Let's have a comfy thread. Favorite parts of 1? Hopes and fears for 2? VtmB-esque things you're watching/listening to while we wait a year?
VtmB Thread
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hazels quest in east la bugs out for me. I can't ruin jesses art, doesn't activate. generally speaking it seems like good content but pretty broken. great music tho
You can ruin his art? when it's time to deal with him you can just attack and kill him, or talk him into leaving town but giving you a hand to pretend you killed him.
Will /ourlass/ deliver us the holy grail of side quests (big titty goth vampire lesbian romance)?
Torea-Chads unite!
>You can ruin his art?
nah it's supposed (accodring to the walkthrough) to be an "activatable" like when you can smash panels and the like in santa monica (with the sledgehammer symbol). there's nothing to activate.
>when it's time to deal with him you can just attack and kill him
I thought it was a priority for hazel to diablerize the guy. as is I've gone back to an earlier save and gone with Victoria instead. Not sure what I'll do now. thanks anyways.
Going back and reading some of the dialogue in 1, it was kinda cringy, but it worked somehow.
I hope 2 retains the kind of B-movie atmosphere of the first game by not taking itself too seriously and having tons of wtf moments.
I also hope that this time around we get a lot more lore on the antediluvians, Cain and the 2nd gen.
I'm really digging it being set around Christmas time.
For listening, google Book of Nod on youtube, and clan lore introduction videos too. For watching, I probably can't be bothered but if you haven't seen it you should watch the Wishmaster series. The VtMB game main plot and aesthetics borrows A LOT from that series.
I just got this game as a gift.
Is there anything I need to do apart from installing the unofficial patch?
the way the quest is presented to you is specifically that hazel wants to get jesse into his church so he can drink his blood. you're supposed to get jesse pissed enough that he will begin to hunt you, to stalk you as the gangrel he is, and eventually he's to follow you into the church. the way to do this is supposed to be through his art, according both to the clanquest websites walkthrough and hazel himself.
First time I fought the werewolf was actually really fucking cool.
open it and dab on these niggas
also level hacking. out of the things you can do to get more fun little tidbits and stories and whatnot about the characters, hacking wins easily in returns. I probably enjoyed playing a lockpicking hacking stealthy bastard the most, but that's really down to taste.
the game is pretty forgiving but xp and money are limited, you can't grind, so you can't do everything in one run.
>the sewers
fuck me, I hope the new game would have a much better fighting system and thought out levels
why were the 90s so edgy?
it kind of bothered me that it showed that there was a whole other plane of shit going on, with way more powerful creatures. I thought I was hot shit by then
It was a different time.
Finally figured out my tremere blood magic. I no longer think the combat is jank and now I feel like a badass vampire wizard. Also just met the head of my clan, not sure what to think of the guy
To push back 80s sickening sweet pop culture. I miss it...
Wishmaster, Blade, Lost Boys and GINGER SNAPS.
This movie could pretty much take place in the WoD universe except from the perspective of a werewolf.
>Hop in, Childer
What do?
>80s sickening sweet pop culture
Right you are there.
Looking back, 80s > 90s.
>Clan Quest Mod
The mods for this game are all shit.
I'll have to check out Wishmaster
It falls in line with both the canon of the setting and the themes of the game, though. There is ALWAYS someone who can shred your ass if you get too cocky, whether it’s a lesser generation vampire trying to usurp your spot or another supernatural being who can rip you to bloody ribbons. A game where you’re omnipotent would just be boring.
Damsel is a dumb bitch whose only worth is being a blood slut to the Camilrilla.
hype steadily dies down for 2
still a long ways to go / no tangibility at all
but at least we know they went that extra mile to make sure some people will get pissed, and also there would be multiple gender pronouns
and that seems good enough for a preorder!
it is a couple notches higher on the jank scale than the base game, but in terms of visual style, writing, music, and quite shockingly voice acting: it's on par. the music is a fucking 11/10 fit and the new major characters feel perfectly right in the setting. if only it wasn't so janky. the ventrue quest was more uneven, but east la is cool, it's just broken.
yea that's true
What Gender Pronouns will you chose?
We were hoping the world would end in the year 2000
they were 1 year off.
my favourite parts of 1 were the first hub area, after that the game is a steep decline into combat territory. Downtown is alright, I love having my own flat and waifu.
I just hope the second game takes the kind of design and polish that went into the first 2 hubs and applies it everywhere.
I also hope they don't make the nosferatu into BDSM freaks, you can tell whoever designed the Nos has a fetish.
How will VtmB 2 address Seattle's homelessness problem?
I decided to finally play VTMB after all the shitstorm with 2 and holy fuck i am a retard for not playing it sooner. I'm gonna start a second playthrough soon, any mods worth checking out like final nights, camarilla edition etc?
isn't that perfect for a szenario in the Vampire world, a lot of roaming homeless people who you can feed on freely because nobody cares
Can you do 1 social focused with limited combat abilities?
>wanting to feed on bums
I'm throwing up in my mouth already
Just about to start my first playthrough, what clan should I play and why
yes and no, you can start and play until Chinatown (3/4 of the game) but the last 1/4 of the game is pure combat and little to no talking
Ventrue faggots get off my board
Shut up ventruefag
>t.ventrue cuck
I'd hold off on any mods besides the unofficial patch for now, mods are for your 8th playthrough when you've done almost every clan and are starting to get bored.
any besides nosferatu and malkavian. save those for later
It's been a few years since I last played and seem to remember that being the case. Can I focus on social the first half then turn to guns the second half, they have pretty low stats required, yeah?
beggars can't be choosers (hehe)
depends really where you want to focus, speech playthrough go for Ventrue or Treadore
combat (especially melee) you can choose freely between Gangrel or Brujah and magic you have only the choice of Treme (blood magic is pretty broken btw). I'd suggest that you play Nosferatu and Malkavian on your second playthrough because you can locked yourself out of 60% of the content just by picking those characters
is this the 90s bangers thread
>Favorite parts of 1
sex-appeal, snuff, murder, gore. nudity, sex, violence, world, atmophere, adult themes
>fears for 2
angsty teenage shit, sjw shit, running after people is mission, unbelievable world, boring main bad gal(s)/guy(s), lack of horror, gore and fear, lack of sex-appeal, in your face gender-shit, teenies or children that save the world, children
>VtmB-esque things you're watching/listening to while we wait a year
Evil dead the amazon series. Season 2 is the best cinematic non porn media ever created. it's FUCKING good.
yes, usually you can find a nice balance between speech and weapons as a Ventrue or a Toreadore (but i personally find having no skills in hacking and/or lockpicking even worse than no speech skills)
you get 3 free points of firearms with books and the gravekeeper's quest so yeah you could do that. maybe get a point or two of perception and you can faceroll everything with strong guns.
i just did something along these lines and it worked fine. as long as you know that there comes a point where you have to fight a bit and keep stocked you'll be fine. I did not find the sewers very demanding
Save Jeanette, Therese or both?
Both, duh. They need each other.
what stats do you need to save both? it comes down to speech checks right?
She looks like she enjoys being hatefucked and gagging on dicks until she vomits.
has anyone completed the gravekeeper quest the legit way? I feel like it's near impossible without maxed celerity or something
5 speech I think. Also be polite to both of them and don't give Jeanette the necklace
i just bring a hooker to him every time, fuck the zombies.
i always say fuck them, both tried to play you for their own game, but at least Jeanette gave you sex while Therese gave you jack shit (except for a squad of murdering thugs in the diner) So personally i'd go for
Jeanette > both > Therese
(same for an anarach playthrough)
and for Camarilla
Therese > both > Jeanette
>Also be polite to both of them
that's probably where I failed
I don't get it, i flirted with VV at every opportunity and i didn't get her private dance, got her autograph and emails though. What did i fuck up?
