Holy shit this looks bad, like really really bad
Holy shit this looks bad, like really really bad
>Epic store won't accept crappy gam-
Of course it looks bad, it's made by Obsidian after all.
Honest question: are you shilling for this game?
Because i've seen like 20 fucking threads about this and they're all a variation of "look how shit this is guys, here's the NAME OF THE GAME that you should hate, look here".
But nobody on Yea Forums actually gives a fuck about this game, if it wasn't for these threads nobody here would even know about it.
Are you trying some kind of contrarian bait marketing?
that looks A M A Z I N G!
It looks fine. Whats bad is they spent over half the demo acting like a brainlet normie in control of games where they just mass murder everyone in sight.
all the gameplay footage and commentary suggests that low-int captain is canon
I mean there's pretty good reasons the publisher thought they might need a revenue guarantee.
I'm glad that Obsidian is emulating that authentic Bethesda gamebryo engine experience even on UE4.
I know, right? I was like wtf, I thought we were past this bullshit
what is this supposed to show
No I'm just saying it looks like a bad video game
And Obsidian doesn't even have any goodwill left over after these past couple of years.
No it doesn't look fine.
>Obsidian were rushed that's why new Vegas was bugg-
Instead of having the time of day constantly changing, it increases one step at a time.
To let it be so blatant is laziness, thoughtlessness or a combination of both.
Obsidian's Anthem coming up.
Isn't this game releasing in like 2 months?
>Show a dialogue driven quest without VA
august I think
more like 2 months and a YEAR
The shadows, buddy
Maybe they should show an actual slice of normal gameplay, and not them genociding friendly NPCs in a town for no reason. Imagine if the first ever GTA3 gameplay you saw was CJ getting in a car, crashing it, beating it with a bat, having a shoot out with the cops that arrive, and jumping off a bridge. You'd get nothing about the game.
Should've done a side quest or something, show some scripted event, some world traversal. Geez.
And yes, I know the GTA3 progat wasn't called CJ, preemptively fuck off.
Wasn't this a quaint 20 minute indie game a few years ago? I didn't know that was an alpha
Are you seriously saying we dont care about the outer worlds. You do know it's the latest rpg by the developers of the hit fallout new vegas right?
GTA3 protag was not CJ nigga
First non retard posting in this thread
Ah yes, the jank CRPG feeling💢
>shows a game thats obviouslly still being worked on
>mouth breathing retards think this will be the final product
>dialog driven quest
>needing VA
neck yourself, retard.
Well it's Obsidian in $currentYear
What did you honestly expect?
>i-it's just an alpha
where's that image when I need it
why is he overexplaining everything? are there blind people watching or something?
>le wacky and funny dialogue XDDD
not even worth a pirate
its at a con
all the gameplay footage and commentary suggests that low-int captain is lead writer
ok but who cares, show me how the gameplay is bad instead
>We need to show off our game so people will get interested in playing it
>I know! Let's have a complete fucking retard play the game incompetently, that'll make it look good
Every time, every fucking time I try to find gameplay for an unreleased game it's some dumbass at the wheel. I run into this problem even for the CTR remake, most of the fuckers uploading gameplay for it don't even know how to drift like come on it's not a new concept or a new game this should be second nature.
>not retarded
pick 1
China has a very low standard of quality.
He has to because the person playing is a game journalist
It looks the same as the gameplay we've already seen and that was well recieved, what's with the large amount of dislikes?
if i had to guess, because of ebin games exclusivity
The shill budget has run dry.
>game revealed
My hype: 8/10 - would likely buy.
>Epic store exclusive announcement
My hype 6/19 - would likely pirate.
>that last gameplay demo
My hype 0/10 - not wasting my time on this shit, there’s tons of other games to play.
Shooting and melee are worse than FO4. Writing is unfunny cringe. Everything is lifeless and awkward. So basically just another nuObsidian game.
