Should Lootboxes/Gacha games be banned by the government?
Should Lootboxes/Gacha games be banned by the government?
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No? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's suddenly not censorship. Game companies have a right to express themselves.
>developers are so retarded they need the government to fix them
Why? No game put a gun to anyone's head and forced them to install it, play it then spend their life savings on lootboxes. Just shifting the blame away from the person with the actual problem.
>providing gambling options is expressing yourself
based retard
Yes. It gambling that literally targets children and teenagers. Most parents aren't aware enough that their children are making quick purchases with whatever credit card is a Sony account.
I'm confused, aren't Loot Boxes in Overwatch free? I don't play it so I don't know. This is only what I've been told by others? Is it that Overwatch must remove them altogether, or just the option to pay for Loot Boxes?
>Government bans one of the ways of making good money
>Publishers' only option left to make money is making good games
I say yes.
>gambling all your money away
Literal retard.
T. Pigs or gambling addicts
No, just stop being stupid and donāt buy them.
>wanting govt interference in anything
they just remove the games from that country
there's no reason for them to remove the lootboxes
now you just dont get to play the game at all
They should be restricted in the same way casinos are
Fuck yes.
no, the government really shouldnt have to step in to stop shitty games from existing
people should just stop playing them
>Net Neutrality bad! Muh big gubmint!!
fucking /pol/fags
>Game companies have a right to express themselves.
Yeah but they're not free to have gambling elements.
>if you arent for completely free predatory inhumane capitalism you are a communist
Try again, capitalism needs to be regulated so it doesnt go insane, doesnt mean communism is any good
>live in Belgium
>playing Apex Legends with non-Belgian bros
>Only one with default skin
feels fucking bad man, hope they remove the law
>Should pokemon cards be banned by the government?
no u fucking retard, just do everything in moderation
fuck you!!!!
>capitalism needs to be regulated
That's what Net Neutrality was, why didn't you guys support that then?
>Just shifting the blame away from the person with the actual problem.
By removing the thing enabling their addiction? That's like saying cocaine shouldn't be illegal.
>only CS:GO
does that mean tf2 can keep it's lootboxes?
children are susceptible to it, so it needs to be controlled
>literally sent from an iPhone
You can't make this shit up.
I was in the "nothing will happen" camp
And look, nothing happened.
GAMBLING is heavily regulated in most countries to try to avoid mentally ill people from spending everything they have but now those people have jumped to lootboxes/gacha games instead so it is probably just a matter of time before they get regulated as well
Nothing will happen about lootboxes either
going to lol when they just don't make the game available in Belgium. No way that it would cost less to remove the feature and rerelease the game than just stop selling it there altogether.
Wouldn't it make more sense for them to have them as skins you can just buy rather than removing the law?
It's sad when i can no longer tell if this is a shitty joke. A shitty attempt to troll, or if you are just genuinely stupid.
Except it happened, no loot boxes purchasable in Belgium
OP pic proves you wrong
>Buy Battlepass
>Change Origin region to Belgium
>Premium crates turned into crafting materials
>Still get the free crates for some reason
I don't understand Respawn at all. Hopefully developers will start making good content instead of gambling crates.š
Not an argument
From games you buy yes, they are fine for f2p games.
Nothing will happen in America
Only if gambling is banned by the government.
It's the parents' duty to regulate what media their children consume, so if they allow their children to spend money on gacha and loot boxes, they should be held accountable just as they would be held accountable if they let their kids gamble anywhere else.
thats fine too
Stupidity it is then.
Treat the cause, not the symptoms.
The cause are gullible retards with bottomless wallets with low standards and no sense of taste.
Any regulation on products is merely a band-aid. We must regulate the people.
It abuses stupid people and normally I wouldn't care, but it has an adverse effect on my hobby by making stupid people a more valued target market.
Not an argument
Normally I would be against government intervention but it would be funny to see EA get wrekt so I say yes
So improve vidya or stick to /pol/tard ideals?
Kill yourself if you pick the latter.
Its not gambling when you win something everytime.
Do you retards realize that Belgium has fucking net neutrality legislation to protect their consumers?
Maybe if America was more like Belgium we wouldn't let trillionaire ISPs fuck us in the ass
Can't argue with stupidity. If you want an argument, start by making one yourself. And if you think you already put one forward, just goes to prove your stupidity yet again.
Oh I agree you shouldn't be allowed to sell exploitive products to people. Because there should not be any people for you to sell it to.
Yeah, because buying an overpriced phone from the most capitalist company in the world is the best way to show your support for communism.
It no excuse to use a fucking iPhone instead of an android or dumb phone
A casino giving you back a cent every time you gamble would not make them avoid gambling laws, otherwise theyd all do it
Maybe next time the net neutrality proposal should be about protecting consumers then.
Gacha games are shutting down in Belgium. Can't wait until whole EU adopts this law.
thats a fine personal mentality, but it falls apart if we are to design laws with your idea in mind. If the onus is on the parents completely then are companies fre to try and manipulate kids as much as they what with whatever means they want? Of course parents should be the final deciders when it comes to a childs media diet, but that should take away and and all fault from the massive institutions trying to take advantage of those children in the first place
No, but I think they should be a lot more regulated than they are. And the idea put forth that they should disclose the odds of winning is one I agree with too.
Except he essentially made a walkie talkie and the earliest ideas go back to 1917 before he was even born.
Net Neutrality and Anti-lootbox laws both have the same goal: protecting consumers from greedy corporations.
Why is NN bad but the other isn't?
It was.
On one hand I dont want government regulating whats allowed in video games but on the other hand dont think children should have the right to gamble.
with video games though its not like a casio where they wont serve you if you're not an adult, the only way to keep lootboxes and stop children gambling which honestly this is the most likely outcome when government is involved would be to require you to give your real ID to video games
I don't see how buying an Android is sticking it to the man, user. Mostly I think the iphone hate is totally overblown.
How do you arrest a company though
No it wasn't. US net neutrality was only ever about making companies pay ISPs to not slow down their connection.
Next, question.
No. Retards and the underage spend their money on stupid things anyways. If they fall for the gacha trap, how well do you think they'll survive the other constant barrage of advertisements?
For kids it'll also teach them a valuable lesson about the importance of money. Have them keep track of it, and when they ask for something expensive, show them how much they've spent on skins or whatnot.
NPC-tier opinion
I don't care what any faggot has to say, I wanna earn shit in multiplayer games by actually doing something, not leveling up or buying rng.
Anti american laws are inherently anti white.
And back to why it is never worth arguing with a retard.
getting an addiction does not teach people anything user
They are now addicted
>Playing Apex
Terminal shit taste confirmed
Child molester confirmed
you might be under estimating mass media. it's not like it was pre internet era, where controlling media consumption was a matter of checking a room.
If you think lootboxes are fine then all restrictions on age etc against all gambling should also be removed.
