>Yea Forums says a game is cringeworthy and bad
>it's actually heartfelt, soulful, and the best game in the series
Yea Forums says a game is cringeworthy and bad
Other urls found in this thread:
Most people I've seen on Yea Forums actually like X
Pic incredibly unrelated?
Is this the only Final Fantasy worth playing?
You sound like you're a flaming homo, it's literally a corridor simulatir with the worst protagonist ever. Also fuck niggers 1989
You mean 7
Tidus is one of the only FF protagonists that actually has sex
Because Yea Forums is too retarded to understand that the laughing scene was supposed to be a forced laugh. I remember reading something about autistic people don't get sarcasm or can't tell emotions so I'm not surprised
>muh feelings
kys faggot. That's the reason of the decay of FF games.
If you ignore all its faults, sure.
X had the potential to be the best game, but the supporting cast is weak, the structure is piss poor, the great battle system is ruined by terrible enemy design, the setting is treated like wallpaper, etc. It was the foundation upon which 13 was born.
I loved the opening, until they left that world. And Blitzball. The rest was kinda shit, but I'll admit it's the last Final Fantasy worth playing.
>Yea Forums said undub version is bad
>it's actually good
>Tidus is now likeable in japanese voice
Also that HA HA HA HA HA scene doesn't feel so awkward compared to english dub
Not really.
Tidus and the way he's handled is spectacular. The problem is this highlights how poor the writing is outside of him and Jecht.
7 is like 3rd best at most, even 8 was better than 7.
>3rd Birthday
>My Life as a King
Why does every game that Toriyama has a role in scenario writing for do the
>We have to stop the villain, who wants us to do something
>Let's do the thing the villain wants and it'll all go okay
thing? It's the weakest aspect every time, too.
>Also that HA HA HA HA HA scene doesn't feel so awkward compared to english dub
Yes it is and that's not a bad thing since the laugh is SUPPOSED to be awkward. God damn why does everyone complain about the laugh like it's an issue with the voice direction? If you don't like the scene then you just don't like it on a conceptual/writing level.
cringe = bad
Zidane doesn't have sex, but Vivi does.
Bartz and Squall don't either.
It's all of the latter if you're like 15, or 18 with no gf I guess.
Zidane did have sex, he fucked Freya and fucked Kuja
It was a good continuation of FF7, a cinematory experience...
In 2019? Yes
I can accept this.
>implying 6 wasn't more of a movie game than 7
The only cringeworthy was the HA HA HA HA HA
Tidus and Yuna having better voices vastly improves FFX. The only bad Japanese voice is Rikku, she is shrill as fuck.
ff7 feels like liberal propaganda. even though I know japanese environmentalism has nothing to do with american politics, I can't shake the feeling that I'm being brainwashed as I play it. It's like every battle in that game is pushing me one step closer to buying a bicycle and selling my car. Fuck that.
>The problem is this highlights how poor the writing is outside of him and Jecht.
>Seymour's motivations, past and general character is explained pretty much entirely in expository dialogue.
>The church has a long, blunt discussion about how they're evil, their motivations, etc.
>Yuna barely interacts with Auron and has to tell us her relationship with him instead of it being conveyed through actions, her feelings on her father are even more direct and feel extremely simple compared to the Tidus/Jecht dynamic.
>Wakka is introduced with a subplot of emotionally conflating Tidus and his dead brother, but this is quickly dropped so he can be the "racism is bad" allegory for the rest of the game.
>Lulu has a similar deal but straight up stops mattering immediately, being an exposition machine with no agency.
>Rikku becomes a sounding board for Tidus' thoughts on Yuna while their relationship and chemistry is never really elaborated upon.
>Auron is too busy being mysterious to interact outside of exposition and foreshadowing with like two exceptions.
>Khimari is a simple archetype but doesn't really do anything and his three seconds of plot are so basic a child could have written it.
Bartz has a canon grand daughter, he fucked SOMEBODY.
VI, VII, and IX are all worth a playthrough. V also has a really fun and replayable job system. X is definitely my favorite, though.
>Wakka is introduced with a subplot of emotionally conflating Tidus and his dead brother, but this is quickly dropped so he can be the "racism is bad" allegory for the rest of the game.
But that's the same plot. The Tidus-looks-like-Chappu was just a tool to introduce you to it.
>needing a car
Why? I live in a small city of 2.7 million people, I don't even live downtown I live up town and I have within a 10 minute walk from me
A liquor store, every major bank branch, a major grocery store, half a dozen barbers, family owned grocers, a tailor, a suit shop, 2 shoe shops, a few dry cleaners, and rows of restaurants and pubs.
A car is useless in this day and age
>small city of 2.7 million people
Jecht wasn't the villain though
I fucking hated that game. If you loved it. I'm sure you'll love 13.
Not really. I mean in the vague sense of "Wakka can't let go," maybe, but one story is about befriending and supporting someone based on confusing your grief with reality while the other is "Wanna say Machina/Al Bhed bad because bogot, needs to move on." It's far more direct, repetitive and simple. They could have done both, but the game barely gives him anything more than bitching about the teachings for like 20 hours. Huge misstep.
>The only bad Japanese voice is Rikku
I can't disagree, Rikku without Tara Strong voice is just wrong
Yeah but Yu Yevon is, and that nigga wants you to do the summoning.
X is the best iteration because the protagonists have a better idea of what they're doing, but it's the same structure. The game would have benefited from trying to tackle a bit more ground instead of the characters being stuck in a rut and going through the motions for so long. See; FF4 and 9.
Are you European? In America, my uni is 45 minutes driving distance. It would take me over 2 hours to get there by bike. We have a local grocer in 15 minutes walking distance, but the nearest department store is 4 miles away. Also, public transport here is slow and unreliable. You can't live in America without a car.
Al behd fucking shits
He hates the Al Bhed because his brother used machina weapons and died from it. It's not just "durr racist".
auron is kind of shit too
8 is a broken slog, so no.
9 is all those things and the best FF game.
That's just a connecting point, and the game itself makes it clear that the fervent support is to cope with grief. The game isn't actually doing anything with Wakka once he goes full "BUT THE TEACHINGS," it's just stretching a basic bitch realization out over most of the game. Every other aspect of his character and the potential to develop these ideas or use them to better define other characters is pretty much thrown aside.
It's small compared to American cities because you have 10 times our population, your average city in America would be 10 plus million people since you're the third most populated country in the world
Fuck no I hate Europe I was there in the 90's and it fucking sucked nothing on TV was in English, they only had Nickelodeon no anime or YTV
>Best in the series
Tidus laugh.wav
>Story starts shitting itself in Disc 2.
>Mandatory Tetra Master tourney.
No, but it is a good game.
One of the best scenes in the game.
I used to claim that...
Until XIII came along and blew it out of the water when it comes to bad and cringe.
Only because it's so bad. inb4 some faggot screeches about how BUT IT WAS BAD ON PURPOSE, IT'S JUST TOO DEEP FOR YOU
It's a Japanese game
I actually love X, I just hate the remaster.