You need a certain humanity level and need to finish both of her quests perfectly.
i did it on my first playthrough, it's a fucking slog, 5 minutes of tower defense with the shitty combatsystem is horrible, just bring him the hooker and you can solve so much of a headache.
being polite to either of them is probably the hardest thing in the whole game
4 persuasion, 2 seduction, be nice to both and give therese the necklace
What would they do besides portray it honestly? It's a real problem in most big cities experiencing growth these days, alongside a sharp cost of living rise. Just show it like it is, grimy cynical realism is perfect for this game's mood
They've said in the interviews that the tech boom is a major focus of the story so there's almost no chance they won't at least mention or feature it- VTMB1 had plenty of homeless people roaming around so I'm sure we'll see plenty, especially downtown and such
More like torea-FAGS amirite lol
guys I just started playing this game and I'm fucking spooked
I named my character Jack and an npc called me Jack in a conversation, with voice acting and everything
wtf is going on
It's just a generic term for someone like dude or whatever
are you sure they're not referring to the Vampire Smiling Jack (the tutorial guy) ?
>trusting a toreador
lmao, you got played kid
Jack is already the name of one of the most important characters, ya fucked up Jack
Hot desu
>get weird fucking glitch where glass textures constantly flicker and are opaque
>not gamebreaking but can't bring myself to play the game and be unable to look at the SM apartment among other things
Does anybody have some sort of a solution?
no, the guy that sells blood at the blood bank called me Jack, I want to believe this guy otherwise it's spooky as shit
What happens if you save both anyway? I know Jeanette sides with anarchs and Therese with Camarilla but what happens if you save both?
Camarilla but obviously more effective since they can play to the strengths of both of their personalities
I had that too, to fix it I had to change the graphics card from the integrated to the dedicated one on my laptop sorry I cant be more concise but I suck at computers and dont remember the specifics
Honestly mate that's more help than days of googling has got me, thank you
"I enjoy that website because for some reason dicks, especially erect dicks, are cospicuously absent from our media, including videogames, and I think a good dick pic can certainly be arousing to look at."
Absolutely fucking based, this woman will bring roleplay into a whole new level in VTMB2 once I whip out my undead dick and start slashing through bitches with it. SEATTLE HERE I COME.
the 2nd game is not gonna be as sexy as the first guaranteed, which fucking sucks, but there's no way a game like vtmb could be made today
Played like a piano.
The woman writer mentioned about keeping sexy things in the game. I agree it won't be the same but I don't see it being completely absent especially with the tit monster in the trailer
The MGTOW guys would seriously hate her if they ever came across her.
I'm playing with unoff patch and they told that they were recognized as a prince by Camarilla.
Have you heard the new voice for Andrei? Whoever did that voice did an outstanding job for an amateur.
>No lasombra GF to ruin my life and drive me to finally end it all
Why am I here? Just to suffer?
I agree.Also Hazel's va was pretty good too
Malkavian. They and Them.
Malkavian named "Ma'am", she/her pronouns.
>I also hope that this time around we get a lot more lore on the antediluvians, Cain and the 2nd gen.
This. I want to meet an antediluvian. It's not fair that all the cool stuff happens in the PnP books
Honestly antediluvians fucking terrify me so I think I sort of prefer them as unseen and unfathomable horrors
>2nd Generation
That's the 3rd Generation, 2nd being the ones that made the 3rd and then got killed off by them.
For what purpose? You would be less than a walking snack to one.
Every Antediluvian is a walking apocalypse event, I don't think we are supposed to be meet them.
you want an extremely powerful kine controlling reality warping frenzied from lack of blood vampire attacking you?
Nice faggot ass twilight game, Yea Forums
Try harder reddit
Please let me just be an anarchist in 2.i want to be a 1 int biker that rides together and dies together with his thin blood posse.
If i'm dreaming, I'd love a fraction that's human hunters that you can join to fight other spooks like a discount Blade
there all better
I'm trying my hardest. Hold on, let me try again
hell of a way to go
even better if you catch it unaware and you start humping its face with your flaccid cold cock
Quick rundown on the story
when andrei talked about the sabbat as an organisation where the elders flow through you (or something like that) it did feel like it made sense for that kind of a creature, more so than holding on to humanity. now that I'm doing east la though I'm getting another picture
t. product of the american education system
Why is nobody posting vampiric milkers?
>mfw Kuei-jin fortress
>mfw Ventrue tower
God moded through all that shit and have no regrets.
based and Kindredpilled
We have to change that.
>attention seeking real life cosplay whores
no thanks
because it's necrophilia
>inb4 spend 1 blood point to be human
Your creation as a vampire is illegal and causes friction between the two biggest vampire factions in LA as one of them argues for your right to live. The second, bigger and more organised faction begrudgingly lets you live but uses you as its go to guy for all its dirty work involving the Ankaran Sarcophagus, an ancient vampire artefact that was meant to arrive in LA via cargo ship. Meanwhile another two factions are moving into LA causing further problems for the bigger faction. There's a lot of backstabbing and roughing it with the dregs of human society along the way.
i like human milkers, but I like cold milk too
Yea. antediluvians hate vampires but order the Methuselah around, Methuselahs mind control vampires of their clan fully and tell them what to do or "go east" to be used like food or die for them in a secret war and elders take orders from Methuselahs, try to beat them and fail while being compelled to do anything the Methuselah says
This is why thin bloods are the best choice. They can feel a Methuselah and stop the control while being able to become human eventually if they wanted too
>you didn't
>I did
pure kino
I thought Erina used the coffin to escape the exploding ship, though.
Best malc.
Ah, so Skelter was right all along. I thought he was full of shit.
>Best girl
Yes indeed
shittest milkers in the game. that terrible texture job
I'm on the fence. On one hand the intentional cheese was great and part of the first game's charm, but on the other hand, it being played straight nowadays could be incredibly interesting and I know the best parts of 1 to me were taking fantastical elements and playing them straight, like the ghost hotel or the vampire hunter being a legit threat to you. I hope 2 recognizes the need to shoot straight sometimes
Malkavian, Sheruobs/Heruobs
>women condemn sexyness in vidya and shit upon those who like it = bad
>women embrace sexyness in vidya and playfully go along with it = bad
That's why you will remain the eternal cringy and virgin seethefag.
being a complete fucking amateur hobbyist I would say that theologically it makes a fair bit of sense that vampires wouldn't have free will
>tfw Toreador with Malk bf
mfw I have to go through Nosferatu Warrens
Anyone else here made characters in the /tg/ og VTM for fun?
Why else would I make them
Blame that on the blood of cain. When the cab guy said "wherever we go, it is the blood of Caine which makes our fate" he wasn't joking at all. The blood of cain is like a rope attached to every vampire. The oldest (cain" can control it and change the rope while the 2ed and 3rd gen can only fuck with it by pulling on it making a domino effect but nothing more.
my dream world
so if vamps arent supposed to be able to get KO'd how come the sabbat guy hits you with a bat and does so
Why is no one as based as Tremerechads?
I tried playing the game with my friends when we were dumb teenagers, it didn't go very well, turns out that vampires are too squishy to be murderhobos.
>so if vamps arent supposed to be able to get KO'd
Says who?
