Would you play a porn game if it had elements from other genres like strategy and rpg and was actually _fun_ besides the porn?
Would you play a porn game if it had elements from other genres like strategy and rpg and was actually _fun_ besides...
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>would you play rance?
Not if it's made by Studio GANGRAPE
I'll use the mod that lets me bypass all that shit and just lets me enjoy the porn
fuck gameplay in porn games, I just want to fap
StudioFOW make quality shit. But this is trash.
>was actually _fun_
Also, cute.
you sure this isn't just an elaborate april fools joke?
I just want the sex stuff to be a reward instead of a failstate, tired of porn games that force you to lose to see the good stuff. Corruption of Champions balanced it well by giving you seduction skills.
Kamidori Alchemy Meister was so good that I skipped the porn to be able to play more
You already played it? Send me beta key pls.
Because I've played probably over a thousand porn games in my life, and one thing has been consistent through every single one. Fun gameplay means terrible porn. If you have the time to work on creating engaging combat, that's time you aren't spending writing erotic scenes for the characters. That's time you're not spending drawing new CGs, time you're not spending on adding outfit destruction or swappable outfits or a functioning menstrual cycle.
Gameplay should be light at best, ideally it's just a simple vehicle to progress the story along. By the way, you wouldn't catch me dead playing this garbage, the team is a fucking joke, the concept is stale dogshit, and the only passable western porn games are parody works that I only enjoy because it taps into the fantasies of 12 year old me watching a fucking Disney movie.
>Studio gangrape
Absolutely based
Already did with Kamidori.
Seemed like ages before reaching any actual porn and then i skipped all of it anyway while playing through every route.
please don't suck
please don't fucking suck
i need a good porn game
akabur can only do so much
Yeah the worst part Is how they are lying un everyone faces.
Those Dick fucks.
Never would understand why not like cuck shit make you puritanan
Its a game with monster rape and NTR it already suck.
>Trailer makes very obvious fun of Mass Effect 3's ending and Diablo's "don't you guys have phones?"
Realistically we don't know if it's gonna be good or not but my god that teaser trailer sure as hell is a good start at least
Also not-Dorothy best waifu
>game where you fuck a dozen different women not giving a fuck about staying faithful
Is there anything sadder than women trying to post? Do we need to do the whole "master key, shitty lock" analogy for you again?
not him but that analogy is retarded
First thing that came to mind.
This. You get to choose if you want to fuck a girl who likes getting railed by her toy creations in her spare time.
>gets told
>posts snarky reply trying not to appear mad
you mean a good game that had good, sexy characters and NO porn?
it wouldn't exist, ever.
porn games are memes
I'd play a PvP (fun) game with porn as a reward for winning. I don't waste my time with boring single player trash, I'd rather just look at porn in that case.
light novel fag
I'm almost certain it'll be shit but it's better than nothing given that Wildlife has gone quiet
Stop shilling this shit.
You are cuck good for you.
Are there any lewd screenshots apart from that one on the steam page
Not trusting these kikes with my money until i see some proof
Maybe its my fault for being a vanilla guy.
Sengoku Rance.
Shit tier porn. Fantastic and super fun game.
>new build every month
it looks interesting but also sound like cuck game so meh but i still wish them success i laughed my ass at the trailer
Was there not a new build like 3 weeks ago?
Hello Ssethnigger
is that the cat from DMC5?
I am tired of getting cheated by kickstarter games which never release, are you guys sure that studio FOW will deliver?
Overrated schlock.
what is kamidori alchemy meister.
Definitely not
No. But I kickstarted $10 anyway. Worse case scenario we get some animations from this game.
They never deliver.
I just Gonna sit here AND enjoy how Fow run with all the money.
that is an opinion voiced by most people who enjoy Kamidori
No, they wont. I bet a 100 bucks they will run away with the money.
That’s a tough scale to balance. On the one hand, you want a good game. On the other, if the game becomes too much of a distraction you end up with Keikkaku Dori Alchemy Master, where it’s this big old strategy game that happens to include porn if you can figure out the game and play through a level.
Hunny Pop hit it just about right with it’s connect 3 gameplay and interesting dialogue. I don’t know if I would dig Total War Warhammer, but-if-you-win-people-have-sex or Resident Evil, but with sexy zombies.
Would kill for a good relationship simulator though. Something like Artificial Acadmey 2, but with some more nuance to the relationships where it’s not just about banging a chick, but getting some conclusion.
They would never make a porn to my tastes so I doubt I'll ever buy one. At least as far as I can tell, they never have. I think the demographic that would want the kind of porn game I want is too small to be viable to make.
I would like to play as a woman that takes in a shota and takes care of him. You can help bathe him, cook for him, sleep with him, and of course fuck him. You make him fall in love with you over the course of a year. It should have a calendar like Persona or something and you decide how you're gonna spend time each day. You have to work during the day and he has to go to school most of the time. You get to decide what to do with afternoons and evenings. You can be more femdommy if the boy isn't doing well in school or something. If he gets good grades you can spoil him with nursing handjob and take him out on fun dates.