I don't know about it being the best or not, that's up for debate, but it's a lovely game regardless.
I hate th at the remaster ruined it.
It was bad on purpose. You idiot. You buffoon. You massive numbskull.
Right on cue, faggot.
And 6, 7, 8 and 9 weren't this bad with characterization despite 6 having way too many characters, 7 being simple as shit, 8 being a clusterfuck of a story and 9 having some of the worst instances of this in the series up to that point. Difference is that Wakka is one of the best developed characters in X while characters treated like him were typically the worst developed members of other entries. X doesn't even have a Tifa or a Barret, let alone a Vivi. Instead the main character is excellent and the party is kinda trash.
But it's the truth. If you can't understand that they were laughing obnoxiously on purpose, I don't know what to say.
>caring what Yea Forums thinks
literally every person here has an absolutely dire opinion on video games, if they're not trolling then they are most certainly autistic and/or gay
Says the cynical gay with bad taste.
>I hate that the remaster ruined it.
Fucking this. Every looks like plastic dolls in the remaster, and the soundtrack is a downgrade. PAL PS2 version is still the best one, it seems.
thank you for proving my point you autist
Anything would have proven your point, even a kind dismissal, you raging homo.
no you just have to not sperg out all over your keyboard and monitor while taking 8 miles of dick up your ass. it's not difficult
I personally think X is pretty dogshit. Teen melodrama with a shitty world and an on rails story.
It gets a pass on doing a lot of the same shit that 13 does and FF8 does the teen drama shit better.
Auron wakka and lulu are the only decent characters, which would be ok in an ensemble cast, but the focus is clearly on Tidus and Yuna and they suck.
I really like "level" pression in this game. Different from "wack things with a stick to wack things harder" but it also isnt reliant on RNG or memorizing an autistic fusion chart.
>Auron wakka and lulu are the only decent characters
>decent character
She's pretty much a non-character. Only thing she's got going for her is the ridiculous outfit and godly cleavage.
What's the difference?
games a masterpiece, finished it last year on pc and it currently sits at 2nd place on my ff list, only behind 7
Extra content.
We both know we're shitposting, why bother with the foreplay?
For real? European here and it's the version I played. I never knew this though.
I wonder if this has contributed to my relatively higher opinion of the game compared to most others I've met on the internet.
lol speak for yourself
There's some hidden bosses and a redesigned Sphere Grid that was never released in the NA version.
The game often uses her for awkward expository dialogue. But I think she's decently well written as a no nonsense let's get this shit over with type, but not too one note.
Runs slower
Good game, and you make some valid points, but any FF that lacks a traversable world map can't qualify for best in the series.
As a side note, X-2 is underrated.
yeah its pretty cool
It has the most memorable supporting cast, they each had their own moments to shine and little character arcs, they all play a vital role in battle. The narrative pacing was great, with just the right amount of twists and turns to keep you playing. The lore was great and fully taken advantage of. The enemies were great and had a great take on memorable enemies from past games. You are just fucking wrong.
X-2 is garbage in every way aside from the combat system. World maps in FF games are overrated considering they don't actually grant you much of a choice at all 90% of the time. Strong pacing and varied environments in a linear design is a better option than a shitty world map.
Peak Soul: Sin is Jecht
Nigger, you're a fucking liar. The japanese dub of the last scene is even MORE cringey. He sounds like a fucking crow. It's bad on purpose in both versions.
>The enemies were great and had a great take on memorable enemies from past games.
user is probably talking about the Rock Paper Scissors design philosophy where you basically one-shot half the enemies if you use the right character, trivializing all encounters.
That’s the best part though. It encourages you to switch out party members and learn their role instead of just mashing x to get through battles.
The game is a masterpiece despite having some flaws.
One day I'll write a book dedicated to my thoughts on the game, and why I consider it a masterpiece like no other.
>The game is a masterpiece despite having some flaws.
Learn what words mean
Except all that does is make you use exactly one attack and instantly kill all robots/birds/wolves you see. It's far worse because playing smart is LESS effective than swapping in designated lizard killer and mashing X. Did you seriously enjoy every fight being one/two attacks?
Making Wakka do 9999 damage to flying enemies sure taught me his role. Nuke. Same as every other character who isn't Khimari.
>Narrative pacing is great.
>Sin is used no less than three times as a plot device to warp the cast to the next important event.
>Like 2/3 of the game is Tidus asking for exposition while following a series of events that would play out the same without him or asking Rikku for ideas on stopping Yuna and coming up with nothing.
It's probably the single worst aspect of the game.
You're a massive mongoloid, don't (You) me again.
>Masterpiece; a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship. Ex "a great literary masterpiece"
Comparing to X-2, X is probably the best game ever made.
i suggest working on your grammar before you write that book
If you're such an smart guy why don't you say why "The game is a masterpiece despite having some flaws" and what are those flaws
Did they ever fix the faces on PC?
Also I heard the HD remaster has a Shuyin skin for Tidus?
There's nothing wrong with my grammar though?
Enlighten me, user. English is after all my 4th language.
This and your previous post makes no coherent sense. Just stop, user.
i didnt say anything was wrong, dont get so defensive lol
I have no idea what people see in this game to consider it the best in the series. I consider it bottom 20% easily.
Same shit happens with Navi, i guess retards like to exaggerate stuff
I'm positive this cutscene sold everyone back in the day.
Man, seeing this shit back in 2000 was hype as all fuck. Each new installment of the FF series up until X delivered unbelievable improvements to the graphical qualities of their cutscenes.
After that they hit the plateau, though.
It's the only modern turn-based entry in the series. That puts it miles above the other Final Fantasy games. ATB is a garbage system.
best battle system in the series
sphere grid is genius
beautiful setpieces, beautiful music
best protagonist in the series
ATB is fine, CTB was a good idea with poor execution, between the simon says combat and the illusion of choice grid. Piss poor balance also means if you do any post game it turns into braindead quick hit spam.
Dude Tidus is the worst fucking protag in the series, or at least bottom 3. The setpieces were worse than most of the ps1 ones and the music was a large step below 5-9.
>Dude Tidus is the worst fucking protag in the series
never listen to Yea Forums they're a bunch of ugly fucks.
>best protagonist
Didn't know Zidane was in the game.
>I'm just going to ignore the legitimate explanation of the scene because it refutes my point.
Anyone who hates Tidus should play the undub, it's just hard to take him seriously in the dub because he's fucking Ratchet
How is FFVIII?
It's whatever...
Yeah, I like X-2. I would hardly call it one of the best, but I do think the hate is exaggerated.
I would say so. IV, V, VI, and VII are all pretty old now. FFX has managed to stay relevant and fresh even though its like 20 years old almost. There's too many problems with FF12 for it to be truly worth playing, and pretty much all the other mainline games not listed here are just bad. Outside of the mainline, I'd say tactics still holds up.
>ATB is fine
ATB is exactly like a normal turn-based system except instead of taking your turn when the enemy is done with theirs, you have to watch the characters stand or wiggle in place while their bars fill up.
