>modder throws a tantrum because his mods are on a guide made by some literal who
Why are Fallout/Elder Scrolls modders such fucking cry babies? I've never seen a modding community as horrible and dysfunctional as Bethdesa's.
Modder throws a tantrum because his mods are on a guide made by some literal who
Other urls found in this thread:
>minecraft is thought of as the autism game
>its modding community is less autistic than fallout's
Ego. It's always ego.
So he didn't want to be spammed by angry people telling him that his mods aren't compatible with these 800 or so mods and he is a bad person for it?
Valve opened the floodgates.
How far up your own ass can you be.
They don't need to worry, future Fallout and TES titles won't have any extensive modding.
Only through Creation Club.
I'm not watching that shit. Did he actually author anything important?
He's right though. The dude did good in not sugarcoating it over rights or any other stupid shit that doesn't apply to modding and just flat out said that he doesn't want stupid insects to sent angry messages at him for something out of his control.
>literall who modder
Has this autist even made anything worthwhile?
>meanwhile i can't guarantee my own mods are/will be compatible with eachother
Nevermind, answered my own question, obviously is barely even capable of tying his own shoes.
>Remove mods from Nexus
>Upload them to dropbox and distribute them by YouTube
What was the point exactly? If I was the author of that guide I'd just download them and put them into a GDrive to fuck with him more.
>Why are Fallout/Elder Scrolls modders such fucking cry babies?
you need a special kind of retard to make mods for boring games
The point was that the modder didn't want to be held responsible when his mod breaks your game because it's not compatible with some of the other 800 mods even though the guide says that they're 100% compatible.
They literally mod 4free
So basically it's drama over...
Over nothing.
>Collective punishment for the sins of the few
Fuck this tard
lmao, this guy is a schizo
Who gives a SHIT if he's held responsible?
I make mods and if my shit doesn't work on someone's sytem then sucks for them.
Literally ANy modder worth their salt knows there's all sorts of incompatibilities flying around, shit you might not have even considered. Any retard that thinks they can install hundreds of mods and everything be fine is an idiot that no amount of explanation will solve. Better to move on and not let it affect you.
So to avoid 3rd party drama he decided to create 1st party drama
can we bully this guy or something cause he seems like a massive autist
Only autistics waste a lot of time and effort on something for free
Here's his reddit, feel free to send him PMs letting him know how much of a dumb cunt he is
So, there are two parts of the extremely autistic bethesda game modding community, and typically when shit like this happens we just see the autistic creators getting butthurt over something. What we don't see is the 100x more autistic community of people that don't create and just play modded bethesda games forever. Any email a modder has public, like ones for important or useful shit like collabs or modding discoveries, gets spammed with hundreds of messages about this shit if it happens. It is legitimately difficult to manage any inbox with some autistic skyrim modders spamming you with hundreds of messages about compatibility with random ass mods expecting you to troubleshoot it for them.
They have different kinds of autism. Falloutfags try to add tits onto everything, while minecraftfags dos shit like this:
Then tell them to fuck off Xilandro. It's not hard. Grow some fucking thick skin, you cannot please everyone and for gods sake don't use the same fucking email if that bothers you so much.
This is so sad.
The guy with the guide should normally remove the modder's works from his guide, but that modder was acting like an absolute prick and a total retard. Guide guy did nothing wrong in telling him to fuck off
They're both in the wrong. If the guide maker really wanted Xilandro's mods on there, since they really are fucking amazing, he should've made a link to his page with a disclaimer that says "not guaranteed to work with the guide but highly recommended to check out!" or something. Xilandro is overreacting mainly because he wants to be known as a master coder because he really did make magic with the shitty bethesda engine. His hubris really got to him though, which is why he's fucking retarded to overreact. You could also say he might want a job in game dev and doesn't want any blemishes, which is also part of his blown out ego.
Click on any of his other videos and see what crazy shit he can make the game engine do and have it not break at all. If you've modded New Vegas at all then you'd know how amazing his mods add to the actual gameplay, even if they're features that are taken for granted in every other fps. The fact that New Vegas supports it is amazing.
You gotta have been dropped hard when you were a kid to get this butthurt about a community created guide that someone made to show off mods to mod the game you make mods for. Just because they put an obvious bullshit “100% compatibility” thing for clicks doesn’t give you the right to get this angry about it and rage like a baby by taking all your borderline unknown mods for a dead game down off of a site of your fellow autists.
