I love how this game is ultimate casual filter, Everyone got exposed hard for overlevelling stats, relying on big shields and armor and relying on phantoms to help in Souls games. They've all been cheesing these games and not even enjoying them just to pretend they are good at games..And now that they can't cheese they are all crying that they want an easy mode and that this game sucks because it REQUIRES actual skill and reflexes. Too funny.
I love how this game is ultimate casual filter, Everyone got exposed hard for overlevelling stats...
Other urls found in this thread:
i have always been a top-skilled gamer so games like these are easy for me (almost too easy)
Honestly it takes the difficulty meme a bit too far. I'm at the flaming Demon guy and I feel absolutely spent. I just don't want to play anymore enduring yet another boss that will require dozen of trial and error attempts. Both BB and DaS3 were fun for me from start to finish. I never ever thought of quitting. But with Sekiro, I'm not so sure.
Feels gud to be gud lads
>tfw can't play it because gpu is shit and no money to upgrade it yet
As someone who cheesed the fuck out of madam butterfly and gyobu, genichiro almost filtered the fuck out of me.
A lot of the game is just nutting up and standing your ground.
Is there a way to kill the ape without runing in circles for 40 minutes?
There are plenty of ways to cheese in sekiro though, stealth being a big factor has caused this I think.
Why did they even give most bosses two lives if you can just stealth kill one away for the vast majority of them?
>tfw you finally get to isshin’s final phase consistently
Enjoy it while you can, you old fuck
Ye, deflect everything and use whirlwind slash when he's stunned
You can deflect every attack that doesn't give you a perilous warning.
How hard is it, really, to recognize patterns after a while? The game is as hard as doing a low soul level run. Acting like this game is a gauge for a overall skill is retarded and a reason why the Souls community is garbage.
Parrying was the worst gameplay element of the Souls games. Sekiro is boring.
if any fight in this game takes you more than 5 minutes you are doing something wrong, with the exception of the demon of hatred if you don't use the whistle
>aggro gang of fuckers
>sit on roof untill they deaggro
>kill one
>sit on roof
whoah so this is the ultra hard fromsoft title...
I loved how easy yet enjoyable Genichiro was lads
Same man, so nice to still have punishing but fun and rewarding games
Imagine being so low on confidence that you have to ego crutch off being good at Japanese indie games on an anonymous taiwanese basket weaving forum to feel good about yourself
Deflecting sounds horrifying.
>Mfw I struggled with his last phase for ages then in one run he decides to just throw lightning three times in a row allowing me to reflect all that damage back at him.
why won't emma go talk to isshin so i can eavesdrop on them? i want to kill owl(father).
Stats make no difference in souls games
But you're right about the rest
Yea Forums is full of casuals stuck in this hivemind of HAHA GIT GUD I LOVE SOULS but then you realize they're all shitters who couldn't find their way out of a paperbag without soapstones everywhere and phantoms aggroing bosses
Is she supposed to do that ? Aren't you supposed to eavesrop her and Kuro, then her and the Sculptor ?
Why would you do that?
What? I cheesed every encounter in this game. It's probably From's most cheeseable game yet.
I feel like Genichiro is the boss that makes you learn how to play. After that all the human bosses except Isshin seemed pretty easy to me.
But most people on Yea Forums are engaging in the Sekiro Help threads and aren’t giving up. False narratives are fun and all but the people here are actually pretty determined and do manage to git gud eventually.
Double Ape
Old man Isshin
Owl 2
Owl 1
Headless Ape
Guardian Ape
Demon of Hatred
Folding Screen Monkies
Divine Dragon
Corrupted Monkx2
Sword Saint.
>you can't use in-game mechanics because I say so
>no, you're not ACTUALLY enjoying it!
What the fuck is wrong with (you)?
i'm not even sure anymore. everywhere said to do it right after the first owl fight but now i'm reading stuff that says it has to be right before owl. i hate this, i just wanted to see all the bosses in ng+. i wish from left this kind of stuff in dark souls.
>Can finally beat ape phase one without taking a single bit of damage
>Cant even get 4 hits on the headless ape
I had to put the game down for a little because Im not having fun anymore
Feel the same. For some reason this game doesn't feel worth it to best.
This is what fucked me up, it's just not intuitive that with your flimsy katana you can block even God's anal fistisng as long as it doesn't show icon (and even then you actually can if it's thrust so go figure). Attacks from giant enemies it's something i was conditioned to dodge, maybe block with shield, not parry.
Headless Ape is less complicated than what you're making it out to be.
Use the spear on its stump
Guardian plays like a souls boss (emphasis on dodging)
Headless plays like a sekiro boss (emphasis on parrying)
Who was talking about Yea Forums though?
I drop the game after beating the centipede boss. I hated the mechanics, it became really boring, really fast.
>ideal strategy versus every enemy is to walk up close to them, wait, and depending on which obvious tell for which attack either dodge and counter with three hits, or press parry button.
>game quite simply funnels down to a spreadsheet
>not even 0.02 years after release, entire 'boss' encounters have been solved to specific combos to 100-0 them
This is why Genichiro is the best boss in the game. He forces you to play well but it never becomes frustrating and in the end, you just find it really enjoyable to duel him.
And this is also why boss fights like Guardian Ape and Hatred Demon are terrible.
>They're having trouble with the boss that you literally just have to run away from. Epic.
stfu, every zoomer twitch e-celeb has already beaten this game, casual filter my ass you faggot
>looking for guides on the internet
This game should have an easy mode and you're the evil bad guy white nationalist if you disagree with me because I can do no wrong and am not a monstrous faggot.
Ideally, you'd dodge or deflect his little leg stompys but I doubt they can do that or even understand his Swing, Swing, Legstomp attack. Too low IQ.
Any high level Nioh players here having any trouble?
Does Yea Forums like or dislike Sekiro? I can barely even tell.
I am not sure I have ever seen Yea Forums be this tsundere, not even with Bloodborne.
Double ape is easier the headless ape.
I literally beat them in sub 3 minutes now.
Not having trouble even when I win I feel no joy. It's the most not fun game they have made that's all.
That's only because you spend a long time on the Headless Ape before fighting them.
Nioh is far more difficult than sekiro.
Nioh post alpha was the easiest game Ive ever played.
Shame because the alpha was legitimately hard
i doubt even you believe this
Genichiro is a great boss not only because of how varied his toolkit is, but because he's the most honest boss in the game, no bullshit hidden shields, magnetic grabs or dishonest hyper armor on weird moves.
Genichiro is a check. It´s easy af once you control Sekiro's combat style but if you havent bothered till him...wellp
This is exactly what the board was like when Dark Souls released. People cry when they're not immediately good at something.
Is probably best boss ingame for how rewarding he is
>relying on big shields and armor
And weapons, yes.
