DMC4 was better
Other urls found in this thread:
>Trash is better than trash
>Said no-one
I thought it was pretty clear back then this is one of the weakest games but thanks to DmC people overrate 4 now...
Better than what? 2? Not by much but I guess I agree.
Reminder that all the best DMC players are saying DMC5 has already peaked in terms of what you can do with combos.
People played 4 for 7 years. 5 lasted how long? 2 months? Jesus.
Where are all these 4fags coming out from? Are we being raided by Discord?
>best DMC players
>circlejerk of combofags
Nah, I'll listen to people who can actually beat anything that isnt empusa
Decent bait, simple and effective
How do i see how many blue/purple orbs im missing?
>people ate shit for 7 years
Jesus christ, how horrifying.
I think you can see it in the page where you buy it
This. It's cool to see just how far you can take the game's mechanics but if you've ever watched one of these guys stream the actual game and not post a single combo they're usually very stiff and their combos aren't efficient for damage or style
Weird, just a week ago you guys were praising Donguri for his combos, now he's just a combofag? The 5 circlejerk needs to stop.
You learn to count?
what was dante thinking here?
Probably, only those autists were/is mad at DMC5. Even that autist that was in Dan AMA was talking shit about dmc5 but get shit on in SoS Urizen and Vergil
>his tattoos kinda make him blend in with my wallpaper
4 was shit lol
combo autists are coming at this from the perspective that 5 is just an inferior 4 because they think the focus of the game should be comboing a single enemy and since 4 was basically better at that (they are kind of right about this) then 5 must be worse
but look at what a mediocore player can get up to in dmc5 (see webm). dmc5 isn't about comboing a single enemy into oblivion, it's about setting up custscene-esque cool shit with all the new toys and crowd control methods you have.
imagine the sort of cool choreographed shit they could come up with if the applied themselves
instead of adapting they just seem to be whining because NEW THING NEW
>you guys
>Yea Forums is a hivemind
Go back to your discord
>5 lasted how long? 2 months?
holy shit DMC6 is already out?
>Cool, a stripper
>what a faget LMAO
lady's face model looks like she smells like dog and puts peanut butter on her pussy for the dog to lick
dognuri's most famous videos are his bossrush videos, people don't really care about his combos against scarecrows or w/e
That's gross
Just hold block on his spike sequence and jump cancel on his shoulder
So do we all agree that 4 is the worst DMC game not counting 2?
>is he old enough to be a prostitute?
>"Thats totally Vergil. What a fag. Poetry boy. Later I'm going to get his book and write my name on it. What is here even for? I bet he did something stupid with Yamato."
Is that a bug or a move he only gets on DMD? I've never seen it before.
That would be Nico facemodel
What in the good goddamn.
Nah its better than the reboot atleast
you better keep running
So where does Dante keep all his guns?
He has a holster for Ebony and Ivory and the demon weapons he can probably just dismiss or revert to soul form but does he have some pocket space for the mostly Hunan guns?
They bothered to explain his infinite ammo in the lore but not his inventory.
>Zoomers, I swear...
Reboot was at least finished. Go back to your discord circlejerk, 4bab.
How did this fight end?
What order do you guys do mission 14 in usually? Grabbing Nightmare first for Goliath is kind of autistic, but fun.
Of course, 4 is literally a unfinished game
He keeps them in his crotch
Where do I check the difficulty settings? I'm pretty sure that I chose the highest possible difficulty in ng but after beating the game I don't remember being promoted to chose at ng+ a difficulty increase
they both do
I can finish my shits at the toilet and they are still shit. 4 is better than DmC
Cav/Shadow, Artemis/Griffon, Goliath/the whole crew
That's because 5 plays like 4 but with more moves and a few new weapons. The timing has become more lenient and all those hard to do advanced combat mechanics, like JC and Exceed, have become easier. The game is perfect for people who've spent the last 11 years perfecting the DMC4 combat and refuse to learn to play another game from the start and the rest of us can go fuck ourselves, according to them.
>Boss difficulty drastically increases.
Give me Vergil and Lady already capcom
>The game is bad but not that bad
4bab idiot retard haha go back discord kek
Yeah but reboot was a finished shit while 4 is unfinished shit
Finished shit > unfinished shit
>P-P-Please stop making fun of 5! I d-don't care if it's braindead just s-stop!
Nah, fuck outta my face 5-zygote.
>Morrison, why're you bringing me strippers? And autistic ones at that?
Obviously the correct order is Cavaliere with shadow, artemis with shadow + griffon and goliath with all 3.
But variations are okay
4bab having a stroke
Mission select
It wasn't even good
>I'll burn you to death
>rain icicles
What did he mean by this?
Chapter select, each difficulty has its own tab.
It hasn't even been a month since release you retard
>Vergil was not fun to play
>Lady was the worst
>Trish was the only decent addition
Unless you're pure waifufag or desperate Vergilfag, 4:SE wasn't who knows what great either.
Yeah men Im going to play DMC4 , my favorite DMC game... I love it 10/10 Game of the century desu desu
>P-P-Please stop making fun of 4! I d-don't care if it's braindead just s-stop!
Learn your place, 4sperm.
I liked 4’s devil bringer more.
Glowing hand radiated power.
"Where did this poor guy find the time to get those sweet tats in Auschwitz?"
underrated kek
>Bloody Palace
>no Shadow Dante/Nero/V bosses
I want to fight V
You got the webm of Nero stopping Belial with the drop kick?
Mallet Trio is literally the V boss fight though. It would be even easier if he's present since you can just focus on his defenseless ass
>gives vague unsourced claim
>people just take it for granted as being true
Those who are tolerant of bullshit are worse than the shitposters themselves.
V vs shadow V would be such a clusterfuck
i want it now
Hardly a controversial statement OP.
Shoot his summoned swords. Gets rid of them and gives you lots of dt.
I want to bully him until he cries!
5embryo having a fucking meltdown. Can't wait for everyone who knows how to play DMC to go back to 4. It's only matter of time.
Stop replying to Barry the Butt Bustered
Its obviously him samefagging and starting this whole 4v5 discussion. All of the 4fags but one are quiet on their corner without complaining to anyone. This discussion and argument is artificial controversy.
4 is still a shit ton of fun, but 5 is the best DMC game.
>Get him to half health
>He hops on Nightmare
Keep living in your delusions, 4sperm.
>all these people shitting on 4
I really liked 4.
5 is better, but 4 was still pretty good
you're lying kek, people are still finding new tech and shit you can do
>4 is still a shit
Name a good DMC5 boss.
I just kept running and spamming Griffon and Shadow, managed to beat him but it took a good 10 minutes. Looking back I think the icicles wouldn't have hurt me as the summons could run through it fine, but with that much health I wasn't going to test it.
Yamato is one hell of a sexy swordfu and you're gay if you don't agree
why have threads gone to shit after april fools ended?
Is it just me, or are the bloody palace boss fights slightly easier than their dmd counterparts(barring Cerberus)?
