>2Kx2K per eye
>Super light
>Looks snazzy
How'd they do it bros?
2Kx2K per eye
Other urls found in this thread:
>WMR tracking
no thanks
By using shitty inside out tracking with only 2 cameras and the garbage windows mixed reality controllers
It's also way more expensive than it should be
Where the fuck are the games?
>opening a VR thread with a shill for WMR
inside out tracking always sucked and always will suck until you find a way to track through obstacles
>they're still pushing for VR
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
I hope Index is better than my 5k
I really want to purchase consumer product
>find a way to track through obstacles
is there ever going to be a way to add external cameras to it? it would be near perfect with that. I thought it was a good deal to dip my toes into vr without breaking the bank. I'm glad I didn't spend more because VR is a gimmick
I've had meme gimmick fads just fine without VR
only an economic collapse can stop VR now
escapism will become more and more popular in western nations with declining middle class types looking to drown out the call to prayer and constant vision of nonwhite hordes
>Thing I don't like is a meme!
>inside-out tracking
why can't they make ones that fit more like ski goggles? I don't want this big fucking thing hanging off the front of my face
>HP anything
Yeah nah,enjoy your planned obsolescence.
maybe they come up with short range radio frequency tracking that somehow is accurate enough and doesn't break every telecommunications regulation in existence
probably what will happen though is base stations will get to the $30 level instead of the $150 level they are now and also battery powered and inside-out tracking will become a dead meme
camera recognition is always going to be the slowest way vs laser beams
I buy some and I do not regret, they are very good
This tbqh famiglia
Every pokegirl is best pokegirl
They're somehow all god tier
radio tracking will never be able to get the accuracy you can with video we can already get sub mm tracking what more is necessary?
Samsung's financial influence on screen manufacturing
Oh wow, I always wanted a headset that cuts all blood flow from my head. Good job, HP.
>vr bread
>vr is a meme poster
What? It's reportedly extremely comfortable.
Why do people keep shilling for WMR when literally no game properly supports it? Seriously the latest game that offers pretty much no WMR support is space junkies
WMR has official SteamVR support
the new valve headset is the only one worth having
its stupid that you will pay 80% of the price on one of these dumb ar/mr things
oculus is dead
You’ve said this for years now, if it was actually true you wouldn’t have to keep posting this
Video has issues with room lighting and objects going outside the HMD's sensor range (something that happens way less frequently when base stations are employed)
The only way I imagine they could solve this and still keep the camera mechanic would be to put cameras on the controllers too, if that were even feasible.
*blocks your path*
>the new valve headset is the only one worth having
We may as well know nothing about it aside from it being like the vive.
*also the HMD and controllers would need to emit a very bright light
>anime avatar
We don't know the price of the Index but I doubt it will be 120% of what the O+ was on sale at $299, the HP Reverb seems overpriced though.
Didn't they fire them though
*blocks YOUR path*
couldn't you just put two external cameras in the environment and then you'd have the headset + 2 which should give pretty damn near full coverage. The only way you'd lose your position is if you were deliberately covering things at that point.
Couldn't they solve lighting issues by going with infrared and just installing leds or something? I've never considered the challenges but I assume you don't need to use standard cameras. I have issues with the lighting in my area with my WMR headset, plus a hall off of my area tends to make it lose tracking if I look toward the corner it is off of. I feel both of those issues would be solved with external cameras though.
why is fish there twice?
>the new valve headset is the only one worth having
BASED GABEN! Please ignore the leak that shows the headset isn't anything special, only VALVE products will do!
Posted from Steam Browser.
the headset is done, why keep people around, anyway I just read an article title like you said but scrolled past
it's facebook that fired practically everyone on the oculus team actually
rumours are that steam is making vr games right now and gabe has claimed in the past 2 years that they will release 3 aaa titles with vr support
That's super great tech so long as your game is set in a forest, ocean, chink noodle store, a fire or a vagina.
>couldn't you just put two external cameras in the environment
base stations? yes, they could use base stations
*blocks ALL paths*
Index has a snickers slot, can't compete with that.
Those are all the best settings
they just need to make vehicle exhaust for city settings
didn't they abandon foveated rendering which was the entire hype behind their product?
>the headset is done
If that's true why haven't they started marketing it?
haha you're so pathetic
>lighthouse tracking
>knuckles controllers
>high fov
>high res
>nothing special
whats the best VR for porn?
Get me a mars bar m8 cheers
>PC gaming was already notable enough to be a selling point and prove its niche to the market. But apparently not notable enough to stop the crash.
PC never "crashed", retard, it was purely a consoleshit thing.
>>lighthouse tracking
Literally nothing special.
>>knuckles controllers
Meme, you can squeeze things FUCKING EPIC! Please ignore the the Vive controller is absolute garbage showing Valve have no design chops.
>>high fov
Other gen 2 headsets have this
>>high res
HAHAHAHA high res? Nigger its not even half the res of the first gen pimax or gen 2 shit.
>>nothing special
Seems most of the hype behind foveated rendering has just dissapeared.
seething faceberg shill😃
One word motherfucker
>reading book about the founding and rise of Oculus.
>book details the fun and chummy collab between Oculus and Valve
>seems like the two are gonna make history together and make headlines doing it
>feels good senpai
>middle of the book is a photo timeline
>see this
>five year anniversary since Faceberg began his reign of terror upon VR
>last week index is announce
>Gaben's art is revenge...and he's about to paint his masterpiece with the Index his paintbrush, and Zuckberg as his canvas.
reminder that render resolution is irrelevant, the higher resolution panels they can shove into those things the better
It's just datamining. Companies are actually abandoning VR. See: Facebook and Valve firing most of their VR staff, Google completely abandoning all VR research.
>what is price
don't be a poorfag
I'm a get the knuckles when they are released.
Here's the real question user
What will the expansion port on the front be used for? You can see it from that render pretty well.
Little usb 3 port in the front behind that mostly transparent thing. Clearly because it's like that it could be a leap motion, maybe a wireless receiver, who knows.
my nam sixense
Wireless, smells, brain computer interface, any add-on people can think of, it's a generic module slot.