Seek professional help for your anger issues and severe autism, you just might be able to be a function member of society one day, Xilandro.
>potentially get shit (undeserved) for someone else's mistake
>guaranteed to get shit (deserved) for your own overreaction
Let me see if I get it
>Xil makes mods
>some dude makes a compilation of several mods
>Xil is mad because he doesn't want to get the blame if the mods break someone's game
>Xil asks dude to take off his mods from his game
>Dude says his mods are too simple to break someone's game and the compilation is 100% compatible
>Xil is madder and deletes his mods and makes a video about it
so what's the big deal then?
a lot of modders are like this sadly
i think my favorite kind of modder is the one who always talks down to other people in condescending ways
To be fair, the guide maker is an ass too. He literally said "being a mod author means you know nothing about using mods."
>Mod's nexus page has no bugs tab
>comments section full of bugs
They're both being gigantic weenies in a weenie contest. Their egos are so blown out that lots of misunderstandings are happening. They don't understand why they won't remove the mods from the guide and why the other guy wants them to be removed. In short, lots of autism. What I hope is that Xilandro doesn't stop modding because his mods are high quality as fuck.
>white text on black background
My fucking eyes, why
nigga what
modders are so self-important lmao remember when ps4 modding came out and they were getting "attacked" by ps4 users asking on forums if they might maybe please put the mod on ps4 causing them SERIOUS STRESS. its fucking easy just to upload something to please yourself and leave it at that. you dont have to do PR or answer every fucking online comment. same shit here. if my mod breaks your game so what, dealwithit nerd.
>guide maker pulling the freeze peach card
modders generally have become cry babies
i remember modding and feeling pride people used my shit
This, did you know "mod piracy" is a thing now? Uploading somone else's mod to another site is a big no no even if credit is given to the OG creator. What kind of petty fuck cries over a free set of files being spread around? Back in the day people would've been stoked if their mod was being shared around the internet, too bad everyone wants to be a fucking celebrity now.
>Warning: *insert youtuber here* is retarded, this mod IS NOT compatible with following mods:
Add as a header in the downloading section and on a separate readme-file. Instead of people being angry at your mod, the youtuber in question turns into a jackass who talks shit. Why not just do this?
Just explicitly put on your mod page " I won't help you trouble shoot other peoples mods", goddamn. And if any of the console modder tier brainlets whine at you just ignore them.
You're fully of shit.
I use to mod for EaW back in the day and it was just as bad. To this day, people are still mat at nomda_firefox
It doesn't matter, as you can see in the comments his underlings are crowding around his sweaty nutsack and cooing sweet little nothings into his ears. The only way he'd learn from this is if Yea Forums got to work and started disliking the shit out of his video along with providing some choice words of wisdom.
what exactly about his post indicates schizophrenia? maybe paranoia, but he doesn't seem to be hallucinating and his sentences seem coherent enough.
Autism is powerful, holy hell.
i don't blame him
modding communities are filled with a bunch of obnoxious underage third worlders
I’m really only in the HL1/2 modding communities but there’s generally a lot of shit between modder groups against groups in those communities.
No one I’ve talked to, like the big boys making the big mods that get covered by sites like Jackathan because he fucks people around hard. Raising the Bar: Redux is generally hated by everyone who knows modding for HL2 and every update gets shit on by even the popular mod authors.
The fucking gossip between modders in that community is less autistic and public than most, but really is understandable when you look into them all.
Any good modding drama stories from other communities?
probably one everyone here has heard already but one of my favs is apollodown taking all his mods down because trump won
>dislike and give choice words
I’ll gladly help with that. Does anyone got a good dislike bot site?
The skyrim modder that made FNIS got his friends and nexus to ban a guy that found an even easier way to implement animations into the game. Apparently it was because in order to do this you needed to breach the copyright for the sdk of the physics engine even though fnis literally did that in order to work. Huge conspiracy over this that nobody gave a shit because the guy was an unknown modder with only a couple of youtube videos.
>I don't support mod piracy
Absolutely seething.
>mod piracy
Why doesn't he just add a disclaimer that his mods might not work with other mods?
>mod piracy
The guy who made the unofficial patches for skyrim removed all the previous versions because people using pirated games were using that version
Don't forget that this is the SE version of skyrim, where an update will break SKSE and all mods dependant on skse until its uploaded. so anyone trying to keep the older version to preserve their modlist is fucked.