Is she supposed to wear cheerleader outfit out of lunacy or some mad malk embraced literal highschooler?
>Also just met the head of my clan, not sure what to think of the guy
He's nowhere near the top of your clan my dude, not even fucking close.
>so if vamps arent supposed to be able to get KO'd
That isn't the case, they are more resistant than humans, but enough bashing damage will knock them down as I learned the hard way playing the PnP.
VTM is more of a social game than combat orientated. A reason why it has a lively RP scene.
Dont know if its just my IQ but in cqm going through the sabbat line can you embrace yukie/heather or is that not added in for the sabbat line. I know I could when ass kissing lacroix on that line but cant figure it out and probably just fuckedup/missed/skipped something.
I know, we just didn't have the mindset for that.
Up to you. I always imagined some Hen Party, strippergram or some shit
The first one was SJW shit as well you fucking moron.
Can Zoomers get off my fucking board?
You can embrace them in cqm? I had no idea, only played through for the sabbat line. What's the benefit/point?
So I'm reading up on some of the disciplines in v5 and they look pretty neat. Kind of weird that it's all limited to 5 dots now. What does that mean for lower gen vampires that could do crazy shit?
Also was celerity nerfed? vampirev5bce.obsidianportal.com
Heather doesn't get killed by the Sabbat plus if she is your follower she gets an upgrade
Yeah but it's more varied and interesting now
Followers. It has the companion lite mod that enables you to have those two as followers and even brave them I believe.
you wish it was. Have fun being ignored
You can embrace Heather I think. Not so sure about Yukie though.
Also, Victoria is bae. Nice VA too.
Sounds janky.
Yeah I've statted out a few for fun, never played the tabletop though
all of their appearances are based on the player characters, so I can play them in bloodlines
Hazel Tomes was my favorite character they added.
>sjw shit,
Man, you can actually tell the faggots who didn't play the game in this thread.
At least you can tell them to go fuck themselves, I hope they keep that in.
I dunno, someone in a thread the other day
Oh okay. So let's say a heavyweight boxer cracks you clean on the chin, would that do it? Or would it take a couple more than normal?
>The first one was SJW
It's daytime. I post at night
So celerity doesn't do the '+added action' or whatever anymore?
I could never justify and "like" Hazel. At least with Victoria's gang I felt like I had a family of some sort, my vamp buddies to back me up in the pack and raise Hell. And I also found her pretty hot.
Hazel was too much of a weirdo to me. Not to mention he was infected with that virus like Jezebel and Kanker and he harbored others that had it as well.
>only 3d, no 2d
Please what do you think this is? Plebbit?
>Let's talk about the new game
There's nothing to talk about until we get more information.
>Comfy thread
Then it's about the game we do have and lore, this looks like a lot of complaining, none of this looks fun. This doesn't look at all like the real comfy threads of old. Go market somewhere else you're doing a miserable job
nah Hazel is just your average /x/ poster
If you join his pack you learn that he actually wasn't infected with that virus and vicky made it up.
I wonder. If you Embrace this guy, does his shtick still work in undeath?
Are the second gen even confirmed dead?
I read somewhere Cain turned Zillah into stone, and all this is mythology that could be fake.
>Oh okay. So let's say a heavyweight boxer cracks you clean on the chin, would that do it? Or would it take a couple more than normal?
Depends on the physical stats of the vampire, some can be quite squishy, it's unlikely that a human could knock out even a weaker vampire in a single blow, but in the case of the sabbat dude you could argue that he had his vampire strength behind that blow.
Just beat the game. It's top 10 fav game.
Who's the taxi guy?
Daddy Cain
It's either Cain or a Malkavian who thinks he's Cain. It's more fun if you believe the former.
Do a malkavian runthrough. Her dialogue makes it pretty clear, if you can't guess consult a wiki.
At least spoiler that shit man
It's weird to reconcile stat-wise from what I know about it irl. Of course I'd have to assume that it just works differently but 'resistance to being KO'd' isn't really something you can stat for
He is you, but stronger.
I really hope we get at least the option to play as a Nagaraja, or meet pisha.
What's the new CQM like if you don't side with the Sabbat? Do you still see the new hub?
He's God. And he charged you $50 extra even though the ac unit is broken and the seat smells like piss and vomit. Now you know where the jews get their jewishness from.
in WoD,do you think Caine would be shitposting in these very threads?
Only Nossies would shitpost on Yea Forums
it is cain, there is plenty of proof
>Malkavian who thinks he's Cain
I've got plenty of proof that this is not true and it is in fact cain
anytime I try to go to the new hub in cqm my game crashes, anyone else have this problem?
I don't buy into it either but that was WW's official stance on it.
I just started playing the game, how is the chance of feeding in combat affected? I'm guessing easier if I dominate the guy first?
>plenty of proof
wat proof.
I would like to be able to play the mommybloodline, if they decide to give you that chance. Though I don't think they will, since Brujah will already be in the game. But Temporis would be fun to use.
Yeah, and every time he gets BTFO by some faggot he revs up his Disciplines to track him down and eat him.
"Sired in an act of vampire terrorism, your existence ignites the war for Seattle's blood trade. Enter uneasy alliances with the creatures who control the city and uncover the sprawling conspiracy which plunged Seattle into a bloody civil war between powerful vampire factions"
Does this mean out past history is going to be significant? I mean vampiric terrorism implies that it was a kindred hit on mortals, and it must have been some sort target to even qualify as straight terrorism and not just murder. Are we gonna be like a senators child or something? Also just a theory vampiric terrorism breaks the masquerade so its probably Sabbat.
>mfw Protean allows you to have barbed hands/feet
>mfw playing a jiu-jitsu master and utterly fucking up brujah and toreador shits with superior grappling
>beat the game as Ventrue
>want to try out Tremere, Malkavian and Nosferatu
Should I even bother with Tremere though? I like their aesthetics and their skills seem cool but I feel like it might be a bit too samey whereas the other ones seem to offer a drastically new way to experience the game.
Higher unarmed lets you feed in combat easier, and I'm assuming anyone under your control would be able to be fed on without resistance
>I mean vampiric terrorism implies that it was a kindred hit on mortals
No it doesn't. Shit loads of new vampires being created would be an act of terrorism against the Camarilla.
true Brujah are hated by their anti to such a point its makes him rage. They also can't feel emotions anymore and temporis(even tho its OP as fuck and can take you back in time if gehenna happens) is very dangerous
They did mention a cop as an example. Cops will be lenient when you go in and out of the police station when you're a cop, though I imagine there would be consequences as well. I mean, you disappear for a few nights and suddenly you come back in different clothing and you look and smell like you're dead as well.
Barbed dicks
you won't read it anyway
Full blown Clan loyal Tremere who goes with the Camarilla ending is honestly the most solid narrative arc. Max's extra dialogue with you is great. Overall they're not as different as the other two though.
he glowy purple. ok dude.
Nosferatu aren't drastic. It's hide and seek with everyone gasping on how fugly you are and potence as back up. But you miss a decent portion of the game.
Malks can be very fun because the dialogue is cray-cray. Dementation is just an alternative Dominate.
Tremere are the more unique imo. Blood shields, blood projectiles, blood absorption etc...I'd say go with them. If you still don't want to, I'd say go with Malks.
1 of 3
Why the cab driver is caine:
It is strongly implied that the taxi driver may be Caine, the first vampire and ancestral sire of all Cainites. Evidence to support this theory includes:
His line about "driving people to their destination" before the final confrontation with LaCroix/Ming, as quoted above, contains a strong ironic undertone: as a mere cab driver, he does "drive people to their destination" in the literal sense, but as Caine, father of all vampires, the inherited blood connection with his Kindred also allows him to subconsciously "drive" their actions via manipulation of the Jyhad, a fact he reminds the fledgling of via the "blood of Caine" reference.