Humans are animals, it's really easy for companies to abuse our lizard brains to make us give them all our money.
Yes. I used to really enjoy Fifa but I've uninstalled this year. Literally every team I go up against is a pay to win squad with fake ass players.
The game I once loved, Team Fortress 2, was also a victim of this shit.
Loot boxes are the most anti-consumer shit since pre-order DLC. Maybe even since TAGES.
Casinos don't give your money back retard, just because you didn't get what you wanted doesn't mean its gambling. The government doesn't need to me more involved just because retards like your self don't have any self control
>pro-consumer laws are bad because some republican poo in the loo said so
They should be allowed to have gambling but you cannot use real currency to buy into it. I.e the mechanics are allowed to exist if they aren't tied to purchasing in any way
It is gambling, its feeding on the same exact brain patters and addiction prone people
There is no self control, some people are addicts period
Not all Americans are white, though.
oh no coca cola is trying to sell me a beverage
government please help
>The game I once loved, Team Fortress 2, was also a victim of this shit.
Since wen unusual hats make you win matches?
Cocaine shouldn't be illegal.
You can earn them ingame by levelling up or buy them in bulk.
Then again they're not the majority of revenue for Blizzard like FIFA coins to EA.
Same argument could be made for gambling. It's still gambling though. That's against the law.
Coca cola literally funded wars
It doesn't, but it makes the game look like a rancid piece of shit and was the reason I quit in the end. Since then it looks like it went even more wildly downhill.
so when a massive company spends millions of dollars on advertising specifically designed to target a type of person, its the fault of the person for falling for it and not the fault of the company for being predatory? that sounds like nonsense
>cocaine shouldn't be illegal.
I agree
Cocaine should be legal for legitimate medical uses. Such as intense focus, heightened awareness and faster response times for Gaming.
>The government doesn't need to me more involved just because retards like your self don't have any self control
at the very least, it's about children developing gambling habits
thats a funny way of spelling nathanial rothschild
>think of the children!
>country bans video game lootboxes
>doesn't ban lotteries
t. Nanny state Eurofag
There's an age restriction on lotteries, not on lootboxes.
and how do you prove who is a child and who isnt?
congrats user now we have lootboxes and are required to give your identification for every video game you play, you sure improved the situation
exactly. gambling is not allowed for children for a purpose
>he iphone hate is totally overblown
If anything, they aren't hated enough.
Yes, let's give the jews more power over us. Zoomers like us don't need to think at all.
Yes. Loot boxes are designed to psychologically exploit the human mind.
Anticipated arguments
>No overnment regulations!
Without them, people ruin their lives due to lack of knowledge/control. Cigarettes are known to be awful, but people still smoke them. We tax and ban things to protect individuals and society.
>They pay for game updates!
You can set up a cash shop where specific cosmetics can be purchased without any chance or randomness factor.
>Cash shop with no randomness won't make as much money
True, but if banned globally the playing field is even. Even if it's not, public wellness trumps profit margins. It's also not as though it'd make no money; it'd be profitable, just not as much.
Fuck off
Lotteries marketed to children is illegal, fuckface
>Cash shop with no randomness won't make as much money
Wrong, look at Fortnite
>you sure improved the situation
literally would improve the situation 100%
it would protect minors and make games less inviting when involving gatcha
do NOT take away all my gacha units or elseš
>be american game dev
>Release game with lootbox
>belgium flies to america and arrest me
Good strawman.
Obviously it's not a retard's -fault- that they're retarded, but them being retarded is still a problem that should be fixed.
no u
America has gambling regulation.
If you unironically want to start banning things because of muh children, you're gonna have to do a lot more than just remove lootboxes.
Damn... you got me. I submit my pink butthole to your superior seed
>game company has your id
>say nigger in a video game
>banned from video game
>virtue signaling begins
>banned from all social media too
>fired from your job
>identification and chatlogs forwarded to the police so they can arrest you for hatespeech
I don't want it fag
>belgium makes a law
>the company and all the developers live in a different country
So if you want to avoid 5 years in jail, just don't visit Belgium?
Are you fucking stupid? You don't get arrested you get fined into oblivion. And the issue is that you can't sell the product in that location. No stores will stock it because they themselves will be overwhelmed by lawsuits.
Wrong. Angolems aren't white nor European. They were literally bred forth as loyal beasts of burden by the Ashkenazi
You seriously can't make this shit up. These are the people we have to share a board with
They just remove the game from belgium store
why would you trust game companies with your real life information?
Reminder that Belgium bans loli but not gay porn brainwashing. Is this a good role model for your state?
>Shills actually defending lootboxes
Zoomers out
lootboxes are garbage but why should they be banned? is online poker banned in belgium too?
>play a gacha game
you deserve every piece of shit you get, retard
Name ONE service, product, or other transactable situation with a primary target market other than stupid people.
Go ahead. I'll wait.
Pick the good leave out the dumb shit.
i'm mostly saying ban gacha. do you unironically have somesort of position that is defending lootboxes?
Does that mean giving all the contents for free or making it so you can never get anything else?
IF the game is F2P then yes gacha/lootboxes should be allowed.
However if the game is not F2P like Battlefront or PUBG or whatever lootboxes/gacha should not be allowed.
Cocaine destroys people's lives and generates a chemical addiction.
Why do you find individual freedom more ethical than not allowing others to harm themselves due to a careless / ignorant use of their own freedom?
If anything it would be required on all games with in game purchases which means any game with dlc which means every game released after the 360
if you're retarded enough to play a gacha game, why is that a problem?
Why would anything ever be free lol
That's not how it works, kid. You can't pick the good and leave the bad. You accept a precedence which leads to the whole package. You'll learn to understand it when you get politically woke.
Theres literally nothing wrong with lootboxes that only provide cosmetics that you can also just purchase with ingame currency.
And you find it more ethical to steal people's rights away because of decisions they have never, nor will ever make under the guise of "protecting you"
fuck off and die
Porn between two consenting adults and porn as a surrogate for wanting to rape children are not equal.
how does praying on natural normal human psychology teach anyone anything? There are no lessons learned from a kid using every dollar they have on cod loot boxes, he doesn't come away from the experience realizing anything at all. You can argue these situations pose a potential lesson, but i think its insane to say any reasonable percentage of people actually learn it.
so we have predatory practices looking to take advantage of people who will likely no gain anything of value from the whole ordeal and this is somehow a good thing in your eyes?
Any attempt to strengthen babysitting by the government will ultimately bite you back.
You create precedent for other crap like korea's daily limited playtime regulated by the gorverment. After all we did regulate once, why not further? And why should companies be forbidden to exploit fools in gamin? We allow it everywhere else too.
I can't speak for EU law, but in AU law it absolutely is.
