This game would be perfect if it actually used orchestrated Zelda music instead of the stupid nature sounds.
This game would be perfect if it actually used orchestrated Zelda music instead of the stupid nature sounds
It'd also need some palaces and interiors, not even talking about dungeons, that's a whole other issue, but having some towers and temples to explore would be nice, the Colosseum was the only thing that tried it and it was shit
>six hours of music
>just about every second is live instrumentation, save for some songs that have more electric sounds and samples
Just because the music scales back when you’re on-foot out in the wild doesn’t mean the entire game is “nature sounds” only.
no, is better whitour that
>Just because the music scales back when you’re on-foot out in the wild
90% of the game is spent there, I really can't see what's with developers hating overworld music these days
Why do devs bother with subtly, artfulness or tact when the majority of gam3rs are braindead retarded ADD faggots?
A big blaring OoT overworld theme would quickly become tiresome in the massive world of BotW, and would ruin the atmosphere it establishes so well.
The sound design and music in BotW is genius, really
Being devoid of style is not being "subtle", is not having content.
Not saying I don't like BOTW, but I don't like this scaling back on music and plot content and depth with the escuse of "subtlety"
having Hyrule field theme blasting for 70+ hours would get extremely tiresome
The battle music is an offence
>A big blaring OoT overworld theme would quickly become tiresome
Yeah because hearing fucking nothing but the horrible cacophonic battle theme doesn't get tiresome.
I get your point, but some less intruding music tone that still exist is also possible and has no drawback
>series is known for its amazing music
Also the overworld music would change depending on your location, nobody said anything about the same constant overworld music
I liked it. It’s got a weird, disorienting feeling to it that slowly ramps up until the violins and brass come in and make it very dramatic. I think it’s the best one since Majora’s Mask.
the overworld music should change depending on your location
Why did you quote me but not address a single thing I wrote?
It just destroys your ears with its horrible dissonance, yeah it's "on purpose" but it really makes for an unpleasant experience to hear disarmonic soundsfor that long
if the damn music is your only gripe with this game you need to take a brick to the face
go review some bottled water
It sounds like a commercial for USDA beef
Who needs water when you can have some crummy Pokemon creatures?
It’s not dissonant though. All the instruments play like they are on their own sheet of music for the first 15 seconds, but it’s all on key.
This game is the FFXII of Zelda. Great change of pace and return to form in a lot of ways compared to previous entries, but past a certain point I just stopped caring. I like both games and got well more than my money's worth but I don't get all the hubbub.
Still sounds like shit
>stupid nature sounds.
>game is called Breath Of The Wild
You're a fucking idiot pleb.
>BOTW's soundtrack
>devoid of style
Literally the most consistent and unique aesthetic the series has seen.
>play like they are on their own sheet of music
The hell does this mean. Do you think traditional sheet music puts every instrument on each part?
No it doesn't, get better ears cunt
This. BotW's sound design and soundtrack is the ultimate pleb filter.
I can imagine dumb kids on here telling me movie like A Quiet Place would have been better if it had a rock soundtrack.
Did you compose it or something to take it so much personal?
I liked the dumb piano plinks, but they should've at least been more varied based on the area you're in.
Well, you can have that opinion if you want to. Doesn’t stop me from thinking it’s the best battle song g since Majora’s Mask.
Why is a game like Skyrim or Fallout shit on for being a series of pockmarked objectives with linear progression on an overworld but when Zelda does it it's game of the decade, even when the creator went on record citing Skyrim as a major inspiration
Like I don't think it's bad and it's okay if it amazed you but I can't see how you can think one is great and the other is shit without just being a contrarian
I don’t know what the word or phrase would be to describe it in music terms, but I’m trying to say that the instruments don’t sound like they are playing together in the same song in the song’s intro.
I don't know about Fallout, but Skyrim's world and aesthetics was just so uninteresting, also all characters looked the same and the point and click gameplay was worse than Zelda's even if Zelda's is as basic as it gets
BotW has no objectives marked on a map. You have to find out what to do based on what you were told by an NPC or what you read somewhere, so it’s not the same as Bethesda in this respect, nor is it a game where you linearly progress to the end. Did you actually play through BotW?
I mean, Ive spend maybe 60h in the game total so far.
The only places with some music are the little villages and the 4 robots.
The open world is lifeless and the music is like 2 notes every once in a while.
I can imagine dumb kids on here telling me a movie like A Quiet Place is good to begin with.
I think it works, but it's a style that's been done by a lot of other games. As the game that's sold tens of millions, but its soundtrack stands out only from other games in the series rather than from all games.
*two piano notes play*
Imagine thinking the music isn't good😂
It was nice ambient music, but very few memorable pieces. I found the game a bit too quiet.
>Music changes based on Sheikah tower regions
Too much or good enough?
yeah and it fits the atmosphere perfectly
True - the world is as bland and lifeless as the soundtrack
I thought it was pretty good myself. Not every game needs to be an on rails scripted corridor shooter
>comparing BotW to a FPS
That's just unfair. First person shooters have setpieces and level design.
BOTW soundtrack is one of the biggest pleb filters in recent memory
so does BOTW lmao
Nah, BotW has a lot of random trinkets and enemy spawns spread out across a barren wasteland that barely any thought went into, but I guess it's "cool" to have huge expanses of nothing for you to ride your super cool motorcycle on, huh?
the music in the game is trash but its not the main issue with it.
There's nothing wrong with having open fields in a video game. Not every game needs to take place in tight linear spaces filled with enemies
>the music in the game is trash
full pleb lol
fuck off cakeboy
rude desu. Typical childish behavior from an overcompensating nintendo hater lmao, don't worry im sure if you cry hard enough people will start to take you seriously
fuck off cakeboy
>spend thousands of hours in MMOs with great soundtracks and NEVER get tired of the music
>art school rejects try to tell me that cutting it out and adding jack shit is required
eat shit retard
Why didn't the King of Hyrule just equip all his soldiers wooden pot lids?
you may just be autistic
If you spend thousands of hours in MMOs, you likely don't have good taste, I'm afraid.
looks like someone missed out on a great videogame experience that will never return.
well deserved though considering what a queer you are.
what MMOs did you play?
>that autistic angry piano music when a guardian attacks
Also anyone who says this game doesn't have decent music can eat my ass.
>barely any thought went into
>game is literally called "breath of the wild"
>people are surprised when there was a lot more emphasis put into the quiet nature aspect instead of mindless button mashing of previous games
I liked how quiet it felt.
botw is the button mashiest of all the zeldas so far
Enemies ganging up on you don’t allow it most of the time.
>b-but my cherrypicked webm where I'm fighting one enemy at a time!!!
Xii is the best in the series so fuck you man