>it's ok when japan does it
how come none of you fucks raised a shitstorm when this happened?
It's ok when japan does it
Other urls found in this thread:
Japanese women are hot so it's okay
nobody remembers this game
Otome games are literally made for japanese women,western women have the same shit over here but instead of VNs/dating sims they are puzzle mobile shit.
Because of cultural differences.
In japan, women are taught to be subservient and prioritize being cute over anything else.
This is the endgame for Yea Forums and /pol/, they're ok with having women do their own thing, when that thing is essentially an accessory to their male dominance in the first place, it's a sort of "pretend freedom".
Its okay because nobody is talking about it on twitter, reddit or retardera which are where Yea Forums gets info on what to be offended about
no one is complaining about games made for women
western games arent made for women, they're made for "everyone"
Because the game is probably actually fun and doesn't shove an agenda down your throat.
A guy can't really make an otome game well
Is that why they are still making games in the series?
How so?
those are men though
Fuck you just summed up most of Yea Forums nowadays man
Japan's workforce is slowly being taken over by women. Men are sticking to 2D and NEET BUX while the women are wanting to work.
Screaming rape every time someone looks at you or looks somewhat attractive isn't freedom. Fucking as much BBC as you want is though, just hope you enjoy single motherhood as it's also freedom for the guy not to stay with ya after you get pregnant.
>This is the endgame for Yea Forums and /pol/, THEY're ok
You just betrayed yourself with that sentence
Citation needed
It's mainly just annoying when they ruin franchises initially intended for a male audience by sanitizing them of attractive female characters and "diversifying" the cast in the name of inclusivity. Fans and historical accuracy and suspension of disbelief be damned.
>it's ok when japan does it
japan doesn't call their consumers "sexist bigots" if they don't buy their games and like it
Nigger that game is over 15 years old.
Its older than you
they're just shunned instead?
Because nip women have been working in the gaming industry for years now, for the west is a novelty so everything gets blown out proportions. Also, don't use Arino to shitpost, you double nigger.
Japan always had videogames and anime exclusively for women (shoujo / otome) and exclusively for men (shounen / harem).
Here in the west we must pander to every category at once for products and there are no niches or games directed to only one gender.
low test
>game marketed for females by females
It's not for me so why does it matter
we do, except the west doesn't try to sell porn as videogames
Arino is such a good guy
They sell propaganda as games,same shit different smell,also OP probably read this like the faggot he is.
keep dismissing everyone anwering your question like an asshurt retard
I'm not OP idiot
>game made BY women FOR women
Uh yes? Nothing wrong with that?
Unlike western women and faggots larping as the oposite gender, jap women make the things they like instead of demanding to be catered to.
Pretty sure that shit's a LONG time ago.
Also, Japan doesn't overreact that much when it comes to those things. Except when some politicians there try to stir things up so they can add to to their political careers, like that faggot Ishihara
What do "we" usually do, anyway? It usually ends up being a massive financial disaster and the whole company goes under within a year. Japan must have done something right if they actually managed to release a game.
He still alive?
Japanese women actually buy games in decent enough numbers,here in the west they never did until the mobile market came around.
OP, you clearly have an image in your mind that the anons here are bitter, hateful people. Perhaps you should reconsider your biases?
It's not even "exclusive". It's "these are the people we are making the game for, without any compromise". Some of the biggest creators in Shonen Jump are made by women, lots of famous female characters as well. Tezuka made very famous shojo manga as well.
Quite a few women by Shonen Jump. That doesn't mean that the creators of Shonen jump ignore the male fans, and start trying to pander to girls, because the result is overwhelmingly garbage that makes nobody happy.
They're just visual novels, aren't they? What's wrong with women writing smut for other women?
So a couple of women took matter into their own hands and made a game instead of complaining?
it's because the method and ultimate goal is different, while westerners doing this kind of thing trying to cover as broad an audience as possible, even encroaching on existing audiences and deriding them when they don't like the game they wouldn't have liked and marketing the team behind the game as opposed to the game itself, the nip girl developers start with an intended niche audience and build off from there. these are women who are likely to already enjoy videogames making a game they and girls like them would like to play. notice how the game has 'no ugly guys' according to the interviewer and marketer, they're making something new for a specific audience as apposed to adding an ugly girl protagonist to a Yakuza game and calling the existing Yakuza fanbase entitled when they don't like the change.
i know this is bait but it's a really narrow way to view different cultures
In west, devs would just make some shit that would rather push an agenda than actually function as a game, and then raise a total shitstorm on twitter and continue fanning the flames to the point where the game itself is a serious political issue and few want to bother buying it. Ones that do either love it unconditionally for wokepoints, or see it as the soulless agenda pusher it is.
I remember there was some dumb pizza delivery game where some chick has emotions, and apparently there was some tiny little "shitstorm" brewed around that, but since I can't even recall the name of the game and it looked like generic indie bullshit anyways, it clearly seemed more like a dumb publicity stunt instigated by the devs to get their game relevant, but of course it it didn't work.
Ultimately this desu, Japanese women are more likely to actually buy game, western women don't buy games, and usually the ones who do aren't even real women, and generally don't buy "girl games", hence why this shit is being forced into "big name" titles✔️
Women getting together to make a game about fucking hot guys is completely fine. It's just the same as a bunch guys getting to together to make a game about fucking hot girls.
