What's Yea Forumserdict on this game, thinking about buying it but i don't trust youtubers and $40 is a bit steep to leap in head first.
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Thanks to Yea Forums, I am also considering this as my next game. Still not quite sure. I would have to buy it for PS4 as my toaster can't run it but if the PS4 version has less enemies and a less populated world, I will hold off until I get a new computer.
The game has 2003 tier graphics, it can't be that bad.
Pirate it first
What's a good mana pool for a rune mage? I'm thinking of starting at 80.
80 is a good idea, you can always get more later, don't forget there's potions and food to help restore mana aswell.
>relies on survival mechanics like hunger and thirst
it can fuck right off 2bh, not autistic enough for that
Reminder to get this skill and do the 110 bag glitch if youre having trouble as a solo player
It has a lot that's bare bones (story and cut content), but if you were to compare it to skyrim with frostfall you'd find it's better balanced survival wise with a better combat system and more aesthetic armor/weapons. Magic is also pretty great.
What's so good about that skill?
It's not too demanding, just enough for you to remember it exists and modify your inventory to accommodate it. It also makes you use different armor depending on the environment if you forego potions.
1 shots basically all enemies lmao, takes a while though
bag glitch? Explain please, I want more space
Also I just noticed you wear ammolite armor, any tips where to get padded armor? I want to craft that too
i don't want another unpolished indie timesink. how many hours does it take to finish?
the merchant closest to your lighthouse sells them
>i don't want another unpolished indie timesink
Tell me about the others
drops on bandits usually
Pirate then buy. Wait for them to fix micro stutters.
how many hours does it take to finish?
scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
>40 second loading times
...is this real?
Im not sure their inventory is always the same, I cant find anyone selling it in cicero
Around 20-30, but the gameplay is more engaging than the story if you like autism simulators.
I know melee is shit and magic is overpowered, but how's archery in that game? Is it even shittier than melee like it usually is in eurojank?
takes about 5 seconds for me on highest settings, my pc is pretty shit
I found it there, look again or hope for good rng I guess. The armour is pretty shit anyway, bonus damage is ok I guess but its ugly as fuck
Better than dark souls'. The only issue is that firing from too far of a distance doesn't display your enemies health.
ok thanks. any bugs etc in it, is the dev team working on/pushing patches? might wait a bit.
>its ugly as fuck
Not wearing pearl bird mask and being chicken man.
>he doesnt wear the spooky skeleton armour
casual spotted
>any bugs etc in it
You might lose items from your backpack if you're unlucky and there's occasional hiccups with interacting with items.
>is the dev team working on/pushing patches
It's a dev team of 10 members on a newly released game, so I don't know how committed they are yet. They said they are trying to work on fixing the bug that causes you to lose items from your backpack.
It's real on PS4.
Most of the dev team is shilling the game on Yea Forums
What did the stealth patch just fix for ps4?
missing items or bag
melee combat is trash, pretty much unplayable. ranged weapons make the game too easy.
what feedback do i give the devs to make outward 2 better than outward 1, I want to leave an articulate review but i'm a brainlet.
Get their stability below 50% before you hit them
I just want it to craft another armor
both are correct, melee is trash, and really not optimal in a game about you being an average joe, but once youre able to break enemies stamina and throw them around with your swings it becomes extremely fun
I only play outward because I had an itch for gothic and didnt feel like replaying that again, eurojank is great desu
Mounts. fuck fast travel but running everywhere is aids.
Use a one handed mace, it's fast and does a ton of impact damage to stagger them. Axe does much more damage and sword is for useless dexfags that get hit anyway while jumping around like a prancing homo.
yep, mounts
Please join my game for a good time and to help me kill shrimp. Search for "LEMON"
you can only join friends
Nigger you can't even kill the shrimp? Do you need someone to handhold you through the entire game too?
Should I just play Enderal instead?
Boring as fuck, typical open world trash streamer bait.
yes i'd love a friend to play co-op with
shill this game to me
This is false.
