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good riddance
No one here planned to buy it anyway, they went SJW since the second one.
randy did it again
>tfw 100% discount in the CPY store
right in the OP. look bottom left corner. they did a oopsie
No. Steam. I mean Epic.
tiananmen square massacre etc
>people really actually unironically legitimately seriously excited for a BORDERLANDS game
>Fuck Steam, I love Epic!
>April 1st
so what your telling me is. coincidentally that a guy just happened to announce it on April 1st which is a day where people tell jokes and is literally nicknamed "April Fools Day"
OP are you retarded?
>literal who twitter
>on april fools
Next time, just say you're retarded.
>falling for an edited video
Tencent will crush Randy's balls if he embezzles the money, unlike SEGA who let the Memelands developer get away with it.
why is she ugly now?
Its the shills
The only good borderlands game is already on Steam, and about to be high res too. Literally no one here but shills care, but if you like 3 so much, check mine.
So trash attracts trash who'd of thought?
>hahaha its fake bro
look at randy tweets. hes shilling for epic store RIGHT NOW
>nothing confirmed by 2k
>It's set! It's an exclusive!11111
big yikes from me, tumblerite. Your hysteric drama is not appreciated on this site.
no way bro there were actual threads discussing this garbage ass series when the trailer was dropped
>I love Steam
kill yourself, literally
stay mad retard
>I love China
I'd tell you to kys, but that would violate your suicide prevention contract.
OH NONONNONONO im having a deja vu... didint this happen to metro? hahahahahahah not our fault btw
1(ONE) point has been added to this citizen's social credit score for this post.
see: I know you are a below 20 faggot who is thirsty for attention and mentally not on the level of an adult. Your parents should definitely take your legal responsibilities
get dabbed on by the chinks lmao
so borderlands 3 will be an epic store exclusive and require an epic account to play on all platforms due to them handling the cross platform infrastructure
Is fitgirl safe, like do people who are tech savy download them and can say they are safe?
Most peoples fears is downloading a trojan or virus and not being able to counter it if they did.
downloaded one of his repacks, no problems so far. unpacking made my gpu run like a turbine though. maybe theres a bitcoin miner or some shit lol
Can we rip models efficiently from the EGS games like we can with Steam and SFM?
Will the exclusivity hinder our porn production?
Borderlands 2 already showed signs of being fucked with and the prequel confirmed they didn't actually care to make a good game if they couldn't fill the dialogue with memes. Why would 3 be any better.
>releasedate announcement
>first thing they do is announce a preorder gold weapon skinpack along with it
Never change, Shitbox.
what a loss...
oh nononono..... chinks win AGAIN.....
Gearbox didn't make pre sequel. It was a small studio in Australia that was given the bl2 dev tools. Our friend Burch swooped in about halfway through to inject the memes though
Steam is the better DRM. It offers cloud saves, Achievements, a functional discord-like chat for your gaming buddies and not to mention, its pro-consumer. the publisher can decide on the price based on region ($ != €, Everything in russia should be cheaper compared to everywhere else).
Meanwhile EGS has a barebones chat system, not even a group chat, no achievements or cloud saves and its extremly anti-consumer with its fixed prices and exclusive deals on fucking PC.
>UEngine game will be on Epic store
Didn't see that coming.
>be me
>always talk shit about pirates
>mfw the past 6 months
A-ahoy m-mateys! y-you still need more c-crew right?
Fucking cringe man!
wtf. who is going to buy borderlands 3 now? that game already sucks
I'm gonna be King of the pirates!
You'd have to be retarded to NOT pirate this shit if it's on ebig
i hope they bring back artifacts. i dont get why they removed them. being able to change skills to do x damage meant i always had an option for enemies weak to whatever even if weps were being unfair. itd also make slag less terrible
We need Putin Store.
The games are fun despite the obnoxious writing.
Just buy it on PS4 lmao
April Fool's
Is this guy just trying to advertise his twitter?