The reason it's shit when Western game devs brag about all women teams and shit is that they're not doing that because they're making something the average woman would like, they're doing that to virtue signal and circle jerk over how progressive they are, and to use that as a marketing gimmick to try and get some lefties to buy the game. It's likely the dev team is made of expendable shitters put together for said marketing gimmick reasons, and the game will be shit and filled with ham-fisted signs of the dev's political beliefs.
Because they're honest about what they want: cute guys. Western women would obfuscate it behind a veneer of progressivism, while decrying male sexuality.
because japanese women don't get praised just for existing so they have to actually put some effort into their work
Dammit I just woke up
Why did those thicc legs give me such a boner
>there aren't any ugly guys in this
>no ugly guys
based, female creators making the ideal type of man they want to see in their games
>there aren't any ugly girls in this
>no ugly girls
cringe, incel neckbeards sexism objectification literally rape and also soggy knees, 0/10 -IGN the women were not ugly manjaws
Also that dev is cute as fuck holy shit.
>There aren't any ugly guys in this.
>No ugly ones.
That's why.
>a year
You've got like 3 new episodes.
Did the female devs acquire consent from their male colleagues in order to objectify the men in their game and set such high unattainable standards for males?
If not, highly problematic
Fuck thats not enough.
Might end up just rewatching the old ones.
Because they're fair. Japanese women have otomeshit, Japanese men have bishoujo shit. Everyone can masturbate, everyone is happy.
What's happening in the west is the reverse, a male-oriented field is being systematically dismantled so a "female" oriented one can be built in its place. Naturally, this breeds resentment. It doesn't feel like a natural progression, it feels completely unfair. How on earth can a "journalist" write a hit piece against a game with a nipple in it one week, and then follow it up with a celebration to the biggest dick models in video games the next week?
think about it fagget
About a half dozen GCCX episodes were subbed in the last year. Um Jammer Lammy is the latest.
Check out the Yoiko's Minecraft Survival Life subs too. 25 episodes of fun with Arino and Hamaguchi.
Not your personal army, faggot. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting ugly people in video games.
>Japanese game development
>"So we wanted to make a game for women so we made a new team and a new IP to test it out"
>American game development
>"So we decided to be on the right side of history so we replaced all the writers on the main team with women and revived this classic IP we were holding onto and basically if youre not excited for this youre a pig"
The Vita sold decent in Japan
Because japanese culture isn't based on egocentrism so the worst isn't brought out of women on the workplace
Also the game literally invented a genre.
Hey, I just looked on /vr/ and the thread wasn't there. What happened?
All the dumbasses saying shit like "hurr durr it's because Japanese culture is like blah blah and blah" when the answer is that no one gave a fuck about this type of thing back then.
I think the thread is taking a break since the show's between seasons right now. /vr/ also caps bumping at 14 days now which kinda hampers long slow threads.
Some autist was bumping threads constantly from page 10, so they forced sage on any thread older than a week or two. GCCX threads used to last way longer than that, so there wasn't much point making them anymore because they'd just fall off the board before 50 posts.
The show basically never gets subs now anyway, the SA translator got fucked by Kan so her dreams are fulfilled and she doesn't want to work on the show because it might make Fuji TV mad and ruin her dreams of being a professional whore or something.
They created a game, from scratch, for women by women. This is the opposite of taking an already existing IP for games, replacing much of the staff with women, and forcing the game to be for both women and men.
The only people who think a video games board has a political agenda is idiots like you who want to politicize everything.
Here's a post explaining the capping situation.
Yeah, dunno why the Angelique series should come under fire for doing exactly what it has always done. Next we will shit on StyleSavvy for being about women's fashion design.
what the fuck, where are we gonna get 2-month long threads for kirby and puyo puyo now?
They are good well made games.
We need more of that and less drama
>it's okay when japan does it!
Yes, it unironically is.
What's there to get angry about?
I want to put my penis in this exploding child.
Because this wasn't a political statement.
Agreed. The other difference between Japanese women-produced games and Western ones is that the Japanese ones are made by competent women while the Western ones are simply just made by women. Women aren't given jobs in Japan simply for having a snatch like they are in the Western games industry.
I want to explode my penis inside that child.
Japanese women are superior to western women, not just in a "uguu~ kawaii~" way but in that they are actually skilled and talented workers. One look at KyoAni's staff and their works is proof of this.
Why are nip girls so fucking perfect? What did the world do to deserve this?
Based and hightestpilled
What's the gaming scene like in Russia? I wonder how that trip's gonna go.
there's a lot of makeup going on in that pic you know
>asian girls
LOL, have sex with a white woman dude
Well if western women used decent amounts of makeup instead of being content with looking like baba yaga I'd give them a bit more consideration.
Seethe harder roastie.
So he wants to fuck Ukrainians?
Oh shit, arino in russia? Can't wait for the inevitable Dendy moments and weird-ass soviet arcade machines.
Watch it be a Dendy-palooza and Exclusion Zone abandoned arcades.
He said Japanese not Asian
Comparing a Japanese to a Chinese is like comparing an Anglo to a Ugandan
You'd rather hide the truth than confront it? Sounds to me like the admission of a young and brash man. Enjoy your youth and chase the young tail, but appreciate the merits of mature women someday.
>implying they will ever show bootlegs on the show
>t. has never met any of the four
your words are as EMPTY as your soul
They absolutely showed bootlegs on their trips to places like South Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam.