I can't, I've never played it. I just want to know if I should play Enderal (for free) instead of this game.
I mean err user if it's free and you're interested in it. Yeah I'd do it.
and how am i supposed to lower their stability without hitting them?
it's pretty fun although the price is a bit steep for what it is, but my friends and I are having a pretty good time with it. There are some things that made me almost stop playing though, like my bag just disappearing when I load in to the game, or Cierzo burning down because of some gayfuck timed quest but other than that I'm enjoying it.
kick (starter skill) and other skills you learn. pushing (strong attack) with the mining pick axe also depletes a large chunk of stability.
>sneak up to bandit
>swing my sword
>bandit activates ultra instinct and rolls away right before the blow hits
woah dude input reading enemies woah so hard like my dark souls!
Enjoying the game. I'd like to see another one going with the same idea (adventurer simulator) but with better combat/graphics and overall more shit to do. Godspeed to these 11 faggots who are behind this game.
Where is the best place to torrent this game? I tried skidrowreloaded and wound up with a nasty trojan.
>bandit activates ultra instinct and rolls away right before the blow hits
Yea I've noticed that as well, enemies dodge suddenly i definitely feel like they read auto attack inputs and that how the devs get them to dodge, alway makes me kek when i swing at a bandit and he does a 5ft roll suddenly.
I've got no idea how to make a good combat system but i can't help but feel that wasn't a good choice, sometimes enemies feel like they react too fast or not at all
piratebay you fucking autist
Steam_api64.dll comes back as a trojan with malware bytes on both the skidrow and piratebay one.
What antivirus are you using?
I really want to play it, my autism is almost demanding that I buy this game and lose myself into a world of comfy fantasy exploring but whenever I go to pull the trigger I watch some gameplay and just immediately get put off. It just looks like an early access game.
What should I do?
Fuck you my dude
>malware bytes
It also had a PUP so there definitely was something.
I keep getting Occamy.C should I be worried?
>scan my system
Like all RPG's of this kind I play and have fun some 6 hours, then realise from some wiki that the game only has like 10 varients of each weapon and 10 varients of armor, and i say why bother.
>running around with a fang greataxe
>wander into a spooky ghost ruin and find a prayer claymore
>despite doing a fair amount more damage still cant do more than a pixel on the ghost dudes hp in a swing
imbue your weapon dipshit
Isn't it normal for cracks to have false positives or am i thinking of the past.
steam_api is sketchy, but they definitely slipped a PUP in there. I wouldn't touch it.
what's a pup?
It's usually adware that may not be dangerous but is still unwanted.
Whats wrong with Awoo's face?
Stop shills! I will buy your game but only if it drops below 30$. 40$ is too much for the game. Tell the devs (if you aren't them) that I will torrent the game if I can't but it for 30$ by Friday.
This , virtually no risk(monetary) while you can decide whether you want buy it later
Enjoy your pup
give this a month. maybe 2 or 3. it needs time to patch it's problems.
What to do after drinking the kool-aid from Elatt?
stroked out
>Trusting Yea Forums's meme contrarian opinion
if you mean after you beat the game, then nothing. theres no postgame content beyond just exploring whats already there some more or just starting a new character. probably my biggest complaint
Really grew tired of the dev's shilling here.
I would put it on my never to buy/only pirate at best List
>F U C K Y O U
dude what the fuck?
Cooked salmon restores .15 mp/s for 600s
Guess harpoon is a requirement for mages.
Reminder to use bows
woah bro you sure showed that pair of the easiest enemy in the game
>Health bars don't appear at max attack range
So many oversights in this game. I hope if the devs don't fix them there will at least be mods to do it.
is this any good on a keyboard/mouse setup?
Yea same it's really irritating.
Does anybody want help with the game? I really want to keep playing with my mage but I've already beaten the game with him so all I have left is co op
health bars only appear in lockon range. if you get the upgrade that extends your lockon range the health bars will appear further out.