That was my draw to dark souls. Fatrolling made the game harder. So did moving slower. Magic and dex builds were fun, but being a behemoth is more fun, to me. And therein lies the problem. Sekiro and bloodborne only really caters to one playstyle, dex.
I'm a 30y old boomer with shit reflexes just missing sword saint after one weekend spent on this
It's just a test of patience
personnaly, I loved the mt kongou area and my favorite boss is by far Owl 2. Spear is my prostheticfu
I'm here too, you're afraid of the terroar. Don't worry, you'll get over it once you learn its tell (head hand will start squirming towards the neck stump, otherwise it doesn't move), after that just try to parry/jump his shit until you block his big vertical chop, after that he's open. I got him down to 30% last night I was just too drunk to deal with his sweeps
Also would anyone reccomend Midair Arts? I feel like Whirlwind would be good in the air
imagine posting before knowing how to greentext
You know this is objectively false. Did you play the DLC? That is when shit got harder I think. Also if you don't play a meme living weapon build it makes the game harder. Hope they remove that shit.
Also alpha was just as "easy" as the game on release.
Don’t forget to ring the bell and make the game even harder user!
>my favorite boss is by far Owl 2. Spear is my prostheticfu
good taste user, shame that those two don't go well together though
Ashina Castle. All those roofs.
Sword Saint. Pulls almost every trick all the bosses have tried to pull on you
Can't go wrong with Firecracker, but I never used prosthetics that much
>Also would anyone reccomend Midair Arts?
Senpou Leaping Kick/High Monk are probably the best since you skip the jump startup and go directly into the falling animation.
Midair Ichimonji gives you more mobility for setting up your pressure while also making the slow startup safer since on ground it would keep you stationary.
Other than those there's not really a lot that benefits from midair execution, especially the arts that can charge since Midair Art doesn't allow the charge phase, it's much better to combo those with Mist Raven for safe repositioning.
Sekiro is the game that seperates true dark soul fans from fake normie ones.
>lmao did you play the DLC xdd
Hit me up when you beat the game skill less with wooden sword m8.
Alpha had more damage recieved
Enemies had more aggro radius
Enemies didnt have an aggro leash
KI was extremely important, they nerfed the stun duration from improper ki use
The alpha was harder and thats why it had such an appeal.
the mountain/temple area
rape ape
dunno, firecracker is the most useful
the axe is fun though i havent used it much
they should have made the skill that lets you use flame vent to buff your weapon a much lower level skill
the buff lasts like 10 seconds and you get it late into the game so it's pretty much pointless
Why would I buy dlc for a game I found boring? also a dlc that was so creatively bankrupt that they just copied bloodborne for maria and chalices
finally beat this piece of shit, the biggest hurdle was the retarded ass movement and controls, update your shitty engine FromShit
double ape is way easier that normal ape
Summoned in Soulsborne games but I like the fact that the feature is missing in Sekiro. It forced me to learn the bosses and I've had a good time doing so in a more focussed game.
Fighting all the way back through flaming Ashina Castle was probably my favourite part.
Favourite boss was definitely Owl 2 because I liked the mirror match sort of feel to it.
Firecrackers were my most used prostetic but I wish the spear felt like it was more effective, I love a good spear in vidya.
Give me hints on how to beat the flaming bull, pls 4chink, i work at Kotaku and i'm stuck there
final boss seems hard until you realize the last two phases are actually easy as fuck if you just bait jump attacks
Use firecrackers
Yikes, I think the general idea is that you're wrong purely based on the fact that the majority of players (people that haven't played BB) agree that this is From's best game, by far.
You're opinion is invalidated and if you're not having fun because you can't beat a fairly simple boss, you need to look at personal issues rather than blaming the game.
I see people will tend to dislike things they can't get instant gratification from more the more sad with themselves they are, league of legends is a good way of finding people like that. Without a doubt, I simply think you're jaded and generally upset with yourself rather than the game.
The bull is a check on whether you know how to run or not. The bull can never catch you if you run and it requires turning to even charge at you. Run around him, get him to face the walls, hit him once or twice and run again. It's really easy. You're not supposed to parry or dodge him, just run.
have fun with that, ill see you in an hour when you finally manage to clear that room of 5 enemies
Yeah if I'm gonna be posturing headless Ape I might need Ichimonji to help keep the pressure on, that spear yank is neat but you can't hit it consistently between the sweeps and roar so I need a better way to wreck his posture
Don't use lock on, attack his ass, Firecracker every so often.
I played and completed all the alphas and it was not any harder than then the actual game.
I've cheesed this game more than I ever did souls games, honestly. I never really needed to. Only time I kinda felt bad about cheesing sekiro was when I killed corrupted monk with 2 stealth killing blows and last phase with firecrackers and dust. Just hate that fucking boss. I did guardian ape without abusing anything tho and it's my favorite boss. still yet to try 2 apes
He's harder than old man Isshin
Three hours later I finally managed to defeat SS Isshin.
I almost tempted to cheese him by the run and bait for jump attack cheese but then I glad I didn't.
It is a lot more satisfying to beat him the correct way,.
To those who having trouble with him,
try using confetti between the fight
I don't know if it was placebo effect but I feel like it helps a lot
Did you parry Ape? If so how'd you do it? He keeps fucking up my posture and he's one of the few bosses that's so frantic he'll actually hit you while staggered
I think Genichiro is the best boss in the whole game.
He’s not too hard or too easy, and the fight really feels like a duel between two equals. No bullshit in between, just swords clashing.
You have no way of knowing what the majority of players think stfu. I beat the game too retard and it's objectively the worst from game "I" have played.
I didn't parry him. just ran a lot and took barely any damage from the first phase
you're mad cuz bad. he's right, you're just pitiful.
>Senpou Monks can get spirited away
Where the fuck do they land?
You can perfect deflect perilous thrusts actually.
>got him to lightning phase
>pic related, expect to suck and go back to phase 2 for another hour
>game is practically shouting at me USE LIGHTNING REVERSAL DIPSHIT
>my bad Miyazaki, I'll follow your instru-oh he's dead
>shit Miyazaki, that was almost scripted but thanks for the break
Dark Souls 2 did that already. It was just Dark Souls but better, but normies couldn't handle the slight difficulty increase and cried rivers over it despite it being objectively a better game than 1.
When i defeated the Bull i didn't know you have a sprint button on the game
It was really hard to avoid the attacks walking and jumping, but i managed to kill on my 5° try
I only figured out you can run on the game hours later
Ya I only platinumed dark souls 1 and 2. Everyone agrees that there is only 1 way to play this one. It rubs a lot of from fans the wrong way so get over it.
fuck always forget pic
Temple area
Really enjoyed Emma even though she's practically a piece of cardboard
>relying on big shields and armor
rolling is much, much easier in souls games faggot
A game being harder doesn't make it better. Who cares if some youtuber is cheesing the game, it's like you're trying to justify your own autistic suffering because now someone else has to.