>try to combo him to death
>snaps fingers
weak bait
>DMC is slowly turning into Dark Souls where we pretend every game but our favorite is complete garbage
whatever you say XVkun
Cavaliere as Dante or Nero.
Yamato best sword.
Cause now people have to come up with their own content, instead of laughing at fortunes or dice rolls.
>Instant SSS
And how is he baiting, "if you disagree with me then it's bait" poster?
Trish was the only character that was any fun to play. Lady was absolute dog shit and Vergil was downgrade from 3 in terms of his gameplay.
Whatever you say discord tranny
Got all the S ranks, I can finally sleep
>all these people
At most it's one or two autists who've successfully baited another person into having a slapfight that takes up half of the thread.
its just 4fags showing their true colors. they never liked any game except 4 and kept pretending they liked 1 and 3 all this time so people wouldnt laugh at them
People lost energy after overhyping what they’d get from Bloody Palace, and a few interviews gave some tidbits for people to obsess and nitpick over.
Cavaliere, King Cerberus, Urizen 3, Vergil 1
Glad you beat it but lol at running in a circle for 10 minutes
>fags will defend this hackery
It's not because new thing new, it's because 5's a lot more lenient with timings and (as you said) even mediocre players can do cool shit. Their entire following and ego is born from the fact they could do a bunch of pointless shit very few other people could do, so when it's made easier to do that stuff they're now less special and unique snowflake than they used to be. This is why they're mad.
git gud scrub
I wouldn't say that's really new to DMC, it's common for people to act that way about loads of series too, not just Dark Souls.
sleep well
lots of projection barry, shame even DMC2 is better than that shitshow XV
Not sure about Urizen or vergil, but Goliath-Cavaliere are meant to be SoS in BP
I was very determined not to have to fight through 89 levels as V again.
He looks high as fuck.
V was a mistake.
keep projecting
How is Vergil a downgrade? He feels so much less limited compared to how he is in DMC3, though I'm not too fond of his Concentration meter. I agree about Lady though, but I disagree on Trish, she wasn't very fun either.
Wished that Nero could Buster his shield, like Credo's
>Implying its not stylish as fuck
Also you could get SSS by hitting a large enemy group with big attacks in both 3 and 4. In special Drive in 3
>one hit
You probably don't even realise how much skill it takes to nail 4 distorted real impacts in a row.
most of them???
vergil (duh)
king cerberus
mission 17 and 12 urizen
DMC2 was a bad DMC game but it wasn't a bad game. At least it's better than DMC4.
No wonder why journos praised V's gameplay the most.
I'm almost positive the dudes viciously shitting on 4 or claiming 5 is a figured out game are false flagging. Something can be unfinished with redeeming qualities, and 5 is still new so we really don't know what kind of advanced techniques will or won't crop up. DMC4 is a decade old, of course more advanced shit has been figured out. Shit on the niggers who are starting an argument for the sake of it, not the guys who just like the older game more
DMC4 would be the best game of all time if it wasn't for the shitty levels, enemy design, and only having one good boss
There's a demon magic symbol thing on his back beneath his coat which stores his weapons, like a hammerspace backpack.
I'm playing it rn and I'm unironically enjoying Lucia's missions more than Dante's.
Yeah because the combos are the same shit as 4. They added devil breakers for Nero and added some small changes for Dante, that just refined things. And then they made a lot of shit easier. It's a refined experience over 4 but there's not much here if you knew all there was to learn in DMC4. But that's not really a bad thing because that's like 5% of the playerbase.
Name one good boss that isn't Credo.
So it would've been the greatest game of all time if it didn't have all those extremely glaring flaws? You culd say that about most games, user.
Why is Credo's last phase so fucking bonerriffic. He's so aggressive but so fair
>claiming 5 is a figured out game
the literal only people claiming this are diehard 4 fags who are trying to shape a narrative about 5's ceiling when they've never rose high enough to even see 4's floor.
Bloody Palace is never as hard as DMD. Itsuno said on yesterday's stream that BP is balanced in its own way, and at no point can any of the enemies or bosses do DMD damage to you.
>and at no point can any of the enemies or bosses do DMD damage to you.
Say that to 10% Vergil.
>Concentration meter
That was by far the most interesting mechanic they could've implemented on Vergil and I hope it makes a return. One of the things I've appreciated about DMC at least since 3, is that you embody the characters, you play as them the same way they would act during the story/cutscenes. Vergil whiffing an attack or running around an arena is very unlike him, so you can't get to his full potential (although he's still very capable without the attack buff from high concentration).
What they need to balance his strength a little bit better so he isn't as OP as in 4.
I personally never liked Dongurri's vids so whatever
kys contrarian edgelord
this DESU
watching you guys sperg out because you're not top of the hierarchy just by virtue of putting 12000 hours into dmc4 is a joy to behold
Give me all kinds of Vergils
Real talk, is Credo the best boss fight in all of action game history?
>so he isn't as OP as in 4.
I always thought that was the point. Like Trish was baby easy for a caveman like me and Vergil existed under the design philosophy of "no limits"
Play the fucking series before complaining, faggots.
I miss DRI. But at the same time, RI in 5 already feels awesome to pull off.
Not with 5 Vergil around.
I don't think I've fought 10% Vergil, I save Sin and a full RG gauge for when he pulls the clone out so I don't have to deal with his bullshit anymore.
>See DMC5 vs DMC4 discussion
>Decide to contribute with my own opinion
>Error: Duplicate post already exists here ()
waht the fuck
Generic demon dude with 2 moves
Yeah I love having to chase bosses around the arena with one specific move
Boss fights that rely on adds as a core mechanic are always terrible
Name 1 thing DMC4 did better that isn't subjective as fuck "I liked Nero better in it"
I like how 90% of all DMC4 wembs are that one boss.
You said all kind of Vergil, does that include Gilver?
I agree that it captures the character well, but my problem with it is that it's so easy to build up the meter and then it's so strong on top of it. Even putting aside that it's so rewarding, what it rewards is not running about the place, but when you can so easily move around with rapid slash and tricks, it feels like you're being rewarded for nothing because there's no reason to ever run to begin with.
His run is just so fucking effeminate.
it was cooler imo
Dante was definently better in 4. His moves had a bit of weight to them (particularl his sword ones)
And in general his weapon selection was better. King Cerberus is great. But Cavalier and Dr faust are terrible. Give me back Lucifer and Pandora.
Nero in 5 is way better though
Like father, like son.
>Lucifer and Pandora.
