Why do incels get so mad about this? If you were going to buy the game, why does it matter what launcher you use? Are people so stupid they don’t realize that competition makes prices cheaper?
Why do incels get so mad about this? If you were going to buy the game, why does it matter what launcher you use...
Other urls found in this thread:
Das rite, fuck steamcels
Epic bros get in here
>If you were going to buy the game, why does it matter what launcher you use?
Then why the fuck does Epic have to challenge steam?
The white man fears the superior Chinese.
Less of one being better than the other and more of the argument being why do you care who hosts the game? Does buying the game at Best-Buy make the game better than if you bought it from Wal-Mart?
If a store has exclusive rights to sell a game they have no incentive to lower the price. Ever. That's why they purchased the right to be the only one who can sell it. It's what makes the business practice economically beneficial for the storefront.
The customers are the ones who are forced to make up the difference. You're a customer. You should want as many stores to sell a game as possible so that they compete with one another. Exclusivity is not competition; it's trying to prevent competition.
They want to make money
>Monopoly is good goy
if the competition is based on exclusivity it won't make prices go down, they'll be the same, only on different stores.
Epic is taking away choice. That's the same effect as a monopoly.
Sure thing Tim.
Same reason you cared so much about defending epic that you and other brainless make multiple threads every day
I don't have too big of an issue with it, but it's more about the slippery slope that's happened to tv streaming services. Instead of making the clients to be better with new features, etc. Services just throw money at get the rights to a show and not share it and clearly epic is trying to do the same thing. One thing leads to another and I personally would rather just avoid it. And competition won't come from game prices but what games you can buy, so the people will have to deal with multiple services to get different games while still paying the same amount.
How is that different from Steam being the only game in town?
Hello Epic employees.
How's the spying going Bai Feng?
1 barrel of gutter oil has been deposited in front of your commieblock
Imagine being so butthurt you don’t even read the thread
>bribe devs to remove game from another store just so you can sell it exclusively on your own store
It's bringing back a new golden era of piracy.
Tim is based as fuck.
Steam doesn't prevent publishers or developers from selling their games on different storefronts. That's exactly what many publishers do. Even key resellers get in on the action and compete with prices so that if you're a discriminating customer you can usually get a better deal somewhere else. Epic takes away the opportunity for any of that.
Do you understand the difference? It's not about what launcher you're using. It's about the money.
>Epic gives money to devs for exclusives
>Vavle gives money to devs to not become exclusives
I'd be supportive of Epic if it was a close in quality or better then steam, but its fucking dog shit.
Can't steam
Can't change to an offline mode.
Cant share games with friends.
No workshop equivalent
No forums (great for troubleshooting without having to open tickets among many other thangs)
No reviews
No streaming
Returns are WAY more strict
The client is so fucking garbage and feature void that it's basically anti consumer not even getting in to the fucking EULA.
Everything about it is garbage. I want competent competition but this fucking trash
You dont have a choice when you only have steam.
>everyone that doesnt agree with me is an epic employer
how is this meme word relevant to the topic?
>publisher deecides to only release on steam
>that is valves fault
>epic buys off publishers to only release on epic store
>this is not epics fault
You guys get more and mroe retarded by the second.
Falun gong organ harvesting
Free tibet
Winnie the pooh
Multi-party system
Since Chang didn't pay much attention during english class he just says whatever he picks up and thinks fits the casue to improve his social score.
>You dont have a choice when you only have steam.
Yes you do. You literally do. What launcher you're using is more or less irrelevant when it comes to this discussion. If Epic also sold keys in bulk for resellers and allowed publishers and developers to also sell on other platforms then this would be a non-issuee. Epic would be just like Steam in that regard and nobody would have a problem, because THAT would actually be competition between Steam and Epic. People would have the choice to use whatever launcher they want as well as still have access to better prices.
When you compare the two launchers side by side it's clear Steam is better for customers for a laundry list of reasons. This is why Epic is trying to heavy hand customers into having no choice but to use the Epic store.
If you continue to argue this point it's because you're intentionally ignoring the point.
>valve has a huge margin against other platforms
>pcbros are surprised that other platforms have to take drastic measures to challenge steam
What’s stopping Steam from doing the same? If they want it so bad then shell out some more cash.
