Anyone feel like being holier than mhoiu
And tell me how i can play my steamgames offline
I'm too virtual black to understand i can only smash the receptionists window and tell him to suck my dick
Anyone feel like being holier than mhoiu
nice rat dude. too bad it's gonna die in like 1~2 years
>i can only smash the receptionists window and tell him to suck my dick
Party up music video
Don't worry
I'll look it up on my own
Yeah i know, it was planned to not get too attached
Couldn't help it though, they're too cute
I genuinenly believe quicker
But yeah, That's why i gotta milk them for funnies
I gathered that you want to know how to play Steam games offline, but what the fuck are you on about with the rest of that post?
I pulled a abra rattus on my white brother
I got angry he was wearing my bumpants
It's a dmx reference kek
He's too black to understand what's going on in party up
the music video
Give it was 30 seconds from start lmfao
>white brother
I forgot, i'm the Blackest one
It just works
Who else would be wearing my pants and get punished for it
Yea in b heroes i did pick up on feeling like a faggot about muh family. But, jokes gotta be made and shit
I'm darkness
Netflix didnt even have fucking blade
I dont even like any of those
But you see 4 blade the movie names
And you figure they'd have one channel six tier movie
Had shit
Why the fuck are the names there
Even bladerunner 2 was listed
Just so fucking wierd of a service
Yes, i mean it
Steam seems down. I atleast have kenshi downloaded
He payed me 150 bux for weed
I was like thanks mike
Once his friend who deals to me lied about having none
So he went over and got me a five
Cant make that shit up
Thanks mike
>He payed me 150 bux for weed
It was just supposed to say
He bailed me
>So he went over and got me a five
Thing is
His friends are wierd. Lies about having none to be in control shit and even i picked up on it
He doesn't let them get away
I cannot say
I disagreed
Like Jocke. He does that too
Is this thread approaching the singularity?
Wierd people. Dealers.
Never hang with one
I was offered half price weed at the cost of hanging with one at work
Fuck that
>bladerunner 2
My ban evasion timer say its like 20 days soon since i watched it.
I got it because i wanted to try vpn back on to say ty for the support
The movie was kino as shit, took like 3 hours to start it though lmfao
Ofc ryan was soulless
It made sense
>Ofc ryan was soulless
>It made sense
Yet you feel for him so fucking much
Fuck you netflix
You fucking suck
First you was down with the spacey
Now i see him accused of diddling kids on the teevee
Looking like straight bozos
Dont even have blade
Tbh that was unexpected
No i got it
The televy
I just maced it up
It's the millenial age anyway they'll lap it up
>I just maced it up
>It's the millenial age anyway they'll lap it up
I think i'm on to something
Dj gimme a dmx beat
>It's the millenial age anyway they'll lap it up
I got a better napoleon complex infused 1
It's the millenial age anyway
They WILL, lap it up
It's the tone that does it
Its just a parody lol
but i had to get the thou in somewhere hahaha
Wanna tell me how i can play kenshi offline? I'll appreciate it lmfao
Jk i'll just look it up
Just got a bit distracted lmao
Huh works now
Well it doesnt
Nothing exist
It's mostly blank
Lul where my games at
Generation zero looks like my kind of game
Looks fun
It's set in sweden in the 80's lmao
I mean it just looks comfy
Btw i'm not sure it was steam
Play it
It has running mechas
Fuck i clicked something and now my kenshi bit got deleted
Either way i picked up a slave to join me. A local city hero who does muh village heroism shit
They run under a city boss npc
Supet Nice stats to buy directly
Thank god this samurai slave area i started in
Latest addition to my crew
The first one was a local starving bum who had fought so much
Her stats were starting from 20/20/etc
Otherwise they've got like
Either way i couldnt get my hands on a city boss with 50/40 in stats
So his underlig they caught knocked uncounsciois while doing muh city heorism shit is who i settled with
>while doing muh city heorism shit is who i settled with
Fuck tavern bums desu
Slave pens, that's where you should be ballcupping the wares
It's really cool whomever is captured is who you buy
Not randomly generated
I cupped a samurais balls. Most expensive so far. 14k molas and he just ran off because he was a samurai
Expected. City boss too. He was way too boss
But city hero
He knows there's adventures ahead
No more lying uncounscious in the streets after a bit of muh city heroism antics
I think ciry boss is supposed to be local yakuza bosses with followers
I have a insect follower and they start fights
Out of
Das raycisssssss themes
Too bad he's a warrior gene one
>city hero
All he's got so far is a staff
He's the staff dude from kunh fu hustle
I have this mod where you can aoe so he just shew shews everyone away while being a city hero
It's so fucking funny seeing him stave off a bunch of starving bums
He goes
Muh city
Then the beatdown crew is there too
No idea what's happening in this thread but enjoy your video games, OP.
Nah its not the games desu
My dude is the iron fist one
You start without an arm and i bought a cybér one
Got so late until i had cash for it i got a specialist grade one with extra rocket punching hydraulics added to it
Just made shit up as it went
Never found a left arm specifically
When i did it was a very good one
So he became iron fist and not plunger arm
Basically oro
It's so obvious but you just suck too much to name it anything
Was spamming kicks anyway
Looked so fucking pathetic
No one can fight for shit over the duststorms only my dude could because he had a mask covering from them
Yet he did shit but level up attack stats with one arm. 0 dmg
Its secret good because everyone levels up more
are rats easy to take care of and fun i think threy are cute also are they cheap
>Its secret good because everyone levels up more
I mean eveyone gets minus -30 in all attack stats
Not just you
So everyone levels up more
Fights just goes on for longer over how severe the penalties are by default in that area
Theres a rat in my house. How can I trap it and put it outside without killing?
