hey arin
Hey arin
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did you know that 13% of the population commit 50% of all crime?
we got this new
Remember that time I debated a pedophile but it was completely overshadowed by the fact that I used an incorrect statistic that nobody wants to actually address and just say is racist?
Remember how it didn't affect my career?
Good times.
I feel like that shit should've just been handled with civil discussion and that should've been the end of it.
Jon shouldn't have gone to some FOTM meme lord's podcast and kept the 1488 shit to himself, it ruined his brand and image forever, despite how 'based' or factual it was
>it ruined his brand and image forever
Not really, go look at the view numbers on his latest video. Only retards who care too much about politics still actually give a shit about it or remember.
Jon “If you’re a nigger you get the jigger” jafari
He actually gained more subs since then
it doesn't matter, he'll have social justice harpies breathing down his neck forever.
Did you see that slimy kike Ethan rip him a new one, 'as a friend'?
If anything it showed Jon just how fake his so called friends are. Considering that rathering just talk to him and tell him hey dude you messed up but it's cool. They just throw him under the bus.
Why did Arin stop animating and became such a turbofeminist SJW?
as soon as you're the hot new trendy scandal, the vultures will disavow you for likes.
It happens very often in the entertainment industry.
Why did Jon stop reviewing games?
>he has more subs than the Game Chumps
kek. Funny how things work out
LPs pay better and don't require much effort. He was always a faggy pretentious cunt tbqh
Ethan is a fucking drama baiter now no better than the likes of fucking Keemstar. He used to be funny when he'd just make videos about weirdos on the internet out of his dump of a middle eastern house instead of on set talking about nontroversies with D listers and Youtube celebs.
Give a guy a podcast and he turns to shit.
I think he admitted on some podcast, maybe sleepycabin, that he has always been more interested in movies.
Jongrumps >>>>>>> Dangrumps
the bitter truth is that most if not all vidya influencers and devs are third rate hacks who couldn't make it in their desired field.
Most had directing or animation aspirations, but they stuck with vidya because it paid.
Which is the tragic truth behind it all, they were just waiting for him to slightly mess up.
Even Jongrumps got kind of bad towards the end. You could start hearing the tension in their voices when they talked to each other and it was just kind of awkward and not fun and lighthearted like it used to be. Once Jon actually left that was the final nail in the coffin for me. Unsubbed and haven't watched a single episode after.
t. jon the gene pool tron
>Jon goes on to continue growing with his show and browses /pol/
>Arin continues to stagnate with GG and becomes a whiny SJW
>Did you see that slimy kike Ethan rip him a new one,
When did this happen? Fucking hell, was it some last ditch effort at relevance?
what did mike do to james
suzy dragged him into mediocrity.
Oney and Harry Partridge were always better.
H3H3 is the only one that threw him under the bus in his podcast he brings up the thing when jontron clearly didnt want to talk about it, H3H3 is a faggot.
-t. pedo apologist
Why don't you go look at some ethical CP and share some pics of underage girls with your friends like your cult of personality Destiny?
10 inches
Will we ever get kino like this?
This. At least now Jon shed himself of that faggot pbg
You're forgetting PBG someone Jon knew for years. and Arin and Danny throwing throwing him under the bus as well.
Most people who were fans of Jon before that debate still are.
Ethan drove a good chunk of his fans away with his podcast, and a lot of youtubers made videos calling him out for his shit.
>minorities are diluting the gene pool
Lol if that's not racist, then shucks.
The sleepycabin crew didn't abandon him. True bros
Peanut butter gamer also threw him under the bus
Arin during a gg live and also pbg also dumped Jon too, which honestly Jon not having those 2 fags trying to call him up anymore is a good thing.
>that time he used Disney's funding to buy an SS uniform
How did he get away with it
I understand all of that, I've liked Jon for a long time now, but you can't understate the fact that it was a shitshow. Even those Yooka Laylee faggots dragged him across glass.
we may never know
When is JonTron going to make new videos?
Good on them.
absolute mad lad
Because yoko ono-er-I-mean suzi
>thinking sargot of faggot is better
PBG is a little bitch. But I rather talk with that faggot than that bing bong autist
on the h3 podcast.
