear phase consists of some of the most unpredictable patterns in the game.
Once I got it down, though, I was fine. I think I died to the last phase once or twice.
there is no "SoulsBorne" series. there is only 'Souls' and it only includes Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1, everything else is a half-assed imitation.
but Demon's Souls is the worst of the all?
I feel like i'm also bad at recognizing patterns, but the thing is that in Sekiro that doesn't really matter because all you do is deflect or block, all that you need to recognize are the sweeps and the stabs, so once you get those down that's it. I guess Isshin does have some tricky stuff like that super ichimonji slash where the attack hits twice
Let me ask you this though, when you fought him, did you try to keep your distance and observe? Because i did the exact opposite and once he is in his second and third phase he behaves like every other enemy in the game(for the most part), he blocks two attacks, deflects the third. So his spear and lightning phase were actually the easiest to me.
imagine having such shit taste.
3rd best FromSoft game after DS1 and BB. Great recovery after the disaster that was DS3.
Demon's Souls pretty much is the worst(your mileage might vary when comparing it to DS2), Dark Souls 1 took everything Demon's Souls did, and did it better.
How much is it?
did people find him hard? he was frustratingly easy for me. they shouldnt have allowed the player to have so much time to heal.
Dark Souls 1 had a more sluggish combat than Demon's Souls, compare the attack speed of the Claymore R1 in both games, in DeS it's a snappy diagonal slash, while in DaS it's a slow overhead strike.
>Dark Souls 1 took everything Demon's Souls did, and did it better.
Combat wise, it expanded the core mechanics and made them a bit less clunky, but it still didn't solve the inherent problems of Souls combat, though to be fair, no souls game did, the only one that tried was DS3 and it still didn't solve anything outside of removing some of the cheese but making other more relevant.
In terms of anything else, I can't say it did a lot of things better outside of maybe the interconnected free roaming, and I still preferred the teleport design from the Nexus myself, which is probably why I prefer DS3 to the rest.
NPC wise it was worse, with half assed imitations of the DeS originals that didn't have cool events like Yurt or the internal rivalries in the Nexus in general.
They also dropped World Tendency, which wasn't a good idea and made the world exceedingly static, DS2 tried to remedy that by including a functional night and day cycle and an actual NG+, but the core game was total trash that couldn't be redeemed by those attempts either way.
All Souls games have something the others don't have, but all of them have the same exact mistakes and some more.
Best combat and level design in a Fromsoft title as far as I'm concerned. I still prefer Bloodborne overall for the aesthetic, soundtrack, weapon/build variety, co-op, etc. but Sekiro is an easy #2 and I hope they iterate and improve on the posture mechanic going forward. Also Emma a best.
Maria is amazing but Ludwig is overrated as fuck. Both in design and gameplay.
His lore is ok but he is still overrated as fuck.
demon's souls had better npcs, atmosphere, story, music, good second half, etc
dark souls made some improvements to the gameplay
Comparing Sekiro to the Souls games, is Sekiro the least linear game?
For some reason I expected an extremely linear game but it was anything but.
Difficulty is all over the place with minibosses but the few actual bosses feel fair, if a bit gimmicky sometimes like when you have to fight the Guardian Ape a second time
The lack of any kind of actual loot really kills exploring for me since the most I can get excited for is a gourd seed or some beads, which are cool but I'd rather just have some new kind of clothing to look forward to
The music is kinda eh
7/10 for me
Suprisingly enough, it's almost as non linear as DS1.
If only the senpou temple shortcut from ashina was locked it would be on par with DS1.
Worst souls game other than DS2. The combat system is a joke and they had to crank up a lot of variables to keep the game hard. In general the bosses in the game remind me of the later chalice dungeons: a bunch of recycled bosses that are hard because they do a fuckton of damage.
Sekiro > BB > DeS > DaS3 > DaS1 > DaS2
To be fair, none of them are obligatory.
I mean the one in front of Lady Butterfly kind of is I suppose if you want to get to Lady Butterfly though I don't even think Lady Butterfly herself is obligatory meaning that the Drunkard wouldn't be either.
Or was the samurai before Genichiro obligatory? I can't remember.
You can run straight past ones like O'Rin though if you're a little scaredy cat.
you realize the vast majority of games don't take more than that to beat? That 16 hours is mostly in gameplay too, how many games actually have that many hours in it? Most action games take around 5-6 hours to beat and some cases even less and have more cutscenes to pad that time.
A few of them are, Juzou, Snake Eyes Shirahagi, Armored Warrior, Mist Noble, one Ashina Elite and one long arm centipede are all compulsory minibosses.
Worse than any souls game, even 2.
Game is too small. Too many reused locations and too many reused boss fights. Feels incomplete.
post lewd kuro
good but not the masterpiece people are making it out to be, 7/10, overrated like all from games.
spear trust upgrade is really good on every human sized enemy because if you have the prosthetic skill for it it's 3 hits from the charge+ stagger from the pull + 1 from the passive skill slash. you either get a good chip of damage or a good posture buildup in the span of 1-2 seconds for a single spirit emblem. Owl counters your ass tho
thats true, its just jarring to have bosses like O'rin, the Warriors that summon those spirits, and Snake Eyes and then have stuff like the Centipedes
I'm not against the idea, I really liked having more of these tougher unique enemies, just felt like some of them didn't live up to the mantle
>Snake Eyes Shirahagi
The gunner lady on the island in front of the gun fortress?
You can just run past her.
After just half a fight with her I figured it was disadvantageous to fight her like that, especially with all the other gunners shooting all over the place if strayed too far from the middle. And I figured there would have to be an idol up ahead anyway, so I just booked it. Ran and ran and scurried right up to the idol. Rested. Then I backtracked and took every single fucker with me, and then I backstabbed Shirahagi and fought her in a situation where I had the advantage. But I am sure I could have just ignored her.
Guilty of making me love videogames again
>The gunner lady on the island in front of the gun fortress?
No, the one in chinese blighttown.
not him but the shinobi hunter in hirata is just a normal enemy, there are shinobi hunter minibosses, but the one in hirata is just a normal enemy.
Dark Souls was more fun. This game is to monotonous, exploring is boring and there's no variety in fighting styles.
Rather have them pump out souls games. Every Souls game after Dark Souls 1 had huge flaws so there's plenty to improve.
some bosses do sweep attacks that don't have kanji and you get hit by them if you try to jump, I agree kanji should get disabled but they should be consistent about it, not make it "jump sweep attacks with kanji and deflects the ones without".
I can see where you're coming from, but personally I kind of appreciated the fact that since they weren't obligatory, their power could be all over the place almost. Added to the uniqueness of it all I feel like. Sure they weren't given nearly as much detail or focus as the genuine bosses, but the fact that their strength levels could be anything added to their uniqueness. Made both them and the groups they represented feel more unique.
On a side note. In comparison to the Soulsborne games, it was quite refreshing to play in a world that wasn't already dead. It was plagued with war sure, but that if anything really only made it feel even more alive. There were actual lives and actual motivations behind those wars and it was reflected in the people of the land through lots of different perspectives. Something as plain as eavesdropping random goons was neat, made them feel like people too.
which ending should i follow if i want to get the most bossfights?
if there's a tie, i'd appreciate a boss list without being overly specific
this, although what was weird is how owl 2 comments on your prosthetic if you use it mid fight, which, again, was 3 years ago...
She was obligatory? I guess she might have been.
I no joke wasn't even going to fight her, I jumped all the way down there on a detour I wasn't even planning on taking, so when I found the idol I was going to teleport away and figured I could return later. I hadn't even attempted to fight Snake Eyes, it wasn't that I was afraid, it was more that I didn't feel like staying there at the moment.
