>Japanese VN
>A nuanced, interesting plot and a wide variety of developed characters with their own arcs
>Western VN
>An hour long dating sim with meme jokes and one dimensional characters who only exist to fuck the player avatar
What went wrong?
>Japanese VN
>A nuanced, interesting plot and a wide variety of developed characters with their own arcs
>Western VN
>An hour long dating sim with meme jokes and one dimensional characters who only exist to fuck the player avatar
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
In japan they already have a community and an audience for Visual Novels. Many games of that type get released so people strive to make more quality products. It's also already a stable to make VNs a certain way. They sell the game in japan first and make their money, then the game gets translated and the game gets to a far smaller audience. The western audience was always just a byproduct, some pocket money the nips take with them.
A western VN is completely niche, there are no standards, there is no real audience. You create it and it won't sell shit, everyone expecting a japanese VN will just get a japanese VN so you settle for a minor VN that is cheap to produce and that settles for low quality. You just force the entire plot full of memes and jokes so that some retarded youtuber will take the bait and give you exposure.
It's not hard to imagine why things are how they are.
It sucks that there's so few Western original VNs. The vast majority of them, even at their best, seem like animu wannabe games. Look at crap like Roommates.
>Japanese VN
>might get nips
>Western VN
>absolutely not getting nips unless you are male
not hard to figure out. also moons figured out you can make GASP make actual games around the smut.
The only thing that sucks is that VNs without gameplay took off.
Sometimes, in the case of games like YU-NO, they put smut in because that was the expectation for the time.
Not only that, but there's shit VNs like Monster Prom that encourage the player to just stream it to their friends instead of growing a player base
Japanese angst fuels great stories.
The west is stuck on cruise control to faggotry. I immediately ignored this shit when I saw pronouns in one of the screenshots
>It sucks that there's so few Western original VNs.
I kind of wonder why DC or Marvel never had a serious attempt at it. I mean they've done all kinds of experimental shit throughout the years, from "motion comics" to stage plays. And I mean they've always pretty much done videogames.
Like I get that gameplay is king when it comes to game, so from that perspective they're on track. But I am still surprised they never combined the medium of comics with the medium of videogames to make something more in tune with the core of their respective companies like that of a VN instead of a game with gameplay.
It's not like they've got a shortage of artists or writers or anything.
I guess I am the odd one out, but as early as the 90s~ I was seriously expecting them to do it. Over the years my expectations have kind of plummeted though and I am not really expecting it any more. I am still surprised it never happened though.
I mean I'm a faggot and there's like one or two actually good faggot VNs that don't devolve into genderspecialism
The profit margin is just too small. Even in japan Visual Novels sell rather poorly compared to everything else.
Because their current audience doesn't buy comics or games so trying for a middle ground would work just as poorly
Japanese VNs have been around for a long time and have an established market, western VN's aren't well established and don't have a niche since everyone who ever wanted to read a VN already reads Japanese ones. The West doesn't make it since it won't sell, shit VN's often struggle to make a profit in Japan
That never stopped VNs from getting animu/actual game adaptations because of their dedicated audiences
Coming out on top wasn't so bad
The reason those animes and games took was not the original VN audience but new audiences that build off the adaption. If you look at something like Fate the VN audience makes maybe 5% of the entire audience and everyone smart enough already jumped ship long ago.
It's really simple, VN's are a respected medium in Japan (to at least some degree) while in America they're only played by either 14 year old girls, horndogs looking for porn but too dumb to just get the CGs on sadpanda, "that weird guy" or the kind of faggots that would ironically (unironically) wear that one ahegao shirt. The first three aren't gonna play a western VN (maybe the third one but only if it's something exceptional, which is a rarity) so they have to pander to the latter.
That and the usual attitude of "people are so afraid of being mocked for their genuine passion that they exude an air of ironic cynicism 24/7" that plagues pretty much anything the west has made in the last ten years really.
Making profit is relative since VN budget is literally lunch money.
Also ton of profit is made with side stuff rather than main material itself. Merch is one hell of drug.
Figurines do make mega bank.
I do wish people were more sincere sometimes
In all honesty the Western VN equivalent is that shit telltale made before they folded. And other walking sims but telltale at least made decent ones by comparison.
Japan has a serious VN community that will try anything, they'll even play any shitty American VN that gets translated
EVNs are made by ironic weebs or perverts who don't care about story 90% of the time, the other 10% like Katawa Shoujo, ebihime, etc. all have decent cult followings
Why can't Western devs do interesting battle-focused VNs? Hell, why can't they make good music and CGs?
Most VNs localized being ecchi or nukige don't exactly help the case. People would rather consume the anime or manga than dealing with words words words words.
Same deal of why LNs don't exactly do better here.
>favorite game last year was a VN
>seen maybe one other person mention it at all since launch and that was just in passing
I'm not even into VNs, and I guess within that community it already had its time to shine since it's a lot older than 2018 and just got a translation last year, but fuck me that still hurt.
25th Ward?
Baldr Force?
428 Shibuya Scramble
I've been meaning to try that, but I never found the time to
Battoe focused vns blow, regardless of country of origin
Ebihime is a solid western vn designer, however, her stuff is really hit or miss, I really liked Lynne and Sweetest Monster and Asphyxia but hated Strawberry Vineagar and The Way We All Go.
I think a lot about whether the Stanley Parable should be considered a visual novel.
These are all true, in my experience.
The Western VN scene is still in diapers. Give it a decade
>Nitro+ keep wanking steins gate.
>Meanwhile muramasa never ever get localized.
Also Fate don't have a official localization for some dumb ass reason.
>tfw the best Japanese VN doesn't even look Japanese
Just learn japanese if you want more VNs. No need to even try waiting for western shit.
I think that issue is that west always try push whatever beliefs they have like is some kind of agenda. Isn't exactly bad pass some idea, but shit get annoying and boring if done wrong.
Also west have some dislike for fantasy settings, even more grounded works tend have some madeup stuff or bullshit reason for x and y happen. People here like being more logical.
I'm not specialist on subject, tho.
it was pretty good but had a few problems, i definitely liked it
It could be worse. With stuff like summertime saga and those akubar trainer games setting the standards, western porn games may never escape from the pit of being grindy bullshit.
I was hoping the mimetic popularity of DDLC would pave the way for new, better western VNs (or any at all really) to hit the scene but almost 2 years and nothing.
I’d rather play graphic adventures games desu.
To be fair, official localizatuons take too much time and usually suck ass.
>tfw the best vn producers in the region do fucking porm
>friend asks for VN recommendation
>give him a bunch of them, stuff like Morgana or Steins;Gate
>"dunno user, they seem too japanese"
the west is too retarded to enjoy proper VNs
>jap vns
Made by respectable Japanese writers with good ideas for fun stories.
Literal landwhales with a axe to grind or skeezy russian dimestore porn writers.
Fuck no, unless you like carbon copies of DDLC.
Localization have ton of demand but barely anyone qualified to do the job. People that are work on other areas or already are established on some company.
"Western Visual Novels" are called Adventure games. They just tend to have a bit more gameplay interaction in them and less looking at still images while reading text.
>want to make battle/action visual novels
>everyone just wants dating sims/yuri/BL/meme games
to be fair I don't know if there has been an honest attempt at one yet
Good taste user