Worst ""weapons"" in any DMC game.
the things in 4 werent any harder to do, they were harder to practice because the game literally didnt come with a packed in practice mode like 5
the only thing that has been objectively made easier is the area around an enemy that you can actually JC in but the actual input and timing for a jumpcancel is the exact same, which doesnt really do anything except open up the freeflow possibilities while making it less necessary to practice the one spot/ height on an enemy you can JC on, aka the literal one thing that is "easier" is "easier" because its more freeform and less restrictive in terms of what you can actually do and what can you follow it up with
anyone who says that DMC5 is "worse" than 4 in any way is literally retarded, people were still playing DMC3 in 2019 and thats a game where you couldnt even have more than one style and 2 guns/ weapons at once without mods. DMC5 plays more like an infinitely more complex version of 3 rather than trying to replicate the melee bug autism of 4
Inertia and reversals
Pandora's a better gun than KI or Faust
Turbo mode
Not having to play as V
>play dmc4 for 10 years
>can't even kill a fucking scarecrow
dmc4 players are pathetic
Alright which one of you was this?
DMC5 is the peak gameplay.
DMC1 is the peak aesthetic/tones and mostly everything
>Yea Forums now hates DMC5
Welp, guess we have DMC cycle now. I'll just wait till 6 is out so we can like 5 again.
>Lucifer is now a bad weapon
These fucking 4 vs 5 threads are filled with gigantic retards that feel the need to one up each other with chronic shitposting. Fun.
Pandora was cool as shit, what the hell are you talking about?
He's designed around keeping up a constant assault while leaving openings to exploit through it, so you can basically never stop attacking if you can keep up with avoiding his attacks which also never stop, it's like a dance. It's kinda perplexing how both Itsuno and Yoshida said he was their favourite boss yet never tried to copy him for 5, Vergil is still 3 Vergil where your main focus is combo-punishing after he attacks and Cavaliere's so close but relies too much on projectiles and running away.
>JC in but the actual input and timing for a jumpcancel is the exact same
No JC has startup in DMC5 (to adjust for wider hitbox) similar to DMC3 while in DMC4 JC has no startup and very precise (you need to JC exactly when your weapons in contact with enemies).
You clearly dont know what you're talking about, so just stop mang
The best feature of Lucifer has been integrated into Dante's air taunt.
My husbando is really tired.
Don't fall for that shitposters bait. Donguri is still humble and not even a day ago was talking about developing new tech.
That user was misconstruing this tweet
To form a narrative that doesn't exist.
I wonder what its like to have taste THAT fucking bad. It must keep you up at night
>Yea Forums is one person
me :)
>BP's Cavaliere crashed my game
Is yamato a he or a she ?
I miss april fools threads, they were so entertaining. Rip.
1 > 3 > 5 > 4 = 2
>less than half a game is better than 80% of a game
nice ass
It's not gay if it's a clone of your br- wait a minute
Cavaliere, standing pre-fruit Urizen, Malphas, Vergil
what about DmC
___________________FUCK YOU___________________
Balrog is the gauntlet weapon to end them all though.
Go back to your discord already, 4trannies
Are DMC4 autists gonna be our Meleefags?
Nero is F U N
He only gets it on DMD, and while in DT, it's a massive charge up so you better kill him before he gets it off
King Cerb overall is an amazing fight, really fun
They just need to tone it down a little and design it a bit better. Instead of outright buffing him across the board they should only lock moves behind it, while returning Darkslayer to 3's style (but maybe making the i-frames a touch less lenient).
donguri's latest boss rush video is so terrible it made me cry
Better than 4 duh
I still don't know how the fuck to use Lucifer. I can get the concept of the weird weapons like Pandora, Nevan, Artemis, and Dr. Faust, even if I'm too much of a brainlet to be really effective with them, but I don't even know how the fuck you're supposed to use Lucifer.
No. Melee fags don't have to outright lie to prove a point. And it's not "autists" (plural) it's "autist" (singular). 4 has a fond place in my heart, but that place is in the past.
youre a literally lying retard, JC is the exact same in 4 as in 3 but some weapons simply have more retarded active frame properties that makes the timing more specific
you can still cancel before your actual attack connects and its obvious if youre just mashing jc with gilgamesh killer bee in 4 without timing it
>You clearly dont know what you're talking about
im better than you at 4 and I dont even play that game because its a literal piece of shit where the only feature is buggy combos but the game doesnt even have a practice mode for them
DMC5 = DMC3 > DMC1 >>>> DMC 2 = DmC >>> DMC4
Do we agree?
Dante's had a different color for each style in 4. No more Disco Dante.
His lips are so cute, I want to kiss them.
do you think nero has boring missionary position sex with kyrie and this is how he gets all the aggression out of his system?
Combo B does way too little damage for how much oomph it has.
Not an argument
That’s actually a cool explanation.
Is it pointed out in the in game files or animations?
Would be a neat power or item for everyone to carry.
>the literal one thing that is "easier" is "easier" because it's easier
No shit Sherlock
So is the reason Trish looks worse in cutscenes/in game possibly because whoever did her mocap's face did not blend well with the scanned model maybe? With some other characters it's not that obvious, but at times you can see features from the mocap/VA showing on the character, especially Vergil/Dan Southworth. The nose is still a problem but Trish looks slightly better in pic related. Maybe it's because it's probably just the pure scanned model without any mocap? I dunno I'm just guessing.
Goodness, I don't even know the types of filters I'd need for tierlist and 4 falseflag shitposting autism.
But when I figure this puzzle out I'll be sure to post them for all involved.
mod for disco dante in 5 when
Air combo for some variety and an Aerial Rave without SM
Rose throw for a launcher in the air
Forward+attack (also deals pretty good damage on big enemies) to make pins
Back+swordmaster to set up trap, forward+swordmaster to concentrate pins on one enemy
Isn't this the chick who played the Ethan's wife in Resident evil 7?
No. Eva has the same model as Trish with the same face but looks miles better because her hair is better. The "mocap scanned model" blend thing hasn't actually ever had any validity
>People played 4 for 7 years
Did they have all the tech they have in less then a month?
Also they had it for 7 years because outside of going back to 3 what else could they do?
Can you use a move to cancel SDT or is it just SSSS?
you can die
Looks like a she for me.
it was fun while it lasted, maybe it's better that april fools was such a fleeting moment
>SCUM. *slow sheathes*
I love him.
Me too. Here, another one friend !
I miss the different colors a bit but at least they didn't take out him doing different poses for the styles, that would suck
why is DmC over DMC4? I've noticed people say "oh well yeah the story is shit but the gameplay is great" which isn't even true either
DMC3 > DMC5 > DMC4 > DMC1 >>>>>>>>> DmC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DMC2
just red flashes may look more aesthetically pleasing but damn you're fucking right why did they remove disco dante
I think it's just explained in the artbooks.
Only Quad S. Quad S gets you ~5 seconds of SDT. You can use SDT without delay going into or out of. (actually that's a lie there's like a fraction of a segment delay going into it)
And people are still trying to find out the best ways to use it's all encompassing animation cancel.