Dark Souls was more fun.
>t. beat Isshin.
Nut the fuck up and deflect. The easiest move to to so are the 2-2 thrusts he does.You can jump over the lunging side swipe where he lays on the ground after.
it's not casual filter, I've seen twitch streamer who's a terrible gamer beat isshin in just 2 hours
Yeah I'm doing the same I just keep slipping into his wonky hitboxes, it's like trying to approach a ballet dancer who's wielding a chainsaw
It's just memorizing enemy movesets and reacting to them like every Souls game. Same garbage as always.
Keep close and circle him anticlockwise
Jump rather than dodge
Use Malcontent to cheese some free hits, otherwise use the fire umbrella to deflect his big swings for free stuns
Get some basic pattern recognition skills so you don't just fucking run straight at his firebombs when he's at range
Have you beaten Owl yet? Just before that fight you can find Emma with Isshin, hug the wall and can eavesdrop. It has to be after you get the all the stuff for Kuro. If you beaten Owl, pretty sure you can’t do that anymore and won’t get the more difficult Estate for the harder Owl 2 fight.
How accurate is this regarding skill and execution requirements for this game:
Sekiro: Classicvania
Dark Souls: Metroidvania
SS can be lightning parried. Argument invalidated
Not him but am I locked from fighting Owl 2 if I'm at Saint Sword Isshin? Never had a eavesdrop prompt feelsbadman
>Where the fuck do they land?
They get Isekai'd in other FROM games.
>people finding Ape hard
I assume you did what I did in the first try and try and dodge his moves and use the trees. Don't. Second try I beat him after I realised you can just deflect his everything. I almost died in the second phase due to the terror attack kek, but I got him in two tries. I hate the "second phase is hidden" meme but it scared the shit out of me.
eavesdropping on emma/isshin is completely irrelevant to any ending
you only need to do it on kuro/emma after owl and then on sculptor/emma
those aren't hard games, and you don't need to be good at them to "platinum" them. if by only one way to play you mean playing well, then yeah you either play well or you lose. guess that's too harsh for a casual soulsbaby like you.
Divine Realm, for the looks
Gun Saint
Shuriken, for picking off weaker and otherwise annoying enemies like dogs and nightjars, and for the chase attack
I'm sure there's some way to cheese this game and I'm going to find it.
>using mechanics that devs purposely put in the game is cheating
>if you don't do a deprived no armor/no shield/broken hilt sword build and never level up you didn't actually didn't beat the game
fuck off
>favorite area
aesthetically: fountainhead, gameplay: ashina castle ascend
>favorite bossight
sword saint
>favorite prosthetic
spear/feather/umbrella are all top tier
Lol I killed Demon of Hatred in like 5 tries. Git gud
Why did they fuck up the Guardian Monk fight? Mechanically its most satisfying when you fight the fake one but visually the true one is superior. However the phases end far too quickly for the fight to feel really satisfying whereas the fake one made you spend a while learning a full moveset. I swear this is almost the best fight in the game if only they didn't split it up like this.
Fighting other shinobi type enemies gave me the most trouble and also honed my ability the best in the game that made me git gud. Also found fighting them the most fun once you get into the rhythm. Father gave me the most trouble out of the end bosses.
If you can beat the game after looking up guides, its easy. If you can beat the game *before* you look up guides, its babymode.
This game is built around the idea of cheese. Being a shinobi means cheesing your opponent.
umbrella and its variants is the ultimate cheese for most shit
>whereas the fake one made you spend a while learning a full moveset.
Maybe if you didn't stack ashes with snapseeds and firecrackers, and add confetti for a good measure
>Dark Souls 2
Maybe for you, but the general consensus was that it was easy.
Firecracker into double ichimonji.
>They've all been cheesing these games
You can cheese almost every boss in Sekiro.
Didn't DS2 have infinite heals?
Playing with Kuro's charm is essentially the same thing as being a shieldfag desu. You can fully block every attack except perilous ones.
>could either play a game I know I'll make progress in
>or play sekiro and bash my head against sword saint
>boot up sekiro anyway
why do I do this to myself
Phase 1 ape is more difficult than headless ape.
yeah, but that didn't stop shitters from getting wrecked and crying.
Deflect his charge like a bullfighter, slash at his head for increased posture damage and stuns
If you're getting squamish you can just double jump over him pretty safely
CoC SL1 is still the hardest game to SL1/BL4.
Tbh, I’m just better at Sekiro, BB and DaS3 than the Souls before that. Fuck that shitty ass movement that feels like you’re moving through a river of shit all the time.
What's the spear do?
>use game's tools
>people get mad
Tips on how to beat that roided guy with the claws inside Gun Fort? I can't cheese him with a backstab.
If you parry his overhead slash he falls down and you can use the spear on his neckhole to yank out the centipede for massive damage.
>playing like shit is shit
just parry all his swings. he swings so fast you can practically just mash parry and get them all. he'll kill his own posture after like two combos.
long arms are piss easy, just parry his tard rage attack
Spam L1, otherwise jump on him during his highly predictable sweep attack
You pretty much don't even need to bother to attack
>parry parry parry
>jump over sweep
>parry parry parry parry
You need to add a slight pause before the last L1.
Just block everything in time and make sure to jump over his sweep attacks. He's a lot easier than most of the bosses if you use a defensive strategy rather than an aggressive one.
Also, Ichimonji helps
it had the slowest estus in the series
I think Owl 2 fits this as well, and Sword Saint would’ve fit the bill if he didn’t decide to be a spearnigger
I guess half the pretentious faggots who already beat the game were using a fucking trainer on the pc version.
No you just cheesed the game and done mental gymnastics, fat rolling was the sign of a coward
Long arms literally kill themselves like the guy in the Ashina Dojo if you parry them. The second phase has a mix-up that you need to jump over, beside that it's the same.
dark souls 2 would like to speak to you
People who are good at games like Sekiro. Shitters who can barely function will cry, complain, blame the game, call the game bad, and pretend it isn't their fault. Sekiro discussion so far has been pretty identical to God Hand discussion.
How do you kill those centipede infested monks in Senpou Temple?
don't, they're not worth it. there's a reason they're optional and drop nothing. that moveset was not meant to be fought honestly.
you need the red sword, it's story related so you can't miss it
Im probably blind, but where the fuck do you go after the Centipede giraffe boss? The door behind him is locked, and the hole in the ground just leads back to the "bonfire"
>Sekiro discussion so far has been pretty identical to God Hand discussion.