Jesus Christ guys.... Have some faith. Maybe it will be the first of its kind.
not entirely sure what you're asking but if you're unsure about the quality of their porn then their website has their entire catalog of previous animations if you want to judge it for yourself.
I've kickstarted too many projects to know that this will be halfassed too. I sent them 10 lbs for the half assed animations instead.
Honestly man it's entirely understandable to not have faith considering the track record of kickstarted games and indie porn artists asking for money. Putting both together creates a huge trust-hole for most people.
maybe it will be okay
but im not expecting anything more than a few faps out of it
>actually _fun_
I'm still looking for a normal game that does that.
It's always a coin-toss, some kickstarters go and others don't. Most are middling or disappointments
I don't know FOW but I have 10 bucks to spare, so I pledged, let's see
Even if they deliver I am not interested, I am not into rape, ntr AND cuck shit.
>pubes still visible
>vulva still barely visible
Wait for a lot of monster rape and ntr.
Specially from that girl.
Yet you're in every single one of these threads. What's wrong in your life right now user?
>NTR and cuck shit
Aren't they same thing? Disliking it is understandable.
>disliking rape in porn games
Bad taste.
Yeah, like that user say, it's completely understandable to be cynical about fucking kickstarter and porn devs. It's the expected reaction, honestly
Having said that though, If the futa protagonist is confirmed I will be throwing my money at it like a chump, fully knowing that there's a big possibility it won't happen or it won't be anything like how it is in my mind.
>Use some sluts for your own entertainment with no emotional connection to them whatsoever.
>Them getting fucked by beasts makes it cuck shit.
All the news and updates are on their Patreon now.
yes of course
porn and interactivity are pretty much destined for each other
and I've no idea how anyone can deny that there is a vast difference between looking at a jpg of some girl warrior getting the monster D or your girl warrior avatar getting the monster D because you personally fucked up or because you won and now force yourself onto the poor beast
is that reason enough for AA or AAA porn games to exist? dunno but I think the concept has some merit
Abandon all delusions of hope. Kickstarter is a graveyard of games and the only it kick starts is the developers greed and treachery.
You obviously weren't around here when MGQ 3 came out
all three main girls being shit don't exactly help the porn department
Porn "games" are trash for a reason, titties are great, but never forget they're used extensively as a crutch for shitty games to draw in horny retards.
Saw this in arch channel yesterday and I thought it was an April’s fool joke…If the gameplay is good enough I do not think people will give a damn about that seen many people honestly hoping for a platinum quality for Tanmanin Asagi and if they did it would sell remember you are a grown man you can leave your vegetables and eat just what you live and no one would care…
Not true, 90%+ of all Kickstarter projects succeed - we only hear about the failures because they make more interesting stories.
you bet
The characters actually look mildly attractive for a western game
I'd play a strategy porn game if you amass an army by impregnating your recruited/captured women who bear a new generation of warriors.
Yes, Kamidori was great.
you have to romance and actively work to fuck them while they fuck monsters/aliens/other guys
>western porn tech demo games
>Saw this in arch channel
why is the "muh warhammer and strategy games" norwegian autists talking about a porn game?
Those are some pretty shitty looking "aliens" so probably no
Looks like those from korean MMORPG
I'm curious about the amount of games which reward sex scenes for speedrunning.
FOW is HAPPY to take your money, but very unwilling to tell you what's going to be in the game.
Pic related, because they share the same fate.
Because I posted it on /40kg/
Gameplay! This thing is like Xcom also it would be hilarious because he has Iron Fist levels boners when he watches a highly defendable position.
Why is it avertised as a "Waifu game" if the game is about rape? I thought weebs used that word to reference sappy love shit, am I wrong?
they do FOW is using words they don't understand and they're already getting shit for it
"I will say this - despite the overall comical tone, the female characters in this game are written to be real women that have beliefs and preferences for their lifestyle that may not match yours, and they are going to maintain >their integrity and independence even after you've earned their trust and recruited them
yeach no thanks .
All I know is that that robot girl gives me a massive boner.
is it bad that im more excited about the TBS gameplay than the porn?
What did you back? Everything I've backed has at least delivered a game.
Yes, since it's going to be casual with no difficulty options
Like sure, sure, ~absolutely sure~ that's never the case. They have a decent track record with patreons and donations, but also they have dropped projects before.
Thing is that with this one, much like with Keiji Inafune, their whole reputation is on the line. So they really have a lot more to lose themselves.
opposite of what you would want from a game that says it's a Harem Builder with Waifus
>They didn't use the dictionary definition of those words, so what it was goofy slang
fine, we'll just keep calling it cuck shit
>ThAt'S nOt WhAt ThAt MeAnS!