>we want more freeform combos thats why 4 is the best
>4 is better because the jc is more restrictive and inherently restricts combos because of positioning and weapon specific properties
so I guess this is the time where everyone admits the literal autism at play here and how the only reason anyone liked DMC4 is exactly because of the false sense of superiority it gave to the few autists willing to download a virus infested cheat engine to be able to sit in practice mode long enough to figure out how to combo the basic enemy in the most inefficient way
if anything DMC5 exposed these fucking shitters since its blatantly obvious that almost anyone who isnt completely thumbless can replicate and invent "high level" combos in DMC as long as they have a practice mode. Any fucking fighting game on the planet has harder combos and tech than any DMC game and there you have to actually do them against a real player under pressure
It's because her hair completely eliminates her jawline, and that coupled with a prominent chin + exposed fivehead makes her look like a man.
Eva looks great and it's just the same face, but with bangs.
Everybody calm down and post boss tracks you like.
It would help if people just stopped replying
It's almost like DMC5's combat is the same as 4's but with more stuff in it, meaning people who played 4 religiously already knew 80% of the game's combat mechanics from the get go.
>why is DmC over DMC4? I've noticed people say "oh well yeah the story is shit but the gameplay is great" which isn't even true either
Because people now hate 4 by proxy of the insufferable 4fags without any sort of self-awareness. Anyone who says DmC is better than 4 is just a shitposting retard.
I still say it's mostly the hair. She looks good in those shots because you can see her cheekbones. Trish's beauty is all in her facial structure, take that away and all you're left with is a weird nose. You can also see how the in-game shadows/lighting fuck her up her hair and make it look like a bad dye job.
You think ? Shit I'm not gay.
Hopefully it will be as good next year
>The "mocap scanned model" blend thing hasn't actually ever had any validity
How do you explain there being a Vergil model without a gigajaw if it isn't because of Dan?
>Yea Forums now hates DMC4
Looks like the shitposting was a success. We did it, Yea Forumsros.
It's weird but nice, wut
That DT is such a godsend user
Someone already modded an actual red coat so it's probably come out sooner rather than later.
Dmc5 = 3 > 4 = 1 > 2 I skipped DmC
Don't respond to me if you didn't play DMC1 on release.
It's only "exposed" a few idiots. And don't fall for shitposter bait. 4 is still a good (but flawed) game. Every game is good but flawed. Even 2 has a few good things about it.
Execution "barrier" is only ever desired by medicore players who would never hit the ceiling but still want to be considered "good". In reality it never meant anything, "takes more skill" is a tool concept, and elitists should be ridiculed and ignored.
You could get most tier lists by filtering >>>, and it wouldn't filter replies
Only QuadS. Some events may disengage you from SDT like completing a BP stage, and that will leave you with remaining SDT meter, but other than that, you're mostly stuck in that mode until it ends.
Well that takes too much time.
Thanks, I'm trying to unlearn the bad habit of using QuadS as some kind of panic button, but it's really useful when I fuck up with longer animations.
You're just blind
was really disappointed when the remixed dmc3 music in the cutscene turned out to be a feint but this really grew on me
Because Maxim got quite the jaw. Not as big as Dan but still.
he does look exactly like vergil
Hardly ever see people give love to this, I thought it was pretty great & sounds more old-school DMC compared to alot of 5's OST
How do you screencap the photos on PC? I have a lot i'd like to share with DMC friends.
I do not like the style announcer in 5, it should've been the girl that says "Devil May Cry" in the title screen
god damn its like he has his own judgement cut end
So now you completely agree that it is easier to do stuff in 5, despite a few posts ago claiming it wasn't. I don't know what conversation you think you're having here but you're getting all riled up about an argument that isn't happening.
does nero DT activation has I frames if you dt during another attack and he doesnt do the "point finger up" pose?
yeah all those 5 players
dont act like more than 10 people can do the stuff that donguri can in 4
if you're not in the group then you have no reason at all to be butthurt
Neat, like it's a physical a part of his back or what?
So where does that other model without gigajaw that gets posted around come from?
Yes, the only difference are the eyes, Vergil's are squintier. But the jaw is the same.
The announcer is shit so you'll buy Nico/Morrison as your announcer
>The "mocap scanned model" blend thing hasn't actually ever had any validity
Except all you have to do is look at model swap mods and the face animation distortion becomes instantly noticeable. Vergil's model with Reuben Langdon's face animation looks nothing like Dan Southworth's.
That would involve people no longer having #fragilepride
Huh. Good idea. I'll do that then.
No clue why I still love it, but I do.
>Even 2 has a few good things about it.
It does but it's not even close to something I would call good. It's painfully below average with braindead design.
I would only pay money for a Griffon announcer
Yeah it's me, hi
Definitely my favorite boss track in the game.
Uh I don't know, do you have the post? Because I don't really know who you are talking about . But I can confirm you that Vergil's model is Maxim Nazarov the pic I just posted.
That's just playing as V
that would be the dante's model rig bones that have been built to fit dante's 3d model trying to squeeze into vergil's 3d model, not exactly related to the mocap
Griffon is undeniably best bird.
Nico/Morrison isn't that great either
i don't like the fact that they're randomized and you can't choose either one separately
>he still sucks donguri's limp overrated dick when better dmc players have existed for years
Sorry for not only expecting you to be literate but more familiar with the mechanics of the game and what they actually mean
yes, its "easier" to stay in the air in 5 by mashing JC than it was in 4 because you dont have to know the positioning of the enemy to be able to do it
the tradeoff is that it opens up combos because of not having to autistically work around that one spot where you can jc off of which boils down to nothing but knowing how your prebaked sequences work and how do they put you at the right spacing to branch off to this new set of prebaked options
DMC5 has a philosophy closer to something like marvel vs capcom infinite where if you just want to mash out a combo its not restrictive at all at the lowest level, having a low skill floor means nothing for the actual skill ceiling and the amount of options the characters have (which is objectively bigger than ever for Dante and Nero)
the only argument is whether or not 5Dante is more fun/ deeper than DMC3 Dante with style and weapon switcher mods but since those are mods its a pretty dubious argument at best and mostly something that will be a discussion if a remake of 3 actually happens where those are baked in mechanics
Or maybe it's just that it doesn't blend with Dante's actual face ? It may have nothing to do with the mocap in the end.
>why journos praised V's gameplay the most.
V had the most critique though
we could use more griffon lines anyway
how would griffon annouce the ranks from D to SSS?
I see what you mean. Her normal hair makes her hairline/forehead look kind of fucked up. I still don't like her nose though, maybe if it was like Lady's which is kind of big with a but of a bump but not as downturned/hooked, she would look better.
Do you guys think Capcom would make a dlc for vergil? With co-op?
He looks good with Nero's hair, wtf
>Buy DLC on a whim
>Locked content is fucking cool
Absolute worst part of DMC5 is that I had to pay money for this kind of shit.
I know that, I'm just confused as to how non-gigajaw Vergil exists when Maxim basically has a Danjaw anyway. I guess it's just this kinda thing in play
I hope so. I would be stupid to not do what most fans have wanted for years now.
At least it's not incest anymore... or is it?
>that would be the dante's model rig bones that have been built to fit dante's 3d model trying to squeeze into vergil's 3d model, not exactly related to the mocap
Detailed face animation and the shape of the face are inherently linked, it's literally something you can't escape. The way your face moves and the way your face looks aren't separate things, some people have small mouths and with small smiles etc etc
Then why are you?