Literal shill
Ah yes, the five basic human scents. Burnt, Fish, Ramen, Lady, and Grassland.
>seething faceberg shill
Nice deflect, bro! Epic!
Don't you mean the four basic human scents? :P
They fired people due to performance, not a shift in focus away from VR.
Fucking pedo delete that post
b-bb-b-b-but Valve sucks!
>good support, controllers, games, etc left and right
>paying devs to make content even if it doesn’t sell well
>reign of terror
Literally the teaser trailer.
It's not pedo shit! It's progeria midget, you dip!!!
Not a trailer, you get what I mean
Palmer Lucky seems like a grade A cunt. I'm glad he's gone
I hate having to clarify this.
>headset NDA breaks in a month
>that VR layoff rumor was mostly false by the looks of it
>even if true, it was 13 people
>we know not even all of them were related to VR
>we know Valve has a bunch of people working on hardware and VR software, as of a recent leak showing team sizes at Valve
TF2 still has 15 people on it
Are you retarded?
The store page and a bunch of info were leaked too.
ka ka!
Gabe already said the layoffs were a people thing and not a hardware thing and the announcement already said it didn't reflect a change in the company's direction, why are people so fucking stupid and miss the most basic of things all the time?
valve didnt actually "fire" anyone, their contracts just came to an end
and facebook and google can go fuck themselves
Because VR generals and threads are a perfect grounds for trolling. VR is ded, boom, a dozen (You)'s. Eg Every thread.
>use vive wands
>hands and wrist hurt afterward
Were these controllers made by aliens? How do people play games like onward with this shit
wtf is this lol
didnt find anything with the filename.
>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Hopefully one day I'll be able to afford a $2000 system to run a VR-headset
..Wh-Where did you find this!?❤️
they were made for teleporting casuals who take breaks after playing for 10 minutes
I can run VR with a $650 system, its not expensive now.
Just get a R5 2600 with a GTX 1660Ti.
Or a used server with a Haswell Xeon and again a 1660Ti.
u-umm I was never here
What is this?
He's nice enough in the book, but yeah he's naive and dumber than dumb in a lot of other departments. Reading the book again I still can't tell if it was the Trump thing or the Zenimax lawsuit or both that Faceberg had Palmer quietly future endeavored. Or maybe it's because he's home school and has the Sword Art Online theme as his phone alarm clock song.
he seems like a fun guy
VR is the future of gaming.
This, plus literally half of Valve is hardware engineers
Like jesus christ the panic over the layoffs was the biggest nothingburger
Got 4690k/1060 myself. Seeing how they have high-res & high-refresh rates screens in them, I feel like I need a 2080-tier something to be able to fully utilise them.
VR's largest hurdles are cost/perceived cost limiting adoption and dev support, which is tied to a low adoption rate.
Do you have more of those pepes I really like them
>2Kx2K per eye
how much does a pc to run games on this, at 120, will cost?
>so why did you get a VR headset bro?
can u fuk?
He is. Much as I shake my head at him fucking his livelihood over, he's pretty down to earth and it's bit sad how his life's work no longer his. From the final chapter post-oculus firing when he and his GF went to Japan.
People can say anything they want about luckey but he's gonna be looked back upon the same way people look at the guy that made the first computer.
This is false advertisement idiots don't so amazed such cringe, in real life you're just kissing air. You don't actually feel your lips kissing anything.
what a shame that some retards fell for the advertised facebook garbage and the carmack meme
and now they only have seethe to keep them warm at night
Alan Turing? I thought he got more interesting after he was chemically castrated.
They're no longer pushing.
They're selling. They're profiting. They're developing. If it were over would there really be a ton of headsets coming up, sales climbing substantially day by day, and immense hype behind the oculus quest (for normies) and the valve index (for "gamers")?
As long its the 1060 6GB you can do VR with no problems.
This the same project?
This is the opposite of doom posting and it's equally just as bad.
Whoa, you mean video games isn't real???
link me to a normie hyped for that absolute shit
>With the knuckles you'll be able to choke her
Replace video games with VR in your post, this VR isn't actually real VR.
Oh you know... totally non-anime related lewds of course.
Not yet
You're false advertisement, but your mom isn't.
is fucking your mother VR
>Not yet
Then what is the fucking point
>Knuckles controller
>Squeeze her hand softly
>"Y-You can hold a little tighter, big bro"
the point is not being a degenerate and playing normal games
Every single comment section of a video about the oculus quest
You'll see countless hype comments and hundreds of likes on the top ones
>guy revealing how those webms is false advertisement
>his mother!
Even I'm starting to realize that in that webm, you're just hugging thin air in real life.
Any girls in this game just under or above six feet? Prefer ones who can meet my eye line without having to look down.
the fuck you mean "yes"?
This, sure the webm looks cute and it "looks" like the future -that being hugging shinobu -but in real life you're just there hugging the air.....
>in real life you're just kissing air
SHIT I never thought of that, I thought VR just made things real or something
your mother
But dude, you can mix and match scents.
And if you want a dumpster:
>little girl simulator
>a game
Yikes. If you could fuck it it would at least be a porn game with value.
>above six feet
Ooga Booga has not been added to the game, no.
Pirate VR Kanojo instead then.
kneel and smell her tummy then.
One day, I'll do it in VR instead of doing it in Photoshop.
interdasting speculations, genius.
Because you know why... youtube.com
This shit is actually going to be kickstarted soon, kid you not.
>porn game with value
fuck your porn game with value
i only play real games with value
There needs to be a pyromania game
Eh its been done
>i only play real games with value
fuck your real games with value
I only play non-real games with no fucking value
>i should get paid equal
>also I want a month pto :)
female cops are useful for defusing situations involving drunk/high people
in high nigger areas they just shouldn't be used though
finally I can BBQ ladies in the peace and quiet of my home
It's not the same, user...I like amazon girls.