Yes to all
The cage area will smell like shit
Chews something they shouldn't, throw them in the cage for 2 days
Do it 3 times and they'll get it
They're easy and cheap. 80% of everything i bought was unnecessary
Anyone i looked up for tips came off as psychos to me
But they're easy as shit
Shit in the right place and dont chew is honestly all they need to know
Anything you don't agree with. Throw them in the cage until they get it. Let him see the rest have fun not chewing
Theres a starting warm up to you period for 2 weeks after that it's time to get closer by giving them anything to eat and teach them a pattern
2 weeks over being scared shitless by default
Always until they really like you
what is this thread? am i having a stroke?
Peanut butter in a box with a closing mechanism
I'd just kill it
I smell 5 exp
And i have a ratslayer
Jk i can't hurt rats after getting them. Or see them get hurt lmfao
Dunno do the usual getting rid of pest shit
It's the right thing. They're too instinct driven and smol
Handling rats is still handling a creature that's kind of smart
Just a bit too instinct driven over being smol
But that's why it's a casul pet to lmao at and with
They're nothing but bedbabes to me waiting for me
5 exp is still 5 exp
But i never liked wasting stamina on rats...
>They're nothing but bedbabes to me waiting for me
Brb he's waiting for me
He wants cuddles i bet
Go figure
I bot 10exp a second if i may
What do you got
You mean nothing to me
There's trillions waiting to take your spot
Get those balls caged
what if i get a pet rat and then i let him run around my room and he chews a hole in the wall and escapes? also what if I lose him in my room?
>tell me how i can play my steamgames offline
Most games on Steam can be played offline as long as you logged in at least once, and saved your password. If your password wasn't saved, you can't play most games offline that have Steamworks DRM.
Can enforce whatever habit you want. I just roll with them free allt he time because as a stoner
You shouldn't be keeping pets
This shit happened out of being too stoned to stop
Nowadays i make some black people noices they leave whatever they were on alone
As lonh you're dominant enough over them
I do this cupped torture thing to them
I cup them until they stop moving
Then release them and reward them for chilling
And only chilling
To the fact
They mean nothng to you
There are billions waiting to take their spot
I.e. dominant over them
There's a bit of enforcing those habits but it works using logic
That cupped torture among other shit is why i need to make 1 sound and they'll atleast give it a 5 sec break
70% of the time they leave shit alone
The holr happens because i'm just too lazy to be active about shit early
Way late did i came up with just throwing them in the cage for chewing
More effective than anything
Have to chew within the cage. Whatever nonsensical garbage you've bought them overpriced lmao
Don't buy rats
They never stop chewing
You're way too normie to deal with it
chewtoys for rat exist yes
I'll be the rat king
Fire up the lahgic
We're raising an army
Do you think it matters?
Unless cornered with nothing but that
It wont be that interested ever on its own
Anything is a chewy
They're boring not free to me
right lads i've got Homeworld Remastered Collection, Coffin Dodgers and Mainlining
reply with email and what you want
>Anything is a chewy
Some chewies are more obvious than others
But it doesnt matter unless they get taught to have a favourite one
Still needs to be taught that
[email protected]
Yes i am a real made man
I've always wanted to give homeworld a try
Ever since i saw it in thst eb games store, above diablo 2
Legend game always with the same price
i felt too baited
>Legend game always with the same price
Legend game
Who's price, always stayed the same
have you even seen an eb games in forver its like the radioshack
what the fuck is this, do you want the game or not?
>70 posts
>11 posters
what the fuck is this retarded thread
Are you guys just RPing in this thread or are you actually retarted?
No, the local one dissappeared and havent seen one since :(
Now its all eb games wannabe gamestop
I'm a made man... :'(
Beats me
But look up rat tips videos
They all come off as psychos. Way too invested into rats.
I'm not rping so i don't know lmao
Just bored
Pathetic joke lmfao
>They all come off as psychos
I never picked up on tips. Just what a bunch of uncomfy people they were. Rewatched a bunch of times but all i remember. Those as beings. Are not worth listening to
20 minutes to get to a point. And its super obvious
>This Thread
I really don't understand anything going on in here but remember to wash your hands after peeing seriously
>20 minutes to get to a point. And its super obvious
Even found a no face chest only grill explainer that still took way too long over the whole video being focused on her chest
9 minutes for 3 feed tips
Don't worry they clean
I sniiiiff them and wipe my sweat with thwm if needed
based schizoposter
Damn i came off as a womanhater
I forgot the don't beat them tip
Super usefuls
I have to admit 9 minutes was better thab those 20 minute ones
It was the same points still
That's the joke. They're that easy
>That's the joke. They're that easy
Look what he bought with his prize money
Shouldn't have bet on fucking dexnig
One big haws
And not Anotha
In sight
Str build just rulin
Dex with attitude
Who you foolin
hes a good ol boy
Its so big of a haws
It's got a lollapalooza on the roof
Adorable lmfao. Love the cuddlebag
What the fuck is going on
I'm jealous, i love those peeking faces. Is it a dumbo?
That face fits that cuddlebag perfectly
Skavendalf arrived with skavenlingas from the fold
Or the ford
Either way turned out better than expected
Nice angry joe. I knew he was a rat
Get it on a sale or pirate it, i really mean it
>I'm jealous
No not jealous, but i wish i got them a cuddlebag. That's what i forgot
There are virtually no survival elements. The world is entirely empty. There are literally 0 NPCs. It is just fallout 76 but in sweden. I'm not memeing or shitting on the game. I spent about an hour in game with a buddy and we were drowning in ammo for all of our guns and never had any real challenge from the robits we had to fight.
>another schizo thread