A Malkavian fledgling shows an immediate instinctual terror towards the cab driver, suggesting that their clan's unique insight has led them to recognize him as Caine. This is supported by several lines of dialog: demanding to know "WHERE ARE YOU TAKING US?" (with the "us" referring to all Kindred, rather than the personal "me"), results in the driver replying that he is "just a driver", and it is up to "you" (referring to all Kindred, if the analogy is followed) to "figure out where you want to be taken". The Malkavian fledgling can then retort with "But you've made that mistake before", to which he tersely responds "Yes".[1]
Please be gentle I'm a virgin
2 of 3
When speaking with Rosa, the seer, on the Santa Monica Beach, one line of dialogue mentions a smiling man), and the "Father" standing behind him. At the end of the game, a cutscene is shown with Jack watching the Venture Tower from afar and laughing, with the corpse of Messerach next to him; in the last moments of the game, the Cab Driver appears unexpectedly behind him, bearing a smoky black aura that no other character in the game displays, and repeating his earlier line: "Remember, wherever we go, it is the blood of Caine which makes our fate".
Caine was reportedly cursed to forever wander; an apt description of a taxi driver.
When any character uses the Auspex trait, the Cab Driver has a purple aura, which is used for supernatural entities such as vampires.
The sound files containing the Cab Driver's dialogue audio are all named with the prefix "Caine".
The taxi license displayed in the back of the cab is at a very low resolution, as it was never intended to be viewed up close, but the first name displayed on seems to be "Michael." (It's possible this license was a production joke, referencing actor Michael Caine.) The last name is more difficult to discern, but seems to end with "OLENE" or "ALENE".
Of course it was you goddamn nigger.
Unironically jump off a bridge you handicapped cockstarving faggot.
Carmilla wasn't that sexual, was it?
I hope there are hookers to snack on in bloodlines 2.
Did you forget that the nicest guys in the game besides the cab driver and Beckett were the Anarchs? I don't think anarchism necessarily equals SJWism but you probably do. There was also the positive portrayal of the thinbloods, you know, people on the bottom of society by birth.
I dont get geodude
Yeah, I don't see them happening. Or even appearing.
He's just a powerful vamp. That's it.
Tzimisce creations
I thought hookers in Seattle had to be phoned in instead of staying in corners?
>you can use your phone to call hookers so you can have a snack
3 of 3
Further more:
>Caines puppet the player grows stronger than all other vampires in just one night (I think that is also mentioned by at least one of the higher vampires)!
>Ignores Lacroix Dominate at the end of the game.
>Removes the Malkavian curse from Therese and Jeanette or changes it to the players liking.
>Beats the Sheriff.
>Beats a high Kuei Jin.
>Has no real reason to kill Lacroix other than beeing forced on this mission (you have no choice, all endings will kill Lacroix). Aside from the political drama, Lacroix wants to become a closer beeing to god, by drinking the blood of a elder vampire. This is a "sin" to Caine (Father and God of all Vampires) and ends Lacroix tale from the shadows.
>Why do you think he is the last character you see in the game, if you think he is just a fucking taxi driver? Did you seriously never saw the main ending of the game? Or do you think a plain taxi driver makes a good last image?
I wouldn't be suprised if there are more hints in the game. Maybe things like destroying the gallery with images of caines origin have a meaning to this plot. And what can you take from that if you apply it to your life? I mean we often have the problem with thinking that a god can't exist, because so many horrible things happen like war. And this game tells us that the god in this game, does a lot to hide his doings, so nobody knows he exists. Well, at least I didn't when I played the game. Took me several years to figure it out.
Oh of course, those assholes. How could I forget
Speaking in terms about vampire myths in general vampires do have free will for certain civs.I was thinking about this the other day actually. Vampire the Masquerade has decent enough lore and I'm not saying how it should be interpreted or whatever BUT it would make a lot more sense if Abel was the predecessor of all vampires and not Cain, it would also permit free will.
In the Bible and ancient religions and myths person desires some sort of lineage, a bloodline. Yet Abel who was one of the 1st men to walk the earth according to the stories has denied a bloodline. He really got the short end of the stick there. Cain had a bloodline, he had sons and daughters, he had wives, his children built cities and invented great technology and introduced great culture. If most people were in Abel's position they'd be pissed at God for letting this happen to Abel and Cain still gets the cool bloodline. Abel was the one who offered blood and flesh to God, Cain offered fruit. Cain murdered Abel out of wanting favor from God, it wasn't about bloodthirst. But Abel thirsting for blood out of a desire for revenge for being killed by Cain would make more sense, he would be bloodthirsty because the Bible says "life for life, blood for blood." Here where it makes a lot of sense. See when a sinner in the Bible asks God for mercy, they generally get it if the man is sincere in heart. So God granted Cain a lot of mercy. Sure a lot of people didn't like him, but it could've been a lot worse for him. Abel being a restless spirit would desire revenge on Cain (like old Ghost stories). In Greek mythology, an innocent who felt wronged was the likely candidate to be a ghost or a vampire because they wanted blood. But Abel couldn't have Cain's blood in return bc God granted him protection. So Abel would be bloodthirsty continually. The idea of Abel being made a vampire by God (in speculation here) is more of an arbitration than condemnation.
cont. next post
>the anarchs are anarchists
could you wait until I posted 3 of 3 and read it first? He must been more powerful than all vampires you meet, including therese/jeanette and lacroix
>Caines puppet the player grows stronger than all other vampires in just one night (I think that is also mentioned by at least one of the higher vampires)!
I wouldn't say the whole game takes place in one night, that'd be ridiculous, probably more accurately over like 2 weeks
Clan: Gangrel
My pronouns are Xim,Xar and Zoom's
Gender: transgendered
Orientation: bisexual
Faction: Camarilla
I agree with the theory that he's Cain but being a more powerful vampire than Tourette and LaCroix isn't anything major
>owned this game for the longest time but never played it
>friend yelled at me for it and told me to get my ass on it with the advent of the new game
>play it for a bit
>mfw the haunted hotel
Why did I sleep on this game for so long
I don't buy into any of that. C is a myth, nothing more
You are right. There's dialogue implying it happens over multiple days and on some levels (the warehouse springs to mind) you can see from the skybox that it's close to sunrise/sunset instead of the dead of night.
I mean if that's your defence you're literally wrong. The debate isn't over whether or not Cain is an actual figure in the WoD. He is. There's no debate on that.
I remember even in SM, before doing the warehouse mission, you have the option to tell Bertram to wait until the next night before they begin or something like that.
Do you turn into a wolf and yiff birds in the countryside?
No, he's not.
>start a Tremere playthrough
>sleeps and has sex with sunglasses
Perfectly suited for vampirism
>Do you turn into a wolf and yiff birds in the countryside?
No, to go out and seek garou daddies :3
He appears in the Gehenna novels.
the kuei jin guy's laptop in santa monica also shows a couple days passage too
>the way a Malk freaks out when talking to the cabbie
>I wouldn't say the whole game takes place in one night, that'd be ridiculous, probably more accurately over like 2 weeks
that's an interesting and difficult question. What makes you think, it's 2 weeks?