>Large muscular bottom
It sounds like a buff skill for DnD monks
Nintendo bootlegs? I doubt it
They literally bought some obvious bootlegs for a laugh and checked them out when they got back to Japan.
It's strange how they've always used the same art style for fujoshit. You can tell solely by checking for Tolkien-elf-faces, long flowing hair and yaoi hands
>Here in the west we must pander to every category at once for products and there are no niches or games directed to only one gender.
it's because they take on huge, retarded projects that were demanded by shareholders, and those shareholders must get paid so the only option for them is to cater to everyone -- including people who don't usually play games -- in order to attempt at MAX PROFITS. i mean, japan's AAA industry is kind of like this, too, they they do have, and maybe even favor at times, more niche and specific audiences
Yeah that's because women like that
>ASSEMBLED a team of women
I'm fine with this, it's when they try to replace existing teams that gets me.
they look the fucking same, you cant tell a chinese from a japanese girl
True, it's probably on purpose so people who look for it can find it instantly.
how come none of you fucks raised a shitstorm when this happened?
more than 15 years ago no sjw or rampant feminism everywhere
nip female team
>want to please customers
>one set goal
>all buy into goal
>work hard at it together
western female team
>all hate each other
>even the lowest of low tries to stand out as the best because STRONG WOMYN
>end up with trash
>trash that gets even worse or gets thrown out by the publisher
It wasn't politically charged so wannabe nazis didn't blow it out of proportions.
because they arent pushing any SJW shit?
Its just an otome game, there are millions of them in Japan
the fuck are yaoi hands?
Notice how she doesnt say they wanted to smash the patriarchy or anything similar
They just wanted a game for women with sexy guys that fawn and fight over the heroine, there is nothing wrong with that.
Because their goal was to pander to women and they did it in a way that didn't offend men. Western developers don't even pander to women, they offend both males and females while pandering to the mentally ill.
that can often be true even of men, you sound like you are talking specifically about societies of the many (Japan) vs. societies of the self (ie. USA).
i mean, he's the one who even mentioned the "no ugly guys" and she just answered truthfully. even i don't want ugly dudes in games
Naw bruh we boys get along when the time comes to work. We're not talking about sois who have personal agendas.
White women are literally pointless
Literally nothing wrong for women creating something to please other women.
Problem is when they try to hijack an existing franchise.
>white japan is /pol/s endgame
Isn't Japan's virginity rate for like over 40%?
Seems fitting.
> Japanese women make game focusing on the fujoshi/dating simulating market.
> Pretty men, masculine men, wish fulfillment everywhere
> Game comes out. Maybe a few interesting posts or blogs discussing the game, life goes on.
> Western women make videogame
> A fucking absurd amount of pictures of people posing in videogame studios rather than demos and character art or other actual interesting things
> Media solidifies hostilities between developers and customers with endless articles painting a consumer group as horrible people.
> game comes out, under performs, is either ignored or the media blames #gamergate
Chicks here cannot help but put themselves first. Also since someone's posting Crumb I want in too.
Long, slender fingers. Like their faces.
I live in Toronto.
Yes you can
Chinese have slit eyes
Yellower skin
Their nose is wider, their entire facial structure is different
And I can't go into the other racial differences because mods always ban me
Women are their happiest when they are subservient and spend their time being mothers, so how is it a bad thing?
>Those faces
You can't see their faces when you've got your head between those thighs
No, even if it was a normal puzzle game made by women you would still complain
Having women as a demographic is entirely different than pandering to vocal activists.
Because everyone is beautiful and there's no uggos. Also they still follow basic game development instead of pushing retarded politics.
We wouldn't be able to tell because it would be a puzzle game
Men don't care, you will never see a true man complain about the potryal of men in games cause games arent real, only women care about women in games because its a biological thing, kinda like how women shit talk each other at work, but men are like "Hey Ned, Heya Paul" and just crack on.
Making games for women =/= forcing women appeal in male games
Assembling an all women team for something so specific =/= virtue signaling for male gamers
Fucking Neptunia's main staff is all fucking women.
If you look at yaoi content a lot of the times the hands are drawn much larger compared to the rest of the anatomy, which is sort of a sign of masculinity which heightens the excitement when it's two guys large hands touching each other (think when you watch some generic anime romance garbage and the girl goes "wow, his hand is so big...he really his a boy" or some other retarded line like that). This was especially prevalent in older yaoi content, but it is becoming less common with modern artists.
yeah, this. the reason why women are unhappy is because other women "in power" tell them that they're basically shit if they don't have degree and a career -- and the strange part is that a lot of it seems to be directed towards white women. this is why they are sad, can't "find a husband," get depressed when they see their friends getting married -- all because other women forced them to give up their natural instincts
also this
Are you sure that isn't a horror manga?
Learn to detect homo stuff, ya homo.
It's fine because there's more soul.
The difference is emphasizing women in games as a positive thing, rather than focusing on a lack of women as a negative.
fingers so long they can tickle your cervix
Otome games tend to have the most one dimensional, self insert women, and there's very few of them to boot. They're self insert for women, the staff of women that made them is huge, because they don't make a lot of female characters. Japanese women are honest about the shit they want in media, they don't take a moral high ground when demanding that media caters to their sexuality exclusively, while demonizing hetero male sexuality like in the west.
nobody promoted this game as made entirely of women.
>let go
>no one gave a fuck about this type of thing back then.
That sideways vagina thing doesn't get you banned unless you post pictures.
I think yaoi counts as horror, yes.