I could hug air just fine without VR
>you're just kissing air
Only if you're a poorfagoot
Cute game. What is it
Imagine selling your VR company for almost 3 billion and then VR is tanking lmao
What a smart guy to get out while the hype is high.
Oculus sucks and I can't imagine any thing else being good. Literally only one game that was incredible. The rest was pretty boring bullshit. Combat doesn't translate well.
It's in the filename youtube.com
You’ve probably only played echo. Unspoken, dead and buried, and robo recall are all great
I've been having tons of fun with Pavlov VR, which is basically CS in VR. Dual-wielding mac-10 all day.
>Pavlov VR
I hear that's fun as fuck
Lmao vr really is the future
>have buddy buying off my old Oculus
>tfw can finally flip people off in VR with the knuckles
>tfw can finally use full body tracking
The Index can't come out soon enough.
I hope it's not nearly a grand like the Vive pro.
If this is around $500 this thing is a slam dunk.
It is. And the best part is that I don't get nauseous at all while playing, unlike many other games with stick-movement.
Too bad it wont be using any tower tracking so enjoy your hands fucking up
What? It will use lighthouses with the knuckles controllers.
I've never played any kind of VR before, and don't have the space for a tethered VR set. Convince me NOT to buy an Oculus Quest on launch
Games are downgraded... Smaller library than PCVR.. 2-3 hour battery life.. I got nothing else. It's pretty good product desu
what is happening here
Ye best start believin' in VR, lad
except for all the new hardware and games constantly being announced
Downgrading doesn't matter to me because I have no benchmark
Battery life isn't a huge deal because I don't plan on playing it all day
Games seem alright
Actually, I'm going to use it more as a tech demo when I volunteer at the senior center or at Chamber Of Commerce events
retarded boomer playing richie's plank experience
/VR/dog here. How is everyone doing today? Good I hope.
I wonder in what areas the Index will fuck up, further requiring more iteration. VR is some ghetto technology atm and it's hard to imagine it being any less shit until at least 6 years in the future or so. Godrays, SDE, wires, tons of room required, uncomfortable head straps... shit, what a mess.
>i like that jump
Fuckin Chibi
Good job that no technology that had hardware and new media announced for it could fail.
superior doge coming through
based and truthpilled
Not the final product. Already been announced that's being changed
Haha take a backseat, pupper, the REAL VR doggo has entered the building.
Was he trying to dirl?
pingpong in VR is actually pretty fun.
Looks like the robot is laughing its ass off as well.
yea, it's insane how real it feels
>Godrays and SDE
Both have been taken care of, the Odyssey+ has shown its possible, I'm sure the Index will have a solution that works just as well or better
The latest theory is that the expansion slot on the front of the Index is for wireless
>Tons of room required, uncomfortable headstraps
The cost of VR, although my hmd isn't that uncomfortable
You're right though, they'll fuck it up somehow
if it were possible to snap the vive in half or bend it you actually could have doggo VR
why do people think you can jump like that in VR
I get that it's immersive but this is like someone telling you the desk is chocolate and daring you to eat it and you break all your teeth before mumbling "if id in ba senta?'
I could play ping pong just fine without VR in sauna hotels.
dude me too let's both go to the sauna hotels and play pingpong
sure why not!
Sadly vr isnt as relevant as it was. I still really like vr. But there hasnt been a good game for it lately
I really hope it becomes cheap enough so theres more demand for vr games
Wait, are people really too dumb to know what that slot on the front is for on the Index? It's for that leap motion garbage for hand tracking.
I want to say VR is a meme but I can't. I can't play racing or flying games in non-vr anymore. It's just so lifeless.
The social stuff would be fun if I had more friends
That's like saying, I can't watch normal tv after seeing the Avatar 3D movie, it's a big fat lie!
Unbased and uninformed
Valve is close to releasing it's new vr headset
Facebook is not giving up on vr, just on pcvr
They want us to use their stuff in a more closed ecosystem
Facebook being Facebook, fuck em
>Sadly vr isnt as relevant as it was
Literally at the height of its popularity with more hardware and software sold than ever before
> isnt as relevant as it was
How can your family stand the smell of you so full of shit?
Normies love it for some reason
Sweet sweet Zuck cock
>vr is 3d tv
It is. I watched VR porn for the first time, it was great. Pretty good for a week after, and then the VR headset went in the drawer with all the other gimmick fads I've been tricked into buying.
Maybe if you have to go to the effort of getting your wheel/joystick out anyway, grabbing the headset too isn't that much of a stretch. But I don't really see it.
meh vr porn is underwhelming. I use mine mostly for games.
>vr porn
This is mosty trash, porn games are better suited for vr
And please fucking play games fag if you have a hmd, they are good
3D porn games are universally garbage, though.
VR porn games for VR is trash, I ejaculated all over my expensive razer chroma blackwidow gaming keyboard ones because I was holding onto my wands. But with normal videos I could hold onto my onahole. But in the end it's a meme gimmick and I went back to 2D monitor main.
Someone fight my kids in VR right now, I'm bored.
yall need to stop falling for this bait. you really think he doesn't know vr is the future? kek
VR is going to ruin her depth perception, bad parenting 101.
cute feet
she should be playing h3vr, its much more fitting and teaches her gun safety.
computer screen ruins your eyes and yet you sit here all day anyway?
no reason why it would, in fact it improves depth perception, just like playing a sport would.
there is zero evidence that staring at screens is bad for eye health, it's just a wives' tale
I enjoy them, and more and more are being built from the ground up for vr
waiting for proper illusion vr game
So 1/3 major companies hasn't abandoned VR
>ruining kid's eyes
good parenting fag
>>there is zero evidence that staring at screens is bad for eye health, it's just a wives' tale
Staring at a screen 2 inches from your face is pretty obviously bad for eye health. You're straining weird muscles.
wasn't there a girl who had 12 million holes in her eyes because she stared at her phone for like 8 hours a day
that's not how vr works, the lenses modify how the screen is perceived so that it's no different from naturally staring at something 5 feet away from you
I can buy her new eyes, poorfag. Cope more.
nice scientific study you got there, retarded wine drinking boomer lady
Valve is doing full vr
Facebook is pushing its walled garden trash
Don't know about google but fuck them anyway
>giving up on pcvr
>new pcvr headset releases soon
>defector and stormland releasing soon
yup totally giving up guiz!!