To be fair, Sekiro and God Hand do share a lot of core aspects when it comes to combat, which might be the reason why certain people like it so much, me included.
Sekiro is pretty much God Hand but with no roulette, parries instead of dodges, fixed DIE and all the enemies are Tiger Joe.
I think you're right, but there seems to be quite a lot of people here saying the game is too easy also. Not sure if theyre all trolls or not.
the key is in kuro's room
Can't kill those who reached true immortality and enlightment.
You get the key after beating a certain boss. So go somewhere else and do something else for now
>mfw when playing on ng7+
>belldemon on
>no kuro charm
>no prosphetics
git good and get dabbed on shitters
I am one of those people though it's not horribly easy, I definitely think it's much easier than Souls. Maybe I've just gotten better at action games but I used to get stuck on bosses in Souls and Bloodborne all the time, I didn't get stuck on a single boss in Sekiro. I beat them all within 5 tries and it's the first from game that I beat multiple bosses on my first attempt, sometimes without even having full gourds. That said it's still plenty challenging and if you play NG+ with the bell demon and without kuro's charm it's VERY challenging so I have no complaints about the difficulty.
Yeah, in one phase
Does NG+ increase the difficulty much in this? If so is it just more enemy HP/damage like the other From games?
nah, for many once you figure it out it is legitimately too easy. only one or two enemies are really challenging still. hopefully dlc brings more challenge.
>Does NG+ increase the difficulty much in this?
Not him, but having both bell demon and Kuro's charm makes the game pretty brutal on NG+2 already since enemies are stronger and your posture regen is much slower.
Much harder than Souls games as there's absolutely little to no space for mistakes and Kuro's charm also nerfs the Umbrella to the ground.
Lots of attacks oneshot you and most attacks two-three shot you. You also take chip damage from any attack that isn't a perfect deflect if you give Kuro his charm back. It's a lot of fun, because you know if you're beating the bosses this way that you learned how to do it correctly and it wasn't a fluke or luck.
Alright, only other two places I remember was falling down into a pit with some headless monster, and returning to the starting place where a ninja waited on you to fight.
ng+ becomes easier and more or less a boss rush mode since a lot of shit can just be ignored or skipped if you got all the beads/seeds/prosthetics
Did you fight Genichiro? If you beat him you just need to go grab the key from Kuro's room. If not then you didn't finish Ashina Castle.
Just beat chained ogre and I can now reliably beat any General I find out in the world. Still feel really shakey on alot of the game mechanics, I marathoned souls pre-sekiro and it was a big mistake.
Oh, I still have shit to do at Ashina castle? Great, I'll go back and explore then.
>Sword Saint
Goddamn that phase 2. Took me about 10 tries for the whole thing. The worst thing about it is the area you're fighting, makes it hard to see his movements clearly. Funny thing is that the first time I got to phase 3 I beat him in one shot. Fun game, looking forward to NG+.
>Fight against boss for the 30th try
>finally manage to raise the posture on the 2nd phase to land a deathblow
>Press R1 as hard as I can
>Drop the controller while screaming "YEEEEEES"
>Deathblow didn't landed well
Because its actually a challenge
Or you fail and learn from mistakes
Just beated the illusion Monk, not that hard
But i'm stuck on the fucking Guardian Ape, there is just too much health
I bet nearly everyone was caught off guard for the first time when the second deathblow prompt popped up. Luckily for me it happened when I was fighting the guy on the horse so it was easy enough to trigger it again right after.
that's what you get for being stupid
Parry parry parry parry parry parry jump parry deathblow
Mortal Draw is a guaranteed hard stagger on Guardian Ape.
You can also set him of fire real quick for high damage, even more damage if you have living force.
Never forget that the first week of Sekiro was literally nothing but Yea Forums crying about how cheap and bullshit it was
use the spear on the guardian ape it's super effective in giving massive posture damage by dragging out the centipede.
Is Isshin the sword saint the best final boss in all of From's souls games
Which phase? Phase two is a parry fest and let him get his combo off until he raises his hand all the way high in the air, then parry the final blow as he lies on the ground like a dummy. When he's on the ground, use the spear to attack the centipede inside him for huge posture damage.
It's always like this.
>A few weeks later
>Heh! This game is 2 EZ
Nope, still Gherman
the only really bullshit part is the grab htiboxes on some enemies and everything to do with divine confetti
Yes, without a doubt. Best gameplay and best personality.
>literally just have to run away from
you beat him by running TOWARDS him
The only real bullshit part is the way Yea Forums cocked about as gaming experts only to cry CHEAP, CHEAP when they didn't know boss movesets.
>centipede giraffe
That's the best name for a mob.
>Be neckbeard
>Buy the same game for the 4th time
What did they mean by this?
First one
i got past the part with the white snake, was killing it an option?
People have been asking for easy modes for Souls games since fucking forever. Sekiro didn't expose casuals, casuals have been getting fucking exposed by From by a decade now, stop acting as if some big revelation is happening every time they release a new game.
Stick with bing bing rehash
How can anyone say a crap about Shields in Souls when you can just instantly block in Sekiro, with a change (if you're bad) to deflect at 100% damage reduction?
You even regenerate Posture if you're blocking, the only downside is movement speed but you can block pretty much any attack. That coupled with not losing damage (by not two-handing) and not shit. It's basically if weapon block from Souls had 100% physical reduction and a shitload of stability.
I honestly feel like I'm playing Souls with a greatshield in Sekiro. A parry greatshield.
>People have been asking for easy modes for Souls games since fucking forever.
And they've had it, its called summoning
Nah, even the Soulsbourne casuals have revealed themselves since Sekiro has none of the shit those shitters used to cheese the game
Perhaps not the most hardcore style of play, but if you're able to run around without ever getting hit then you should be able to win by just attacking whenever it's safe and then quickly getting the fuck out of there.
I mean it might take a while, but consider how long a dozen of failed attempt takes.
L1 L1 L1 L1 pause
L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 pause L1
I love how nobody would care about this game if it wasn't for the difficulty, literally nobody can name positives that aren't about the difficulty. The game is that bad.
The gameplay, retard
>Jump on head.
t. conquered
Is there a guide out there for getting all the endings? Can I do them all on one save?
I'm at
>Vitality 14
>AP 5
>19 emblems
>7 gourd
should Ape be this hard or do I need to level up more? If so where should I go?
Headless ape is probably my favorite fight in the game now. Once you're able to it's so satisfying to bully him.
Dark Souls is still king.
Where the fuck are you bitches getting all these gourd seeds? I've got four and I definitely feel like I'm more than halfway through this game.
yes and yes, but requires save scumming/reloading to get all in one go
You can buy a couple for 2000 apiece
Where the lady butterfly l00ds at
once you have all seeds you in end up with 10 drinks
Is that how you count in your head?