>ok but who cares
>who cares how smoothly a game runs
i think just about everyone
Who cares, anyone with at least a few brain cells can read the text faster than a VA speaks it. I usually end up skipping voices because why sit there and wait 30 seconds when I can read through it myself in like 5?
That has nothing to do with how well the game runs brainlet
>>who cares how smoothly a game runs
It looked like there is only one armor slot and one helmet slot. That cant be true, right? I only watched a minute or two. Someone tell me thats not right
Everything in the game feels lifeless and stupid to me. Even the font of the game, the way they write "THE OUTER WORLDS" is trying to be like Fallout.
less is more
What's next?
Water is wet video?
>the hit fallout new vegas
Here's the "s" you dropped, bro.
Not when it comes to fucking armor. Did they really make such a basic goddamn mistake
entitled gamer
It makes me a bit worried that the game is supposed to release this year and they thought THIS is worth showing.
I love Todd
>american "humor"
God this looks awful. Why the fuck do they keep giggling like little schoolgirls?
The gunplay looks just like FO4. Is Obsidian's trying to stay in Bethesda's shadow?
The multiple dialogue option looks neat. Is there a voiced protagonist in this game?
Since there won't be a new Fallout game for like a decade (what with TES and Starfield being on Bethesda's lineup), they are trying to poach Fallout fans that dropped out of F76.
Chinese megacorps went all out and they're still fighting to win but it looks grim for them. They thought they saw a chink (lol) in the armor and by all means the weakness exists, if they retreat then they will come back more violently next time.
>people always made fun of time stopping dialogues in Oblivion/Fallout 3
>Obsidian still does it in OW because New Vegas did it
>The gunplay looks just like FO4
No it doesn't, stop insulting FO4.
Are you seriously implying there was no hype for this game's announcement? New Vegas is one of this board's favorite circlejerks you dumb nigger.
>offset crosshair
>He thinks fallout 4s gunplay is good
he didnt say that.
I don't think it's good, it's a fact.
>b-b-b-b-but Yea Forums said
Yea Forums's consensus on FO4 is that it's a shit Fallout game with good shootan, newfag.
Game will be released in august. Less than half a year.
Obsidian can't fix shit in a longer run.
>fallout had its design based around the 1950s as that's when the nuclear bombs dropped
>new game is in space, but still needs a quirky design so lets just steal Prey's 1920s art deco aesthetic
He didn't say that.
But FO4 combat looks better than that already.
yeah because bethesda cucks care what a game looks like
I was hyped for the game until this video showed up. The mechanics are literally Fallout:nv tier with a slightly better coat of graphics on top of it.
FO4 looked like shit. This looks even worse.
Of course it looks bad. Obsidian is a shitty company now and the game isnt even open world.
>with good shootan, newfag.
oh my fucking god
>puts that shitty mask on Felix
>everyone laughs
what the actual fuck?
dont care virgins fallout new vegas is still one of my favourite games
Fallout 4 gameplay is MUCH better than what was shown in Outer Worlds demo. Just compare the feel of the minigun in FO4 and one in OW.
AI in demo also mindlessly stands in the open while shooting, that's some FO3/NV bullshit.
>newfag confirms he's a newfag
What do you know, 1 day with like button and THEY are already here.
I'm not saying that as a positive thing. The FO4 gunplay is tired and outdated.
But gunfight certainly has a FO feel to it, at least to me. Gunfights taking place in a tiny closed space, NPCs standing around during a shootout instead of finding cover, and the player not having to move around much because the enemy's focusing on the player's companion instead.
It's like watching Big Bang Theory.
so did fallout 3, new vegas, oblivion and skyrim and they're regarded as great games.
fanboys will eat this trash up and give it 10/10, the only reason people are critical of this gameplay demo is that 1: it's not made by bethesda and doesn't have the right name and 2: epic game store
>obsidian confirms it can't make anything besides isometry
>aslo "quirky" writing now
He might be a newfag, but game really looks pretty bad. And this time they have a shitton of money and time. There is literally no way to
>oh well we didn't have much time we were screwed over
for them.
this looks shit
like something from 2016
terrible ai, autism scifi weapons, childish scenery
the lip sync is good though
looks like it´s gonna be full of sjw and feminist propaganda.