There was a lottery that sold $10 tickets which were guaranteed to have prizes of at least $2, and which could have up to $10,000
Still gambling.
lol, are you equating dlc with gacha? that's a first for me
Oh no a small shithole country banned loot boxes not like whales in USA arent still buying loot boxes/mtx by the thousands
You bought the game in the first place
>receive fine from belgium
>promptly tell them to suck my dick
Because money is a scam.
When are booster packs going to be regulated? They are actual literal gambling.
That's fuckin gambling, retard
>You don't get arrested you get fined into oblivion
How about I just go play Skyrim then?
>Slippery slope bs
Ok /pol/ retard.
Sugar has been found more addictive than cocaine. And if you think it's harmless look at the fat fuck epidemic and all the other problems that ride on that.
Poor man, this one's already brainwashed.
>if you dont let companies do whatever they want the big bag gubment is literally coming to take your games
fucking idealogues
should we ban cigarettes and alcohol, or what about burgers? you can get very unhealthy eating them, how about sugar?
just wrap the world in bubblewrap so nobody gets hurt?
anyone who trades freedom for safety deserves neither, as long as those people arent hurting others why does it matter if they hurt themselves?
It's just a drawing dude calm down
>how does praying on natural normal human psychology teach anyone anything?
It teaches onlookers that normal human psychology is a liability, a problem, outdated, and sorely in need of some improvements.
>this is somehow a good thing
Hey dumbass. I'm advocating STOPPING IT.
All Marxy is giving back is a government owned version of Tetris and maybe yearly releases of Americas Army type war sims on the same engine for 20 years.
Imagine an outrage campaign against such games? Literal bullet in the back of the head.
>strawmen with no counter argument to existing precedent
fucking idiots.
Belgium will be the next ZIMBABWE!
Slippery Slope when you disagree.
Setting Legal Precedent when you agree.
>slippery slope fallacy isn't real
>if we legalize gay marriage then come the pedos
>lol you bigot that will never happen
>[you are here]
>pic related
>Let's allow children to buy alcohol, cannabis and enter casinos.
Money is even more addictive. Look at the billionaires and all the problems that ride on them.
But stopping it by treating the cause, which is the dumbshit consumers, rather than the symptom, which is the market supplying a demand.
They'll just start ass raping people with CK2 levels of DLC if they take away the loot box cash cow.
you mean High Fructose Corn Syrup. There hasn't been any candy, soda, ice cream, ect thats been made with real sugar cane sugar for decades. The biggest reason for this is that real sugar makes you sick if consumed too much, but HFCS bypasses this cause the body doesn't know how to properly digest it.
You're beyond retarded if you dont think they will put everything under the umbrella of in game purchases.
And yes dlc is one of the first steps on the road to gacha, its how we got to this point keep up
or are you too young to remember horse armour and how that shit is now super common
the slippery slope isnt a fallacy its a fucking strategy
Why are kids playing 16+ games in the first place
Nigga it's just gambling. These games are aimed at people age 18+ because they generally have bigger wallets and the ability to make their own purchases. They don't give a fuck about kids, because kids generally lack the ability to drop $100 on a banner for a chance to get the newest OP waifu. Not to mention it's already illegal for children to gamble, just like it's illegal for them to buy cigs and drink alcohol. That doesn't stop all of them from doing those things, but it's the parents' responsibility to make sure they aren't going to start in the first place, not the brewery or the tobacco company.
Unless you're suggesting that these games require ID in order for people to make purchases just like casinos require ID to enter, in which case I agree with you, but it's not gonna stop kids from stealing mom's credit card and driver's license any more than it's gonna stop a kid from getting a fake ID to buy beer. Alternatively, I'd also support legislation that requires all games with paid gacha or lootboxes to be clearly marked as such with additional disclaimers and warnings, and require the buyer to be 18 years of age or 21 years of age if they are buying a physical copy and are accompanied by a minor. But just because kids are gonna break the law anyway doesn't mean that you should just flush the whole thing down the shitter any more than you should outlaw smoking and drinking and gambling. If you actually do support all that though, then good on you for sticking to your principles, I guess.
Did your parents violate your "rights" by not letting you do dumb shit as a kid?
There is nothing wrong with stopping others from making poor decisions. Especially regarding addictions, since they literally fuck with your own will and decision making. Would you rather be a slave to a chemical substance or a slave to a government that protects you from ruining your life?
Only if violence and sex is as well.
Please sir some coins so I can buy a new hat on team fortress.
I lost all my savings and house because of lootboxes.
Go away, millennial.
If it was so addictive you wouldn't have 90% of the population fuck around instead of focusing on earning more. Rich people are outliers not only in bank account but also in behaviour.
>suddenly parents are capable guardians
Good, so we agree the government doesn't need to step in.
what makes you think that it would be limited to gacha?
What about (gay) shota? Is it banned or allowed?
This will be zoomers in the future
Except Iām not a kid anymore. I have a right to buy what I want.
Children literally do not have the same rights adults do.
Terrible comparison idiot
>A handheld mobile radio telephone service was envisioned in the early stages of radio engineering. In 1917, Finnish inventor Eric Tigerstedt filed a patent for a "pocket-size folding telephone with a very thin carbon microphone".
You can tell who are the corporate shills and underage by the fact that they don't want to go with the option that gets rid of kids in online games.
why does overwatch need to remove loot boxes? you can't trade them
lol, when someone bought horse armor, did it look different than the one someone else bought? gacha keeps people buying because people get different things despite putting the same amount of money in.
If you're in favour of lootboxes you're gay.
It's as simple as that.
I would argue that if this industry still produced good videogames, but it doesn't.
Seeing publishers and all those millennials working on videogames get fucked over is bound to be more entertaining than the garbage games they produce.
anyone arguing against this didnāt live through the violent video games censorship era
You can tell who are the incels by the ones wanting to ban kids from a kids hobby.
kek, the gacha waifu drones are in full force. fuck off to your discord to brag about how little you needed to summon for the 5* legendary
And the Wright Brothers used a slingshot to make their ""airplane"" fly
gimme another one
Honestly yes OP.
I don't care about /pol/ spergs REEEEEing.
It will definitely improve video games. That's all I care about.
most gacha games aren't 16+?
It might still be the concept of gambling for items of value. You can pretty much pay for specific items or you can scratch that gambling itch and see if you get lucky.
ITT: seething waifufags who spend hundreds a month on FGO.
Get fucked.
More like how do so many kids have credit cards or credit card info?
unironically yes
HFC is just a different ratio of fructose:glucose and it is processed worse not better than real sugar because the regulatory mechanism developed for real sugar which a 1:1 ratio. That's how hfc causes more damage and works better for example if you want to get diabetes.
Ban ALL games with paid DLC.
Try and debate me, you cant losers.
so, the downside is that we got rid of micro trans actions and season passes? wait, what are the downsides?
It's now a matter of using the parental controls that come packaged along with all of your devices that connect to the internet and cable/satellite TV. It's not really much more complicated than it used to be, unless you leave your passwords and shit laying around where your kids will easily find them.