Based and vrpilled
Don't forget Apple's gonna try and shill AR, while MS is still quiet on whatever shit they're cooking up.
>samsung :headset on way
>lenovo: headset on way
>HP: headset on way
>huawei: oculus go on way
>pimax: headset, controllers, base stations on way
>volvo: ultimate headset on way
>HTC: new headset on way
>oculus: new headset on way
>buncha companies I forgot:
headsets, games, accessories, integrations etc all that shit on the way
VR industry is doomed nobody is releasing anything anymore.
>>new pcvr headset releases soon
Generally an all-around downgrade compared to the current model, and they only did it (plus outsourced manufacturing to a third-party) just to sell something that's cheaper for them to produce over the current model.
>defector and stormland releasing soon
And that'll be the last of the PCVR-exclusive titles, since those started well before their Oculus Quest push. Everything here-on will support Quest at the base level.
google seems to be going for AR same as apple
>chink companies selling chink shit
>being excited about this
Rift S is a joke
It's very similar to Quest, plus they're only doing it because they probably were already pretty far into its dev, but Facebook WILL keep pushing for walled vr
Remember, they tried to implement DRM on Oculus games, it backfired, now they are doing hardware DRM (Quest).
nope only one that matters is volvo.
Zuckenshill can fuck off with their muh our shit sucks so lets have closed system and fuck over customers bullshit.
AR is the future proove me wrong VRfags
Oh the fun being in VR
different tech for different purposes, they will both thrive side by side
Yup. Them leap frogs are changing the landscape alright.
WMR is really working for them, it was a good move not to build there own hmd
Yes I forgot about AR, you're right
But for now VR is more promising, and hybrid AR/VR will be the future anyway
It's way too early for AR, VR is more mature
>muh walled garden
fucking faggot
because of inside out tracking?? what
>last of pcvr exclusives
blatant lie, Respawn is coming out with a vr shooter.
It will be the future, but in an all in one headset.
You will be able to switch seamlessly from AR to VR.
>eating zuck cock and enjoying it
>SAO fag
>sells out to a soulless social media platform instead of following the fat pc nerd
How did he not understand who was more likely to make anime real?
Iron Man VR is actually fucking good. How come PCVR is lagging in terms of content?
>'Iron Man VR' is as close to being Tony Stark as you're likely to get
>Iron Man VR might finally be the Iron Man game we deserve
>Marvel’s Iron Man VR hands-on — Free flight that doesn’t make me sick
>Marvel's Iron Man VR Is Seamless, Super-Fast, and Innovative
The new PlayStation VR game is the closest you'll get to flying and fighting like Tony Stark.
>Inside PlayStation VR’s Stunning ‘Marvel’s Iron Man VR’
>Hands-on: ‘Iron Man VR’ Shows Huge Potential with Innovative Flying Mechanics
>called out for spreading FUD
>no counterargument
cu vaIvedrone
>w-walled garden isn't an issue f-fag
>called out
you'll never get to play stormland with your bargainbin vr
>because of inside out tracking?? what
Let's see...
>80hz panel
>No mechanic IPD adjustment
>Echo Arena won't be playable due to lack of rear sensor
>Can't work the controllers close to your face due to inside-out tracking problem
>No onboard processing for the cameras so your CPU is now going to get hammered by five cameras instead of 2-3
>Uses the crappy passive speaker audio thing Go/Quest has, stuck using your own stereo/wireless headphone solution which means more wires
theres literally no issue for a company to only allow releases on their platform that they specifcally funded themselves. if its so much of an issue, use revive. quit bitching
>gets btfo by epic
Nothing personnel kid
It's true I have HUD in my car and its more fun than any video game ever made to drive it.
i really gotta play sairento again. that game kicks ass when you get good.
MMMMM, Burnt lady.
you get better resolution, your echo arena comment is speculation and doesnt make a lot of sense since i know lots of people who play that game on shitty WMRs.
how close do the controllers have to be to stop tracking? and i dont give a shit about the speaker audio thing, the original rift's headphones were great but they always, always break after a couple months. always.
>use revive
Of course, revive on Quest fag
As I said before, this is hardware DRM and you should stop sucking facecock
oh no poor vivelet is so starved for games he needs those quest games or else his peepee is gonna shrivel up
>releasing a console is hardware drm
lmao @ ur life
VR porn is great if you make it, uncreative types will get bored fast
>see new 3d model on sfmlab/smutbase or something good enough that I can slap fun bits on
>import to blender, set up poses for static viewing via marui plugin
>animate and port to unity/UE4 for full on VR interactivity
>infinite potential
>ever getting bored of this
>since i know lots of people who play that game on shitty WMRs.
It's "playable" in a casual sense, but if you want to be competitive to any degree you have to be able to use your arm behind you without tracking faults.
>close do the controllers have to be to stop tracking?
Within 6-8 inches from what I've been hearing (which is how I work in Oculus Medium on my current Rift), which I don't get because the S has five sensors on it. My only guess is it doesn't use all five actively for grounding its own headset, but rather just expanding FoV coverage for the controllers.
Not over, just 10 years too early for it.
Stop spouting nonsense nigger.
Facebook said Quest store will be more filtered than PC Oculus store, so less games for you you fucking brainlet
Facebook is pushing it's shitty closed ecosystem and it's bad, that's the end of it
People can have fun playing VR right now and you're welcome to wait 10 years to adopt it if you want. Probably you will be missing out
The only perk of Quest being closed as a self-contained unit is they can force devs to actually ensure their titles run a respectable performance, since they can't do the "Upgrade your PC, lol" excuse.
wrong quote inb4 lmao so butthurt you can't quote
The earphones on this look fucking awesome, I dont know why thats the thing im most interested in
Would be pretty good if it wasn't for this
Where is the Facebook shilling nigger at
Anyway friendly reminder to hate Oculus' shit
Why don't you want to go deeper, user?
