>bioware wanted to create the bob dylan of videogames
are they retarded or what?
Bioware wanted to create the bob dylan of videogames
Bob Dylan never wrote a good song.
I'm reading this article right now and this is fucking sad
who’s bob dylan? that reddit painter?
kill yourself my man
no it's the guy who shit on ffxv
>bob dylan
fucking hipster tier piece of shit, why do faggots give him so much credit?
>bob dylan
he's normie as fuck, cuck
implying that normies can even name one song without googling
>implying they can't
Everyone knows about this especially since Watchmen
>frostbite being hell
>hudson leaving
>Cisquisition writter steps in and makes it generic bioware story n°25547
>he leave in disgust and don't even want to come back and a new writting team steps in
>the upper devs were all old-timers from the mass effect serie and couldn't be asked to focus the game and make the calls about the games
>the few devs who knew how to handle frostbite got drafted into FIFA
>EA support team for the frostbite doesn't want to talk to you if you're not DICE or the FIFA team
>they spent 4 years trying to make sense of what this game was supposed to be and entered full production without having answered "what is anthem?"
fucking hell
>since Watchmen
what the fuck is Watchmen? fuck you cuck
>he doesn't know what Watchmen is
zoom zoom
>Bob Dylan of video games
So peaking at the start only to deteriorate into madness, pissing and shitting themselves along the way. Cool.
>not knowing what Watchmen is, even in passing
Universal rule requires you to be at least 18 to post here.
Anthem should have been canceled or made on a different engine.
>no romances
>beta male virgin protagonist
Do you think they applied their game production with a fine shellac?
they better have shellac cause they aint gettin shekels
All Along the Watchtower
>1000 songs/games and like 3 of them are good
I think they succeeded.
>google Watchmen
>its some Yea Forums shit
kys normies
Who's Bob Dylan?
Here you go: archive.fo
Why video games companies always try to be "something good from other media of video games"? Can't they just make a good game and create their own identity?
>One mandate fromAnthem’s directors had been to make the game “unmemeable,” a reaction toMass Effect: Andromeda‘s jittery facial animations, which became an internet joke in the days leading up to that game’s release. ForAnthem, the team used high-end performance capture in order to ensure that the characters couldn’t be turned into embarrassing GIFs and plastered all over Reddit. Since the bulk of the game’s story-telling would be told from a first-person perspective in the hub city Fort Tarsis, players would spend a lot of time staring at characters’ faces. The characters had to look good.
Bob Dylans music is so shit its not even funny. Made 1 billions song and only had maybe 5 good ones
>how to not learn anything meaningful from your misstakes
>isn't aware of a normie comic book film
Follow your own advice, pleb.
Desolation Row says otherwise.
>Bob dylan
They cant even do FANTASIES right.
>"Why do they keep attacking our memes?"
>literal proof of executives being terrified of memes
We did it Reddit!!!
Well folk music is pretty gay.
>game designed to become overrated dogshit
what did they mean by this?
People do that with all things. Wrestling at its zenith in success at the WWF was based on its head writer wanting the show to be less about wrestling and more like reality tv and Howard Stern.
>are they retarded or what?
the answer lies within your own question
I hate how Schrier is such a cunt but is actually good at his job.
Which game is johnny rebel of videogames? soundcloud.com
>what the fuck is Watchmen?
Snyder kino.
>the characters had to look good
Times are a changing from The Watchmen movie
what they even mean by that
>are they retarded or what?
yes they are
Get off Yea Forums and shill your articles somewhere else Jason.
lol then what isn't silly to this little soiboi subhuman twitter fuck?
being biased?
is being biased beautiful? am i supposed to find an article full of lies righteous? is that what he is implying?
So instead of making the game the fun kind of bad they made it the boring kind of bad.
What does that even mean? It's a meme and it sings funny?
t.I got a copy of his Christmas album used. It's every bit as lulzy as you would expect.
Missing so hard the point.
The guy sounds like he's holding his nose as he sings. Fuck him.
>One mandate from Anthem’s directors had been to make the game “unmemeable"
>wanted to name it "Beyond"
So they wanted a trope instead of a meme?