But right as I was going to scram I noticed that her health bar was dropping. To think that she could get poisoned by the swamp too and that she'd jump into the swamp herself and stay there. Out of curiosity I let go of the button right before pressing it in the nick of time. Then I just waited, and waited, and she never get out of the swamp. I was amused by this and wondered if it could really go on until the end. But it did, and when her health was at the rock bottom, I just ran forward and poked her (because apparently she couldn't die from the poison) and she was dead. Then I retreated to the idol and it happened all over again, where she once again failed to get out of the swamp. She just kept gong back and forth.
Felt kind of cheap to be honest and wasn't my intention, but it was just so hilarious to me that I let it happen. I am really glad that there was another one like her though so that I could get a real fight and see what she could have done. I am assuming they're the same at the very least.
But yeah I never noticed a fog door, but I guess it could have been there. I never really took the time to explore before she was dead.
You can pick either of the three "good" endings while getting all but one boss fight.
lads, at the temple grounds checkpoint thing. There is the path you're meant to go, upwards, but there is a path going down, which leads to a broken bridge. How do I get across that broken bridge? There is an enemy standing on the other side
Which one is the temple grounds again? The one after the bridge with the roberto guy? I can't think of any broken bridge, unless you mean the one that is next to the giant tree, where you first fight the twin blade guys.
7/10, better than every souls game but worse than bloodborne
The one right after you fight that giant guy in armor, yeah. It's actually called "temple grounds" on the travel menu, in senpou templt, mt kongo.
If you look straight forward, it's the way your mean't to go, if you go look down to the right, theres a long path with a little monkey in a tree, which if you just keep following the path, leads to a broken bridge, but an obvious area on the other side. no idea how to get there
Bosses and even basic enemies continued to be engaging far longer than previous games, but the lack of additional weapons and spirit essence limitations hurts the long-term enjoyment of the combat or subsequent playthroughs.
I really like the areas of the game, but it feels shorter than BB and even DaS1. Not sure if its because of lack of stamina combined with you being fast, combined with the grappling hook but you can zoom through areas. When you get to the Fountainhead Palace I was hoping for a fairly long area but its just over in 30 minutes on a first blind run.
I am not sure how you weave additional things into this system, maybe a spear weapon just breaks combat too much when you have all that additional range or the bosses naturally just block/deflect everything so an Axe is just a slower but more posture damage weapon. I like the skill trees over dumping into STR/Health Stat/Endurance in previous games but so many of the skills are just bad or not good enough
>+1 spirit essence for 2 and then 3 skill points
Fucking dumb
Well, i'm 99.9% sure the area you're talking about is an area you have to go through to get to where you are, it's where there is a fire archer, 2 guys with dual blades, some other mooks, and there is a giant tree. Right after the old grandma that says ARIGATAIA ARIGATAIA, like you even stand on that broken bridge and use your hook to go into a cave where you sit on a sculptor's idol and then navigate cliffs to get to the bridge with Roberto man. I dunno, take a picture.
Great combat, great bosses.
Soulsborne does everything else better and has additional features that makes the games more fun.
This was a nice diversion but the next game should be a full blown arpg.
>sekiro dlc
>a completely new playable character
Imagine playing as Genichiro or "Tengu". Or even the sculptor.
>I am not sure how you weave additional things into this system
It's very simple really, keep on moving towards the Tenchu core design and leave the Souls standards behind.
A potential sequel for instance could let you play as three different main characters with their own base moveset/art and storylines but access to the same prosthetics to keep the Sekiro theme of one armed wolves, you can do the Rikimaru archetype that keeps Sekiro's ninjato moveset, an Ayame expy with dual daggers for faster and more combo focused combat and a Tesshu ripoff with Koppojutsu that has non existent range but explosive posture damage for those who like the Senpou martial arts tree.
Unfortunately, Miyazaki is too retarded and can't do anything but recycle shit so it will never happen, but you can improve on Sekiro's formula quite a bit.
sculptor dlc makes the most sense, or isshin
fuck that, they need to add a hot kunoichi as a playable character
>the Warriors that summon those spirits
Yes, i am correct. You already went through there.
Wait. How did you reach that side first?
…...God damn it user, my fucking bad my dude. I forgot I came from there, and that was the same place, purely because I haven't been from that side so long, I don't even recognise it, just backpaddled back and realize it is the same idea. My bad. Genuinely thought it was just another place to reach which I haven't got too
>Let me ask you this though, when you fought him, did you try to keep your distance and observe?
Yeah, eventually, once I stopped trying to just deflect and punish blindly.
+ Great combat, very satisfying
+ Memorable, well designed locations and bosses
+ Looks pretty
- Hitboxes are often bullshit
- Camera will betray you when most needed
- Not enough time spent on story
Overall 8/10 great game
The boss fights are amazing. I think I would love this game if it was a Furi-style boss rush. The levels in between those really feel like filler, though.
10/10 if the dlc is kino, otherwise 8/10
Best soulsbornekiro
No multiplayer, gonna be forgotten soon
just to be clear, "compelting senpou" is getting to the inner sanctum, right? talking with the little loli? and that's all of it? then work you're way through sunkey valley? I'm assuming you have to go through the great serpent shrine way?
Worst souls game
Nioh is superior
It's ok user, dementia is common in us who have our brain rotten by videogames, we're all gonna fukken make it bruv
Why would i want to play as that hack fraud failure piece of shit genichiro? All he does is get his ass kicked.
>hitboxes often bullshit
I don't even know what you guys are talking about here.
>not enough time spent on story
The story is fine especially if you engage with the game and go for the more elaborate endings. I legitimately find these NPC's more engaging than Dark Souls and Bloodborne, feels more like DeS there.
Bosses are good, but Souls is still better. I say this after marathoning the fuck out of the series.
Are you fucking stupid or something?
>emphasis on parrying
>dodge attacks that you cant parry with QTE dodges
>execute when enemy is low on health
>emphasis on parrying
>dodge attacks that you can't parry (peerless attacks) with QTE dodges
>execute when enemy posture is low
Dont ever post again
It's FromSoft's best game unironically.
The way they design the worlds of these games is the best part of these games, and multiple characters simply wouldn't be feasible with how the worlds are designed are right now. Unless you want backtracking and recycling bosses like DMC4 and even 5 to an extent. You would have to cut each portion of this 20-25 hour game into pieces for one character to complete.
>Why would i want to play as that hack fraud failure piece of shit genichiro?
>All he does is get his ass kicked.
This is true, but wouldn't that be fun? Partly because of exactly that? Someone who has never been up to snuff, trying to do everything anyway and almost succeeding?
That said it's kind of fun how what you're saying is true and how the game kind of admits this hard. Not just with its narrative and dialogue but also through the sheer design of its gameplay.
Like the very first time you fight Genichiro it's without a doubt meant to come across as extremely imposing. The second time you fight Genichiro I am sure it was meant to be an imposing fight too, but one you were without a doubt meant to beat.
But what's amusing is that the final time you fight Genichiro, way later in the game after having done so much else and fought so many other bosses. Genichiro returns and in spite of having a mortal blade that's indeed meant to be a big deal, the fight itself is practically the exact same as the previous time you fought him. Only this time he is truly meant to be a genuine pushover before the true boss. Like the fight is the same as before when it was meant to be imposing, but now it just isn't imposing at all and upon beating him he straight up says it himself that he is a failure that lacks the power and is a nobody compared to grandfather or even you. Kind of hilarious in a way. And the best part is, it's much less Genichiro that has changed and more the designers expecting the player to have improved. I mean I guess you've gotten health and attack upgrades since before, but the way he goes from imposing roadblock to pushover really just hinges on the expectation that the player has improved by that point. It's neat that they respect their players enough to have such an arc for the game's antagonist.
based game that low IQ women can't beat
Demon of Hatred, Sword Saint and Owl are basically DLC tier bosses.