Where my VIII bros at.
That moment when you played the ending of disc 1 as a kid.
>best battle system in the series
I love FFX, but I wouldn't say that; all it really did was add a a rock/paper/scissors mechanic, for the most part.
I also don't know if I'd call Tidus the best protagonist, but he is pretty great.
Sphere Grid is definitely the best progression mechanic in the franchise, the setting is well done, and the music is amazing, I'll grant you those.
quick hit is nerfed in the remaster and the expert sphere grid gives you a lot of legitimate choice in how you build your party
>That moment when you played the ending of disc 1 as a kid
You mean that moment when the game turns to shit?
It's... all right. Story is real fucky and I never really understood the purpose of the magic/stat system (but that may just be because I'm a brainlet).
Gunblades are top tier fantasy weapons, though.
This is why I'm glad there's a mod for FF9 to get rid of it.
No such thing for 10 though unfortunately.
10 doesn't have ATB. It's purely turn-based and a well thought out speed system.
I fucking lost my shit because i really enjoyed that edgy fuckboy character of the Protag as a kid, also the whole prison arc gave me mgs2 vibes
W-What's going on here?
Do you like my Rikku Yun fan art?
>>Yea Forums says a game is cringeworthy and bad
This has never been the consensus
The voice acting IS rough though
I prefer the art of you and your monkey-semen addict NTR wife
Doesn't this apply to all three PS1 FFs?
Don't forget:
>yu yevon has incredible magical power, allowing him to permanently will into existence an animaginary world that maintains the consciousness of billions of people, as well as create Sin, a being so powerful that it brought low every society and reduced the world to a permanent post-apocalyptic state
>instead of simply using his incredible magical power to stop bevelle, which threatened to destroy zanarkand, he decides to use his power to create said dream world for no apparent reason
>his magical power is so sophisticated that he can craft a dream world that is an accurate facsimile of the real world and its billions of people, yet he was stupid enough to let sin destroy zanarkand because he instructed it to destroy all machina-using societies and he didn't think to exclude zanarkand itself.
>Yuna gets kidnapped not once, not twice, not thrice, but at least four different times, despite having the ability to summon powerful Aeons which could have easily defeated her kidnappers
>constant asspulls like Sin teleporting the party to the desert...somehow
>the party defeat Seymour half a dozen times, yet never finishes him by doing the sending ritual, leaving him to return and continue being a threat over and over again
>incredibly stilted and unnatural sounding dialogue and voice acting
FFX's 'story' is less of a story and more of a series of incredibly lazy plot contrivances
>>the party defeat Seymour half a dozen times, yet never finishes him by doing the sending ritual
weren't they stopped by armed guards from sending him multiple times?
>ATB is fine
It absolutely isn't. ATB is nothing more than a bastardization of turn-based combat, by adding a real-time element that means you can get attacked during your turn, thus defeating the whole point of using a turn-based system. This artificial time pressure also means the optimal strategy in 99.9% of battles is to mindlessly mash the (auto-)attack button as fast as possible before enemies can get any hits in.
It's also incredibly slow. In a normal turn-based game, you input your commands and they are executed. But in an ATB game, you first have to wait for the characters' ATB bars to slowly fill before you can input commands, and after they are executed, you have to wait again for them to fill before you can input new commands, over and over.
>weren't they stopped by armed guards from sending him multiple times?
How is that any less retarded? If they could defeat Seymour or the likes of Yunalesca, why would they struggle against Seymour's guards?
does magic beat bullets?
Maybe teenage melodrama appeals to you, not my thing.
If left on active it incentivizes making quick decisions under pressure in a way CTB never can.
I have no interest in rebuying a game I don't like, but I'll take your word for it.
Most games with ATB have options to decide how fast it fills. Chrono Trigger plays out much faster than FF1 for example other than some techs being long as hell. Having some pressure to make decisions doesn't defeat the purpose of turn based. Time limits during chess is a thing for example.
No FF is complex enough that it should take you more than a few seconds to decide what to do as a general rule. Mashing attack is the optimal strategy in like 85% of fights during the whole series.
most people unironically have an opinion on X formed by an out of context scene turned into a meme
Good taste bro
>tfw ywn have a wife as beautiful and as pure as Yuna
it hurts
I do
It's a shame, because with an actual fucking story it could have been great. Instead it's a guided tour with animatronics. If we spent time getting into the history of how Sin spun out of control over centuries and a system of worship was created to placate it instead of just directly explaining how Sin works and spending most of the game doing nothing, that'd be pretty fucking interesting. Maybe actually have the cast go places to learn more of the forgotten past and attempt to find solutions. Have character conflicts complicate the narrative. Too much effort, I guess.
X is pretty much the only FF game I've really played and beaten a couple of times
Tried X-2 because I wanted more X, but the story was too stupid, always heard the combat system was good buty it felt awkward and messy to me
I dropped it because as much as I love X I'm not forcing myself to play trough that shit
I want to like XII, but its so goddam boring and it feels like it had some good potential but they decided to make some shitty singleplayer MMO. I'll probably dfrop it again because not even having the fastfoward makes you feel like you're not always wasting time playing it
Thanks, I know I have my true fans on here that's why I keep making my art for you guys
Like twice. Most of the time they just don't fucking do it or he scurried away. It's halfassed.
Tidus is literally the best FF protagonist. He is actually a real human being. He is the only FF protagonist that has monologues that make him and his issues completely relatable. Despite him not even truly existing and having one of the most fucked up fates he stays optimistic and moves forwards. His father issues are completely overplayed by the community similar to how his laugh scene became an extremely misunderstood meme.
In the end of the game he actually solves all his issues, becomes best buddies with his father and dies gracefully till X-2 fucks the story completely up.
But it's my favorite. It shows off your autistic side. And she loves Zidane.
the same people who think teedus is a bad character also think that shinji from evangelion is a whiny bad character
Yes, demonstrably so. The cast take a tons of bullets in gameplay and aeons can wreck dozens of dudes at once.
stop, people dont want human characters, they find them annoying, just look at shinji and people still dont understand cloud, hell people who love 7 still dont understand cloud
He's here, he's here, Garnet-user's here in the thread!
I fucking LOVED Tidus's monologues. That design choice screamed soul.
>Chrono Trigger plays out much faster than FF1
Bullshit. Just check out the first battle fought in these videos
>FF1 combat with 4 party members: resolved in ~15 seconds
>Chrono Trigger combat: resolved in ~30 seconds
I am so tired of people keep spreaidng this flse narrative that ATB makes turn-based combat faster. It makes it SLOWER, since you have to wait for bars to fill up. How is this such a difficult concept tp grasp?
I think its made pretty obvious through the way she reacts to violence that Yuna would not hurt people even if it put her in danger.
But that was how it appeared to me at least.
1. I'm not autistic
2. No she doesn't
Blitzball is the best fictional sport ever created and that they made the protagonist a star player of that sport was really unique and interesting. Prove me wrong.