Who knows.
Aparently people think than this is a vanilla game.
Fow Is lying everyone except for their cuck fanbase.
other than it sounds like something right out of a NTR game?
So aparently all the "waifus"like to be raped.
God those fow guys are really sick.
Please Someone report this to Kickstarter.
Absolutely based. You should have a husband so the shota can cuck him tho.
I mean I'll check it out but depth is not what I'm looking for in a porn game. I just want to jack off.
I guess would make that optional backstory you can decide. But I personally don't really want to break someone's heart. I just wanna make a shota happy.
Is this a beast game?
Why get so buttdevestated over something this trivial?
You click the buttons and get the sex animation.
fetishes n a porn game aren't trivial
>game are written to be real women
Except for the robot who is by definition not a real woman.
They're lying to backers, they leave out info because they know they'll lose funding. They tell people what they want, when confronted a bit more hide behind "spoiling" any of the "story" as if the main draw THE PORN shouldn't be spoiled in a PORN game.
They're taking people's money in a dishonest way, why do you defend them doing this so badly?
So Fow vision of a real women Is than they enjoy being raped for monsters.
Fuck that Is very ofensive, wonder Kickstarter Is allowing this.
Yeah they are just some sad cucks.
Hope they just Run with the money.
People that play visual novels are all retarded thumb suckers
What's your favourite porn game?
>In the tech tree
>scripted moments
"Hey Captain, we finally have the technology needed to make sure that you don't see yourself getting NTR'd...most of the time."
Because its pretty trivial, they're upfront about whats in the game if you either spend 10 seconds reading their description of the games content or know anything about FOW.
Its pretty surprising how people are getting this angry over nothing.
Then again, this is Yea Forums.
Pretty sure they're talking about the cloned alien monsters which work as team mates.
Just don't pick the "will fuck your crew" options.
>people actually looking forward to subverse
Why? FOW can barely animate shit.
Name a better animator that does long videos (so blender animators that do 2-10 second loops don't count)
>they're upfront about whats in the game
you have no idea what you're talking about
anytime anybody asks what kind of scenes are in the game, they get met with "spoilers"
I just told you this, go to their campaign page - load all the comments and ctrl-f the word "spoiler"
in fact, take a screenshot when you do this - if you don't we'll all know you a braindead backer
The animations are passable and what they've shown of the gameplay looks to be a lot better than your usual western porn games. It might be adequate.
You get to sex the women, and can also get them to sex with monsters, what more do you need?
Studio FOW has their own voice actors right
Is the KROGAN COCK girl going to be in
...Anyone remembers princes general's games?
How do I like this post?
First off, porn and games do not mix, porn games always suck, and sex never makes sense in any of these.
Second, why the fuck is a demon girl in a sci fi setting?
>what more do you need?
Transparency from people who want free money, but won't say anything about what they're going to be using it for.
>Because its pretty trivial,
No it's porn different fetishes have different audiences while NTR games aren't bad introducing your girls as "waifus" and your game as a "harem builder"
and then later saying oh by the way they are going to fuck random monsters and guys and there's nothing you can do about it is not a good look
They are lying and don't want to tell anyone about what kind of game they want to make.
If they were honest nobody would have problems with them.
Yeah but its not NTR though
Guys what game has the best waifus I can put my pOnOs inside?
Then just wait for the game to come out instead.
Punters will fully fund this with all stretch goals regardless so it hardly matters.
who cares, don't fucking pay for porn games
Maybe they should know about the game their funding? It is their money afterall. Not like they'll be making money off of it.
They are lying from the beginning, first this was a game when you conquest "waifus" later was a game with rape and ntr but only if you wanted, now you can't avoid some rape scenes and ntr.
They are lying and that pies off people.
I enjoy pixel animation, but it seems like less people are doing it.
sorry was mena to post on /pol/
Maybe FOW doesn't really know what they're doing, but it would be ethical to at least say that much - right?
Yeah but thats just details, if you really need more than "FOW makes porn game" don't back it.
Maybe, maybe not.
We'll find out whenever this comes out.
harem literally means multiple wives
which means other things fucking your wives=????
Maybe the mystery box has something nice, hell - it could even be a boat!
Wew, into the trash it goes!
Its pretty clear they mean gang of sloots user, they aren't your wives.
So clear, that it's confusing people!
Clear like fog!
You see, you can't be NTR'd because you have no actual feelings for any of the girls, you just talk to them enough to fuck them, also, the very concept of "waifus" is absurd, its either 1 waifu or no waifu, and you won't actually waifu some thot from a porn game unless you are mentally retarded, this whole thing is an offensively bad misuse of terms and mentally ill retards who can't think of anything but cuckoldry
You'd have to either be autistic or willfully ignorant not to infer that from context.
so your forced to romance a gang of sluts while they fuck everything else on the ship
sound like some cuck game from F95
I want a regular good story driven game with regular AAA combat but the sex/romance scenes are full hardcore porn.
how can it be ntr when you're fucking random sluts you dont care about?
so witcher 3?
