>That trophy/achievement you will NEVER, EVER get
What's her name Yea Forums?
That trophy/achievement you will NEVER, EVER get
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none. I'm a pro gaymer
A vast majority of the online achievements in White Knight Chronicles II. For some stupid reason, they took down all servers when the company was still/still is very active. Most of the online achievements were merely single player online verification and storage.
Anything rhythm game
Anything fighter game
Anything shmup
>mfw i haven't platinumed S;G0 out of sheer laziness
>tfw pure bladestone
fuck you From
Probably the uncharted 4 survival coop on crushing since I don't care enough to boost with pros. Good game though.
That and a bunch of bugged, unfun and tedious, and MP cheevos.
There is extremely few games I could ever be bothered to play a lot after the game is over.
I legit platinumed nier and then learned you could buy the achievements. I feel cheated :(
Red dead redemption online dlc trophies. What a load of shit most of them are. Ill now have those things mocking me forever.
If i dont have it then i dont want it. I knew before REmake HD and REmake 2 were even out that i would be getting the platinum for both despite never having gotten a platinum trophy for any RE game ever before. I knew i would though, and i did.
If you couldn't be bothered to farm a few hours (the memes about days/weeks were greatly exaggerated) you could have asked for duped bladestone, well at least while the servers were still running.
>game is over
>Cheevos are locked
What did he mean by this?
is it true you can call playstation and ask them to unlock a trophy or two for you?
Anything with Online trophies I didn't play with the 'main wave'.
Specifically I'm one robot hug away from PS3 Orange box plat.
Where the fuck did you hear that?
>grab CoD MW Remastered on ps+ and plat it
>look at percentages
>less than 50% have finished the tutorial
Should expect nothing from CoD drones who only touch the mp no wonder Black Cocks 4 had no SP.
Pretty much any game that requires you to get perfect ratings on every single mission. As soon as I see that missions have a rating system, I throw any hope of getting the platinum out the window. I already did that mission once, don't make me do it again.
>going for Dark Souls 3 Platinum
>farmed all the stupid covenant crap to get miracles/pyros
>now have to get to NG++ for rings which are inferior to rings from DLC
I'm going to hate this game by the time I get it. I should have given up before farming the covenant shit, but now that I suffered through that I feel I have to finish it.
>game is released 300bc
>playing the single player in 2019 after you have played it couple of times
PlayStation are the absolute last place to show any form of courtesy. I had evidence of a micro-transaction that didn't go through and they never refunded me, nor granted me the DLC.
a fellow user said it.
Don't forget to get the gestures, I had to go to NG+4 to get the one from Heysel
That usually happens to all "free" games on ps+
dang that sucks. i told them my cousin bought a game without my permission and they refunded it. (it was a lie lol)
Hollow Knight: Embrace the Void
I don't think I'll ever be skilled enough to complete the 5th Pantheon. Still love the game though.
I'm one trophy away from getting the plat in Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice but that would require me to replay Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice
this is what i got.
i was thinkign on going for CTR and borderlands 3 platinums when they are released.
Also REmake 2 whenever i get it.
i also ahve a few 100% games but i really dont care for it.
rate my autism
that stupid Peace Walker camaraderie trophy
>Have 200 unique people play your level
I managed to get this in lbp2 but never in the original
Can someone test this
Killing 10000 enemies on resistance 2 online
Legit the only trophy I needed for the platinium
The online was just too dead
9/10 - Vita plats aren't real plats
Tell that to my ninja gaiden sigma vita plat
that shit was hard
Seriously 3.0 in Gears. I logged in one day to find my account progress completely reset for no damn reason after so much grinding.
There are to many VN on vita that have plats, therefore ruining the quality of plats on vita. I don't give a fuck what game it was, VITA PLATS AREN'T FUCKING REAL.
Nice work on Ninja Gaiden tho
>100% all bamham games
>Yes including the like 200 fucking arkham knight challenge maps 12x with each character jesus christ
>Except arkham origins
>and its shitty multiplayer idea
i'ma try the instant messaging chat later, you should too.
Any fighting game.
Those online achievements for games with servers shut down
Wathawk forever and ever
If you actually got the platinum for that during the game's lifetime you are true neckbeard and a scholar
Outside of short games the content of every game I've played becomes either tedious, repetitive or boring past a certain point. I suppose this also excludes certain older games getting "100%" is ambiguous.
>Played over 2000 hours in Skyrim
>Seems like it would have easy achievements
>In theory, all you have to do is just complete every guild, right?
>Still haven't 100%ed it.
Just feels weird... I don't necessarily want to go back and play more, but... It's like it's staring into my soul.
>at least while the servers were still running.
Man, I fucking farmed that shit for seven hours. And when I got it, I duplicated it and tried to give it away to as many people as possible. But fucking entitled shits I gave it too. One asshole made me wait two fucking hours alone. A simple, come in and pick this up took on average thirty fucking minutes for pricks to do. Fuck helping people for trophies.