This author also adds a bunch of tripe into the patch that isnt even bugs but thats beside the point
i hate this kind of shit people are such moral faggots
Because they do, they're scripted in a way that makes them way more flawless than everything else on the nexus. His problem is with mods that are coded like shit on that guide that will misrepresent his own mods and is crying about false advertising. They're both autistic.
third worlders won't read that
go to the gtaforums and look for any mod that only works with a specific version of a game and you will see that every post says like "hello i run mod in 2.0 it do not work" even if the author says it won't work
>modder make mods for a game
>everyone knows mods can end up conflicting and depend on various automatic utility programs/user troubleshooting to resolve
>some random faggot cries about a cool guideposter explaining how to set Load Order/troubleshooting compatibility issues
what a dumbass position for a modder to have. guideposters are helping people use the damn mods.
I've been modding since the 90's and it's always been full of faggots.
The difference is now modding is MUCH bigger and there's far more interaction between creators and users and that causes a massive amplification of all the bullshit.
Back when I use to make Operation Flashpoint or Ghost Recon mods, i'd make them, throw them on a site, and that was it, not even a comments section, rarely a forum, people understood that mods were something they used at their own risk and their was no guarantee either stated or implied that they wouldn't fuck shit up, as time went on forums grew, communities grew and with it the bullshit.
Now you make a mod and on every platform you're on you have 50 fucking Brazilians asking you basic fucking questions that you've either answered 100 times already, explicitly explained in a readme, file page etc every day, other faggots asking you about why some other mod isn't working with your mod, if you can model an extra set of genitals onto their OCDONUTSTEEL, or just faggots being faggots with "X" mod is better, or "Mod Sux" etc and just shitting up your content with rubbish.
That sort of shit is hard enough to deal with when you are being paid as a dev, I legitimately couldn't stomach being a modder in this day and age and I sure as shit wouldn't do it for free. If I spend 200-250 hours on a mod, that's 10k I could have made as an actual developer.
can i get the name of the guy or something? i am very interested in this
Also fore is the same guy who made his mod scan your files to see if moddrop is installed and if it is you can't use his mod.
Minecraft is a genuine sandbox that doesn't need any specific knowledge base the likes of DDS textures, 3D modeling and OOP scripting. Even the dumbest motherfucker can make a cube house or put together some logic switches in-game, autists will make some weird shit that may still be worth a look, and actual geniuses can make a fully fledged scientific calculator with the tools the game gives you.
Elder Scrolls mods however have a tiny group of actually skilled modders, artists and modelers who have to use several tools outside of the game plus the game's modding interface to make things, a larger group of shitty modders who flood sites with shit, and an overwhelming majority of screeching knuckle draggers who can barely install a mod let alone make one.
Sinitar is a slavnigger
4th paragraph is exactly the problem
I don't know his name but he made the other dodge mod, not TK.
Why aren't we rounding up autistic people in camps to make use of their powers?
>mod piracy
You are LITERALLY creating legally free content for a game you don't own, you have already forfeited any right to content you make before you even started making it.
Meh I pirated skyrim and modded the fuck out it
>skyrim/fallout mods: "here's my mod that remakes a fuckton of content from other games or media but if you use my content as the basis for anything else or host it on a website i don't i'm gonna have a mental breakdown and hide all my mods"
>doom mods
>give us credit for what you used and you're fine
it literally took a guy trying to fucking convince someone suicidal with a history of depression to kill themselves by linking them methods and making holocaust jokes to get a burn notice from the doom community. The doom community is fucking awesome. Creative, helpful people, without all the egotism, except for like two people.
Those two people being Sgt Mark and Doomguy 2000, who aren't all that different desu.
If you mod, make it for a game taht's still updated.
Then if people fuck with you, or pirate your mods or whatever the next update will break them and only you can fix them.
The Doom modding community is fucking magnificent.
What? I mean an intellectual property you don't own.
doom community is gonna be the same in a few years. why? trannies started noticing it.
thats not how copyright works though
if I make a model then replace a model in a game, I still own the rights to the model I made
This is why we need paid mods.