>devs can disable reviews.
>devs making shit games can shield themselves from criticism, further promoting the early access full price shit game practice
>always have to be online, can't play single player games without an internet connection
>games save locally instead of the cloud, so if your computer crashes or the game crashes, sorry, fuck you
>no controller support, mouse and keyboard only
>no regional prices
>no socialization, no community areas, no screenshot sharing, just your friends list and that's it
>no streaming to other devices, no user profiles, no achievements, no linux support, no wishlists, no broadcasting
Y-You just don't want to use another launcher!
im not mad, but grateful infact
i get to keep supporting my favorite games and devs while sellout ones get their games pirated, simple as
it saves me some money
That's cool and all, but how about we sit down and discuss about the Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989
1989 Tiananmen Square massacre
Free Tibet
>normally feel bad if I pirate games
>can pirate epic store exclusives without any guilt whatsoever
I'm actually hoping for more games to be epic exclusive now.
What is this Winnie the Pooh meme
Post steam for comparison
>No Linux
Well that settles it then
Valve understands that would diminish Steam's reputation and allow customers to leave. Steam competes for customers with features players want and prices people want. They don't need to resort to monopolistic tactics; their infrastructure does their work for them.
>gog, uplay, origin...
plenty more
>some madlad comedian in chinkland said their grorious reader looks like Winnie the Pooh
>entire government gets triggered
>make the madlad an unperson, ban any mention of Winnie in chinkland
President of China looks like him, also the latest Winnie the Pooh was banned in China because of that fact.
That's why all the other ones had to do the sa... oh wait.
yeah I'm pretty sure if you run steam it will also access steam files.
seriously though, if you suspect steam are spyware like epic, it should be super easy for you to prove. so how about you do it and get us all btfo? oh you can't? so shut up faggot.
lmao fucking chinks
Because not wanting your personal information getting datamined to corporations or foreign governments means you're a friendless unfuckable loser. If you don't want to give the Zuck or President Winnie access to your entire life, if you have any notion of privacy whatsoever, you're regarded as a complete freak.
This is literally what normies believe. Civilization as we know it is over.
I'm going to keep drilling this into everyone's heads until they get it. Steam is a fucking webapp with a handful of features for developers. It is a webpage and a filehosting service. It's little more than a go-daddy account or an AWS frontend. Anyone and everyone can compete. Developers could self-release. Steam has an optional DRM package and some APIs for achievement tracking, it has latency reduction tools recently made available. It has decades of catalogue, and has matured over 15 years.
But it has been in constant competition. The file distributors of yore, the ones that issued demos, patches, betas, mods and news? They were competition. Thepiratebay, demonoid and so on? Competitors. Origin, GOG, uPlay, EGS, Battle.net, more rivals.
1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre covered up by Chinese Government. Chinese President for Life Xi Jinping looks like Winnie the Pooh.
You got a point, fuck head? Or are you just here to shit post?
I think it's time China is held accountable for it's many crimes against the people not Tibet and others.
You zoomers don't remember bf3 being an origin exclusive?
Or they could, I dunno, develop an actually decent launcher before releasing it, make sure their security isn't a bad joke, and just allow their benefits to compete. If they did that and weren't buying exclusivity rights to everything in sight most people would opt for the game that's $10 cheaper by default. Epic instead opted for being a shitty platform with laughable security that is paying out the nose for exclusivity to basically say "ha, use our store or dont play the new game you want" it's a silly way to garner """support""".
its just some white "people" from r/gamingcirclejerk, it not even bugmen KEK
you're underestimating steam af here but your point absolutely stands. faggot who call steam Monopoly should be hanged for their sheer stupidity. not even counting illegal competition like torrents
>false equivalence
All publishers make their own games exclusive to their platform, and people still think it sucks, but it's to be expected, third party stuff is a whole different matter
>Are people so stupid they don’t realize that competition makes prices cheaper?
The fact that people believe this seriously makes me hope they launch the nukes soon.
Who are the other ones?
You mean ubisoft and origin that mainly sell their own games in them?
wait, are redditors legit pro epic? for real?
As opposed to you who is also shitposting?