Can you do every emoji or is it based on the points you racked up during the event?
And what are the commands anyways?
It needs vive trackers or something that auto-orients
I'd have an issue with "walled garden" if it was restrictive like Apples. But Oculus allows their users to use other platforms, and other platforms users can play Oculus exclusives with a very simple bypass. It's really not an issue
>VR is a gimmick
You are a retard. I bet you think better pc hardware or a better tv/audio setup is a gimmick too.
it's disabled already, at least for me.
>I want to play mobile games on my PC, when my PC has those exact games
rip user
Those inside out cameras are going to be awful. It was fine for gen 1 but both the Cosmos and Rift S are already fixing it's many issues by having more strategically placed cameras.
The way it's looking, the Cosmos will likely be the best headset of the second gen. MAYBE the new valve headset if it ships with knuckles
>and other platforms users can play Oculus exclusives with a very simple bypass.
Oculus tried blocking people from using Revive before, using DRM.
They're not really ok with it, they just don't want the backlash.
Honestly, I won't buy oculus games if me being able to play it relies on a hack that could be fixed anytime.
lol what. Cosmos is literally a Rift S with headphones. They are completing for exaclty the same market, Rift will win because HTC retards will slap 499 pricetag on it
It's a Rift S with headphones, better controllers, a more comfortable headband, fold-up display, and a MUCH higher resolution.
It's a direct upgrade from the Rift S in almost every way.
The only thing I'm waiting to see is if there is a camera on the bottom of it
This is not what I said.
Facebook pushing its shit is the problem, and when that type of devices will become the only product they're selling, you won't be able to do anything about it
Just wait for Index at this point
HTC is a terrible company
This, at the very least curious anons should wait for index v. vive v. rift comparisons and make their decision once the smoke has cleared
>Just wait for Index.
I'll see when they release the specs and price point. Im an inside out boy at heart despite it's flaws, and while I do plan on eventually upgrading to something with lighthouses, I don't think the Index will be it. Again, it really boils down to the specs and price.
They can tell you to upgrade your Quest in 3 years though. Cleverly also the amount of time it'll probably take for the low battery life of the Quest to degrade to like 40 minutes. Wouldn't be surprised if it's all intentional.
Also, rip emoji trash posting, mods pls
The setup I'd expect from them is to have their exclusives support current and last-gen model (current gen getting extra visual/performance perks), but anything older than that is stuck in a legacy support state who are at the whim of developers who want to support them still or not based on how much the VR space changes for Quest 5-6 years from now.
That sounds possible, we'll have to wait and see.
But if the Quest is already going for a Snapdragon 845, despite better alternatives existing, I wonder what it's longevity is going to be..
I own a VIVE and it's actually really rad
the immersion is crazy, especially in vrchat where you just lose track of time and end up being in there for hours without even realizing it
it ain't for everyone though I guess
What are you hoping for in terms of specs and price?
>too poor to realize VR is the future of gaming
>better controller
>more comfortable
>fold-up display
>MUCH higher resolution
you don't know that
Well it depends. It needs to be a direct upgrade to the Cosmos which we know is at the minimum 1440x1600, probably way more based on what they said. 2160x2160 would sell me on it assuming the Cosmos doesn't quite reach that.
Sub-650 dollar price point ideally.
And it's a stretch but if it launches with the knuckles I'm almost entirely sold even if it's a downgrade in every other field.
Again though, depends what the Cosmos is packing. If they are identical with all but the tracking, I'll stick with the Cosmos for the inside out.
none of us used it tho
Unless you were at CES or GDC
They said they’re doing more quality control. Oh no less shitty shovel ware for us..
Not false. The light rings on the cosmos confrollers means it's easier for the headset to track than the Rift S controllers.
Not false. Having tried both, the PSVR style headband is WAYYYY more comfortable than the horrible straps that the straps that the Ride S will be using
I use the fold up display on my WMR almost every day. It's entirely practical and worth buying for.
>You don't know that.
Actually I do. HTC insists that the cosmos will have their highest resolution yet, meaning it's at least 1440x1600. The S is stuck at 1280 x 1440
>Sub-650 dollar price point ideally.
for the headset alone or bundle.
Also we're probably getting knuckles with it since there was a store page for Valve Index Controllers.
every game will be a fucking shovelware
Headset alone. Maybe with controllers. Kinda a pipe dream to hope it would be that cheap with lighthouses too.
>universal union bad
Go back biocuck.
The list of games they released does not contain a single shovelware title you fuckin mong. Go back to playing my own pet.
If Valve want to compete with Oculus they'll need to keep the bundle price low.
Part of the development of Lighthouse 2.0 was also reducing the costs.
I agree, but the fact that they are all listed separately on the steam store is kinda a red flag.
I don't think they would do that if they were comfortable with you seeing the combined price from the start
>it's easier for the headset to track than the Rift S controllers.
lmao this means nothing.
You haven't tried Rift S, every review says it's incredibly comfortable. When OG was comfortable already
I've never heard anyone say "I wish my hmd had fold up display". It's there, but makes no significant difference, especially when choosing a headset
They say "it''s the sharpest display". Could be marketing trick, like Odyssey+ was marketed to have 1000ppi "perceived resolution", when in reality it's ~650ppi
>new VR thread
>get told it's a meme
>VRgins get eternally assblasted
Kek everytime
people still falling for that. baka
You really are a baka
Your arguments boil down to "nobody is complaining about it so it can't be better" and ASSUMING that HTC is pulling a marketing trick when it's much more logical that a "sharper display" means exactly how it sounds, a clearer vision.
I don't know why you are trying to argue this so hard when we will find out who's right within the next few months
>every review says it's incredibly comfortable.
I'd go on about the IPD thing, but I'll bring this up. If you go to the demographic of an adult male, it's really not that hard to find a wide IPD of somewhere around 70. The static IPD they settled on the Rift S seems to be an average of the general population. From small children to adults, male and female.