Ethan ripped on him with all his 'holier-than-thou' attitude, despite jon begging him not to a dozen times.
Guy just took it in silence for 15 odd minutes, getting schooled by a guy who admittedly relishes in the word 'nigger' himself.
because everyone wants an animation but no one wants to pay for it and suzy doesn't feed herself and dans terminal organ hospital bills don't pay themselves
Sargon of Applebees.
11 months from now
welcome to the world of being a jontron subscriber
Tell me I'm moving the goalposts, but Jon has NEVER been good at articulating his points. Go to any old GG episode and you can see that. You have to remember that this was during the height of SJWs really getting into shit, so he was probably just fed up with it all. Couple that with reading some dumb shit and false info in /pol/ and other like sources and you have the recipe a bad debater.
I remember seeing a Game Grumps live show where someone asked if Jon would ever be on, they said no because of the "controversy" or something (which, I guess it's a business so whatever I get it even if I don't like it) but what really freaked me out was the fucking massive applause they got for it.
I don't care for YouTube much but it kinda rubbed me the wrong way.
Because he doesn't have any. He is a worthless youtuber sucking on the muck of the mouth breather kids and fat fucks that find that shit entertaining.
>Hey, user! Do you watch Game Grumps?!
>I used to, but it stopped being good after JonTron left.
>Immediate judgemental stares and silence for about 4 seconds
Why am I suddenly a bad guy for separating an artist from their work? Why does it matter if I think that John is funny? What does it matter to someone else that I think that someone they don't like is funny?
>I can still enjoy EarthWorm Jim despite what he said about homos
I'm not about to apologize for having free will and enjoying something made by someone that I disagree with.
>false info
The current gg fan base is a faaaar cry from the old one, the og gg fans either just don’t watch letsplays anymore or have moved on to oneyplays. Current gg have the r*ddit sjw crowd as their fans now.
And you can say the same thing about the pedophile that debated him, the slimy kike that threw him under the bus, and all of his jealous friends that tried to take advantage of him. News flash, they're ALL worthless Youtubers.
Lesson for aspiring YouTubers: If you make a good video once every 4 months, I will be subscribed to you until the sun burns out.
If you do an episode of a Let's Play every 2 days, I don't care how funny or engaging you are. I will not tolerate that shit clogging up my Subscription feed.
I never watched Game Grumps. The guys seem like decent enough people but their fans are really fucking creepy, dude. I swear that Dan could walk up on stage, fart into the mic and be met with uproarish clapping and cheering. Also Suzie needed to cut her feet off from pictures because footfags would come out of the woodwork apparently
>moved on to oneyplays
Haha yeah dude. I love when he does the funny youtuber scream.
What video was this from again?
People tell me its his wife. Idk I can't stand his animations anymore even if I respect the work put into them.
to be fair trying to challenge arin on anything was fucking chore and eventually Jon just got tired of calling out arins dumb shit and he would just give up. Arin is the type who just makes a bunch of illogical comparisons and then just yells and whines until the other person is just like “ok whatever this is dumb anyway fuck it”
Plus I feel like Game Grumps was going to shit before Jon even left, the hate easily started sometime in 2013, that's when I got bored with them anyways.
>used incorrect statistics
you have to go back
If we're talking OneyPlays I feel really out of place for only really watching when Lyle (and/or Zach) is on. He gets so much hate. I guess I've been watching Lyle since like 2007 though so it's understandable.
this isn't true. White people just get away with more shit that blacks would not.
Such as?
You know repeat offenders are a thing right?
as opposed to Arin screaming at the tv for skipping dialogue while Danny just sits there and plays on his phone?
I'm a boy
and I like to play with my toys
*Blocks his path*
He even said in some follow up video that hes bad at arguing in the moment.