Well, not in Japan anyways. I'm pretty sure that game never got a translation, or any of the shojo oriented vn's from the 80's.
>No ugly guys
There it is.
That's the key difference, I'd play western fujo garbage if the boys were cute.
Exactly, horniness is just one form of soul.
i mean, even as a straight guy, i don't want ugly characters in general. they need to be cool and/or pretty
imagine the cooties
that's demonstrably false, though. For a gaming example, look at Ray Kassar and Atari, or even "best bros" Carmack and Romero. Shit doesn't always work out.
I'm not disagreeing with you that women have shown problems with working together in past examples, but you are overgeneralizing and ignoring situations so as to bolster the value of your own viewpoint without reasonable evidence to support it.
In this case, a bunch of women actually got together to make a game that appealed to their demographic. Meanwhile in the west, feminists are just whining at male game developers to make games that appeal to them.
Because they didn't feel the need to advertise female power males suck when they did it.
This image makes me sad. Why do I even still come here...
Because the people that complain about this shit are literally all 2014-onward immigrants from /pol/, stormfront, etc.
correct, angelique is JP-onry far as I know
>That sideways vagina thing
>using GameCenter to shitpost
And have you ever heard of this game before this? No? Did it get any sequels? No? Shit games are going to be shit and nature runs it's course, we don't need outrage culture for every little thing.
sure, except there are many success stories of men-only situations, you can't really say the same for the opposite
leave desu. I've been thinking the same for a few years now. It's really a purely habitual thing at this point. Fingers naturally open a tab and come here when I need a distraction because no matter how frequently I do it, there'll be something new in front of me. The reality is this shithole is a shell of what it once was. It's just a bunch of late-to-the-party nutjobs trying to unify themselves under an established brand. Actual oldfags are an effectively dead group.
>trying to paint gccx as shitposting
>resetera boogeyman
Any time I consider leaving I look at what other places there are to discuss video games and how they're all either "agree with the hivemind or be downvoted into oblivion" or "I have the highest post count and that means my opinion is the most important" circlejerks. As bad as Yea Forums gets there is no better alternative. Not for Yea Forums, anyway.
this basically sums it up succinctly
Cry more.
>using nagisa in a shitpost
>/pol/ boogeyman
Because nips make games for men and/or women.
The west makes games for loud white teens.
Isn't it because Japan is still conservative? So their women are too and aren't filthy libtard/sjws.
Because it wasn't for political reasons.
>Company wants to get into untapped market for women
>Assemble all-female team
>Game is made by women for women
>They create something they like and is liked from their experience as women
>Company wants to get into untapped market for women
>10 dudes hire a tranny
>Tranny gets 7 of the dudes fired
>Hires radical feminists that became that way because they "don't even know what being a woman means"
>They make a game about a male character doing manly things, but then last-second change the gender to female
>Reset/Discord trannies praise the game as the company slowly bleeds money
Hmm. Wonder why it IS okay when Japan does it. . .
Because japan isnt filled with mentally ill white people, entitled women ans lgbt freaks with low self esteem demanding representation even though they hate gaming and the whole culture in itself and calling nazi, sexist, rapist, trump supporter, /pol/tard oe whatever their boogeyman is when they are told to fuck off while they try to doxx you and ruin your bussiness and life
Now this the thread where i wanted to ask if anyone remember the game made by an all japanese female dev team that was published on the Dreamcast. Ive been looking for it since forever.
I feel like this is a misrepresentation of the situation. More likely to me, the team is people who want to do a good job, but also want to feel like they have some kind of creative input, because in the west (especially US for example) we champion the concept of the individual who makes a difference. In Japan, there is more "team spirit" where the total sum (and especially your superior) is more valuable than your own desires, and so while you may feel X or Y, you are more trained to accept that being a part of something bigger than yourself (as opposed to being an overt part of something bigger), is an acceptable compromise. Thus the American worker feels more shame at not being a major player in the team, where the Japanese worker is more trained socially to accept that fate and to still believe in the project.
For bioware, I would also sympathize as they are effectively on EA's chopping block. Not saying that Bioware has always had good output, as I personally don't like their stuff (ie. KOTOR or Mass Effect) at all. That said, these people have spent years making games that, even in hard times, they probably felt like they liked and could support. Now take a look at Andromeda and at Anthem. Would you feel good to have been a part of either of those shitshows? Of course not, those games are trash. I would not at all be surprised if being EA's bitch had a big part to do with that too. Given their trajectory and past examples of former EA casualties, it's difficult to me to argue that anybody would be happy about being in Bioware's situation, unless they had a golden parachute.
I understand the habit... Just hard to see something you once really enjoyed taken over by /pol/ shitters and incels, and to just let them have it. One of my favorite moments was actually being in this thread as it was happening.. now we get threads like this or some vaguely video game related racism.
>they make their own game (series)
>they make men change their already established games
>when that thing is essentially an accessory to their male dominance in the first place, it's a sort of "pretend freedom".
How is schlicking to otome games an accessory to male dominance?
>>it's ok when japan does it
You just answered your own question.
At this point, that is hard to argue, given women have been largely excluded from work at a higher, decision-making position until only the last several decades. It also doesn't disprove that my statement about men defeating themselves happens too. Either way, this is besides the point. Your original comment was about women in Japan doing better than women in America at teamwork. I argued that this is true regardless of gender, that Japanese in general will do better in teamwork than Americans, because it is inherent to their social makeup to work together, where America values far more the "independent spirit" who stands up and does it alone.
you can spot and tell how anti/pol/fags are outsiders to this when you take a look at the buzzwords they learned on other sites
I see what you did there
Anyone with 100 bucks, technically is not an incel.