I guess modern games just are no longer allowed to have cool white male or sexy/likable female characters.
>NPCs standing around during a shootout instead of finding cover, and the player not having to move around much because the enemy's focusing on the player's companion instead.
That's FO3/NV feel, not FO4.
>regarded as great games
Don't give a fuck. These are definitely not great games since they are great only in some parts.
I am obsidian fanboy, and this shit looks bad. Really bad. Few years until the release date drops bad.
is that actually what it is or did they look off to the side and then blend in two scenes? this didn't look like gameplay it looked like a video editing trick
The game probably was made for Fallout 4 audience.
epic sucks
>fanboys still blame Bethesda even when they got nothing to do with the game
There is always a time to blame bethesda!
>expecting Obsidian to be able to make a standalone 3D game let alone rpg on their own, not based on others assets/franchise
Absolutely everyone knew it would be a mess. The only question was, would it have redeeming quality in the pile of garbage they would deliver - like Alpha Protocol?
>ever trusting in 2019 Obsidian
The nicest thing you could do at this point is just let them die
Open world is gay zoomer shit, kill yourself.
If I see one more checklist sim I am going to make Tarrant look like a saint.
>frizzy red haired black woman in green jacket companion
Who the fuck designs these? Like, isn’t this shit the first thing they tell you not to do in colour theory?
Tim Cain is colour blind.
I skimmed through the video because these live demos are never particularly great ways to show off games, but from what I saw it seems pretty generic. Not awful, but not good either. The only thing that really stood out for me as really bad are the facial animations. Or lack thereof. I mean, even FO4 had better facial animations.
I dunno, looking like a pass from me, chief.
2016 looked way better than this. More like 2013 bioshock infinite tier, but even that is visually nicer than this at least in the environments.
who the fuck is burbage
got epilepsy from watching this video
>enemy NPCs stand in place while being shot at
>cells, loading screens at every door
>tick-based shadows
>companions teleport into elevators
>zoom-in talking heads that stop time
Are they copy-pasting Gamebryo code into UE4 or what?
It's their version of Calculon, different actor robots called Burbage 2000 and Burbage 3000. And yes, it's about as funny as Arrow to the knee line.
It's in line with the earlier gameplay footage. Looks fine to me
>After Announcement
WOW, this game looks so epic. Fuck Bethesda, based Obsidian is giving us New Vegas 2
>After news about Epic Store exclusivity
Obsidian has never made good games. This looks so bad I wouldn't have played it even if it came out on Steam.
The sour grapes are real for this one.
CDPR managed to scrape together full VA for their long gameplay vid despite being in early development. This piece of shit is supposed to launch within the next 8 months and it looks unfinished as fuck which to me signals that the game is going to come out either extremely rushed or just plain unfinished. Them taking Tencent's bribe kind of supports this suspicion.
>be mildly interested after announcement, cautiously optimistic after first demo
>EGS exclusive announce
>suddenly worrisome signals and red flags start appearing everywhere
>second gameplay demo is a fucking disaster, worst fears dwarfed by order of magnitude
>Obsidian somehow survives again with help from MS but the game is a huge disappointment and commercial flop, just barely making even in the end
Since when has open world been required from every goddamn game?
I'm already bored to death 2 minutes in, does this game have RPG elements ?
>Obsidian has never made good games
But he didn't say that.
Obsidian makes shitty shooters. Why did they decide to make another shitty shooter? They know they can't make a good one.
Aint gonna lie gamers but this looks like shit
It's Obsidian, they can deliver a finished game to save their lives.
He looks like if he was my dad he'd smack the shit outta me for using my free time unwisely.