I honestly stopped watching his stuff RIGHT before he came out as an uninformed biggot, which I think is the big issue really. He grew up in the rich neighborhood near the city I live in (Palos Verdes California) and im not saying everyone i know there is a huge racist but he definitely grew up in a bit of a bubble for sure and i honestly just think hes uninformed/green about the world
I just don't like his new videos because he doesn't really focus on video games anymore, thats why i started watching him
whites comply when asked for ID
Yeah, they were only good for so long, imo. Danny was okay for a bit, but I had stopped watching regularly before the falling out. Eventually I decided that I was more interested in actually playing games or watching game specialists, like Simpleflips. At least I can learn something from Simple. Arin more or less just makes poop jokes and bashes Sonic.
Because some people dont have the power to do this, but its most likely because those people are the ones potentially directly threatened by whatever uninformed rhetoric John was spewing
Because jons vids are actually good, last time I checked out of curiosity game grumps was just arin beatboxing and yelling fuck my ass and dan talking about stuff he saw on twitter. Haven’t watched gg in years though, so I don’t know what they do now.
It's amazing that everyone will speak ill of a guy who said some racially questionable things but not someone who possesses child pornography. Really makes you think
wrote all his most succesfull episodes and avoid the AVGN movie like the trash it was?
he is a dick, and what a big dick.
Then why are more whites shot by cops every year than blacks?
Also not video games.
I love how the suit was a one off 5 second cutaway joke in one of his early videos and people unironically use it to accuse him of being a nazi on twitter. It's like we're living in a parody universe now.
>This is considered a White man in U.S.A...
>MFW trying to watch the Glover episode
If they had just done the tutorial everything would have been great. Apparently every game dev on the planet must abide by Arin's personal rules and never EVER deviate from the norm. If your game isn't as simple as Mega Man or Mario then you've fucked up and must be punished for it.
My biggest complaint is how overproduced it is now with the sets and apparent writers and all this shit. I miss the quaint feeling and charm the videos had when he was just a guy making videos for fun in his parents house. It's just not the same.
This. I fucking hate that if a person breaks the status quo you suddenly can't enjoy whatever content they produce(d), because that means you're supporting that person's views, which is beyond retarded, and when will people learn that not everyone thinks the same?
It's because Destiny is BASED!
Counter-culture is BASED and REDPILLED, no matter how absurd and retarded it is!
Does Yea Forums generally just call anyone that does something they don't like a hack
But what if the Childporn is ethical?
Great job completely ignoring your chance to produce evidence nigger.
Fuck you man
Now I feel like rewatching that Jon Era compilation AGAIN!
Why is it so good
Why cant he just come back to make new episode!?
Do you think he jerks it to children because of how much of a manlet he is? Real women probably scare him.
Yeah, pretty much.
jon "niggers belong in the safari" jafari
Because whites are still the large majority of the population. That’s like being surprised that most people in prison in China are Chinese, like duh.
>the bitter truth is that most if not all vidya influencers and devs are third rate hacks who couldn't make it in their desired field.
keep delluding yourself thinking some shit eceleb retards are who made videogames what they are today.
But he doesn't do movies anymore either
Just weird infomercials
I actually like listening to James talk about movies more, at least when he's by himself. His friends are such secondaries it hurts.
>Marry a slut that fucks your editor
>Befriend a jew
We all know why, but we also know how sad it is.
Look at these blacks.
He cucks Swedish men daily. Actual real life bull.
>it ruined his brand and image forever
So who is the bigger asshole, Ding Dong or Arin?
What the hell is wrong with white people that they have to be gunned down in mass like this?
Why are whites so violent, and impulsive? Why dont whites stop stealing, and do what the cops say?
but danny's a based jew
It's human nature. The fact of the matter is probably that you don't really care or have strong enough opinions about the negative things Jon/Earthwork Jim guy said so it doesn't really bother you. I don't know what values you strongly believe in but to take a Yea Forums related example most people here won't play FEZ or at least shit on people who praise it because DJ Fishsticks is a pariah here, or at least he was during the height of his controversy days.
#ArinSucksAtSonic #BoycottedYookaLaylee
I don't watch youtube or twitch except for mike, no idea why but he seem to actually enjoy video games
Here’s what UK, France, Germany, and Sweden will look like in 30 years. So have fun with that.
It should've been Jon and Dan over Dan and Arin.
Seriously, Arin has always been the worst part of Game Grumps
One of the most popular and iconic rap songs is literally called "Fuck the Police". Let that sink in. This is how utterly barbaric most black people are.