Why do they keep trying?
>tfw can't go back
>but appreciate the merits of """mature""" women someday
I would say that anybody who uses "incel" should be ejected from this site, same as I thought when people said onions, and when people never stopped spamming the same retarded meme edits, and even back in the days when we dealt with endless green_lex_luthor and that fucking baby. It's sad when that sticks out to me as a high point now. This board is at the point where they basically make rage comic-level edits of memes and think it's worth posting. Truly pathetic, and the saddest thing is that through it all, I'm still here and will probably never leave.
Why does Yea Forums get so mad every time someone says the legitimate fact that it is indeed okay when Japan does it?
Are they all just jealous seething westcucks? How about instead of getting mad at Japan, you fix your shitholes instead?
crackers on suicide watch
surprise, most of the people whining on the internet are not actually going to do anything to change the situation, they are just going to bitch about it.
Of course I'm a /pol/ outsider, I can't stand that board or most people who post there. You don't need to be an "insider" to understand the ideologies spread there are shit - just lurk there for a week and any sane person would come to that conclusion.
I sure hope you don't complain about pic-related or that makes you a MASSIVE hypocrite.
fucking based. fuck americucks
Women got together to make a game they wanted to play
Seems normal enough.
It's not like they threatened or coerced someone else into making it, when they didn't even want to play it.
I hate this pic just because you can tell exactly what that dumb cunt is thinking.
Japanese game dev teams are actually made out of biologically female unlike western dev teams who probably have 99% trannies
Napple Tale : Arsia in Daydream.
Pretty cute platformer.
trannies aand sjws are anti-japanese despite loving their culture
Nuke california
Literally no one has bitched about games made specifically for girls. Super Princess Peach, Dream Daddy, and Hello Kitty games aren't shunned for any reason you colossal retard.
>trannies aand sjws are anti-japanese despite loving their culture
Sounds like racism and cultural appropriation at the same time. How is such bigotry even allowed?
Because white people are whiners
They'll whine about there not being videogames for women
They'll whine when someone proposes making one
They'll whine when they hear about an all female staff
They'll whine when people whine about an all female staff
They'll whine about the game not being for them
Everyone will just fucking whine about fucking everything
And the media will whip it all up every step of the way
Face it, white westerners have some sort of mental problem. This couldn't happen in the west without absolutely everyone involved, and not involved, being a massive fucking faggot about it. Because they're white westerners.
you know the proper way to do that is to just type
I'd like to eject you retarded """quotes abusers""" too.
Remember when Yea Forums was hyped for this game?
>princess debut
is this a porno?
People bitched about Dream Daddy
Nobody gave a shit about Super Princess Peach and Hello Kitty is a completely different demographic altogether
id rather have polshit around rather than the ironic culture straight from twitter and reddit you chuds bring to this place.
oh no bros, japan has been ruined by feminazis!!! we all knew this day was coming... fun's over everyone
lurk moar newfag
I think dream daddy was way more of a gay game than a girl game. Besides, you shouldn't take the game getting spammed on Yea Forums as a sign that it was actually hated that much.
pol is reddit and twitter culture lol
Wait, so the /pol/shit isn't ironic? But I thought that's how you wriggled out of any criticism towards you?
dream daddy wasnt made for girls
it's for gay men
>these thighs will never apply pressure to your skull
it's okay when incels do it
Fuck politics. This is now a Game Center CX thread.
Go back, scum.
you say that like you aren't of the same cloth. /pol/, reddit, ironic culture, it's all the same shit.
Even /pol/ is especially retarded because they only act like nazis because they literally got manipulated by actual nazis that wanted to set up a cultural base of operations, but of course you're just a newfag and don't remember /pol/ before the nazi faggots invaded.
>A pizza game where every chick has emotions
Sounds interesting. How did it tie into the game mechanics? How did the player interact with their emotions?
you're an actual retard if you belive that its the same
>west: change games made for men to appease women
>east: make games for women
how is that the same retard ?
i literally dont care if they make games for themselves, it's when they try to force games made for me to change to them that is the problem
man, I gotta catch up with gccx, or even rewatch the whole thing
good fucking times
It's a game made by women for women, not under-qualified women get into a company by affirmative action and force change the entire characteristics of a previous game to suit their needs. Two completely different scenarios. If ubisoft wanted to make a new development company that focused on new IPs for women, I would not care less.
We just want to make a game for fellow lady gamers, is there a problem?
>lol what's the difference? they're both pandering to females
western gaming is lost desu unless they start to purgue trannies and burgoise kids larping as communists
I bought the Saturn version when it came out
>naughty dog wishes they could achieve this level of emotion
>Playstation 2
>Angelique Trois: Aizouhen
Game is basically 19 years old, so i doubt anybody was around here to complain.
Also it was never localised. So even remotely cares.
>you now remember Arino-san playing EDF 5 at last years TGS while wearing a cardboard box
Good times.
those dev interviews were fucking great
shame they died so early on
>Super Princess Peach
>Made for girls
Nigga my dick was hard the whole time I played that game.
>No one cares.
Pretty much. All video game mags and anime sites have girl versions where cute girls get replaced by hordes of bishies and ikemen.
Napple Tale is also a game made by women for girls.
