What's your honest, non-shitposty opinion on this game, Yea Forums?
What's your honest, non-shitposty opinion on this game, Yea Forums?
I honestly don't care for this game, but this girl needs a BONING
Looks like it's going to be a good linear stealth tps, with some great atmosphere a brutality.
But Yea Forums is going to sperg about the political shit
And the jounalists are going to overrate it for the same reason.
And just like the first game, it going to be forgotten a few years later, once a new overrated game gets released
Ugly dyke
Looks like it will be a more cinematic version of an already cinematic game. Bravo So y.
The dialogue between the jew nose girl and Ellie from the e3 trailer is badly written. I dont want anyone to refute against it, it’s the truth.
I wish they hadn't made her so ugly. I honestly don't care about the whole lesbian thing because that was touched upon in the first game and I don't care about all the SJW stuff. As long as the story is as good as the first one, I couldn't care less.
But holy shit, why is she so ugly? Fuck
>yet another zombie game
it's not ape escape 4
the first game was a mediocre game with amazing production values. I expect the same with this.
she honestly looks fine and no uglier than characters in any other generic survival zombie game
I don't even care, the kiss was seriously sexy.
I'll play it. I'm not really hyped for it or anything. Disappointed that it's more 'HUMANZ ARE THE REAL MONSTARS'
It's Naughty Dog though, so I'm sure it'll be well acted and be at least kinda fun to play.
That it's not out yet?
Anyway, I postoned giving TLOU a shot because 'movie games' but it was surprisingly good. Definitely looking forward to this one.
I never wanted it to exist in the first place. Couldn't care less about all the designs and choices they've gone with, cause I never wanted the game to happen, period.
The first one was great, one of my all time favs, but that was all I needed from Joel and Ellie's story, I was happy with their ending being left up in the air, that small hope that they could go on to live some semblance of a life was enough for me, and since I knew they wouldn't let the "series" end with that, the least I hoped for was brand new survivors with their own story.
It's not even out yet.
Did you like the first one? You'll likely enjoy this one.
i dont want the whole game being filled with SJW shit that'll make me sigh every 5 minutes because orange man bad i only really want to see what happens to joel aswell as the multiplayer improved from the first game
Overrated, but not terrible. Decent campaign at best, waiting to see what MP is like.
Not interested, another game trying to be deep
A tps with mediocre stealth and good immersion that'll be praised to high heaven and back. Basically Resident Evil but less good.
I just could not get into the first one. If a game's story is hyped as moving and deep, I expect a minimum amount of tropes. The actual gameplay was basic as well. No unique mechanics. Just hide, shoot, throw pebble in stealth, walk to next cutscene. It needs real survival mechanisms and scavenging. But I doubt they'll do it. It will look amazing, of course, blah, blah, blah.
Why don't Sony let Naughty Dog collaborate with Japanese devs like Guerilla? They got some nice tech, and scalable engines. Imagine Capcom and Naughty collaborating on a game? Or Sega? Don't need to be external either. Have Japan Studio work on a Naughty Dog IP.
It's going to be another boring movie that gets massively overrated.
Days Gone will be better.
I'm afraid they'll screw it up.
Not even talking about liberal stuff or feminism, I don't care if Naughty dog is liberal or supports sjws I just want Joel to be treated with respect and not killed off because white men are bad.
If Dinah is ellie's girlfriend and theres a huge gay agenda, great, at the end of the day I don't care that much.
Ellie is a great character gay or not
I know they'll treat her with dignity, I want the same with Joel, I don't want them to Luke skywalker him.
Secretly I'm hoping they'll knock it out of the park again.
Genuinely really excited.
The first game played like somewhat of a more grounded Resident Evil 4 formula with more focus on stealth over the high-octane pace RE4 had. Guns felt good, melee led to some crazy visceral shit, resource management felt pretty good (tons of times with only a bullet or two up against Clickers), and the variety in how you can tackle combat encounters was neat. The story/world is honestly just a mash up of every single zombie/apocalypse trope out there, but it's acted and written well enough to make you buy into whats going on. If the same quality of writing continues, or at least the environmental story-telling retains the previous game's quality, it should be a slam dunk.
My only big concern at the moment is how some of the trailer shows Ellie seemingly pissed off at some group of people, likely that cult-esque group we've seen. My worry is she'll be this edgy, dark mess that is driven by anger and revenge. That may fit with the story, but lots of sequels do that with characters and it's just so predictable and boring. The dynamics between her and Joel were solid, with lots of light moments that wasn't just gritty rage-fueled displays. Joel was a bit sour at times, but even then managed to have some good quips and signs of personality. Hopefully Ellie isn't single-minded in her display of personality this time around due to some tragedy.
Regardless, pretty damn excited. Hopefully it won't be as cutscene heavy as Uncharted was (seriously, the opening was nearly an hour straight of just cutscenes/walk-n-talk) as TLoU's strength is in quietly walking through the environment. Seems good so far though from what little we've seen.
There's no other game that looks this impressive, I will buy it day 1, I buy very few games day 1 these days.
Unironically believe it will be a decent enough game for the audience that plays it.
That being said, they are going to lie through their teeth again about "craaaaaaazy AI" and these world details, and they'll play up the game to be like the video they showed at e3, when in reality it won't even come close to that, which was my main gripe with the original one.
Honestly more interested in hearing about the multiplayer then anything else, the original had amazing multiplayer.
Either way I'm not getting it because I abandoned my ps4 a while ago
Barely any gameplay oscar bait trash with zero replayability.
It's like 80% running around killing zombies and people and 20% cutscenes/forced walking what you on about