No, Jon should just ignore all of these fags and focus on "le funny yootube man vids."
I believe he's a good man, but he really can't take back what he said.
>based jew
What is this CP thing? Did he actually get caught with it or is this some epic meme?
>ruins your channel
Jon and Dan are both better than Arin.
Yeah, like, stepping away from the external shit that people are arguing about, i just dont really like his new videos that much.
Not counting the dumb souja boy game console meme thing, the last time he actually did a game related thing was like 2-3 years ago anyways
I just don't really care for it. I'm also not too keen on some of the stuff he said but even so, i was already kind of indifferent towards his videos before that. It's just a weird coincidence if anything
There's absolutely no way that Dan would be real life friends with Jon.
tfw want to make videos in my boredom but game grumps made me realize how shit youtube audiences are
>James couldn't make in his desired field
>Dude had a successful kickstarter and actually delievered
>Had the director of Toxic Avenger come join him
>Amazon pretty much payed him for AVGN
Jon didn't have his sources together even if he was mostly correct aside from the "rich blacks and poor whites" mixup and of course a slimy fuck like D*stiny is going to ride him for that, it's what he does for a living.
Never got caught with anything. He just argued for ways Childporn can be ethical.
The age of small but fun start up channels is over. theres just no way to find an audience anymore
And yet at the end of the day MORE whites are shot by the cops than blacks! Which means blacks arent that bad.
Also whites get away with alot more shit than blacks do, Jessie Ventura proved that with a study when he was governor of Minnesota lul.
I’ve watched the Jon era playlist like 3 times now. I miss regular doses of Jon and his jonisms.
That's both of them. Pat is the worst friend when compared to Woolie. Unless you like a red headed midget laughing at his own jokes for nearly a minute entertaining.
Post uncensored
Go read his Kiwi Farms page if you're curious
>inb4 kiwi farms
I also had an ex who used to be obsessed with him who told me personally that she shared pics of herself with him while she was underage when I made an offhand comment about reading a bit about it on the forum
No, the FEZ thing was out of self-respect. If you buy something from someone that outright insults you while you're doing it, you have no self-respect and should work on yourself before you bother with a game. FEZ of all things is not so important that you HAVE to own it, and there are thousands of other, much better games out there.
I wish I had it.
>Also whites get away with alot more shit than blacks do
A group of BLM activists literally kidnapped and tortured a mentally retarded white person, and the courts refused to recognize that as a hate crime. You need to go back, Resetera.
>Pat is the worst friend when compared to Woolie
he threw himself under the bus, retard
none of his friends wanted Jon to go on a podcast to start spouting /pol/shit
you are all so fucking desperate to blame and hate everyone other than the one person who fucked up
>and avoid the AVGN movie like the trash it was?
he was in it
>saying this shit right after smollet
I love how desTINY is a literal advocate for enslaving Mexican so he can have cheaper food and iphones.
Yea Forums: if you buy something from someone that outright insults you while you're doing it, you have no self-respect
also Yea Forums: Who cares if this guy is a blatant racist? You should separate the art from the artist.
I miss the days where you could have a small community of ~5k people that are close-knit. I don't want a fucking 100000000 sub channel because that sounds fucking awful but it seems like there's no choice.
I just want to fucking talk about video games to alleviate boredom but I hate YouTube users.
>All the Jews and Blacks and Whites and Asians and Latinos should all die.
What did he mean by this?
Jon went in that debate during the height of the SJW shitstorm. Almost everyone was sick of them during this point.
>>I can still enjoy EarthWorm Jim despite what he said about homos
*Despite what the CREATOR said. That's what I meant to type. Big difference there.
>The fact of the matter is probably that you don't really care or have strong enough opinions about the negative things Jon/Earthwork Jim guy said so it doesn't really bother you
I don't like listening to people giving out any sort of hate, so it does bother me. (Yeah Yeah, then why are you here blah blah) The thing is, I feel as though when people protest a game just because someone said something stupid it's like giving them power. It's like saying that everyone else who worked on that game is nothing in comparison and it doesn't matter how much love was packed into it.