It also has a fucking amazing soundtrack by Yoko Kanno.
no fucks given
>Arino being fucking rejected in that game
God my fucking side.
mirin' that widescreen CRT in the background
I remember even back then people complained that Peach was offensive in that game, because the whole gameplay was her having overactive mood swings. Maybe that was a vgcats strip though.
She's british.
Nuke Pakistan.
I don't care if there's an all-female studio so long as other people don't care that there would be an all-male studio. I'm guessing in Japan an all-male studio is not controversial like it would be in the west.
The Shikoku Special was pure kino, also KiKiKaiKai ended up being pretty fun to watch
People were indeed annoyed at the e-celeb shills who wouldn't shut up about Dream Daddy.
Remember it was produced by Game Grumps and many streamers played it """ironically""".
*London & Birmingham
The rest of us have a far better chance of surviving a nuclear winter than having those shitholes continue as they are
the duality of man across time
Aren't you supposed to put *CLAP* in between each word? I thought that was the meme
Nope although it's probably just as rare(if we go bigger than a doujin circle) because as you've no doubt figured out both the men AND women like cute girls and big bouncing anime tits.
I have it.
Goddamn she's gorgeous
Very much so
Sauce? Is there more?
I fapped
M8, have you literally never heard of yaoi? It's even a board on this site.
Have you ever once in your thick fucking head considered that maybe, just maybe, it's our culture who is teaching women to act against their own subservient nature, as attested to by the fact that every noteworthy society in the entire fucking history of the human race has had a culture that does so? And that the fact that women in the West are unhappier than they've been in decades is a direct result of our culture telling them that acting in accordance with their own nature is wrong, and they should instead just be men with vaginas?
Of course you haven't, I can tell just by the fact that you posted that drivel that you're far too "educated" to formulate such a thought.
Wow, people will have nostalgia for literal cancer
japanese women are feminine and not lunatic cunts
americans women are SJW boner killers
making a game for women is very different from changing games that primarily men play to try (and fail) to bring in female players.
I hadnt heard of this before, thanks alot! I love escaflowne and its music so this cool.
>people unironically miss the days of THAT WAS EPIC!!! EPIC FTW!!!1one
is there anything more pathetic that the Yea Forums """oldfag"""?
Its Koei. They´ve killed milions. They can do whatever they want.
maybe if the Yea Forums shit you find funny wasn't so retarded and gay people would actually use it
based bald guy
he doesnt realise that thought policing is exactly what these people want, hes talking to the fucking BBC crew for christ sake
You forgot the part where the roasties and trannys blame men when their "game" fails
Why is she so small?
seething white (((girl)))
Does anyone have this bitch's documentary? It's honestly pretty hilarious, near the end, they interview a doujin work representative who is a fat white guy (honestly, anyone's dream job) and he's explaining that drawings does not equal rape but the interviewer just goes "SO THAT MEANS YOU ARE OKAY WITH CHILD RAPE" and the guy is visibly annoyed because that is not what he said and ultimately was made to look bad with the narrator shitting on him.
me too. Wanna jack off again but this time, together?
>like over 40%?
Don't worry. America is catching up.
Don't use Arino to shitpost.
well considering this is the most replies I've ever gotten on Yea Forums I think I'll continue to do so
your post is part of the problem
there wouldn't be an issue if there wasn't so many faggots fuming about this shit in the first place
half the Yea Forums catalog is just people fuming about liberals and women regardless of if they have said or done anything annoying today.
ideally things could be like japan where women could make games if they wanted and people either bought them or didn't and nobody was stupid enough to turn it into a massive pathetic online "war"/pissing match
basically is right
>half the Yea Forums catalog is just people fuming about liberals and women regardless of if they have said or done anything annoying today.
You know, you should probably say this when there's AT LEAST a single thread bitching about women, instead you just look like a fool for swinging at shadows.
big truth
>Oh deer, I think you should check my 3.jpg
>because japanese women don't get praised just for existing
This is a massive injustice that needs to be corrected.
I wonder if we'll see any familiar faces.
I guess it was an experiment, not a woke agenda.
>dedicate 3 episodes to a super boring easy rpg
Hhahahahaha, oh fucking wow. The laps being done by the trumptards in thus fucking thread.
>Japan frequently employs an all female team to make anime/games/porn games to target females and specifically forego the typical male audience
>its ok cause they're hot/not forcing me to play it/everything but a valid fucking answer for your incelshit
Comedy fucking gold.
Who are you quoting?
Was it that pizza ninja game?
Weeaboos don't care about american politics
>these reasons aren't valid because i don't like them
I'm confused why is it that the nip men and women can freely admit that they want a game full of hot guys/chicks but in the West it's like devs want to top who makes the most mediocre/ugly characters
some sort of bastardized american puritanism
Liberals/socialists worship mediocrity
Because they're games pretty much exclusively for women. I don't get mad when they make Barbie games because I'm not the target audience. People in the west want to change video games primarily designed for men to be more accepting of women, which means that neither men or women are happy enough with the result
>bitch from a place with very high rape rate coming to other countries to bitch about nonexistent problems
This is legitimately based though. They have a demographic, they have a somewhat unique goal, and they aren't up in your face about superiority. It wasn't about gay pride, gender equality, or social shit. They just wanted to make a game for women by women and if that happened in the US that would be based too. Of course we'd laugh as it went up in flames but it'd be fine.