The biggest points in Tidus' favor are
*He is literally mentally stunted, meaning his changes are more apparent and his childishness has a reason.
*He shows us his feelings instead of talking us.
A lot of people don't seem to pick up that a lot of his hostility towards Jecht is using him as a scapegoat for his anger at his neglectful mother.
I'm always on Yea Forums
I didn't care for XIII for the most part; it's even more of a hallway simulator than X, the story is dumb and only makes sense if you actively read the in-game codex, and the crystel system or whatever was a poor imitation of the Sphere Grid.
That said, I thought the combat system was decent and I enjoyed some of the characters. Specifically Fang, and even Lightning, Snow, and Hope.
>heartfelt, soulful, and the best game in the series
These are meaningless, someone who hasn't played the game at all could say this. Do you actually have any reason to make such a claim as 'best game in the series'. You sound retarded
Oh fuck, it's this madman again. Keep posting, bro. Your bizarre aesthetic has grown on me.
Yes you are
Yes she does
Jeeze, why the hostility bro?
I would say IV to X are pretty much the golden age, XII was good but i didn't had the same feeling as when playing the other games, Tactics and tactics advance were pretty good
1 character fighting 3 resolves slower than 4 versus 2. Whoduathunkit.
Tidus is dogshit. Squall is the same thing but less annoying.
What's bizarre about it?
You don't have any proof and posting shitty fan art won't change that
he doesnt have mental problems, he has emotional problems
His father deeply cared about him and loved him and Tidus loved him too. When Jecht left his mother died so he blamed him for that. He became a first rate player for the zanarkand abes and his father wasn't there to see it like in those cliche baseball movies where the father doesn't show up to the games.
All of Tidus insecurities come from his mother being a fucking roastie slut who just jumped on zanarkand abes star player the moment she had a chance.
IV and X are the worst entries within that designation, sadly. 5-7 was the peak.
Squall is shit as he had a slut for a girlfriend while Tidus had literally the most pure girl in the world as his waifu.
If you really care about your fans, post the full version on imgur and post link pls
>calling other people's artwork shitty when yours is the same quality as a left-handed five year old
>1 character fighting 3 resolves slower than 4 versus 2. Whoduathunkit.
That's not how it works The enemies in CT go down in 1 hit in that videos, whereas enemies in FF1 are tankier and attacks frequently miss in FF1. Despite those things, FF1 combat is still resolved twice as fast than CT's max speed setting, which is incredibly telling.
Whats that garnet? Its time to go out into the woods and fry some more monkeys?
That is the full version
I draw mine in under 20 minutes that's why if you've ever seen me take requests in other threads you'll see that I deliver in 5 minutes on average
The thing about XII that give it such a different feeling to most of the other game is that it is a world building story. Not much of it revolve around the characters themselves. Vaan is pretty much irrelevant except from his borther having been in the army. Penelo even less. Balthier and Fran are pretty much hired for the job. Only Bash and Ashe have connection to the story of XII.
The other games are way more character stories. They heavily follow the protags and their development through the events of the games. Witch Ivalice being the only recurent setting in FFs, they opted for world building and progression instead I guess.
I enjoyed XII back when it first released, but upon playing the re-release on PC, it definitely felt like something was wrong. Didn't get that feeling at all in the FFX re-release.
I think part of it is Vaan and Penello, who didn't bother me so much when I was a young teen, but understanding now that they have absolutely no weight on the plot and that Balthier was supposed to be the original protagonist, really bothers me.
Which is a shame, because I really like Ivalice as a setting, and most of the cast is pretty enjoyable.
It's just very minimalistic chicken scratch, but the content of it is hilarious. Bizarre is the only way to describe it.
Yeah, because he's mentally a fucking child. Calling Tidus autistic wouldn't even be far off.
She didn't die immediately, she spent at least an appreciable amount of time in a depressed stupor ignoring Tidus. The game makes it very clear that Tidus has nothing positive to say about his mother, but her constant praise and longing for Jecht makes him project that frustration on to Jecht since it's "his fault," all the while having pretty much nothing but respect and happy memories of him.
FFX is probably one of the only good "Why did daddy leave" stories that wholly sympathizes with the father.
just on the seymour point...they do send him successfully on gagazet, and if i remember right he just dissipates in bevelle with no opportunity to send him. but just like seymours father jyscal, even a sending may not be enough if they emotions of the dead are strong enough.
They got married in a church and their union was blessed by god
Are there any other JRPGs with a tropical island sort of setting? It’s so fucking beautiful.
autistic is too far because he clearly has empathy and feelings, he can understand others, hes just an emotional child thrust into the spotlight with no parental guidance except a drunk man who swings by every once in a while to check if hes dead or not
Jesus fucking christ user I can't breathe
He also finally surpassed his father at the end of the game when he was able to stop Sin for good.
>when Tidus jumps off the airship and high fives Jecht
It's revealed he got absorbed by Sin after Gagazet but his will remained.
Yuna is the most boring character in the series.
Imps die in one hit to almost any class.
FFX feels the most Final Fantasy out of all the Final Fantasy games
She's boring but she's also cute in her naivety and purity of will.
It's a spectrum. There are autistic people who are slightly less inept that Luca-Arc Tidus. I say it's nearly that because it's due to actually not existing very long and being socially deprived rather than an actual mental illness.
She's extremely fucking boring until x-2
Great character arc.
Shame his supporting cast is garbage.
Thanks here's one I just made
No they didn't, Zidane dies at the end of the game
I actually feel like FFX was lacking in Yuna and Tidus interactions. Tidus and Yuna both had issues and made each other whole again by supporting each other but there were a major lack in scenes between them after they fucked, which I can not understand at all.
>Starts as a reserved but strong willed sumoner
>Clearly goal driven
>Doesn't really question Yevon at first
> Her position finaly starts to be challenged with the Al Behds
>Reveal that Yeven is a lie
>Resolve to keep going but for herself and her father
>Post main game breaks out of her shell after learning to think for herself
Not so boring to me. The archetype at first is overused I'll give you that but she's far from boring.
Why do people keep calling FFX a hallway simulator? It was the first FF on the PS2, first one with voice acting. It's a pilgrimage on an established road, it makes sense within the story. But also it's obvious an open world wouldn't work from a technical standpoint until they had more development experience. I was amazed when it came out, and I even thought about how difficult it would've been to try to make it an open world now that everything was to scale with the characters.
because there's no world map
It's where the FF spirit died, was it your first or something. Jesus. 4-9 I'd accept as good answers and 1 has a certain charm and was my first.
She's about as interesting as Rosa.
There was a lot of optional content and locations in the game but people pretend the barebones world map in previous games added anything of worth even though every Final Fantasy was really linear and the world map just suggested freedom even though there wasn't much of it.
no. see: X-2
Yes FFX was my first when I was 8 years old back then. My peepee got hard because of Lulu and the game blew me away
Maybe because the underlying goal since the begining of the game is for Tidus to find his way back "home" and they know they might leave each other someday. I agree though, they felt distant even after the lake scene.