There are still people who (pretend) that they aren't buying YookaLaylee because it had Johns voice in it at some point. Yeah, fuck everyone who worked on this game because someone said something stupid.
Didn't he also say to Metokur that he wanted to start carpet bombing cartels like the US does with ISIS camps, because that's been working out well. What a fucking tard.
Yeah, no, Pat handled the breakup with style and grace. Matt and Liam were the ones acting petty and passive-aggresive.
Compared to both of them, I'd prefer Pat over Matt. Pat's an asshole and everyone knows this, like this isn't news and he admits that he's always wrong. Matt is just gully gully, simpsons reference and whining.
you: you: smelly sub-80 IQ banjo-lipped nigger
also you: smelly sub-80 IQ banjo-lipped nigger
H3H3 didn't throw him under the bus, he just said he didn't agree with him. He even called out PBG on twitter for being a little bitch towards Jon. he's still a fag for thinking MJ was guilty though
LOL that comeback would work on reddit against him but not here
look where you are senpai ahahahahha
god arin is so fake now Jesus the forced le I’m having fun act he has to do now.
Why did he even agree to a debate with a literal-who out of nowhere? How could he have seen it as possibly being worth his time?
Yeah, didn't Matt tell people not to follow his twitter if you stand with Vic? Fuck that guy.
So the reason Matt always wears a hat is because he is balding JUST at the top of his head?
Thank fuck I'm not balding cuz that looks horrible.
I'm not saying Matt is any better. He's a fat goblin who spouts off the laziest memes ever and is a alcoholic, but ginger faggot isn't much of a presence either.
Im not american, but a quick google search gives me about 500 years of white people murdering black people for literal lulz.
So miss me with this anecdotal evidence, history is NOT on your side burger.
>game grumps
>or any lets play
> v is stiill this mad Bestiny BTFO of jontron and his autistic racial pseudoscience
Oh hey and guess what? Jon came out admitted that he fucked but people don't care about that, they care out their fragile feefees and wanting to be always in the right.
>And yet at the end of the day MORE whites are shot by the cops
because there are more whites in total
why cant lefty brainlets into statistics
why would you want to follow his twitter anyway?
>he's still a fag for thinking MJ was guilty though
A grown man who sleeps with little boys in bed. Totally normal behavior. Michael Jackson dindu nuffin'
This. Pat's a loud mouth asshole with no filter who doesn't know when to stop and he'll escalate bc of it.
oh so crime is ok then? Fuck off retard.
What do you ne-want?
And for the record - I'm not saying that people must buy something even if the creator insults them personally. I'm just saying that enjoying the game or content or whatever doesn't automatically make me just as bad if not worse.
If Jon said he was wrong and apologized then why are we calling him /OURGUY/ still?
No, he became lefunny lememes movie/commercials now. Random movies were ok, when he shilled the tape thing he got lost. And of course his new eyebrows
5/10 bait. I almost gave a serious reply.
Pat really became the worst after they stop their "one stupid and one angry" duo act.
When Pat started laughing at his own stupid shit and treating his fake informations as a meme I knew that he would never be funny again.
sorry user but I actually look into things instead of blindly believing anecdotal bullshit at face value
Don't even like Ethan and that podcast is one of the only things I've watched from him but I don't think he completely threw him under the bus. They were (at least publicly) on good terms, going back and forth on twitter while everyone else was still shitting on him. When that podcast finally happened he recognized it would be uncomfortable, went ahead and asked, got some answers he wasn't satisfied with and THEN kept pressing a little too long when it was clear Jon had nothing left to say, that was kind of shitty but it's nothing compared to what spergs like PBG did to him.
>My ancestors were SLAVES hundreds of years ago, nigga!
>Now excuse me while I rape, kill, pillage, and destroy everything around me while surviving off of welfare, social benefits, and diversity quotas.
You're a fucking idiot. Not only are you glorifying barbarian nigger culture, you're also, ironically, being extremely racist by claiming black people are simply nothing more than victims. News flash, idiot: NO black person in the modern era has to face persecution in any way. They have every single advantage, right, and opportunity that white people have AND THEN SOME. I don't give a fucking shit if niggers were slaves hundreds of years ago. RIGHT NOW they are destroying everything in my country.