Demon's closest analog in dark souls, as an example, Manus, is much less mobile and aggressive.
The story is great step up when compared to Dark Souls when it comes to time dedicated to it, but I thought the game deserved more especially given how they actually put some effort in it this time. For example: does Issin have a son? Genichiro is adopted, so does that mean Issin the Sword Saint is an infertile cuck? And if not, where is he? Owl deserved more character development, etc etc. With a little effort much more could have been done.
My final verdict is that it is wholly uninteresting as a game but it is fucking annoying that there's at least 10 threads of it up at a time here
>wow a highly anticipated game made by FROM gets a lot of thread wow
Did you mention alternate player characters just a mere 20 seconds apart?
It could be really neat though. All in all while I really love the customizability of the RPG mechanics of the Souls games I do approve of Sekiro having a much more defined character. The tools and the esoteric texts give you lots of room for growth anyway, and while you've only got one weapon I'd still argue that a completely new move or latent abilities kind of leaves a stronger impact than some more points in some stat or a new weapon (considering that most Souls weapons are just variations of each other, which is good though the number of different categories are still limited).
But yeah other playable characters could be cool. Would probably prefer that over even more content with Wolf. I kind of love playing as Wolf, but by the end of the game he kind of feels complete in a sense.
>multiple characters simply wouldn't be feasible with how the worlds are designed are right now
I disagree, especially given how much of a non character Sekiro is, having multiple characters with different storylines would be very good for a potential Sekiro game, if Way of the Samurai could manage giving your characters different backgrounds and storylines in a free roaming world Sekiro can do that too.
>Unless you want backtracking and recycling bosses like DMC4 and even 5 to an extent
Of course, the vast majority of bosses would be the same, with some main story bosses being different depending on the MC you choose, but the fact is, you're still approaching the game with different core tools and with different stories with all their exclusive snippets and what ifs depending on the character you choose and how you play through the game.
It would be like having playable Sekiro/Genichiro/Emma in this game, all of them would be focused on Kuro's immortality but would also have different stories, like Genichiro succeeding in saving Ashina for instance, with different "at what cost" scenarios, Emma saving Orangutan and Genichiro and whatever else.
Fantastic game and From continues to be my favorite dev. I did 1.5 playthroughs and I'm going to put the game down now until the inevitable DLC. Once that releases, I'll finish the rest of my second playthrough alongside the DLC. The difficulty was adequate and as always, people continue to be obnoxious fucks.
I'm not sure you understand what a "QTE" is.
I think it is supposed to be implied that Sekiro is Isshin's son and otherwise Isshin had a daughter.
Great setting, and a nice change in pace in combat. Sure now it's just a parry spamfest, but the "dude iframes LMAO" dodgefest that older Souls games became got very, very old.
Demon of Hatred is probably my favourite boss fight of all the Souls games + Sekiro.
Well Isshin is pretty damn cool too but I just loved having that huge battlefield to just myself and a massive fire monster like that. Running like the wind back and forth across the entire battlefield as I slowly but surely withered down a fucking monster of that calibre.
How the fuck do you beat Demon of Hatred
This is the true redpill.
Even if you hate this combat/movement now, when the next dark souls game comes out, and lets just say its tradiational dark souls gameplay. I gurantee you start to miss it.
I already get a little bit of this feeling playing dark souls 1/2/3 after playing sekiro. The only one I don't really get it that much, but still a little, is BB, PURELY because BB is a lot more fast paced, a bit more like sekiro. expect all future soulsgames to be like BB from here out, we'll never get a "slowish" one again. Which is good, really.
It's still funny seeing old Souls player unable or slow to adapt, keep trying to dodge and dodge like it was Souls, even though they clearly can't rely on iframes like before.
I have even seen some players recognize that dodging the way they're doing isn't effective, and yet they keep trying to do it instead of trying to do something else entirely.
Is it really that hard to learn that you either move completely away from attacks so that they don't hit you at all, instead of dodging through them, or you parry the blows. It's not Souls. Realize it quicker, please.
To hard for me. It's time to admit the truth
I did manage to kill butterlfy, but that's about it.
9.5/10 game, does exactly what it promises, and does it really well. Very polished, great controls, movement system is the best I've ever put my hands in, the challenge is constant and you can creatively pull yourself in and out of situations. Feels nice to replay even though there's no difference in builds.
The music is severely lacking though, seems like a parody of old Japanese folk music while the rest of the game is a very well thought homage.
I'd rather it not have music except for bossfights like Souls than what they did. It's repetitive, uninspired, and sounds like "Japan Dark Souls 1" instead of just "Japan"
Posture is a legitimately great idea. Way better than whatever the fuck DaS3 did to poise.
I mean just take Robert's father in Sekiro. Dude was fucking invincible, and yet his posture could be broken.
Imagine if things like Havel simply had super good posture.
I'm stuck there too. Hardest boss in the game so far
>just beat it
>7 retries for Demon of Hatred
>4 retries for Saint Isshin
I guess that's it then. Owl Motherfucking 2.
That buff smelly owl wielding faggot broke me in so thoroughly, so perfectly that every other fight after it felt viable and even a little easy compared to what I was expecting. Unless Emma and old Isshin are even harder which I doubt. Not about doing another run to find out.
>good visuals
>very badly implemented skillset in otherwise decent gameplay, 80% of active skills and prosthetics are useless
>parry mechanic needs to be a bit more responsive
>background fill tier music
>good but predictable for the setting characters
The only downside is the lack of replayability and repeatable content (like the chalice dungeons from BB).
This is THE BEST combat in any souls game thus far. Anyone who disagrees is woefully wrong and should probably not be taken seriously.
With BB as the sole exception, every game From releases is just further and further away from what I liked about DeS and DaS 1
>finally started to think I'll break Owl irl
Damn that fight was nasty.
Sekiro is like Mona Lisa, too perfect to be evaluated. This shit is a Jewel of coding.
Game is either really easy or really hard. The regular enemies are trash, while the bosses stomp your shit in, there's not much balance.
>I'd rather it not have music except for bossfights like Souls than what they did.
I wasn't really a fan of the music either, but to be honest I think the music of the Souls games are super forgetable too and I can't remember a single track. Like the only Dark Souls 1 track that I remember being different wasn't just atmospheric noise, was the Ornstein and Smough theme but at this moment I can't even remember how it sounded aside from being more orchestrated somehow if my memory is correct.
Granted that I can't remember the music of Sekiro either and I just played that game but that doesn't mean I shouldn't remember any of the tracks of the Souls games. I do remember most tracks from most other games I play, so it's not just shit memory on my part either, or even if it is it doesn't excuse the soundtracks since I still remember those from other games.
this , its not well balanced
Cope More, sekirofaggot.
>The regular enemies are trash
While they go down like paper if you play correctly (which isn't super difficult), the fact that they can still fuck your shit up if you make a mistake(s) is pretty neat. Kept me on my toes to some extent even when doing basic shit in old areas.
In late game Souls I typically just ran through enemies, their attacks included, and just disregarded all the hits whenever I was doing late game exporation.
It's even easier to just run through Sekiro without even getting hit though.
>divine palace enemies keep making sounds even if they're dead
>they're sleeping
I can't kill dragon shaped people, isn't it? Are they possessed by worms too? Or is the water too pure (giant carp didn't shit in it) ?
The composer got pretty good at doing grandiose orchestrated stuff, I remember Bloodborne and DaS3 had some neat tracks that actually felt like it was a huge epic battle going on, added a lot to the bossfights.
But Japanese folk music is based entirely on tiny details and subtle harmonies, which is the opposite of what she learned, somehow.