It REALLY does, every interview I've seen is just a shambles of them making excuses for why things aren't in the game. All they keep saying is that they removed things because they had no time, they are showing footage off before the voices are even added and its killing any hype people had because it just looks devastatingly boring. I honestly hope it fails, it reminds me of DA Inquisition.
>those character designs
What's the target audience? People who put their pronouns into their Twitter profiles?
>armor is helmet slot, armor slot
Fuck you obsidian. Already made this mistake with new vegas and that was 9 years ago. Fuck you. Undefendable.
>But he didn't say that.
But it's the general sentiment that I got from reading the thread. The criticism levelled against the game seems to be a lot more harsh ever since they announced the exclusivity. Just compare the like/dislike ratio on this newest gameplay compared to the announcement trailer.
And for the record, I enjoyed both New Vegas and Alpha Protocol more than PoE and PoE 2.
>Obsidian made 50% of a game again
“We believe that our new studios have the collective creative power and operational excellence to deliver the next industry game changers.” - Phil Spencer
Nah, he's doing it for real. Its the same autist that made 20 threads each day about how PoE2 sucks and gay fish.
Well, maybe a bit too hatsh, but just a bit. There are only 5 months until release, and showing THAT state of game is a bad idea. Especially since everyone thinks now that Epic payed the publisher enough for the game to be profitable even if it fails.
Personally, I didn't care about it being a mediocre game. Yeah, shooting looked bad, characters looked like some Fortnite models, graphics overall were not good. But that's not why we play Obsidian games, right?
And then they deliberately show us a pile of broken shit.
Looks like Daddy Todd won then?
What if, hear me out here, Obsidian is actually a shitty developer?
Everything about fallout 4 is terrible, fuck off bethesdrones
It wasn't that long ago Yea Forums truly thought it would be a Bethesda killer.
The Outer Worlds will be lucky to get 10 of its 15 mins of fame.
That's impossible. I played their games when I was a child.
>do I fit in yet?
Yes it is.
OW still looks worse, tho.
Y'all were up on this games nuts before Epic store picked it up, and now you hate it? Lot to unpack there.
Stay mad kid and buy my game
Every interview I've seen of this game they are saying they have been cutting features and rushing because they 'dont have time' its all just a big repeat.
False. To me it looked like an unholy mixture of Borderlands, Fallout and Rick and Morty from day one.
>trailer edited to show only the most attractive scenes possible
>everyone is excited
>actual raw gameplay footage released showing what it will actually be like while playing
>it looks and plays like shit and is full of the type of bugs that are never addressed between alphas and release
Yike. Not even plural, just one single yike @ you.
Every interview I've seen of this game they are saying they have been cutting features and rushing because they 'dont have time' its all just a big repeat.
>of this game
m8 that's been true for literally ALL of their games.
this is bait faggot
If she had a normal hair color she'd look fine
no he's right
I played Fallout 3, NV, 4, and Skyrim. I don't play these games much, but it looks in line with these games. Isn't that what it was aiming for? Obviously they showed this game off too early despite their eagerness, but can someone fill me in what is wrong with what I'm watching? The slow baton looks fun.
The RP aspect looks pretty good, as long as the gameplay role type variety is decent I'll probably give it a better look. Only issue is that the graphics look like a PS3 game so if it's $60 I'm 100% not buying it until a massive price cut.
yes, they made 1 good game.
i'd also like to add that first person "rpgs" are shitty and overrated.
deus ex
system shock 2
they really have infested the industry haven't they?
what's all this "lmao steampunk xd" tumblr-tier bullshit designs? steampunk isn't even that great, especially when done in this setting
>bright red lipstick
>nose ring
>thick glasses
It's like SJW uniform or something.
I didn't give a shit about it when it was announced, and I don't care about Epic store because I'm a console pleb.
This game looks like shit
>screen tearing
There's so much potential in first person RPGs but no one knows how the fuck to do it. Why can't there be just one that isn't buggy, full of jank AI, and looks like shit?