Casual racism is, dare i say it fellow /r/The_Donald bros....... based and le redpilled?
Fuck if I know. People on Yea Forums are dumb, they'll call anyone /OURGUY/ or /OURGIRL/ if they like what that person is saying enough.
This, theres no solid middle ground now, thats why youtube will die/only cater to big things
I miss when collectors youtube was big from like 2007-2010, when it was just guys like happy console gamer shooting the shit about games they like and prompting good video responses from other collectors
I was in high school and really wanted to share my stuff but i had no good camera/set up so i had no way to
Now its impossible/collecting youtube is kind of dead
And that only happened because some groups of black people thought it was a good idea to enslave other groups of black people, to sell them off for weapons, so they could use those weapons to kill an entirely different group of black people.
Turns out, everybody was shitty in the past.
Because he's clearly NOT sorry. He's just covering his ass.
He’s literally aryan
>muh slavery so we have free reign to kill you for hundreds of years
Do you have any idea how fucking insane you sound to literally anyone?
because if you publicly hate someone who said something racist, then everyone will see how virtuous and non racist you are
>racism doesn't exists because old forms of opression are illegal
Just because laws are in place doesn't mean everyone follows them fuck tard
Remember when people could just laugh at this and move on instead of turning into an oversensitive bitch? I miss those times.
>tfw I know for a fact that mj was legitimately into women (not saying he's guilty or innocent, but did at least have an interest in women) but have no way to actually prove it
he fucked my aunt in 1999
You have to go back.
And thus the circle continues.
So tell that
The prostituion graph is copmlete bullshit, Anyone with common sense knows Asians are the biggest prostitues in the US.
>Massage parlours on every corner. Patriots owner gets caught and arrested at one.
Whats it like being so obsessed with black people you give the real criminals a pass?
For the 1st 500 years in US history crime was ok if it was against blacks.
>They have every single advantage, right, and opportunity that white people have AND THEN SOME
Ummm no. I'm no American but I've had plenty of white people tell me they dont hire anyone with a black name. So how do they have the advantage if they cant get hired because of their name?
> newfags are now trying to push random e-celebs because they say one autistic anti-semitic or racist slur and it's so epic and redpilled
You have to go back.
Oh okay, so now you're relying on a conspiracy theory. Neato.
Please, if you're so familiar with this topic, give me an example of a company refusing to hire a minority simply because they're a minority.
That is a very zoomer image
why mad?
wtf i love suzy now youtube.com
Reminds me of the fact that George Lopez tried to fuck my aunt after his wife gave him a kidney.
And if they don't follow them they get fucked because accusations of racism are pretty much life-destroying now.
>When Pat started laughing at his own stupid shit and treating his fake informations as a meme I knew that he would never be funny again.
Didn't fucking Pat butcher HA Dio's backstory and any sort of JoJo related piece of information ever? The man says he's tried to read "the manga", but he really needs to stop saying second hand information and Twitter nonsense.
>yfw stamper almost got killed by gangbangers
But Jon wasn't doing racism jokes, he was spouting actual /pol/shit in a serious discussion. We are not talking about Jon doing black guy jokes, we're discussing Jon being unironically redpilled
>Just because laws are in place doesn't mean everyone follows them
Yeah black people tend not to as evidenced by
Oh cool, anecdotal evidence. Lovely.
>For the 1st 500 years in US history crime was ok if it was against blacks.
Jon is unironically /ourguy/ though
Explain how skin color is anything more than a coincidence in your statistics
That entire Sleepycast crew all seem like degenerate losers who browse this very website for threads about them.
Hey remember the enormous genocide in Rwanda between to tribes that have always hated each other? If you talk with any actual African they will either despise or not care at all about Africans from other states or even just different tribes
>fat seething racist basement-dwelling incel brown man who wishes he could be white sucks up to basement dwelling fragile white men on twitter
Yup , he definitely is Yea Forums's guy.
You know its true that Asians are the biggest in the US with their *Spa's*, and *massage parlors* on every other block. Just because they dont get busted doesnt mean they arent committing crimes.