>I agree with the theory that he's Cain but being a more powerful vampire than
As far as I know Jeanette and Therese are extremely old which makes their story even weirder with their dad being shot by a gun. I gotta look up what generation they are. 9th generation, so she is one of 256 vampires of her generation. Sounds crazy stronk to me
eu dunt count
t. Disney
Having fun with this so that's why it's so long. At least it's genuine discussion
So if this were the case, then God would make Abel a vampire for two big reasons. To satiate his lust for Cain's blood without God having to retract his mercy given to Cain. And 2 to let Abel have a bloodline, even though in death of sorts. The reason why vampires/Abel would be pale serves as a reminder that Abel died from blood loss, to remind of what caused Abel's desire for veageance, and the reason that he could not see the sun would remind him that he was dead. In ancient myths, the dead could not see the sun bc they were in Hades/under the earth, so it would be a reminder that he was dead just like them.
Also Cain greatly feared a man coming to get revenge on him blood for blood, and Cain voiced that to God. So Cain here is deeply afraid right off the bat. But of who? Seth is not yet born for many decades. Adam and Eve would not want to kill their one and only son, and their daughters/Cain's sisters were married or going to marry Cain. That's all who was on the earth. Was Cain afraid of Abel coming back in undeath for his life in return? Dun DUN DUUUNN. It's a reasonable fear given the world presented in the bible/early Genesis and it's characters.
So what about free will? Abel would be responsable for wanting this from God in a way, something he consented too, given this theory. You'd have to want it. When it comes to drinking blood I imagine the only way it would be permissible by God was that first Abel was dead and not subject to ordinary laws but still subject to general moral laws, and two it would have to deal with consent I imagine. There's plenty of faggots out there and plebs who have debts, so it be a contract that required consent. Anyways, that's just my thoughts on it. Makes more sense coming from Abel and not Cain, especially Cain already got his comeuppance and repented of his evil in the Bible. & blood serves atonement in bibl
I'm not part of the comment chain but just wanted to chime in.
I don't think Cain had a 'real' bloodline either.
His sons, daughters weren't really his, but the sons and daughter of Seth the father of all humans who Cain embraced.
And Abel wouldn't really feel vengeance seeing as he is pretty much with God now, though he did feel angry at Cain when he offered Cain the chance to absolve for his crime and he refused.
Right, he explained the pyramid scheme to me. Feel like I got lucky getting born outside the system on that one
good point, I will adjust my documents
9th generation isn't powerful at all. There's evidence to think the PC is 8th for God's sake. Where did you even get the number 256 from?
Why is the damage in this game such ass? I got to my first fight and it was against the faggot amptee guy and I would randomly do zeros to him sometimes.
t. Jar Jar Abrams
I'd imagine it was simulating him rolling with your punches
>take gun from them
>no option to shoot both
Playing Alpha Protocol days before this has really spoiled me in regards to being able to tell people to fuck off with bullets
Did you check your stats? Are you using a melee weapon or a gun? Are you starting a fight at full hp/blood pool?
Gimble is an early skill check. He's only really difficult if you make the mistake of trying to feed on him, or if you haven't been learning at least one style of combat.
>his sons and daughter's weren't his
Of course they were. the Bible says it, he had sons and daughters and had wives (he married his sisters). The idea that they weren't his children stems from gnosticism, but not traditional Judaism and Christianity.
>Abel was with god now
In revelations the martyrs in heaven literally cry out for blood to God. Plus Abel was in Hades/Sheol, not in heaven above, that's a dark place literally
>Hopes and fears for 2?
>It's a VtMB game
>it's a shitpile leftist propaganda
use bloodbuff
Beckett is such a dumbass. p-pppls don't open it!.
Get this big yellow beetle scuttling towards my Destiny!
>open it
>>it's a shitpile leftist propaganda
Come on, how bad can it be? Even if it is can't you just forget about it for a minute and enjoy the game? Besides it would reflect well the SJW that's spreading everywhere IRL
I'm using the bat and my melee was at 2, and I was at full health. I barely won, but all the zeros pisses me off.
But I thought that was only good for lockpicking and that celerity was the only good blood move since I was reading up on how to start off in this game?
Blood Buff raises all your physical stats including strength and stamina
what's the melee requirement for the bat? Can't imagine it's any higher than 3.
Also, blood buff affects all your physical stats, so it increases dexterity, strength (and thus melee) etc
celerity is good though, are you a toreador?
>9th generation isn't powerful at all. There's evidence to think the PC is 8th for God's sake. Where did you even get the number 256 from?
The wiki says, 9th generation is young but powerful. So if the player is 8th generation the players sire was 7th generation? The dude whos head gets chopped off by the sheriff? Not sure about the number. I guess I looked a wrong wiki. Thought it would make sense:
1st generation 1
2nd generation 2
3rd generation 4 and so on
t.seething Nosferatu incels
Keep feeding on rats lmao, I'll be feeding on 16 years old girls who are on their periods
Taxi driver wasn't so scary, or does he not count. I prefer to think of them as having more macro-scale powers and passive background effects, rather than being personally intimidating, it's more like their mere Presence sends strong vibes rippling through a huge area around them kind of thing, you know, lights flickering spookily across the entire metropolitan area, dogs barking everywhere, all the kindred, metanaturals, and prison inmates becoming riled up. Somewhere at a gas station 35 miles away, someone's head spontaneously explodes. That kind of thing.
>a lesser kindred
I saved both because I had a shitload of persuasion but what happen if you save one or the other? They are the same person so I figure that one of the personality simply get overwritten or something like that?
What hell? NO NAME!
If it's you first time I hope you playing vanilla
>1st generation 1
>2nd generation 2
>3rd generation 4 and so on
generations aren't bits, a vamp can have a ton of childer
also 9th gens can be whatever age. You can create an 8th gen character in the modern age on the tabletop, and jack's a 10th gen from the 1600s
You very obviously don't know a lot about the lore. We know for a fact the third generation had 13 members. After that they made countless amounts of vampire. Also being a 7th generation vampire doesn't stop your head from being removed from your shoulders by something the size of the Sheriff with a sword that big.
Fuck, think I missed the thistle. Is that basic or did plus change the location?
Kek I thought exactly of all the Yea Forums threads about audio logs and how they cut off like that sometimes.
It's a bit cheesy and retarded in Bloodlines but it's not that harmful
I did not know that.
The bat is 4 and yea I'm a toreador.
I got it off of GOG and installed the unofficial patch.
I don't think that's how it goes in WoD lore, if you read/listen to the Book of Nod.
After he was cursed, Cain is pretty much exiled (explicitly states he was alone in the darkness) and didn't interact with anyone save for Lilith who turned him into a vampire.
After he turned vamp, he only had 3 'children', who he embraced and were presumably children of Seth.
Also Abel directly interacts with Cain even after his death to grant him the chance to repent, and as pretty much shown to be at peace.
The bible isn't 100% accurate, neither in real life nor in the WoD lore either because the Kuei Jin are vampires that aren't of the lineage of Cain and are not even mentioned in the bible as having a lineage that began from Adam and Eve.
Isn't the GOG version already patched?
yes, that's the point of the clip. If it's not there you are not playing the original. Everything is different for you, like this item
Guns are much better as a Toreador because of Auspex. If you put loads into Auspex and Celerity you can Max Payne the end game.
GOG is up to 10.2 and the unofficial patch is 10.3.