However, yes, I'd kill for a Souls with Matt Uelmen from Diablo 1/2/Torchlight doing the OST
I feel regular enemies are harder than in most Souls because if you ever have to heal on your way to the boss you can't feel safe anymore since they're so bullshit.
I kept replaying the part before the big fattie with the poison sword over and over again just to get to him taking 0 damage. That grind, however, helped a lot in teaching about the mechanics.
>No ultimate monk skill that's some Anji tier super punch
They fucked up
>This is THE BEST combat in any souls game thus far.
I don't know about that, but i do know that personally i didn't enjoy the combat much.
Just beat the double ape bosses. Fucking great. Took me over 7 tries to to beat the single the first time. But I killed both their asses in three tries. Feels good getting good.
It's quite obviously an introduction to minibosses, nigger.
I beat Lady Butterfly and the horse boss, found out I didn't like the combat very much and haven't played since. I don't like the whole gi through a bunch of insanely easy pleb enemies, just to spend a bunch of time learning a boss and then repeat. Also think the posture system is boring, so not for me.
Good game though, although I don't like it I'd say it's easily 8/10 or better. Maybe 9, but I haven't seen the entire story so Idk.
Game kinda sucks desu.
>only one weapon
>grappling hook and ninja tools, nothing new or innovative
>you need to parry and the enemies can also parry, so every battle becomes a ping pong match
>if you try to counterattack your character takes a full second to swing back, while enemies can attack you back instantly EVEN right after they get parried
>areas are boring to explore, its all the same old japanese theme that has been used a million times already
>enemies are also boring, you get to fight japanese bandits and giant chickens, enjoy
>game apparently can be finished in one fucking hour
>sneaking isnt required at all as you can just kill enemies or run past them as keys are not a thing required to progress
No wonder they developed the game so fast, its discount Dark Souls.
A granny who wanted me to open up a shortcut killed some red robed nobles, they stayed dead.
profoundly meh
I think I beat the original Gurdian Ape in three tries. Then almost beat the double fight on my first try, just barely but screwed up right before the very end, then did it successfully on my second try.
I used the Phantom Kunai with 20 spirit emblems to shave off over half the vitality of his female friend which made the fight pretty easy.
Though now that I think about it. There is no chance that the third (or whatever upgrade mind controlled beasts) finger whistle works on his female friend is there? Right? I men that'd be silly but cool. Silly for sure, but it'd be kind of cool if it had at least some effect. Did anyone try that?
It's the best From Software PvE game. Slightly better than Bloodborne, and only because BB's setting and lore is extremely good. Things that matter more like level design, world design and core gameplay is way better than BB. It also has no quality dip, it's very consistent and good all the way through. All the bosses are great, even the gimmick ones.
Good bait.
The game is pretty good, but don't understand the people that fell in love with the combat mechanics, for me the most fun part of the combat was using the mikiri counter and jumping on enemies's heads when they did a sweep, because that was something more than just smashing r1 and deflecting whenever the enemy attacked. Imo the game needed more of that kind of stuff, a counter for grabs, and more special moves from enemies that needed specific counters. I see the combat as a good foundation for more interesting combat in a sequel, but as it is i found it to be pretty simplistic and, well, i don't want to say dull, but, kinda dull for the most part.
I was at the last location, when I saw on youtube speedrun video with the title having something like Shura ending. Feeling so frustrated because of that, like, why couldnt this dumb fuck just write this shit somewhere else, not in a fucking title?
It's the brutal kind of fun for some people, me included.
NG+ no charm and demon bell on is an entirely different game altogether, NG is like tutorial babby mode compared to it
>minis 2 shots you with standard attacks
>perilous 1 shots
>can't block since blocking an attack takes 1/5 to 1/4ths of your vitality
basically forced to perfect your rhythmic parries
It's a bad game though.
The combat is just a bunch of basic action game concepts pulled from other games, if you want more complexity you're just gonna have to go play those. Even with the game being as lenient as it was it blew most of Fromfags heads wide open. They knew the audience they were making the game for.
>There is no chance that the third (or whatever upgrade mind controlled beasts) finger whistle works on his female friend is there? Right? I men that'd be silly but cool. Silly for sure, but it'd be kind of cool if it had at least some effect. Did anyone try that?
Damn, I wish I'd thought of that. Too bad I'm already past that part.
I had Fun and thats something Yea Forums would never be able to take from me
Yeah, that granny was fucking metal
killed herself after genociding those palace nobles too
Its legit the most boring From Software game I played. Not even joking, I put three hours in and was already bored.
Combat is literally parry, attack, parry, attack, parry, enemy stunned, finish off animation, move on to next enemy.
How do we go from Dark Souls fun combat to this shit? And apparently people are saying its hard. The only hard part is enjoying it.
And it was even worse because I'm playing this game right after getting done with DMCV, so it really shows how shitty Sekiro is.
Also is there really no online multiplayer? What the fuck was From Software thinking with this pile of trash?!
>don't understand the people that fell in love with the combat mechanics
It's just the same old from-brainlets that will always plague these threads who will never understand that difficulty and complexity are not the same thing
Brain surgery
Brutally hard when you don't understand it
Pathetically easy when you do
Well, yeah. Brain surgery, easily requiring 7 or more years of dedicated studying to be allowed to perform, can surely be compared to some video game that my brainlet cousin completed in like two days.
>DMCV fag
Opinion discarded
>three hours in
Stopped reading right there. I didn't enjoy it either the first couple hours.
He is right about the combat though, although i'm a brainlet and i didn't realize that until further into the game, the combat really doesn't change from attack until deflects, deflect that, repeat until enemy dies. Only thing that really changes is that enemies have different movesets, and enemies with a bigger healthbar will eventually do something to "reset" the fight by jumping away or doing a combo. But pattern applies even to bosses that fight like normal enemies, like Isshin.
>Get to the third life of Demon of Hatred
>Literally just spams unblockable AoE's
Now I see why people said this boss isn't worth finishing
Then how long am I supposed to play till the game gets better?
Yes the red flash over your head means it's unblockable.
I'm glad you agree, loser
Hatred does feel like the worst design boss in the game.
>Has an animation that causes him to lift his right leg as if he was stomping but doesn't stomp
>Camera will constantly be smooshed into the floor if you go under him
Yes when it covers a large portion of the map, it's an AoE.
Hold down sprint and run to his right
I love when he sits right on top of a fire pit and you can't do anything about it but wait for him to move
Because Hatred got lost, he was going to the Bloodborne 2 boss department but took a wrong turn and ended up here. He sucks and i hate him.
8/10 at most
Setting and world are really interesting but there aren't really interesting sidequests or hidden locations/NPCs. I'd also say that NPCs in general are kind uninteresting but that's probably due to the little content. It's more like a boss rush game. Locations are all really short, at some point you realize there isn't really any reason to explore maps or get to that item where you have to walk around the entire map because the way is blocked off and you can't just grapple. The game is really short and bosses are only hard because of the high damage numbers and I think they only did that because otherwise you'd steamroll through the game within a few hours. I fought butterfly after Owl1 and she was pretty easy just because I didn't die in 1-2 hits. You figure out the patterns very early and deflecting is easy. I don't really see what's supposed to be so good/upgraded about the combat. I'd consider BB and Nioh actual upgrades to the Souls combat. In BB you have to be aggressive or else you'll take forever and eventually die, Nioh has the whole KI pulse and stances. Both games have different weapons/"builds".
Controls are iffy sometimes when platforming or running around but in combat it's fine.
What I also don't understand are the additional revives. Against bosses you can't rely on them because you have to refill the gauge with deathblows and if you play well and let's say take 2/3 vitality bars from a boss, you can just revive once because the revival is on a timer/deathblow counter. I mean why even bother with that?