Not white trash. I see those fuckers fighting with cops all the time.
Is he though? Doesn't he at least make edgy jokes?
Black people kill more white people in a single year than whites killed blacks in the 80 or so years of him crow. I think we are even now.
Why does Arin own so many dragon dildos?
You ever notice how Resetera always uses personal attacks in their arguments? It's almost like most of their arguments don't have a leg to stand on, so they need to resort to attacking strawmen.
I'm talking about your other post, dumb fuck.
He's obviously lost a considerable amount of weight in the last few years
rich, owns businesses, doesn't have to do shit. you're the seething one by the looks of it
Oh no!
>incel brown man
How do you call someone out for being racist and then immediately call them a brown man? get a grip kid
What is that thing?
That man must have one raging clue.
>it ruined his brand and image forever
his popularity actually has only gone up since then
Kill your Fucking self
He kind of dropped the swj thing after he realized how fucking boring life is if you can't crack some offensive jokes at times.
>Guy is a racist
>I'm not a race he is racist against
>Therefore I'm not insulted when he correctly brings up crime statistics to prove how a race is genetically dispositioned
Okay? Where's the contradiction here?
He who slayed Jontron is debating Digibro in an hour.
But its true. And deep down you know it. Blacks dont have this magic advatnage you white people claim they have. In some lines of work they have to change their name just to get a interview, kinda like how jews have had to do.
A white man.
chuds will literally make up statistic and then go based on your fee-fees, conservatards can consider me triggered
What did pbg do? I thought he was okay, but if he turns out to be a whiny child cunt I'll gladly unsubscribe
>Destiny is a pedophile manlet with a small dick
>Jontron is kind of sort of maybe a racist maybe?
Yeah, I wouldn't use the word "slayed" bud.
I watched some of their Sekiro run through during a lunch break once. They're doing the same exact thing while also entering DSP territories you wouldn't imagine possible.
They were the epitome autismo duo and I love it
And YOU know deep down that the vast majority of black people are sociopaths suffering from paranoia-induced psychosis.
Nobody gives a shit about this fag outside of how much of an annoying manlet he is.
>literally spewing autistic reactionary drivel he probably read on some random MS pain image macro he found on 8ch
>not a racist
That's like saying things like RLM isn't Yea Forums or music podcasts aren't Yea Forums. Educate yourself on the concept of general subject matter, if you don't learn something the rote nature of reading might at least distract your autism for a little while.
You need to go back, Resetera.
>>Marry a slut that fucks your editor
I doubt there's real evidence for this, but what circumstantial evidence do we have for this conclusion?
I mean, you're setting yourself up for an open goal if you dress in an SS uniform on camera and then say some racist stuff after or before. Those two things are entirely avoidable and while you can do one or the other without probably being typecast, doing both probably is the problem.
Like if David Mitchell or Robert Webb ever say something racist they're fucked in a cocked hat.
At least I don't need to raid a website to get my point across, Resetera.
>And YOU know deep down that the vast majority of black people are sociopaths suffering from paranoia-induced psychosis.
400+ years of slavery, and being shitted on with racist laws will do that to you.
White people are having to compete and were already seeing their society completely break down.
And its kinda funny desu.
>400+ years of slavery, and being shitted on with racist laws will do that to you.
It's pretty telling that black people haven't gotten their shit together even though they've been liberated for just as long.
>at the end of the day MORE whites are shot by the cops than blacks!
>Also whites get away with alot more shit than blacks do,
So which is it?
because by definition coincidence requires that the two things happen "without apparent causal connection", and those two factors happen to appear every single nation across the planet as well as when environmental factors such as location and economic wealth are taken out.
This. Worst part is, I never realized it because I had my Egoraptor-fanboy glasses on at the time, so I contributed everything good about the show to Arin. When Jon left, I was incredibly confused until I watched his channel and started to clear up the fog.
>implying the mutt elections and goobergate didn't invite millions of reactionary redditors and other schizophrenic stormweenie autists
>its white people fault that niggers are niggers. Ignore crime in Africa and crime among niggers in other countrys
Ok retard.
Don't forget jews. Even Malcom X was blaming jews for a lot slaves.