Isn't it funny how they're being very clear about content they are "very well known" for?
Spoiler, is a very clear answer.
You make it sound like you get forced to play all porn games at gunpoint.
So you want people give money to fow so they can make monster porn than only they are gonna enjoy?.
Are you a shill or something?.
R. Dorothy Wainwright would never be a slag
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you're number 2.
>hardcore porn
Not really.
But it does seem to be a fair example.
Everyone praises the game, while pretty much never mentioning it has adult content.
Because it's just idiotic boomer (actual 50+ this time) humor. I literally heard it the other day from my obnoxious colleague who also proudly brags about never having cooked a meal in his life, because he got himself a dumb eastern european gf as a household slave after finally getting kicked out of hotel mommy. That's the type of person who unironically finds this analogy funny and true.
Because you have to romance them before have sex with them AND even after that they keep cucking you AND get fucking by monsters.
I've seldom seen a posting pattern that better fits the definition of SEETHE.
>you just talk to them enough to fuck them
from what they said you're going to have to go on mission just to fuck them seems like a lot of effort to fuck girls that are fucking every living thing on the ship
It's funny how when people ask about specific fetishes, they only answer "spoiler". Almost, as if, some might keep people from pledging. Who here loves pregnancy?
I don't care really, i'll just watch the scenes on pornhub if this ever comes out, and certainly not the monstershit unless is a tentacle monster
I mean, how else are you going to add content to this game?
Pregnancy Is amazing after vanilla romance.
Aren't they hiring a guy from the outside to program this because they can't into coding? That's a huge red flag for me. doubly so they chose to do it in unreal.
How much did you pledge?
Nah, you're a dumbass. The worth of women was measured by how many men take care of her without her giving up sex.
The worth of men was how many women they can get to give up sex without taking care of her.
It hearkens back to our basic anatomy.
One man can get 10,000 women pregnant.
One woman can only get pregnant once at a time
0, I'm gonna pirate it when it comes out because I love monster shit.
So the protagonist Is a cuck from the beginning.
AND the "waifus" are literal whores,shit this game Is getting worse AND worse.
unreal engine 4 is the best game engine though
Literally, pregnancy is my fetish - but I know for a fact people are really bothered by it. The fact I post it should show they won't answer these questions because they know it could turn away donors.
I've got some good news user, there's an entire country dedicated to making porn games that fit your specific tastes, its called "Japan"
I am mad because they are lying user, not because they are making a rape game.
not when you got every wannabe amateur game dev jumping in blind because they believe ue4 will make up for their lack of skill. And the devs' in question don't even have experience in the engine.
it reminds me of this game
They aren't lying though, its pretty clear what they're promising.
is this gonna be a third person shooter, I want to stare at the girl's asses
That game even tells you the content in it, unlike money grubbing FOW
NTR is not a trivial thing in a porn game
eroge companies have died from hiding it in their games
Men and women normally don't have the same roles in a society though. That has been the case for thousands and thousands of years. They are biologically different in a lot of things. What some men do aren't fitting for women to do as well. And vice versa. Both sexes are important.
Unreal Engine 4 is allowing amazing games like this to be made
a cyberpunk dmc game
what are they promising?
Only unironic weebs would think that the content we've heard about so far is "NTR"
jesus christ
cant believe Im getting hyped for a porn game
do you think women are biologically predisposed toward cooking, user?
A bunch of sex animations with generic protagonist and some monsters. Also gameplay somewhere.
What kind of sex animations?
I just play Lilith's Throne these days.
Porn ones.
>Whilst walking past the Laboratory, the player can hear sexually suggestive moans coming from within as a bipedal alien stud called Bulgetto pleasures your Chief Science Officer. There is nothing you can do about this, so don't even try.
that's sounds like something out of a NTRge
I'd prefer a third person shooter porn game. Not sure how that would work that that's what I would like.
>delayed throne
make it play like mass effect except you can fuck downed enemies
You don't fucking know what kind
you can't say 3somes, bj, prego, feet, anal, lactation
because you don't really know
Yeah, cause you're an unironic weeb that uses words like "NTRge"
I need the demon looking girl in my life.
I know the company pretty well so I have a decent idea.
Doesn't matter much anyway since I'm just gonna pirate it when it comes out.
>Western games
>All the girls are whores
Like fucking clockwork.
Because it is.
Did Fow know than the character have to be likeable to be called waifus.
Aparently all the girls are sluts who fuck everything AND everyone but you.
You say that like its a bad thing.
It Is if you want to make a game with waifus.
They certainly aren't "biologically predisposed" towards heavy lifting, warfare, managing and other mainly physical jobs. But guess what: somebody has to do them, as well as most others, and it was always men who did so. In the words of James Brown:"This is a man's world, but it wouldn't be nothing without a woman or a girl."