Damn fucking right it is. Every big doom modder I've spoken to, like Terminus, Weasel, and Marisa, have all been really pleasant and informative, compared to all these stuck up modders.
based culture war retard
they've been around for years. Like, since before you were born. Being trans has jack shit to do with it. The problem is attention whores. Plenty of non-trans people in the Bethesda modding community are guilty of being egotistical retards.
who cares about the fucking questions just dont answer them if you dont want to.
i honestly dont understand that shit,if someone wants to use something they better learn or teach themselves and if they dont well tough luck for them
Anything made with the Bethesda editor legally belongs to Bethesda, it says so in the terms of use. It's why the OpenMW project are creating their own editor.
All modders are drama queens and attention whores by rule (always exceptions of course, but they are the small minority).
Bethesda's are not the worst by far, and there are many other shitheads. Personal "favorites" are wesp5 and Tessera (Vampire Bloodlines modders). I hate both of them, though for vastly different reasons. Also special fuck you mention for CyberP,
What a fucking autist
I was praising the Doom community but they get this shit a lot too and it's fucking miserable. I totally get what you mean. Every single fucking interesting mod has some mouth breather going 'DURR WORK WITH BRUDAL DOOM?" Even mods you know for a fact shouldn't fucking work, like Doom RPG + RL Arsenal, QStuff Ultra, and so on.
Let's just disconnect Brazil from the internet entirely.
Where do you think you are?
Damn that's so fucking cringe. I like Sinitar's videos too.
Unfortunately autism is the price to pay when you're not dealing with the professionals. And honestly it's an okay price considering all the mods out there.
ThisI don't make mods but I have made tutorial youtube videos and I get the odd retard with broken english messaging me about something I already explained in the video itself or the comments, I just ignore them. There are always going to be retards who can't or don't want to read, you learn to deal with it.
hah i was just thinking about those two and their retarded feud
isn't wesp still updating the UP to this day?
>all the cucks dicksucking him youtube.com
hello Arthmoor
india too
holy fuck yes please
>I'm not vicimizing myself. No drama
strong disagree
Mexicans are subhuman, worse than apes
This thread is exactly WHY he made his mods private. If the guide maker couldn't even have the decency to listen to the modders, then the modders have every right to take them off the market.
By the way, it's free. Stop bitching about stuff you get for FREE. Entitled fucks. Go make something yourself.
Daily reminder Sgt. Mark made a verison of Brutal Doom that checked to see if you were running it along with Project Brutality without telling you and if you were it wouldn't load it up.
Fuck off Hitman you ginormous drama autist nigger.
Just playing devil's advocate here, but unless you actually register a copyright on something you've made, you don't technically own the rights to it. If I were to make an amazing video game and begin selling it, anyone else who began redistributing the files for free wouldn't be doing anything wrong if I didn't officially register a copyright on whatever I've produced.
Nice try nigger. I'm just a third party observer who realizes what fucking entitled cocksucking communists you all are.
Make something yourself you talentless lazy fuck.
Everyone in the doom community does shit like that so I don't really care if he does it. For starters, Project Brutality is literally built on Brutal Doom. If you try to load Brutal Doom on top or below it, you'll just end up fucking shit up, so in that case, I can understand it, because it'd break shit and he probably doesn't want retards spamming him about it.
Other doom modders add jokes if you load their mods with Brutal Doom, like HDoom and Demonsteele do, because they both break the fuck out of the mod. I think it's totally acceptable for Mark to do that, even if I think he's a huge faggot for plenty other reasons.
You're not fooling anyone you cuck lmao
I don’t remember the mid or author, but I was looking for a potential update or fix on some old mod. On his mod page the author came off as a real egocentric asshole and the description was full of “jokes” jerking himself off. Turns out that after trying to let it slide for a long time, the guy was finally banned for just being a general asshole. I’d imagine you’d have to be a real dick to be a modded and get kicked out of a mod worshipping community after numerous warnings.
Arthmoor is the poster child of modders with shitty attitudes. I remember when he pitched a fit because he snuck bigass, low res oblivion gates to every major city in one of his patches and people shared a version with the gates modded out.
I don't know why he expected those gates to still be standing in Whiterun after 200 years, a few drunk nords with sledgehammers could have them down in an afternoon.
Why do white folks do shit like this
The problem with not answering is it tends to create these echo chambers of misinformation (which opens up a whole other can of worms within communities and drama), or worse still, some autistic fuck appointing themselves as your unofficial spokesmen.