Well. I mean under the umbrella of "ps2" action game, I can name worse that I've rented.Or maybe I can't. Like I played and played the shit out of it when it came out but I remember young me going back to DMC1 until I fucked up the disc and had no choice but to beat DMC2 in every mode. I remember havin fun with trish.
Anyways I was talking about the other things that weren't the obviously shit things. The music was pretty good even if it reminded me of tekken for some reason. The design concepts for a few bosses were cool. Arius was cool in his first battle when he's just stylishly lounging about whilst summoning demons. That was pretty cool too.
Like I'm not alone here am I?
I mean Vergil already has a moveset with binds, and you already have a pseudo coop so it's a license to print money with minimal effort.
Considering they went through all this effort to bring Vergil back likely because of his popularity it seems silly that they wouldn't have thought about it.
>I still say it's mostly the hair.
I'd say is her ugly fucking face but hey, it's all about perspective.
DMC3=DMC5>>1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DmC>>>>>>>>>>>>literally anything>DMC2
>yes it's "easier" to JC because it's easier to JC
Again I don't know what argument you're trying to have here but I assure you it's not actually happening.
>for one good player to be considered good, another good player must be considered shit
Go away.
>It may have nothing to do with the mocap in the end.
No, that's the reason. It's why Ocelot's face was changed to look more like Troy Baker in MGSV. It makes for better and more natural mocap.
someone post the edit.
F12 on Steam. After that you can find them in a folder.
Literally every Vergil Fight exists so no
Vergil does have the same jaw as Maxim, user.
you know i had to do it
when did i say donguri is shit?
Say there was a DMC0 with sparda as main protag, what would you want in the game? My main thing i would want is a beowulf fight
What about our playable Vergil and co-op BP DLC DMCbros?
I wouldn't want it, leave Sparda as a legend
I'm trying to find the artbook page but my googlefu is weak, it's like a metal skull he has strapped to his back.
I love credo but as long as Vergil 2 and 3 exist from DMC3 that's a hard no
It has to do with the mocap only insofar as they chose/resculpted the face models into something that naturally fit the VAs. So indirectly, I guess.
Oh you I've been clowned again
suck his nuts
I think it would be on the same level of being pseudo-incest like Dante x Trish. Technically they aren't blood-related, but it would still mean Dante is physically/sexually attracted to one of his family members.
Also what exactly does this mean? Is it kind of like how in MGS3 BB denies being romantically involved with the Boss, but it's not like a familial relationship either? So Dante and Trish's relationship isn't like a mommy thing, but not sexual either? Just really strong love?
But it's not the same engine. I don't really know how it works. I am not goind to pretend I know better, but I am not sure it's good enough reason because those games might not have been made the same way, you know what I mean ?
>best DMC boss is Nelo Angelo
>DMC2 has no Angelo and fucking sucks
>Best DMC3 boss is young Nelo Angelo
>Best DMC4 boss is Credo Angelo
>Best DMC5 boss is Cavaliere Angelo
What did they mean by this?
I'm not saying otherwise.
wait did people really believe vergil would be playable so soon?
>just spoil that shit, who cares
I'm not
I just dont get the point people are making because yes, dmc4 was a lot harder, so much so that I doubt people could even toy with the game like they claim it was possible to
This thing?
Bros for life, but deeper?
I love you and would do anything for you, but the desire to fuck isn't a part of it?
Because the game dhve no content at all?
>I'm just confused as to how non-gigajaw Vergil exists when Maxim basically has a Danjaw anyway
You just did, user, but it doesn't matter. That's just why I was answering you.
The point people are making is the exact same thing as what you just said and I don't understand what trouble you're having with this.
what I think he's trying to say is that a bigger JC window actually makes the game more open to creativity because you're not pigeonholed into the few JC and launcher setups and that creative thinking is something 4 players allegedly stood for
probably the part where someone said the jc "timing" is easier in 5 when its the exact same timing and input as in 4, the only thing that has changed is that you dont have to practice the fucking enemy specific JC hitboxes that you cant even see without cheat engine. DMC5 finally fixed the retarded design error of including a mechanic like JC at all and then making it almost retardedly hard to do against the flying enemies in particular like Fallen in 3 who have a tiny spot on their lower part that makes zero sense to be the one part of their model you can kick yourself off of for more airtime
5 didnt NEED to make the hitbox larger because this time you actually have practice mode but since they did it opens up much more combo options especially with more cumbersome weapons like cavaliere
Hyper platonic lifelong partners. It's probably the same as BFFs
Oh. This is actually the best possible outcome. Maybe the jap fans will kick up shit that Vergil has no plans of ever being playable and the Capboss will finally listen.
Or maybe not. The Capboss is always playing the long game afterall.
>Why doesn't Vergil look like Dante in 5?
>"He was in demon world, so demon world gave him failed plastic surgery." -Itsunoâ„¢
>gee Nero, how come your mechanic lets you have TWO robot arms?
Wait what? You're just joking, right? This can't be serious, right?
they looked wildly different from each other in DMC 4 too, the devs don't give a shit anymore
>Left Alive
vergil is obviously disgusted that his son has artificial power
>failed plastic surgery
It was good until this. Nice bait.
V calls Vergil Dante's older brother instead of his twin.
I wish they went with: "He's younger because he died in 1" reason or even "We decided they aren't identical twins anymore." reason over THAT bullshit.
How'd they look in DMC3? I only remember them lookin alike when the camera was zoomed way out in Vergil 1 but it's been... quite some time.
>Itsuno mentions a Lady spinoff which was considered for awhile.
Kill me. I just more Lady.
yes, vergil is dante's older twin
dante calls himself younger brother in 3
>Maybe the jap fans will kick up shit that Vergil has no plans of ever being playable
Why is this suddenly being pushed again when it's been confirmed that while we don't know when we're getting it SOMETHING is coming?
>Because SOMEONE took my demon arm. But I grew a new one and another that's invisible on my shoulder
He is not. Itsuno doesn't exactly call it "failed plastic surgery", but it basically does go like: "He doesn't look like Dante anymore due to demon world fucking his face up. So he now looks different."
Nigger that post outright says that Maxim has a big jaw exactly like Vergil which is why I'm confused as to how non-gigajaw Vergil (seen here ) could exist, though now I know it's done by fucking with the animations which takes away the jawline. Saying that three people have the same kind of jaw is not fucking saying that two of them don't have the same kind of jaw.
They are still twins, but Vergil is the first born so the oldest. Why does people have such a hard time understanding this ?
in 3 they completely alike when Vergil's hair goes down but they just moved away from it as time went on.
