FUCK Nintendo for making this exclusive
FUCK Nintendo for making this exclusive
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you would prefer it didn't exist?
Never played her series
How is it anons?
How long has it been now?
No one cares, bayo 1 was the only good one. They made 2 awful and now that dmc5 exists, 3 is irrelevent.
T. Switch owner
Literally the best action game series on earth. No fucking contest.
I'm playing 1 on PC got it for 5$ almost done w it, love it and it's great but it makes me sad I'll never play 2 because am not interested in Nintendo consoles
Mediocre compared to other action games like W101 and DMC3 but it's not awful. A good baby's first if you will.
>made 2 awful
how so?
Dickhead, if it wasn't for Nintendo, it wouldn't exist. Blame Sony and Xbox for not supporting it.
Well I'm glad it exists even if it wad just on shitty
WiiU hardware AND I prefer you being butthurt, so I guess you lose and I double win. Have a blessed day, user.
ok I didn't mean that sorry, but they could have made it a timed exclusive instead of hogging it forever
Are you retarded? 1 is literally the only good one. The only thing i liked more about 2 than 1 is that it was slightly more colorful. I sincerely hope they don't fuck up 3 if it ever comes.
easier to pirate
how so though? the other guy said the same thing, metacritic wise it seems to have higher score than 1, dont know though
>Still seething after all these years
Cope harder
Why is it okay when Nintendo buys exclusivity rights?
It's because nobody else wanted to publish it. Blame Sega instead of Nintendo
Not awful but it's not as deep. Witch Time in 1 was training wheels. Hard Mode was the real game.
In 2, Witch Time is mandatory, especially in harder levels. Then there's Umbra Climax, their attempt at trying to make use of the magic gauge outside of torture attacks.
>he never learned dodge offset
Sorry. Other companys fund exclusives only to port them to Nintendo consoles, not the other easy around. I feel your pain, but that's the way it is.
You never played 2.
wait has it really been 5 years
>le Witch Time mandatory
People need to think of a more interesting complaint other than a mechanic you use 90% of the game regardless.
U sure?
It is great, one of the best, if not THE best, action games around.
It's only ok when snoy does it
The resetera tranny needs its dedicated dodge button
It's alright, you're better off just replaying the first game
Why not both, you brainlet shitters?
First one is very possibly the best action game of all time.
2nd one is pretty good, but also disappointing given how great the first game is.
>literally no one but nintendo wanted to publish 2
>expecting platinum to even ask around who wants to publish it when it had merely OK sales
Yeah, nah.
News on 3 when?
Another year.
why would you want to play this pile of shit
the first one was bad enough and they managed to make the second one worse
This. Swear to God it's a loud minority that's been spreading this bullshit as an attempt at console war shitposting.
Why play Bayonetta when DMC V came out and it's better in every way?
I preferred the first one's story, but the second game had better, less frustrating gameplay.
I can lie on the internet too:
No one cares, dmc4 was the only good one. They made DmC awful and now that Bayo3 exists, 5 is irrelevent.
T. PS4 owner
Because why would people play DMCV when its casualized garbage compared to DMC3
It's worse than Bayonetta 1 in every way except for QOL changes and Visuals
Absolute ballbuster if you give a shit about ranks and the loss of said ranks to meaningless QTEs and platforming.
Very good otherwise but goddamn bayonetta frustrates me.
You're a fucking retard. Holy shit.
Could you guys keep your DMC autism in the threads for it and not shit up yet another Bayo thread, please?
This video really sums up all of Bayonetta 2s problems. Pic related to prove that I'm not console warring
That's good and all user, but can you stop bitching and shitting up Bayo threads please?
I refuse to believe that you are good enough to beat enemies without taking a hit and with enough enough combos points for plat, but then stupid enough to fail the QTEs, especially considering there are only about two of them in the game. Failing the platforming doesn't even hurt your score though (not that it's hard anyways), so I'm going to assume that your making shit up.
Wait, what? There are tons of QTEs in Bayo 1.
Ah yes, excuse me for discussing the game. Nevermind the fact that Bayonetta is one of my favorite games of all time, the fact that I don't like 2 should disqualify me from participating in discussion.
Fuck yourself, Bayonetta 2 is a huge letdown and it ruined Bayonettas fanbase, because it proved that the fans never appreciated the fantastic combat, all they care about is the set pieces.