The difference with the western dev teams is that they branch out to new demographics by either pandering, alienating fans, or outright shoving as much political bullshit in a game thats possible in the business equivalent of Barbie marketing to senior citizens.
Japan here just wanted to try something different
Western devs just wanted to virtue signal and make movies.
all these people talking about white and Japanese women well what about Chicanas? They keep you gooooood they cook you good well fed.
yes free donuts too
They also get fat if you let them.
No one would fucking care because it's a puzzle game.
From left to right the second is my wife.
They only strictly make games appealing to women or strictly to men. Rarely anything inbetween unless it's a very mainstream game like Final Fantasy. That's the way it should be.
More meat to grab by
Where you see it worse is in women of social/cultural prominense when they get older and as things go in hollywood most dont have children you get to see how depressing there life becomes its actually quite sad to see the comparison of young to old really. knowing that if they had children there beauty would have been reborn, dying knowing your legacy is somewhat secured... but now, nothing. The end awaits them, generations of many millenia now gone forever, the worse cases is when they are genuinly unique and special-not just another hole.
of course not all of there stories go this way and some do find solidarity in good company, but too few and far between for this generational murder to be worth it.
Typical wh*toid girl, my big white cock is asian women only.
>4:3 game
>widescreen crt
I get they wanted to show off but this wasn't the right way to do that.
There's a good counter-argument that goes like this.
A demagogue (i.e. Michael Moore or Glenn Beck) calls his viewers to riot in the streets over an issue. Now he did not say which place to riot, or when, or specifically ask them to. He simply put out a generalized statement that people should riot. Then people go out and riot. While the rioters are held accountable for their actions and say they were influenced by said Demagogue, is he truly not to be held accountable to some degree simply because that would be thought policing?
I'm all for legal loli and agree with the guy, but it's not the worlds soundest argument.
Me in the background
>look who just came out of his cave! user won't you sit with us?
Those two situations are not the same, since most doujins don't really imply that someone should do something, they just show a story where it happens.
Need more of this. WAY more
>They keep you gooooood they cook you good well fed.
I wont go as far as to call it pretend freedom, but yeah.
>he thinks there is a difference
The nature of a women is the same everywhere
It rather is in the context of the mans argument. While no, loli porn and people paid to be obnoxious never (exception being shadman) have anything in common the man breaks it down to influencers and perpetrators. Which fits the demagogues well too. I suppose a better example would have been Bansky. If his art (which is more often than not illegal anyway) influenced people to commit acts of violence, would it be wrong if he wasn't held accountable too?
Can you not read? This is a playstation 2 game. Back then, it was genuine. Now, it's just a bunch of phonies who want to fit in or look good for society.
So, how long until this political shit ends? It's clearly just a fad that overstayed its "welcome" and i'm getting tired of seeing all the stupid faggots on Yea Forums crying about it instead of doing SOMETHING to get rid of it.
>we want to appeal to a certain group so we hired people from that certain group only
don't see the problem
>on Yea Forums crying about it instead of doing SOMETHING to get rid of it.
Can Yea Forums alone revert all the damage that done to western society in the last century?
>ywn be bullied by these javsluts before getting your skull crushed between a nice pair of milkbags
y liv
did we like kessen?
Of course not, but i'm talking about vidya, make videogames for the "hardcore" audience and tell anyone that wants them to change that to fuck off and go on from there.
Western society can be saved but only if the MASSES do something about it.
So yeah, practically impossible
>how come none of you fucks raised a shitstorm when this happened?
made by women for women?
what's wrong with that?
Why would anyone care, except for women who want the game?
What's wrong with you?
You get upset cause they only make tampons for women?
>thigh highs
>pristine ass
based japs
>mfw westerners drinking the yellow fever koolaid
>mfw Japan successfully managed to convince all the pathetic weeaboos that Japanese women are somewhat 'submissive' and 'superior'
>mfw people actually believe it
You all are pathetic as fuck. This comes from somebody who lives in Japan and has dated quite a few Japanese/Asian women. You're all delusional and being lied to, stop being retarded.
too bad they'll never fuck you. they might act amazed at your longer than average penis but in the end every yamato nadeshiko's pussy belongs to jap businessmen.
mmm, yes, yess
Wow, great blog
thanks for sharing
retarded gaijin spotted
>This image makes me sad. Why do I even still come here...
Where else would we go, bro?
Because western gaming is filled with mentally ill white people that delusionally believes that catering to nonwhites with low self esteem, bipolar women and the LGBTQWYZBRAAAP circus will free them of the guilt for the "crimes" of their ancestors aswell the oxytocin rush they get thinking they did something right.
White people are the biggest cancer killing vidya. If they are removed fron this industry you will see niggers, shitskins, feminists and trannies dissapear overnight.
I'm worried because this white mentality is spreading through social media to the whole world.
God fuck amerimutts.
It's hilarious how anarchist/leftist/communist Yea Forums as a whole was until about 2012ish (or maybe even later) when suddenly it got overrun by racist right wing nutjobs that spread like cancer throughout the whole internet.
Yes, I am aware that words like nigger or faggot were being spewed like crazy back in the day, but people were not actually racist bigoted conservative nutjobs back then. Nowadays it's the total polar opposite of the political spectrum. It's such an interesting (and sad) social experiment that happened throughout the years.
>weebs will swallow everything japan shit's on them.
No shit.
And you think you do?