Yeah if you're using a weapon with higher requirement than what you have you'll get damage penalties. Weird that a fucking bat has 4 melee requirement but whatever. Also, for the future if you're fighting supernatural types it's better to use bladed weapons than blunt ones
>I got it off of GOG and installed the unofficial patch.
gog basic installer is bug free but vanilla. At least mine is. Haven't downloaded gogs latest updates for vtmb. But hey, you do you. I am not telling you how to play the game. Just know if you don't like it, I blame the plus patch. I say, you can still play plus patch after you finished it at least once in vanilla. But that's just my five cent.
Where is it in plus? I think wesp must have changed it, haven't played since like late 2016
I played a toreador firearms builds. Celerity is fucking broken holy shit. Is Gangrel Protean strong? I want to rip and tear with fucking claws.
>I don't think that's how it goes in WoD lore,
I already stated that to begin with. This is just about vampires in general, not really about Vampire the Masquerade. World of Darkness does have something like this called the Abelene hersesy, but that's what it is in the lore of the game, a literal heresy.
>The bible isn't 100% accurate
I'm only talking about the bible as a myth or tale, to speculate for fun which I also mention. Read more carefully
Yeah if you leave it at rank 4. Rank 5 has an ugly looking warform with really long animations that are easier to interrupt
It's strong but the animations are a joke
>abel interacts with Cain giving him a chance to repent.
Sure in WoD yeah if I remember correctly, as I said I'm talking about myth in general
Yeah, if you level brawl the claws are really good. Only issue is the melee auto-lock on can make you miss sometimes, and you need to reposition when you knock enemies back
Is this only in basic? In plus the attacks are a lot faster, but it doesn't stop unfortunately
Troika intended for him to be Caine, so he's Caine
Wait, I wasn't suppose to download the plus patch?
Got it.
But all Auspex does it let me see auras of humans and vampires.
Not according to the devs
grouts mansion, replaced with a book about a circus artist
The cunt, that banned Hotline Miami 2 in Australia with a lie.
into the looney bin you go
Auspex levels Perception which levels Firearms.
Auspex gives you Perception. Perception gives more gun damage.
Oh okay, think I got that one then
Even with the bashing resistence it's possible for a weak vampire to get knocked so hard they go into torpor. The rules say it happens when the health pool is filled with lethal damage, and bashing damage that goes past the health pool is converted to lethal.
So basically if the character takes double the health pool in bashing they would enter torpor. For a weak, blood starved vampire, that could happen from getting their head caved in. If a champion boxer can kill a mortal with a single punch, it's possible that punch could temporarily incapacitate a weak vampire (although it would probably take several such punches even then).
oops I read that as kike
>dat femalkavian
Ah ok, but I thought I was suppose to go melee in the beginning of the game since melee is suppose to be better and guns are expensive?
This just makes me want Vampire MMA
imagine a potence-powered brujah boxer vs a gangrel jiu-jitsu black belt with barbs from protean
fuck that'd be amazing
Everone is a trap
Wasn't their actual ante killed by Troile?
Yes, make it like the werewolf encounter where its pants shitting
Eh play it however you want. It's the journey that matters not the destination so why hurry getting to the end when you can take your time learning how on your own?
Did you watch Samurai Jack?
Can you guess how he got his name?
Melee is fine don't worry about it. Guns pull ahead a bit towards the end game but melee is more consistent and will get the job done.
A werewolf really can't be compared to an antediluvian.
I went unarmed until i got the Colt. Then some mix of Colt/Unarmed to save ammo, late game i used colt, deagle and AUG.
>tfw you go full red dead redemption with the colt and max celerity auspex
Good shit.
[Tell me, child, is my appearance that frightening or is it my knowledge of you that is so unnerving?]
na he pops up in fair is foul and Ilyes acknowledged that Embracing Troile was a mistake, the implication that he Embraced more than once childe has spurred him to hate these newer sects of clan Brujah even more than Troile's own brood
Well your argument doesn't really have a basis even if you divorce it from WoD lore. There's no reason why Abel would be mad at Cain for not having a lineage since presumably any lineage Cain did have would be forever cursed like him, and would have to work extra hard for salvation whereas Abel presumably would already be with God. I don't see any references that allude to Abel being in Hades/Sheol.
As a myth or tale it makes much more sense that the one that is literally cursed by God to wander the earth until his return is the one that's a vampire.
>offered fruit. Cain murdered Abel out of wanting favor from God
That's not a trap that's an ambush. Post anime tiddies instead plz
>Wait, I wasn't suppose to download the plus patch?
if you ask me the plus patch taints the original game and is only for people who played the original so many times, that they want more and different stuff, even if that extra content quality is not on equal level.
I'd actually be glad if they removed he/him from the character creation since the shitstorm you'd have over it would be priceless.
>the colt is a double action
>you can fan the hammer with it anyway
>every vampire in the fucking game teleports at you to smack you with their claws
>player can't do it
why the fuck not tho
Well shit, how do I uninstall and put in back the vanilla game?
>A werewolf really can't be compared to an antediluvian
This. Their difference is enormous.
They barely made basic combat coherent, teleportation would have bugged the game to the fucking abyss.
Is there a way to make the game stop autosaving in a different slot constantly, its fucking annoying when I want to find my actual save
If you don't like it then just reject it. This is just religious mythology of all sorts including classical lit and stuff like that. I said it would make sense, meaning it would be FITTING. Not necessarily true to fact, but only based off speculation. I am not saying the theory is not subject to err, obviously beliving in vampires is just rediculous. Were talking about a book that believes in giants, demons and ghosts who walk the earth and mortal men who lived to be 1 thousand years old.
>extra hard for salvation
I'm saying this from what I've seen from people in general and how I understand people, it would be fitting and reasonable to believe Abel would be upset. That's just human nature, people get angry at God for all sorts of things.
>be edgy for edgyness' sake
Well Potence can make bashing attacks (fists, club, etc) do lethal damage. But a human doing it will always do bashing (unless it is some hunter with a holy mace or something in which case it could do aggravated damage and potentially send you to final death)
all I have is this not sure why I saved it tho
Why wont this plus patch install
I doubt that is possible. Not sure how far you are into the game. I think if you are in downtown just roll with it, unless you notice things being off design-wise probably because of the plus patch...
Jack is the most powerful Vampire in LA right?
In the bible people complain WHEN THEY ARE IN PARADISE. I mean it's just human nature. Revelations 6. This is what I meant Abel getting angry at God or Cain when it comes to vampire myths
>I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying: How long, O Lord (holy and true) dost thou not judge and revenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
antivirus blocking it?
are you using admin mode to install it?
>Mages that low
>Werewolves beneath Elder Vamps
>Hunters as high as they are at any rank
This list is laughably bad.
Dont listen to that guy the plus patch is amazing and I never play vanilla anymore
Man it's still nuts we're even getting a sequel at all. I don't see it matching the tone of the first game but if it can get even just a little close to it I'll be sold on it.
I'm a little worried how the main narrative will turn out seeing the state of the table top game but if they can reel that stuff back for the game I'll be fine.
Shame we'll only be getting five clans to start with (don't even know which one's we'll get).
No, Cain is.
no, hes actually pretty average, but he is smart
Im trying admin now
>Fight evil with good
This is making me imagine loads of cool things
adapting boxing training to use claws instead of punches, wrestling with potence, abusing protean's ability to make you light as a feather etc
Reminds me of Bender. Same VA?
No. Jack isn't stronger than an Archibishop of the Sabbat or the Sheriff.
If he was he'd be stirring up way more shit.
Something is keeping him (somewhat) in line.