Levant strong, get pistol whipped bitch.
Got any tips for an aspiring wizard? I have decent gear for mana cost but haven't invested any skill points yet.
What city is the rune trainer in?
Berg, in Enmarkar or whatever the forest is called
Berg/forest is rune trainer and hunter (rage/bleed/bow skills)
Levant/desert is Mercenary (armour, speed and guns) and rogue (traps, daggers and dodge)
Monsoon/swamp is Philosopher (charkrams, regen and frost sigil) and monk (physical damage boost, stamina, counters)
so how comfy is it with a friend?
is it true you cant progress in the story together and one of the two players has to redo all the story alone?
>is it true you cant progress in the story together and one of the two players has to redo all the story alone?
Yep, but you keep equipment/skills
>so how comfy is it with a friend?
better than solo
Couch coop on console is 11/10 and stroy progress is fucked but you keep all your gear and kills so if you're doing to together exclusively like you should it's no big deal. I haven't had this much fun splitscreening since halo 3 or RE5
It's host's session pretty much and the other player is a guest, however the guest can use all the trainers and loot whatever.
Of course there's a limited pool of resources but there's still way more than your inventory can handle.
Tip when sleeping: if you bag has food in it, drop it so it doesn't spoil during sleep.
Shit combat.
Shit magic and skill gameplay.
No actual point in exploring since you don't have exp.
During co-op other people has access to your stash.
I give it yikes out of outch.
It's better on kbm. Gamepad sucks ass in this one imo.
I i love and combat is easier but gearing up two people instead of one even if you have double carry weight from two people is ridiculously expensive. Me and my bro are just trunning round as vagabond hobos stripping every city clean of berrys and items you can pick up, selling them then setting tents up in inns living the hobo life when we're away from the starter zone. We both never have any money because deciding to gear up and get skills for eachother takes forethought and immense sharing.
>cant mod the game
this sends the game into trash
I don't want to wait 3 months for the developers to bother adding a simple fix for a big that shouldnt be there
>No actual point in exploring since you don't have exp.
Money is exp zoomer. the rest of that post gets a yikes from me dawg.
Even if this is Yea Forums you still have to be 18+ to post here kid.
t. shill
I'm so conflicted on playing this
80$ to buy it for me and my friend and there are so many red flags around
Are you clearing out all the traders of oil, star mushrooms and turmmips?
Making mana potions and warm potions is profitable, mana pots are star+turm+water, warm potions are oil and water.
T. ass ravaged adhd 2000s kid
You explore for unique items and money.
basically what said, the hotbar system for the game feels inspired by ffxiv but ffxiv is an mmo with tab targeting and this is an action rpg.
That feels game breaking desu i don't know if i should share that information with my m8. It's like how hunting kills all fun in kingdom come once you learn you just have to sell meat for infinite money.
Can't we just get along and talk about the video game outward? why do we need to lower ourselves to personal attacks?
what? This game is clearly ripping off fortnite, bar placement, map, artstyle, its all fortnite
Make retarded aggressive posts get retarded aggressive posts back, what's the issue?
At first, yes, but on other playthrough or after playing for long enough?
I stated my opinion and shill got butthurt, how am I to blame?
t. incredibly angry and frustrated marketer
Shit only gets game breaking when you start mass producing health potions and sell them in the slave camp for 15 silver each.
Anyway it's only about 200 silver profit every three days.
I feel like you played the game for an hour, got to some skellytons and since you're a skyrim kiddie went "wtf why do these guys not dying" without enchanting your blade and then proceeded to shitpost because you live in a shed and mom feeds you tendies through the tard feeder slot on the door.
Your game is fucking joke, it even provides potions to fight those skellies. What a fucking joke of a survival game. Kill yourself you pathetic shill.
why isn't this game on the switch?
it is though,
So you even admit it. That's LITERALLY one of the first dungeons to learn the skelly mechanics. Don;t @ me again unless you post a screen shot of yourself on crusaders path AT LEAST.