>Why do incels get so mad about this?
they're advertisers, not actual fanboys
get with it, grandpa
I'm pretty sure China's had their claws into reddit for a while now so it's probably just shills.
And people shit on exclusivity no matter what, but there's an allowance for publishers to release their game on their own platforms. It's their game. It's completely within their right to sell it however they please because they earned the right to sell it. They are the original copyright holder. It's different when Epic is bribing publishers and developers to specifically not release their game on other platforms.
If we extrapolate this behavior and imagine Epic has an enormous amount of money to do this Epic would legitimately me a monopoly right now. The only reason they're not is because they don't have as much money to bribe publishers into effectively killing their competition. This is why you can call this business practice monopolistic, because if continued unabated it would result in a clear monopoly.
They both have lots of overlap in titles available on Steam. Yes, Uplay/Origin exist primarily to sell Ubisoft/EA games, but they do have 3rd party titles available.
battlefield 3 is first party game, it belongs to ea, origin belongs to ea
these games epic is preventing their release on steam (and gog) for a year are 3rd party
there lies the difference
if you're going to start arguing that there's no difference between 1st and 3rd party then there's no further discussion to be had
I wasn't the one who posted that shit, but you seem to think shitposting is going to convince anyone you're fucking right. Make some points. Argue some points. Don't just shitpost you stupid cunt.
>Randy already imagining never having to read bad reviews about his games again
Heheh tigger, still fucking lost everytime I see this pic
>does not take orders from Tencent
I mean thats easy to find out, just a few account with a winnie pooh icon going and see if i gets you banned
As far as I care, there's not a huge difference between a publisher owning your studio or funding you for platform exclusivity.
I'll shill for fortnite launcher if it makes Yea Forums mad.
>As far as I care, there's not a huge difference
So you're not going to argue the finer points of why the difference is bad for customers, you just want to state how you feel about the difference is negligible. Your apathy is not an endorsement for things that go against your own interests. If you want to shill for Epic you need to convince people using logic or some sort of rationale; not your feelings.
Why compare the prices of two different games?
Tencent owns 40% of reddit, so yah
You didn't even try, did you?
>Trusting Software that has been in Chinese hands
One of the games is exclusive to Epic, which is the entire point. A direct comparison in prices can't be made, but the exact prices are irrelevant to the point. The point is if a game is on Steam you have multiple options to where you can actually purchase the key and those companies compete over prices so the customer can get a better deal. If the game is only on Epic, Epic alone controls the price and has 0 fucking incentive to lower it.
Here's an argument
Kill yourself
>prices cheaper
Where are the cheaper prices?
That's what I thought you cock sucking shill. You have no arguments.
There's a lot more than just China spying on your shit, m8
That's what I thought too you cock sucking shill. You have no arguments either
Feel free to stop playing all unreal engine 4 games.
Um, it's all Steam's fault somehow! It has nothing to do with 12% distribution fees and massive bribes being unsustainable.
Alright Xi, whatever you say. Hows the quantum radar going?
I'm making a ton of points in this thread but you're not addressing any of them because I'm not making them directly at you. If you want to argue in favor of Epic then feel free to step into the discussion going on in this thread instead of kicking the dirt like a stupid brat.
>Are people so stupid they don’t realize that competition makes prices cheaper?
Everybody's still waiting for the "cheaper prices" you absolute retard. You've just fell for Sweeney's lies. This guy won't stop until he gets full monopoly and according to the way he's been treating the consumer base he will do anything but lower the prices once he gets what he wants.
This is the future you're chosing right now fucking turd
It doesn't matter why it's bad for consumers, exclusivity is bad for game studios, which is why publishers pay a premium for exclusivity.
Pretty funny for people to rattle on about exclusives on PC of all platforms even though it isn't really exclusive since you're still using your PC to run the game anyways.
Back in my day, you'd go to the store, pick up a box with a disc in it, purchase game, put in the disc and install it and you'd just hope that it runs well on the first go.
But I got free games from Epic. How much cheaper can you get than free?
>It doesn't matter why it's bad for consumers
Excuse me? Are you retarded?
>exclusivity is bad for game studios,
Because those game studios rely on the money given to them BY CUSTOMERS AND IF CUSTOMERS AREN'T HAPPY THEY'RE NOT SPENDING MONEY.