>No mention of exclusive
>Tweet deleted or never existed
>Ol Randy mentioned crossplay multiple times
I wouldn't be surprised if it's ON the epic store but not exclusive, probably bringing up crossplay so that it's playable between people on steam and other PC stores, not PC-Console crossplay.
I really hate twitter, one of the worst inventions in human history.
>game no worth playing for free
Good luck playing multiplayer
I'd be ok if a hot Chinese woman kicked me in the nuts
>Borderlands 3 will be a Pirate Bay Exclusive
At most, it'll be a timed exclusive.
How will VaIvedrones ever recover?
How many shills will Valve have on Yea Forums now?
*sigh* they're just making me play it on PlayStation
>all these exclusives
>even if you wait 1 year its gonna be full price on steam
devs have to be literaly retarded if they go with timed exclusive shit, releasing it everywhere at the same time would let you chose and get you more money than any deal they could ever make
do u not understand that epic would give them millions to be exclusive
if 2k puts it on epic store its because its more profitable duh
Had no issues doing it in the first two games, but thanks for the sentiment I guess.
Based Epic Store saving me $100s in games.
At least they can leave a review. You exist to be spoonfed, incapable of doing anything for yourself. Epic decides what games you get, the devs decide if you can share how you feel about their game. You're just a paypig bro.
There will be workarounds.
I don't care. I wasn't planning to get BL3 anyway. The quality declined with each one they released, just like Saints Row.
How the hell is Borderlands SJW?
They have a couple gay characters or whatever, but it's not obnoxious. I mean maybe Janey, but she was about as sexual as scooter and no one gave a fuck about him.
How old are you? 11? welcome to piracy man, there's always a way.
>pirate the game
>Steam still dies
Now that's what I call epic!
>Yea Forums now pretends to hate Borderlands only because it's on the Epic store.
Welcome to Yea Forumseddit, Valve drone headquarters.
And nothing of value was lost
I hope BL3 comes to steam because exclusives suck, and steam is more convenient for me, but everyone sucking valve's cock is so annoying. Competition between game distributors is an objectively good thing, and valve's monopoly on the PC gaming industry is cancerous.
>people hate that a company sells out meaning that the game will most likely be poorly made
what a shock
>It's was ok when the game was exclusive on Steam.
This post reminds me of The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
>valve's monopoly
>he actually fell for the Valve monopoly meme
I guess Epic shills are able to fool some
where in that does it say that it's only on the epic store?
Nooo. Epic bros what have we done? We just created pc piracy.
>Borderlands exclusive to Steam
how is this so difficult for you brainlets to understand? Valve had a soft monopoly by way of being first. It never engaged in shady market tactics, it simply had a strong incentive to host. Paying for exclusivity is completely anti-free market. If they want to compete, they should offer the same games at lower prices, or with a better user experience on their platform.
>valve's monopoly
>steam dies
>keep pirating like nothing happened
Bottom left corner.
Slightly obscured by the clip length and view times, but there is the EGS logo.
it doesn't, however in an also taken down screenshot of an ad, it shows the EGS logo at the bottom. Still doesn't mean exclusive though.
>I Refuse to buy games unless it's on my favorite DRM platform that collects and sells your data!
by that logic every market place is a monopoly.
Okay so what? That doesn't say it's not on steam. Or anywhere else.
Ah yes, buying exclusives promotes competition and totally isn't trying to create an actual monopoly
Steam will still make money from other things.
But I can at least make sure Epic doesn't get a dime from me.
cringe and socialcreditspilled
shitty faggot bait go fucking neck yourself
that's what (you) wanted
>EGS is data mining for the Chinese government
>Steam is data mining for the FBI/CIA/IRS
I wonder what user meant by this
Retarded brainlet
Steam has it's issues but Epic's platform is objectively worse feature wise, that's not even including the fact that Epic's store is literal spyware and you are supporting sub-human bug people. Fuck off chink shills/discord trannys.
kill yourself
Steam doesn't get a cut of keys sold outside Steam.