>You don't get arrested you get fined into oblivion.
Oh yeah? Well I've fought MUDCRABS fiercer than you.
Whar more could they ban?
Microtransactions should be banned
>Europeans think they can imprison Americans
that's cute
Imagine being this mentally ill.
Gacha tards and shills seething ITT
Imagine having to actually make good games to earn money. That's some dystopian nightmare
based poorfag
They could've put all lootbox games as 18+ or restrict shop access for
Thatās why I said surrogate. But fantasizing about wanting to rape kids through effigies doesnāt make you any less of a pedophile.
>every employee from EA, Blizzard, and Valve are arrested and extradited to a belgian prison
that sounds like a premise for a sitcom
They're targeting gambling at children.
The people who defend this shit are the same who defend phone scammers conning naive old people out of their retirement funds.
>dude you cant spend in things with a less than 100% chance of getting
Gambling laws are dumb, specially when games are already showing you the odds for each item
>M-rated online games
>for kids
Good taste
Russians can
They're not, they're 18+. I can't think of a single one that allows you to play without first asking you to verify that you're at least 18 years of age.
I don't really give a shit about those greedy cunts but I also feel like it's a bad move for a government to get involved and tell you that you can't make money off something.
cocaine literally shouldn't be illegal
you can get pay cards in most convenience stores, google and apple have a bunch just for their stores
Option A
>let some retards lose their lives over lootboxes and finance the game for you
Option B
>ban it
>devs need new money source
>you now have to pay the game yourself
Do you want to pretend how much you care about your fellow peoples well being? Cause otherwise B makes no fucking sense.
>Lmao I spend thousands on a PNG XD
Most gacha insectoids are wageslave poorfags who live check by check.
I'm not in favor of lootboxes but I'm in favor of freedom.
Even if it's not the same as the current trend of censoring attractive women it should be up to the market to decide whether or not lootboxes should stay.
If people are dumb enough to ruin themselves over lootboxes they'll find some other way even without them. you cannot fix stupid.
Doesn't matter to me since I don't live in a nanny state where drawings are illegal :)
It's literally no different from making drawings of Mohammed illegal
So fucking pathetic that people let themselves get cucked like this
Most people in general are wageslave poorfags who live check by check.
fuck kikes, hang each and every one of them from lamposts. Lootboxes are tools of the jew, and therefore must go.
What retard is calling a radio wave phone a cell phone?
if horse armour never existed, microtransactions would never have existed either, its a process boil the frog slowly so that it doesnt jump out of the pot
normalize paying for extra content in video games
then normalize day 1 dlc and preorder dlc
then season passes
then microtransactions
then lootboxes
microtransactions can only be sold because people got used to paying for extra content in games, people got used to the idea that $60 doesnt buy them the full game anymore and thats why you now have people willing to buy lootboxes, because of horse armour
people were saying for years that things would only get worse and that dlc was just the start but people like you said that it was just a conspiracy theory, and look where we are right now the age of the fucking lootbox
>Let's introduce a way to encourage underage gambling and bypass casino and lottery laws in each respective country we enter.
>Government "hey you can't do that".
Its underage and unmoderated gambling. The companies literally lose nothing for putting lootboxes in their games and in turn they are turning hundreds of people (mainly a younger generation of) into gamblers.
I work with a dude whose not even 19 yet and he has blown over $700 on Fortnite skins and almost $1000 on Apex Legends and its new season's pass.
Its not appropriate.
>tfw you have increasingly more free games thanks to whales
Lootboxes are a god blessing
Fifa 18 I understand. The Fifa lootbox is really the classic shitty gamble mechanic that aims to exploit kids
but I don't get CSGO and Overwatch. Those lootboxes aren't nearly as predatory, and are purely cosmetic
Oh no, no more shitty F2P games that rely on gambling addiction instead of quality to retain players, how horrible.
honestly even though I hate microtransactions and shit in games I hope gacha remains untouched
Paid games with gambling mechanics I don't agree with but if the game is free and gives you plenty of opportunity to utilize their gambling systems for free (i.e Dokkan, Crusaders Quest, Knight's Chronicle, Megamiracle Force, etc.) then it's fine because you're not required to spend real money on it
Sure, it's all predatory but I would argue that paid games with these features are MORE predatory than random gachashit on the google play or app store because you need to pay money to access the gambling in the first place.
I also find it really fun to download random gacha games and reroll until I get something good and if the game is good i'll keep it
That's literally all it was intended to do. Nobody gained a goddamn thing out of the removal of NN except ISPs and the politicians sucking their cock.
Anyone who thinks the removal of NN was beneficial or even benign is a blind partisan hack mindlessly swallowing whatever shit their party shovels out.
Net neutrality was never about protecting the consumer but to allow ISP's to charge more to Google, Twitch, Netflix and the like for bandwith
It shouldn't be, but mostly because prohibition allows criminal organizations to profit massively.
Selling cocaine to children should be illegal, as should selling them gambling.
Lootboxes shouldn't be outlawed though anyone who buys any games with them are faggots and deserve to be mocked.
That being said they should be required to provide the rates of the shit in the boxes like China and Japan have to so companies dont scam retards.
That and children shouldn't be allowed to buy them, fuck fortenite. Though ultimately thats just people being shitty fucking parents and letting children have access to a fucking credit card.
Fuck censorship niggers
Gambling is poison. Providing gambling to kids is no different than giving them drugs.
Parents are authority figures that prevent an individual from taking poor decisions.
Likewise, the government can protect adults from taking poor decisions. Being an adult doesn't mean you're fully aware of the implications of your choices, you can still make decisions that lead to bad consequences, regret and ultimately ruining your own life.
Yes, not society's fault you retarded zoom zooms are too lazy to keep an eye on your kids. Why should everyone be punished for your shitty parenting?
>still needs babysitting
do you hate natural selection?
Its not a matter of how bad it is.
If its gambling, its banned.
We do not benefit from their presence, in fact, they lower game quality with shitty grinding mechanics.
>burn the constitution because some retard spent too much money
Or just block access
Nothing wrong with DLC. In the past we use to play fret games and go āwow, I wish they had more levels coming out.ā And now they do. So whatās the fucking problem. No one is forcing you to buy shit. Quit whining and find a new hobby if you donāt like it
no the downside is those things still exist but you now have to verify your id to every video game you play in order to make sure you are legally allowed to buy them, regardless of if you would have purchased them or not
All this shit posting yet Vegas is still a thing :^)
>Actual groups exist that claim to actively be against censorship in vidya
>Do nothing when TV-Y levels of female skin exposure is censored out of M rated games
>Rises up and starts to actually get vocal when game devs act like jews with loot boxes
I still haven't forgotten user
If you gamble over .pngs yes, you are way too stupid to make your own decisions.