I replayed last month on the PC HD Remake after having only played when it released. i liked FFX, but i honestly didnt remember that the game was that good. really surprised me.
Yuna was handled poorly throughout the entire game.
Isn't it assumed in X-2 that at some point Machina and magic just become the same thing? Vegnagun is a pretty ellaborate machine even for ffx standarts.
> But also it's obvious an open world wouldn't work from a technical standpoint until they had more development experience. I was amazed when it came out, and I even thought about how difficult it would've been to try to make it an open world now that everything was to scale with the characters.
What difficulty? FFX came out in 2001. There were plenty of open world RPGS released in that same year, such as Gothic and Wizardry 8, and those games were made with a fraction of FFX's 40+ million dollar budget.
Both those games also had full voice acting, unlike FFX which only had voice acting for cutscenes
no I meant see the point where Shuyin and his girl are gunned down.
The biggest flaw of FFX is that the best and most interesting location, Zanarkand, is just there for like 5 minutes.
Yeah. yeah, keep telling yourself it was all just a dream while your 'wife' gets her asshole pumped full of Zidane's hot cum and begs him for seconds
Oh yeah my bad
There's a middle ground between hallway game and open world game. Other RPGs manage the balance pretty well.
There's nothing to compare to getting your airship in, say, FF7 and flying around just looking for things on the map. FFX had only a one or two optional locations, and those were mainly single rooms accessed by putting a password into your ship. Absolutely nothing like exploring the sunken ship, trying to figure out how to get to the island of Knights of the Round, or randomly bumping into Emerald.
>It's a pilgrimage on an established road
This is about as good of an argument as 13's "of course there's no towns or NPCs, they're on the run!"
Both games use the thesis statement as an excuse for shit design instead of the starting point with which to inject conflict and deviation from expectations. Imagine if FF4 was Cecil's journey to Mist, and he realizes along the way that he's going to destroy Mist once he gets there, and he spends the whole fucking journey failing to find alternatives with the game ending as he arrives at Mist and finds a solution.
That's what X and XIII are. The first part of a plot stretched to fill dozens of hours with "worldbuilding."
Zidane is fucking dead get over it loser your homo bum dart buddy is gone forever
>There's nothing to compare to getting your airship in, say, FF7 and flying around just looking for things on the map.
Why do people act like this is representative of the typical FF experience? You don't get your airship until close to the end of the game, at which point you've already been forced to traverse pretty much the entire game world in a linear fashion.
In FF games, the overworld is shaped like a corridor, conveniently barricaded by mountains and shorelines (and the sea itself is barricaded by reefs, so the game is still linear even when you get a ship) so that you can only proceed down one path, which is inevitably the next plot-critical location, which is typically nestled in some environmental chokepoint so that you HAVE to pass through it and progress the plot before you can access the next part of the world. This leads to very unnatural world design and means there is almost no meaningful exploration in these games.
As different example, how does walking straight from the plains to the friggin snowy mountaintop with only literally two steps down a footpath not make the world feel painfully tiny? And this is in a series of games that already seem kinda small when you really start looking that them, but somehow Spira manages to stand out as significantly smaller.
Nowhere in FFX is it implied that the road if defined. They have destinations sure, but the way they get there is of their choosing. Off the top of my mind the only mandatory roads are Gagazet and Zanarkand. All other road they took was because Auron said it was the safest or quickest.
>Absolutely nothing like exploring the sunken ship, trying to figure out how to get to the island of Knights of the Round, or randomly bumping into Emerald
The locations had actually a good chunk of details in them so revisiting locations was way more fun than in FFX. The game had 3 optional bestia to acquire and I think everyone who played the game bumped into at least one dark bestia by accident and got ass ravaged.
>You'll cry. You're gonna cry. You always cry. See? You're crying.
I will never forget getting my airship in FFX and it was a fucking menu. That disappointment was insane.
at least its a good way to filter meaningful opinions, people will always expose their stupidity by leaning on this argument
>loser your homo bum dart buddy
I see the autism's flaring up again. You just can't help it can you?
Maybe Tidus was easier to relate to if you were a whiny little bitch. Would explain why Yea Forums loves him lmao.
Except for Midgar, which is way smaller than people remember, FF7 is incredibly tiny in its locations.
The path is mostly linear, but is shaped in such a way to allow for diversions and abstracted to give you a sense of scope and variety. These games also usually have a bunch of side content that revolves around some back and forth that's far more tedious when it's all a straight line. See; FF6.
Because saying a video game is heartfelt and soulful is meaningless
Even before you get the airship. Just the exploration across the continent after you leave Midgar to Junon feels like a bigger journey than the entirety of FFX.
How is it autism when I'm defending my wife's honour from retarded shitposters?
yes, the road is not defined in a literal sense, but it is defined in the sense that the protagonist(tidus), is along for the ride and doesnt get to determine what happens, which is kind of the point
I know. That's why it's so bad that FFX feels even smaller.
Second best, bitch
>these retards actually think that Tidus is the protagonist
Bet you made a similar assumption for 12 didn't you you fucking brainlets
The moments where Tidus complains about his dad are so fucking few, I swear people talking about this shit haven't played the game.
It's even the opposite, Tidus gets thrown into a fucking hellhole, is forced into slave labor on a ship, is forced to do dangerous treasure hunting after which he is swept away again to some island and how did he fucking complain? Fucking zero times. He stayed incredibly optimistic throughout it all.
No one cares about your feefees, mate.
Except for the part where the whole game revolves around how people *can* make a difference and Tidus is a catalyst. And that you can convey this via story rather than making your maps shittier. And
The game is only like this because the designers chose it. In-universe explanations account for bupkiss.
>Retarded MC only barely beaten out by Vaan from FFXII in terms of cluelessness
>Shitty shy heterochromic priestess on a journey to save the world
>Goth mage with dress made of belts
>Manlet furry with small penis issues
All the main cast besides Auron and Wakka were hot garbage.
The villains were great, though. Jecht and Seymour are definitely among the top 10 FF villains.
>defending a headcanon of an imaginary wife on Yea Forums
Yep, it's a terminal case of autism
This is the best summary of what's wrong with those plots I've seen.
You're not as smart as you think you are. Yes Tidus is the protag of FFX. No it's not Yuna.
and the beginning of the game is a clueless tidus no one actually trusts, it literally takes a legendary guardian joining for them to decide NOT to drop his ass off, it takes a long time for everything to come together and by then there isnt much in the way of decision making in terms of where is left
This wasn't as noticeable in the original game because it sections off the regions with plot, but seriously guys, play FFX-2 with it's backtracking and see how fucking weird it is to take one step to the left and be in the Plains, and then one step to the right and be on a snowy mountain.
>in terms of cluelessness
He was teleported to a new world, the fuck is that complaint even about?
>Yu yevon summoning DZ
Nigga that giant fayth wall on gagazet needed to exist first. That's like every citizen of zanarkand sacrificing themselves just to summon that shit. There was no zanarkand after the people sacrificed themselves. Now a game explaining how the fuck he convinced an entire city to give a giant "fuck you" to bevelle and sacrifice their lives would be a fun story.