It was always that simple. Modern feminists fancy it to be more complicated than it is.
because some people jerk off to demon shit?
>I have a decent idea.
no you don't
you can't say what's in the game, because they haven't said anything
you have not proven otherwise
> I'm just gonna pirate it when it comes out.
then don't try so hard defending the funding of a game taking money using deceit, unless you really do have a dog in this game
Anyone got the latest build of Lewd Maze?
Anyone have a rip of CajunSpicy's gallery?
You mean like MGQ and Rance? Hell yea I would.
Hit me up if you find it too.
You're taking this way more seriously than I am user, I'm not trying to have some grand debate, I just think its funny that you're getting this worked up over the wording in a porn games kickstarter and acting like its the greatest betrayal since Judas.
so much this
Shoo shoo little weeb
then fuck off
>bright triangle of the logo initially looks like thigh gap with panties that were pushed aside
pretty good
are you willing to wait for all alien monsters to get don't with her first?
based cuckposter is the reason I come to these threads
I am just remarking how Fow Is contradicting their self
I don't understand you ESL.
No thanks, I'm probably gonna stay and watch you seethe from the peanut gallery.
He Is just a shill.
Wierd because fow already have the money to make the monster NTR AND cuck game he want.
It's literally thigh gap, watch the end of the trailer.
You're making a mountain out of a molehill over something only weebs care about.
gee, for such a coolheaded guy who doesn't really care, why even pay attention to me?
I come into the thread to talk about the game and the company behind it you can watch and enjoy it then.
I just want to say that porn is bad and wrong and is poisoning your minds.
> Player's character have his own voice, personnality and backstory.
I really hopes one of the goals above 400k will let us play as a female captain, because i don't see what's the point of playing a male in a porn game if you can't self-insert in it.
The game looks nice tho.
>you can watch and enjoy it then.
I'm starting to think that's his preference in most things
I guess I would, but that's honestly a pretty strange combination, since the point of porn is to jerk it, not to actually play video games. If it's a proper game I wouldn't really call it a "porn game" just because it may have uncensored sex, but if the whole point of the thing is the porn I may not want to deal with working for it before I can jerk it.
So I should like ntr AND fuck porn to be normal?.
Nah I prefer be a weeb then, its better than have your shit taste.
I appreciate this, I started out making a porn game, but it's become a regular crpg with tiddy.
I'm telling myself it's a real rpg but has the balls to show your party members get blasted with your semen instead of floppy fish hair and fade to blacks in mainstream games.
Because I'm ill and this is something to do while I watch COPS in the background.
Also I'm curious about this game.
Lmao, gottem
All porn games are cuck games if you really think about it.
Most porn in general actually
What is fuck porn?
Cuck porn.
>the guy that programs the gaming portions is the same guy that writes the scenes
Isn't NTR synonymous with cuck porn?
>early access
Thats a nah from me squid
i think it can work for example this game is pretty good example that even porn game can have decent story patreon.com
>Also I'm curious about this game.
They got an FAQ on their Kickstarter page, I put some game stuff in an image since it's all we can actually know for sure.
Not if the main character is 100% supposed to be you.
If the you in the game can cuck you in real life, then you also get cucked by shower heads, panties and toilet seats by the same logic.
How do I fund developing an /ss/ game? I don't wanna attach my name to something that could get me in trouble.
That's cool, our games are quite different but I'm glad to see others are going the same route of just wanting to make a good game that has graphic sex in it too. Feels punk rock as fuck, like Heavy Metal magazine or how fantasy and sci fi used to be, I love it.
no, I prefer to keep my porn separates
Just lie and dodge questions, FOW's doing and look at the money they are making!
Lots of these games are 1ma, so yes, that's exactly the case.
Is my art fappable enough Yea Forums?
I want to make a futanari rape RTS.
>this is you character
>this is the girl you're suppose to romance
>she is fucking guys other than you
the only reason someone would make a porn game like this is for people that like NTR
But you aren't a space captain user, so its clearly someone else.
What if he looks different from you?
I mean this sounds like one of those "NTR" games I've heard so much about.
yes, but is your coding good enough?
>don't expect the Dark Souls of boners
Shame, though I suppose that kind of game would be you're the girl and losing gets your raped.
no fuck off back to AGDG
Hands too big or torso too small making hands look big.
>Waifu = your only wife, forever true.
>New waifu meaning that is stupid = Best girl.
This time I don't know what they mean.
>the only appealing girls are the robutt and the doctor
I'd try it I guess
this was my last game.
Yeah but its not you user.
You're piloting someone else to fuck girls for you, thats NTR
If the "porn" is just part of the story and has no relevance in the gameplay or it's not implemented in a sandbox-y kind of way then I have no interest.
but you still play as the protagonist of the story
>knee socks
>no skindentation
You have much to learn
Ok, so you follow one bull for the whole story.