It also makes it genuinely difficult to interact with the people you do want to interact with and help because if the other faggots perceive you as ignoring them, the screeching gets louder and those fucks will follow you from platform to platform to ensure their voice is heard.
I'm not going to deny that a lot of modders are absolutely egotistical faggots who love to throw tantrums, but 99% of the interaction you have with people as a modder is genuinely fucking horrible, throw socially inept autists into the mix on both sides and you've got yourself a perfect storm.
It's such a shame modding talent and autism almost always go hand in hand
You now remember that desperate beaner trying to blame Canada for everything bad on Yea Forums in an attempt to fit in with the Americans
A sane person would just take the high road and ignore that shit, faggots get petty and disappear their mods to "make a point"
kek, are you even trying to hide it
Nope, you don't have to register a copyright, as soon as you make it, it's yours.
Doesn't mean you don't have to defend it in court, but it is copyrighted the second you magic it into existence.
In Canada, copyright is automatic
Let me guess, Trainwiz? He's a mediocre shithead with a Napoleon complex for those that don't know.
he did literally nothing wrong tho, what the fuck are you niggers complaining about
that lizard man is hot
What a fucking sellout.
>treats any criticisms regarding her mods as trolling
>never updates them
>always on the top list of most endorsed mods, but 90% of them will end up breaking your game
>insists in every post that she only does this out of passion and for her own playthroughs
>now she just makes dumb, basic home mods for CC
that's literally untrue in any civilized country
he hasn't stopped doing shit like that either, except now they're mostly hidden "behind the scenes" type shit so the average mod user doesnt know things are being changed needlessly.
fucking patchers, wesp and arthmoor both use their mod being called a "patch" as an excuse to add dumb bullshit without anyone knowing, and at the same time you basically have to have it because so many mods have it as a master
I work in the film industry, and I can say with absolute certainty that in Australia, NZ, Canada, UK and the US, copyright is automatic, so i'm not sure what user is on about at all.
Even fucking Russia has automatic copyright.
It's one of the few things our civilization has got right.
The real fucking reason this kind of behavior exists is because modders are trying to get paid for their efforts, maybe indirectly but they are still hoping to cash in through job offers (lol) or patreon. People that make mods because they love the game or to fill someone's request don't get assblasted by this kind of thing
Don't forget that she removes her mods every menstruating week of the fucking month.
what's bad about her clothing mod? shouldn't NPCs wear shirts and casual clothes most of the time?
A modder for rimworld got pissy that Tynan, the maker or rimworld, didn't support some SJW thing and so updated all her mods to change every single texture to the logo of a feminist charty.
Fuck if I know I never played FO4. I just use(d) her house mods for Skyrim. Which are fine in design but the interior lightning is all fucked.
Holy shit. This is almost as retarded as Apollodownsyndrome deleting his shitty mods because Hillary lost.
This is true, copyright is automatic but you need to have "tangible proof" the the work created is yours regardless of whether or not it is published. You can register a copyright but honestly, registering a copyright is kind of like buying insurance for it in case of piracy more than anything else.
How is she as person? Trainwiz tier or even worse? Keep in mind I can't stand Narcissists, so you know what I mean by worse.
I still can't decide if women pretending to be men, or men pretending to be women are a bigger blight on society.
Needless to say they both need to go.
bro look at her fucking face, what do you think?
did estrogen do this?
Because modding is now mainstream and like everything else in there it's ruined by attention whores.
She's worse than Shillwiz since she's one of those oversensitive tumblr SJWs. Trainboy at least never hid his fucking mods like she does. Every fucking time she interprets some random comment as criticism. Basically holding community at a gunpoint.
Yeah but have you met Trainwiz? he insults techlets if they ask him something that's Obvious to him, and he thinks he is god as he did outsource work for Bugfe$ta Barelyworks. I had the displeasure of meeting him, he sperged on me, I called a guy working at INTEL, R&D, TO CALL HIM OUT. Trainwiz went into denial and still thinks he is hot shit. Eli has hot competition mate.
His mod is ongoing, yes.
Should I fan the fire and contact the guy who made the guide? I can make some mirrors for this guy's mods, I think I might have all of them.
>solid project is still hidden
so what happened?
They're all in the op video provided by the author himself. It's a non-issue caused by autism.
Screencaps of this? I'd love to see Eli's and Train's autism.