>voice acting
They had to match animations because the tech was shit. That's on the devs not the voice actors
The Tidus complaints have always been bullshit. The smaller, more linear world complaints are legit.
It's a fact just accept it
Yes, that IS how the story justifies its shitty map design.
Meanwhile FF6 has Terra, a fucking amnesiac who was working for the enemy and is just along for the ride. It has maps that aren't hallways despite being a fairly linear adventure. Second half of the game is nonlinear as fuck.
It's almost like the story doesn't excuse this map design being shit.
>o-o-o- open wuuuurrrrrlllllld! I like opun wurld! uuuuuuuuuguhhhghghgghhhhghghhghh! FFX not open wurld, it baaaaaaadd! >aurghghghghghghghhghhgg poo poo pee peee
there isnt even a consistent protagonist of 6, what a shitty counterargument, regardless there is a much more defined goal for the entirety of 10, at least until the end which lines up with everything else, I swear every criticism of this game I hear devolves into "I dont like thing"
I don't get vaan either he's a fucking orphan teenager living in the streets do you think het had time to care about politics in Ivalice?
>The Zoomer X fanboy screeches, as he has no argument.
Tell me what benefit a fucking straight line and a menu has over the entire X axis being utilized to scour the lands while later employing the Z axis as well. To me it sounds like going back on foot is shit and going back via menu removes exploration.
This man get it. Name your favorites from each
Vaan isn't the main character
Terra is the protagonist of that segment, definitively.
Even with that aside, again, there's nothing stopping the game from giving you maps that have more going on than point A and point B. For fuck's sake, the temples do this. They are objectively better than the travel maps, but they're reserved for puzzles.
>Meanwhile FF6 has Terra, a fucking amnesiac who was working for the enemy and is just along for the ride. It has maps that aren't hallways despite being a fairly linear adventure.
Have you even played FF6? Most of the game is completely on rails, you can't even choose your party setup as you go from setpiece to setpiece (escaping narshe through the mines, riding away from figaro castle on chocobos, going on a raft through a wild river, etc).
It's pretty much an early prototype for ff13.
>Second half of the game is nonlinear as fuck.
It's more like the last quarter of the game, if even that. Hardly anything noteworthy considering every jrpg gives you access to the airship close to the end of the game.
>ba ba ba ba buurrrrrrrrllllllllllllllllllllll
Yes he is.
How dumb do you have to be to think FF1-9 are "open world"?
No he isn't
you could argue that everyone it the party shares it evenly, except fran and penelo, if it was a book it would constantly shift perspective
It feels like they had 2 drafts of the plot, the development team did not know wich one they would use so they just made some stuff for one draft, some for the other. Than eventually they decided to go on one focused draft but the deadline was coming so they slapped the content of the first draft of the plot with the content of the second draft.
The messy result is the plot of FFVIII.
>Have you even played FF6? Most of the game is completely on rails.
It's almost like I acknowledged that.
>It has maps that aren't hallways despite being a fairly linear adventure.
The game in linear as fuck. Its maps are still much better than 10 and 13's. Linearity is fine, the problem is shit maps.
Oh shit you mean that people can swap being protagonists in stories and shift back and forth to deuteragonist/tritagonist for extended periods of time? Shit doesn't game of thrones do that?
Weird concept huh, bud?
actually the plot goes downhill from the ending of Disc 2.
Disc 2 is when it starts to feel like a final fantasy game
If you like watching movies yes.
yeah man I play final fantasy for the sick fucking gameplay
Holy shit, zoomers really are cancer.
Yes, actually. What the fuck are you even trying to imply?
>The game in linear as fuck. Its maps are still much better than 10 and 13's. Linearity is fine, the problem is shit maps.
>completely linear greybrown corridors with dead ends for treasure chests
Riveting stuff.
no on the overworld I can go left and right before I hit a mountain structure delete this!
The story and the different environments you get thrown into are what make it for me, even though the writing can feel super dated at times. The music is also really great.
Post some memorable ones.
>Cherrypicks a shit cave
>It's still more interesting than 80% of X's maps.
That's just fucking embarrassing.
Yes, I do accept that it's a fact you have autism. And I accept that Dagger The Shagger is the biggest whore in Alexandrian history
FFX doesn't really do that. Nearly the entire game is told from Tidus' perspective, we get all his monologues all his backstory. If characters know something Tidus doesn't we get don't either. If Tidus knows something they don't we generally do. FFX isn't an ensemble cast.
Rinoa is mediocre but Squall is indeed one of the best written protagonists in the series.
On that note Rinoa being Ultimecia honestly would have made both of their characters better.
You gay as retarded cucks need to get a life
Wait until you find a waifu and see how you feel when some no life losers online try and talk shit about her
Protagonist isn't always the perspective character you fucking retard. Do you think Dr. Watson is the main character of Sherlock Holmes books too?
>you could argue that everyone it the party shares it evenly, except fran and penelo
This makes no sense. Balthier is not the protagonist and is nothing close to the protagonist. He's a little bitch who ran away from his life and problems and calls himself "The Leading Man" out of vanity. His role in the story is minimal, his interactions with the rest of the characters minor. His only antagonistic relationship is with Dr. Cid, and even then, it never comes to a head or even actually influences anything, because the party is opposed to Dr. Cid by default and Balthier's motivations never actually enter into it.
Anyone who calls him in any way protagonistic is merely swayed by his charisma. He has nothing to do with the plot at large beyond cursing Venat for stealing his daddy. He has nothing against Archades itself, no relationship or any stake at all with the fate of Dalmasca, no legacy of kings, no desire for revenge, no claim to Nethicite, nothing at all to do with anything or anyone except for the fact that he's Dr. Cid's son.
Basch is not close to a protagonist either. Though he has personal enmity with Gabranth and Archades as a whole, and fealty to Dalmasca and a desire to see it restored, he ultimately has no sway. He's the knight. He follows the orders of his lady. No drive, no power beyond personal strength. It's not his story.
The only protagonists of XII are Ashe (it is 100% her story) and Vaan (he is the observer, the Ishmael to Ashe's Ahab). And Vaan is similar to Basch in that while he has personal stakes, he doesn't get to lead the story either. But unlike Basch it's not because of honor or loyalty but practicality, he knows nobody would listen to him.
>Protagonist isn't always the perspective character you fucking retard. Do you think Dr. Watson is the main character of Sherlock Holmes books too?
So who is the protagonist in FFX according to you? Yuna, who is so passive that she needs to be rescued on at least four different occasions from her kidnappers?
Ok dude. Let's get a dictionary definition and go from there then.
Definition of protagonist
1a(1) : the principal character in a literary work (such as a drama or story)
(2) : the leading actor or principal character in a television show, movie, book, etc.
b : an active participant in an event
That's Tidus. I would even give Auron Protag status before Yuna honestly, she makes like 2 decisions in the entire game.