>publishers pay a premium for exclusivity.
Publishers aren't paying for exclusivity. Publishers are receiving money in return for exclusivity. You literally don't understand what direction the money is changing hands. Your understanding of the argument is that fucked up.
The problem is being forced to use a different store / launcher, without any benefit for us. The only ones benefitting are the publishers, while the customers on average are paying a little bit more or for some european countries, quite a bit more. I understand why publishers want a bigger cut and I get that they are trying to pressure valve, but that doesn't mean that I need to suck chinese cock. Sooner or later Valve will have to take a smaller cut to avoid more exclusives for the epic store and that's a good thing. But pretending that the epic store is better for the customer is retarded.
I got free games from Steam as well, what's your point? Epic isn't the one who made this shit up
>without any benefit for us
sorry sweaty but epic have already proven this false
no one is retarded enough to waste time doing that, only steam incels
>Pr bullshit
Nice argument
Epic doesn't do sales and doesn't allow third party key retailers to do sales for their keys you absolute cuck
stop being so entitled nazi
But look
>before epic
>get free games from steam
>after epic
>get free games from steam AND epic
So technically, epic entering the scene has been a net positive for me.
Kill yourself you fortnite lover, Sweeney semen slurper cuck
But Epic literally wants to start their own Monopoly
>exclusivity agreements
>how does EGS benefit the consumers?
>it doesn't, only the publishers are reaping the benefits
Nice article, faglord.
>pcbros are surprised that other platforms have to take drastic measures to challenge steam
I'm taking drastic measures as well. I'm going to pirate every game that devs tie to Epic. This is their fault for not wanting to sell it to me.
>That stateman
I refuse to belive that is real. Not even Tim can be that retarded
It's 100% real.
>lightweight storefront
>heavier than steam
As long as you don't pay full price for their games it's fine.
I'm pretty sure when they're talking about lightweight storefronts they're referring to the size of the library.
he mad!
They mean "lightweight" in terms of features, library and security.
go back to /pol/ fucking chink
That's literally what competition is. Getting companies to use your service instead of a competing service.
>usind Discord as a storefront
>using a Twitch application instead of on your webbrowser
>owning bethesda games post Fallout New Vegas
>needing the GoG client when the games run fine off of their executables
A majority of that is pointless resource usage. Use better b8 m8.
So you're retarded. I'm not defending Epic. Nothing I said is even remotely political. Go fuck yourself.
Why shouldn’t I?
Am I in hell?
Origin has. UPlay should only have Ubisoft titles tough. They still get their most sales trough steam, unless epic pays them off of course.
And ungryhr death camps
Are you saying that the Epic Store...
first red flag
nobody cares niggerfaggot, every client that isn't bethesda's is """"lightweight"""
No, that's called bribery and creating a walled garden. Competition is having a product available at more than one place and customers choosing one or the other based on what benefits them the most. Kill yourself, Epic shill.
Because you would be supporting them and their practices. Like i said, if you want the future of vidya to be fucking worse than it is today, go for Epic, be my fucking guest
Reminder that it was confirmed that these threads are all made by greedy as fuck devs who openly hate you and call you their enemy.
This is all despite of demanding every penny from your wallet.
I told you to fuck off back to /pol/ you dog eating cunt
THere's an easy solution to this.
>Let's make a bunch of games exclusive.
>I'm sure that will make people go to our platform instead of making them swear off our platform until the end of time.
>it was confirmed that these threads are all made by greedy as fuck devs
I doubt this is true but I hope it is.
Pirate every single game that a dev locks behind chink spyware.
Holy shit you're retarded. Publishers are choosing epic because they offer a more beneficial service than the competition. You have no idea what you're talking about.
But how do I become a cute anime girl who runs a space yacht club?
I need a better reason than exclusives to support another store or platform and other stores/platforms want me to lower my expectations instead
epic doesn't even have support forums ffs
I made up my mind the second I saw their plans to literally buy their way into a monopoly. I haven't pirated in 12+ years but I now understand what Gabe meant by this.
Seeing what Tim has turned in to is so disappointing.