>Valve doesn't get a cut so somehow this means it's no longer exclusive
Bravo, brainlet
>You can buy PS3 games that can only be played on the PS3 at Gamestop, that means they are not PS3 exclusive games!
But yeah, go ahead and buy codes on sites like that and later have your games taken away because it was a stolen code.
A sticker will fix that, steamcuck.
1st day pirate.
No big deal, gearbox don't want my money? it's ok to me.
Also they fucking ruined the faces of everyone.
That site (IsThereAnyDeal) only lists official resellers you fucking retard.
This has been addressed hundreds of times already, at this point you're either shitposting or willfully stupid.
Why would you want something to be exclusive to one store? Isn't that the reason everyone gives Origin shit? Isn't that why everyone laughed at Bethesda for putting 76 on their store? Considering it's pc regardless, shouldn't you want it to be on as many stores as possible to maximize sales?
It kills the "Valve is a monopoly" argument.
Nothing will fix your social score, chink
t.seething steamcuck
Borderlands has absolute trash level design. No one wants to get in a vehicle and drive somewhere for 10 minutes to shoot some shit for 2 minutes. Take after diablo rifts and make it where you're able to get into combat within 10 seconds. No one cares about an empty ass open world, and theres no point in having a billion guns if none of them have impact or weight and all feel similar.
>and the prequel confirmed they didn't actually care to make a good game if they couldn't fill the dialogue with memes.
But Pre-Sequel actually addressed the complaint everyone had with Slag, it's not like they didn't take any input.
>and valve's monopoly on the PC gaming industry is cancerous.
And you combat that by creating a separate monopoly? I thought the way to compete is to make a better product.
>I refuse to buy games on spyware
I dont see a problem here
>game so big people will buy it regardless
>2K makes a bunch of money from EGS
>EGS makes a bunch of money on sales of said big title
EGS and 2K are it in for the shekels, not customer satisfaction. They know many people will give them shit but in the end they will still both make a profit. Putting it on steam as well hurts 2K since they get a smaller cut on sales and Steam would probably be responsible for 90% of digital sales all together.
Stop using Steam then?
I don't know if that description meets the first game, since I haven't played it in almost a decade, but in 2, the open map areas were sparingly used. Pre-Sequel had more of it, but there were often plenty of quests in the open areas to justify it.
i wont even pirate since last time i did it (it was metro) it almost killed my pc.
>game so big people will buy it regardless
Yeah so again, shouldn;t you want it to be on more stores so you get even more sales? It's already increasing sales by having a console version even though FPS are objectively easier to play on PC.
Are chinks still shilling Epic Store? It will NEVER EVER beat Steam, its worse than Steam in every way. Stay ass blasted
What if I already dont
If EA wasn't involved then far less people would hate origin because there's nothing wrong with the service in of itself. I prefer steam's older style of layout to Origin's insistence on everything being sleek and smooth but how it actually fuctions is fine.
>Yeah so again, shouldn;t you want it to be on more stores so you get even more sales?
No because they get a heap of money from EGS for the exclusivity AND more revenue from every copy sold.
Thank goodness, BL sucks.
Then you are smart.
If you using either Steam of Epic store you are retarded.
So everyone is making their female characters uglier now? Is that the future of gaming?
>I have no argument but
Maybe it's because I barely use it but every time I fire up Origin it takes 5-10 minutes to update. I just want to start a damn game, not even look at the UI, and you don't let me.
>people think this is simply about Epic throwing millions of dollars around or the "cut" meme
Steam gives devs a 100% via Steam keys. And it is pretty easy for a well known publisher/dev to sell thousands of keys to third party sites before the game even gets released.
The reason why Epic is attracting all those developers is UE4. The engine belongs to Epic and the studios build their games on that engine and professionals can't just say "Well we disagree with you". Epic could potentially remove their rights to use that engine and they would have to train all their devs to use other engines or create their own inhouse engines which is an enormous effort.