I'm not going to judge you for liking cuck shit user, you just need to be honest with yourself.
>The doctor
she creates alien monsters and test them out by letting them fuck her
Does it have femboys getting raped by dickgirls?
>a bunch of promises that will be halfassed or dropped midway
>UE4 when no one knows how to do anything meaningful with it
>pointless romance mechanics
Can’t wait to see this tirefire
So, the game does not have Player Agency?
Maybe they should have made a movie instead, so they could cut costs and fund it with a lower budget.
so I self-insert as the monster
or the doctor
Can't she find some other loose whore to get plowed by the monsters? Is she a slut or something?
user, you're in too deep with this cuck stuff.
You're still masturbating to someone else fucking girls, the only true non cuck is to watch vids of girls on their own.
hard to do when you'll be watching it from the pov of the MC
You have a ship where you can go between rooms and talk with girls (Starcraft 2 style)
You do shmup and tactic startegy missions.
After that you return back to your ship and can talk with girls more.
You do more missions.
You get back and after talking with girls more you get a sex scene.
What else do you need?
I would like if the game had generic units and you recruit them by capturing them on the battlefield and using the monsters to break them and they become loyal to you.
>based on Mass Effect
>no Player Agency
>no choice
they made movies
they shouldn't make games
Knowing FOW it won't be from any 1 persons perspective but instead a series of points around the action.
Ok user, you prefer cuck movies over games, thats alright.
>wanna take my strap-on
>answer: no
>but thou must!
great game
this is going to be great I bet half of this game sex scenes are going to be you watching from the captain's quarters as the girls fuck random aliens and monsters
I think you've replied to the wrong user
I don't know anything about whichever game you're talking about specifically, but what about isekai games where you go into the game world and choose the way you look in it?
I know the logic behind it, but some MCs are just there are a conduit for your will and dick, and those are fine, everything else, ESPECIALLY femprotags are gay as fuck and most definitely cuckshit
well, you replied to me so I assumed you were
>Ok this looks interst...
>Western writers
Yikes. Leave romance to the japs, westerners really just can't into attractive females.
Yeah, but your reply has nothing to do with either post.
>all those meme reaction images being used to promote the game and insult dissenters
these look nice enough, I'm more worried that the writing is a memefest
And Japanese can't write a coherent story to save their lives.
>leave the romance to those with zero romantic experience
>I can't believe those shills are making fun of me
they have no argument so this what they have been reduced to
Maybe not. There's some consideration to be put into how you're expected to play the game and not all porn game developers do it.
For the most part people will expect to be able to play it with their dick out. That's what? like one or two hours of edging? The gameplay cycle needs to have enough content on the screen that you can actually jerk off to.
Some games have you unlocking scenes that you can revisit later, that's kind of fine too if you design around that, but I don't personally prefer it.
You would think it's not so hard to make a porn game yet so many people fuck it up. I've seen jerk off content hidden behind gameplay in ways that make it difficult to access to.
>wanna take my strap-on
>answer: no
>but thou must!
>great game
shows there being no player agency
>based on Mass Effect
>no Player Agency
>no choice
is a true statement, they base their game on mass effect - but take away choice
well im a massive fan of Rance, Kamidori so yes
>pulled from google
>all named
hmmm, kneejerk reactions
Lul wat? Half the time Japs write child molestation fantasies. I would trust a country with such a low birthrate to be writing anything romantic.
Ok, whats your point?
>Muh realism
Go get herpes you faggot
saving images is for grandpas and phoneposters
Yeah, I googled seethe because I wanted to find a funny pic to make fun of user seething over nothing
A game based on mass effect, with choices should have choices - but they're not doing that.
They were known for movies, maybe they should have stuck with that.
>Studio FOW
Big yikes. Literally haven't made anything good after Lara and Kunoichi.
Thanks for your opinion?
So all the aliens can turn out to be your sisters and your mom's brains put into alien bodies that you only find out about halfway through sex?
I love me some games that are strictly meant to be pornographic like Honey select but stuff like Subverse just look like it's going to be mediocre gameplay with good quality but-limited pornographic content.
Now a game with some eye candy is completely ok with me (Dragon's dogma comes to mind, I love me some good character creator stuff) but if it's trying to be equal focus as the gameplay both elements will suffer. Or it'll be distracting desu, after I bust a load I usually want to do something relaxing after rather than playing something intense.
Yes. That's why I'm waiting for NoR.
No character creator, you get a faceless MC.
Only outfit changing options, but we won't know what they are.
I wish there were more dressup/animation selection games not from nippon.
>Not self inserting as The Will of the Macrocosm, transcendental matchmaker and avid voyeur.
Anyone have a mega for the latest patreon release?
Rance is pretty great, yeah
If you aren't posting a colored picture at least then you probably aren't fast enough of a drawer yet for your project to actually be completed before you change to something else but yeah the quality is fine.