I like it a lot. The early game really does feel like an adventure, you're weak as shit and everything will kill you if you're not super cautious. A lot of cool shit happens because of that though, like getting enslaved in a mining camp or waking up in a hyena den. It does taper off later on as you get good gear and skills but you still have to think and be careful. The crafting and survival mechanics aren't as oppressive as other games, you only have to sleep a few hours and eat/drink once or twice a day. The "burn" mechanics for health and stamina are also a nice touch I think.
The story is super basic and most everything is up to you which I love but that's subjective. The graphics aren't great but it probably runs on toasters as a result and it honestly doesn't look that bad. The combat is jank as fuck, probably the worst part of the game, but still serviceable. I feel like it encourages me to be crafty with traps and magic rather than going toe-to-toe with enemies, especially the scary looking ones.
Well worth $40 if you like single player aRPGs. Will probably be discounted in the summer sale if you're broke.
either just get rune magic or just get the sigil stuff. dont try and go all in since there's really not much point. rune magic is probably the best choice, and the upgrade that makes the spells more effective is def worth having to hold the book still.
Can I get my lighthouse back or at least kill everyone in the village after I get good?
300 silver later on in the main quest
That isn't much. I found more than 150 pieces on the first day. I then slept for 8 hours because my character's stamina and health seemed to decrease, goofed around on the beach for a bit, and when I returned they already took my lighthouse. Weren't they supposed to give me 4 days? Does fainting in the wild cause time to pass then?
what classes go best with monk?
Being knocked out can advance like 1-3 days.
should i use the tribal favour or pay the money? does have tribal favour any other use?
I had an issue with the game so I reinstalled it. What kind of fucking developer puts the save files in the install directory? I am very angry.
I doubt it. You won't even see that rescued dude ever again.
the chakram magic is actually pretty cool if you really want to use mana and be more of a mage. The mercenary trainer run speed and stamina use stuff is also great, and pistols are pretty fun to use. Berserker stuff goes well with it if you just want to focus on melee, you could get spellblade and berserker and just go full spellsword. It really just depends on what you want to do, there's no way to make an underpowered character really unless you're actually retarded and give up all your health and stamina and then dont get any magic.
the tribal favor has no other use no. it just sells for a little silver. the tribal favor you get later from doing the parallel quests does have a use though so hang on to that stuff.
Unironically a boomer game. Only old school RPG fans will enjoy this game, children simply can't comprehend.
If you want to go sigil magic go Philo/Shaman, take the increased fire damage instead of frost sigil.
Overlap wind sigils with fire sigils and spark becomes terrifying. There's a staff in the desert in the walled garden that gives increased fire damage too.
Rune magic is a lot more mobile and efficient to the point that it's got quite a few options for 100% cost reduction because light mender lexicon is so good. So the regen of philo becomes kinda useless.
Just don't use the blades and focus on lantern zapping and magic traps.
The other classes for a rune mage are kinda questionable, probably just get mercenary for movement speed and hunter for health
>equipping 7 guns and cycling through them to avoid reloading in combat
kill them all
the rune magic swords do crazy damage, esp if you combine them with the damage boosts you can get from some armors like the runic set. rune mage goes great with the melee classes as a result. it gives an armor buff, a ranged attack, some of the most powerful weapons in the game, healing, and a trap. its def a very strong option for a spellblade type character. The zapping works great mostly too but its not all you can do with rune magic.
totally agree on the fire part though, its way more useful.
Problem with rune magic is maximising efficiency will leave you in somewhat weak armour so getting close means you risk getting hurt and the blades will lower your efficiency.
Also unless you go internalised lexicon using the two-hander cuts off your magic.
I just pirated it. This combat feels like dogshit after having just finished Sekiro.