The camera is also bad, even inferior to past From titles. The game relies very heavily on the lock-on while in other games it was better to not use it but the unlocked camera in Sekiro blows (or maybe it's the movement that blows but I don't have that impression)
Pretty good but flawed game
What’s a good place to farm scrap iron and black gunpowder?
I still don't enjoy the combat and I'm on my second playthrough
>Camera will constantly be smooshed into the floor if you go under him
This is what really fucking pisses me off. Constantly hit by shit because half his body is out of view
>Camera will constantly be smooshed into the floor if you go under him
>It's another Demon twisting his whole body around instantly and fucking up the camera view near his ballsack episode
I can't even tell what the fuck kind of attack you are talking about. Is it literally just the running sweep? Jump you idiot.
filtered and absolutely BTFO by miyazaki
>Run around him
>he misses all his attacks
>red kanji slam
>jump away and grapple to him, easy punish. Trivial attack.
>red kanji charge
>Don't mash, be ready to jump away.
>He creates distance between you two
>Wait a second to see he's not going to bomb that space with fireballs
Really simple boss, not sure why people find him so hard. If anything he's too easy because all his attacks are avoided the same way (running) and his two perilous attacks are both avoided by jumping. He has a very diverse moveset but aside from those 2 they're all dodged the same way.
Overall the game is good, a lot of the complaints are valid, but they are also exaggerated, the same applies to the things that are good, they are often exaggerated.
Same as with every FromSoft game since Demon's Souls.
>Go to attack him
>Camera spergs out and doesn't let you see most of his body
>hit by some attack you can't see
>he just uses red kanji charge so you go to attack him
>his very next move is the charge, again
>dodge it
>he charges, again
>three times in a row unironically
>all while you're surrounded by a literal ring of fire
>fire that will also clutter the screen at the right angle
shit boss
shit design
at the very least fix the camera issue
You sound like an absolute shitter who is in no way qualified to comment on game design.
a fucking ceramic shard/10
>You sound like an absolute shitter who is in no way qualified to comment on game design.
Not an argument.
It's exactly this. The whistle prosthetic is literally just jamming someone's prosthetic finger they used as a whistle into your arm.
>can't beat easiest phase
I prefer this kinda playstyle.
But Sekiro really made me feel like a samurai.
Or Kingfisher, or a young Lady Butterfly when she was still training in Usui's Forest.
actually, no, that's literally a fucking argument.
Sekiro is the only game where I could press the block button a full second or two before an attack comes in and it still hits me.
No it's not because you're not addressing what he said and instead decided to go after him (ie "you're just a shitter")
Literally not a fucking argument you mongoloid.
>no dive movement
They fucked up badly
The greatest game I've played since Hollow Knight and some other games I've forgotten. It's contesting the best souls game seat with DaS1.
I don't know why I have to defend the OST, it was great and set the mood right. The mood and character stories were impactful. I bet they took some notes from Hollow Knight to improve presenting the character story progressions (and exploration, too). The gameplay was great; the sneaking sections required some thinking to find the most efficient way to take out the enemies without getting alerted and punished by having to hide for a good while. The bosses required adapting and different tactics/levels of aggression to take down efficiently.
Recycling minibosses was actually pleasant, since you got to redo them in a slightly different/harder scenario with your improved skills. The areas were also reused for boss arenas which was ok, but I think they did those two things as a smart solution, when more optional areas and bosses would have been made if they had more resources to spend.
I started NG again and this time I breezed through everything until Genichiro in three hours. This shows how much the game changes after you already learned the gimmicks; makes for a fun, casual playthrough, but like anons say, you can't really do multiple varying playthroughs with different weapon sets etc.
I guess the game suffers from the same syndrome as Metal Gear series; you have to spend so much effort making interesting enemy/level layouts to sneak through that in the end the amount of actual content remains small. Still, I'd really like to see a sequel that is as polished as this game. Seeing the reception of anons in this thread makes me fear how normies view the game. Will this remain as an underappreciated gem and if a sequel is ever made, will they change the whole concepts to appeal more to the larger, paying audience, just like they did with DaS3?
>waaah 5/10
>meh only a 7/10
>worse than every Souls game
^opinions of people who have never played the game or got filter'd by genichiro at best. Game's fucking great. I've already beaten it 3 times. Need to do the Immortal Severence ending now and I'm done. Can't wait for the DLC
Yeah my NG was the same.
Once you downloaded the bosses it's pretty fast.
And you can just run past everything else.
>Finally got 9 skill points for Floating Cloud Passage
>It's legit the worst combat art in the game
Fuck Isshin and fuck Tomoe, I can see her doing this shit to you in a DLC but actually having the version that doesn't suck
It's a 7.
It's a 9. This game is as good as Bloodborne. Oh wait Bloodborne is a fucking garbage 2/10 game because it's a PS4 exclusive sorry I forgot
More like Takeru and Tomoe.
Maybe Kuro's parents? Owl probably knew the parent of Tomoe if their got average human lifetime.
Wrong, bloodborne is an 8 because it has huge fucking pigs. Jesus christ, do you not know anything?
>no summons
It's shit.
Damn the paradise palace could easily be an hidden boss setting in any great fantasy rpg.
At first it was a 7/10 for me, then I got good at the game now it's a 9/10. Maybe an 8.5.
guitar hero, fromsoft edition.
well made, but too short and too one dimensional. once you figure out L1 you win every battle.
And L1 should not be spammable.
BB = DS1 > DeS > DS3 > Sekiro = DS2
I just beat headless ape and the female ape and wondered if the headless ape would recover if you dont finish it with the mortal blade while its lying on the ground after you kill it with the shinobi execution?!
Also why is that so important to open the palace gates? To refresh the air?
>once you figure out L1 you win every battle
Doesn't work on Owl 2, Demon of Hatred and boss Isshin battles. Play the game before saying stuff. It's harder than all Souls games combined
I beat it.
Sword Saint Isshin is all about parrying after 2 hits and mikiri counters.
Literally, you win the game once you figure out how L1 works. Just stand there and block everything.
>Just stand there and block everything
You need lots of stamina to do that
>People on Yea Forums have the gull to say that owl is harder than Genichiro
Bitch please!
Genichior has 3 unblockables and owl has none.
The real hard part about Geneichiro is that you can fight him very early on in the game while you are still learning how to parry.
By the time you get to owl you should be pretty adept at parrying and have quite a bit of vitality,posture upgrades, and attack power which trivializing his fight to simply learning his moves.
Makes him even more easier is the fact that his phase 2 has no differences from his phase 1 aside from using a smokebomb and adding poisoon bombs that linger
>and boss Isshin battles
Are you stupid? Phase 2 and 3 Isshin is literally the easiest shit precisely because he falls into the same pattern as every enemy in the game where you can just wail on his ass and deflect whenever he decides to counter you or do a combo. If you can corner him and he can't jump away it becomes a joke.
perfect parries give almost nothing
the first phase alone is won via parrying genichiro's flurries for super ez posture.
>Genichior has 3 unblockables
That's what makes Genichiro easy you dumb dumb, you can just annihilate his posture by mikiring countering him and jumping on his head.
The deflect window gets reduced every time you mash L1 so actually timing it is easier than mashing, and they included an optional hard mode that punishes you further by making you take 50% physical damage on blocks.
The Soulsbornekino series.
>best level design
Fucking what? Seriously don't get it. Every level is uninspired, the only worse one is DS2 and even that is arguable. Combat, I might agree.
Setting and atmosphere are top notch since I love weeb shit.
Combat is satisfying once you get the hang of it.
Character customization is lacking and the game's too short.