>release mod
>game update breaks it long after I stopped playing the game
>messages about how I should fix my mod every other week for years
lmao do it yourself
Same reason I abandoned making FOSS, issues out the ass but nobody wants to contribute in any way.
I could give you a chatlog where that guy BTFO'd trainwiz, but it'll ''dox'' the steam of 2 people. His reaction was lukewarm damage control, am afraid I got nothing to that but maybe you can reverse search if I post the log?
reminds me of the rimworld modder who made her mod sabotage people's games after the game dev told her she couldn't make her mod deliver ads for her fake charity.
I mean it makes sense, people are probably messaging him and complaining about why their games wont work with 800 fucking mods when the most you're supposed to use are 250. Also, which modder is it? Because if its dd productions or elianora then that changes everything.
user, the game can only handle 255 plugins. In my case that's 301 mods.
modding in any game is such a mess, the /vg/ general im from is such faggots about modding that they emphasize keeping mods in packs EXCETP for their mods
the game counts vanilla files as plugins so it's still less.
Fuck being a mod developer for a game. Imagine modding for fucking asshole crybabies because it doesn't work for every single fucking mod and they just fling shit at you and not getting paid for it
I'm thinking on working with some FOSS projects, mainly to improve my skill as a programmer.
Nv can only handle half of that. I cant see his mods but I think xilandro is a nv modder.
thats what happens when you do it for free
we need to pay modders in order to get competition and actual talent in.
Good modders allow ''umbrella plugins'' for all their mods though. Have 5 mods installed and modder has 6? pull in the last one, and go from 6 to 1 plugins with a patch.
what? trainwiz is chill, at least from morrowind threads
He turned into Todd 2.0 before CC launch. And went full on Pete Hines after it launched.
Morrowind you say? maybe that was before he got a sniff of ''success'' (Bethesda is a stain on your resume) he got arrogant.
I thought he did only a few dwemer mods, what success?
So just ignore them who fucking cares. What are they gonna do, now download his mod?
Bethesda outsourced some work to him, nothing special, bugsquashing and populating empty areas with assets. (no, that's not level design) he got haughty somewhere between that and now.
Literally no one is going to come from that compilation, find the message about compatibility, and conclude "Oh, it might not be compatible. The guy who made this compilation must be an idiot." They're going to conclude "Wow this mod author is a petulant child."
That's a great way to learn and start building a portfolio, good luck user
low energy as fuck, cmon guys.
>mod creator gets mad over trivial thing
What a shock! Why are these cucks so entitled? they always boast about their mod and demand praise from others
But it’s all free. It’s just comments on a page whining. They don’t make money so why would he play the customer service role? I will never understand autism.
Modders are so FTFW.
I remember downloading their mods on the XBox without permission was always good for a laugh.
Come back when you've made a mod you useless asshat.
>90% of them will end up breaking your game
how t-shirts and homes can break you game?
It happens to modders
Bethesda modmakers are driven crazy having to work with Bethesda's shitty engine and shitty mod kit. Give them a break.
People who do shit for internet fame are always thin-skinned tinderboxes of autism.
You should see some of the fan-subber drama that goes on on Yea Forums.
It's a hobby and not a job, they choose to do this.
t buttblasted manchild
Are all modders such thin skinned man children?
>modder A didn't like modder B so he forbidden modder B from making a compatibility patch with his mod
>Ever since, you need permission to make and upload a compatibility patch
>A modder got upset that paid mods failed and got angry that youtubets who make videos about mods get paid while tehy don't
>You now need permission to feature a mod in a youtube video
I bet this is going to end with you need permission to include a mod in a modding guide. Modders of Bethesda games are some fucked up people mentally.
What a little bitch
>mod piracy
I might be a little late to this but there's a whole subreddit dedicated to this, for mods that go up on sites that block your access to downloading them until you either pay or pass some arbitrary community contribution threshold
GUNetwork, in particular, has 'free' mods that require you to sign up and basically suck mod maker dick until they decide you're worthy enough to be let at a download link
Come back when you've done something important with your life like kiss a girl
until then you can suck a fart out of my asshole
Because 99% of people who are autistic don't have this superpower. They're just immature children.
Anyone else hope they don't have mod support for Starfield?
It would be worth it for the Schadefreude alone.
It's at 101 now, keep it up!
>Bethesda willingly giving up Creation Club bucks