Pretty much I'm saying a good portion of their target audience won't even be able to get the lenses in in focus. Or if they do, they'll likely strain their eyes.
This fucking board is forcing weebery on my post. I don't even know what that means
How is it that VR threads are so popular?!
All your Whit based on assumptions without even trying Rift S or knowing so little about Cosmos
Software ipd is a thing and they say sweet spot is huge, that being said lack of physical slider is disappointing, but we also don't know if Cosmos has one
>only one ever up
All your points*
>and they say sweet spot is huge
new valve headset is only two cameras, so get used to always having to hold your hands up to your face for them to work
when are we gonna have vr headsets that look like prescription glasses? you could set up controls with a smartwatch.
Index isn't inside out you bakas, they're like Vive cameras for seeing rl
Even Palmer knows about the false advertisement
Relevant posts
Those cameras are for passthrough and possible hand tracking applications in the future. Index will use lighthouse tracking
Fucking retards
you would have to be a crab person for that to make sense. the cameras are as far away from where your eyes should be as possible while still being attached to the hmd
Hammerhead is superior to pathetic human vision
Index is lighthouse based whatever it's about
>rec room on quest
Will it be a killer app?
Why are you responding to me? I was talking about the Cosmos
that made in game?
The other retard confused me
there is no pixels per inch "in reality", it means absolutely nothing in vr. the screen is projected to several meters away and massively expanded optically so that technically these displays have more like 4 pixel per inch.
People need to start talking in pixels per degree, PPI is pretty worthless.
yea, you can have custom rooms and build whatever the fuck you want, even with some logic gates to functionality
Rec Room devs do VR right. Some of the minigames they have could be standalone games on their own. And there's loads of them. And it's free.
Too bad it's overloaded with fucking kids
I own the best and yet faggots just recommend I play beat saber more
What is the sauce on this?
Asking for a friend.
ppi refers to displays pixel density, doesn't matter if you use it on a phone or VR headset
I don't know if that particular user still posts or lurks anymore.
cuz its another irl player
It's obviously shitty tech, stop making stupid excuses. After all it's way cheaper than the headset + a 1000$ rig, it's actually great value...
That's a giant load of zoomer scientist bull, I let my 6 year old play too, 10 minutes tops and she is and will be fine.
It's only a problem if you wear it 24/7 and I don't need someone to tell me that.
No Tiananmen headsets for me sorry.
Just bought a 2070 just for VR...d-did I fuck up?
Ehhhhhhhhhh you'll be fine
Console VR makes even less sense than normal games, it's obviously enthusiast only.
Sony needs to get castrated for shitting up VR too.
Developers need to stop chaining their games to dead weight platforms for some cash upfront, hell they don't even make more money like that most of the time.
Also kys kid for encouraging shitsole wars beyond shitsoles.
lmao electromagnetic fields actually is a way to track through obstacles, as long as those obstacles arent metal
I am about to return mine now. Its the best headset Ive used, but still too blurry
pic unrelated
No. Even if you hate VR, we both know it was about time your PC got an upgrade anyway
The only good thing to come from PSVR is the headband that other manufacturers are now using.
Sony being such fucking Jews about their precious exclusives are seriously ruining the industry and making VR as a hobby look bad. Oculus too.
non-VRlets don't know how awesome this actually looks in VR
And with that, user puts on his Japanese housewife simulation goggles and prays his diabetes doctor's note will get him off another day of work.
Oculus and Vive at least have a workaround to play everything on both.
Sony has fucking bought some of the best VR games to sell fucking consoles although it's by far the shoddiest way to experience said games. For the players alright.
There’s nothing bad about funding content for your platform. What’s the matter, scared of competition?
You know what, you are right. I can't blame Sony for being Sony. They just do what they know best.
What gave it away?
This is a board for and about vidya enthusiasts, the stupid shillbrat consumer zombie board is somewhere else buddy.
anti-VR trolls will never know this pleasure
does B&S have any content besides being a Murder Simulator 2019?
Pretty hyped for the Index.
>resolution of a Vive Pro
>wider FOV
>Knuckles is an improvement over even the Touch controllers and has feature parity so using Revive on Rift exclusives won't be a pain in the ass
>Lighthouse tracking so you can actually reach behind your back
>IPD slider
>headphones on headset instead of speaker strap
>high chance to be bundled with HLVR
For VR? Probably not. I've got one too.
>>headphones on headset instead of speaker strap
it is not removable?
I wish more VR headsets would licence the comfy PSVR design.
That's not co...ok this has to be bait. kys brainlet.
I love how you kids convinced each other that this is actually worthwhile posting.
Index has built-in headphones like the Rift.
The Rift S, Quest, and the Go have speakers on their straps that are adjacent to your ears instead of using actual headphones. It's okay for casual use, like when you're showing your friends or in a public space when you're talking to/trying to stay aware of others, but if you want to be immersed it's not ideal.
>studios owned by sony
>make games for sony platforms
It might be but I dunno, the Quest speakers are built into the straps and they are supposedly pretty crap which is expected from mobileshit.
My coworked was sucking on a lollipop while we were car pooling and I got an ASMR-like experience how strong is the asmr in VR?
Yes fellow posters there is nothing wrong with Sony or it's products! 4 the players!
>It's okay for casual use, like when you're showing your friends or in a public space when you're talking to/trying to stay aware of others, but if you want to be immersed it's not ideal.
It's even worse in loud environments since the speakers are super weak and barely audible according to GDC/PAX testers, you could argue that it's better for party environments since it lets you hear your friends better but that's not exactly a technical quality.
There should be some porn games designed for gay people, I didn't bother checking.
>Have shitty day
>see little kid max payne dive in VR
>makes me happy
>thanks wholesome little kid
>studios owned by sony
I don't think you know what you are talking about
I'm not gay, I frequent /pol/ and 3+5chan.
werl star
VR can't simulate depth of field yet, your eyes are actually always focused at about 2 meters (depending on the HMD).
I think that should fuck up your senses, I honestly wouldn't let my non-existent children use it.