He also said "They were not supposed to look identical in 3, but PS2 had limitations"
Twins can develope different looks over time based on how they lead their life styles
>Party hard pizzasexual who never shaves and spends most of his time goofing around, going into debt, and fighting
>Extremely motivated man who was at first power hungry, then a demonic slave, then split into 2 people
I can believe they'd look differently going into their 40's
I'm gonna guess they're BFF or like brother and sister. You know the kind of friends who gets closer than anyone else because they have really shitty experiences together that make them relate to each other way more than anyone else? I guess that's why, with the mommy issues and the Mundus bullshit. But the end of DMC1 was really off-putting.
That felt to me their indirect way to establish them as not twins anymore. And then the data files mention them as twins again.
Consistency went to shit. Shame.
>something is coming
What? In Capcom Confidential Matt outright said nothing is coming. You literally can't be more definitive than that.
People think that because Dan said he's doing work (failing to realize that he and Reuben work constantly in this industry) that it equates to more DMC stuff. But there's absolutely no reason to assume any of that.
What's more, on the BP stream they said they had no plans for online BP. It's literally nothing user.
And if you think "something" is coming, feel free to tell me where you heard that. Because I'll chop right at that fucking bit for a tiny bit of hope.
Were Vergil and Dante even stated to be identical twins in DMC1? I thought it just said they were brothers. Also you can have same-sex twins that aren't identical, didn't he say some shit like them using the same model in 3 was just because of limitations?
well that's a little different since 4Dante was almost 40 and 4SE Vergil was supposed to be like 17-18. Also they made Vergil look more like Nero probably for the retards who still denied him being Vergil's son.
He actually calls him his twin brother in the flashback of Vergil splitting himself. But like I said above, you can still have non-identical twins.
>But it's not the same engine. I don't really know how it works. I am not goind to pretend I know better, but I am not sure it's good enough reason because those games might not have been made the same way, you know what I mean ?
It has nothing to do with the engine, it's simply the result of having detailed facial animation. The actors own face is a part of how their face moves. They're not wholly separate things. Dan's gigachad jaw gets picked up by every 3D model you put on him, because underneath the 3D model is still the animation skeleton. Which means it's impossible for Dante and Vergil to look indentical in DMC5, since Reuben Langdon and Dan Southworth doesn't look indentical.
>The problem with rebooting DMC was that nothing got closure and it came at stupid time
>DMC5 wrapped everything up to the point where further additions can do nothing but harm
Anyone else ready for them to go and expand on the reboot universe? The demon illuminati in DmC, while not very original, were better than most things in DMC already
There was apparently stream on twich and Itsuno was asked about it and he apparently gave "demon world plastic surgery" reason for it.
Personally, haven't seen stream myself to tell exactly what he said, but according to anons, the reason was extremely retarded.
Nigga Twins don't fall out the vagina in tandem, One has to come out first.
you know when twins are born, one is always the oldest, right
They are wrong.
There's not as much, on that they're right, but right now they're angry and mad so they're making it out worse than it is.
It happened because Matt and Itsuno explained their reasons on the BP stream as to why they removed Reversals from the full game even though it was in the demo.
The answer was so mind-numbingly retarded, the reason so absolutely braindead, that everyone got mad.
That'd be it. In 4 I'm pretty sure they were going to have it on full display but changed their minds.
I didn't know you talked about this post user, maybe you didn't want to adress this to me in the first place then ? because it didn't really make sens with what I was saying.
Vergil DLC? sure
Co-op BP? even though is something people are asking for, how fun was mercenaries in RE games which is the same as BP and they don't even need to do something mayor to make it true.
I'm afraid Capcom are a bit retarded still.
I'm 99.9% sure the "plastic surgery" thing was just a joke.
Dante called himself the little brother in 3
>But like I said above, you can still have non-identical twins.
Which they weren't. They just felt like retconing that.
It's okay, I guess. I just preferred when they played that on the favor of the story. Dante and Vergil's fight on top of the Temen Ni Gru was fucking cool.
>because underneath the 3D model is still the animation skeleton.
you can remap any parts of the animation skeleton to any point, and exaggerate and reduce their influence, they are not 1:1 representations of their mocap actors
>uses most powerful move in the game which takes perfect timing
>not expect a curbstomp
Okay dude
Okay, okay I believe you, don't post this pic ever again please, ew.
>that everyone got mad.
A few vocal autists from leddit. Not even representative of the best players let alone being representatives of the community.
That one idiot talking about how DMC5 is painful to play all of a sudden is the most cringe inducing wank I've read in a tweet all year.
>you can still have non-identical twins
Name anything where they're called Identical Twins and not just using DMC3 as the baseline
I agree with that and no-one he's replied to has ever once said anything contrary to it, I just don't get why he's so adamant about repeatedly making a point no-one's challenged. All anyone said was stuff is easier to execute in 5, and all he's said is the exact same thing.
What happens during c-sections then with twins or more? I'm curious now and this is your fault.
Protip. Don't respond to barry. At all ever. I've been dealing with him for over 6 years and the literal only way to deal with that problem is to ignore it.
You outright can't' win.
>further additions can do nothing but harm
Dante and Vergil tearing through hell so they can smack mundus and avenge their mom would be great
>Name one example except the giant, obvious one that shits on my whole argument
Really, user?
you made the smart move, i was on nero and i thought i could dodge the needles like the fatter ones
dropped me from 1.3 bars of hp to 0 with no chance of recovery in 1 second
>you can remap any parts of the animation skeleton to any point, and exaggerate and reduce their influence, they are not 1:1 representations of their mocap actors
Which they clearly did in DMC5, each 3D model and skeleton is tweaked to fit the character as best as possible.
>were better than most things in DMC already
What? The storytelling was a mess even at the conceptual level. I mean feel free to tell me what Mundus did wrong.
God especially, now that I think on it, when they kill Mundus and level half of a city and they're basically patting each other on the back while people are tweeting in distress about the disaster.
What the fuck kind of tonal whiplash is that. God damn.
What you were saying wasn't making sense in the first place. I was talking about Vergil without the jaw and you kept talking about Vergil with the jaw. I don't know what fucking argument you think you were having.
You got that webm with the monster? I didn't save it
Why didn't he get sin DT?
Where's Sparda?
God I hope so
I honestly can't name you a BAD DMC5 boss
he didnt have sparda
Qliphoth Roots are pretty bad.
that plant in mission 1
i tried to make it hard on myself and got nightmare first for artemis; the fat bitch would not hit her
ultimately he eventually got better aim but it took easily a half hour (on sos)
The problem is thar Mundus is INFORMED to be the villain, but we never see him doing completely fucked up shit, while Donte and Vergil murder his kid and taunt him about it.
urizen for the 4th time
The only good kek in this bread.
There's 3. One debatable
>Qliphoth Roots
A literal nonfight and dies like one even on DMD
A fun jungle gym for Nero that moves but also a non boss fight
>Ch.18 summon game
Actually kinda fun but realistically is just an elevated fight against mooks no matter how much I enjoy shotgun hopping on griffon.
Wut ? I was saying in the first place that Vergil and Maxim have the same jaw and after that you were saying that no, since you said "how non-gigajaw Vergil exists when Maxim basically has Danjaw anyway" without referring to this . What I was saying was just that nothing less, nothing more. How the fuck would I know you were talking about that if you do not say it ?