Growing up I fucking LOVED ZZT and made tons of things in it. I found many interesting interviews with him in the 90s and 00s that made me respect the guy a ton. Then Fortnight happened and the dude did a 180 and is pure fucking evil greed now. Some of the shit he says flys counter to everything he championed prior. Its weird since its like a totally different person.
You don't understand what competition means in this context. Epic is trying to change the nature of the market at a fundamental level in order to avoid competition. Let me give you a food analogy.
They're all supposed to be selling fruit. Epic comes along and only sells what it describes as Non-GMO fruit, and prevents Steam from selling Non-GMO fruit even though Steam usually sells fruit no matter if it's Non-GMO or GMO. Epic is then bribing farmers to label all of their fruit as Non-GMO so Epic is the only store that can sell them.
So instead of stores just selling fruit, now you have TWO DIFFERENT markets; and different markets are not competing.
Let's see how beneficial it is when I pirate their games instead.
People like Epic Game Store because it's not Steam without realizing that the fully-realized Epic Game Store is a far, far worse version of Steam. Do you seriously think you'll get the same extremely generous return/refund policy on Epic?
This aggressive acquisition of IPs is a power play designed to eventually harm you, the consumer in the long run.
>steam being the only game in town
>literally any retail store
what's it like being a dumb shill or useful idiot?
OK, when do the prices get cheaper?
I never defended Epic. Not once. Will you stop shitposting or not? Because I'm going to be honest with you, instigating a racist off-topic flamewar is against the rules and I'm not above reminding everyone in this thread.
Why are you looking at my root certs Tim?
I think it's safe to assume that he's a pretty good codemonkey who hit it big with Fortnite and now has the bugs in his back pushing him on. That would explain why he always contradicts himself with his statements. He just doesn't know better.
Epic is offering a better deal because they're trying to gain influence.
You do realize they are going to fuck everybody harder once they get their hooks in the industry right? Their rates are never in stone.
Losing your virginity is now an Epic store exclusive
>I doubt this is true but I hope it is.
I'll find some discord screen grabs for you.
That just shows you're entitled scum, a pcbro and a fucking thief. Your opinion is worthless in the industry.
>this game requires a Steam account to be played
Then again, this also applies
>this game requires uPlay to be active in order to launch (when it's a Ubisoft game on Steam)
I don't see why people are complaining about exclusivity now when it's always been a thing (outside of DRM-free platforms).
Beneficial to the publishers at first glance, but customers are the ones who will ultimately decide whether to foot the bill. If you need to take bribes in order to guarantee your game will sell, odds are you're selling a shit game and the sales will reflect that. Good publishers and developers release their game everywhere they can because that results in the most profit long-term.
Look at this pcbro bootlicker
>hurrrr but le chinks le chinks
Epic give out lump sums for exclusivity so this makes sense that lazy fagets will go to them. Those fag devs will have their games pirated and then they will fade into obscurity. The free market fixes all.
I love these threads for making all the pathetic buyfags seeth. Just pirate lmao.
Are you done?
>You dont have a choice when you only have epic.
They're choosing them because they get handed a big stack of money, and this is still not competition. Kill yourself, retard
You might be right. I do wonder how much of the retarded shit he says now is really from him or from his effective owners (board of executives, big stock holders, Tencent)
>guys, just vote with your wallet! what you support matters!
>fucking pirate, you are irrelevant
But the prices haven't been made cheaper for me. I get my keys from CDkeys.
Ubisoft doesn't force publishers to use Uplay instead of Steam. It releases its own first party titles on Uplay because they're the copyright holders and it's well within their right to take 100% of the profit in a smaller marketplace if that's what they want to do.
Let me translate this from Chink Speak into actual red-blooded freedom statements.
>Lightweight storefront
300 MB idle Electron app with an 8th the features of our far better competitor.
>Convenient to use
Launches your game most of the time (if you have internet goy)
>Gives developers a better deal
We bribe developers for your own good, we swear!
>I never defended Epic. Not once.
yes you did bruce lee
what a disgusting cuck
Feel free to point out the post where I did this and I guarantee you that you either misinterpreted what I said because you're illiterate, or you're thinking I'm someone I was responding to.