I severely damaged an eye in a car crash about a year ago, will I be able to experience VR at all?
>VR can't simulate depth of field yet
The fuck you talking about...
Also, again it doesn't hurt your kid to play with it for 10 minutes. Even an hour really it only would be negative if it were on 24/7. How the fuck do you think your eyes work...
You'd experience VR as you'd experience real life, you should be fine unless you have trouble with focus or something like that, you might want to try out some VR showcase in some store or try some cheapo mobileshit VR just in case.
That's like double my annual entertainment expense, double my clothing expense and like two months worth of food expenses
this will change once proper eye tracking and variable focus is implemented
I was being facetious, user
>The fuck you talking about...
VR doesn't know that you are looking at which means it can't know what you are focusing at so it just renders everything at perfect focus which means your eyes are always related at whatever distance the HMD is set at, which I think is safe to assume is harmful just like being a sedentary piece of shit is dangerous to your muscles.
gotta get myself a gf that is this moldable irl
I meant relaxed, fucking auto correct.
games like astro bot and wipeout were made by SIE studios which are literally owned by sony
if you're talking about games made by third parties, exclusivity is usually contingent on actually getting funding to keep making games. why would you fund a studio to develop a game for your platform when they'd just turn around and sell it on competing services?
it's just business. i realize everyone is salty about exclusivity again because of the epic store, but this is the reality of the games industry. fuck sony for a lot of reasons, but funding development of exclusive titles for VR is pretty low on the list.
not any different from staring at your monitor or phone 8hrs per day
Friendly reminder that the VR platform that has the largest base, the best games, and the highest developer interest doesn't do room scale, isn't on PC and is highly successful.
Step outside the Gabe Newell reality distortion field, Valve cultists. Room scale is a dead end and the only one even remotely considering it is your failed prophet.
depth of field is cancer and it's also cancer in VR
>Im an inside out boy at heart
But why? Why be attached to an inferior technology? The only advantage really is if you want to travel with it, but you still have to lug the PC around.
Maybe if you get some ungodly expensive thermal throttled "vr ready" gaming laptop, then I could see the point to it. I guess? Otherwise it's not like putting up lighthouses is a big deal in exchange for nearly perfect tracking.
VR is a step above that since the screen is wrapped around your whole vision so you can't just flex your eyes at will, but it seems like people don't care about wearing glasses as long as they can look at a screen forever so they consider permanent eye damage a minor issue.
Depth of field is literally how your eyes work, just try focusing on your finger against your face and you'll see everything else is blurred, it's basic vision mechanics and you're retarded.
>fund a studio
That's just shilltalk for " we give you money to buy the game you made just to sell more consoles we chain said game to while the mouthbreathing fucknuggets we bred shill for us".
How are brainlets still defending anti vidya consumer practices?
All I saw was Gabe Newell and that's all it took to know that your full of shit and should slither back to your abortion bucket.
I travel a lot and the cameras are just a ton to carry around and set up.
Even at home though the only real space I have to do VR is my family room where VR cameras are an eyesore and makes guests uncomfortable
The Quest isn't a laptop or even a "laptop", it literally runs on an android phone processor.
It's essentially just a glorified phone with exclusive games, nothing about it sets it apart other than faceberg marketing.
it's garbage on flat games, because it just blurs the background randomly
In VR properly implemented it would add a lot of realism.
I know what DOF is son, but how on earth do you think it will take for a technology like that? I take the fucking VR we got right now until I'm dead because I'm pretty sure that's not enough time...
It's like saying cars can't fly yet so it's pointless to drive one
>i realize everyone is salty about exclusivity
No you don't, it's literally anti-consumer and that Sony continues into VR by literally force-buying games so the consumer either get's the worst VR on the market on top of the actual enthusiast hardware just to play that game. Which I highly doubt works out for them.
VR on shitty hardware is eye aids, it's literally hurting physically..
How brainwashed are you kids to actually defend this shit.
>but how on earth do you think it will take for a technology like that?
It's hard to say but eye tracking is part of it, it's not a meme since you need to simulate DOF blur to simulate IRL vision even with flatscreen, eye tracking with traditional screens is harder since the user's eye positions aren't fixed but I think the tech will trickle down eventually.
It's actually a lot harder than just "simulating" DOF with basic software blur since you need to change each pixel's actual distance to your eye which would need some serious future lenses tech, I think the easiest way would be to somehow track your eyes' current focus and adjust based on that.
>It's like saying cars can't fly yet so it's pointless to drive one
It's not but I wouldn't let my child drive a car.
Who's doing roomscale right now beyond Valve and that Kickstarter Chink company?
Certainly not the 4.2 million headset strong PSVR ecosystem, which devs are flocking to en masse while Steam gets wave-shooter shoveware game after wave-shooter shovelware game. And archery games too, can't forget those.
Roomscale is dead and no one cares about it except for Valve drones who pathetically wave it around in their even more pathetic attempts to win arguments. Best accept that Sony won the VR war and move on, user.
Stop that.
>funding development
Yeah right
what retard made this
Still better than the Vive wands thanks to having a fucking analogue stick.
You're right about price though. Windows MR should stay as $250 headsets, the design spec isn't good enough to justify the extra price.
Christ above, what an awful meme.
>I think the easiest way would be to somehow track your eyes' current focus and adjust based on that.
Something like that with volumetric fog could be actually work out pretty ok.
That's VR for ya.
this is probably the most in-depth showcase of knuckles so far
node's editing is annoying but if you can stomach it there's some cool shit @3:15
>pressure sensitivity allows you to literally shift your grip on a melee weapon without letting go simply by gripping one hand harder and sliding the other
>he intuitively wraps his hands over the edge of the box and tilts it towards him before reaching in
>throwing shit is much easier
you're getting less and less coherent, but I think i still understand what you're saying. can you link me to a source on a developer talking about having their PSVR exclusivity bought permanently? sony often gets timed deals, but unless you're an impatient child, that's not a problem.
i know you literally haven't used psvr or have literal severe physical health issues, because the psvr is literally the most painless headset of the bunch to use. literally.