Urreason (Prologue) was good but fighting him over and over was lame
>DMC5 wrapped everything up to the point where further additions can do nothing but harm
That's not can have Dante and Vergil adventure in hell, and you can even have a Nero adventure with some new character that could bring back Dante and Vergil from hell, there is alot of shit to explain too, like Nero's mother, Lady's traumatic life and many other things
Gee wizz, that sounds like total bullshit. Since that DMC3 never had any problem make plenty of different ingame models.
How about some sauce on that shit.
They talk about his good points. Like the only big whoop he's a bad guy is that he's a businessman keeping people indebted to turn the cogs of society but he
>integrates the human and demon worlds
>Prevents demon aggression on humans
>Provides near free entertainment
>actually cares about his family
>Is even willing to parlay with the fuckers who killed his woman and murdered his kid
And him punishing Sparda for fucking with the status quo is completely reasonable for somebody trying to maintain the stability of their empire.
Like I don't get it.
>when they kill Mundus and level half of a city and they're basically patting each other on the back while people are tweeting in distress about the disaster
I think they've (inadvertently) created a perfect parody of the mentality of this day and age; It's important to tear down the whole system at any and all costs, then we can worry about finding a valid alternative.
Why do you have to keep asking the same retarded question?
so... telenovela mod for dmc5?
>Maxim basically has Danjaw anyway
Dan refers to Dan Southworth, who has a big jaw. Saying Maxim has Danjaw means he has a big jaw like Dan does, and like Vergil does. How do you read that and think, "He must be saying Maxim doesn't have a big jaw," you complete fucking imbecile?
>Why doesnt every single time yamato is swung, a portal to the underworld is opened?
>Why doesn't Rebellion fuse random shit while in dantes office?
Because you need intent, you fucking retard. Do you also need to ask yourself why doesnt a nuke goes off every time gandalf uses his staff as a walking cane instead of casting shit? People need to will to use their powers.
Intent I guess.
Same reason Dante wasn't suddenly split into his human and demon half when impaled by Yamato.
Or instantly then absorb Yamato when he was impaled by both it and Rebellion.
Though in retrospect since Rebellion can merge demonic and human halves, Nero probably could have awakened his Demonic powers and assimilated his devil bringer if he simply just got stabbed by Rebellion in 4 instead of using Yamato as a crutch.
Itsuno said it during the bloody palace stream yesterday. You can find it on youtube.
was honestly kind of fun for me with gerbera and punchline
just flying around and dodging his shit is cool
>Thread hits bump limit within 2 hours
Jesus Christ
>Why didn't he absorb Sparda when Sparda wasn't there?
>Why did Nero and V spend a bunch of missions making the Qliphoth weaker?
>Why could Nero cut Urizen in mission 8 after making the Qliphoth weaker?
I swear you people are legitimately retarded.
This, based and redorbed
Don't even need youtube, he can use this
I don't know how people haven't watched it yet.
>"Vergil and Dante were meant to be identical in 3"
>look nothing like each other on HD "realistic" renders that portrayed them that they couldn't do due to limitations at the time
>they were meant to be """"""identical twins"""""" in 3
Also this
>dante 4 is better
im physically ill (although lucifer was still a fun weapon to dance around with)
This might just be me riding high from my victory, but last night I did the second Owl fight in Sekiro and it's up there in terms of my favorite "duel" boss fights in vidya.
I honestly have to say I enjoyed it more than Vergil 3 even. After 40+ tries I got into the flow and just got it down right.
I actually recorded it to send to a friend, if anyone is interested
4:40 is where it gets interesting.
Cannot recommend it enough as an action title.
Opened with strong discussion starter.
Which was bait depending on you your opinion.
Still surprising talk is still strong almost a month off.
But that's exactly what I said, what the fuck ? I literally said it . I think we are misunderstanding one another, because "non-gigajaw Vergil" was what I was answering, not the Maxim has Danjaw thing.
>Reuben had his hair styled like Dante for his job in 3
They literally had the same face, dumbass
Because in 4 Dante is 30 and Vergil is 17.
>cop mustache V
I watched like ten minutes and saw the majority of it was going to be two mediocre players doing uninteresting stuff while Street Writer asked really dumb questions with hardly any input from Itsuno so I didn't bother with the rest.
It's almost fascinating how shitty Qliphots Roots is as a boss fight. Aside from that, Nidhogg is the only genuinely bad boss.
Gilgamesh works as the EPIK, BEEG boss if a bit boring. Better than the Savior, at least.
Yeah. Lucifer was just air filler since or 2 ground hits, swap and forget, and some swordmaster bullshit. pandora was ok in gunslinger/air gun button the normal was were pretty average, 2 rocket launchers and then the big laser that does fuck all unless you DT.
>ignoring points of the post
>ignoring other post
>ignoring what developer himself said
Based retard.
>Cannot recommend it enough as an action title.
it's aight
The fun in refights loses a lot of it's luster once you realize that there isn't actually a way to make them harder because two playthroughs in you'll stop getting hit and can do things like 0 vit runs without breaking your stride.
When he's doing his overhead you can actually double ichimonji for free hits and the ability to stagger him
You can use the umbrella to more easily deflect his owl teleport.
You should go for the Shura ending once you beat the game.
Whoever told me 80 and up was DMD made me more scared then I should've been. Yeah they DT and have higher damage but it wasn't DMD damage and it wasn't DMD health. Vergil was just buffed SoS between DMD without the health.
Urizen 1 was fucking human mode im almost certain DH at most. Urizen 2 is definitely DH but goes SoS when he DTs. 3 feels like SoS the whole time but when he DTs he gets the DT life bar sorta.
Only Vergil/level 97 were scary. Had to replay it once with Dante because I jobbed to Vergil. Still super fun but alittle too easy if my Dante could beat it.
Is that the stream where Itsuno said that being in hell gave Vergil plastic surgery?
Yeah, that only cements the last minute retcon. I don't mind the retcon itself but you fags playing this as IT WAS *ALWAYS* PLANNED LIKE THIS, YOU GUYS are annoying to put it mildly.
Your misunderstanding is that you think when I say non-gigajaw Vergil I'm talking about Maxim for some reason, despite the obvious fucking fact I wasn't. I'm understanding that you're an infuriatingly dense idiot perfectly fine.
That's because he played Dante in a commercial
Sekiro is challenging but I don't enjoy its one route to win against bosses. Yeah people can make the argument you can kill them through life bars alone but its far easier to just deflect mikiri counter side step and be right next to them until posture break. All human bosses taking a fuck ton of life damage to down as well as blocking even with their back to you in a lot of cases after the first hit lands before the 2nd is silly. Its alright. The bosses aren't the issue so much the shit enemy variety and world that feels really bad. Both of which Nioh got shit for but Sekiro gets the shitty From soft hand job pass.