>Likewise, the government can protect adults from taking poor decisions.
And where does it say part of the government's responsibility is to protect adults from poor decisions?
>95% of all players don't pay anything in cashshops
>they must be gambling addicted
how stupid are you?
That's the exact opposite of what net neutrality was designed to do.
Yeah man, if I opened up a sex shop, I'd definitely want my target audience to be children. Fuck charges like "corruption of minors" and all of the federal laws against it, I want money from a federally protected group of people who typically don't even have a steady source of income.
>also implying that regulated gambling is comparable to fraud
Absolutely based retard.
All this anal angst and yet no meat. "Think of the children" is not an argument. It's merely an excuse for lazy spoiled cucks to avoid responsibility for raiding their little accidents
Nigger there were shit games LONG before lootboxes.
I love memes but try not to be so retarded to actually believe Yea Forums defends gacha games. LURK MOAR
>this is a bad thing
loot boxes started because of tf2 or cs or gacha, not because of dlc. fuck, dude, diablo had expacs way before that shit ever happened
Then letās ban all gun depiction as well. They promote a saturation of violence that leads to desensitization.
that's because not everyone is an autistic weeb who goes into autism rage mode when their waifus aren't 75% naked at all times
Yea Forumsermin shouldn't have freedom
Or human rights for that matter
Thatās self censorship from a scared publisher or developer, not something mandated by the government.
If its only 5%, then even more reason to ban them.
And nowadays theres even more because of them.
You are millennialsm, you are a generation of autistic manchildren and the world is getting tired of your retardation.
Don't like it?
Go ahead and be offended on the internet like you always do.
>this retarded
Yeah because as a parent you can keep an eye on your kids 24/7 and that they won't do retarded shit every now and again no matter the parenting.
Indeed. Good luck fighting NRA
less babbies and mature content allowed? okay
What positive do loot boxes contribute to games?
>Nothing wrong with DLC
>Nothing wrong with Day 1 DLC
>Nothing wrong with Pre order DLC
>Nothing wrong with Pre ordering DLC season passes
>Nothing wrong with DLC that was just ready at release but cut from the release version to sell at a later date for more money
>Nothing wrong with DLC thats on the disk already oopsie
>Nothing wrong with microtransactions
Any game with a lootbox in it is a really quick and simple way for me to tell if its shit and not worth playing.
They are like the ultimate quick review score
Don't listen to americans, they grew up to be corporate cock suckers.
-10 points to your social credit score
Diablo was one of the main start points of RTM which was a gateway to current item sales. Devs were looking at all that money third parties made selling items and getting angry about getting nothing themselves. Now they play the same game within their own shops.
Where did I say it does? I said it *can*. It's a potential political system.
Don't evade the point. We're talking about why individual freedom supposedly matters more than preventing others from taking decisions that harm themselves.
t. retard that doesn't know addicted people
Yes it is a bad thing. Netflix will increase its subscription price and Youtube keep trying to find more ways to monetize Youtube. You corporate shills
Yes to all that. Prove me fucking wrong.
This is the average lootbox apologist.
Thank god you have no influence.
mature games wouldn't be available in those regimes, so gtfo
which video game publisher do you work for?
maybe not ban, but they should be considered gambling and should fall under gambling laws and regulations which include minimum age requirements.
If TCG tournaments can't hand out prizes without giving stuff away when you sign up, then vidya should be no different.
>Rises up and starts to actually get vocal
I didn't realize whining on Yea Forums was "rising up"
5% finances it however for the 95% that don't pay. I think ultimately the current scheme of wales financing games is a reflection of income inequality of the masses. Most people are poor fuckers and won't pay up so it's natural that devs try to cater to rich fucks and merely tolerate poor fuckers as content for the rich players.
Itās an important part of the playtime/money spent formula. You either invest a large amount of time to get better, or you spend money to get and advantage. Obviously the people who does both will be on top, as they should. But for the working man who doesnāt have sisxty hours to unlock everything, maybe he wants an option to pay to unlock stuff by paying for it.
playing too many video games of any kind actually gets your scored lowered in china, do you really want to give video games your identification?
and china has violent games, they just dont allow skeletons for some reason
Guess you canāt.
capitalism didnāt invent the iphone, it was made through labor which is prior to capital
>Call of Duty then.
>Hey, play the game and level up/ do milestone objectives to unlock weapons and skins for your weapons!
>Hey, pay money so you might, maybe, sort of get a skin for a weapon you don't even have or use.
Yeah, they're objectively shit. Shills and other apologists will cry and shit their pants about poor fags or whatever, but trying to argue that they're is basically you lying to yourself.
That, or you're retarded.
lol. yeah sure
It's totally DLC made after the publishing of the game to extend its life. just completely ignore the fact that the data exists, locked on the disc/in the file.
>they just dont allow skeletons for some reason
based gov't
The people who pay aren't rich, theyt are people willing to put themselves into debt over this shit.
That option always exists. If the dev hasn't got a option in his shop you can just go to your chinafarmer and let him play your account while you are off doing something else.
It's therefore merely a question of who get's the money for the service of providing a boost.
This, most of the "whales" are just regular guys living in debt
consumers are.
Gacha games shouldn't exist period
They do allow skeletons.
They dont allow foreigners to put skeletons in games.
Most of the chinese censorship laws are just to punish foreign companies because thats how China rolls.
That's not an argument for loot boxes, that's just an argument for microtransactions, which are also bad.
So why do you think micro transactions in loot boxes is a good thing?
Pretty much everyone agrees that meth should be illegal due to it's dangerous and addictive properties. Gambling literally rewires the risk reward management center in your brain the same way a drug will. Everything about commercial gambling is specifically designed by trained experts to get you as addicted as possible. From a practical standpoint, there is literally no difference whether the addiction is chemical or psychological.
This. Workers make everything. Capitalism just determines who gets paid what.
Most cases of paying 20k+ into a game are relatively rich people not losers. There are some who pay 1k-4k while on welfare but they can't compete with the actual rich folks.
Go away Todd
I mean if you think that theres nothing wrong with having a completed product and then saying hang on if we remove X and sell it a month later we can make extra shekles, then theres just no arguing with you
I cant convert a jew
They should pass laws banning donating to streamers.
Do that and we can also ban lootboxes.
people should just make their own iphones already
labor didnt make the phone it was made through thought ideas and innovation which is prior to labor
>giving government more control over what I do with my life because some people aren't responsible enough to keep themselves under control
big yikes!
lol just block belgium
This guy is such a fucking faggot, one of the most obnoxious blue checkmarks Iāve seen
If you go that path down you would have to ban social media completely as it works identical
>I want money from a federally protected group of people who typically don't even have a steady source of income
Their parents do.
>regulated gambling
Thats the problem there is no regulations.
thought ideas didn't make the phone they were made by observation which is prior to thought ideas
>Make your own phone kits.