>THIS is what you average Yea Forums poster thinks is clever these days
Explains a lot about the current state of this board really.
>Sony won the VR war
Shoddiest hardware on the market, powered by the shoddiest hardware on the market.
Zoomers are a mistake
Enjoy your early access wave-shooters while I enjoy polished AAA titles with actual compelling gameplay.
Also, you haven't seen shoddy until you've seen Valve's cheap-ass Steam controller. But I'm sure the Valve headset will be a different story, because as we all know, there's one thing that Valve does well and that's quality control.
Now that I think about it tracking your eyes' actual focus is the only way to properly simulate depth of field, it doesn't actually need eye tracking but you can't just get the center pixel to be in focus since that isn't necessarily what your actually eye is focusing at and at the right speed.
What does psvr have that's even a VR game? All I can think of when someone mentions it is rail shooters or racing and platforming games that don't even need the headset. And tetris, which needed to be in VR for some reason.
I don't get how anyone in this thread is so butthurt about sony funding exclusives for it because they all seem mediocre or regular console games.
Yeah oh wow that's cool and amazing and great VR is so great, but where are the games?
>where are the games
where are the games
>where are the games
where are the games
>where are the games
where are the games
>where are the games
where are the games
>where are the games
where are the games
>where are the games
YouTube bait tech demos for $40 a pop are not games.
I don't think you understand how these threads work, you're supposed to save the
>YouTube bait tech demos for $40 a pop are not games.
for after someone wastes time responding to you.
>>where are the games
>where are the games
>>where are the games
>where are the games
>>where are the games
>where are the games
>>where are the games
>where are the games
>>where are the games
>where are the games
>>where are the games
May 1st
>the masses eat shit
what kind of game do you want?
>can you link me to a source on a developer talking about having their PSVR exclusivity bought permanently?
He can't because it's total bullshit. The only example nerds can point to is RE7's non-existence on PC VR, which they think is due to some exclusivity clause rather than Capcom looking at the pitiful numbers of PC headsets sold, the massive cost of entry for PC VR, and saying "It is not profitable for us to port to PC with such dismal adoption rates. No thanks."
PSVR just got good. Which is sad, because it enforces that fact that PlayStation hardware is always barren for the first two years, but great seeing big VR capable games like:
Iron Man
Concrete Genie
Blood & Truth
Everybody's Golf VR
All coming out this year.
I liked the old robocop look. That's the reason why anyone bought it instead of the superior Lenovo version. That's the reason I bought it.
Don't worry, I'm making one.
they literally do
any way to mod this with lighthouse tracking?
This always causes VRniggers to seethe. Guaranteed.
Me too. It's in Unity and I hope to launch into Steam Early Access in two weeks. It's a wave-shooter with archery mechanics and I think it could be VR's killer app.
I hope no one steals my idea!
Brown cirno is so ugly
so wrong
I was worried I was in a thread full of children, thanks for the sane response. I actually tried to find articles talking about sony buying exclusivity on already developed games.
>just got good
It already has Astro Bot, RE7, Wipeout, Firewall, Farpoint, Statik, Bound, Tetris (may get ported), Polybius (just got ported but unironically plays best on PSVR because 120hz), and probably more that I'm forgetting.
People talk shit about the hardware but since I got one for 200$ I've used it more than my Vive. The resolution difference is noticeable, but is more than playable. It's also incredibly comfortable, and the DS4 itself is tracked, which adds a lot to seated games (which are the only ones worth playing if you have a PC headset like me).
The Aim controller is pretty sweet, too.
top kek
>no fucking porn of her
I haven't escaped yet, Marche
there is no one more wrong than you in the entire universe.
>just got ported but unironically plays best on PSVR because 120hz
PSVR is 60hz, bub.
Reply farming requires no wit, and that's all you'll find on Yea Forums nowadays. It doesn't matter how stupid you look, you just need to harvest those (you)s to validate your existence.
PSVR has three rendering modes: 90 Hz, native 120 Hz and 60 Hz async reprojection
It's a native 120 Hz panel, bub.
The screen is capable of 120. Most games run at 60 while reprojecting every frame based on new tracking data.
No game runs at 120hz, it's all interpolated 60hz.
ps4 pro can also push games like trackmania and floor plan up to 120
>games like trackmania and floor plan up to 120
At 2005-tier graphics.
It's physically impossible for an outdated, slowass computer like the PS4 to compete with modern PCs, get over it babby.
>2k by 2k per eye
>WMR inside out tracking
pls no.
Hopefully the Valve Index can match the resolution.
My PC runs CSGO at like 300 FPS, it's not exactly an achievement and it depends on what exactly is being rendered.
Should've picked a more original idea.
All I did was prove the guy I was replying to wrong by sourcing the fact that PSVR runs at 120.
You fucks are pretending like I'm consolewarring or some shit. PS4 is the weakest part of PSVR, I haven no idea how the fuck they'll get NMS to run on it.
>All I did was prove the guy I was replying to wrong by sourcing the fact that PSVR runs at 120.
And I'm moving the goalpost, what you gonna do about it bub?
>I haven no idea how the fuck they'll get NMS to run on it.
Hoping the performance will be decent on PC as a result
Index is expected to be 1440×1600, the same as vive pro.
Anyone can throw a high-res panel into a headset (see pimax) but there's no point if nothing can run at reasonable fps without upscaling. The only real companies seriously going for ridiculously high-res displays are all targeting business customers. Valve filed patents that show they're putting most of their efforts into refining the lenses to improve the visuals indirectly, though the "leaks" from last summer suggest they're using better panels too even if it's not 2k per eye.
>Anyone can throw a high-res panel into a headset (see pimax) but there's no point if nothing can run at reasonable fps without upscaling.
Scaling goes the other way too, you can just downscale if the GPU can't handle it.
And I now realize that's what you meant and I got the down/up inverted and I'm retarded, I should stop posting while drinking
Keep replying, I guess.
Me too. If it's decent, it'll finally get me to buy the damn game.