7/10, BB and DS3 surpass it as far as I'm concerned.
you can spam L1 if you aren't ready for a quick attack, then L1 the hits as they come
it's a perfect defense, can't do that in dark souls. dark souls also won't tell you what attack is coming and if an unblockable attack is coming.
sekiro isn't bad, it's just not great like BB/DS1.
A DLC with shinobi, ashina and monk outfits would be nice, as a blue moon katana.
>Enemies that kill you by looking at you
This immediately dropped the game from 8/10 to 6/10 for me.
Alright anons i have 17 vitality and 7 attack power.
I also have 2 memory points for attack upgrades.
If i keep upgrading myself will the game become to easy or should i just do it do it and finsih up play through one and worry about challenge in NG+?
>BB and DS3 surpass it as far as I'm concerned
BB? Yes. DaS3? Fuck no, are you crazy?
Agai read what i wrote.
Genichiro can be encountered very early in the game where most people are still adapting to the games mechanics.
By the time you get to owl the game should familiarized to the point where you realsie Owl isnt shit based on his lack of unblockable set ups and switch ups
>7/10, BB and DS3 surpass it as far as I'm concerned.
Agree about BB but fuck DS3 and it was trash just like 2 was
I remember doing a SL20 run in Dark Souls 1 and I blocked Manus perfectly with my Heater Shield and I didn't even have to time it, just held the button when the attack was coming. Stamina management is trivial and it may as well not be there in Dark Souls 1 because every shield that's Heater Shield level or better makes it too easy. I can see how someone with different tastes may like BB combat more but Dark Souls 1 combat is trash. Still a great game because of the world design but damn everything else sucks.
BB/Souls have way more depth. Sekiro is ok for what it is, but they really focused way too much on parry spam.
Nioh, ironically, has more variety.
DaS > Sekiro > Bloodborne > DeS > DaS3 > trash
I been saying that shit from the start.
This game needs some Bloodborne levels of DLC to up it past 7/10.
It unfortunately has a lot of the issues that were present in the souls series which detracts from its value as a unique experience like Bloodborne and Demon Souls were
Most things in life, when you get a deeper understanding of, makes you realize just bad you are at it.
>This can be universally applied to every game
>How do you consider this criticism
>BB/Souls have way more depth
LMAO, no, if anything they're even more monotonous than Sekiro, playing dress up masks it more or less well but there's barely any depth to Soulsborne gameplay, BB is the only game that comes close, and mostly because there's the hunter tools and a few trick weapons that have something unique going for them.
sekiro is very, very, very one dimensional
you run to the boss, and r1 and parry or mikiri counter. EVERY TIME the best strategy is to run to the boss and parry spam for posture.
there is very little tactics, like say...O&S and using pillars and timing things and picking your spots. every single boss is going to involve parrying. every one.
>you run to the boss, and r1 and parry or mikiri counter.
How is that any different from Soulsborne where you run to the boss, roll and R1?
>there is very little tactics, like say...O&S
Stopped reading there, this is either delusion or baiting.
Still a shit boss lol
>Cheesing O&S with the pillars
Top tier gameplay right here.
It's simple, in Souls the fights are based on one button (roll) which is very generous and doesn't require precise timing at all. You can also block which is always worse than dodging and requires literally 0 skill.
In Sekiro, the fights are based around one button (deflect) which requires way more timing than a roll. You can also jump or dodge, they're viable and all three buttons are used in most boss fights. It's objectively deeper than Souls, no matter how you look at it.
Great game, hurt by lack of weapons/useful tools/bad weapon arts. 8-9/10.
say you are fighting ludwig, do you just run up to him and spam r1?
or do you have to pick your spots because he is fast as fuck and will mash your face off? cause in sekiro, you can L1 everything that isn't a red symbol.
it is not deeper, it is guitar hero. press L1 to the beat, you win. I liked the game but the combat is not deep. also meh level design/interconnectivity.
That's why it's shit. Why even include it in the game if you're literally going to have an NPC tell you how to cure it with a useless consumable that you will have 20+ by the end of the game.
Heard it's short as fuck. Should I wait for a sale in a few months?
The only boss I liked.
This. Almost every boss is the exact same thing with variations in timing.
>cant invade and rek scrubs
why should i buy this game???
the only problem with dragonrot is that if you get stuck on a boss, you're punished for it by it killing npcs. it is too much of a punishment, and makes you NOT want to learn/play. I get it, it's hard, but then there is just absurd levels. What I think it should be, if you DIE IN THE WORLD to mobs, mini bosses, then 100% inflict dragonrot, but not on main bosses. If you just get stuck on a boss, then you're guaranteed just gonna lose a character, and it makes you think you're gonna miss story or whatever, just leaves a bad taste.
>meh level design
But the game looks so beautiful?
The best since DaS1
I don't think it's that short. It took me longer to beat than Demon's Souls. That said, I would wait for a sale because it has zero replayability. I'm probably never going to touch it again.
>try to thrust Owl
>get immediately outplayed
>say you are fighting ludwig, do you just run up to him and spam r1?
>or do you have to pick your spots because he is fast as fuck and will mash your face off?
So you don't have to pick your spots in Sekiro?
You're telling me you just tank Juzou's poison carpets, Grandma's butterflies or DoH/Isshin's fire carpets?
Oh and since you like pillars so much how come you haven't mentioned that the arena where you fight Butterfly also has pillars? Or all the other environments you can use to your advantage?
>Isshin is still nice and helpful to you even as you mow down his soldiers and weaken his forces against the Ministry
I get that the combat can't be diverse with 1 weapon and so many humanoid enemies, but it's true.
It was fun the first time, although frustrating at times (ape, saint), but once you figure out L1 makes you a God you just stand in there and spam it.
Also, realizing you can spam R1 without stamina worries is another tip. It works, but it feels like they force you to parry too much (for posture).
This guy gets it. But actually i think it's even worse, because even if we strip a souls game to the very very basic fundamentals, which is i frame rolling, i think even that has more depth than Sekiro, because iframing attacks isn't as simple as just pressing the roll button at the right time, some decision making is involved because you can pick in which direction to roll, do you roll toward the boss to keep attacking? Or do you roll away from the boss perhaps to heal? Or perhaps the boss has a certain attack pattern that you need to dodge in a specific direction in order to avoid, or perhaps the boss has an attack pattern that can be abused so you roll in a certain direction not just to avoid the attack, but to punish the attack and attack the boss while he does his pattern.
And that is the very very basics, that's not even taking into account that you can also block and that some bosses can also be parried in soulsborne, and it's not taking into account the myriad of different weapons that you could be using which means you also need to consider how long it takes for you to swing your weapon, ie, a sword is very fast, but a greatsword is very slow, and you need to take that into considering for when you attack and how.
All this is just talking about the "basics" which you don't even think about anymore because you've played souls games so much.
Meanwhile in Sekiro, you smash R1 until enemy deflects, at which point you deflect the counter, rinse and repeat. And if the enemy is doing a thrust attack, you dodge towards the enemy to counter it, all the time, there is no other answer, same for sweeps, you jump on the enemy, every time, no other answer. This is why it baffles me when people say that Isshin is hard, the only thing that makes Isshin different from average samurai guy from fountainhead palace is the amount of health he has, and his revolver.
I just quit out of the menu if I died. Don't even want to deal with that shit.
I havent really had any fun while playing it, even when im doing alright. Im not very far even. Got to butterfly but only attempted her once. Just finished blazing bull and am in that area. Probably wont play it very much longer.
but on most minibosses and bosses I just hug the boss and parry.
the fights that require movement are like, ape, butterfly phase 2, and demon. most others are too similar. it isn't a bad game, but a lot feels too samey.
It's about 20 hours on the first blind run. Drops down to anywhere between 3h to 10h on subsequent runs. There's also very little incentive to replay it because there's nothing new after run 1 except a single boss that's tied to one of 4 endings.