You might be on to a business idea there, feller.
I dont really understand it in overwatches case. They dont sell cosmetic items with a value and every time you level up you get a box. If an rpg sold you level ups so you didn't have to grind would that be bad too?
You mean go do something illegal. Yeah, right. And the option to get rich always exists. Just gotta go āliberateā funds from a bank.
Imagine being such a fucking beta you cant tell your children no.
So you demand the government step in and tell your kids they cant use your credit card.
>People defending shitty buisiness practices
Why? It brings the quality of games down.
considering how stupid the average iphone user is... probably not
So exactly, you canāt.
I can tell you've never worked with children.
>This argument again
The normal price tag of $60 is nothing in gacha cuck currency
Again, it gives you the sense of beating the game without having to ply too much.
Yes, because it will be funny to fuck with their business and make people like mad
You dont """work""" with children you fucking beta.
They are children.
>not serving his Jewish overlords
Look at this goy.
i was a child once, if kids these days are anything like me, they lie steal and cheat when there's something they want bad enough, even if it's a stupid thing to want. saying no is not more powerful than the entire mass media marketing complex
Or maybe you could have the reward for time investiture be increased skill at greater depths in the game system and not pointlessly bar off content to skinnerbox people towards playing your game for a long time.
Does chess need unlocks and micro-transactions to keep players invested?
So what is the argument here? Gambling is illegal therefore anything you pay for a chance to get is illegal?
So card games like yugioh are illegal? Those prize machines at arcades are illegal?
Also the illegal gambling some of you guys are probably referring to is the kind with cash payouts, not other stuff.
iq70. It's legal, the devs don't make the laws. They can ban you but that's not illegal. Oh and btw there are known instances where people from the dev team sold themselves on RTM sites.
But the thing you would want to buy is hidden in a loot box and you can't see it. You don't know if you're going to get it. How does that help with what you said? How does it help a person who wants to pay for an advantage in a game to not know what the advantage will be?
>express themselves
You pay for healthcare don't you
Did you not just read what he said? If a Casino changed it's rules to always give you at least half of what you put in, it's suddenly not a fucking Casino and is still regulated by gambling laws.
user I tutor on the side I literally do.
I agree that parents taking more responsibility and interest for their children is a good thing, I don't see how that justifies predatory practices by outside parties.
If you work in a tobacco shop and get caught selling some kid cigarettes you lose your job and have to pay hundreds of dollars.
But these companies should get away with generation hundreds of millions of dollars from underaged kids gambling?
I don't even understand why people would defend such thing. It does not improve the game's quality. if anything, it makes it worse. It does not help the customer. Why would you defend it?
In a world where everything is tightly regulated and you can get your ass fucked for making the smallest mistake, its a fucking joke that these companies get away with such things. I remember during the peak of CSGO era dudes were gambling away HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS A DAY on twitch. hundreds of thousands. just think about that
Not fucking children does in fact make you not a pedophile, no matter what cartoons you wank it to.
There was always insane drama about leveling services in mmo's.
>Reminder that online loot boxes/gachas are different from physical mystery products due to the fact that in the online versions, supply is effectively infinite, and therefore the price set to them is entirely arbitrarily set by a single entity with no option to buy the same product from anywhere else.
>there are people in this thread giving a shit about how some dumb fuckers waste their money
are u retards or something?
Those prize machines at arcades shouldn't be illegal, but it should be law that they actually fucking work.
I hope to god YOU donāt.
No, but they should count on the ESRB rating.
If the game has em, the game should not only be an Mature title as have in the box/download a clear warning about the gambling.
>I don't even understand why people would defend such thing. It does not improve the game's quality. if anything, it makes it worse. It does not help the customer. Why would you defend it?
Because they think freedom is the only thing that matters in the world.
Right, just like the police can ban me from real life.
user as a parent there is LITERALLY no way to tell my child no.
If I do they may think Im not their friend and Ill have to act like an adult instead of a soi consuming fucktard.
So I need the government to step in and outlaw lootboxes because my child could spend my money and they are unstoppable.
Many of those "dumb fuckers" are literal kids with clueless parents.
But i don't think a ban is the solution, just a way to inform and responsabilize parents.
crane games are a test of skill you get results from becomming skilled. though ones that are designed to fail 100% of the time are illegal. gacha doesn't have any skill factors
How's life in Belgium? How do they take to foreigners?
Because we live in a time where corporations are our literal overlords.
Our governments are just there to do their dirty work at this point.
>magic cards aren't controlled by a single company
>price isn't 20x the production price
>you can't just buy an account online at will
nice fallacies. If you want an argument it's that most of those accounts can't be resold unlike physical goods without risking losing it.
You get gold from boxes too. These golds can be used to purchase specific items.
if they ban all forms of gambling, sure.
Epic Win!
Loot boxes are genius because they take the exact thing you always got, maybe even got through paying for, and put it through an arbitrary pay wall that just does nothing but extract more money for the thing.
Before you could just buy your horse armor. Now you pay some variant of 1-infinity rolls. All you have to do as the implementer is make sure that the average cost is higher than what a person is normally willing to pay, and you have just extracted more money from the system.
The reason this should be illegal is because it's a business practice that exploits naive people and also fucks non naive people. Non naive people have no option to play, and you can always tune the algorithm to get more money out of naive people to make up for people who want to abstain.
The question in the end does boil down to where does your idea of the free market lie. Obviously this system will always win in the free market if left unregulated, which is also part of the reason things like gambling are regulated (the effectiveness of which is dubious at best) On the other hand, if you have no faith in the free market because the actors who participate, making laws to protect yourself from them makes sense.
So really it's just a question of do you trust your neighbor enough to make the positive outcome happen.
How can you even get jailed for something like that if you don't even live in Belgium? Isn't it the country's responsibility?
More like the store can ban you from entering but the police won't put you in jail for getting banned. There's no significant consequences.
Fucking false lol retard
No, but all games with lootboxes should have an AO rating since you need to be 21 or older to gamble.
It's not about the parents being unable to disallow and punish the child, it's about curtailing the ability of powerful corporations to invade the home and disguise gambling so it can be marketed to those children.
Good parenting is good, but it isn't magic. They aren't tiny robots that you just tell 'you can't do that' or spank them or ground them and suddenly they heed your word and obey.
They're people, and they're affected by advertising as much as adults.
>pick credit card
>put it in one of your pockets so none of your kids can grab it without permission
that's it, i fixed the problem, can Belgium citizens pay me now?
You cant, its just like the whole
>UK subpoenas Zukerjew, facebook is finished
Then he tells them to fuck off and they cant do shit.
I live in a white country, how can I not kill my local drug dealer in a white country?
See its one thing to say they shouldnt be marketed towards children, or even kids shouldnt be allowed to play the shitty games.
I fully agree.
But its another to be like that retard and claim that you have no way to keep a fucking CHILD from using YOUR credit card.