>muh ps2 limitations
So ps2 was incapable of renedring more than 3 human faces is what your are saying?
>game has Vergil's hair get wet, to directly show that he and Dante look identical when they have the same hair style
It is indeed sorta a slog to get through but I appreciated the effort so I stuck with it.
>that only cements the last minute retcon
Or, it could just be as he literally said when talking about the fact that ps2 limitations are why the two shared the same model. Itsuno flat out isn't the only person who has ever talked about the corners they've taken for game design and he won't be the last moving into the future.
The only thing more annoying to me than fujoshitposters are people who harp about "asspull" when there isn't one to be found.
But that's you who don't make any sens. Vergil has the same jaw as Maxim, so if Maxim has a gigajaw, then the same goes for Vergil, dumbass. Can you be even more of a moron ??
Can you morons shut up about the jaws already
Yes, Vergil has the same jaw as Maxim, this is exactly why the fact images exist where Vergil does not have Maxim's jaw is confusing. How is this difficult to understand you absolute fucking cretin?
moments before
Nah, that scene was a complete accident. Any thematic weight it might have had at the time was bullshit.
Good thing we're talking retcons, not asspulls. They could've just said that they wanted Vergil to look different, which I would've accepted without any problem, instead of shitting out a lame "Just accept "It's Magic, I ain't gotta explain shit. Plus they were never twins anyway" excuse.
Argue about that with developer.
Point is that they don't look alike on their renders which were meant to be realistic portrayal of them, plus developer himself has stated that identical twins shit was never meant to be canon.
In fact, they never looked the same in the first place. 1st game was just RE4 beta that had Dante=Leon and Vergil=Wesker.
In 3 they look same due to blah blah blah, but on renders difference is obvious to anyone not suffering from Prosopagnosia.
Point is, I personally don't give a shit, but then again, I'm fag that started with 1 as my first DMC game, so Vergil and Dante not looking the same isn't that big of a deal to me.
Their features are slightly different though. Most notably eyes.
>Nah, that scene was a complete accident.
How the fuck do you accidentally set up a scene like that?
What fucking kind of limitations did the PS2 have to keep the team from having one other head in the game?
Looks like home improvement gone wrong
>this is exactly why the fact images exist where Vergil does not have Maxim's jaw is confusing.
Which one ? You are the one with a problem here my dude. In every scene where he appears in game he's got the same face so what is your problem ?
>blah blah blah
great argumentation my dude, but check this out
they are meant to look identical on renders, but don't because blah blah blah
>I'm fag that started with the game where they look the same, so Vergil and Dante not looking the same isn't that big of a deal to me.
>Plus they were never twins anyway
*identical twins
Feel free to explain why they don't even have the same fascial structure in DMC1
No, it was a bad game, too. The hell?
No-one was ever talking about in-game you fucking moron.
I was being sarcastic, dude. That scene was deliberate built to make their rivalry standout as identical twins. This backpedalling justification bullshit as if 5 is incapable of fucking up is just dumb.
>picture-perfect Lady
>fucked up Trish
Why are Nero's eyes glowing?
Is that an edit or a real mod? If it's the latter I want to see how every character looks when they get DAN'd.
>and Vergil=Wesker
Don't forget her. She was Kamiya's personal rule 63 of Wesker as well.
If anything I got out of this, is that original Vergil was meant to look like his mommy.
This I know but you still don't answer, which images ? Show them, at the very least ? Your the moron here.
>>I'm fag that started with the game where they look the same,
Go back and replay DMC1 and take a good look at Vergil
This thread was kinda nuts. I don't understand why 4fags bitch so much. It's not a fighting game and most probably couldn't hang playing one. They can always go back to 4, because unlike with fighting games, the latest entry doesn't totally invalidate the play previous entries get.
because that's how nero looks if you use Super Nero/play mission 20 for the first time
Great post. Amazing argument.
Should I cry that Vergil wasn't looking like Wesker anymore as well because that was my first introduction to him? How about 4? MVC3? Or now in 5? WHY DOESN'T HE LOOK LIKE MUH WESKER ANYMORE? Because according to 3fags logic, Vergil should be identical to Wesker since that is character he was created from originally. So he should just look like Wesker instead of Dante, Nero or whoever the fuck he is meant to resemble in 5!
This is how retarded you sound.
>What fucking kind of limitations did the PS2 have to keep the team from having one other head in the game?
Playstation 2 with limitations
>so you're telling me limitations on the ps2 existed
I wonder How games were
>The key is what you spend all the tech, energy and resources on. You need to select this carefully otherwise the product will look like some kind of carnival.
Impacted by limitations
>Apart from that, in terms of something you might call art - the movement, motion, and scenery - that has been made within the limitations of the hardware rather than making something and trying to think, 'I want to make this, so I cannot do it technically'. We made it within the limitation of the hardware, so just thought, 'how can we do it within the technology?'
Such that it limits model count
>Toyama: AI took a lot of processing power back then too.
Seriously user? How old are you?
that's kawaii
Nigger one of them is in this very thread and has been linked to at least three times throughout the course of this conversation you dense piece of shit. Instead of just saying, "Oh I didn't know which images you meant," you've doubled down on having a fucking argument about something that isn't being argued. You are the cancer that kills discussion and I honestly hope you kill yourself with it you infuriating cunt.
>trying to argue with 3fags
I love the game, but its fags are some of the most obnoxious fags on this board who act like no game is ever good as theirs.
Man, fuck mission 10.
>They bothered to explain his infinite ammo in the lore
They did? where?
>he was created from originally
lmao now you went full retard
Tony and Vergil were OCs, they weren't Leon and Wesker, dumbass.
You're as same type of retard as 4babs desu.
Stop wasting your time on obvious retard. You'll just burn your perfectly working brain cells in the process.
Excuse me ? This was my post at the beginning, you are the one who keep on coming back to me you fucking retard. And if the image you are talking about is this, then you just prove that you are even dumber because this is a mod to replace Dante with Vergil, that's why it doesn't look like in-game Vergil. But thanks to prove once again that you are stupid.
basically dante makes them out of demon energy, summoned bullets like vergil's summoned swords
I get that much. But DMC isn't a fighting game series. The arrival of a new entry doesn't shelve previous ones. It makes the complaining look extra silly.
Now do this with both in DT
>The arrival of a new entry doesn't shelve previous ones.
Oh that one is also easy:
It's easier to be better at a game with a higher floor for entry. Those people don't want people to just stick with the game they like, they want those people to come back to a game they aren't good at so they can tout their skill over them, even if they aren't that good.
There's a post replying to which links that very image and explains the situation in full, yet you just keep on trucking pretending that it doesn't exist and was never said. I'm not going to repeat it. You are a fucking animal. Eat shit and die.
This I still played 1 and 3 when 4 was the newest and shit Ive even played a bit of 1 since 5 came out
>You're as same type of retard as 4babs desu
What is this retarded shit? Why is this prick obsessed with "4fags" or "4babs" and why does he constantly bring that up out of nowhere?