>buy outward the second it came out
>playing daily since
>very comfy jank
>this morning wife says she wants a divorce
and the cost the same price
I would wait on purchasing until after the developers patch out the only game-breaking glitch that causes you to randomly lose items in your backpack between transitions/loading screens. Unfortunately, the creator is a cuck who thinks it's more important to make the co-op more smooth for PC players than it is to fix a game-breaking issue that exists on all platforms.
Really great game, though.
>this morning wife says she wants a divorce
errrrr what are you guys gona do?
god damn bro I needed that
dunno she didn't really say wtf the problem is
should have played less outward
marry his wife
dispose of the body after i reach monsoon
she wants half your stuff have fun
People keep asking if they should buy this game, so I'm going to do a short write up to copy-paste later.
An immersive RPG Eurojank game with light survival mechanics.
So do I, but they are done well enough in Outward that I don't mind. You will be eating/drinking maybe once or twice an entire day. These meters take a very long time to deplete. Also there is a weather system that add some flavor to the game. Areas will be hot, cold, rainy, snowy, etc and you have to dress in a way that makes sense for that.
Mostly what some people would consider "cheese." Fights are won with preparation and thinking rather than gear or stats. You place traps, you position yourself correctly, you pull single enemies at a time, etc. Melee is still strong, but very dangerous due to how punishing taking damage is.
There's a learning curve to begin with. This game has almost no hand-holding at all. Quests are somewhat vague, there's no one marking your map for you-- you can't even see your own position on the map. There's no save files, so you have to live with your fuck-ups as well. When you die, you get rescued if you are lucky. But you can also have your shit stolen, get enslaved, etc.
Do you like the Gothic series? It feels similar to that. Just pirate before you buy if you are on the fence still because it's not a game for everyone. I'm personally having a lot of fun now that I've gotten past some of the early learning missteps.
runic armor gives a damage bonus and good defense. combined with the wolf backpack and the rune armor spell and one of the mana reducing hats and you can sit at over 50% not counting the lexicon and galberry wine, which is plenty really. And all you have to do is cast your buffs and then pull out the two hander, conveniently it lasts about as long as your buffs. Its almost like that was intended
>game is so bad his wife can't stand it
Looks like risen, plays like risen.
Very outdated visually.
Ive played 15 hours now. a few things ive noticed
1. If you cook all the food you get you will have way too much food and it just takes up space or slowly rots. sell it
2. Hot key those berries and eat them constantly, they give a stamina regen buff and you will have WAY more berries than you ever need for anything because you want to constantly pick them to farm bugs
3. The bandit attack quest you are forced into doing is actually good and no big deal to handle if you are prepared, even if your gear is shit. You should look forward to this. All three of the bosses (and every bandit inside the fort) are neutral to you, you must talk to each to initiate combat. So just lay down a LOT of traps before talking to them. Lay down 10 metal spike traps each. There are trash mobs as well that join the fight, you may want to lay down a few extra traps in an alternate location. Also spike traps are aoe, if you plan smartly you can get the boss and adds bunched up before you take them over the traps.
4. Get into the habbit of carrying around a tent and cooking pot and sleeping in them and doing your cooking in the wild. Anywhere there are butterflies you can sleep safely. Returning to town, and even using storage, is a bad habbit. Travel light and dont be a hoarder, just sell stuff off. This will make moving beyond the first area easier to handle.
5. Id recommend, as soon as you get 100 silver, to go ahead and make the run to one of the other cities to purchase a prospectors backpack, it holds 75 and has the lantern in front of you, making exploring caves much easier. You dont need to rush the story progression. You can get the backpack then just run back to the first zone to continue exploring it.
6. Any two food items + salt makes a travel ration, this is a way you can refresh some of your older rotting food
7.Get the fur armor from the first zones immaculate cave. You can get the spell from another zones (remember he turns hostile if you are holy faction)
buy her some flowers and some bath salts
>she didn't really say wtf the problem is
Guess you missed a few time limited sidequests
Ooooh boy
What the fuck Oliele became a fucking zombie