Peak retard, ladies and gentlemen
>He's dumb enough to fail the mashing QTE's
God damn you really are dumb
An offshoot of DMC where Styles and Weapons mix together to become one
What the fuck were they thinking making multiple playable characters and not letting you play the story mode as them?
I'd rather the game exist so I'm fine with Nintendo paying for the sequels.
Buy a switch then faggot
>literally like 20 different QTEs involving pressing a random button at just the right time in under a quarter of a second
>resorting to insulting me because you have no argument
Whatever you say.
Why Would nintendo share a game whose development Nintendo literally bankrolled?
>4 is the only good one
because they'll prob still make a lot of money rereleasing it now on other platforms, that it's been 5 years, being the publisher
>all these Bayobabies who never touched Ninja Gaiden or God hand
It's more enjoyable to play than 1 was on a normal level. If you're the type of person to play all the way to the highest difficulty, you'll end up liking 1 more.
Either way, I'm more likely to jump in and do a playthrough of 2 because I don't have to worry about a stray QTE ruining my rank or having to do that FUCKING AWFUL missile section. The bit in 2 where you're on the jet not only plays better, it's also not insultingly long.
Plus, Bayo is cuter in 2.
>I bought a POS Wii U to play this
>they're asking me to buy another POS console to play the next one
Fuck this, Bayonetta games are not worth $360.
Probably around E3 or in a Direct to come soon.
It's set for this year according to Trinnen.
There's tons, even in the middle of boss fight like in the final Jeanne one.
A Switch is definitely worth having it has tons of exclusives + a new platinum games Switch exclusive: Astral Chain
I think you should retake your high school business class. That C- just isn't cutting it.
I'd be stunned if it was still coming this year when we're already getting Astral Chain.
Buy a cheap copy of it on the Wii U from Ebay, dump the disk, and play it on CEMU
I mean what else is PG working on since Scalebound was sacked and they got removed from Granblue?
This is why everyone hates Sony
They're making a game for Squeenix. It was announced last year at E3.
Plus, they just recently finished their contract on Granblue.
Blame Sega, they're the ones who fucked up royally and absolutely refuse to do anything with the IP.
You bitch elsewhere or I'll kick your fucking ass.
A game for Square Enix, and some mysterious self published game that they've been teasing for over a year now IIRC, but have yet to unveal.
six years later and Bayo still providing salt.
Or don't buy anything and play it on cemu
Emulate it, user. Dunno if its playable tho
Samus be like " the baby"
Its pure shite. Played Bayo 1 on the switch and it was absolute ass. You'd be better off playing literally any other action game. Even kiddy shit like KH is more fun.
The game they announced last E3 during Squeenix's showcase yes but also Bayo 3 is in the works and pic related is coming this Summer.
It was announced in September 2012 if I remember right so its more like 7.
Opinion discarded.
Bloodrayne > Bayonetta
>kiddy shit like KH
Play KH2FM or BBSFM on Critical and call it kiddy shit faggot.
Oh great, it's you again.
Have you PLAYED Bloodrayne lately? It's aged like vinegar.
I'm playing Bayo1 on PC for the first time and after 10 years Bayo is still queen bitch.
nice try retarded kamiyacuck but youre not even close. seethe harder
To be honest dmc5 felt pretty underwhelming too.
He's right though. I played bayo 2 recently. I liked that they put special weapons on the shooting button, but man the game falls flat compared to 1. UC is broken, and fighting the lumen sage sucks compared to Jeanne in 1.
Some of you Sonyfags are complete retards.
Yeah, and go suck a fat cock after it.
Since cum is the only thing you can afford to eat.
>age like vinegar
The audio is stuttering a tiny bit on cemu, enough to ruin the experience.
this is such a common issue in emulation and it pisses me off
I loveddd Bayonetta 1 on Xbox 360. I own a switch and still haven't been compelled enough to purchase the 2nd game in the series. Maybe when they release more news on Bayonetta 3 I will buy number 2.
>buy this on Wii U and Switch
>it still sells like ass because Nintendofags only care about Bing Bing
Wonderful 101 sold like shit too, I hate this fanbase.
360 was the best for action games. Both bayo and ninja gaiden 2 were stellar.
I would trade Bloodborne for this for sure.
you can't even write "I'm gay" with this keyboard. At best you write "imgay"
>you'e not wrong
>we get a sequel and astral chain anyway
poor Platinum
Do you have autism? This would not exist at all if it weren't for Nintendo. If you're the type of person that would rather have this not exist than have it be Nintendo exclusive, you need to go to a mental institution.