Why did sony got some white dude to play some flute instead of an actual japanese person?
Cultural appropriation like this is getting out of hand.
I agree, and all you non Anglos need to
Sell your car, your TV, your phone, your computer, your jeans, your suits, your trains, your ships, your planes, your street cars, your buses, your bible, your electricity, your refrigerator, your pizza, your burgers, your pop, your beer and the list goes on
But flutes did not come from Japan?
It isn't even that he was white, really, but it was strange to see. Plus his performance was dogshit. They could have cut out the gay flute and just gone to the trailer.
He's actually a professional and has studied how to play that for I think at least 10 years? But yeah it was weird and even if it was done by a Japanese person it was a useless segment.
>Why did sony got some white dude to play some flute instead of an actual japanese person?
He was one of the last living people to be recognized as a master of the shakuhachi. He received a mastery teaching license in 2013.
I never bothered to watch this before, but it's actually pretty okay. Why does everyone hate it? It's only 2 minutes
>a Japanese company picked an ethnic minority instead of a Japanese person which makes up 98% of the population of Japan
Oh the horror
Who the fuck cares if he is some master. Its a videogame not some concert.
Master of blowing into a tube making garbage noises.
What a fucking triumph.
I know right? White people, like, need to invent their own shit instead of stealing from other cultures. Play a stupid boring white guy instrument like the piano or a. Budweiser beer can instead, fucking bigot!
Im answering his loaded question. I am not saying it right.
White people wish they could have this much culture
This but unironically
better than being the master of absolutely nothing
The game will be shit and this flute guy was the only good thing about it.
got em
Nigger I'm a Masterbater
It got him to a massive conference. You´re just waiting for new uploads at r34
>having musical segments at all
Fuck off, just show me the fucking games
>implying he isn't waiting for the new uploads too
Whose idea was it to have a banjo AND a flute in the same conference?
>love of music can't transcend race and nationality
Tell this guy to stop playing Country music while youre at it faggot
I love how the liberal snowflakes bitch, and moan at the authenticity of a caucasian being a nippon flute master.
>Country music
>rawhide kobayashi is real
But not a master debater
>You´re just waiting for new uploads at r34
this hit too close to home
*Taiko drums*
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