You should support drug dealers in the lesser strati of countries.
That's the big difference. When it comes to gambling, there are a lot of laws.
First and foremost, kids should not access it.
But another thing (and this is probably the most important) in my country, if you do any form of gambling, the company has to tell you about the odds. And this is extremely important because most of these sites and games never tell odds. I remember a few years ago there was a drama where csgo gambling sites that generated millions of dollars in profit would use different odds than what they advertised and give different odds to big streamers.
And actually, as far as I know (havent played any multiplayer game in a long time) there is still no law for this. Nothing guarantees that Valve, EA or whatever gives you fair odds. They could give better odds to worse players, streamers, people who already spent money, better odds to people with better behavior etc. etc. Literally nothing guarantees that you have the same odds as the other person.
It is such a weird thing that something that generates literally billions is this unregulated.
Yep. Just link it to a registration in the same way as gambling sites do to lock gambling features down.
user that would require parents to take responsibility for their children, this can't be allowed!
Daily reminder americans are LITERALLY brainwashed to go against their own interest in favor of big companies.
>banning them outright
>not just making a sales tax especially for lootboxes and making it unfeasible for the devs
More like Belgoyim
>trying this fucking hard to get noticed
here's some (You)'s you stupid cunt now fuck off to some other thread
I swear to Christ you people have been complaining about lootboxes for years now (justifiably so!) but as soon as a body with power moves against them you flip out and start crying about 'muh big government, muh nanny state'.
I'd like to have a look at the wording of the law myself to see if there's potential for detrimental side effects, but I swear half of you assholes just want something to bitch about rather than for things to ever change.
Cmon, who didn't expect that?
It's basic marketing.
The real problem is also assume you regulate it. How do you make sure they don't cheat?
Exactly like video games and sex. Want to ban that too?
I have a friend in an affected territory by loot box gambling laws, and in Apex all he gets instead of loot crates is more currency per level-up to buy what he wants of his choosing faster than I could.
If anything I'd have fucking preferred having that myself.
He lives in a non-free country.
If your kid would steal your credit card and use it you have much bigger problems than lootboxes.
So donāt let them watch those ads...?
It's the only form of power they'll ever experience, by ruining freedom. And they're already drunk on it
With audits and inspections, like there are for Casinos.
>wanting some regulations is the same as wanting total complete government control
you are a stupid brainlet with a serious case of false dichotomy
Itās called freedom, muthafucker. I bet you donāt even speak it.
>trading card games and mystery box gimmick toys have already been doing this for decades
>vidya does it
>WoN't SoMeBoDy ThInK oF tHe ChIlDrEn?
>what are pay cards you can get at any convenience store
do you people never leave your rooms?
Video game sales should be banned by the government because they are all fucking kikes.
In addition, they should hire a group of crackers and release every game on government websites for free.
So non freedom looks like...freedom of choice?
>a tiny non-country now has to grind even more to get shitty skins
>grown adults are no longer allowed to use their own money to buy lootboxes if they want to
Congrats I guess?
>trading card games
/tg/'s problem
>box gimmick toys
/toy/'s problem
we only discuss politics here
This isn't some fixed machine though. It should be easy to fix those numbers in software for a single player for a hour and turn it back without anyone being able to catch it.
Gambling isn't banned so they shouldn't be either. They should however be categorized as what they are which is gambling and have to deal with all the relevant restrictions including being rated AO, strict rules and being unable to sell to children which are the target audience.
This is the biggest bullshit they are trying to pull by making it about the government banning free speech or overreaching. Its not about that in the slightest. They are just trying to skirt around gambling laws and REEEEEING whenever someone brings up the fact they are doing so.
kids watch ads?
kids dont watch the idiot box and most kids are smart enough to click download for an adblocker
Any country that doesn't let me shoot up heroin while fucking toddlers in between opening my loot boxes is a fucking commie shithole.
Same way you do with casinos and alcohol.
You tell them all you are putting a light law on the books but the second someone does something retarded and pisses off the populace you will slam them with a harsh one.
So all the companies gang up on whatever company does something retarded.
Alcohols the perfect example of that, theres damn near zero laws about alcohol and advertisement but none of the big alcohol companies in the US do that much and they toss all sorts of self made restrictions on themselves because they dont want to piss the government off.
AFAIK there was some really retarded beer add during the last super bowl that wasn't illegal but pissed all the other companies off so they fucking hammered the one who did it.
god forbid we talk about videogame related shit instead of non videogame shit
Anything with loot boxes or gambling elements receives a M rating or its equivalent. Problem solved.
If you're going to ban this you may as well ban lotteries and scratch tickets. You eurofags are welcome to keep this retardation to yourselves.
>Buy account online.
>Original account owner does any number of options to take back/disable the account you "bought", while leaving out that they were the one who sold you the account in the first place.
>Money stolen with no legal recourse.
>You can't buy any individual card from another player without buying out their entire collection
How do they get the money to pay for those pay cards, user? Are you stupid?
Are you fucking retarded?
Then whatās the problem here?
by sucking my cock
anything said on 4 chan is satire and is in no form representative of real life behaviors
if you're a jew it works
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
I dont know, why are you asking me?
The only correct statement regarding the Endlƶsung of the lootbox question.
>AAA industry expects to be able to charge $60-$120 for a box price, and then gacha pay2win on top of that money it already made
>AAA industry getting their asses kicked by free2play japanese browser games that don't require an initial buy-in
maybe western industry should just stop trying to sell games and go entirely gacha-fueled pay2win, with generous Chinese government bribes for all involved to try to subvert and take over the vidya gaemz industry.
That is the thing though. Treating it like gambling solves every single problem. However the companies don't want to be restricted and play by the rules because they are currently able legally offer gambling to children.
If it was classified correctly it would stop entirely because it isn't worth going through all those hoops and they wouldn't be able to exploit and target the same audiences. They could market a game as being T or M rated anymore. Even if it was just Battlefront 3 it would be rated AO because of gambling and totally destroy their targets.
This is all it ever boils down to. They want to have their cake and eat it too.
Just have to be careful and remove all options that might make this possible. I bought 7-9 accounts already with no issues. The only thing that happened is that i got one account back that i sold because buyer apparently got caught for goldselling and they thought i got hacked. Was kinda hilarious.
>>Buy account online.
or you know just scam or phish for it
All forms of the lottery should be illegal.
stop posting
the only good solution, but also a solution that the corporations would never accept
i thought Yea Forums hate these kind of shit because they are ruining the industry? now people are ok with it? you faggots really don't play video game here
unless you were a stupid kid, you'd find a way which would be generally illegal
am i wrong?
No, itās because they are allowed to rate the online portions of the game different than the offline version. Loot boxes and gartchas only exist online.
Then fucking discipline your kids better. Donāt take away my rights because your kid is a shitbag.