It can be beaten in 2 hours. Bad game.
Press one button with a huge window, sometimes another button with no timing
press one button with precise timing, sometimes two other buttons with timing
Apparently the former is deeper because the 2nd one is a rhytm game. The mental gymnastics some people do amaze me.
>BB/Souls have way more depth
As I really feel like an Ashina, knowing about demons, spiritual monks, crazy overpowered lone wolves, and lotus fragrance opening up doors of paradise, I can assure you this one as an amazing depth.
To me, the final boss is Owl and you can stop playing just before meeting the divine dragon, as BB with Mergo's nurse
NPCs can't actually die from dragonrot and you get plenty of the consumable to cure it. Dragonrot literally only pauses their quests and after you cure it they act like it never happened. It's 100% pointless.
the difference is a bad roll in souls will kill you, here L1 never fails. also, souls/bloodborne fights are all about movement and timing. in this game, being in front spamming parries is the best strat every time, minus ape/demon.
It's one of those things where it's initially incredibly unintuitive but once you learn it the game makes you do it constantly so it's not interesting. Spamming R1 against their block replaces positioning essentially, so instead of hanging around at certain ranges to bait out attacks, you spam R1 until they deflect to get the predictable counter attack patterns.
The posture system is also dumb. Deflecting still increases your posture but never breaks your bar so you can do it all day and hang out at max. Your own posture getting broken isn't actually that big of a deal, and in some fights like O'Rin, it actually helps you get free damage, so between those two mechanics there's never any need to actually manage your own posture.
Speedrunning doesn't count, you autist.
>you just tank Juzou's poison carpets, Grandma's butterflies or DoH/Isshin's fire carpets?
Not him but I absolutely did. If you play super aggressive and spam R1 they almost never do those attacks. The only exception is DoH.
I prefer how Nioh did it: a stamina bar when depleted allowing big damage but not a kill. And enemy abilities would deplete it (or attacking)
In a sense, Nioh has better combat but Sekiro has more refined mechanics. If they copy the parry from this for Nioh 2, it will be a better game.
How edgy is Sekiro compared to Bloodborne?
>but on most minibosses and bosses I just hug the boss and parry.
Oh, so now it's just most bosses while five minutes ago it was every single one of them?
Tell me then since you're already beginning to backpedal, how did you hug and parry the four monkeys or the divine dragon?
How did you hug and parry the shichimen warriors or the chained ogres?
>most others are too similar.
Same exact thing as Soulsborne games, with the difference that Sekiro requires more precision, has less cheesing and punishes you more for your fuck ups.
The game is a fucking retarded rollercoaster of difficulty swings at seemingly random and nonsensical points.
On the Fromsoft scale, it's like a 4 because we all fucking know they could do a fuck of a lot better than this.
On the "Normal video game" scale, maybe a 7.
sekiro is easily the least edgy souls
A bad roll won't kill you. Souls enemies with the exception of DLC BB bosses are not as lethal as Sekiro enemies and you just lose like a quarter of your HP at most and heal it up with a multitude of estus. Plus what you say about standing in front of the boss is actually a point against you. When you roll, you put distance between you and the attack so if the boss is using several attacks you'll be safe from them, in Sekiro you need to deflect most of the hits. Plus the battle being a back and forth of blows is much better than rolling around the arena like one of those Star Wars droids only attacking in between combo strings. It's better from a visual standpoint, it's more engaging from a gameplay standpoint.
Lmao please show me a video of someone defeating Sword Saint or Demon of Hatred by "parry spamming", you literally need to time parries properly or you won't do posture damage, this is no different from timing rolls. I'm 100% sure the morons parroting this meme haven't finished the game.
Demon of Hatred is kicking the shit out of me, send help. I can get at best 2 bars out of him before dying.
I am aware of the Fire Umbrella and Malcontent to stun him up to 3 times. Divine Confetti to boost attack a little, too.
Not really all that edgy.
>press one button with precise timing
>precise timing
Haha. Good joke.
The reason why Souls has more depth is because positioning actually matters. The most optimal strategy in Souls is usually to dodge attacks without even pressing a button, just by being aware and being in the right place at the right time. In Sekiro, the gigantic hitboxes, ridiculous enemy tracking, and the sort of move assist all of the enemies get means you are forced to respond to the same moves in the same way every time. Try jumping over a thrust and you'll get hit by the invisible space above the guy's sword, because no, the game wants you to press the counter button, and it's not going to let you do anything else.
Sekiro is weird because it's a shinobi/samurai game but not actually edgy
It´s a good action game, but had to either:
-Add costumes/rpg stuff
-More maps/variety. Some of´em as dungeon, valley or waterfall are REALLY short to count as a full map.
To be honest For honor did this combat system far better, better aesthetic too.
I prefer Sekiro over Bloodborne. In BB you didn't really have impact on bosses, you just had to keep pure dps'ing them until they stagger and you can dps them some more. Katana clashing just feels more tactile, and gives an alternate way to deal with the boss. Unblockable attacks also force you to think in ways beyond 'at which point of his attack telegraph should I press dodge now?'
I must admit that in Dark Souls I used to keep my shield up a lot, only dodging when it was necessary. I also liked the slower pace of the bosses. Sekiro offers more similar experience in that regard.
the combat is too one dimensional.
pretend in dark souls if you beat artorias, manus, kalameet, and so on, merely by running up to them and spamming your parry.
how is that a good thing? why no movement focus?
I've finished it twice and I def parry spammed against sword saint. DoH is the exception not the rule.
Filtered af
just run up to him and step back, he will attack, dodge then attack.
You cannot parry spam demon of hatred for the obvious reason that he barely has any attacks, he sucks. Isshin on the other hand is pretty easy because he behaves just like a normal enemy on his 2nd and 3rd phase.
Holy fucking shit, you stupid fucking retarded zoomers. Are you all retarded? MOST THINGS IN LIFE DON'T HAVE A TRICK.
>hurr i sucked at football until i discovered the trick, now it's easy
>durr is sucked at piano until i discovered the trick, now it's easy
>hurrdurr i sucked at physics until i discovered the trick, now it's easy
Most things in life require dedication, understanding, and repetition. Meanwhile, with games like Sekirou, once you know how to exploit certain elements, the amount of skill required to move forward isn't excessive.
This, I raged fucking hard when I jumped saint isshin's spear (before mikiri spamming it) and it would kill me.
Magically, I get stabbed, in the sky. And it was fucking irritating till I figured out how to bait spear thrusts all the time.
Least edgiest action game FROM has released
there is no punishment for spamming L1 and you will always block any attack with L1. It's far too good and simplifies the game a lot. Also, you win via parries more than you do R1.
The funny thing is that Nioh had the deflect mechanic almost exactly as it is in Sekiro, just use a Katana and do Backwave+Tempest and it's literally the same thing. Except Nioh forgot to balance it, so instead you could deflect, do a reposte and then spam iai on their back until they died.
i just beat corrupted monk and now, i am afraid of what is to come.
He aims the spear upwards if you jump, all thrust attacks do. Imagine you're using a spear, really easy to hit an airborne enemy.
You beat them by running up to them and spamming your roll.
I disagree, katana clashing is faggy as fuck because enemies will obviously cancel their animations and read inputs to block every time they're not hardcoded to be vulnerable. It looks ridiculous especially when they do this out of hitstun, which is every single human boss. It's also way too flashy looking for something that you have to do constantly. The only bosses I like are the Souls-like ones that had longer vulnerability windows because it felt good to hit them consecutively, and it gives the battle more of an ebb and flow. That's why the staggers and visceral attacks were in BB.