It's because your computer is gay
Yeah nope same failure
I have a pirated GOG version btw
How is that complaining about Heaven? That's complaining about the state of the earth
Ya its the same guy
how the hell is bishop vick possible as melee
Yeah. John DiMaggio. Also did Jake from Adventure Time
Have you tried compatibility mode?
Okay neonate, your young so I'll cut you a break, but which version did you pre-order? No bullshit this time though
Don't you lainpost at me.
Ill try win7
Someone needs to put that on an inspirational poster
I dont preorder games
None because we've barely seen anything from the game and it's a year away from release. There's plenty of time to do so when we know more.
don't preorder games, especially not before you see real footage
PC could probably take him by the end
>it would be fitting and reasonable to believe Abel would be upset
How could he be upset if he was dead. The only way he would still be cognizant would be he was granted everlasting life with God, which is the ultimate end-goal of salvation of the Christian religion anyways, so if anything he would be happy he achieved it relatively easily.
Having lots of children and a bloodline is not necessarily a good thing if you're talking purely biblical, since everything of the world is just that, worldly and extraneous.
None. I love VtMB but I'm not gonna pre-order shit before seeing gameplay. And even so, not really worth it for 24h early access.
>how long o lord will be in this desert? For another 40 yrs? REEE
>How long o Lord will be revenged? For another 40 yrs? REEEE
I'm still in Santa Monica the first hub.
need to see gameplay before i can pre order
I'll probably just get the regular version once it's out. Ain't spending extra for hypothetical extras.
I was thinking of pirating it when it comes out maybe with the DLCs as well
Waiting until we see more gameplay stuff, if it's good I'll probably get the blood moon one
Confirmed for being either underage or 50+. Either way, please neck yourself.
Has anyone tried out the Sabbat Quest mod? Need to know if it's any good.
Not gonna be preordering anything till I see some gameplay.
I put around 15 hours into the game and can't bring myself to finish it. I felt like I was forcing myself to play it past the beach house, I absolutely can't see why people lose their shit over this game.
Nope and nada my man god damnnnn
Some people just really get sucked into the setting, others don't
it is what it is
If that fails find another torrent. Maybe even a pre-gog version, install and patch it.
It's not for everybody don't worry. How's the new Call of Duty by the way?
Pretty sure I'm going to skip the shitshow that's going to be 2. Thanks alot you worthless f'n faggots.
Hit ignore and see if anything happens or not
Mansion is cool and so i the underground city and so is the mansion with the crazy guy and also i saw a giant white werewolf that was pretty cool
Is the plus patch even worth it i mean does it make the graphics better really and is anything worth it like any cool guns you're gonna have to sell me cause my ass is data limited
Bc Babylonian vampires are spooky
Ambiance, setting, story, multiple playthroughs with different clans to see what changes.
It helps that the game is so short for repeated playthroughs but ya people don't come back because it's the best playing game. If you can't get into it that's fine, wasn't meant to be m88
If i do that im sure it will work as in it will go through but it will be missing files i dont wanna break this broken ass game
>pre ordering games 1 year in advance
>pre ordering digital games
Revelations I think, predates the existence of paradise.
As in I think paradise doesn't exist until the events of revelation are brought to pass.
I think it's a misconception that paradise already exists.
The vampires running the world IRL are even spookier
I was never into vampires anyways, I'd rather be a part of The Society of Leopold. Shame because WoD is interesting but you're kind of shit out of luck if you don't dig the thing the entire universe revolves around.
I think you meant
By the looks of it it's just a dialogue file for a NPC. Probably for fetching voicelines. Ignore it.
Also it will probably work anyway
"Cannot create a file when that file already exists"
Guess it's a hiccup or something since it's already there apparently
The patch fixes a bunch of bugs the devs couldn't because Troika went under shortly afterwards. It also restores some content which varies in degree of quality. You can just install the bug fixes if the latter doesn't interest you.
oof nvm
About to play for the first time, wich version of the unnoficial patch should i download?
Probably same tbqh but I still like the vamp stuff
What did they mean by this?
I wasn't into vampires either before Bloodlines but the game sold me on the concept of Vampire society. I think it's because of the different clans and all the politicking that got me hooked on it.
Clan Gangrel have the cutest player model, right?
>how could the dead be upset
Kek come on havn't you ever read the stories about Tartarus or Gehenna or purgatory, ect? What about ghost stories? It's all about dead people getting upset about this or that.
> The only way he would still be cognizant would be he was granted everlasting life with God
That's not part of traditional theologoy and you know it.
>Having lots of children and a bloodline is not necessarily a good thing
If they're bad children sure it's bad to have bad kids, but this is Abel we're talking about. Bloodlines are the most important theme in the bible, it's literally required to destroy sin and death.
Regular, not plus.
On the unofficial patch: Basic or Plus for a first playthrough?
Both because they never really hated each other deep down. Having one do something irreparable to the other is just cruel.
ya tbqh
however that is a slight retexture
Ben Shapiro's sister obviously
Furries are a sign of apocalypse
Basic so you can appreciate the changes more the second time around
I cant live without being able to skip the hotel mission anymore
Any recommended mods for a first playthrough or should I just play it vanilla?
It's true user
Tremere or Malk.
Jeanette for that vampire puss. Therese never shows appreciation for the work you put in so fuck her.
If he's a hunter that studied the boxing style in vigil and risked willpower on the roll he probably could knock the fuck out of a vampire in one swing, if we're talking fledglings
>I cant live without being able to skip the hotel mission anymore
This tbqh.
Eh, maybe some retextures on the eyes and hands. There's really nothing major though
religion is just fiction so in sense it's a game of fiction based around fiction in a fictional setting
pretty meta
Install the unofficial patch. Fixes a ton of bugs the devs didn't
Tremere female is probably the best character design in the game
>This is making me imagine loads of cool things
This why Wod is great, it's filled with potential.
Wait a minute
this all seems familiar
Toriel from undertale!
That meme is just for fedoras.
There's a Nosferatu wrestler in canon.
That's pretty gay user
Well in the case of Abel you'd either have to be talking about Christian lore or WoD lore.
In Abrahamic religions, death is not always an undesirable outcome, and death in service to God is the greatest honor.
Abel was favored by God for his sacrifice, I think he wouldn't even care about someone offing him after the fact, even his own brother.
>Bloodlines are the most important theme in the bible, it's literally required to destroy sin and death.
While you portray this as a positive thing, I don't think it is. It's necessary in the same way hard work and toil is necessary.
Yeah there's a character sheet based on this right? Was thinking more wrestling the sport/as applied in martial arts but yeah
Hey I liked Caleb too
shame I could never find a good version of this song it's like one side is louder than the other compared to in-game
>you have to
I mentioned Greek mythology too user. Heck I could go into stuff from the far east. I could more into Greek mythology but that gets more speculative since classical lit is not as comprehensive. So whatever I don't care what you think about vampire myths, but the rock I will stand on is bloodlines. Weren't you taught in Catholic school like everyone else that the bloodline of Jesus Christ has to come from David, and all the way back to Judah and then Abraham, Shem, Noah, and then Seth and Adam? You should value having good children it's a nice thing user
>kiddo, were in undertale
>holeeee shit is that Sans undertale?! HAA HAH HA HA
haha what if opening it leads you to undertale haha
>you'd either have to be talking about Christian lore or WoD lore
whats the difference.
In WOD lore everything goes back to cain even set and every other religion. If not cain then a angel and even magic is just admin abuse
Did it once as a nosferatu with one dot in potence, using the severed arm
Monstrous Vampire wrestlers were popular heels in Mexico if there's any trusting in Hellboy.