I have 6 AP and still do low damage on the Ape
Big thanks to user from an early thread with advice to beat the bull
>you can run just as fast as the bull and he’ll never outrun you
>as long as you stay close to his rear legs his attacks will never hit you
Beat on a single go with just the sword.
Explore you dubmass. When you think there's nowhere else to go, look up, down and be aware of walls you you can hug or double jump off of.
>i love this
Makes you sound like a tosser to be honest.
but it's really hard and your stance suffers greatly
I don't understand how to use the umbrella, what's the point instead of pressing l1?
Like I said earlier, he's incredibly easy once you figure out it's a test for whether you know how to run or not.
Man, NG+ without Kuro's Charm and Bell Demon is kicking my ass
>for 2000 apiece
The only mechanic I hate is when you die you lose half of your money. In a fucking game about constantly dying.
Why is the sacred flame the only prosthetic way to deal with fucking apparitions and it requires THE hardest to get material in the fucking game.
Also is living force worth it?
>easy as shit phase 1 and 3
Spend them on money bags.
>Everyone got exposed hard for overlevelling stats, relying on big shields and armor
What else is there to do? A souls character has 5 attacks at best, outskilling an opponent is just about timing r1 and circle
>Also is living force worth it?
It pretty much makes the flame prosthetic twice as good
I finally beat him but fuck that was an ordeal, my hands are twitching like crazy.
No? Deflecting those almost always leads to posture breaks on the enemy for me.
>100% block as long as it's not a sweep
>fire shield negates fire damage completely and makes demon of hatred piss easy
>purple shield lets you ignore apparition/terror damage
>skill where you press attack after using prosthetic with shield take out a huge chunk of health
git gud motherfucker
Are you a masochist, user?
Is it even worth playing with both?
mikiri still does more lol
>handful of consumables in the game
>can farm the shit out of them especially when running bell demon
>caring about money
>Tried the English dub after playing through with the Jap one
Oooooh nelly, this is bad. It shows that Activision was in charge of the dubbing since the voice casting and directing for other (English) FromSoftware games has been on point.
>Run away from
What? The fight becomes a fucking joke if you just stick to his right foot the entire time and force him to spam only one easily dodged attack. Don't ever give him breathing room and it's a walk in the park.
I wonder.
I found both Jap and Eng dubs to be pretty lackluster. Also the other games had such good Eng dub since actual theater actors do the voices.
>they didn't make you ride Goku's flying cloud to fight the chink dragon
what a fucking missed opportunity
nah nigger only boss a overlevelled for is ornstein and smough after literally dying 50+ times
I though that if I manage Sword Saint with this I can truly say I mastered the game but even Centipede gave me an hard time, I had to memorize the strikes
I'm scarred for the Ape now
>Double ape hard
>Owl 1 normal
>Sword Saint Isshin easy
What fucking game were you playing?
It's weird that despite having an oddly high amount of detail put in them as well as having some interesting designs, the Sunken Valley Clan is almost never mentioned. They don't even have an entry in the artbook, so there's no real way of getting a closer look.
>tfw i can't even get past the very first tutorial boss
Whos gonna stop (((shura))) now that Isshin died (twice)?
Niggas only have like 2 different attacks
Unironically admitting you're a shitter only proves OPs point.
nah that boss is hard to beat without cheesing. aka hiding behind pillars.
>And now that they can't cheese
Sekiro is cheeseable as fuck though.
You're unironically just as bad as the casuls who cry about difficulty. You're just the same "soulsborne veteran" but with Sekiro instead.
use the firecracker
get back to work, tim ;)
I'm replaying the game and I didn't die even once so far
I love this game. Even it is harder than any Souls, it's also much fair.
Imagine being hit by the lightning in Isshin's last phase.
The one falling from the sky that is.
Owl 2 was such a step up from 1 , I really enjoyed it way better
>mfw the enemy that pushed my shit in the most in the game so far after having done major bosses relatively easily was that one armed anti-shinobi nigger you find underground back where you start the game in the reservoir
It was probably because I'd been playing nearly all day and it was coming up on 3am but fuck that faggot made me mad
I killed Isshin first time I hit phase 3, my lightning deflection game is too strong
I feel sick
Idk if you’re still lurking but you don’t need to eavesdrop on Isshin for purification ending. I beat Owl first and freaked out because I thought I missed the required steps. You need to eavesdrop on Kuro until he says a line about “Doing what must be done”, then you talk to Emma, proceed with the rest of the steps yada yada. The Isshin step is misinfo
you have to jump and counter the lightning, faggot
that's how heroes kill gods
>he thinks beating kekiro makes him not a casual anymore
my nakamas, tonight I will be hitting the booze hard.
ok Yea Forums give me your top 5 hardest bosses
should've used your firecrackers haha
>firecrakers? no thanks. I prefer facing an enemy with my クサビマル.
FACT: Hollow Knight is 100x harder than Sekiro
First or second time?
post kuro
Wait until he comes back with his wife
hahaha here's a (you) user
>isshin's health that low
holy lmao maximum shitter detected
hollow knight is easy as fuck though
maybe if you've never played a metroidvania before, which seems to be the hollow knight audience
This. My only complaints are the item lore is meh, and the emblem cost of some skills versus their overall efficacy.
>he comes back with his wife
>then their fucking kid shows up afterwards mad about funeral fees
Devil May Cry 3/4 on DMD and Monster Hunter have tempered me into a boss-slaying machine. Sekiro was difficult, and I struggled a few times, but I'm used to bashing my head against a wall until I succeed. Hell, by the time I beat the game, I did phase 1 and 2 of the last boss with no damage.
Demon of Hatred got nothing on Brachydios, lads.
I'm not even done with my first run but I can already assure you Ape 1 and Demon will be on there
>Ape shows up early enough for you to not be gud yet, separates the men from the boys
>Demon is just Soulsborne 'get hit once and lose 90% or your bar' bullshit
Thats not his wife. His wife died long ago, the second ape is most likely the son.
What do you expect when they get people from newgrounds to do voices?
>check out anyone playing this game on YouTube
>the person playing actually made the conscious decision of switching the default audio to the English dub
Just why would so many people do such a thing?
anti-japan racists
it's a wypipo thing
literal autism
Just dodge lmao
w-what in tarnation?
>all these "challenge" runs
How about no hit, no gourds, no charm, perfect deflect, bell demon, no tools, no deathblow, except bosses obv, no jumping, no dodging, no rez (death), NG+7
All the human bosses are good. Owl 2 was fucking fantastic and a joy to fight and sword saint is amazing as well. Genichiro is the best fight in the game though.
My japanese audio was fucked and wouldn't work. You have no idea how angry I was
All I have left is Owl 2, Demon of Hatred, and the final boss, but I'm burning out really hard.