Killzone 2 platinum trophy
Or even worse, the servers are still up, but the seven guys that still play it are gods at the game now and there's no hope in ever doing the shit devs considered difficult for multiplayer.
Hardcore Rise Fan, from P4G. It's the only trophy I need but I just don't have the time to go through the game again just to grind it.
GTAV's Run Like the Wind because Faggotstar disabled bounties on PS3.
I'll never 100% any souls game
>collect all rings
>collect all sorceries/pyro
Shit like that. No
How the fuck do you unlock the "Get a Job" trophy? I can't interact with the application form and the option to look for jobs online is greyed out.
I've never gotten the achievement for killing Pavel in Last Light even though I've played through it multiple times, and I don't think I ever will. He's a backstabbing commie but he's also a total bro, I hope he comes back in the next game or in the DLC for Exodus
Devil Dagger.
I have a rule for myself that I won't allow my autism to keep me from enjoying and buying games even if I won't be able to platinum them which are Fighting Games since I suck at them.
>have to complete challenge combos for every character
>have to win x amount of ranked matches
Then you can get a lobby of achievement hunters and get em done pretty fast
I loved steins Gate but I just cant seem to get into 0.
fighter Z is pretty eaasy to 100% i think.
the hardest part is to get trough the story mode which is pretty fucking bad.
I waited patiently until someone contacted me on Battle.net and offered a job
only took about 5 years
You have to Perfect Full Combo enough songs in a row that you get 10,000 notes in a row without missing, but only on the harder songs on the hardest difficulty. A standard song on this difficulty can have anywhere around 500 - 700 notes, so it's effectively about 15 to 20 songs.
Missing a single note resets the entire thing. Quitting out of a song also resets the entire thing.
An example of a 9* song
When they gave out Infamous for free during the PSN outage years ago I'd gotten all the trophies but one just in casual playtime, never could find that last collectible and just gave up eventually.
htoL#NiQ on Vita.Hardest game I've ever tried to, and I've platinumed Bayo, Bloodborne and DMC3.
Can't you repeat the same song? I mean, it doesn't sound that much better, but if you already mastered one song, you've already played it a shitload of times.
>have to new game+ to get 100%
> never could find that last collectible and just gave up eventually.
i had to use a guide. the last shard i was missing was in the highest point of the map and you couldnt see it without getting to a certain height.
Yes, though obviously if you do so with the easiest qualifying song, it probably has less notes and therefore requires you to perfect it more times in a row.
I think Metal Max Xeno requires you to be on NG+++++ to Platinum it
Just on PS3? Why?
MK9. My kung fu is stronger alone trophy will filter most people out.
S ranking all of DMC5. What a retarded achievement.
You had a heart of gold, and they took it from you.
It's not that hard, really. You don't need to fight enemies, just the bosses. Just speedrun through the game and grab the rings
On my list is AC Rev and Brotherhood, though the 100% syncs are making me want to kill myself
Also Dark Souls 3 and Nier Automata.
Most of them, the incresingly grindy FOB shit in MGSV broke my 100% instinct.
I'm glad they conceded this was some bullshit and put in a radar in 2 after you collect a certain amount of shards
Anyone else did this piece of shit?
>complete the game 4 separate times on multiple difficulties
>grind damage noms online that takes dozens of hours
>complete 500 online matches]>complete 300 campaign chapters
>complete 350+ online areas with another player in co-op
>grind to an online rank that takes around 20 hours
>get 100 000 views on your replay
Let's just ignore the fact that since Google changed the uploading algorithms for YouTube it was never adjusted
>add a profile photo of your trough a ps camera
that shit was on burnout paradise.
>You will never platinum this game because the disk is rare as shit and there's no digital version
What's her name, Yea Forums?
Souls is piss easy to get man. 3 especially because you can respec luck and they even threw a covetous golden ring +3 in the DLC.
Any blazblue online trophy no one plays ranked stop having ranked based achievements
Any fighting game trophy that requires you to play online, given how fucking awful I am against people
NIS is such a garbage publisher, it's no surprise all their games become too scarce months after release. They probably do in on purpose since the only people buying their garbage are collectors.
Many trophies, because Im not that good at video games.
Gave up on getting gold relics in Crash 1. Despite platinuming 2 and 3, I firmly believe physics just suck a dick and 1 doesnt has things like double jump or slide jump to try to get around jumps that require a little more precision.
RDR2, I'd have to replay it to play missions which I missed and then in the end I'd still end up playing as John. Im also completely not interested in online.
Most trophies in FFX2, because I just close game soon after leaving Besaid.
KH BBS, fuck doing all sideshit as all 3 characters.
KH reCoM, grinding to lv99 without decent spots after beating everyone? No, thanks.
Bleach was kinda fun, though, So I can't hate them completely
DS1 "get all other trophies".
I'm too bored to get all the miracles, spells, etc.
the old school achivement from grimrock 2 , too many fucking puzzles and maze to not get lost constantly
>beat dev
>dev stopped playing years before i got the game
Beating trial mode in FFXII. Fuck Omega, and fuck judges.