Thanks user. Ill share this. I got this from a music thread on vtmb a while ago. It sounds like it came right out of the original game
is this a big deal?
>undertale and VTM are in the same universe that's also connected to ours via video games
These are his stats
try this on for size
Yeah, right.
>I mentioned Greek mythology too user
No I mean you can't apply the logic of other religions to Cain and Abel. If you're talking about Abel you can't apply Greek mythology to it.
Just because the dead can be upset in Greek mythology doesn't mean that the same goes for Christian mythology.
And the bloodline thing as I said, means generations upon generations of toil awaiting the time when humans can become one with God. All those people you listed suffered greatly in the stories of their lives.
who's cain anyways?
Gen X was an edgy generation
is this somthing to about?
What's a true brujah compared to a normal brujah?
they're certainly not our kind of people
am i right fellahs
just make them faggits.
The son of Adam, and father of all Vampires in the World of Darkness.
Greek mythology shares a lot of ties with Jewish religion actually. A lot of similar themes and concepts. People get hung up on the whole Zeus and venus doing things that they shouldn't, but yeah Greek and Roman paganism had vampires and it was allbased on wanting revenge. The innocent who died badly were the most feared. Rome had lots of ghost stories for instance. It's a lot of fun to read about. Also I know some things about Indian mythology, not too much but enough to where WoD got some of their ideas. It's interesting if you like myths and legends
>Muh bloodlines
I already said my piece on that
All brujah are the same
Remember Ecaterina the wise from VTMR?
Good thread whilst it lasted
Thanks user
you tell me
What's a time manipulator/traveler compared to the flash. Temporis is just Celerity but better.
I meant as opposed to stories about Tartarus and Gehenna in the post I was replying to. Stories of death and revenge vary greatly from religion to religion.
In some religions Abraham's attempted act of filicide on Isaac would be seen as a great sin, but in Abrahamic religions it is seen as an act of unwavering faith, whereas Zeus overthrowing his father Cronus might be seen in Christianity as a major transgression, but is treated indifferently in Greek mythology.
"I'll be the roundabout, the words will make you out and out."
see There are literally themes that are at odds with each other. There is no indication that Abel would want revenge on Cain, just like there would be no indication Isaac would want revenge on Abraham.
Oh also ghosts are a thing in Catholcism, it's just not a thing in Protestantism because they don't believe in purgatory. That's why Shakespeare's play Hamlet was unpopular for a long time in England
I know you probably don't know this but with Jews, they read the Hebrew in the Binding of Isaac that Isaac was told straight up before they went up the mt and he was willing.
Yes but what they consider ghosts are not what popular culture have made out ghosts to be.
Holy ghost, etc. They are not inherently malevolent.
Why does everyone hate the Brujah again?
The same reason why people hate Ventrue. They're the 2 faces on the same coin yet some people like one face more than the other or neither.
Old fashioned ghosts user, it was big in the middle ages, come on haven't you been told the stories about haunted castles. That came from Catholics. It's a spoopy world
That guy is clearly a whipped faggot, but no, nothing indicates that it's a big deal yet.
Isaac was willing if you read theologoy
I’ll never understand how commie anarchs are the same as hyper capitalist oligarchs
Whats the code to skip the blue ocean quest? Don't want to do that shit again honestly
No one hates them.
Toreador on the other hand...
Damn, boring pieces of shit, my dude.
I hate them more than the Tremere. The Tremere are are at least useful
It boils down to waifu wars
Is anyone else feeling a bit hungry?
surely thou jest?
Ah I get it now
Vigil hunters with tier 3 enhancements are no joke, user. Benedictions let me one v one a vampire elder last game I played.
Not sure about reckoning hunters, but if they're being fueled by God or whatever gives them their powers in reckoning, and they have true faith, they're probably in a great spot
The spooky castle stuff is still pop culture. I doubt the higher ups in the Vatican even back in the day considered those things to be anything but fanciful notions if not outright superstition.
No? Theyre polar opposites. Unless there’s something about WoD lore I don’t know. And I don’t know much, I’ve only gone through half of vtmb
>Isaac was willing
That's a fair enough point. But there are still many more examples where the Abrahamic religions teach forgiveness for crimes even as serious as unwilling murder. Jesus for instance.
The other clans who are fundamentally socialist can't tell the difference.
Something something horseshoe theory
I'm not so sure Ecaterina is Brujah
Oh about the Saturn thing. The Romans had their own view on it which was that Saturn/Chronus was the god who had all authority over time, so when Saturn "devours" his son, it's coming from someone who falsly understood their view on saturn, which was that time devours all things. All things pass away with time, its not a story about literal cannibalism and sacrifice user. Its like how the story of Athena coming from Zeus' head literally was a false understanding, it originally was that Zeus was god and something like the muses or the holy ghost or the fates or whatever else came from his mind.
I'd love a changeling the dreaming game or a hunter the vigil game, but vampire bloodlines and things like shadowrun are the only way I can scratch my urban fantasy itch
People forgive but people have been known to forgive others and still desire civil law to justly punish them.
>Thinking ToreaCHADS are boring.
Confirmed virgintrue.
this is the only good retexture mod tbqh
What about Zeus overthrowing and imprisoning his father then? In what way would that not be seen as a transgression in the Christian lens?
>There are Ventrue and Tremere trannies in this thread right now
although i did enjoy the trailer (blood looked like shit though)
Different cults, paganism doesn't have orthodoxy
>There are people in this thread completely oblivious to the real potential of blood
Eh it's not as much as WOD lore than an immutable rule. If there's an extreme surely there's an opposite of it right?
For instance the clans
Torries(ugly inside) - Nosferatu(ugly outside)
Malkavians(Insane inside) - Gangrel(insane outside)
and then you have
Ventrue(Powerful inside, such as groups, structures, hierarchies and the creation of such for themselves to rule other kindred and humans) - Brujah(Powerful outside, such as mobs, gangs focused on rebelling or subverting existing structures be they kindred human)
Then when WOD lore comes it everyone descends from Cain right? Therefore it's merely Cain's essence being filtered. Like a tree that's growing and having different branches yet the base that supports them is the same no matter how opposite to one another they seem or if they like each other or not.
rendering liquids is the meme
>true potential
>clan gets fucked over as a whole every couple decades
Isn't Flash still better because of speed force or whatever? Only comics that I ever read often growing up were captain America so I don't know
Which was my point from the beginning. You can't use revenge tales from one mythology to explain away another.
I really see it as more of if youre a basement dweller then you're more into nosferatu. If you're a decent looking trap then toreador will be favored
That's preposterous. The Ventrue clan is hard working and serious minded, and would certainly never exploit a computer break to shit post on the internet.
Catholcism has orthodoxy. Plus I said this was speculation on what was fitting not what is true
>Torries(ugly inside) - Nosferatu(ugly outside)
>Malkavians(Insane inside) - Gangrel(insane outside)
>and then you have
>Ventrue(Powerful inside, such as groups, structures, hierarchies and the creation of such for themselves to rule other kindred and humans) - Brujah(Powerful outside, such as mobs, gangs focused on rebelling or subverting existing structures be they kindred human)
thats pretty cool, never thought about it that way
lol faggots
Well now that's a different matter entirely.
That Abel would feel the need for revenge so strong his soul would return from beyond the grave as a vampire - something I disagreed with, and the idea that civil law would punish Cain (which actually did happen since he was marked).
think of Temporis as the speed force but on crack and with all the sageforces. It's better but dangerous since it uses the very thing that keeps vampires immortal
Is there a good reskin for Toreador male?