Ricepirate voices a couple characters, most notably Lone Shadow.
Oh and no enhancing attributes or attack power
Eww grosss. He should've married again.
mibu village
a tie between monkey and divine dragon
firecrackers ftw
So I just beat Genichiro, the second encounter at the castle, and he is piss easy! I fought his first phase 6-7 times, and most of them were deliberate deaths because I wanted to reach second phase with as many gourds as possible.
I reached his second phase twise, the second time I beat him, AND I played reeeeeally bad. I have no idea why people are so frustrated with him AT ALL.
Is the Shura Ending the only one that adds new bosses?
>playing boring linear weeb action game with no replayability just for the internet points
Oh my fuck, why is every word so over emphasized with the English VAs? The way these fags emote makes the game sounds like a middle school play at best.
One of the other endings has 2 minis and a boss, but they aren't exclusive as long as you do the thing that unlocks them.
As someone who normally likes dubs, it does feel out of place to have the voices in English.
>blatantly Japanese setting
>Black hat Badger goes from being a grizzled veteran assassin to a throat cancer survivor
>The info broker's tone is far less friendly and makes me want to punch him
>Isshin sounds 50 instead of well into his 80s.
I assume thats Return with Demon, Seven Spears and that Juzou the Drunkard except with fire?
>using mechanics built in the game, intended to use is considered cheesing now
Fuck Mibu people and fuck Orin of the water
By then he'll be easy because I'll be buffer by then, with most bosses so far after a few tries I figured out I wasn't ultilizing something and fixed it, for example mada mada was ez after grabbing those Ashina style posture buffs, I only lost to MY NAME IS once because I didn't know his horse is allergic to firecracker
This was just 'its a Rajang, figure it out shitter'.
they removed summoning because it was a cheesefest
Nerf Bestowal cost and increase duration damnit. No combat art should cost emblems.
It's purification with the return to Hirata.
It's weird that 2 prayer beads are locked behind a middling ending.
How can you be so bad at video games?
>anime posting incel looking down on other people's lives
now that's funny!
Fucking americans and their no reading.
This is no harder than any other FromSoft game. If you have any difficulty with it, you're literally too retarded to memorize three buttons.
>Nerf Bestowal cost
Bestowal is busted, so no, nerfing Bloodsmoke cost though, I can get behind.
>No combat art should cost emblems.
No way fag, if things like Shadowfall didn't cost emblems the game would be pathetically easy.
They removed it because the whole game is built for 1v1 encounters.
If you kill them enough times they stop coming out of the ground. I made it a point to genocide that village so I could explore without zombies on my ass at every turn.
i just beat 2 ape first try and honestly i’m shaking lads
>le copied Maria XDDD
God what an absolute faggot you are
best place to farm shit, I don't even know how I ended up there. Yesterday I was at Genchiro and now I am fighting mist people
>guess that's too harsh for a casual soulsbaby like you.
>when the same guy beat the game
lol, smug anime poster lacks reading comp
Dark Souls is also built for 1 player gameplay
What are they even doing in the ground
He is right, you didn't play shit you fanboy retard
After you have memorized how enemies attack and can deflect in your sleep you just want to show off. I need my anime attacks.
I love how hard DSP is currently getting destroyed by the ninja dude
How the fuck do you dodge the Old Demon King's sweep attack? Also, how can I use the fire umbrella effectively?
I feel the same way. I beat Dark Souls and Bloodborne enough times that I'm sure I can beat this (haven't finished yet) but I'm just not sure whether its worth it.
In Dark Souls, bosses usually opened up a vastly different area. it was like stepping into a different world with its own creatures, enemies. The environments and the atmosphere was so diverse throughout the game.
Bloodborne had that horrifying atmosphere going though the whole game and the moon phases really added to it.
This game so far seems more like Nioh. Beat a boss eventually, go to a different area that looks exactly the same, same enemies, similar environments. Boring OST, boring NPCs, nothing weird that would stand out and make the game memorable.
It's a good game but it does not have an identity on its own like the previous titles
Just get a trainer and activate infinite Spirit Emblems. I did that for NG+2.
Bloodsmoke pays for itself, I wouldn't mind if they did nerf the cost but it's not necessary, in fat, that's the real busted move
>fighting group of enemies
>lol pretty could makes the forget what they were doing and you can chain backstab
Lone Shadow?
yeah, he's crying hard
I play on console and dam a dum dum and don't know about things like that.
> No combat art should cost emblems.
user, late combat arts bypass enemy and boss posture plus a guarantee stun.
You mean "" "" "" "" Lone"" "" "" "" Shadow
>Bloodsmoke pays for itself
It "pays for itself" too late in the game to be of any use and there's barely any group of enemies you can use it to and justify the cost especially when both Bestowal and Marionette far outweight Bloodsmoke in terms of both cost and utility.
If it did cost less it would be another matter entirely though.
I don't know. I played Sekiro and Bloodborne side-by-side, and I realized they're pretty much polar opposite in terms of muscle memory. For instance, Bloodborne is largely about spacing and movement and range, a lot of times the camera will need to be unlocked, and you'll have to tap the defensive button the moment it reaches you. In Sekiro you're always in the enemy's face, always locked on, and you're instead holding the button the moment before, which is probably the most difficult adjustment of them all. But they're both easy once you get used to it.
I'm just tired of all these tryhard stupid 11 year olds who only recently discovered that difficult games exist and feel like they're impressing anyone by simply learning how to play a videogame. "Git gud" is an old and exhausted meme that even Reddit and GameFAQs and Youtube commenter retards have latched onto, so why the fuck do you still think it's cool?
Fucking kek, to me that asshole was just a prayer bead I forgot to grab before STATUTORY APE, same with Centipede Giraffe
Lemme guess, he doesn't know you can mikiri his kick.
It's not like you can spam against bosses, except maybe mortal draw, and they have, like prosthetic tools, their time and place. I just want to bully thrash mobs a little.
Dude, I finished this game on a 2400G. It can't be as bad as integrated graphics.
>difficult games
>he has 17 children
>likely means multiple wives
Shields sucked in all games faggot. Rolling is infinitely easier and objectively better.
>And now that they can't cheese
This is the cheesiest fromsoft game yet though. You can posture spam/deathblow every single boss except for demon of hatred.
It is my personal headcanon that the game was supposed to have a greater emphasis on co-op fight.
I think that because one of the first mini-bosses you fight has the only NPC in the game willing to fight with you right next to him. I think it was supposed to be a tutorial kind of fight to teach you to work with someone.
The fact that Emma specifically tells you when asked that she'd like to kill a demon, when Demon of Hatred is a thing, makes me think they planned to have her tag along that fight.
Luckily they realised that idea was shit and dropped it.