Post casual filters
anyone here autistic enough to have all achievements in a pradox game?
who here has the highest cheevo points?
i really want to plat titanfall 2 but fuck me that section on the house building factory is fucking cancer on the highest difficulty.
mfw i got every 1vs100 achievement
I have it lol
Also i just checked and you can get it off ebay for like 15 bucks
>achievement unlocked: the bigger they are....
these 3 were fun to get
I've never platinum'd a game though.....
i've given up platting RDR2 the moment i saw that you need online for it
Never going to build a nuke.
>Got Pure Bladestone on my very first 4-2 NG+ phantom without even aiming for one
>Duped the shit out of them at Thomas
>spent a month invading people, dropping a bladestone for them and leaving
online shit in killzone 2
>achievement unlocked then renamed
>Bros before hoes
>multiplayer only achievements
The only musou I somewhat enjoyed was Gundam 3. I'm not a huge fan of the genre.
same for me with GTAV back on PS3, I mean if that is also the case, so fucking stupid
pretty sure I got all the offline trophies for that game....
I've been debating on going for Yakuza platinums since i've heard how bs legend mode is, did you have any trouble with them?
never ever
not really
i'd have Y0 and K1 plat too but fuck climax battles
I tried for literally momths during a phase of my life where i barely played any videogames and didnt get it (my character had 99 luck). Years later i started a ng from scratch and got it in like 15 minutes, turns out the lower your luck the better the chance
First and only platinum. Not a massive multi player gamer and usually lose all interest as soon as the end credits roll
Pick Terumi and play with the button mashing settings. Worked for me in CP and CF when they came out but now I imagine it's only filled with tryhards.
Speedrun trophies.
I hate speedrunning games, even if it's easy I refuse to do them.
Jesus fucking christ this game is bullshit with it's trophies.
I'll never get the platinum for Vanquish because all I need is one trophy that requires you to beat all the challenges and challenge 6 is fucking hell.
Uh bros?
those are legitimate Achievements tho
>Assassin's Creed online trophies
>adding more breach bullshit to Deus Ex
>adding a trophy for thr gatchashit minigame nobody asked for in Xenoverse 2
all me
Which section? I just beat the game on the hardest difficulty and I don't remember that level begin particularly more challenging than others. Granted I cheesed stealth and checkpoints as often an possible.
most of them because I never gave a shit about achievements in my life
i don't remeber because it has been a year or so but i believe it was around when the crawlling robots come around. i try to kill them or scape but i get killed before i reach any checkpoint. i tried stealth but i get crushed whenever it runs out. I think i might have reached out the part where you try to survive inside a house that is being built but i try to get cover and die. i think that was it.
You could just get it normally with a late game save, unless you are one of those brainlets who always saves in the same slot.
Can a pin be considered an achievement, because if so then Black Uranus will forever be the Ultimate proof that I will never, ever truly finish TWEWY to its 100%
>caring about achievements
When the fuck did Yea Forums get so underage?
Probably win against someone in XCOM.
can someone rate me?
For masochists. Game has trash everything.
my thoughts exactly
>playing games and completing objectives in them
wtf happened bros?
That game had a bunch of terrible normalfag trophies.
I tried going for 100% in stuff like Mushihimesama Futari on 360
>1cc the game? How hard can that be? haha
Turns out it's nearly impossible for a casual fan.
I’m slowing down, trying to find other stuff to do besides video games
So good
i didn't really have much trouble with this one and i feared i would, got the plat on my 2nd playthrough and really only had some trouble with the viper fight and that combat arena you get locked in about mid-way through without BT to back me up - having all those abilities and parkour made it way easier than some of the older cod games since escape routes were easier to get to
Every X-2 achievement.
FighterZ is NOT easy. the zenny they want you to grind for the last two achievements is ridiculous.
>trophies for timetrials
>cant restart midlevel
>unskipable waiting for doors to open or some other shit
>long loadings
yet I liked Mirrors Edge
I have the FighterZ plat
Can confirm that grinding for 20 million zenni is the most autistic thing I've ever done
I’m doing the online parts first so if I eventually decide to go for it I won’t get fucked by the servers getting killed or hackers ruining my chances. Imo you should do it too
Skyrim And gta 5 on ps3 haunt me to this day I need 2 trophies between them but one is online for gta ( the one where you have to win every game mode) and for Skyrim it’s the deadric weapons one. Rn I’m doing Spyro 2 and 3 probably gonna go for rdr2 and ctr when it drops later
>literally requires you to be on a horribly unbalanced match with no hope of getting out
>happened several times and I was never on Red when it happened
>the only amusing part is seeing 10 people getting it after it's over everytime.
Since ps3 got trophies
Getting S rank on all stages on all difficulties on DMC5
do you ahve to have the zeni saved up or can you just spend it normally?
It's cumulative, i triggered the trophy around 15 or 16 mil
What's the fastest method?