Itās called freedom, mutha fucker. That goes above anything, including vidya.
This guy thinks zoomers are having kids. You failed math didn't you, based retard?
Is that not for the ESRB to correct and enforce?
What makes rolling for whatever in a gacha gambling? Its gambling because you might not get the character you want? At least you are getting something, although you might consider it nothing that is purely subjective.That undesired character might serve another purpose as fodder or something. In real gambling you get nothing of you lose.
After playing granblue I don't think its a perpetrator of gacha cancer syndrome. Making an account at the right time on a holiday roll season, and rerolling for drops on multiple accounts during the season lets you buy the most important unit for $25, and the story gives you a free 600 rolls and another 2 top tier units along with it. Every other gacha I've seen is an abomination that needs to die in a ditch.
>Taking away your rights
>By forcing companies to label gambling as gambling
How delusional are you? You can still gamble faggot.
freedom to get fucked in the ass and jewed on, americans are fucking retarded
imagine paying more money so you don' thave to spend time to play the game that you already paid for
i don't get it, you want predatory companies to prey on children, or parents to stand up to mass media marketing just so you can have micro transations and loot boxes?
It's not about telling the kid no because their shitfaced friends will pressure them into doing something.
>we should ban drugs and gambling
>lol then ban everything what's the difference!!!1
You can't fucking compare a burger to cocaine or heroin user, the former is nocive only when eaten in large amounts and it's not as addictive and allows for self-control, the latter fucks with your body in multiple ways even in small amounts and much quicker, and the addiction is not something you can just break free of as your body becomes reliant on it, it turns you into a slave to the substance and your precious freedom is flushed down the toilet.
If anyone has self-destructive habits they should be helped even if it is against their will, no matter if it's food, gambling or drugs
Honestly its just a grey area because its a new field. In a decade or less there will be new laws surrounding this kind of thing as its something that mostly popped up in the last few years . This is all just companies scrambling to get the most out of it before the hammer comes down.
Should these be banned as well?
Fucking this, people are retarded
>In October 2017, in response to growing criticism of the loot box model for video game microtransactions (which grant chances at earning randomized items of various rarities, typically cosmetic in nature, in exchange for payment), the ESRB stated their opinion that they were not a form of gambling
here you go. remember these people are a non-profit, self-regulatory org. thinking they can't be bought or unbias is crazy talk
>Forgetting that they can just cite the original email the account was made with, and ask to revert it back to that address on the presumption that any actions taken to prevent the take back were just from someone else hacking the account
State/national lotteries?
More like Jap autists won't ever forgive Cygames going full jew and lying about rateups back in 2016.
I'm honestly curious how many shills are actually on this board and if they know they are disgusting and shitty human beings that should kill themselves as they are literally being paid to sell out their fellow man.
No, but Belgians are the biggest shitlibs in the world. They'll be a crater in 20 years.
wait, which micro transaction game did you want to play in the first place?
>prey on children
Bruh, we both know the only Gachas selling now are big anime tiddie ones, and those are by no means aimed at children. So how about quit it trying to play the āoh think of the childrenā card and just admit you are a shitty parents if you canāt stop your kids from buying shit you donāt want them to.
> as they are literally being paid to sell out their fellow man.
They don't see you as fellow man, bro. They see you as potential living dollar signs.
based Belgium
>big anime tiddie ones, and those are by no means aimed at children.
i think you are clinically retarded.
Then why not ban violent depiction because itās been known to cause desensitization and fosters violent tendencies in people with mental health issues.
I think those are banned in the usa. or at least were at some point.
Nah, just the worst.
>food not addictive
you know yourself that ain't true. Plenty fat fucks arround.
>drugs bad regardless of dosage
dosage is everything and drugs work different depending on dosage.
Reason is there are different receptors they can dock with and they have different binding strength which means with extremely accurate dosages you could actually target only the first binding site but you can't do that with illegal crap from the street because you have no guarantee on the dosages you buy. If you could you could use them as combat drugs without major downsides.
>Bruh, we both know the only Gachas selling now are big anime tiddie ones
imagine saying this kind of shit when EA still exist in the current year
Yeah, thatās what freedom is. Some men enjoy having their asses fucked. Who are we to say they canāt? Freedom, muthafucka.
You know what should be banned? Twitter screencap threads
That's fine
You are correct in your premise that if there were no exploitable people, then gachas wouldnāt sell, I agree with that 100%, and you are pretty far ahead of the average curve for realizing and understanding that.
Unfortunately, exploitable people exist.
I want to find out what makes people exploitable, and then teach others how to not be as exploitable, and I want to teach them in such a way that it sticks with them.
How do we accomplish this?
>all the cucks defending literal gambling
You are mentally ill and the proof that this shit needs to be stopped.
yeah. quite easy.
id like this if i could.
and china should be region locked to digital sales of all types
that whole country should get reverse matthew perry'd
it feels good to be remembered. thank you!
>then teach others how to not be as exploitable
you can't fix human nature, unless you remove their humanity
>reverse matthew perry'd
Lootboxes are guaranteed to give you something, so I'm not sure if they could be put into the gambling category. However, that's the closest argument people can make for them being banned, which I'm all for.
Lmao what are the Belgians gonna do, ask for extradition of developers? Good luck fuckers.
you dont watch friends?
reminded me of my APUSH teacher
"what are belgians going to do. throw waffles at us?"
I laughed! it was sooo corny, but it was such an unexpected line from my teacher.š
Ironic posters and epic shills is all Yea Forums is.
Clown world.jpg
they should display the rates of what you are getting to discourage retards
>trusting anything to the (((government)))
Lootboxes, DLCs and the other kike shit are just a phase. I would have crashed and burned eventually by itself.
They're an addictive form of gambling, so removing them would protect idiots from losing their money.
good bait
*display fake rates*
what you gonna do now, gaijin?
Do I look like a normalfag to you?
uh oh, double drop rate day is coming, better stock up on crystals, mister customer!
>corporations need more of your moneys gois stop being anti-captitalist and support the monopoly
Hang yourself
Filing a patent is essentially just saying "Hey what if someone made something like this."
If Tigerstedt invented the cell phone, then Gene Roddenberry invented the warp drive.
Do you propose banning all the other shit retards can waste their money on as well, mr. bleeding heart?
Love this picture. Shows just how much retards understand economics and monopolies. Protip: pretty much all modern monopolies were able to become and remain such with the help of governments.
Yes because companies have been given enough time to regulate themselves and refuse to as they reach profit margins that far exceed anything they've ever made before.
It's gambling.
Get the company sued for false advertising?
nah just a fagš
No adult should still be playing games like Overwatch and Fortnite.
sure, but why would blizzard care about the bitchings of a euro shithole. they could buy belgium probably.
>wanting all this government
Pre-paid credit cards are sold right next to chocolate bars and comic books at the store. They know what they're doing.