That's not a cheese at all
Marrionette is fucking uselsess, the ai is shit and they stick to you like glue instead of going ham on your enemies. Oh, and they can hit you too, so there's no point in trying to jump in the fight. That's how I came to use bloodsmoke.
is right, that's like saying Daigo 'cheesed' Chun Li when he did his infamous parry.
Thats how the game is intended. The regular healthbar is just bait.
>Marrionette is fucking uselsess
All that NPC showed is that summoning would make every boss irrelevant.
spamming attack and skipping every single move in the fight is pretty cheesy.
>Marrionette is fucking useless
It's literally the most broken skill in the game you brainlet.
Name 3 instances where it's worth anything, outside of avoiding a dual fight with lone shadow and the second 7 spears
See Go on
I regret not giving up kuro's charm in the prologue. rn ng+ with demon bell has done me nothing, i have died like 2 times total, just defeated headless ape and wife
Hit and run my guy
I never really found any uses for it aside for the Seven Spears and double Lone Shadows at the Dojo. Never used that skill ever again after those.
Not him but take it from a guy who fell for the '6 hours on mada mada' meme, after a while you stop spamming and start reading because reckless parrying takes a toll on your posture bar since half of them will input as block
Is Sekiro the Dark Souls of video games ?
It holds 60FPS on High settings with a 970M senpai, how old is your GPU
It's another game altogether. You cannot fuck up
so I just got the immortal severence ending, should I get the bad ending out of the way or do the return ending
>No Kuro charm, Bell on
>Get filtered by the bull
Fugg I had no idea he would be this annoying
your stance is unchanged if you deflect, only if you block.
i will def use it at ng+2
>I pLaTiNuMeD aLL tHe SoUlS gAMeS
I love all the people saying this in regards to sekiro as if it means literally anything at all
I need help bros. I thought I would be cheeky with my choice with the owl near the end of the game. And now I’m locked into the Shura ending on my first playthough and I’m gonna miss out in the late game prayer beads and memories until NG+. Is it worth it to keep going with less shit in NG+? Or should I make a new save after getting the trophy?
Well? I'm waiting you fucking memeing shits.
>I can beat phase 1 with a single gourd
>Somehow use 8 more gourds in second phase and still die
I just cant understand how I could draw a fucking roadmap of this guy's moveset in either phase and still get some bullshit swipe that kills me.
>no hit phase 1
You can do it user, I just did and this is my first FromSoft game, just focus on parrying the sword and running away the split second his head hand starts twisting cause he's about to roar.
Also get a hit in when he sweeps, he usually puts himself right on top of you
it's considered infamous?
peace out
>NG+ SS Isshin with path of hardships and bell demon
Already died 20 times, wish me luck brehs
>running form an old lady
>explain the obvious to me
You're a fucking mong. Control a govment ninja, miniboss or thunder fish and the game literally turns into pokemon battle.
I trained my sweep instincts to an insane level in preparation for mada mada, it's the only reason I beat phase 2, plus it helped in phase 1 against his sweepgrab
Armored Knight is raping my fucking shit. I took 2 or 3 tries for every other boss.
I think on pc 4% got the good ending. Not sure if it was because it was so difficult or so boring
>he actually wrote this post expecting to be seen as le funny man
>instead looks like a complete retard for exposing his own autistic playing style
if you start dying to genchiro then take a break, that's how you know you're frustrated
>he can’t handle an older woman
What about compared to shadowrush.
how did you know
but for real, not only does "chip" dmage take a quarter of your health per hit when you fail a parry, your posture breaks after 2 attacks
>user is still just a puppy
>thunder fish
Again, which, cause outside of those two instances it's just simpler and quicker to kill them yourself
>govment ninja
>being bad enough that you'd need to puppet one of those
Sounds like you problem , scrub.
I killed her after 30 tries. Not sure if i got gut or just lucky
You're doing it wrong if you're blocking, I'm talking non-stop attack. Using axe prosthetic inbetween attacks which most boss attacks don't interrupt. I did this for every boss except demon and even SS Isshin was just attack spammed through.
It's almost as if people play video games for the GAMEPLAY. God this board fucking sucks lol
Demon of Hatred is more similar to a Dark Souls boss than any other boss in the game. It shouldn't give you that much trouble.
Monkey boss is cool. Move patterns are hard to learn.
This is one of the best bosses in all of vidya.
>Hasn't even finished the fucking game yet
You're even more of a retard than i thought.
>tfw I don't remember exactly how I beat Vanilla Mocha swirl ape
I hate dual bosses, makes it hard to concentrate on details.
I unsinstalled it after i got to that monk temple place. It just didnt work for me
I jut want to know who was the fuckhuge person who wielded the sword left struck in it.
Project more fucking weeb faggot
or, attack attack, parry parry, attack, parry, attack and it goes down way faster and you don't feel and look retarded.
Except I have you stupid fuck. Not my fault you can't speak like a human.
That dumb bitch. Did you know you can take off one of her bars tho? Jump on her head and the red dot pops for a backstab. Also, Sabimaru does work against her (two full combos to poison) and takes about 1/4 of her health. Divine confetti helps too, and remember you CAN kind of stand still and deflect her shit too at times since she relentless.
t. someone who took too long to kill her
Probably the person whose finger was inside him.
Wasn't it the sculptor's partner?
>Beat every other boss/mini-boss.
>Can't get past the 2nd health bar.
How do I stop this madman?
Either the Sculptor or more likely his female friend whom the ape ate
Too bad it lacks replayability tho
>dumb faggot just wants to argue
Get lost underage
Divine confetti works on her ?
Yes, but outside that passing mention we get nothing.
Don't call him that.
Do not hesitate
Hesitation is defeat
Of course, she's a ghost
Honestly OP I think a lot of people don't even realize they were doing this. For example I was late to the Souls party and only just finished Dark Souls 1 a week before 2 released. I played DS2 on release and was just completely blown away by how active (and functional) the multiplayer was. The ground everywhere was littered in summon signs so I didn't fight a single boss alone but was just having a blast with coop and pvp throughout. Pretty much steam rolling everything. In DS3 I specifically made it a point to fight every boss alone because I didn't want the same steam rolling experience. If that DS2 experience had been my first one I might not even think there was much of a challenge to these games and mostly jolly cooperation.
I tried this 10 times , i see the red dot when his posture is broken. but i can't finsish him off.
>couldn't answer so begins shittalking
No, fuck you and everyone like you that can't provide a simple answer when asked something and just wants to flex at people.
The sculptor. His woman got eaten by the ape and he killed it. Probably left his sword in there and stopped his Shinobi ways because the demon of wrath was about to take him over and if he kept killing the ape for eternity he would turn too quickly.
Hate to break it to you, but From games blew up. Your ebbin difficulty meme is the definition of casual now.
