>I'm right this isn't even up for debate!
Why are gaming critics so obnoxious?
I'm right this isn't even up for debate!
did he actually say that? top kek, when?
>user is assmad that the youtube talking guy doesn't validate him thread #57281
Yes we know he's a fucking retard.
No need to dwell on it.
>still being this asshurt that some guy BTFO your weebshit games
Most critic ironically can't handle criticism. The most common response they have "Don't like my stuff, Don't watch it" completely shows their lack of self awareness.
dark souls 3 video
He is married, has kids, and makes 100k usd a year
He is literally better than 99,999% of you
>and makes 100k usd a year
Off what?
what was he even talking about when he said that? lel
He should've just taken the matthewmatosis route of telling people that this is his fucking channel and if you don't like it, you should fuck off back to israel.
>having to share your opinion online in a 40 min video
>your opinion about video games
Are you really surprised?
>Nootin personal boyo
See you're confusing "complaints" with "proper criticism" they are very different.
I like this fuckers content, but good christ can he be a huge faggot about things.
Bit of a shame our based boy doesn't makes more game related shit but mostly other stuff.
and thats a good thing, this guys video game essays are embarrassing and he should stick to film
>makes 8 hours of content about one balding basedboy
fucking autist
>hour long game "critiques"
how can anyone watch this shit, his stream highlights are decently entertaining but whenever he has an opinion he just sounds like a whiny bitch that takes being a critic way too seriously
>stream highlights
fucking yikes, at least critiques have some substance to them
he doesnt use it for background noise while playing a mp game
wew lad
Why mp specifically? Shouldnt it be better for sp games?
you're late, but I appreciate the effort nonetheless
At least I don't get so unfathomably mad that people would dare like a Nintendo game that I pour hours upon hours of my time into making an unwatchably long video about how it's not as good as people think.
Bad idea because all the disgusting animal and kiddie rapists will root themselves in and spam illegal shit in nsfw channels until you're accused yourself
t. assblasted nintentoddler
It's been how long, over a year?, and you fucking spergs still seethe over it. Fucking glorious.
Today, I must remind them
it's no masterpiece
ive never played mario games because i dont find them fun. how is he wrong in his video?
nothing, because its not something he said
He says it while referring to the swamp area of DS3 being Blightown from DS1
Post his extra original book covers