My game is a porn game.
If I knew anything about programming I would legitimately try to make one, I think it's an untapped market but I also think it's dominated by pirates because barely anyone actually pays for porn.
I was learning the other day 3D.
That's exactly right. If I wanted realism is just go outside.
Its definitely a market where you make your money milking whales who will shell out big time for what they want, be that fetishes or otherwise.
Are you the kobold game dev?
To answer OP's question: Yea Forums already did that.
That is actually super hot, user.
SelfDrilling. Though his are still shorter but he works alone as far as it seems.
How's the game?
Well thats obviously much further off then the 2D art but if you have the gumption it would probably be easier in the long run.
Don't just trust stranger's views though, all you really need to know is no matter what you try if you practice for hours and hours it will work out... as long as you're actively learning.
>hire famous kangz artist to make the semen demon designs
>cut out the tits he gave them and copy past torpedo jelly tits
but most importantly
do your kobolds have tits?
I like tits even if they're pointless
hey, don't worry - they address this already!
Yes, but only the ones that have gone through generations of mammal crossbreeding, like the protagonist.
As the author, my opinion is not impartial, but I would say it's in a pretty good state right now!
holy fuck this guy is earning more than $40K per month from this game. $480K per year, at least $240K after taxes.
It is split between a team apparently.
Where can I find out more about your game?
I played it a while back, but I forgot how to get to it.
Is there a name I can type into google?
Your game is a boring rape simluator game. I've wasted days trying to enjoy your shit but every choice leaves you getting raped, getting taken advantage of, and the very few times you come out ahead (the fox lady on the ranch or w/e) you literally get a bad end and raped.
>No point and click adventure game in the style of heavy metal
I cri every day
>TFW you know what hentai that's referring to
Unsure of how that feels.
got it, yeah no way one guy is able to create all of that content.
So, they're not all torpedo tits then?
and the problem with that is...?
This is the issue with porn games, because there are definitely some people out there clamouring for a game where you constantly get raped.
So by design the games are going to be niche to avoid triggering the "WHY ISN'T THIS MADE PRECISELY FOR ME" crowd
So like Teaching Feeling but with the sexes swapped.
"Kobold Adventure"
shit, that's an easy name
sorry, I forgot
Can't tell if trolling
I meant a proper porn game
It's a shame you're anonymous. I'm currently work on a project that could borrow some of your ideas.
They will for a simple fact, designs, models rigs, skinning and are done, once any game be it porn or normal gets out of prototype stage and gets most assets done it cant fail unless they run out of money.
The problem with game over rewards and getting raped is how the fuck do you escalate that? Dramatic tension? 3 act structure?
If you start out getting raped and just go on to get raped by other things, Where's the draw?
Do you just get raped by bigger things? Fucking boring.
Its like everybody who wants pregnancy mechanics but doesn't know where they want it to end.
Do you just want to shoot bareback into some tart, do you want to see her get bigger? Do you want to watch the birth? So you want to raise kids? Nobody ever has a fucking answer for this AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
how much can these ideas make:
>A pacman rape game
>A gnomoria loli shota survivor game
>A futanari RTS
>SHUMP tactical turn based
can at least give Ruby gameplay instead
I want to raise the kids and then play the eugenics game
all four of those girls have pretty much the same vaguely asian face. And more or less the same boob type just with the size slider slightly up or down.
The fun of porn games is the selection and variety of girls, and I'm not impressed
0, if they're only ideas
Literally have some shitty ass 'Beta' (Read alpha numbered at the smallest decimal possible) and a bunch of promises of what kinks you have, want (and possibly won't add later) and you'll make bank. Just remember to actually update at some point and give dumb teasers for content.
character designer is actually playing Illusion Honey Select on daily basis, probably he use his created waifus and send to StudioFOW
You're overthinking it user, some people just really like rape.
Easy pirate for me.
Girl on the right is doing strange things to me...
Right but how does that fit into a porn game without all the porn being highly mechanical 'if you've seen one animation play out you've seen them all' affair
No it isn't, it looks the same as all the rest in your stupid gobbo game
>There was a Druuna game in development, but it got cancelled
Live just isn't fair.
Shill harder, there are still 2 or 3 anons hanging out here who don't see your glow in the dark marketing
Isn't this the character designer?
I wanna knock up that android via mating press
>want to fuck the red demon girl more than any other from that pic
Is that wrong?
Support the game at kickstarter.com
But user, you can fuck the fox lady's brains out without any repercussions whatsoever. Or you can sit down and have a nice cup of tea with her, and get rewarded with biscuits. Or you can break free from the table she straps you to, strap her to the table, rub aphrodisiac all over her body and leave her like that. How are all of these options "bad ends" or "getting raped"?
>what is up fellow 4channers,which of these identical goblins from my game is YOUR wifeoo?