Just wait for UNITY to enter the stock market. Tencent will buy most of the company and combined with Epic and UE4 they will be able to hold most of the game development market hostage.
>It is better to be friend with China than be enemy with China
Thank God.
Steam store is already filled with enough garbage.
But some people won't buy it when it's only one one store, so put it on more stores.
Oh no, I'm sure they're devastated that some NEET with no money isn't going to buy their game lmao
What is the most fun class in Borderlands 1, 2 and TPS?
Those "some" people don't hurt them enough to care. With a game this anticipated, it's going to be a massive hit for Epic regardless of the vocal minority bitching about them on twitter. And once Epic has those players using their platform, they will retain a lot of them.
Are you from BFV pr team?
I loaded it up just to test and it took about 70 seconds to get from clicking the Origin shortcut to accessing my library. So I don't know, maybe it's just on your end. I will say though, why can't I just have a list of my games instead of having to click a boxart picture of the game?
>Those "some" people don't hurt them enough to care.
That's what people thought about FO76.
>m-muh spyware
Are you actually retarded or something? You are aware that literally EVERYTHING connected to the internet takes and sells your data right?
Siren, Psycho, Gladiator
The homos are depicted as mentally ill so its aight for me
I’m not up to speed, which giant corporation are we supposed to be rooting for, again?
Notice how they gave us no actual numbers for Metro Exodus? They said it did better than "Last Light" but which hone? The original which sol a whopping 20K or Redux which sold 2+ million.
Surely if it sold better than Redux they would have said so.
> muh keys
What is better 70% of $60 or 100% of $45?
I generally agree. Borderlands is the best way to handle this sort of thing in that (by and large) characters of different races/sexual orientation exist, but they don't make a big deal about it. You don't have characters doing stuff like, "As a gay black woman, I've found it particularly hard to live on Pandora!"
Generally speaking, the characters are represented by their personalities first and foremost, and whether they're gay or straight or whatever is just a part of that, not their defining characteristic.
>sell one key for 60 bucks
>or sell one thousand keys for 45 bucks each
its timed exclusive
there is no way randy is THAT stupid
people will make their own models.
>Another fucking sellout gives in to the gooks bribery
Yo Ho it is then
Lol at anyone who still uses fat gabens top tier trash platform
>timed exclusive
>one year
damage already done.
this was already known weeks ago
The Bethesda Launcher, of course.
He said 6 months, but still I agree
I've only played the first one and don't see what people like about it. The loot is samey and the world is mediocre. What's the biggest meme, Claptrap?
Like I fucking care, Risk of Rain 2 is already a better looter shooter.
tomorrow is the announcement, probably with release date and launcher
someone post me some good pirate meme shit so i can reply to their twitter post when they announce it
what did they do to her face?
There's always the classic LOL Limewire gif
> 45 vs 60
At least you acknowledge now that argument about 0% cut keys is false.
And no, reducing price by 30% doesnt increase sales by orders of magnitude.
All this means is I save $60
Thank you Gearbox for helping me save money :D
Oh no! How am I going to loot a gorillion bazillion guns, meet ep1c c14ptr4p and experience anthony burch's amazing writing now?!
>people STILL in denial claiming it's an april fools joke when even Randy confirmed it
Either Steam, GoG or Piratebay
Are you actually getting paid to shill for them?
fuck gog and piratebay
theres no review system or friends chat or any of that stuff
Wait so Putin likes China
Trump likes Putin
Is the Epic Store based and redpilled Trumpkino?
I might have to support it if it dabs on libtards epic style desu
I hope they prepare for EPIC backlash.
We need Steam with Chinese Characteristics.
Was it a stroke of genius, or a retarded decision? I can't tell yet.
I'm not seeing anything on his Twitter claiming it was an April Fool's joke.
Read that post again. And comprehend it this time.
>talks about support for cross platform gaming
are you retarded
remainder to go to faggots streaming early bl1 remaster and shitpost about epic