>not wanting to be a cool pirate like pic related
imagine being you
quite sad
Point is, you can buy the game from a number of sources at variable prices. EGS only sells through EGS at EGS' price. Sure, you're still using Steam's client to play the game you bought, but you don't have to buy directly from Steam. With EGS, you have no choice but to buy from EGS.
Also, most exclusives on PC are first-party titles, exclusivity to the original creator's store is a necessary evil. What we are seeing here are 3rd party titles being made exclusive by a company that had no hand in the actual creation of the product simply because they're hungry for IP.
>Guys this is so good for the devs.
>Just accept the spyware and the fact that Epic is throwing money around to artificially create exclusivity.
>Every cent of that extra cash will absolutely go to the devs. Trust me.
do you know what illiterate means you zipperhead gook fetus eater
to clarify - I meant Tim, not you user.
still waiting for those cheaper prices over here
Hey Janitors. How about doing your job and removing this one man's autismo kebab from the board?
Do what I just told you to do. Point out the post. But I already know you won't because you know you fucked up and I can prove it as soon as you try to prove otherwise. You're a retard who can't read.
Same, why the fuck should I care about what the devs make per copy.
>made exclusive
This is what I don't get.
Isn't it just a front end? You're still playing the game at the same price as on other platforms.
>yfw watching pcbeggarrace start their own console war bullshit
you fucking point it out gook
I can't point out a post where I was defending Epic because I never defended Epic. This is the claim you're trying to make you fucking idiot. Show me your fucking evidence.
Look at his eyes, they're dead. Nothing behind them but greed and lust for tencent cock
mmm so you claim steam is a spyware like epic, but when asked to prove it, something that literally takes 10 seconds (see original gif) you make up excuses. classic.
Tim Sweeney? More like Rat's Weenie.
for the same reason you niggers keep making shit threads
*chink shills try to start console war bullshit but have no games to do so
>haha, I am going to laugh at PC moving to resolve their new exclusivity issue while my platform is so deeply entrenched in exclusivity it has no hope!
>compare the prices
It's not comparing prices, it's comparing number of retailers selling the game and showing the effect that has on price.
He looks like a treacherous little goblin
this, plus consider the following: epic literally pay devs for exclusive and take smaller cut. how will they make up for the loss and gain profit? take a wild guess, considering the fact that they control the price and don't have a competition....
take your time...
well if you guessed "by fucking the customers with expensive prices and no regional discount" you guessed correctly!
Is there a list of how much non-amerifats pay for the same games on the epic store somewhere ?
I genuinely hope this disgusting pork will die of cancer.
>he won't post Steam for comparison
lmao steam drones ladies and gents
Are you implying Steam accesses files in folders associated with different launchers?
Stop it console cuck, you're not fooling anyone.
then you post steam for comparison. what's that? it doesn't exist because steam is not a spyware? well fuck off then.
Epic's moneyhatting helps the developers of the titles they have removed from Steam, who for the last few major exclusives have been surprised (The Outer Worlds), silent (Anno 1800) or distanced themselves from a choice they claim was made solely by their publisher (Borderlands 3). This in turn has led to happier consumers, who end up distrusting developers they've supported for years, and that helps the PC become a stronger platform as those consumers pledge to either pirate the game or buy it on the PS4 or Xbox instead of the PC. All of which is fine because Epic exclusivity deals work out better for developers if people stop buying games on the PC.
Shilling is still shilling even if you're being ironic. Fuck Epic, fuck Tencent, fuck China, fuck kikes, fuck jannies, fuck trannies, fuck faggots, and most importantly, fuck niggers.
>Fuck Epic, fuck Tencent, fuck China, fuck kikes, fuck jannies, fuck trannies, fuck faggots, and most importantly, fuck niggers
what about slavs?
Even if you're a shitposter, stop spreading the competition meme. Competition in its original form is when companies compete in incentives to entice consumers to them while creating a form of self policing as in as long as a singular company has no control and must bend the knee to customers they're kept in check from fucking the customer. As in Epic's own words, consumers will not be the decider of their war, they're using a modern business tactic that's the sole reason we're fucked in almost all industries now ranging from pharmaceuticals, airlines, utilities, ISPs, certain food products, energy and fuel, Hollywood and so on. Companies realized that when you fight over the consumer you lose, so they borrowed and evolved a variation of old mob tactics to circumvent then inevitably kill all competition while giving the illusion there is competition to keep regulation off your back.