FO4 > FO3 > FO1 > FO2 > FO New Poop > Outerpoop
Why do games with day/night cycles do this nowadays? STALKER's sun and shadows moved in realtime and that came out in 2007
what game?
>shes overweight
>red lipstick
>nose ring
>thick glasses
bonus for retarded haircut
Didn't Microsoft buy them?
Holy shit.
This look E P I C
>Not fallout 76
Whats the matter todd? Give up on it already?
Stalker isn't running on gamebryo
Some of them don't even work at Obsidian anymore. The "they/them" guy has been booted recently. Ironically, he was the one who wrote the only half-decent party member in Deadfire.
Amazing how you fucks keep thinking Obsidian is a good company when they've only made a single good game
>shitty looking game becomes chinese story exclusive
>their contract includes insurance, so piracy won't impact the amount of money obsidian makes
based chinks saving everyone's money. remember how Paradox footed the bill for Age of Tranny and it was so damned bad? Obsidian are conning publishers straight outta money, the absolute mad lads.
>Microsoft thought buying this studio was a good idea
Is there going to be any actual mature dialogue or is it going to be annoying quips and DUDE CORPORATIONS LMAO the entire time?
Okay how are the people in the audience laughing when there is no voice acting and no human being could have finished reading the sentence yet?
they made 4
>1:26 guy shows up out of nowhere
Is that a bug or a feature?
The latter, and all I needed to see to come to that conclusion was the monstrosity in pic related.
You just know it's going to be one of those games.
I think you already know the answer
I'm really enjoying this moment in videogames where all tripleA releases are dogshit AND bomb financially.
Get fucked suits, start making good games or die off.
If the shadows are not high quality enough (low settings) then slow, steady movement of the sun produces this horrible jarring flickering effect.
yeah its really great. I love watching Hollywood crash and burn too
Capeshit is still doing better than it deserves.
It may not be bringing anything new to the table in the genre, but even the alpha for Days Gone looked better than this. Unironically, the Bubsy devs made something with the unpredictably of a Fallout game. Obsidian is dead
Let's be very generous and say KotOR2, MOTB, F:NV. I'm blanking on the fourth.
what the fuck😂
it has no release date yet
okay the writing is pretty funny
True but soon it will fall and it will be glorious!
Can we finally agree that Obsidian are trash and that New Vegas was mediocre at best?
>Are you trying some kind of contrarian bait marketing?
It's not just him. Breath of the Wild, Wolfenstein II, Battlefield V, and Red Dead Redemption 2 all tried the same tactic.
With RDR2 they had what I can only call a Falseflag Clusterfuck as they had a shill pretending to be a SJW pretending to be /pol/ pretending to enjoy videogames.
It would've been amusing if it was ironic but no, they were actually trying to be serious.
>Obsidian is dead
Most of the talented people left the ship years ago, it's been dead for a long time
>True but soon it will fall
Doomed since Iron Man 2 amirite?
looks like fallout: nu-obsidian edition kek
except not in a good way like NV
Good, it gives it soul.
Yeah man nothing like looking ugly as fuck AND running terribly to give a game soul!
The Obsidian cycle
The question is, what's it's political agenda?..
If it wasn't on epic store this thread would never have been made. Keep circle jerking incel nazi losers.
Don't worry guys it will look even WORSE when it gets released
he based
Captain Marvel doesn't look like its doing too well and I suspect after the next Avengers film it will truly be down hill from there
Looks pretty good actually.
>But nobody on Yea Forums actually gives a fuck about this game
Yeah, you're a nobody allright
This game was cursed as soon as it was announced as an epic exclusive
Epic female development team. Girls are so funny and beautiful and perfect at everything, right gamers?
Will people even bother to mod this game?
Andromeda 2.
>Fallout 3
Sure he's had a bad patch recently but was there really any doubting Todd?
I've been saying this for years now, NV is alright but I don't see how people can consider it one of the best games of all time
Loaded Weapon 1
absolute kino