But its fine when nippon churns out industrial quantities of big eyed clones with different haircuts.
Im gonna pirate the game, fuck off.
...this looks horrible, user, how the fuck would you call this amazing?
Stretch goals will not be met, most disastrous Kickstarter campaigns never fulfill them. Since the game show telltale signs either awful management or misleading donors on purpose or both, you won't get what most of them.
My only complaint is that the pledge tiers don't have better rewards
The stretch goals seem pretty reasonable all things considered. Either way, no skin off my teeth
>A robtogirl
Why don't more games do this? Just give me a game were I can date robotgirls damn it.
Sure, but I doubt this game will be actually good outside of the porn. All porn games that try to have gameplay end up sucking and grindy and you just want to get to the porn already. And the porn will be hit or miss as well, just like FOW's other shit
My dream game for a long time has been a fully 3D first person life sim. You go to school and shit, play on a sports team (with actual sport game mechanics), date and shit. And then go home and fuck your mom or your neighbor or whatever. So largely an everyday life sim but with romance/dating/sex all that. I still dream
So the sims but modded and in first person?
Hey Huniepop was pretty fun for what it was
Why are you allowed to advertise your game in your own thread on v ? Where are the fucking moderators to remove this thread?
Roboslut will probably be best girl of the trashheap but she'll still be garbage in comparison to other robosluts.
They seem reasonable to you now, but when the campaign ends and backers start seeing where their money actually went, they'll leave and then rewards that were promised will be pulled back
>People are talking about a game I don't like
Ok, then I'll pirate the game and play it for free
Probably, I just wish there was a game out there were I could just have the option to date different kinds of robotgirls. No idea how this isn't a thing that has been done yet.
A bit. Sims 4 with the sex mods is pretty good, but not quite what I want. I want the going to school experience down to even having to actually take tests and shit. Join clubs, and if it's a sports team you actually play through the games. Like you play a full basketball season with gameplay that's comparable to the 2K games. I think the real life portions of Persona may be closer to what I'm thinking of, but I've never played Persona myself so I'm not sure.
And then you go home and fuck your mom. That's very important.
great, but you wanna talk about the game because I'll only tell you it's a scam for people donating to it
It might be, but only time will tell.
Yes. I once spent hours pouring autism into making the most efficient town possible in a Sim City pony porn game, if the gameplay is good then the sex is really just a bonus for when you feel like jerking off.
I was going to say that kinda sounds like Persona, but more detailed on the school and extra stuff with no demon fighting.
>It might be
It is
>but only time will tell.
My name's not time
Ok user, thank you for sharing your opinion with the class.
I'm curious, not even to play, just to see what that looks like
it's a scam, that's a fact.
it does not matter to you, but you're adamant about what I call it and put effort into saying I'm wrong, prove me wrong
you don't care tho so just shrug it off and walk away bro
Why there's not porn games about non human/humanoid creatures?
Would be considered porn a game where animals fuck like foxes having sex?
>but furry shit
furries are still humanoids.
I think you're being silly and I enjoy telling you that in different ways. Regardless, onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat.
Kamidori is cheating.
Why there's not porn games about non human/humanoid creatures?
i think there's a game, you'd have to look on /d/ tho I remember seeing pictures, I'm sorry I can't help you much
It really wasn't for me, honestly
It was made for a program I didn't know how to get working
is there any art for sex scenes or is it 100% text based?
aw gee, guess I'll have to stop
I was thinking about a porn game where you make rocks fuck, for shits and giggles.
I'm sure some people will play a cartoon fox game where he fucks vixens or some shit.
Will that be also have to be an adult game on steam?
>Just a better version of fire emblem with monstegirls that you can fuck and lots of post end game content
Who ever came up with this idea was a genius
It's called Cloptopia by Mittsies. 95% of it is building your city and managing its defences, with on-demand sex scenes with the usual suspects from the tavern building and a handful of less interactive bonus scenes that can pop up as random events from time to time.
I don't play porn games that aren't fun.
If your game has random encounters, I fucking drop it. If you don't care enough to make good gameplay, why should I care to play it?
because they dont know how make it relatable with audience
>alien/non humanoid characters
>fucked up situation
>oh cool/weird/thats funny
>human characters
>fucked up situation
>shitttttt, oh mannnn, not like this..not like this
this guy making 3D porn game in space likely the best porn game outside japan patreon.com
There is a bunch of art, and more is on the way! I'm not dumb enough to post any of it here, though.
oh shit, that's the game I was talking about
I couldn't get it to work, but I looked at the art -it's good- but phew
Then why play a game instead of just watching porn?
>likely the best porn game outside japan
What makes you say that user?
Genuinely curious
Then why are you playing a porn game?
Gonna have a look, sounds like a laugh.
I wouldn't mind sharing more if you really wanted.
Someone recommend me a good Yuri heavy game pls