I want to rape a ghost.
>got an answer
Take your fucking meds you dumb kid
damn this hag made for an amazing fight
Just beat him while listening to Motley Crue at full blast (don't give a shit about the wank story). What's your excuse zoomers?
>accodently use the item to remove the dragonrot instead of curing it.
Whoops I'm not even sure what it did for me
You haven't seen anything yet, boi, the fights will only get better from there.
>motley crew
>Shinobi execution
I love that fucking shit, this game knows how to appease my inner katana wielding weeb
Everyone singing this game's praises finally got to me.
Pirating it now, what should I expect? Always been a sword+board kinda guy in Souls games.
>I have 3000 hours in all Soulsborne games but Sekiro is too hard for me
It exposed the shitters who summoned their way through the game and pretend they’ve beaten the game which is a first.
Who is the monk in the Hall of Illusions referring to? The previous one who wondered there
You now lost your virginity, user.
Thanks Sekibro!
firecrackers undo any skill barrier in this game
>Running from your mommy.
What a silly young shinobi you are.
games used to be one player and one difficulty so quickly we forget the classics.
Where are people getting all this fanart from
What’s the lady butterfly pixiv tab
>sword and board
Just bow out, game's not for you.
Nah just dash left.
But that's fucking wrong. It's your own fault for playing it a non ideal way that makes it boring. Ideal strategy is to play very aggressive and attack as much as possible, never wait.
Honestly after Owl 2, DoH and even SS were easy for me.
>difficulty increase
>infinite healing
>maximum souls you'd ever lose upon death was 3000
Did we play the same game?
Well , i can't explain it but I find DS1 10 times easier.
Goddamnit this is what I wanted. Why did FROM make LB a hag? "Her teaching was not the gentle sort, shinobi techniques can only be understood by being used in battle". I could clearly see her kicking his ass then bandaging his wounds and telling him how to do better.
people grow old, user. your teacher from elementary? she ain't the same.
Don't worry, you'll get more
>he can’t appreciate old lady pussy
That meant she made him go kill other people.
Fuck off Jerome.
Does dragon rot do anything to the memorial merchants when they get it? It seems like the only significant thing it does is prevent you from doing NPC sidequests until it's cured.
funny as someone who hated the souls games i enjoyed the little ive played so far of sekrio
And you think she never made him square off against her? More than sending him out to kill people I picture her throwing him into a pit of rabid dogs with just a knife and an arm tied behind his back. WHILE BLINDFOLDED.
During 2nd phase when he leaps in the air; that's a sweep. Just back up a little and jump over it
Dragonrot is barely a nuisance, only cure it if you're doing a questline. FROM pulled its punch on that, shit should have killed your NPCs, even the sculptor, or turned them against you. Maybe make it plague like and making enemies more aggressive and they don't forget about you once they've seen you.
Are you retarded? You must have not played Sekiro, considering parrying works nothing like in Souls games.
No post more I'm jusk kidding
No it isn't, not even close to as hard
In a world where magic youth preserving water exists this is no excuse. She can do illusions too, no reason she couldn't glamour herself young.
she's not vain like you nigga
making enemies more aggressive or even stronger wouldve been cool but I don't think it killing your npca would add much
>hey guys look at my one shot build!
There’s not much that I can find and I can’t into pixiv
Can you name some other games where people on Yea Forums complained it's too difficult? None really come to mind for me.
>DSP gets to Lone Shadow Vilehand
>didn't even rest at idol
>didn't even sneak up on the other ninja
>gets absolutely bodied
I just beat headless ape and the female ape and wondered if the headless ape would recover if you dont finish it with the mortal blade while its lying on the ground after you kill it with the shinobi execution?!
Beat the battle on my first try to and can safely break down the fight.
Headless ape is a pussy fight and the only challeneg he poses is before you cut his head off.
The second ape is also weak as shit posture wise and easily dealt with from simple firecracker spam when headless is far away enough for you to get some good damage in
>Bloodborne on release and DLC release
>Dark Souls 2 on release
>Darkest Dungeon
>Dark Souls 1 on release
Looks like he's doing pretty good
It's literally well suited to him your block is godlike.
>it REQUIRES actual skill and reflexes
i have neither and still beat it. what now, fagboy?
>2nd try loneshadow
Didn't expect that
Then again he died nearly 50 times to the one on the well so he said it contributes to prepping him for the one at castle
>limit dragon blood droplets to 3 per playthrough
>it doesn't go away on a new cycle, resources HAVE to be spent to cure it
>vendors hike up their prices cause circumstances in world are dire
>enemies drop less items, making losing vendors far more dangerous
>can't fit or upgrade tools if you lose sculptor
There, dragonrot is now meaningful
>dark souls
>land a parry get free crit
>like six different tools to do
>manage your own posture and vitality as well as the enemy's, block consistently and perfectly on your own and maybe you get that deathblow
Not the same animal.
True corrupted monk,love the flow of the fight and the music, fountainhead palace is my favorite zone,the loaded umbrella, specially the purple upgrade, allows you to destroy apparitions, so it is my favorite tool
Man you people need to learn to read subtitles better. Sculptors training partner was a male. Every instance refers to them as "he" and "him" and so on. There are zero indications of it being a woman. The female finger inside Guardian Ape has nothing to do with that.
I.... love this
>tfw fight actually became easier when i attacked as much as i realistically could
it's good advice
Only in his third phase, meanwhile Old isshin only has two phases
>giving the player a huge penalty which affect the rest of the game if you die
>in a game where you're supposed to tackle a boss, die a few times to learn its pattern and then kill him
Thank god you don't design games.
In pretty much every fight against a human you can attack 3 times before you're forced back into defense. Then repeat.
>meant to die
>have seen dozens of niggas first go anny number of bosses
go back to souls.
All the grunts in game are from the japanese voice actors even on the dub, if you use dub you are a subhuman, no exception except for Aris.
I'm going to get lynched for this but if you ask me Dragonrot and the loss of XP and money upon death are just pointless in Sekiro. In the Souls games it added a sense of tension for making it back and retrieving your gained souls. Over here I simply resigned myself to losing everything at a boss since I'm going to die over and over no matter what I do as it's the only way of learning the fight. So while I'm getting more experienced with every fight, Sekiro is losing it. All it ended up doing was make me go out to farm XP and coins whenever I wanted them which was as boring as farming always is.
This game makes me wanna travel to Japan.
Pretty sure the sculptor talks about how his partner in training used a whistle to fill the valley with a malancholic sound, when you get the whistle he asks you in a very exicited tone where you found it, and during the demon of hatred fight you can use the whistle to stun him 3 times, it is fucking obvious his partner was a female and the owner of the finger whistle, and also died fighting the guardian ape