I agree but it's Vaan you actualy follow from begining to end. We see the story from his perspective most of the time.
>'wife' gets fucked on a regular basis by a monkey
>calls other people cucks
We're reaching critical levels of autism here
I wouldnt argue motivation honestly because its split among the cast, I dont like that you really shit on balthier's and basch's motivation but pretend vaan's is stronger, ashe probably has the most going for her in the protagonist category but the story is not actively told from her perspective, and there are events like her being imprisoned and waiting for the group, so I dont think there is a clear cut protagonist in that regard, maybe its not an equal stake but you could argue at least all 4 of them do have some claim to that title simultaneously
The final final boss theme is insane and underrated
>Listen to my story
>This is my story
Not to forget the countless times we hear Tidus' inner thought as he discover and experience events in Spira. He is the protagonist.
Zidane is dead, Garnet was a virgin when I met her
FF6 doesn't have good maps either, but FF10 is really bad.
No baiting or trying to trigger here: I hated FFX, battles were boring (press X to place elemental setup like we told you too!), map was boring, story was even more batshit insane than usual with atrocious world building ( I just didn't believe 'the world'). and my gaaawwwd those mini games, what horror! (Blitzball was cool & fun though, actually, it was the only thing I liked about X) I played 6 through X, but never touched a FF again after it, to this day, I really, really, really, don't 'get why people like this...
You should play 5.
>the biggest whore in all of Alexandria
>a virgin
Wow, that's some serious delusion
To reinforce Balthier's role. It's pretty noticeble that XII is heavily inspired by Star Wars. Balthier is Han Solo.
>Han Solo
>Detached smuggler with furry friend and a very unique space shit
>Detached sky pirate with Viera friend and a very unique airship
Cheers, but the only chance I'm willing to give to FF at this point is tactics, which I also never played.
The problem with that analogy is that Han had a strong bond with both Luke and Leia, which Balthier lacks, so he comes across as little more than a tag-along.
Also, Balthier is obnoxious and poorly written whereas Han Solo is likeable.
She's not a whore
I had assumed you liked 6-9, and V is the single most gameplay focused entry. That's fine though. Tactics is great (and just Ogre Battle with a different name).
>He thinks there can only be one protagonist in a story.
balthier is definitely the man vaan looks up to and his mentor
Well for starters you can suck my dick.
Pretty much. Yuna is important to Tidus' motivation and story as well as setting the general stage for the journey, but Tidus, and by extension Jecht, is the main driving force behind just about every major event and theme in the game. Not sure why people still don't get that.
I agree with you on most points however enemy design in X is Simon says recolor for the most part. At least if the monsters had unique designs if nothing else. Another fault is the lack of a world map (teleporting to locations is not enough) and very linear map routes. Status effects and KO should stay after battle ends and sphere save points should heal only with tent. VIII still has the most unique and varied enemy designs, no two monsters are same.
it has the most soul second to ff7
>heartfelt, soulful
>the best game in the series
You mean 5.
Funny jape, buckaroo.
After all these years, I still can't understand why people can't tell the HA HA HA HA HA scene was supposed to be stupid.
Even the characters acknowledge it, the say shit like "you probably shouldn't be laughing anymore", then look awkwardly at Teedus while he continues screeching. It cannot be more obvious, not even spelling it out.
Even the voice actor had to release a video talking about it because there's too many retards in the world that cannot comprehend basic human interaction. It's almost surreal for me to see these people exist and breathe.
I sometimes just don't understand this world.
>8 has 2 protagonists
>the better protagonist that totally overshadows the other can only be played for a fraction of the game during dream-sequences of the past
This is why multiple protagonists don't work.
Laguna needs his own Crisis Core
Most people in this world would forget to breath and drink water if you didn't remind them on a regular basis.
They give you sense of freedom and as you are slowly unlocking new traveling options a sense of exploration. I'll never forget the first time I ventured into Centra ruins in FF8 and found Odin who was just standing there the entire fight and killed me with one hit after the timer was over and doing it again successfully after changing the strategy. I think this was on disc 2 with Balamb garden only swimming on water.
>Laguna needs Gackt to retroactively make himself the most important person in the universe.
No he doesn't.
>Maybe teenage melodrama appeals to you, not my thing.
I have not played the game: The post.
Ok lemme rephrase that.
Laguna needs his own well written Crisis Core.
One that is not an OC fest.
I beat FFX before most of Yea Forums was born.
>heartfelt and soulful
>best Final Fantasy
Ehhh. It's okay, but I don't think it's that good. It does a lot of things well, but it has more villains than it knows how to adequately handle. A number of the cast also don't have story presence.
Enemies being best dealt with based on character is purely a stat/ability based thing and can stop being a character specific thing almost immediately. There's a lot more secret areas and treasure on the paths than people remember or give the game credit for.
Nah. You have proven yourself you didn't.
>Zidane fucked Kuja
Implying Kuja wasn't the one pitching.
FFX has easily the most tragic ending from the protagonist's point of view. It was absolutely heart breaking when I played it as a kid. One of the few games to bring me close to tears.
The mini games suck! Thank god for save editors.
Because I found it melodramatic?
From Final Fantasy IV to X, I found all of those games enjoyable. Except VIII, which was okay. It's the only one I never bothered replaying, though.
It's the same with the "Cloud is emo" complaints. Cloud is largely a completely stoical protagonist for the first act, he only starts opening up after it's revealed just how mentally ill he really is.
>Laguna needs an action rpg full of rng elements and bad grinding with shitty encounters.
I know 7 is overrated but that doesn't make it not Great. It's better than 10.
I replayed the game recently and that's not the case. I am not talking about the optional endgame, the game is Tidus > lizard, Wakka > flyer, Lulu > elemental, Auron > big lizard, Rikku > machina and there is very little variation (bomb or mushroom enemies). The better part are bosses but they are for the most part very easy unless you limit yourself to no sphere grid or other challenges. Also what secret areas? The celestial chest at the beginning or after Yunalesca, or the unlockable room in Home? Come on.
>Congrats! You got a time of 0.00
>too bad you actually need to get at least -0.01 but we won't tell you that and let you sit there in a seething rage instead
My nibba.
FFVI through to X are all incredible JRPGs, among the finest ever made. They put garbage like the Persona series to shame.
i never said Crisis Core was a good game, i mean he needs a game that is in concept similar to it
>Tidus > Lizard
No, it's Tidus > Wolf and sometimes retextured wolf (aka "lizard").
Cloud is emo is only really true for the compilation. In VII, he starts out as kind of an apathetic dick, but is still willing to help Aerith or stay with Avalanche for Tifa's sake. Then it's not long after that he gets fucked by a bunch of baras in a tub, dresses in drag, and almost sucks off a pimp.
His story will be ruined if you try to tell it.
Let Laguna be based as a background character. Let him rest.
I managed to do Kimahri's shitty butterfly minigame, but Chocobo Time Trials and Lightning Dodging were too boring for me to stick with.