Do you know why drugs in America are expensive? Because a company will not compete, they will buy the patent or the companies that make the competitive product while still keeping it listed but non producing then jack up their prices 400-800%. Do you know why the amount of airlines have dwindled, services offered have dropped but profits have skyrocketed to historical levels? Because they essentially hold an airport hostage and lock it up with just their planes forcing a consumer to use certain airlines for certain locations or routes.
What Epic vs Steam is going to do is Epic is introducing business aggressive protectionism that was non existent in the industry before which will force its competitors to do the same till only Steam and Epic is left (less competition) and developers will never have to concede to consumers because they have guaranteed profit contracts. If you thought the industry was toxic and becoming Hollywood like before wait a year or two and watch it implode.
seething steam shitters need to download fortnite and get with the times
>what about slavs?
>make dope games
>give no fucks about PCness in their vidya
>squat real good
>nice ushankas
slavs are fine
imagine defending someone who's doing absolutely nothing but paying to keep pre-exsiting games off their the competitors store
sailing the seven seas has never been so tempting
>samefagging and throwing a tantrum
>still won't post comparison
Yo, how much does Gabe pay you?
Back into the gulag, Boris.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Answer my question.
oh no, he's making fun of my sex life. i better prove him wrong by shopping exclusively at a shitty store
lmao try harder you console pleb
I can't belive i used to respect all of them. the old statemen "you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain" is more true now than ever.
>incel literally means nothing
Hahahaha I love SJWs, misuse and overuse insults and words until they literally mean nothing.
>Get done fucking my girlfriend
>Call epic shit
>Y-yeah well fuck you incel
>he does it for free
Mega yikes, sweet summer child.
Oh, because you're defending Epic for money i guess? Talk about double standards
retard doesn't know what irony is
Why is it okay to have store exclusives with first party titles again?
Would no-one have been pissed if Epic just bought obsidian and then released it as a Epic exclusive?
The line seems to be rather arbitrarily drawn.
doubt anyone will pay for the game if its not $60 when it comes out retard
Cyкa Блять
make me, дeбил
fuck Epic Games
fuck China
fuck Winnie the Poo
fuck Tencent
fuck Social Media
fuck console war shitposters
fuck (You)
>Why is it okay to have store exclusives with first party titles again?
Because there is no reason to expect a company to reach out to external elements for distribution if they are already capable of distributing their product themselves.
Shitposting cunt runs away from the argument and thinks anyone is fooled. You lost.
hey dumbfuck, i dont know if you know this, but dev teams are like completely separate from publishers, this epic games shit is no different except on paper
Sure, just give me the editing program, a tutorial on how to edit, the place i have to open to see all the executives and dlls steam opens when you log in and i will do it.
Epic Games is not a Chinese company. It has a large but minority shareholder in Tencent. Almost all employees are American though.
He won't because then you'd make his FUD obsolete and he'd lose his job for Valve
are u braindead
i have worst regional prices here (argentina) i cant refund even once , worst profiles no cards which i resell them less controller support theres nothing and i mean nothing positive about the chink store compared to steam on my region
40% is more than enough to ruin everything.
>says while posting in 4channel
Nobody cares about third world losers like you
Nigger stop being retarded. The whole issue here is that these games are not owned by epic in anyway.
>hurr muh chinese boogeyman!!!
Fucking stop.
and thats fine by me , as long as retarded american or euro developers keep fomenting exlucisvity on the epic store will keep seeding and torrenting their games if they make profit good for them i will keep playing their games but now instead of paying will got them for free and theres nothing they can do about it
how do you afford a computer
he looks like a fucking pedophile
Sweeney has to approve their ideas so even if they do ruin the company it's Sweeney's fault in the end.
>can only buy the game in one place
what fucking competition, you complete mongloid
Nobody cares
someone post the name of the program and i'll make one for steam
not because i don't like steam, just sso we can finally finish this shit debate
That shit is entirely irrelevant. None of the other shops get their exclusives by literally paying 3rd party companies in order to have them remove their games from other stores. Nobody does that in the PC space other than Epic and because of it they will not get a single cent from me. Get fucked.