Unblockable attacks in Sekiro are totally devoid of any thought because you're basically forced to respond in the same way every single time. It's one hundred percent autopilot. I feel like the only slower paced bosses were ones like Demon of Hatred which were just Souls bosses, or something like Owl 1 which was broken as fuck because they didn't seem to take into account how easy it was to run away from him.
I like the game but every boss becomes the same thing:
>run to boss
>r1 twice
>L1 their hits
>get a hit or two in maybe
the only "movement" is when you have to jump a sweep.
Try that shit in NG+ without the charm and come back at me.
>The reason why Souls has more depth is because positioning actually matters.
Positioning in Souls matters even less than Sekiro because you can just roll through and kite anything, or in the case of the first two, just poise through shit and sip when needed.
>Try jumping over a thrust and you'll get hit by the invisible space above the guy's sword
You can jump and deflect thrusts, it's also the better deflect option since if you try to deflect on ground you'll be staggered and pushed back.
And at least in Sekiro you can actually jump, you can also enemy step on people, even enemy step on enemies in midair, can't do that in Soulsborne.
>you are forced to respond to the same moves in the same way every time.
Not really.
If the enemy sweeps I can:
>Jump through it and R1 for health damage
>Jump and follow up with an axe R2 for both health and posture damage
>Jump and punish with the specific sweep counter
>Jump and punish with Senpou Leaping Kick/High Monk
>Use Mist Raven to punish and reposition
Meanwhile in Soulsborne you either roll or parry, because there's no actual in depth mechanical options or depth like you people would like to believe.
Fight him like you're playing Bloodborne. Unironically works
>ran around from bosses
>didn't learn how to play
Enemies blocking is a good thing. It progresses the fight while forcing you to be more aggressive than Bloodborne ever was (BB being aggressive is mostly a meme, unless you're speedkilling bosses with pellets)
>but NG+!
NG+ doesn't change anything because you don't take chip damage on deflect, you also do not get posture broken when you deflect. It's the same shit.
Add that to another reason why soulsborne games are better, NG+ actually make the games harder.
don't tell me you find sekiro bosses more interesting/diverse than bloodborne.
What part of twice don't you get faggot?
Solid 6/10, they had to know the parry mechanic was the whole game, in which case they should have just structured it like Furi. Everything outside of boss/mini-boss fights and SOME purty environments was an absolute snore.
Also it's 2019 and they haven't even once looked into working on their camera.
>inb4 underaccomplished losers sperg at me for criticizing the only thing they've ever won at
>you don't take chip damage on deflect
Yes, and that's why you need to time deflects properly. Please enlighten me how that's any more easy than timing rolls with a shit ton of i-frames.
Honestly neither of these systems is "aggressive." Spamming R1 on their block is just filling time to bait out their counterattack that you're allowed to actually punish. You're never creating openings in this game, you're just waiting for the enemy to do it.
they should have chip damage on poor deflects, and make the dodge less dogshit.
cause the dodge is terrible. it really is. it's like the opposite of bloodborne.
>NG+ doesn't change anything because you don't take chip damage on deflect
Neither does NG+ in Soulsborne because you can still roll through anything and take no damage whatsoever then, and you can also roll a lot more given how you get more stamina.
Also, do post your videos of you perfectly deflecting anything with both bell demon and Kuro's charm on NG+3 onwards, I really want see that.
>NG+ actually make the games harder.
No Soulsborne NG+ is harder than a NG run, ever, it only begins to feel a bit harder around NG+5 on average, and only for BB/DS3.
Even Dark Souls 3 has overall better bosses than Bloodborne. BB has some really good fights like Ludwig, Gehrman and Orphan but the overall quality is pretty mediocre. Sekiro bosses blow it out of the water. Sekiro doesn't have a single bad boss, in Bloodborne you have to deal with outright terrible encounters like Witches of Hemwick, One Reborn, Celestial Emissary, etc.
>inb4 underaccomplished losers sperg at me for criticizing the only thing they've ever won at
I think you're overvaluing your opinion a bit too much, but here's the (You) you're craving so much for.
>You're never creating openings in this game
Are you fucking retarded?
What's this then?
>If the enemy sweeps I can:
You can't dodge sweeps unless the enemy is already out of position
>Jump through it and R1 for health damage
>Jump and follow up with an axe R2 for both health and posture damage
>Jump and punish with the specific sweep counter
>Jump and punish with Senpou Leaping Kick/High Monk
4 variations of jump and counter
>Use Mist Raven to punish and reposition
Only actual different one
So you can jump, be out of the way, use a limited prosthetic. How is this better than souls where you can jump, dodge, block, parry(not always possible). It's the same shit.
I used dodge a lot, so I got to have similar experiences as with Artorias or Kalameet. Didn't really depend on parry. I used it only as last resort block if my dodge was going to fail.
If parry is really as strong as you say, then it's a problem. I missed my timing so my posture got eaten way too much to rely on it. But my game experience was very fun, maybe even more so than during other Souls games.
Gotchu man. Always stay close to him, even if he jumps away mid distance boldly close in. If the distance is too great, patiently wait till he does one of his long range attacks, then run back in. When you're hugging his scrotch, hit only one or two times (you don't want to get caught by perilous dash or explosion jump). See what he does. If it's a shit move, unload 3-4 attacks. If it's that dick move with two sword slashes, stomp and slash, patiently dodge the first three.
Only use shield on his second phase long range aoe fire, if necessary. On third phase, double jump his perilous sweeps. You don't need the whistle, but you can use it at safe moments when you're hugging his crotch and he misses his moveset, after the ring of fire is gone.
Because the timing is so generous you can spam L1 to get the deflects.
play nioh after playing sekiro, you might like it (if you havent played it).
>that webm
>4 monkeys
>not bad
Pick 1.
The fuck are you talking about.
Monkeys. Dragon. Centipede giraffe. Monk. Monk refight. Bull. Bull refight. Every single undead in the entire game. While I'm at it, I'm going to also include every single human enemy that's the exact same fucking thing, and all of their refights.
Game has more shit bosses than good ones.
>You can't dodge sweeps unless the enemy is already out of position
You totally can, maybe once you get good you'll see that.
>4 variations of jump and counter
All of which lead to different results.
>How is this better than souls where you can jump
A hardcoded vulnerability window, on a boss with insanely exploitable shit AI that lets you hit her at the beginning of attacks that coincide with the time that it takes you to dodge.
Do post a video of you defeating Sword Saint in NG+ with the bell and no charm by spamming L1.
>A hardcoded vulnerability window,
So, the same as each and every videogame boss?
posture is a very flawed system.
you can spam l1 and block anything, and sometimes it is BEST to get posture broken, on the final attack of a string. this resets your bar.
you can exploit it 100%. in dark souls, you can't "reset" your stamina bar.
>You totally can, maybe once you get good you'll see that.
Post a single video of dodging a sweep where it would've hit you otherwise. You can't.
>All of which lead to different results.
No they don't. It's literally jump and punish. We're talking about the avoid not the punish. It's like saying dodging and hitting with a sword is different than dodging and hitting with a curved sword in dark souls.
>jumping in souls
You could do it to avoid sweeps if you weren't such a shitter.
jesus fucking christ why is the art in baki so grotesque?
I agree, although I’d give it an 8/10. Most of the environments have great direction, even if the graphics are nothing compared to what Capcom’s put out lately. Exploration and movement is a ton of fun, thanks to jumping and the grapple hook. The story is pretty damn good, as far as simple stories go. I agree that combat is very similar to Furi and anything outside of the combat isn’t as good, but the whole package is pretty nice.
You know nothing boi, the art is beautiful and strong is beautiful.
>Great recovery after the disaster that was DS3.
opinion discarded
Have you ever played another video game before? There aren't many where an enemy will auto-block everything outside of hardcoded windows.