That's true, the compilation makes him out to be more emo. Still, within FF7 itself he's pretty cool headed and initially very self-serving.
Jesus Christ, a version that DOESN'T sound like garbage.
Lightning dodging is easy if you know the crater trick, it's just tedious as fuck. Wakka's ultimate weapon is easy if you like playing Blitzball. Pretty sure the others were easy enough to get.
You should check out more of the FFRK versions. Lots of them are great.
Most of the FFRK tracks are pretty good versions.
I think I got to 120 on lightning dodging. But the game was like "Haha, you left the area to check. Now you have to start over."
And fuck that noise.
>Worst main in FF
>Voice acting
>Not ATB
Not this time, OP.
Yeah, I got everyone's unlocked except Tidus and Lulu. Auron and Yuna are the easiest, and Rikku's also isn't too bad.
>Tidus is worst main
>X has a bad battle system
>Aeris with an s
>music was a large step below 5-9
You're wrong kiddo
>The best
But it is the last good one.
There's 11 hours of bad writing/dialogue/acting, user. The laughing scene is still retarded and unnecessary with context.
Tidus starts with high speed and balanced stats, Wakka starts with high accuracy while fliers can high evasion, elementals have physical resistance but low magic defence, Auron's (and Kimahri's) weapons always come with the Piercing effect and Rikku starts with Steal which dismantles robots. You missed out a lot of other enemy archetypes as well, and calling them easy doesn't particularly come into it. Just about every area has atleast a few hidden treasure chests off the beaten path and a few alternate paths, most notably on the Mi'ihen Highroad and Mushroom Rock Road. Not all of them are as big but there's enough to give incentive.
>not enjoying the battle system
holy shit, literally pleb-tier taste
V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, Tactics are all worth playing.
Not even once.
They all are, apart from maybe 2.
Turn based is fucking boring.
I hope the girls get changed into swimsuits in Costa del Sol in the Remake. Would make it worth purchasing.
Only if there's jiggle physics
Did you already forget that Sony made a pact with Eunuchs to run their business?
I'm not watching this, but I'm not wrong.
I know but surely not FFVII right? That's basically the game that helped put the PlayStation on the map.
FF13 and FF10 are decent and directed by Toriyama
3rd Birthday was directed by Tabata
Dissidia is directed by Takeshi Arakawa
I have no opinion on My Life as a King.
It's okay to cry - Lil B
If FF7 ever gets done, it'll happen especially to FF7
Toriyama didn't direct FFX.
But I've said plenty of times that the game is heartfelt and that it gets a bad rap, as have others.
Blame little faggots that just like to repeat what their favorite ecelebs for the cringey aspect of it, people take a scene or two out of context so they can make zany videos and their little army of fags just push that narrative.
What I don't get is that none of this shit is new anymore so why don't' they get that those ecelebs are playing it over the top to make more humorous videos at the expense of accuracy and honesty?
Other bullshit is that Tidus is whiny, absolute nonsense, he is very strong and resolute, specially given his situation.
10/10 taste user
I was gonna type up a response to OP but this is about the gist of it
>Complains about rehashed arguments.
>Rehashes the same arguments that are always used.
>Ignores everyone actually talking about game design in the thread.
Poor Xtards. They don't have any self-awareness.
He wrote the scenario or was a scenario lead for every single one of those games, you moron.
Reading comprehension bro, I was specifically referring to the cringey aspect of it and Tidus being a whiner.
The gameplay is a whole other conversation.
Kuja was dying so Zidane took advantage of him and raped him
Yes he did. He was the majority controller of the director's position in FF10. Not only does the FF10 PS2 manual say so, but the credits in the game say such and the Ultimania guide has Kitase stating he's the majority director of FF10.
Being a partial writer who comes up with concepts ISN'T THE SAME AS THE DIRECTOR POSITION.
So no, he's not in the same sort of power.
I, III, IV, V, VI, IX, XII, XIV, and Tactics are all worth playing.
FF4, FF6, FF7, FF9, FF10, FF13 are all worth playing
That's a big NOPE
X-2 is better
Yea Forums has always liked FFX though
> Yea Forums's Greatest Games of All Time (2004)
> 1. Final Fantasy VII
> 2. Chrono Trigger
> 3. Super Smash Bros Melee
> 4. Super Mario Bros 3
> 5. Zelda: Ocarina of Time
> 5. StarCraft
> 6. Zelda: A Link To The Past
> 7. The Legend of Zelda
> 8. Final Fantasy X
> 9. Zelda: The Wind Waker
> 10. Final Fantasy VI
> 11. Metal Gear Solid
> 12. Super Mario World
> 13. Final Fantasy IX
> 14. GoldenEye 007
> 15. Metroid Prime
> 16. Super Mario 64
> 17. Castlevania: SOTN
> 18. Super Metroid
> 19. Xenogears
> 20. Kingdom Hearts
> 21. Final Fantasy Tactics
You were quoting someone who asked why he writes the same scenario every time he's scenario writer, you dunce.
Is Zodiac Age worth a playthrough? I never picked up XII but I want to give ita shot on the ol xbone. Pls no bully.
Its alright for a remake but the game itself it a huge hit or miss and opinions differ greatly. You just have to play it yourself and see.
I enjoyed zodiac age much more than vanilla 12, I didnt really have that positive of an opinion of 12 before I played zodiac age but the ability to change your party to what you want and the built in speed up makes the tedious parts a lot better to get through, grinding isnt that big a chore anymore and ivalice is always a cool place to explore
In 2006 my dad legit fucking walked on me during the laughing scene I kept mashing buttons but it wouldn't go
it scarred me forever
Man that's really fucking neato. I'll pick it then.
me like turn based but with timer and artificial time wasting
fast turn based BAD
agreed, i love having to wait 95% of the time and not having time to think for the 5% of turns that are interesting
You play X and you play Tactics. Congratulations; you've played 100% worth seeing in the Final Fantasy series.
Want more SRPG? Play Tactics A2 and Tactics Ogre
Want more classic JRPG? Play FF7
Want another game with good characters? Play FF15
Anything else isn't worth your time.
>someone walks in during the pool scene with yuna and tidus
>You play X and you play Tactics. Congratulations; you've played 100% worth seeing in the Final Fantasy series.
>except for these other 4 FF games
yeah I fucked up the wording there. meant to say something more like those two are the must-plays
nitpick- Tactics Ogre isn't FF
>dad walks in on the massage scene in FFX-2
>tfw play FFX once a year
>every time i finish i get that empty feel
this game is comfy as fuck from start to finish
>first opening the monster arena
>that point where you start to power level
>the OST of the game in general
>the atmosphere
the OST is beautiful and really adds soul to each of the areas you travel through. I think Port Luca is my favorite area. Seeing how people come together to forget about Sin was also cool really from a story-telling perspective
>tfw the OST still sometimes gives me chills
Boomers actually played the game, zoomers are too young, you actual retard.
a lot of people here are simply too young to know FFX was released in 2001. that's only 5 years after RE1. it's crazy how much games improved in that time period