What's funny is people act like /pol/ is a containment board but it's not it's a tumor. Sure If you delete /pol/ these faggots are gonna be raging for a few days but once they realize no one is listening to them and mods ban them they'll fuck off to another site.
It's amazing how pretending to adapt to western culture (until they pretended so hard that they actually did) and being considered "Honorary Aryans" by Roosevelt really worked out for Japan.
Containment boards don't work. The problem with containment boards or segregated groups of nutjobs is that it legitimizes them. It gives them a platform to talk about their fringe nutjob ideas and spread them (through funny memes and whatnot) and attract even more nutjobs to their ranks.
While 30 years ago you might have been crazy bob, the fat greasy crazy gun-toting redneck dude living with his parents in a remote town and ostracized by everybody else cause you're literally crazy and antisocial, nowadays you're just yet another dude posting on facebook/twitter/reddit and even Yea Forums, among a bunch of other crazy retarded dudes like yourself and that legitimizes you.
>white women or Asian women? no i prefer Japanese and Korean twinks how could you tell?
>They got a bunch of women to make a game for women instead of changing every other game to force in bitch shit and faggotry and tranny garbage
Gee I don't know why that's OK OP. I wish I could help you out.
That thing on the end there. "no ugly ones". That's it.
And where has that "freedom" has led your women into? Your race is dying. They don't want kids. The moment your women think kids are a burden and a waste of time, that is a massive hint that your society is dying. Why do westerners obsessed with freedom anyway? Total freedom is bullshit. It doesn't work. You give people and the masses too much choices, most of the times they'll choose terribly, especially when their leaders/priest are just feeding the masses off of nonsensical ideals and irrational thinking. But I don't care anyway, less whitoids = less problems. Shame that your race used to be strong and looked up to. But now they're just pawns of corporates and pharmaceuticals.
herbivore spotted
Influencing people to commit acts of violence is not illegal. Directing them to commit acts of violence is. If I say shooting random people in the head is a good thing I'm an asshole, if I tell you to shoot random people in the head I'm a criminal.
>instead of changing every other game to force in bitch shit and faggotry and tranny garbage
You don't have to force anything when it's already included in most games already. But see, that's the difference between gamers in the West and gamers in Japan.
If a Japanese game developer wants to fill his game with females and homos, the gamers in Japan aren't going to act like the fucking world is about to end.
The reason Yea Forums is right wing now is because of lack of censorship. If you want a leftist hugbox you have tumblr, reddit, facebook, twitter, and the entire rest of the internet. Right wingers flock to anonymous image boards because any hint of nationalist or fascist thought gets banned everywhere else.
Shut the fuck up and go back to twitter you fucking faggot roastie.
isn't trump on twitter?
Trump is Zionist puppet not a nationalist. He's America first on Twitter and Israel first in office.
>He's America first on Twitter and Israel first in office.
like every other american? The only thing america loves more than the military is the military protecting israel.
>Japan successfully managed to convince all the pathetic weeaboos that Japanese... etc, etc
What's their angle?
gee, it's almost like moot should have brought snacks back
True, I'm blackpilled when it comes to America and the anglosphere as a whole. It's why I'm taking the Ted Kazinsky pill and trying to disconnect from society while trying to extract as much benefit as I can.
I'm mad because lately westerners keep trying to make their own "otomes" to make up for the lack of localized ones but their idea of an otome is to have a protag with pronouns you can change + love interests of every made up gender possible, which is the complete opposite of what an actual otome is (girl protag going after guys) and is more akin to a general dating sim. But since it's a big misconception that otome games are just "games aimed at girls" they think it still counts as one. Also kinda similar to how everyone thinks anything otome is fujo as well when they're both very different (though otome fans consider themselves a fujo who likes yaoi and stuff and vice versa though I'm not one).
Nooooo think of the children
here let me tell you something no women will ever be submissive to you retards I bet a jap women would pull a disgusted face at being near one of you faggots
I was wondering why the pinball generals were dying out so much more quickly.
Not true. You can get discount asians in South east asia who'll do whatever you want. Latinas desperate for papers work too.
because japan doesn't have a double standard
I can still order a Thai mail bride or something. Maybe even one that's partially japanese because her grandmother was raped by a nip soldier or something.
>creaturas in the background
White supremacist got btfo
Because they're actually competent at making video games. Western female devs are diversity hires, pure and simple.
Respect *bootyclap* me *bootyclap*
Would those cunts pay me to translate that otome garbage for them?
Even Otome games can be good compared to what an all female team in the west can make. I don't think many western female devs even like making games.
They don't virtue signal on twitter.
The game was made by women who wants to date cute boys. Except the women themselves aren't raised to be bitchy cunts and poured their love into making this game.You have silly corny scenes of cute things happening, wishful thinking becoming reality, men pressing their heads on the floor for you. The kind of shit women really wants and will entice them to keep playing the game
The SJWs making these sorts of games don't even see why they should go this way, and instead go for DEPRESSION, AWFUL FUCKING SCENES and DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER? Does't help the women are taught to hate each others when they can, and to not speak up about shit they like unless they somehow have approval of their feelings from others. You'll never make a good game this way, this is why you have so much fucking retarded shit coming out
Otome games are such bottom of the barrel trash that it's not worth getting upset over.
how did 2 people say the exact same thing?
JP ladies are NOT fucking sjw monster things. You shouldn't even have has to type that post out.
the constantly bitter Yea Forums newfag that has to coast every single post in a thick paint of irony, almost as thick as his skull